Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Sarah Palin cannot think of anything stupid enough to say about the return of Sgt. Bergdahl. Fortunately for her Bristol is a fount of ignorance.

Of course this was not quite dimwitted enough so Palin also had her Facebook ghostwriter jot this down:

Bristol posted an answer to supporters of Obama's terrorist negotiations to free the Taliban's Dastardly Dream Team in exchange for the sketchy "I'm-ashamed-to-be-American" Sgt. Bergdahl, who is accused by his fellow soldiers of deserting and denouncing America before going AWOL – a decision which cost other soldiers their lives as the Army mounted extensive operations to find Bergdahl after he abandoned his post. Sympathizers now tell the media Bergdahl can't be held to account anytime soon because he can't be interviewed... claiming he's forgotten how to speak English. Really? See below. Then # Call1-800-RosettaStone. 

Does anyone remember abused POWs like John McCain, Tom Moe, James Stockdale, Tom Kirk, and other American troops forgetting the English language during their years and years of brutal, inhumane captivity? Seems these war heroes returned to their beloved country not speaking Vietnamese, but speaking KickAss against those who would destroy the red, white, and blue. 

- Sarah Palin

You know if I were Palin I would not be so quick to use John McCain as an example.

This from Rolling Stone magazine:

McCain has also allowed the media to believe that his torture lasted for the entire time he was in Hanoi. At the Republican convention, Fred Thompson said of McCain's torture, "For five and a half years this went on." In fact, McCain's torture ended after two years, when the death of Ho Chi Minh in September 1969 caused the Vietnamese to change the way they treated POWs. "They decided it would be better to treat us better and keep us alive so they could trade us in for real estate," Butler recalls. 

By that point, McCain had become the most valuable prisoner of all: His father was now directing the war effort as commander in chief of all U.S. forces in the Pacific. McCain spent the next three and a half years in Hanoi biding his time, trying to put on weight and regain his strength, as the bombing ordered by his father escalated. By the time he and other POWs were freed in March 1973 as a result of the Paris Peace Accords, McCain was able to leave the prison camp in Hanoi on his own feet. 

In other words, unlike Bergdahl, McCain was treated quite well for the majority of his five years in captivity, and, also unlike Bergdahl, he was surrounded with fellow prisoners with whom he could converse with in English.

But here's the thing, there has been no official word as to whether or not Bergdahl is having trouble answering questions, nor if he is why he is. It's the parents who have suggested that he has forgotten how to speak English. 

But that may not be the reason, or at least not the ONLY reason.

This courtesy of CNN: 

Roy Hallums, a private contractor held by Iraqi insurgents for 10 months, said he didn't have trouble readjusting to English, but said he couldn't talk for a while because he had been forced to stay silent under threat of death. 

"It's like your vocal chords are like your muscles in your arms. If they don't get any use, they get out of shape," he told CNN's "New Day."

There are also reports that Bergdahl is quite ill, and suffering some emotional damage. So this may have less to do with a language barrier, than an actual physical or emotional impairment. 

I really don't know.

And because I don't know I would certainly not feel comfortable attacking him, or those who are trying to assist him.

But then again Sarah Palin, and her hateful offspring, are not exactly known for empathy.


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    CNN Catches John McCain Switching Positions on Prisoner Exchange


    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Many Rs have switched position, even deleting FB posts and tweets. I am so disgusted with this country I could scream.

    2. Anonymous6:14 PM

      the fact that bristol and sarah palin posted a mocking SELFIE which skank railed against just a few months ago and are openly MOCKING a prisoner of war who is still in hospital and being evaluated. a man/military member who obviously is going to have a long time adjusting to just being free again. they mock him and judge him and find him lacking and guilty without knowing all the facts as none of us do.

      this C4 FECKIN P idiots should prove without a doubt that sarah feckin palin is not running for any office again. this selfie with her and her daughter and that disgusting fb post prove without a doubt she has no intention of running anything but her mouth and the pac grift!

      she is the MOST DISGUSTING PERSON IN AMERICA. bar none.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:53 PM

      Things that make you say #WTF????

