Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sarah Palin is enraged that one of her endorsees is getting attacked using his own words against him. Now why would she take that so personally I wonder?

Courtesy of the Wasilla Wendigo's Facebook page:

The more things change the more they stay the same? Seems so! If the national GOP machine spent as much time fighting President Obama's disastrous and dangerous agenda as they've spent fighting that great conservative candidate Chris McDaniel, well, maybe they'd have been successful at stopping Obama's "fundamental transformation" of our country. Negative results from Obama fulfilling that one promise of his to transform America are just beginning to be felt at home and abroad. (Yeah the ending of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, better access to health care, protection against discrimination in the federal workplace and military for the LGBT community. Such a terrible "transformation.")

Let's cut through the GOP Establishment's rhetoric and the predictable media bias in Mississippi's U.S. Senate race and look directly at the record. Chris McDaniel is a proven conservative fighter with undeniably impressive, tangible and needed results. He's gone above and beyond in his capacity as a citizen, attorney, and citizen legislator to stop the Obama agenda. We need to send this fighter to Washington where he will continue his fight for all of us by shaking up the status quo and by effectually defending our Constitution. Take a look at Chris' legislative and personal accomplishments for the constitutional conservative cause here, and see the recognition he's received by those who know him best. Election day is just one week away. Please send a message to the career politicians who sure seem satisfied with the trajectory our nation is on, because they sure don't lift a finger to help elect the guys they KNOW will be the fighters for American exceptionalism in DC. Instead, they ignore their opportunity to stop the damaging leftist policies the people do not want, and instead choose to put all these resources into trying to defeat a courageous, proven Republican who's smart enough to stay independent of any political machine on any side of the aisle for the sake of We the People. Please support Chris McDaniel for U.S. Senate on June 24th. 

- Sarah Palin 

PS: Pay attention to who is funding these attacks on Chris' record. One of the Super PACs supporting Chris’ opponent received a huge donation from none other than Mike Bloomberg whose positions on things like gun control and the intrusions of the nanny state run counter to what the voters in Mississippi stand for.

I believe what has Palin's soiled panties in a twist is this ad paid for by Citizens for Cochran:

Please, how many of us haven't accused a woman of using her tits to get elected before?

Or referred to women as "Mamasita," "Hot Mama," or called them a "fine young thing?"

I mean it's not like he is representing a party that has been accused of waging a War on Women or anything, right?

Or maybe I'm wrong and what has really caused Palin's hot flashes to suddenly flare up is the fact that TPM discovered ties between McDaniel and the KKK.

Though since this is a conservative candidate running in Mississippi that hardly seems like a scandal at all really.

Let's see sexism AND racism, yep seems like the perfect Sarah Palin endorsed candidate to me.


  1. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Does the latest sovereign citizen shooter have ties to Alaska?

    google "Brent Douglas Cole"

    then google "Brent Douglas Cole""Alaska"

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Poutrage from the old tundra turd the woman who said "I'm going to put on my black push up bra so I can get what I want"...
      Nice skank!

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      she definitely gets her "talking points" from someone.
      note skank in the fb screed says:
      "Pay attention to who is funding these attacks on Chris' record. One of the Super PACs supporting Chris’ opponent received a huge donation from none other than Mike Bloomberg whose positions on things like gun control and the intrusions of the nanny state run counter to what the voters in Mississippi stand for."

      now read what the lawyer for the imperial wizard sam bowers said from the tpm article gryphen references (bowers died in prison)

      " In an interview with The Daily Beast, Ford, who still practices in Laurel, McDaniel’s hometown, said he was supporting the Tea Party challenger facing six-term Republican incumbent Thad Cochran in a June 24 runoff because of McDaniel’s opposition to what Ford called “immigration reform, so-called.” In contrast, Ford said Cochran was siding with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and supporting “knocking the wall down on the borders and advocating bringing more illegals in.” The septuagenarian lawyer also condemned Michael Bloomberg’s donations to Mississippi Conservative PAC, a super PAC backing Cochran, because of the former New York mayor’s support for gun control. “Don’t think we want a nanny state,” Ford added. “I’m too old and too fat to drink too much sody pop and still don’t want nobody telling me how much to drink.”

      uh huh-the stupidity is the same, the bloomberg references the same. suck it skank

    3. Anonymous10:08 PM

      this useless crosseyed wannabe female adi hitler skank can't have a brain aneurysm and go permanently comatose soon efuk'nough

      wonder if she'd mind if crosshair, err, "surveyors symbols" were superimposed on every single published photo of her likeness ?

