Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Referring to the release of Sgt. Bergdahl former Bush administration official says any other president in office, including his old boss, would have done the same thing.

Courtesy of Think Progress:

 A former Bush administration official broke with Republicans on Tuesday to defend President Obama’s prisoner exchange, arguing that since “the war in Afghanistan is winding down,” the United States would be required to return prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay back to Afghanistan. 

“I don’t see how these particular Taliban officials could ever have been tried in the southern district of New York,” John Bellinger, who served as an adviser to President George W. Bush explained during an appearance on Fox News Tuesday. “They’re certainly some Al Qaeda detainees who committed actual terrorist acts against Americans who perhaps could have been tried in a federal court because they committed federal crimes, but these particular Taliban detainees I think could never have been tried in federal court.”

In other words, and I have heard this from various sources, the government will HAVE to release these prisoners once the war in Afghanistan is officially over. 

So using prisoners, that will soon be released anyway, to secure the release of one of our own seems like a win win to me.

Asked about the circumstances of this capture Bellinger had this to say: 

Asked about reports that Bergdahl deserted his unit, Bellinger added that the former hostage “will have to face justice, military justice.” “We don’t leave soldiers on the battlefield under any circumstance unless they have actually joined the enemy army,” he said. “He was a young 20-year-old. Young 20-year-olds make stupid decisions. I don’t think we’ll say if you make a stupid decision we’ll leave you in the hands of the Taliban.”


“I’m not saying this is clearly an easy choice but frankly I think a Republican, a president of either party, Republican or Democratic confronted with this opportunity to get back Sgt. Bergdahl, who is apparently in failing health, would have taken this opportunity to do this,” he added. “I think we would have made the same decision in the Bush administration.”

And there you have it. If this had been ANY other President this would have been seen as a positive, and in fact there would have likely been kudos aplenty.

But not this President. In the eyes of the conservatives, he simply cannot do ANYTHING right.


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Despicable Republicans Are Deleting Their Previous Praise of Bowe Bergdahl

    Republicans are proving that their desperation for an Obama scandal is limitless by frantically deleting their previous praise of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl from the Internet.

    ...The “Bergdahl scandal” isn’t going to catch fire, because John Boehner and the Republicans had already admitted that they know about the swap for three years before it happened. This is another sleazy attempt to distract voters from focusing on the terrible job that congressional Republicans have done.

    The Bowe Bergdahl Story Is Right-Wing Crack

    Never mind that Bush would have done the same as Obama. Republicans are hitting the pipe big time on the ‘deserter’—and their creepy bottom line is that he should have been left to die.

    Bowe Bergdahl and the Politics of Shamelessness

    There are times I think the Right can’t sink any lower. Surely it has reached its nadir and will just wallow in its self-imposed muck. There’s nothing it can do which would shock the conscience or incense the soul. Birtherism, rooting for citizens to not get health care, swearing fealty to the NRA after thousands die each year from gun murders. The list goes on, and it makes for sad reading.

    However, I’ve learned to put aside my disbelief and prepare myself for the descent into the next circle of hell.

    Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s release should have been a moment of unity. The one US soldier held captive by the Taliban was coming home. For that we gave up five Taliban prisoners, who will be locked up in velvet confinement in Qatar, unable to “take the field” against the US and its allies.

    But, true to form, the Right—which had called for years for Sgt. Bergdahl’s release—saw not a moment of unity, but an opportunity to mount another frontal assault against Barack Obama.

    Negotiating With Terrorists

    Are we really going to do this?

    Is this what it’s finally come down to, is it really?

    Look at yourselves, you silly selfish bastards.

    Look. At. Yourselves.

    Go on, do it, find a mirror and look into your own dead zombie eyes and see the empty void looking back.

    This revolting, disgusting display of hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy, is this what we’ve finally become?

    Are we now so filled with foul bilious hatred, are we now so consumed with soul-destroying fear, do we now despise our own selves so much that we would actually protest the return of one of our own? Is that it?

    Is that what we’ve become?

    If so, then the sooner America collapses of its own maggot-ridden gangrenous rot, the better.