      Wonder if RAM read this one to Sarah during her weekly briefing in Arizonastan?

    4. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Coming from yo-yo mama dieters with sketchy health (FirstWorldProblems) and a very public record of poor English skills. Really.

    5. Anonymous7:57 PM

      barstool, the crosseyed skank
      and both their ghost writers need to be squared up and all punched right in the mouth - hard

    6. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Not all the Facebook comments are supportive of the Palin's views:-

      William BJ Agey You are all idiots and not true Americans. Support your country. The Palins should keep their anti american comments to theirselves.
      16 minutes ago · Like · 6

      Jess C Kennedy And the reason why people are ashamed to be an American is because of ignorant, judgemental, mean and bitter people like yourself and the rest of your judgemental followers.
      Bush negotiated with terrorists! He allowed bin Laden ' s family to flee from our country on 9/11/01 clearly you all have forgotten what bush did.

      Alan Janus No U.S soldier is left behind.....that's what makes are military great."..,unless you have served and experience combat....shut the F up....the only reason the haters are on this subject is because you dislike the President ....where have you been for the last five years....certainly not commenting about this soldier...and yes I'm an old vet16 mi

      Drew Noland If Sarah had brains she'd be dangerous
      23 minutes ago · Like · 2

      Jess C Kennedy Sarah Palin - you said back in 2009 that you would be praying for his return to America. And now you allow your daughter to proudly disrespect a man on service??
      23 minutes ago · Like · 4

      Lindsay Smith Couldn't agree more!!
      23 minutes ago · Like

      William BJ Agey You are all idiots and not true Americans. Support your country. The Palins should keep their anti american comments to theirselves.
      21 minutes ago · Like · 6

  2. Anonymous4:43 PM

    This soldier most likely had an emotional break before he was even captured. And let's remember, he is an actual COMBAT soldier that did more than hide and drive a jeep around a secure compound. Now why don't Brisket and the Grifter Granny shut the fuck up for 5 yrs and see if they can speak well.

    As for Bergdahl, he is still under medical care and as an Army Veteran my thoughts and well wishes are with him for a full recovery.

    As for Fucking liar McCain , his torture never lasted more than a few days before he sang and got special attention because of who his family was. Just about every Nam Vet you talk to knows someone that was in the Hanoi Hilton with him and knows this. That's why Granddad the Admiral got McCain's service records sealed while every other Nam Vets is open for public access.

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      As for Fucking liar McCain , his torture never lasted more than a few days before he sang and got special attention because of who his family was. Just about every Nam Vet you talk to knows someone that was in the Hanoi Hilton with him and knows this. That's why Granddad the Admiral got McCain's service records sealed while every other Nam Vets is open for public access.

      That is very worthwhile. I didn't know that about McCain.

    2. Anonymous8:20 PM

      No one in Sarah Palin's family drove a jeep around a secure compound. The officer that made those claims took them back and said Track Palin did not drive anyone around. No one said anything about what Track did. It is all a secret. Track Palin's service has to be hidden.

      Dr. Laura's son was cleared when investigated. He just disappeared for awhile except for a few photos with his buddies that showed he actually was in Afghanistan. No longer in combat, but he was there.

      Now Dr. Laura's son is going to marry the daughter of an Internal Auditor at United States Department of Defense who was once a Casino Auditor at Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe. A nice Minnesota family. Dr. Laura's son is enrolled in Pre-Med at UCLA.

      All Track has going for him is meeting Mario Lopez and the lie about he was able to drive officers, IT NEVER HAPPENED.

    3. Anonymous1:46 AM

      6:07 For the TRUE story of HERO McCain (yeah, some hero) google the Rolling Stone article written by Matt Taiibi. Quite an eye opener. I never had a lot of respect for little Johnny, but after reading that article, I was disgusted. He is as phony as %carah. He has coasted most of his life on the myth about his heroism. No wonder his military records are sealed. His medical records likely show he had STD's while in captivity also, too.

