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"Well shit. Let's just focus on the win." |
While pig mutilator Joni Ernst won her Iowa Senate Primary, Mississippi's Chris McDanial is now likely going into a run off with longtime Senator Thad Cochran, and New Jersey's Steve Lonegan got crushed. Again.
So what's a political prognosticator to do in a situation like this? Especially when we all know she hates the idea of sore winners rubbing victories in the noses of the losers.
Well she ignores the one loss, declares the other two races victories, and goes on to rub people's noses in them.
Courtesy of Facebook:
Congratulations, Joni Ernst! This hardworking mama grizzly will be a great representative for the GOP in this fall’s general election, so it’s time for all to come together to send this proud farmer, combat vet, constitutional conservative to Washington to join the good guys in the Senate who fight for us.
That snorting and squealing you hear tonight (http://youtu.be/p9Y24MFOfFU)? That would be D.C.’s big spenders making their noise in anticipation of a Joni Ernst victory as Iowa leads that #Roaring2November #Together!
- Sarah Palin
Yes well, that's certainly a dignified response.
As for Chris McDaniel in Mississippi, Palin had this to say:
Chris McDaniel has run a great race, and tonight's unbelievably tight numbers will likely send Chris into a run-off that will help determine our nation's future – so thank you, Mississippi! The Magnolia State will have more time to consider the significant issues facing us and to really reflect on why it is imperative our republic be defended with conservative leadership.
The U.S. Senate needs this constitutional conservative! Tonight is a victory for grassroots conservatives who came together and shocked the political world. Together, mighty Mississippians can send this son of Mississippi to fight for all of us.
- Sarah Palin
Of course what Palin is not saying is that if her chosen candidate wins it will give the Democrats the only chance they have had in decades for getting a Democrat elected to the Senate from Mississippi, and that if he loses the runoff might damage Cochran's reputation and drain his finances to the point that he too would be vulnerable.
And what about Steve Lonegan?
Here's Palin's reply to that question.
Of course the real lesson to take away from last night's primaries is that Sarah Palin really did not help ANY of them.
Ernst received substantive help from a number of political heavyweights and conservative groups:
Ernst’s campaign spent around $1 million but also got sizable outside air cover from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Senate Conservatives Fund and others.
Ernst won backing from an eclectic coalition of Republicans. Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio each visited the Hawkeye State to stump for her.
With Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney in the mix it is nigh impossible to give Palin much credit for this.
McDaniel of course had the support of Tea Party groups like the Club For Growth, Senate Conservatives Fund, Citizens United, and Tea Party Express. So Palin was only one voice among many, and by the way Thad Cochran is as old as dirt, and probably running his last campaign.
And even with all of that going for him McDaniel STILL could not reach that magical 50% which would have secured his nomination.
The one candidate who desperately needed a heavy hitter to endorse him, was Steve Lonegan. And let's face it, Palin's endorsement did him NO favors.
So what does this mean going forward? Especially if McDaniel loses the runoff, and Joni Ernst goes down in flames in November?
Remember this is Sarah Palin, and Sarah Palin does not learn from mistakes.
Which means that in the next election cycle there will be this aged, emaciated figure, dressed in teeny-bopper clothing, appearing on stage with ANY desperate conservative politician who will still have her, waving her fake pom poms and clinging onto that political stripper pole in a desperate attempt to remain relevant.
It will be like bring your grandmother to work day at the titty bar.
I may have to start drinking more if I am going to continue covering her molasses like fall from popularity.
Gryphen - Ernst won her IOWA Primary, not Ohio. And I think Ernst is "a combat veteran" like Track is "a combat veteran." She was in Kuwait during the start of the Iraq war and her unit ran convoys into Iraq. In no way do I mean to denegrate her service but I think if she was "a combat veteran" in the sense that most people understand that phrase, she would describe herself as such. And she doesn't.
ReplyDeleteThank you for that correction. I make that mistake ALL of the time.
DeleteI actually got it right in the tags, but messed it up in the body of the post.
I thought women were still not allowed to serve in combat - certainly not during Desert Storm. Isn't it under discussion?
DeleteTypical GOP though - against women's rights until it benefits them to pretend they support it.
How ostentatious of her in that pic, with the Chik-fil-A t-shirt on. She really wants attention. No one in their right mind, who, is a celebrity, wants to attend a game or races and advertise themselves, "Look at ME!!!!" and SEE me, the famous walking commercial/political board; Here I am in your midst, look at my wonderful clever 'concerned-about-your-welfare self. I'm surprised she didn't have a little donation basket in her hand.