    1. fromthediagonal1:00 PM

      Oh yes, Jim Wright has his stonekettle fired up, and rightfully so! His logic is, as usual, impreccable, and though the essay is longthy by today's standards, it needs to be read in its totality, just as some of Gryphen's essays (on atheism, for example) should get a wider audience, but people just seem to be unable to "spare the time", which is unfortunate for us all.

      Thanks Gryphen and Jim Wright...

  2. Anonymous9:25 AM

    It is hard to fathom. Major elements of the once-proud Republican Party have stooped so low that they are systematically attacking an American prisoner of war because they believe it discredits their political adversaries.

    Only one word serves to properly describe such behavior: despicable. And the mainstream media outlets that have enabled this attack by taking it seriously are not much better.

    When Fox News Declared War on a Military Family

    ...They couldn't have foreseen it because I don't think it's ever happened before. I don't think we've ever seen a dedicated media campaign to not only undermine a returning prisoner of war, but to also cast doubt onto the soldier's family; to portray them as un-American even as they prepare for their reunion.

    Instead, Fox News has helped transform the prisoner swap involving Taliban detainees into "an increasingly vicious partisan issue," as Buzzfeed described the Republican decision to go into relentless attack mode, complete with enlisted publicists and strategists, to subvert the return of an American POW.

    It's symptomatic of a conservative media mini-mob that now obsessively politicizing everything, and does it all with the knob turned up to 11.

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      The GOP continues on the path to self-destruction.

      They are so completely consumed with hatred for the President that they will attack anyone and anything just to attempt to make him look bad. The American people, however, seem to be more and more disgusted with this tactic.

      The general public may have looked the other way when Republicans attacked women and the LGBT community, but when they decimate funds for veterans' services and malign a POW and his family, they go way too far.

  3. Before we go trying Bergdahl in the media or believing everything his comrades in arms but hardly friends have to say...

    Bergdahl was unpopular and ostracized from his comrades before he left. Perhaps that was why he left. I'm sure they made no secret they didn't like him because he wouldn't party and get drunk with them. So when it comes to the accounts of his fellow soldiers, I'll just take them with a pound of salt.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this guy had PTSD before he decided to walk off.

    Unless he was declared a deserter at the time, all this posturing is just that. Farting off hot air.

    If he was, then let the military courts handle it. Just keep in mind he's already served 5 years of solitary torture worse than any 20 years in Leavenworth. Time served. Get over it and move on.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Report: The deaths of 8 soldiers attributed to POW Bergdahl is false

    2. It's gone from 6 to 8. What do you bet when the media (and his "fellow" soldiers) get done with him it will be in the triple digits. In fact, they'll blame him for every casualty from the time he stepped foot off the base, no matter what the situation.

    3. fromthediagonal1:07 PM

      Whatever happened to the old "presumed innocent until proved guilty"? I think those "commonsense constitutional conservatives" have replaced it with another old one "let's give the guilty sonofabitch a fair trial before we hang him"...

      Regressives: Fast Forward into the Past.

  4. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The Alaskan Independence Party Palins have made it clear they are un-American. They would not do what an American President would do. They make stuff up to suit their word salad version of America.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      And, Sarah Palin lied to the McCain campaign group about Todd's long-time membership in AIP and Steven what's his name called her out on it! ("Game Change")

      She and Toad cannot be trusted as far as you can throw either one of them. They have committed treason against the USA as the AIP membership wanted Alaska to secede from the union!

      It's been proven time and time again that Palin was not vetted properly before McCain brought her on board his campaign.

      They (he) truly fucked up and will go to his grave with her (albatross) hanging from his neck!

    2. Anonymous12:47 PM

      I like that-- The AIP Palins.