  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Krauthammer: Obama Didn’t Have to Go to Congress on Bergdahl


  4. Anonymous4:46 PM

    My google fu isn't working, I don't follow bristol of course, but all I can find is bristolsblog on twitter and it's not showing these tweets. A joke? (no need to publish me Gryph, maybe just let us know?) - SJP

  5. Anonymous4:47 PM

    How funny, neither of these idiots have even been out of the country for any length of time yet neither of them can speak English either.

    Also, too, since Mrs Palin has judged Bergdahl 'guilty' before all the facts are known, we shouldn't feel the least bit guilty of presuming she and her brood are guilty of EVERY negative thing we've heard about them. Frickin' lunatics, the pair of them.

    1. So true. When Sarah went to India with Bristol, she had Bristol Google when the good shopping was. Sarah has the intellectual curiosity of a mole.

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Shit for brains thought she was in Indiana looking for Larry Bird, god I hate that bitch.

    3. Anonymous7:03 PM

      DOn't you mean molerat?

  6. Anonymous4:49 PM

    So you're teaching Trig WTF now, Bristol? Gee, that will go over well in your custody hearing. You said years ago, to which we all laughed our cumulative @sses off, that you'd consider running for office. Is this the start of your political soon-to-be-history political career? What happened to your proud graduation from "hair school?" If your mother is any indication, you didn't learn a thing. As usual.

    Oh,and by the way, $arah? Courtesy of Malia Litman, here's your precious John McCain. 10 minutes long, well worth watching if your attention span is that long, you twit.


    1. Anita Winecooler6:47 PM

      Yep Hashtag WTF in faux christian, loosely translates to "Jesus Loves Me, the rest of the jury's still out"

  7. Wendy4:50 PM

    Just not sure quite what to say in response to the postings of either Palin. Are they dim-witted? Are they naive? Are they just not at all aware of how complicated and overwhelming it all might be, coming back into the military culrure, even in a hospital? Do they not have a shred of compassion in their natures? Oh, and, since when is Bristol an expert on matters concerning the military?

    1. Maple5:10 PM

      Dim-witted? Naive? Unaware? Compassion-less?
      Yes, to all of the above.

    2. Anonymous5:41 PM

      We're talking about a high school drop-out, the little whore down the street. Why does anyone give a rat's a$$ what she says.

    3. Anonymous6:46 PM

      They will use anything and anyone to #1 hate Obama, it's all his fault #2 say something nasty to get attention #3 say something political to keep donations coming into the PAC which pays all of them to be "consultants."

  8. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Like mother, like daughter!

    Not something to be proud of, Bristol! You need to get a life of your own outside of the influence of your mother. Like live in a completely different state, use your own money, learn to be independent, go back to school, increase your knowledge, get a good job that has depth and duration that could be an outstanding career. Be something you can be proud of attaining yourself!

    Politics and/or entertainment are the NOT the answer for you or your mother. You have time to grow, develop and change, Bristol.

    Your mother is NOT the example you should be following at this point in your life. She will lead you nowhere!

    1. But she spent her money on a brand new pontoon, a mansion on the dead lake, another in Arizona. See, saving for the future is as foreign to these twits as getting educated is...only for 'the elites.' I am so looking forward to Sarah's slush funds drying up, to the Tea Party going down in flames, and to these women returning to their pitiful lives.

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Bristol will never change. I knew she was in when she got her Leno chin, Sue, that they tried to pass off as a jaw problem. What a pile of horse dung.

    3. Anonymous6:44 PM

      The pity is that Bristol has no example of a work ethic to follow. Her mother did not work hard as governor. Other people did all of the work for Sarah, making her look good, and she took credit for the work that her staff did. Bristol was handed life on a silver platter, without deserving a TV show, a ghost written book, a condo, houses and DWTS. Sarah has found a way to keep those donations flowing into her PAC. In return,all she does is write some endorsements, show up at some rallies if they pay her way, speak at a high school, and the rare appearance on Fox. What a racket.