  2. Boscoe2:41 PM

    What was that thing Palin said that time about putting on the pushup bra to get what she wants? Obviously she believes that's how ALL women do it, so how dare anyone call out this teadouche "patriot" for being "honest".

    $arah, do you even realize how transparent you are? It's sad, really.

  3. Caroll Thompson2:44 PM

    Personally I hope the guy wins the primary and loses the general. No way Cochran is going to lose the general. But McDaniel will lose the general because not everyone in Mississippi likes the KKK or John Birchers or the Tea Party or whatever these racists/sexists are calling themselves these days.

    Note to Sarah Palin - strapping on the 'Belmonts' is not doing you any good these days. At your age, no one wants to see that.

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      If Daniels wins, Cochran won't be in the general. Just FYI.

    2. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Well, duh! Pretty smart observation on your part. Guess what - if Cochran wins, Daniel won't be in the general!

      I just hope Mississippians wake up and vote for anyone other than either of these two in the general. Both are total losers!

    3. Anonymous6:04 AM

      I think there's a misunderstanding. 2:44 is saying Cochran can win the general with ease whereas if McDaniel wins the primary there's a chance he'll lose the general, because he's a sexist, racist pos & even MS folks should recognize that.

  4. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Alaska ties for the latest kook with a gun shooting law enforcement officers?


    City of Anchorage et al v. Trevor Murphy Cole et al
    Plaintiff: Andrew Granick, K. McDonald, Sturkie, City of Anchorage and State of Alaska
    Defendant: Trevor Murphy Cole and Brent Douglas Cole

    Case Number: 3:2007cv00050
    Filed: April 9, 2007

    Court: Alaska District Court
    Office: Anchorage Office
    County: Anchorage
    Presiding Judge: John W. Sedwick

    Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions
    Cause of Action: 28:1442 Petition for Removal
    Jury Demanded By: None


    Case Number: 09-63007

    Type: Warrant Arrest, MICS VI, VCOR

    Text: On 12/27/09, at approximately 1553 hours, Trevor Murphy Cole (age
    29 of Anchor Point) was stopped by Alaska State Troopers for a traffic
    violation near mile 93 of the Sterling Hwy. Cole was subsequently
    arrested by Alaska State Troopers after investigation revealed that Cole
    had a $50 misdemeanor warrant for his arrest for failure to appear for a
    motion call for the criminal charges of Misconduct Involving Weapons in
    the Fifth Degree and Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance in the
    Sixth Degree, for Violating Conditions of Release after investigation
    revealed that Cole was in violation of conditions of release from the
    Anchorage jail by being in possession of two firearms, and for
    Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance in the Sixth Degree after
    investigation revealed that Cole was in possession of marijuana. Cole
    was remanded at Wildwood without bail.

    "Dec 28, 2013.

    An Anchor Point man is in custody on Arson and Weapons charges after troopers and the Anchor Point Fire Department responded to a structure fire on Chakok Avenue in Anchor Point on Thursday.

    At approximately 9:06 pm on Thursday, Alaska State Troopers and the Anchor Point Fire Department dispatched to Chakok Avenue and were contronted with a live-in style travel trailer fully engulfed in flames. A quick search of the property did not turn up anyone in the area. Troopers attempted to contact the owner of the property that the trailer was on, but those attempts were unsuccessful.

    The fire was extinguished and the fire department departed the scene. Troopers remained for a short time after the fire department left and as they were leaving the scene, they observed a person walking along North Fork Road away from the area of the fire.

    Troopers contacted the walking man and he was identified as 33-year-old Anchor Point resident Trevor Cole, who was the property owner that the trailer was situated on.

    Cole was found in possession of a rifle and a concealed handgun. Cole refused to allow troopers to secure the firearms during the troopers contact with him, and so, was placed under arrest for Misconduct Involving Firearms.

    Further investigation by troopers would find that Cole had set the trailer ablaze after having a falling out with the trailer’s owner according to the trooper dispatch. The owner of the trailer previously had permission from Cole to place his trailer on the property."

  5. Anonymous2:55 PM

    When will these southern feedbacks learn, the make-up of 'America' is changing forever. You either become a part of the change or linger in your fading world. Black, White, Latino, ASiam or whatever! True love has no color. So tea party/Klan /neo Nazi/ skin head all waddle in your hate. GOD has all control. your racial hate is a thing
    of the past.