  5. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Bowe Bergdahl’s Fellow Soldiers Questioned Afghan War More Than He Did

    Former Guantánamo Chief Prosecutor Defends American POW-Taliban Prisoner Swap

    "There Were No Good Options": Bergdahl Should Get Honorable Discharge, Says Laywer for Deserters

    Is Bowe Bergdahl a Deserter? If Freed POW Left Post, He Joins Ranks of Soldiers Moved by Conscience

  6. Anonymous9:58 AM

    These caustic loudmouths like Palin and Fox who have prematurely condemned this GI of desertion, and even murder should be so ashamed of themselves using the boy for political purposes, as they have used the murdered Benghazi CIA contractors and the ambassador. I hope to hell that Palin and the republicans push and push until their fellow wingnuts impeach the president. I can't wait for history to judge them.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Impeach? I think NOT.

    2. Anonymous11:30 AM

      The crazy loons aren't ashamed to prove how desperate and weak they've become.

  7. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I saw that interview. The barbie chick who was doing this interview clearly did not like what the Bush admin guy was saying. Some producer will lose their job, I'm sure. FOX thinking that any and all Bush admin guys will also try to fry the president, as is their own party line. Ha Ha, good one this time. Also, the NYT has a very thoughtful piece on whether or not ANY of the subsequent 6 deaths can be blamed on the "desertion". Comments are great, and NYT does monitor them, so it's not just some list of winger zingers. Also, check out Parker's column in WAPO.

  8. Anonymous10:04 AM

    However, it has come to our attention that, should you fall into enemy hands, new circumstances dictate that your country may not want to actually bring you back. The standard has changed from “Leave no comrade behind” to “Leave no suitably telegenic comrade behind.” To help us decide whether you are fit to be rescued, or even searched for, we need to gather certain information to help us determine whether you are worth bothering with.


    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Yes, keep electing Republicans. They have the how to go to war lies on speed dial. It will be hard to sign up new recruits now that they say "America leaves their soldiers behind". They will have to back track on that one.

    2. I think it can all be condensed down to one question:

      "Are you a registered Republican?"

  9. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Jon Stewart was in fine form Monday with this segment on the not exactly unpredictable rightwing reaction to the release of Bowe Bergdahl. You’d think getting the last prisoner out of the hands of the Taliban would be a “Magnificent Wonderful Story,” but then the starting with the battle of clichés: “We don’t negotiate with terrorists” vs. “Never leave a man behind.” So, fine, it’s a Magnificent Wonderful Complicated Story. And no one has ever negotiated with terrorists, except for always:

  10. Anonymous10:10 AM

    The important thing to remember as the ratfcker's clients continue to appear on TV is that what they are saying about Bergdahl's disappearance and its aftermath is purely opinion. It is informed opinion. It is opinion worthy of respect, but it is opinion nonetheless, and it will remain that way until such time as an official investigation determines as closely as it can what actually happened. And, to paraphrase Wilt Chamberlain, opinions are like Fox News Contributors. Everybody's got one.

  11. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) chastised Republicans Wednesday for their response to the release of Sgt. Bowe Berdahl, saying they were simply trying to score political points against President Barack Obama.

    "It's clear they're worried his release could be seen as a victory for President Obama," said Reid on the Senate floor Wednesday morning. "As the president said, this is not a victory for him. It is a victory for the United States military and our country. Let me put that notion to rest then. It is not a victory for President Obama. it is a victory for our soldiers, their families, and our great country."

  12. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Just for your info. - an edit (you accidentally typed in "prisoner" twice and I think you must have meant "government" or something similar the first time...) see below


    "In other words, and I have heard this from various sources, the prisoners will HAVE to release these prisoners once the war in Afghanistan is officially over."

    1. Not fixed yet.

      G: You misspelled "government".

  13. London Bridges10:45 AM

    For more info on this issue:
    There are other related stories besides these two.

  14. As I was reading, I was thinking good for John Bellinger. Then it struck me, how far has the Republican party sunk that I feel a need to praise some one for merely being a sane human being.

    May I add this -

    During our training, if a classmate or crewmate (we were divided into boat crews by height — since you spend a lot of time carrying those f*cking boats, that part makes sense) got hurt, if the injury was not life-threatening (and believe me, our instructors had a strange scale to measure what constituted life-threatening), then it was our duty to carry that person through the rest of the exercise while the instructors screamed into our ears — “There has NEVER been a SEAL captured or left behind, living or DEAD!” [...]