    4. Anonymous7:52 PM

      The pity is she went for it. I can get a GED, have illegitimate kids, be a Candies rep that never turned out, be on DWTS that I sucked at, two reality shows that I sucked at, and get paid for it all because i stood on stage pregnant with my second? Look at my LIFE! I'm rolling in the money. Thanks, Mom!

    5. Anonymous10:44 PM

      Oh, excuse me....I work in a dermatologist's office and have for years. To all of you who don't believe it , I send you the finger.

    6. Anonymous1:53 AM

      Bristles needs to learn a couple of things #1 Keep your mouth shut about things you know NOTHING about, which is just about everything. #2 Keep your damn LEGS closed.

  9. angela4:52 PM

    I don't give a flying crap why the kid is quiet or what he did to get captured by the Taliban---Fuck anyone who doesn't think we should not have gotten this man out of the hands of his captors.

    And a double fuck to dumb ass, no talent Bristol who never met a man she wouldn't ride and who thinks she has anything valid to say about anything. And being that her insane clown mother barely speaks english she needs to shut up--forever.


    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Why can't you criticize Bristol Palin for her ignorant comments without slut-shaming her as well? Her comments about Bergdahl have ZERO to do with her sexual history. Shame on her, but also shame on you for your misogyny, and for making me defend someone I loathe..

    2. Anonymous7:02 PM


    3. Anonymous7:06 PM

      You're right 5:54 she has a right to all the sex she wants. however, safe, non-productive sex - otherwise, she's an idiot. .

    4. Anon 5:45
      Normally I do not do it. Normally I don't ever comment on Bristol. I always figure she can't help that she was raised by a wolf. Actually I hate the word slut shaming. But frankly its not slut shaming if that person does it to other women and has no qualms about being a hypocrite telling other women how to behave. basis. I figure its just the truth. I break the rules for hypocrites. Ugly--but there it is.

    5. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Except they slt shame every woman that is not them.

    6. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Shit for brains 5:45......We are allowed to shame the Candies Spox. As long as she holds herself up as an example, I'll shame the bitch

    7. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Sorry, we can slut shame Barstool all we want. She had one, two maybe three kids out of wedlock. Made a bunch of money off of proclaiming to be abstinent after having said children and then has been a blind item more than a couple times because she was out drinking and whoring around. Remember, she told Oprah back in 2010 that she wasn't going to have sex until she got married. She's a liar and a whore and deserves every bit of slut-shaming and derision that is piled upon her lazy ass.

    8. Anonymous10:28 PM

      Oh PLEASE, 5:45...like mother like daughter.
      Can you not see this?

    9. Anonymous10:31 PM

      She's a slut, if it walks like duck, quack like......

    10. Anonymous1:56 AM

      Well used, that's for sure. Her reputation is in the sewer. She should shut up, go raise all her kids, and try to get an education. Momma's $$$$ are drying up, soon they will all have to put those "work ethics" (supposedly they have them) to work.

    11. Anonymous4:45 AM

      Bristol uses sex to get what she wants.
      Then, She uses the resulting pregnancy and child to get what she wants.

      She's manipulative and psychotic.

    12. Anonymous5:38 AM

      I would like to hear from one of the trial husbands, WHY they left? Isn't she supporting them while they live with her and her kids? Seems she is one of those "easy" girls guys use, then find someone with a good reputation to marry. Poor Bristles, always the unwed mommy, never the bride.

  10. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Oh yes I remember that johnny McCain fellow.....the one in desperation ask that looney lousy quitting scrawny utt ....our sary from wasilly to be guest vp on the election ticket. For the love of laughter that was the ultimate joke. Sarah Palin as VP? are your fucking kidding me? A washed up has been scum bucket? sarah palin? really Johnny? sarah? omg was a mistake or actually a blessing. Both johnny and sary are bad history. So brassy if ya can read.....read all about it......yo momma be a joke yoke.

  11. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Lonegen getting blown out of the water

    MacArthur 61%; Lonegan 39%

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Election Central:


    2. Anonymous5:17 PM

      So far, Sarah's tea boy is losing in Mississippi...


