Wednesday, June 04, 2014

NRA backs off criticism of Open Carry demonstrators. Well of course they did.

Courtesy of HuffPo:

The National Rifle Association is walking back its recent criticism of pro-gun activists in Texas, apologizing to protesters for the "confusion" over the powerful gun lobby's position on open carry of firearms. 

Last week, the NRA released a statement condemning the actions of open carry activists in the Lone Star State after a video emerged of the protesters harassing a veteran on Memorial Day. In the statement, the NRA said recent public demonstrations in restaurants had "crossed the line" and were "downright weird." 

"Using guns merely to draw attention to yourself in public not only defies common sense, it shows a lack of consideration and manners," the statement read. 

But on Tuesday, NRA official Chris Cox was quick to renounce the statement, describing it as a "mistake." 

"It's a distraction," Cox said during an interview with an NRA radio show. "There was some confusion, we apologize, again, for any confusion that that post caused." 

He continued: "It shouldn't have happened. I've had a discussion with the staffer who wrote that piece, and expressed his personal opinion. Our job is not to criticize the lawful behavior of fellow gun owners."

Well so much for their being even  a barely audible voice of reason coming from the ammosexuals.

Hey you know what? I am in total support of these open carry douchnozzles continuing with their protests against common sense, and have no doubt it will help the cause.

The cause of those seeking more comprehensive gun laws that is.


  1. The open carry loons are to the NRA as the baggers are to the GOP. They are useful idiots in the beginning but then they become swollen pimples on the ass of general acceptance.

  2. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I was really sorry to see the back peddling. The NRA will also regret it in time. All they have done is encourage the ultra right gun toters to continue to be "weird" and "scary".

    Pat Padrnos

  3. Anonymous12:14 PM

    "I've had a discussion with the staffer who wrote that piece, and expressed his personal opinion"

    also know as left to "twist slowly, slowly in the wind."

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      This coward talks to himself.

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      The apology is ungrammatical.

  4. Funny how it's always a "staffer" who does these things without the knowledge of the oh-so-innocent boss.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Yeah, I agree, that excuse is always a little suspect.

    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      And yet President Obama, leader of the free world, is supposed to know exactly what some low level staffer is doing in some IRS office in Cincinnati.

  5. Anonymous12:31 PM

    WEANIES! Ha, ha, ha!

  6. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Poor little weanies, one and all!

  7. Randall1:06 PM

    Like Sarah Palin, their actions and statements do more harm to themselves than anything we could post.

    So stand back and let them have their say.

  8. Anonymous1:07 PM

    This is O/T but kinda great.

  9. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I live in the middle of gun world in rural Alaska. NOBODY here would even consider such ridiculous behavior. If someone showed up in the local coffee shop like this they would get their asses handed to them on a platter. We take our guns seriously, for food and for protection from actual grizzlies that roam the neighborhood, Just as we all keep our garbage locked up to avoid baiting bears we have respect for firearms in their place. Nobody goes trolling for trouble. These suburban cowboys and their guns look like idiots on steroids.

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Good comment. You speak from common sense.

      Pat Padrnos

    2. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Very good comment. These guys remind me of the "rhinestone" cowboys...remember them? all decked out in cowboy duds but none of them knew how to ride a horse... difference, these guys will kill an innocent bystander....

    3. Anonymous5:03 PM

      @Anonymous1:24 PM:
      I'm from rural Alaska as well and never have I seen our people parade around their guns and rifles like the Texas assholes do...NEVER!

    4. Anonymous5:20 PM

      The big difference is that people in rural Alaska respect and use their guns for their intended purposes, not for trying to prove to everyone what manly men you are.

      If most of those yahoos were ever confronted by a grizzly, they would wet their pants and shake as the bear ate them.

      On second thought, most bears would likely take one taste and spit them out!

    5. Anonymous5:21 PM

      3:00 -
      Isn't there a saying in Texas...'All hat and no cattle'?

  10. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Check THIS out Gryphen! Looks like we've got some tampering going on in Mississippi...

    Why Was Tea Partier (who is a big McDaniels supporter) In Locked Courthouse With Ballots On Election Night?

    A Mississippi tea party official with close ties to U.S. Senate candidate Chris McDaniel apparently ended up inside a locked and empty county courthouse late Tuesday night after primary election results had come in.

    Hinds County Republican executive chairman Pete Perry told TPM that he received a phone call around 2:00 a.m. CT on Wednesday from Janis Lane, president of the Central Mississippi Tea Party, who said she was locked inside the Hinds County courthouse. That would be where the circuit clerk and election commission offices, and the primary election ballots, are located.