    I have no opinion of the “worthiness” of Bowe Bergdahl before, or since, his capture. That sh!t is way above any pay grade I ever held.

    If he was at any time on the field of battle like me, then it is my sworn duty to bring his ass home one way or another, even at the cost of my own life.

    That’s the f*cking rule, *ssholes. No. Exceptions. Ever.

    –Former Member SEAL Team 2

  15. London Bridges10:49 AM

    We should, however investigate claims that McCain, when he was a POW sang like a canary. These claims were from high ranking officers.

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      There are many things about McCain that need to be investigated. Start with his military cover ups and when he was the singing POW. Later how he treated POWs and families after the Mafia bought his elections. How he gets all these committee positions in order to do favors and or block what his owners want.

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Watch the You Tube "John McCain Traitor - By Vietnam Vets and POWs."

  16. Anonymous10:50 AM

    That's what I say, he has been held captive for 5 yrs. what ever happened he's paid the price. This is all because President Obama got him free.

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      I sincerely hope the parents of this POW are NOT watching the various news channels. I feel badly for them and what this young man is going to see and hear once he is felt to be back to 'normal'!

      I am appalled at the Republican party members and hope every last one of them loses their seat in the U.S. Congress that have promoted this bullshit!

      It's anti President Obama at its very worst! Thank god he is able to do so many wonderful things in spite of their racism (he's only 'half' black and the rest of him is just like the majority of us!) and obstruction that has been put out there against him since he took office the first time.

      May McCain, Boehner, McConnell, Cantor, Romney, etc. meet their maker SOON and answer for all their evilness! Hell awaits all of them!

    2. Anonymous12:42 PM

      I'm afraid for his safety, some of the comments I've read are unreal.

    3. Pretty much.

      It's part of the Republican obstructionism.

      I'm sure had the president gone to them they would have found some way to delay or deny Bergdahl's release just so he wouldn't be released under Obama's watch.

      I'm sure they would have found a way to block the capture/death of Bin Laden too had they known about it.

      They said it. Their job for the entire two terms of Obama's tenure has been only one thing. Prevent him from getting anything done.

      I think it's amazing what he's managed to accomplish. Imagine where our country would be had he had a congress that was cooperative and put doing their jobs above partisan politics.

    4. Anonymous1:52 PM

      This is disgusting! The fucking right wing is terrorizing the people in this city and now they're scared to death.

      Bring Bowe Back/Bowe Is Back Event Cancelled

      '...National media attention on Hailey and this event has led many across the nation to believe that the event is intended to be a military parade. There is broad interest in this topic, as evidenced by the approximate 100 correspondences per day received by the City of Hailey this week. The organizers and Hailey expect a significant increase in attendance to this event, by people who both want to support or protest against it.

      In the interest of public safety, the event will be cancelled. Hailey, a town of 8,000, does not have the infrastructure to support an event of the size this could become.'

    5. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Lee Ann Ferris, a next-door neighbor of the Bergdahls, said she wasn't surprised by the cancellation, but noted the community still supports the family and wants to hear Bowe’s story when he’s ready.

      "He deserves his say, there’s a lot to come out on his side — we can’t judge him and lynch him in one day,” Ferris told NBC News. "It’s been very shocking, I think, how vicious the attacks have been. We knew there would be a little bit but I was shocked at just how much.

  17. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Just in May McCain was all for bringing Bergdahl home. They all disgust me.
    I got this link from one of the posters here. It is really scary to think this is how the far right thinks. They belong in a loony bin the lot of them.
    If you read other articles posted the racism is rabid!

  18. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Before And After Shots: Republicans Pleading For POW Bergdahl’s Release, Until Obama Made Made The Deal

    What you see in the video: Bergdahl appears pale, gaunt and disoriented, blinking and rubbing his eyes as if he’s not used to the direct sunlight. As he walks to the helicopter, he looks very unsteady and a soldier has to help him along.