  6. Anonymous2:58 PM

    The proof is in the pudding, Sarah, dear: we'll see in July just how much of your SarahPAC money you sent to McDaniel's campaign. If it wasn't more than the $5,000 you occasionally send to your most favored candidates, than we'll know that you really didn't care enough to put your own money where you want others to put theirs.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      $5000 is the maximum amount her PAC can donate to any candidate.

    2. Anonymous5:53 PM

      She can give much more to his PAC.

    3. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Watch when SarahPAC has to report what she's given. It's not rocket science what's going on here.

  7. Well, we know Palin has no problem directing degrading, sexist, sexualizing insults at anyone who opposes her, especially the opposite sex, so I'm sure she really doesn't see a problem with McDaniel directing degrading, sexist, sexualizing insults at anyone who opposes him, especially if they are the opposite sex.

  8. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I wish she would learn something other than Constitutional Conservative. None of her picks have the slightest idea what the Constitution is all about.

    Hey Sarah GO AWAY!!

  9. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Sarah is fine with what he said after all she uses her tits to get Pac money and speaking gigs. What's the problem? you see it's only a problem when the"leftist's use foul language and come off as dirty racist old farts who have no respect for women. So you see $arah is not a hypocrite! if a tea bagger says it he is just telling it like it is, right Mama Grizzled?

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      My LAWD, does that old bat project or what? As I've said before, the bigger the loser they are the more she likes 'em! They are just like her.

  10. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Sarah Palin - the racist herself! Stick a fork in her!

  11. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Chris McDaniel took an $800 donation from a former KKK lawyer: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/17/tea-partier-chris-mcdaniel-s-mississippi-kkk-connection.html

    McDaniel is the guy whose campaign workers photographed his opponent's wife in her nursing home. His campaign workers were mysteriously locked in a courthouse with some ballots after an election. Yes, this is the guy we want effectually defending our Constitution.

    Hey, Sarah! Everyone who serves in the Federal Government takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution. Didn't you take that oath when you were sworn in as Governor of Alaska? After quitting, did you still support and defend our Constitution?

  12. Anonymous3:46 PM

    That business about Defending the Constitution is one of those dog whistle words to the Tea Party types, Right Wing Conservatives and Oath Keepers. Everyone in Washington takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution. Wow, this guy is really going to shake up the status quo.

  13. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Hey, it's Tuesday, Sarah Palin HAS to bitch about something in an attempt to stay relevant.

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      She is probably emailing those facebook posts to Fox, asking them to put her on a show, any show, just five minutes, put me in coach. No, I've missed you, too. I'll stick to the talking points. Aw, come on, I need to be on TV!

  14. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Her giant run-on sentence blob of writing is meaningless drivel. Actually try to read the damn thing. It's impossible.

  15. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Someone stuck baby in a corner and she can't get out. The old emancipated speed freak has been relegated to screeching for pervs. It must be her comfort level.

  16. Anonymous4:07 PM

    McDaniels is polling ahead of Cochran and is expected to win the primary. Palin is downplaying the status of the race and positioning herself to claim more credit for the win than she is due.

  17. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Experts Report Palin’s Behavior More Like Hyena Than Grizzly


    1. Anonymous1:41 AM

      Excellent hyena comparison!

  18. ibwilliamsi4:15 PM

    The R's write the D's campaign ads every day. It's about time someone used them.

  19. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Oh they are so gonna hate this! Sure does blow up their bullshit investigations and attacks on the administration:

    NYT: Captured Suspect Said Benghazi Attack Was Revenge For Anti-Islam Video

    What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video.

    An earlier demonstration venting anger over the video outside the American Embassy in Cairo had culminated in a breach of its walls, and it dominated Arab news coverage. Mr. Abu Khattala told both fellow Islamist fighters and others that the attack in Benghazi was retaliation for the same insulting
    video, according to people who heard him.


  20. Anonymous4:27 PM

    She's just scared shitless that she will have another loss on her so called 'Queenmaker' status in TParty. See Sarah, your toxic filth gets all over anyone who comes close to you, that curse is gonna follow you until you croak. And anyone who deigns to associate with you and your filth, will go down in flames. The list is long and will get longer and no amount of squealing and pissing and moaning and raging and spitting and slobbering and stamping your wicked ugly feet will ever change that. God is laughing at you, wondering how he could have made such a vile and disgusting creature.

  21. Maybe, just maybe the reports that are coming out about McDaniels' past statements are hitting a little to close to home. I think that scarah is getting a little uncomfortable.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      She's MORE than uncomfortable. It's a dog whistle.