ReplyDeletePalin today reminds me of Phyllis Schafly who was once a major voice in the anti-ERA movement. Phyllis eventually destroyed her own credibility when she took advantage of others' hard work and enrolled in law school and became a constitutional lawyer. While she was off making speeches against the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s, she stood in direct contradiction to what she espoused: that women should not have equal rights; they should stay home and raise their families and be subservient to men. Now, she is old and but a foolish footnote in Women's History. At least she got a good education and raised a well-educated family. She even showed support for her gay son.
ReplyDeleteSarah is riding that old 2008 war horse as long as she can. Unlike Shafley, Sarah has remained an uneducated boor. While Shafley was successful in her efforts to stop the ERA Amendment, women have continued to make strides in equality. Sarah has accomplished nothing except to foster hate and negativity.
Not only that, but much as I despise Schlafly, she does appear to have some, archaic and rigid, but standards of grooming, hygiene and fashion. Put SChlafly in a room with Palin and Shlafly would keep her distance and make the QEII "there's a turd under my nose" disapproving face.
DeleteIs Shlafly the one who said that the ERA would dictate shared bathrooms? Or was that the orange juice queen.
DeleteUg! This piece of hog waste makes me sick and ashamed of my state. Iowa used to be a terrific place to be. Until these fake xtian fuckers started taking over.
ReplyDeleteConstitutional conservative? What the hell does that even mean? Define it sorry sarah. You said it, you define it.
Jo-neeeee keeps saying she's running on Iowa values. Again, what the fuck does that even mean? Define it, Jo-neeeee. I think she means she's running on Jo-neee Ernst values. She wants to force HER values on every one else, (Steve King ring a bell?) My way or the highway, who does that remind you of? Newsflash: most Iowans don't want a damn thing to do with these fake xtians and their so called values. Shove YOUR gawd down my throat, I'll chew it up and spit it right back in your face.
Now I'm off to make a brand new Jo-neee voodoo doll and buy some super sharp, long, needles. Time to prick away.
Indiana can lend you Pence - he's a prick par excellence.
DeleteWell, if Joneee is not representing Iowa's values, then just WHY did they vote overwhelmingly for her?
DeleteIf you are correct in your statement, then you NEED TO join the GOTV movement and get people of like mind like yours to register and then VOTE in November!
Anon 8:29
DeleteI see the same thing in my state. Most GOP primaries bring out their scary base. Always does. Believe it when someone says it--the base of the republican party would crawl out of the depths of hell to vote AGAINST progress. Joni
represents that. But these same people won't vote in the general--because the candidates have to act a bit saner if they are running for the US senate. Not enough blood in the water for them.
But you are dead on--we all need to join a GOTV movement because the alternative is a republican house and senate--then we are all done for.
8:29- it was a GOP primary! So your question and comment are not only rude to 7:00 , they show ignorance.
Delete@Anon 8:29
DeleteWhy did they vote for her overwhelmingly? Simple. It was a repube PRIMARY! There are far too many wing nuts in every state and the ones that vote are among the wingiest. Therefore the idiot with the Iowa values.
No Democratic opponents. Only Crazies and worse crazies.
That would be teenybopper clothing with a trailer trash flair.
ReplyDeleteThe insufferable witch endorsed joni after her silly pigdic commercial. Now she wants to re-brand joni as some sort of grizzly. Who asked her to? All her comic images are juvenile and stupid. So middle-school and her writings are just as horrible. Dumbass.
ReplyDeleteI don't give her credit because she crashed joni's endorsement.
she still remains the kid who went the other way when Pied Piper came to town.
In the first photo, she looks like she had a rough weekend, babysitting ALL her illigitimate grandkids. Looks like they snatched off her wig, and threw it around also, too.
DeleteErnst will go down in flames, with or without Palin's "help." And Palin, for her part, will not take ownership of any loss, just as she refuses to take ownership for anything she does or says.
ReplyDelete7:00 Was the turn-out small than what was expected? This makes me sick too. joni is a silly fool. she is on the bachmann level of dumbass.
ReplyDeleteHey GoL, yes, I believe it was smaller than expected. We are up north but according to the weather person and the maps they showed, the bottom three quarters of the state got blasted with heavy rain and all of the goodies that go with it. We just had nice gentile showers with none of the hazardous bullshit.
DeleteThe primaries don't seem to be a big deal any more. There were five R candidates running. Most people concentrate on the Nov. elections. Iowa, like most states, is so sick and tired of the never ending 24/7 campaigning. It NEVER ends.
I can't stand her either. Just another teabagger that wants to run every body else's life. I am getting soooo sick of this shit. The bat shit crazy is way out of hand and getting worse every day.
Just goes to show that there's a lot of stupid people out there,
ReplyDeleteThey are the lowest of the low.