  19. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Conservatives Are Starting To Fundraise Off Bergdahl Release

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      What's in it for a Palin? Why would they hesitate?
      No one in their right mind would do this
      .... unless they want to look stupid, crazy drunk or think they can make money off of the images they portray with their word salad slop.

      Yes, they are seriously mentally ill.

      Words like callous, heartless, evil don't begin to describe those two haters.

  20. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Watch Charles Krauthammer Debunk Claims That Obama Didn't Have Legal Authority To Rescue Bergdahl

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      You know the world has tilted on its axis when Krauthammer supports President Obama!

  21. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Sarah Palin loves the Taliban look. Bristol thinks it is trendy and awesomely cool.
    The unhealthy Palin gets out of her death bed to promote the Taliban wannabees.
    Daughter Willow had the perfect opportunity for strutting her rats nest hair school learnin'

  22. Anonymous11:12 AM

    For crying out loud, who are these people? Everybody and their dog knows you don't leave someone for the exact reasons Bellinger stated. I swear people have gone insane.

    I always have to wallow in the pee pond after something like this, speaking of insane. Not only are they furious at Obama, but also Hope, ID, Bergdahl's hometown, that's planning a welcome home for him. I swear that old Virginia guy with heart problems isn't going to make 2016 at the rate he's going. Oh, and as for this putting the rest of our people overseas at risk? No problem, just execute everyone held in Guantanamo. No more negotiating needed.

    SMDH, those people are certifiable.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      SMDH, those people are certifiable.

      Actually, they claim to be Christians. Remember, these are the same people who would kill to prevent an abortion.

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Yeah, bible passages in the morning, hate talk all day, prayers at night!

    3. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Hope Idaho? Kindred souls... ? ? ?

  23. Anonymous11:25 AM

    The RW is performing in the most pathetic ways possible. It will not serve them well at all. History will totally expose them. It probably won't take long but there will always be the small percentage that spews pathetic RW crap like this.

  24. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Time for a Reservation for Veterans. A Safe Place to fall.
    A safe Place to live.
    We do Veterans have to travel to workshops? let
    the healing workshops come to the vets where the Vets Live.

    stop veteran homelessness, find them land for a reservation.

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Sarah Palin announced they keep needy veterans they call 'buddies' in Todd's hangar.

      That may be the start. Bristol can do a post on how it works and pledge to get more Americans involved in helping out in the Palin family way. It will boost Bristol's political career, secure a Palin dynasty and launch a Bristol PAC.

  25. Anonymous11:51 AM

    The Palins are addicts. Addicted to sugar, their gateway drug. It is a wonder they have any brain cells left.
    "FED UP"

    We all know how proud the Palins are of their addictions. Bristol posts her sexy stud photos with massive amounts of candies and sugar.

  26. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Posted on June 3, 2014
    Van Jones: The "Benghazi-azation" of Bergdahl By Republicans

    VAN JONES: This is something I've been hearing, and I think it's a valid thing to talk about. But I've got a bigger concern here.

    I've been really shocked to see how aggressive people have gone after the president for bringing an American soldier home. And it seems like there's a narrative forming. I want you to tell me if I'm wrong.

    The narrative is let's take this guy, this soldier that we got home, diminish him, turn him into some kind of a caricature. We don't know if he's a traitor, say these negative things about him, insult his family. And then take the five that were released and build them up into this mega threat against us. And then say that the president of the United States is a traitor who turned in a traitor to let out our enemies. Is that the kind of Benghazi-zation of this that you think is appropriate for Republicans?

    1. That pretty much sums it up.

      They can always find a soldier to badmouth him.

      I'm sure if pressed under oath in court it would be more like "No, I didn't have any direct knowledge of it but I heard from a friend of a guy that..."

    2. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Republicans prayed for P.O.W. Bergdahl’s rescue before they called him a traitor and wanted him dead. Republicans are so adamant about denying President Obama credit for anything that they will flip flop on a subject just so they can attack him. They are vile creatures.

    3. Anonymous1:54 PM

      McChrystal on Bergdahl: ‘We don’t leave Americans behind. That’s unequivocal’

      Retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal on Wednesday urged Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s critics not to “judge” him until all the facts are in and sharply defended the extensive and risky search efforts that claimed the lives of some of his fellow soldiers.