  22. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Wow, Sarah's been busy, four facebook posts! She's really been busy, and she probably writes the stuff herself. Don't forget her endorsement of T.W.Shannon, where Sarah, the Journalism Major graduate from University of Idaho wrote:

    "Voters are astute enough to not believe recent far-fetched negative campaign attacks; but unfortunately their intended purpose to discourage you from getting out and voting is sometimes affective." EFFECTIVE? Not affective.

    "We all should be excited to see some Oklahoma thunder roaring through the U.S. Senate to help clean up politics-as-usual and reign in our government!" The word is REIN, as in reining in a horse. Reign refers to a king or queen who reigns over their country. Does that woman actually have a degree in Journalism?

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      I doubt she has a degree - McCain is the one that touted her education during the campaign they lost (thank god!) - during which time we all learned of her ignorance and stupidity!

    2. Anonymous6:19 PM

      No. No, she does not (have a degree).

    3. Anonymous6:24 PM

      She has no degree. PERIOD.

  23. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Could it be The One Who Shall Not Be Named is just a wee bit more testy than normal due to the America's Last Stand gig ticket sales? Is there a correlation to ticket sales and what Little Miss can't Do Wrong is going to make?. Looks like it's so popular they have changed the venue from Smokies Stadium to Sevierville Convention Center where the last event held there was a knife show! oh they say it's due to the fact that they may have bad weather that day and the Convention Center is air conditioned, we just won't mention the place is a lot smaller or the fact that they are practically begging people to buy tickets...ok what the heck let's mention it anyway! it's so much fun to look at their facebook page, yes they have one Americas Last Stand Tennessee.lol

  24. Anonymous5:30 PM

    This is the guy she wore her see through top and black bra for after all, she doesn't "put out" for just anybody, she really likes this guy WinkWink.

  25. Anonymous5:49 PM

    After reading about McDaniel's campaign worker shenanigans, I expect Mississippians are not going to fall for this guy this time. The locked courthouse's invasion of the 3 "Mission Impossible" tea party and campaign workers really really blew his integrity record. I mean, at least they could have lowered themselves down a rope from the roof, with the top infiltrate tech gadgets, but no, these bozos walk right through an opened door - and then panic when they're locked in.

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      The woman had a cell phone but she didn't call for help until around 2:00 am. Sure Mississippi, nothing suspicious about this little exercise.

    2. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Oh, I'm thinking the Republicans will.

  26. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Every time I see that picture I think of...http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-1Zduh3lZD7A/UZg8PPln_NI/AAAAAAAAG-I/QIOcJtlvXhc/s400/Lucy+Charlie+Brown.jpg

    Go head, try not to see the resemblance! :-D

  27. Anonymous6:00 PM

    "Let's cut through the GOP Establishment's rhetoric"
    -Sarah Palin

    I agree with you Sarah. I say start your own party, you don't need the GOP.  Sarah makes a lot of sense, think about it, John McCain needed Sarah, Sarah Palin was a rising star and didn't need John McCain.

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      YESSS, by all means start your own party, Queen Heifer! We know what a fake you are, everyone does......and your take down will be EPIC. Come on, you coward, your throne awaits you........

  28. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Who the hell opened the door and allowed the Wasilla Bitch Monster out?

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      The Kochsuckers. She is pwned.

  29. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I'm about to "open up a can" on her stank ass past.

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Then quit teasing about it and JUST DO IT!

    2. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Idle talk- they probably got nothing.

    3. Anonymous8:36 PM

      6:18 PM We have heard that before. Produce or STFU.

    4. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Seriously, I'm m tired of this crap as I am the trolls.

    5. Anonymous6:21 AM

      no kidding, shit or get off the pot then...

  30. Anita Winecooler6:33 PM

    Oh that crazy woman, got a mouth like an outboard motor....sputter sputter oil fumes whaaaah whaaaaah whaaaaah. Hey, Sarah, the GOP called and they want to bury the shovel with you. Think you should respond, after all they picked YOU to be Vice President.
    And they're still laughing behind your back!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Oh, you bet, Anita! They told her after '08, she now calls them "the elite." She was never GOP, she concocted a grand plan toting "God" and is getting her ass handed to her. As well it should be.

    2. Anonymous1:14 AM

      7:04 What ass? There is no ass there, she is a bag of bones. All she is is a very big mouth, people write these screeches for her since she has no idea what is going on most of the time. Remember which newspapers she reads? She could not name one single one!!

  31. Anonymous6:54 PM

    She is so predictable!

  32. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Of course she's enraged. Rage is like water and oxygen for her. Without it she would wilt away and die because there is nothing else sustaining her souless empty carcass.

