Sunday, June 08, 2014

Oklahoma gun dealer: "Open Carry Tarrant County is like the demonic offspring of Westboro Baptist Church and Boko Haram.”

Courtesy of Americans Against the Tea Party:

“Rich,” an Oklahoma gun dealer who runs a YouTube channel where he discusses a variety of gun-related topics, is a strong advocate of open carry. In fact, he approves of it so much that he recently spoke out about the situation that has recently been developing in Texas–in an unexpected manner! 

Rich enjoys his right to openly carry a handgun but clearly draws a distinction between openly carrying and carrying for attention, saying: 

“So now I have a f*cking AR strapped across my chest, and I’m walking through Walmart with my Tasty Treats, okay? What do I look like now? Well first off, I look like an a*shole, okay? Plain and simple. I look like an a*shole. Second, I look like a f*ckin’ psycho . . . I look like a lunatic right now. Quite honestly, if I walked into Walmart like this, even here in Oklahoma, the first thing that’s gonna happen is people are gonna flip plum the f*ck out. The second thing that’s going to happen is those people who are flipping plum the f*ck out are calling 911, and then the cops are going to show up, and I’m going to be ‘all surprised’ about it. No I’m not. I expect that to happen. Why? Because I’m carrying a f*cking AR in Walmart. Seriously.” 

Rich shared the difference between gun rights advocates like him and ammosexual terrorists like those who belong to Open Carry Tarrant County: 

“. . . The point is, is that people should be able to eat their burritos in peace without a bunch of neck beards carrying ARs and AKs around. And just recently, they invaded a Target store. Now I’m gonna get a lot of flack for this, I get it, but here’s the thing: Open Carry Tarrant County is like the demonic offspring of Westboro Baptist Church and Boko Haram.”

See now we're talking!

You know somehow I don't think that Rich and I would agree on too many things politically, however he is dead right that these Open Carry guys are really not doing 2nd Amendment advocates any favors.

It is one thing to want to protect your right to own, or even conceal carry a firearm, and quite another to walk around looking like some extra in an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.

I have said it before, I hope these open carry imbeciles keep it up, it is good for our side, but I can certainly understand the frustration of gun dealers and pro-gun advocates who see these guys as a detriment to their cause or their livelihoods.

Now the only question remaining is, can the less radical pro-gun advocates convince the Open Carry misfits that they are essentially working for the other side.

Doubtful since even the NRA had to retract their criticism.


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Yeah, well, the NRA showed exactly who they are by that retraction.

    Oh, and Gryph? The Nuge is back at it.......

    1. Nugent is just an old, over-the-hill fucking dinosaur troll with a facial complexion only slightly better than his rage-a-holic soulmate, Stupid Sarah.

      Those two losers make professional wrestlers appear credible and creative by conparison. Ted and Sarah are so lame with their boring, worn-out cliches and old tired-ass schtick. The GOP knows these fringe asswipes are bad for business and hate having these idiots hung around the Repug Party's neck. But the GOP needs to be reminded frequently that they OWN all these clowntards.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:23 PM

      Ted still likes them young. Is this resounding endorsement a case of Sarah Palin's Curse by proxy?

    3. Anita Winecooler6:24 PM

      Is this the Palin Curse in a Munchauser by Proxy kind of way? The nuge still likes them on the youngish side. They deserve each other.

  2. Anonymous12:40 PM

    The Tea Party/NRA is comprised of the very dumb and the corporate agitators.

  3. Caroll Thompson12:56 PM

    This fellow is going to get death threats and possibly worse for his words. But good for him. Common sense is always a good thing and something that is sorely lacking these days. I certainly don't want to be anywhere near nuts with loaded rifles.

  4. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Breaking news: 5 dead in Las Vegas ambush; 2 cops, 2 shooters, 1 civilian. Witnesses told police one yelled “This is the start of a revolution” before shooting the officers. The shooters then stripped the officers of their weapons and ammunition and went into the Walmart at 201 North Nellis.

  5. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Las Vegas Review Journal story:

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      “Tell the Police the Revolution Has Begun”

      First,the Gabrielle Giffords story/photo. Now this. I just can't take anymore.......

  6. Anonymous2:20 PM

    "I have said it before, I hope these open carry imbeciles keep it up..."

    I respectfully disagree Gryph, because it's only a matter of time before two opposing factions of these lunatics--each convinced of their righteousness and unable to recognize each other as "good guys"--meet up in a packed supermarket, only to take out each other and dozens of innocent shoppers: men, women, and children.

    I hope this insanity ends soon, without further bloodshed, but I have the very real feeling that i will be disappointed yet again.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Anonymous 2:20, I think it has already happened.... 2:20 I think it has already happened...

  7. Anonymous3:08 PM

    To think these mass murders started in 1983 with Perry Smith opening fire in a South Carolina post office, hence the term "going postal." Thirty-one years ago.........and monkey see, monkey do, try to outdo the last guy and leave a name for yourself.

    I will never get over the gun sights....oh, excuse me, "surveyors' marks," that Palin put up on her Facebook page, how Gabby Giffords spoke out about it, and shot in the head. How, after the Sandy Hook shootings, she said she bought pimp Tawd a "big gun" because she could in honor of it.

    There just are no words anymore.

    1. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Karma is coming. She will reap what she sows.

  8. ajweishar3:30 PM

    The funniest part of this discussion is the fact that a lit cigarette in a store can get you cited. A loaded rifle is not a problem. To the rest of the world Americans are more afraid of cigarette smoke than heavily armed shoppers. Look for the Taliban to start ordering cases of Camel cigarettes, instead of explosives.

    1. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Approximately ten years ago a Parisienne gentlemen asked me why Americans were more concerned about cigarette smoking then their children taking guns to school. Not to minimize the harm of cigarette smoke he had a point about guns and children.

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      In Las Vegas people were shot in a restaurant. Sometimes I consider not leaving my house since nuts must bring their assault weapons to the store and do not care if crazier people massacre strangers.

  9. Anonymous4:40 PM

    We don't hear from enough of these guys who are actually knowledgeable and straight-up safety-minded.

    The gun nutters will be referring to Rich as one of those elite, common-sense RINO pussies.

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      I don't understand the NRA and how they would think an internationally known for all the wrong reasons insane nut case is good for their business. ???? I am glad NRA/Palin are connected. What's in it for the NRA in the long term? ????

  10. ibwilliamsi5:28 PM

    I'm really not looking forward to the "Update" on this story.

  11. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

    Off Topic

    Just another example of journalistic integrity, Fox News Style.

    Hi Chris. The answer is "No". question?.

  12. Anonymous7:32 PM

    It's always a plus for the NRA when the gun nuts kill police. Wayne LaPierre is so proud.

  13. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Just another Walmart and family values story.

    Married white supremacist shooters who killed two cops and a female bystander yelled 'this is a revolution' as they fired, then draped the bodies in 'Don't Tread On Me' flags before 'suicide pact'


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