      “We did a huge number of operations to try to stop the Taliban from being able to move him across the border into Pakistan,” McChrystal told Yahoo News in an exclusive interview. “And we made a great effort and put a lot of people at risk in doing that, but that’s what you should do. That’s what soldiers do for each other.”

    4. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal. Wasn't he instrumental in what happened with Pat Tillman?

    5. Anonymous2:22 PM

      "Saturday and Sunday were days of rejoicement, we were all so happy that at last after five years, that Bowe had been released," said Drussel. "Happy for him and happy for his parents who we lived with day in and day out and saw the hurt and the weariness from the venture of trying to get their son released."

      "All these five years, never a word of any negative nature whatsoever. And now, after two days, I was shocked when late at night, watching (TV) I started seeing the dragon's head roar. Comments that are just off the wall."

  27. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Now that Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi petered out what can the Cheney Limp Dicks do? Bergdahli, Bergdahli, Bergdahli.

    They have absolutely no respect for human beings or U.S. law. They really hate those that serve our country unless they can use them for their own twisted war mongering chants.

  28. Anonymous1:22 PM

    The Palin Brand only does propaganda.

  29. Caroll Thompson2:20 PM

    The Rassholes (that is my new word for Republican assholes) should be ashamed of themselves using a POW for political purposes. And then to make themselves judge and juror without knowing any of the facts is shocking to me. Even I did not think they would go that far. But go there they did.

    According to Rasshole logic, one must be deemed deserving or you will be left behind after the war concludes.

    Actually, under this new standard, John McCain would be deemed a traitor for his collaboration with the Vietcong during his time in captivity. Under great stress, he cracked and ended up making numerous propaganda tapes in captivity.

    As a US Navy veteran, the treatment of this young soldier is very upsetting to me. I did not serve this country so cunts (yes, I said the word and this is the first time ever in my 58 years) like Sarah Palin can be judge, jury and executioner.

    Most veterans are not happy that the release of a POW is being politicized by Chicken hawks who have never put themselves in harms way. Fuck them all.

    This poor soldier is obviously in need of help and all they offer is condemnation. And all for politics as some of these cowards had offered support prior to learning the 'party line'.

    I am off to send emails to all the Congressional reps that have condemned Sergeant Bergdahl. I will be using my first amendment rights to tell them all to go fuck themselves. I will try very hard not to threaten them with physical violence because this is certainly worth punching someone right in the nose at a minimum.

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Conservative Media’s Lack Of Empathy For Bowe Bergdahl And His Family Is Sickening

      ...For the right-wing media, nothing is off-limits when it comes to discrediting the President and finding any way possible to tie him to a scandal in order to run him out of the White House. Everything is fair game. Therefore, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl and his parents are going to be subjected to this scorched earth campaign, where Bergdahl is going to be called a traitor, a deserter and a treasonous anti-American who sought out and collaborated with the Taliban. At the same time, his father is going to be labeled a terrorist sympathizer who wants to join his son as a member of the Taliban. All of this is just an inroads to smear President Obama.

      GOP Bergdahl attack is about Erasing PBO’s National Security Creds

      It is sickening. It is disgusting. Attack an American POW and his family? Never happened before according to Media Matters. It is a new venal low for the Republican Party that many Americans thought could not sink any lower. Well, they have sunk that far into Hades, and they will do worse, because they have turned into an autoimmune disease that cannot but cannibalistically attack any and all body cells in sight. They’ve destroyed their own humanity and now prey on the rest of us with intent to dismantle the very foundations of our socius. Theirs is a cult of nihilism crossbred with wanton greed performing séances at the altar of the insatiable demon Hate who demands a never ending hatred-orgy at greater velocity every day. No let up.


      The vicious frothing we’ve seen since news this past weekend from Conservative wingnuts about the release of POW Bowe Bergdahl, is partly another chapter in Republicans’ unsuccessful attempts to reclaim the mantle of “strong on defense” party. But before we get to their real target, Obama, it is important to pause and let it sink in what they just did to Bowe Bergdahl’s family.