ReplyDeleteDespicable Republicans Are Deleting Their Previous Praise of Bowe Bergdahl
Republicans are proving that their desperation for an Obama scandal is limitless by frantically deleting their previous praise of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl from the Internet.
...The “Bergdahl scandal” isn’t going to catch fire, because John Boehner and the Republicans had already admitted that they know about the swap for three years before it happened. This is another sleazy attempt to distract voters from focusing on the terrible job that congressional Republicans have done.
The Bowe Bergdahl Story Is Right-Wing Crack
DeleteNever mind that Bush would have done the same as Obama. Republicans are hitting the pipe big time on the ‘deserter’—and their creepy bottom line is that he should have been left to die.
Bowe Bergdahl and the Politics of Shamelessness
DeleteThere are times I think the Right can’t sink any lower. Surely it has reached its nadir and will just wallow in its self-imposed muck. There’s nothing it can do which would shock the conscience or incense the soul. Birtherism, rooting for citizens to not get health care, swearing fealty to the NRA after thousands die each year from gun murders. The list goes on, and it makes for sad reading.
However, I’ve learned to put aside my disbelief and prepare myself for the descent into the next circle of hell.
Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s release should have been a moment of unity. The one US soldier held captive by the Taliban was coming home. For that we gave up five Taliban prisoners, who will be locked up in velvet confinement in Qatar, unable to “take the field” against the US and its allies.
But, true to form, the Right—which had called for years for Sgt. Bergdahl’s release—saw not a moment of unity, but an opportunity to mount another frontal assault against Barack Obama.
Negotiating With Terrorists
DeleteAre we really going to do this?
Is this what it’s finally come down to, is it really?
Look at yourselves, you silly selfish bastards.
Look. At. Yourselves.
Go on, do it, find a mirror and look into your own dead zombie eyes and see the empty void looking back.
This revolting, disgusting display of hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy, is this what we’ve finally become?
Are we now so filled with foul bilious hatred, are we now so consumed with soul-destroying fear, do we now despise our own selves so much that we would actually protest the return of one of our own? Is that it?
Is that what we’ve become?
If so, then the sooner America collapses of its own maggot-ridden gangrenous rot, the better.
DeleteIt is hard to fathom. Major elements of the once-proud Republican Party have stooped so low that they are systematically attacking an American prisoner of war because they believe it discredits their political adversaries.
Only one word serves to properly describe such behavior: despicable. And the mainstream media outlets that have enabled this attack by taking it seriously are not much better.
When Fox News Declared War on a Military Family
...They couldn't have foreseen it because I don't think it's ever happened before. I don't think we've ever seen a dedicated media campaign to not only undermine a returning prisoner of war, but to also cast doubt onto the soldier's family; to portray them as un-American even as they prepare for their reunion.
Instead, Fox News has helped transform the prisoner swap involving Taliban detainees into "an increasingly vicious partisan issue," as Buzzfeed described the Republican decision to go into relentless attack mode, complete with enlisted publicists and strategists, to subvert the return of an American POW.
It's symptomatic of a conservative media mini-mob that now obsessively politicizing everything, and does it all with the knob turned up to 11.
Haven't had a chance to put my biohazard suit on and wade in the Pond to see how they're reacting to this, but I'll bet they were full of adoring praise when the Queen and !!TAWD!! held their little public prayer circle for Pvt. Bergdahl a few years ago...
That was the best rant I've read in a LONG time! And I couldn't agree more with every damn word of it.
DeleteSorry, could not edit my comment after publishing--meant Sgt. Bergdahl.
DeleteThe small town where the POW family lives are all behind them. If they were anti American, surely their neighbors would know. The politicians have NEVER given the President one moment's rest, constant criticism from day one. They do not care how asinine they look, so the $$$$ must be HUGE for them.
Delete@ 8:11 of this post.
DeleteI will go out on a limb here and say I'll bet you support Israel fully. If that's the case, you are being so freaking contradictory it isn't even possible to grasp it entirely.
Like the US, they have always had a no soldier left behind policy - even traitors unless they fight not he other side's team. And they negotiate with terrorists all the time to get ONE of theirs back. Even going so far as to release hundreds of terrorists to get one back.
He is probably going to face charges of desertion as I understand it, but even so, the evidence says nothing (that has been publicized) about actually fighting with the other side.
WE GET OUR PEOPLE BACK! It is so obvious from your rant that you never were a combat soldier. And if by some chance you actually were, I bet you had some "buddies" who weren't too happy to have you around with that attitude.
Screw the fact that they were terrorists we negotiated with! Even charged with desertion, HE IS ONE OF OURS!
Leland @2:05 please read 8:11 again. Your rant is misdirected.
