Monday, June 23, 2014

In just one month?

I first have to explain that this graphic, which somebody posted on Reddit, is not entirely accurate.

According to this source, two of the pastors were charged with sexual battery, one embezzled funds to pay for his prostitution habit, two were simply a peeping toms, and one hired a couple to burn down his house with his wife trapped inside.

So that means that out of twenty five, six are not pedophiles, but still incredibly creepy, abusive, and in one case homicidal.

The other nineteen are indeed nasty men who raped or sexually assaulted underage children.

You know yesterday I sort of tongue in cheek suggested that if you wanted to connect a certain demographic to pedophilia, that it would be more appropriate to avoid any homosexual connection, and instead focus on the stronger one between fundamentalist Christians and child rapists.

Today my tongue is not even touching my cheek.


  1. Boscoe12:48 PM

    If he were really "trying to follow biblical guidelines" he would've made the rapist pay the girls' fathers 20 pieces of silver and then married them.

    because, you know, superior moral compass due to religion.

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    People that want to exploit children gravitate to positions that give them access to vulnerable children and distracted or indifferent parents.

    A church is ideal because it adds the tinge of godliness to the camouflage.

  3. Anonymous1:57 PM

    prelim mag 8.0 earthquake near Little Sitkin

  4. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Hear 'the Lord' in your head telling you what to do: open a ministry; pay no taxes. Read wildly from a Bible in your hand, speak in tongues, die from poisonous snake bites, sexually assault a child: its 'the Lord's will.' Narrow-minded, know-nothing, anti-science, bigoted, misogynistic, morally BANKRUPT individuals are warping this country so badly, we may never recover as a united country. Ever.

  5. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Please don't paint all Christians with the same brush.

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      You proclaim to be christian yet on your own blog you use foul language and judge others. You are one of the main reasons that I use as an example of why "christianity" is a farce. I dislike Sarah Palin as well, but I'm not christian and can say what I please about her and her abhorrent family, yet you stand on your pedestal of "christianity" and judge, judge, judge, when YOUR religion says that it is not your place to judge anyone.

      You should take a long hard look at yourself and your religion because you are a poor example of a "christian". Perhaps you should let it go because you make a much better agnostic or atheist because you are one of the least christian people that I've seen. Stop hiding behind it....

    2. Anonymous10:13 AM

      So since your not a Christian that gives you the right to say anything you want? I did not know Christians didn't have freedom of speech. admit I have failings however I do not try to hide them. That's the difference between me and Sarah. I admit I sin. I feel it is my duty as an American citizen to call Sarah out on her BS. My blog has nothing to do with my faith, it has to do with calling Sarah Palin and her ilk on the carpet for the nasty things they say and do.

    3. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Not your duty, as a proclaimed xtian, you should find it in your heart to love her and try to fix her, that's what your jesus would do. You are the biggest hypocrite on the internet, and I stand by my statement. You are a prime example of why I and my family find christianity so abhorrent.

      You can't separate your faith from the hate you spill. You must be on your knees every sunday asking forgiveness from your silly god for the stupid and hateful things you say.

      Once again, christians like you are why my family has worked long and hard to steer our relations and friends away from the hypocritical religions. It's not enough to ask forgiveness for being an asshole, perhaps try not to be an asshole in the first place.

  6. Anonymous3:44 PM

    168 Children Rescued In Sex-Trafficking Crackdown: FBI

    Nearly 170 victims of child sex trafficking, many of whom had never been reported missing, were rescued in the last week as part of an annual nationwide crackdown, the FBI said Monday.

    Besides the 168 children rescued from the sex trade, 281 pimps were arrested during the same period on state and federal charges.

    "These are not faraway kids in faraway lands," FBI Director James Comey said in announcing the annual enforcement push known as Operation Cross Country. Instead, he added, "These are America's children."

    This is the eighth such week-long operation, which this year unfolded in 106 cities. The FBI says nearly 3,600 children have so far been recovered from the street.

  7. Anonymous4:13 PM

    What a sad, SAD statement about our country and our society at large...

  8. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Two of those pastors (a father/son duo) are from a church about twenty minutes from my house. Back in my religious days, I had considered visiting to see what it was all about. I'm so grateful now that I never did.

    On top of that, one of the victims of the child sex trafficking case was found in the town I grew up in. You just never know. So very sad.

  9. Anita Winecooler7:45 PM

    Sick and tired of these creeps and the higher ups moving them around/covering for them etc. Yes, it bothers the heck out of me that these children's lives are ruined, but why are OUR TAX DOLLARS not being paid, yet they throw money to pay lawyers.
    I just don't get it. What happened to separation of church and state? That's just one month's worth of hell!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.