    2. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Never before has the family of a serving soldier been attacked for no other reason than their desire to see their child who is held in captivity, brought back home. Think about that. We’ve sung platitudes to the “families of our men and women in uniform,” joined them in tying yellow ribbons to trees in honor of the “brave soldiers,” and saluted their valor at parades, and on Memorial, Veterans, and Armistice Days.

    3. Anonymous3:02 PM

      We deck cars in “Support Our Troops” bumper stickers while waving American flags. Even at the height of the war in Vietnam when some liberals dissed returning soldiers for serving in an unpopular war, their families were off limits. Nobody thought families were fair game. Yet we’ve just seen Republicans and their megaphone FOX thrust a dagger into the very heart of the common bonds we hold (even hypocritically sometimes) as sacred Americana – flags, men and women in uniform, families and small towns sprucing up and decking streets in bunting and ribbons, kisses and tears of reunion, or standing at solemn attention as Taps waft over flag-draped coffins…. All that now superlaced with the poison of hatred and division. Yeah conservatives “built that”!!! And they PLANNED this ugliness as far back as 2011/2012 because they wanted to turn any possibility of Bowe Bergdahl’s release into President Obama’s “Willie Horton” moment in an election year. Again, let that sink in.

  30. Anonymous2:27 PM

    What the Taliban's Bergdahl Exchange Video Reveals
    Video released by the Taliban reportedly shows the handover of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, May 31, 2014 in Afghanistan.
    "That moment before the hand-over is electric. You know that anything can happen," said British war filmmaker Sean Langan, who was held hostage by the same Taliban faction in 2008.
    Langan, held by the same Haqqani network as Bergdahl, was kept for four months in total darkness in a farmhouse room with the windows blacked out.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      I already read an article that said Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was healthy. The video the Taliban made shows him as healthy. The people saying he isn't well are just trying to make him sympathetic and don't believe them.

  31. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Hey, hey everybody. Give the Republicans some credit. They definitely would have handled the situation differently.

    As memory serves, they would have traded the hostage for some arms and ammunition, not prisoners. Then they would have claimed they have no recollection or they were "out of the loop".
    I do so hope that there are some people here who are old enough to remember what I'm talking about and that it happened right under their god Reagan's nose. And that during the hearings the man most responsible for that travesty was hailed by the Repugnicans as a heroic soldier and they suggested he run for public office.
    What a bunch of hypocrites!

  32. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Firing Squad?
    The AP reports a 2010 Pentagon investigation found “incontrovertible” evidence Bergdahl voluntarily left base.

    June 2011 he is promoted to Sgt.

    Bowe Bergdahl was promoted (in absentia) to the rank of sergeant on 17 June 2011. He was the sole American soldier held by Taliban insurgents until he was released in May 2014, after nearly five years in captivity, in exchange for five Afghan prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay.
    Read more

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      In 2011 did President Obama promote Bergdahl to sergeant after the 2010 Pentagon investigation found “incontrovertible” evidence Bergdahl voluntarily left base?

    2. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Pres. Obama didn't have anything to do with Bergdahl's promotions.

    3. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Who would promote a soldier after the 2010 Pentagon investigation that found “incontrovertible” evidence Bergdahl voluntarily left base? They promoted him after the Pentagon had evidence he deserted?

  33. Anonymous3:08 PM


    A tweet from last year by Cody Full (@CodyFNfootball), the RW media star leading the campaign of vilification against Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl.

    There are lots more, like his ceaseless venom towards President Obama, his support for Cliven Bundy, his regular use of ‘Libtard’ – and his scrubbing of his social media offerings that included ‘a N****r’ pic once he began his Twitter campaign against Bergdahl.

    ...Both soldiers are everywhere in the media at the moment, casting Bergdahl – and, ultimately, their President – as a traitor, and so far, absolutely nobody has questioned them about any possible agenda.