DeleteI agree, she has no influence. Nada, none. Only she thinks she does. Haha, What an image in next few years primaries, old hag in teeny bopper clothing. hahaha
ReplyDeleteYou'd really think the GOP is paying Old Ma Palin for her endorsements and RAM's scribblings, wouldn't you? What's in it for Sarah? She certainly has no genuine feelings towards these candidates she doesn't know... remember the token black in Oklahoma whose name she didn't know?
ReplyDeleteBy the way, ladies: you don't castrate hogs, you castrate piglets. Babies. That's how tough Joni is, she can out-wrestle a piglet..
Thanks for the clarification. She's a hog wrestler like Sarah is a caribou Hunter. Fakes, the both of them.
DeletePalin really gets off on anybody who kills or mutilates animals. Am I right?
DeleteShe is a hefty woman, looks like a full grown hog wouldn't stand a chance with her!!
DeleteIf you can do anything, ANYTHING, to hasten those molasses and get permanently rid of her Gryphen, I will buy you any libations you want and ship them all the way to AK to your front door. Heck, I might even bring them up there!
ReplyDeleteI say keep Sarah alive and in the news as much as possible. She is the hard religious right's worst nightmare from hell. Sarah hates, and I mean hates, it. Most of her income is gobbled up by legal and consulting fees (the indignity of going to an auto show eats her alive to this day!).
DeleteSarah tried to destroy RAM by leaking photos. Rebecca counter-punched. Brains beat bullshit. Every single time. "Get thee to the auto show or else!"
Sarah does exactly what Sarah is told to do.
"Pay me!"
No shit, 9:02 AM, and she can't keep anything straight in that drug-addled brain of hers, hence all the word salad.
DeleteI snort every time I think of her likening herself to Ivana Trump. "Be careful what you pray for, you just might get it," Exhibit A.
"I may have to start drinking more if I am going to continue covering her molasses like fall from popularity."
Then please allow me to provide the wine.
I LOVE how you get under her (plastic) skin, Gryph!
Romney endorsed Ernst.
ReplyDeleteThat's why she won.
Yup! If Grandma Titty Bar was still THAT influential, the Powers That Be wouldn't have had to yank MIttens out of mothballs to ship him to Iowa--her endorsement alone would have been enough to push BFF Joni over the finish line. I predict that if Ms. Ernst DOE$ win in November, we'll have a combo Bachmann-Palin clone in the Senate who will eventually screw the pooch--er, pig--and supernova out.
DeleteThat Chickfila pic is one of the best grandma crackskank pictures of Palin out there.
ReplyDeleteThat above photo of idiotic Palin should be sent out nationwide. So many - that don't really know her - or, are still focused or enamored on the very 'outdated' Sarah Palin of 2008, would be shocked and appalled!
ReplyDeleteShe taint what she use to be and has been proven to be nothing more than a liar, fraud and racist! She is a friggin mess!!
What.......you can't picture that as leader of the free world, 9:20 AM?!? Whassa madda u?
ReplyDeleted u a r
i t l o
o k u
t i n
s n d
DeleteI wonder if that photo bothers her. It certainly would chap my ass.
ReplyDeleteYes she is a chocolate mess for sure! Just an old bitter hag, trying to stay relevant by glomming onto any slight and beatingit within an inch of it's life! Go the fuck away seditionist Barbie! No one wants what your selling, hate, division, racist bullshit
ReplyDeleteNotice how her highness always posts pictures of her front-and-center in her endorsees photo ops?
Sarah Palin's Hog-Castrating Clone May Cost GOP Iowa’s Senate Seat if She Wins Primary
How high was she in that chik fil a shirt picture?
ReplyDeleteMighty mighty high.
If she wasn't so evil and mean, one could almost have pity for her now that her 'career' is in shreds. She built it so she'll have to live in it !!
ReplyDeleteErnst asked Mitt Romney and not Palin to come back to Iowa last week to help her campaign.
ReplyDeleteShould be interesting to see if any candidate is desperate enough to ask Palin to make a personal appearance before November.
The primary is one thing, the general is another.
For contrast , Gabby Gifford's PAC , Americans For Responsible Solutions ,
is supporting 11 candidates .
10 Democrats and one Republican, Susan Collins of Maine.
Gifford's PAC is supporting Rep. Bruce Braley, D-Iowa who is opposing Ernst .
The polls show Braley beating Ernst.
Gifford's Super PAC raised
14.5 million at the end of March and is expected to raise more than 20 million by November.
And how much did SarahPAC raise again ????
It's disgusting that Palin gets the media publicity while Giffords appears to be the real political powerhouse.
Glad to see that Sandra Fluke will advance to the November general election for a state Senate seat in California.