      And that asshole, Lonegan, in NJ is on a big losing streak. The Palin Curse lives on:


  12. Linda4:55 PM

    Using hashtags like WTF and phrases like "kick ass" seem so unprofessional and crude to me. I do use that language among my friends, but I'd never do it publicly or in my work life because I would worry that I'd offfend someone. Having grown up in a fundamentalist church, no one used language like that and I would have been in huge trouble if I had. Since Bristol and her mother are supposedly very Christian and supposedly used to go to a fundamentalist church, how can this kind of language be appropriate for them to use? Do the fundies approve of crude, rude street urchin talk now? This really causes cognitive dissonance for me!

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Neither of them ever goes to any church, and you have only to look at the way they live their lives to know that they are completely lacking in Christian values. WTF describes the moral standards of both mother and daughter perfectly.

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Arrested Development

    3. Anonymous11:19 PM

      Remember....that's Sarah talking...that's how she speaks using "Bristol's" blog as her second platform. She uses her children at every opportunity and always will. As long as Bristol gets cars, houses, money & boats through Mommy what would Bristol care? Sad thing is that Bristol follows her mother's example because that is all she knows and is raising Tripp the same way - through BRIBERY.

    4. Anonymous2:00 AM

      I wonder if Franklin Graham would approve? He is another phony also, too.

  13. Anonymous4:55 PM

    This from a nitwit who did not know how to put a condom on her partner(s)....throwing them "stones" is NEVER the Christian thing to do....

    1. Anonymous2:02 AM

      She could not even remember to take birth control pills. Wasn't she on them at 14 for "female problems"? Her "problem" is she can not keep her legs closed. Or her mouth, obviously.

  14. Bergdahl!! Benghazi!! Berghazi!! Bendahi!!

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Hey Michael, Reddit is on it...All Benghazi, All the Time.

      It's a subreddit that is mocking the r/conservatives subreddit for the things they say. It's also a way for people to vent on how easily the conservatives ban people if they don't like their comments. Some pretty funny (and frighteningly stupid) stuff to be found here. Gryph, you'll enjoy it too!


    2. Anonymous6:40 PM

      People are not responding to Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi. The people actually might like the way that Obamacare is working out for them. This is all that they have, poor Bergdahl. They seem to forget that McCain was tortured and sold out to the enemy to avoid the beatings and pain.

    3. Anonymous2:03 AM

      Faux is losing viewers who are sick of Benghazi all the time.

  15. Anonymous5:01 PM

    There are very, very, very few experts in how to recover from a prolonged Prisoner Of War experience. My father's WWII German POW camps were hellish, but he always spoke feelingly of conversations with ex-POWs from Japanese camps which were worse.

    To make any assumptions about what a POW has suffered and will continue to suffer throughout the remainder of their lifetime, is not right. John McCain _might_ have had some relief in the later years of his captivity, but I think it is wrong to assume that it was still anything less than hellish.

    Bristol Palin should talk to a lot of POWs before thinking she knows anything about the topic. She is being used for political purposes by the people around her. She needs to wake up and grow a spine.

    Sarah Palin should just sit down and shut up. Her stupidity is aggressive. She intends to inflict pain. She disgusts me.

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      I had an Uncle in a German POW camp and one that survived the Baatan death march. The one in the German camp at least got fed. It took yrs off their lives and changed them greatly, they were never the same.

      Fuck the Palins, any of 'em, all of 'em.

    2. Anonymous6:17 PM

      "She intends to inflict pain." She 'needs' to inflict pain. Revenge is all that drives her, it's all she has left.

    3. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Being a POW is a terrible terrible experience. Our next door neighbor was held in a German POW camp for several years. Many years later, he still cried about the memories that came back to haunt him. No, the Palins are so insensitive that they cannot imagine the psychological torture and the physical torture these people endure. Sarah and Bristol are so selfish and self-centered that they have no compassion and no understanding.

