Saturday, June 07, 2014

New survey shows that Evangelicals are the most likely to cheat on their spouse.

Courtesy of New York Daily News:

A new survey from Ashley Madison, a website for married people looking for something on the side, found that the religious affiliations of cheaters lines up with the breakdown of religion in the U.S., meaning the majority of them identify as Christian. 

In fact, a quarter of the survey participants self-identify as evangelical, making it the most common faith among the unfaithful. 

Here is the actual breakdown:

Evangelical 25.1% 

Catholic 22.75% 

Protestant 22.7% 

Agnostic 2% 

Mormon 1.6% 

Muslim 1.5% 

Jewish 1.4% 

Atheist 1.4% 

Jehovah's Witness .5% 

Hindu .3% 

Now this IS America so it is perfectly reasonable that the majority of respondents would be of some Christian denomination or another, you know of course unless being a Christian meant you were the moral superior of those who were NOT Christians, but who believes that?

 I mean it's not like I'm doing the Snoopy dance around my desk right now in celebration of the fact that Atheists are more trustworthy marriage partner than just about any other group except Jehovah's Witnesses and Hindus, or anything.

That would be juvenile.

Though perfectly justified.


  1. Caroll Thompson2:34 AM

    This doesn't surprise me at all.

  2. Leland3:38 AM

    They seem to break so many of the rules of their religion this is NOT surprising!

    I have often said that one of the pitfalls of christianity is that it is too easy. All they have to do is say their sorry and all is forgiven? Yeah, right. And they always seem to forget the second half of the forgiveness bargain. "Go and sin no more."

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      "Go and sin no more" is Catholic, and the evangelicals insist their faith has nothing to do with Catholicism (which is Christianity, so whatever it is the evangelicals believe in is not Christianity).

    2. Leland1:18 PM

      The last time I looked, (which was WELL over forty years ago before I woke up!) it was Episcopalian as well. Of course, the only real diff is the pope so....

  3. Anonymous6:27 AM


    I'm agnostic, and my future bride is Hindu.

    No worries.

    1. Damn you're in the sweet spot aren't you?

    2. Anonymous7:07 AM


  4. Anonymous8:28 AM

    So christianity is a threat to the sanctity of marriage?

    Glad I'm an atheist married to another atheist ( 37 yrs next month)

  5. Anonymous9:01 AM

    The horniest women out there are the married born-agains. Take it from an accomplished internet wooer.

  6. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Gryphen, if you didn't catch this article, you might find it provocative:

  7. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Well the evangelicals will be sayin' 'I told ya so' on this one:

    The Leftovers takes place in the wake of a global "Rapture" and centers on the people who were not taken but were left behind in a suburban community.

    Adaptation of Tom Perrotta's novel about life in a small town after many of its residents vanished in a Rapture-like event.

    Two percent of the earth's population disappears. Then what? The Leftovers premieres on June 29. See the first full-length (and we dare say, pretty intense?) trailer here.

  8. Hey Gryphen, I hope you dont mind this input, because I agree with your conceptual point on this info...BUT, I am pretty involved with statistics - so I want to point out that your headline and statement of some conclusions are inaccurate. As long as the relative proportion of the different "cheaters" mirrors their proportion of the total population - then they are actually no more "likely to cheat" than anyone else. If Evangelicals were a small minority of the US, but among the top few religions on Ashley Madison - then your header would be correct. As it is, the best takeaway (to me) is that they are just as likely to cheat on that crap website as anyone else - suggesting the whole moral superiority thing is BS....hope that makes sense. Sorry for nitpicking. Keep up the great posts & commentary. V

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM


      Seriously, is this the best you can do?

      The easiest lays are born again Christians who "lust" after any man they see walking down the street.

      In fairness, I will admit some of my best lays were the goody two shoes in the choir. Nice try, ladies, but you ain't fooling anyone. I would never marry you.

      I want the honest one to be the mother of my children.

    2. Anonymous1:31 PM

      I agree with you-- the stats don't take into account th e prevalence of each religion in America. If--for example--there was 1% Hindus in America, and the AM data said that .3% of Hindus cheated, that means 30% of Hindus cheat overall.

  9. Anita Winecooler5:22 PM

    They think they got a "get out of an ass whooping free" card because even if the spouse doesn't forgive them, it's a given that their God will. The Catholics have the Mr Clean Magic Eraser called "Confessional", where a person goes and lists their sins/indiscretions with a priest, who then beams the information up to God, then doles out the appropriate type and repetition of prayers to be said to erase those pesky demerits. With the stories of pedophile priests and priests with girlfriends/boyfriends on the side, and now that mass burial of fetuses and babies, what are the chances of getting a priest who's doing worse sins than cheating?
    Shouldn't the partner have some input on the decision? People do cheat, and some people can work through cheating and come out with an even stronger relationship/marriage than they had before. ,

  10. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Over 40% of Americans Believe God Created the Earth 10,000 Years Ago

    Well, it’s official. More than forty Percent of the population is stupid. There’s really no other way to put it. Believing in magic is fine–but when 4 in 10 Americans, according to a new Gallup poll, are willing to ignore scientific fact and still–in 2014– subscribe to the idiotic belief that God created earth between 6,000-10,000 years ago, our nation has a problem.

    Gallup contacted 1,028 land line and cell phone users and asked which of three descriptions most closely matched their belief: that humans have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process; that humans have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God had no part in this process; or that God created human beings pretty much in their present form sometime in the last 10,000 years or so.

  11. I'm not surprised.

    Those top three think they can just ask forgiveness and all is right with the world. It's a twisted interpretation of their own religion. "I can commit this sin and I only need to repent and I'm good."


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