  33. Anonymous7:02 PM

    The push-up bra escapade and the story about how Sarah felt compelled to take the woman in her bedroom and show her the photo from the Miss Wasilla beauty pageant is key to Sarah Palin. She is low-end mall walking narcissist who managed to get herself elected by denigrating other people rather than by merit. She does not have a resume that shows exceptional experience, she desperately wanted to be the center of attention and one way to do this in Alaska is to run for office. I can assure you, there are many in office in this state who would never qualify for dog catcher anywhere else.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Bravo, you are so right about that nut job who should have never left Wasilla.

    2. Anonymous9:34 PM

      She's just dying her own death. Let her.

    3. Anonymous10:51 PM


      fuk'n A

    4. Anonymous6:06 AM

      What story?

  34. Anonymous7:27 PM

    << She is low-end mall walking narcissist

    Damn! You have SO got her number. Perfect description!

  35. Anonymous9:25 PM

    If Sarah Palin would have spent more time being a parent than she does on herself and on Facebook then Track, Bristol and Willow would be in college, Bristol would have kept her panties up, Willow would have finished high school and Track would not have gotten the pastor's unmarried daughter pregnant and all that other craps they did in Wasilla.

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      Yeah, $arah, you belong in that White House that the Black family resides in. Your pic at the soccer game? Yeah, that's who WE want to lead our country and be our First Family! SNORT! Dumb@ss....they're coming for you and the clock ticks, you know it, too.

  36. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Hey, she is a dingo, she eats her babies!

  37. janice12:32 AM

    OT.. Sarah is already trashing Hillary on her facebook page. It will get so much better. Sarah is so jealous of Hillary it is not funny. I wouldn't tackle Hillary, she is so much smarter than Sarah. Hillary will kill her with kindness.

  38. janice12:33 AM

    OT.. Sarah is already trashing Hillary on her facebook page. It will get so much better. Sarah is so jealous of Hillary it is not funny. I wouldn't tackle Hillary, she is so much smarter than Sarah. Hillary will kill her with kindness.

  39. janice12:34 AM

    OT.. Sarah is already trashing Hillary on her facebook page. It will get so much better. Sarah is so jealous of Hillary it is not funny. I wouldn't tackle Hillary, she is so much smarter than Sarah. Hillary will kill her with kindness.

  40. Anonymous3:54 AM

    oh? is mcdanny a past client of toddles? Does poor scara have a close personal attachment to this poor guy and his poor wifey? Exposed......naked in the world of lies......the tea bags are exposed as complete wackos led by the palin and cruzy ........from the bowels of the devil himself.

  41. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Sarah Palin's Facebook:

    I was out picking weeds in my ridiculously deficient garden, so I haven't seen the Hillary Clinton interview on Fox yet. But Greta's a good one, so I shall do so -- unless you can summarize it for me! I'd love to hear what YOU thought of it, so I can go back to separating the weeds from the chaff (or baby carrots anyway).

    Sarah you are busy in your garden pulling weeds, on your facebook endorsing and bad mouthing political candidates, stalking the Obama family, going to barbecues, going out to the wilderness to pick blueberries and hunting and spending all that time in your Arizona compound, when do you have time for the best that ever happened to you, Trig?

    1. Anonymous5:37 AM

      Trig is old enough now to fend for himself. He's on his own like Sarah's other kids when they were Trig's age.

  42. Anonymous7:03 AM

    The woman was NOT working on her "garden" except maybe the weeds growing out in her tiny brain...lol....People who lie ALWAYS have to add some details. So you know the woman did watch the interview but she would die before admiting she has any interest in what Hilary has to say.
    This proves what we all know: she is jealous to death of Hilary Clinton.
    $carah, I know you read this blog and you are making your hatred and jealousy too obvious. There is no need to lie. All you had to do was just not mention it in your middle-school FB.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Yep. The woman pretends she has better things to do than watch Hilary's interview, yet she stalks her, she knows the time of the interview, she knows exactly when she's scheduled and where, and bothers to post it on her wanna-be-young-&-cool facebook page.
      Not to mention that seems to know more about Hilary Clinton than those, like me, who LOVE Hilary.

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      I can't wait for anyone to ask Hillary about anything skank says or writes about hc. Her response will be perfect and something like this:
      "Oh I didn't know palin had said anything. Isn't she a reality tv personality now? Am not aware that she is involved in politics any longer. I assumed if she was we would have seen her at the rnc convention in 2012." Or something similar!!! Nothing disrespectful but definitely she would let it be known she doesn't regard her as anyone who is in the game any longer:)
      Go Hillary!!


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