  11. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Officials in Bergdahl’s Town Deluged With Hateful Right Wing Phone Calls

    ..."Well, number one is, how dare we as a community support someone who in their mind they’re thinking of as a 'deserter,' a traitor. That they had plans to come here on their vacation, they’re no longer coming, they’re cancelling their reservations."

    "I just find that shocking," she said. "You know, we’re Americans, and we need to act like Americans, and to me that’s un-American. Let things play out, and if there needs to be action taken, I’m sure it will be taken. But that’s not the city of Hailey’s responsibility."

    She said the staffers at the Chamber of Commerce, and at a store she runs, don't know how to deal with the vitriol.

    1. Anonymous10:40 PM

      This entire Bergdahl thing has been totally blown out of proportion by the right! They are not going to believe or support anything our POTUS has done regarding this matter.

      They were given a showing of the video today that the POTUS and the military used to make their decision regarding the trade for our POW and are already countering it too even though the information provided them was classified!

      Lisa Murkowski (AK), John McCain (AZ), etc. have already spoken out against the classified information. Fucking assholes! I hold zero respect for any of them!

      The media and Republicans make all these non- researched statements about our POW even though not one word has been uttered as yet by Bergdahl in response to all of this crap.

      They have ridiculed his family! His home town had to cancel his welcome back party because it is a small community and they have had so many negative emails and twitters about the function. They don't have the capacity or funds to hire police protection w/all the media and people that would intrude upon their community. I'm sure the thought behind the cancellation also included the worry of protection of his family. The population of their town is very small.

      Has anyone noticed how quickly the right quit talking about their support of our veterans? That lasted all of four days!

      Rachel Maddow covered that subject (VA) on her show tonight and it was one hell of a story - I suggest everyone review it! If politicians (U.S. Congressmen) serve on that specific committee they can not raise funds easily (for themselves) so the only members on the committee for the veterans are inexperienced, one-or-two year congressmen!

      Politicians are back there for themselves (financial) and nothing more!!! They do NOT support the veterans or the poor and middle class Americans.

    2. Anonymous3:39 AM

      Alaskans who didn't kiss Palin's ass in 2008 can relate to these poor townspeople.

  12. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I think it would be great theater if a group of young African American and/or HIspanic (could be a fraternity, or young Democrats group) men found out where the next OCT event was scheduled. (They require you first "join" the local OCT chapter...they could send their lightest member, who would find out the details.) Then, on the day of the event a whole slew of the groups members appeared wearing hoodies, bandanas, tennis shoes and sweat pants, w/ either long guns, or simulated long guns, (you really can't tell, from a distance or on video) slung over their shoulders. The looks on the faces and the reaction of those OCT weenies would be priceless.

    1. Leland2:24 PM

      Sorry, but that just sounds like a description of an explosion waiting to happen. You HAVE to know these fools do NOT want anybody but WHITE MALES to own guns!

      SOMEBODY would start shooting - probably the white males.

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      I agree with Leland. As much as I would LOVE to see this happeneing, deep down, I also KNOW that this would have no happy ending. :/

    3. Anonymous10:14 PM

      Why can't black males wear those big guns and appear as the white guys do! The white guys have been getting away with it and it truly pisses me off! (And, I'm white!)

      Perhaps it is going to take the blacks acting like their brothers that would finally cure this idiotic situation!

  13. Anonymous2:16 PM

    The NRA scared of its own pawns? Had to happen.

    But really, how can black men carry weapons in public without being shot dead on sight? They'd all have to join the Open Carry fuckwits first and whey would they want to identify with morons?

  14. Anonymous3:35 PM

    REALLY??? Is this a joke? WTF? A shooting is not a shooting...except when it is.

    NRA News Blames Media for Calling Gun Violence ‘Shootings’

    ...Dom Raso, former Navy Seal, and NRA commentator knows what I’m talking about. He blasts the propagandists on the left in his latest clip for NRA News for their agenda-driven insistence on specificity.

    “When someone commits a murder, it used to be a murder right?” Raso, the only semiotician in the history of the world to dead lift 600 lbs says. “Now they race to label anything with a gun as a shooting. Because they know how much attention they’re going to get with that word.”

    ...He goes on: “Think about the difference between a shooting and a murder. In one you have shooter, and in the other one a murderer.”

    Okay, but what’s the difference?

    “All the sudden, instead of focusing on the real common link between all acts of evil, the evil person who did it, we are subconsciously told to think about the tool they used instead,”

  15. Anonymous8:41 AM

    All these accidents shooting people in the news. "accidents".
    gee, we need help don't we.

  16. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Yep, that old freedom to do and then minorities do the same then it's no, no freedom.


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