    Korder, for example, appeared on Britain’s Channel 4 news yesterday where he was interviewed by the usually excellent Krishnan Guru-Murthy – but not once was he questioned about a possible personal agenda, or about his efforts to profit from his media tour.

  34. Anonymous3:09 PM

    4/24/2014 Bowe Bergdahl, Captive U.S. Soldier, May Be Traded By Taliban: Military Officials
    About two dozen officials at the State and Defense departments, the military's U.S. Central Command, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Special Operations Command, the CIA and FBI are working the case — most of them doing it alongside their other duties, a defense official said.
    Bergdahl's captors are anxious to release him, according to a defense official and a military officer, who both spoke to The Associated Press only on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case publicly.
    "Elements in all echelons — from the top of the Taliban down to the folks holding Bergdahl — are reaching out to make a deal," the defense official said.

  35. Anonymous3:24 PM

    If Obama had refused to make the deal, John McCain, Marco Rubio and others would be climbing over each other to denounce President Obama for violating the sacred trust that the military has with each soldier. Tea Party supporters would be waving signs about how Obama is anti-American and contemptuous of the military and its traditions.

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      It is only Obama, Obama, Obama.... the State and Defense departments, U.S. Central Command, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Special Operations Command, the CIA and FBI had nothing to do with it.

  36. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Canada must be all over this story. The families decided to make the videos public now, in light of the publicity surrounding the weekend rescue of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was freed from Taliban custody in exchange for the release of five high-level Taliban suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Well Canada seems to have their share of sickos. Right up Sarah's alley, this one.

      Inside they found a multi-tool and a wrench covered in blood. Legebokoff claimed that he had been poaching - but the constable asked why the items were covered in blood.

      'He said they took turns clubbing it [the alleged deer] to death,' Kehler told the court.

      When Kehler asked Legebokoff if he did much poaching, he replied: 'Yeah, I'm a redneck. That’s what we do for fun.'

      That and killing people in cold blood.

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Canada may want to leave that man with the kidnappers. It will all be our President's fault what ever happens, just ask a RWNJ.

    3. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Bristol Palin is a great activist when it comes to bringing attention for people who need to be rescued. I am shocked Bristol hasn't already done numerous posts about the pregnant American woman (Caitlan Coleman) who went missing in Afghanistan in late 2012. Bristol loves babies she is not going to stand by and do nothing for that innocent child born to an American mother. A child that is now living as a captive.

      She can do one of her Malia and Sasha shout outs, or Mr. President why won't you do what John McCain would do and use Sarah Palin? No vetting necessary.

      It is alright when Sarah Palin lies about her physical condition to achieve a highly regarded position as a running mate. Shouldn't this small time crook also be rewarded, too, for being clever and getting money through fraud? Why is she charged with two counts of felony theft? She only defrauded the public out of $35,000.

  37. SHARON3:46 PM

    Honestly....I can't watch the news anymore, I am too sad as this story is all they talk about. I read the Michael Hastings 7 pg story about this he wrote years ago...if u remember this is the Rolling Stone reporter that ousted a general, may he RIP. It really adds to the background story of this young man. His upbringing, his moral compass...the absolute disillusionment of our military mission which he was sold in order to join. The abject disdain of our men to the Afghan people they were supposedly there to help...witnessing a boy being run over by one of our trucks...killed and then laughed about. I think this young man had such strong views about morality and that all human life is precious and found himself in hell....literally. He watched the worst people get rewarded and anyone that spoke truth was punished. It always comes back to who got this country in this mess? Who created this intense hatred of Americans? These are the same lying hypocrites free to foam at the mouth on Fox news 24/7 with the rest of our national media repeating talking points....its just too much. I am taking a break.

  38. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Welcome home celebration in honor of freed POW Bowe Bergdahl is CANCELLED after local Army commander calls it a 'monstrous profanity'

    'It would be, however, a monstrous profanity if a public ceremony, financed by public money, were to be held.'

    ‘It would be more monstrous still if this ceremony were to, in any way, heap undeserved adulation on Bergdahl, or to adopt the sickly hue of ostentatious jingoism that all too often colors such occasions.’


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