Tuesday, June 17, 2014

In what can only be described as brilliant, John Oliver somehow gets FCC Chairman Tom Walker to publicly deny that he is an Australian dingo.

Courtesy of Consumerist:

A couple weeks back, HBO’s John Oliver questioned whether it was wise to fill the FCC Chairman vacancy with former cable/wireless lobbyist Tom Wheeler, likening the decision to a parent hiring a dingo as a babysitter. Wheeler takes issue with the comparison and is now publicly denying that he is a child-devouring canine. 

In the original 13-minute segment from Last Week Tonight, Oliver referred to Wheeler’s previous jobs as president of wireless lobbying group CTIA and of the National Cable and Telecom Association. 

“The guy who used to run the cable industry’s lobbying arm is now running the agency tasked with regulating it,” quipped Oliver at the time. “That is the equivalent of needing a babysitter and hiring a dingo.” 

At last week’s open meeting of the full commission, Brendan Sasso of the National Journal asked Wheeler if he’d seen the Last Week Tonight piece on net neutrality. 

“I think that it represents the… um… high level of interest [makes bizarre snuffle-laugh-chuckle] that exists in the topic in the country,” replied a very slow-speaking Chairman, “And that’s good.” 

Then comes an amazing few seconds during which Wheeler stands silently, the only sound coming from his fingers tapping on the podium, before he deadpans, “Uhhhhmmm… You know, I would like to state for the record that I’m not a dingo… I had to go look it up; it’s a feral, wild animal in Australia.

This made me laugh so hard.

You know I was not as impressed with Oliver's stint at hose of the Daily Show during Jon Stewart's absence, but damn he is really hitting his stride with this new show.

In fact he is really giving Stewart and Colbert a run for their money.


  1. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I 'googled' dingos and babies and the first thing that came up was "The dingos ate my baby!" and the names Lindy Chamberlain and Meryl Streep. I'm in Mexico and receive internet DSL through the phone company.


    From the tell all book by Tonight Show segment producer Dave Berg about Palin as a guest.

    "But when Sarah Palin agreed to go on after her 2008 defeat for vice president, the show coughed up $35,000 to fly her family and friends on a private jet from Anchorage, Alaska."

    That's what was in it for them.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      David Berg was recruited and paid by SarahPAC as a 'speechwriter.'

      8/16/2012 $700
      5/9/2013 $400

      At those prices, I think he just wrote some jokes for her, probably the CPAC 'big gulp' bit and the 'chewing tobacco' joke at the May 2013 NRA Convention.

  3. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Related to previous post i/e McDaniel
    Chris McDaniel has a problem.

    "Tea Partier Chris McDaniel has taken $800 in donations from Carl Ford, a former lawyer for Sam Bowers, the imperial wizard of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan who died in prison after being convicted of the murder of civil rights activist Vernon Dahmer. Ford also is active in the League of the South, a neo-Confederate organization that has been labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and was active in the Klan in Laurel, Mississippi, in the early 1960s.

    In an interview with The Daily Beast, Ford, who still practices in Laurel, McDaniel’s hometown, said he was supporting the Tea Party challenger facing six-term Republican incumbent Thad Cochran in a June 24 runoff because of McDaniel’s opposition to what Ford called “immigration reform, so-called.” In contrast, Ford said Cochran was siding with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and supporting “knocking the wall down on the borders and advocating bringing more illegals in.” The septuagenarian lawyer also condemned Michael Bloomberg’s donations to Mississippi Conservative PAC, a super PAC backing Cochran, because of the former New York mayor’s support for gun control. “Don’t think we want a nanny state,” Ford added. “I’m too old and too fat to drink too much sody pop and still don’t want nobody telling me how much to drink.”

  4. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Tense Times As Supreme Court Could Rule In Favor Of Hobby Lobby’s Attempt To Rule By Religion


  5. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Well, I loved him as John Stewart's replacement last summer. He is pretty damn good. He, Stewart and Colbert get to the heart of the matter and are about the only guys telling the truth out there in media land. The rest are a bunch of shitty shills.

  6. SHARON8:00 AM

    Remember his first show? Old, shriveled white man penis of ole Turtleman Mitch....that was priceless!!!! Remember this is HBO compared to Comedy Central....imagine Stewart & Colbert on HBO??? I read his segment explaining all this crashed the site and was the best explanation of what this lawsuit is actually about ever done.....quite a feat. I watched him Sunday & having Wheeler go on about the dingo was beyond hysterical....these shows hit home. I already miss Colbert...what will we do without him? They need to give Oliver an hour....or daily show.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.