    4. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Sarah and Bristol are the lowest form of what can pass for "human". More like sub-human.
      McCain fell into the ocean from the sky. Of course he felt hellish, no one is saying it wasn't a bad ordeal. Most of his life he had been a careless reckless, self-centered, dumb, cavalier, ass. He is a liar and a crook. Destroys and hurts many people. Yes, he was a spoiled brat and was not treated like the others when captured. Since he was a horrible pilot, what an idiot. His family was Navy and they created a monster.
      Later he was an ass to his fellow POWs.
      McCain was set up by the mob, he has always been dirty.
      He treats women outside his family horrible, sometimes his family.

      He gets on comittees and passes or blocks what he is paid to do.

      He works for those with money, not we the people.

    5. Anonymous2:08 AM

      Had he followed orders like his fellow pilots, he would not have been shot down. The alarm in the cockpit was blaring, he ignored it when the others returned to base. Cocky little Johnny kept going, and was shot down. Then, he did not follow orders for ejecting, when the pilot is supposed to roll themselves into a ball, keeping arms and legs close to the body. So, his leg was broken. Sounds so much more heroic saying the enemy broke his legs, eh? Phony, little, reckless person.

    6. Anonymous5:46 AM

      Here is a little tidbit about hero Little Johnny Mac. He was flying in a valley in Italy too low. His plane severed the electrical cables between the villages, shutting all their power down. Of course, he got away with that, too, since his Daddy and Granpa were so high ranking naval officers. Anyone else would have been court martialed. He also crashed at least 4 jet planes, costing taxpayers millions. Now he coasts on his rep. as a "hero" He is as big a fraud as PayMe.

  16. Chenagrrl5:08 PM

    The language issue is interesting. Roy Hallums, a contractor was working in the Middle East when he was kidnapped during the first gulf war and buried under the floor of a farm house in a four-foot room. He was held for about 5 years and when he was rescued, he told Ari Melber on "Last Word," that he had difficulty communicating. He said there were prisoners/hostages held in South America who had the same issue. I wondered if it was an aspect of Stockholm Syndrome. Being thoughtful about this is no the Palin way.

    1. Anonymous5:44 AM

      The video of Bergdahl's release is up on cnn.com. From 0:30 until 0:55 he is sitting in a jeep, and exchanges some words with one of his captors. At the end he appears to wipe a tear from his eye. So, yeah, one wonders about Stockholm Syndrome in this case. One wonders about a lot of things. But Sarah I-was-for-it-before-I-was-against-it Palin has nothing worthwhile to contribute to the conversation, about this or for that matter about anything. As to the idea that her vapid daughter's screeching merits any attention whatsoever, words fail me.

  17. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Bergdahl can still speak English. He's just gone through 5 yrs of a hard, strange time in a very foreign place in a very foreign language. Reverse culture shock and having been a prisoner for that long is enough to scramble anyone's head--sorry he can't jump right into doing the rounds of talk shows girls.

    ~Canuck~ aka language teacher.
    He'll come around eventually.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Culture shock -- Neither Bristol nor Sarah have any idea what that means. The guy is being debriefed by the army before he makes the rounds of talk shows. And, he may not want to appear on talk shows (unlike Sarah an Bristol who think that is the only way to share information).

    2. Anonymous2:11 AM

      The Palin family motto is "What's in it for us?" Toad made that perfectly clear. I doubt they will get many offers, since the shows they were in flopped so badly. No talent.

  18. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Yeah, because the world is just waiting to hear what slutty Wasilla chicks think about everything.

    Isn't it lovely news that Sunny and her husband are adding to their gorgeous little family? I hope it's a little boy who looks just like Levi.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Right on, the slutty Wasilla chicks is exactly their “handle."

  19. Anonymous5:20 PM

    It's hard to address Palin's extreme stupidity but IM did a pretty damn good job.

    I knew she was stupid but am confounded that she's too stupid to know how stupid she is. Who doesn't understand the difference between being a solitary prisoner and one held in a camp? Who doesn't understand that there are levels of torture and different effects? How can she not recognize that she's making assumptions before the facts are known...one of the things that infuriates her when she perceives someone making assumptions about her.

    The Bergdahls are strict Calvinists. What if Sgt. Bergdahl was prevented from having prayer and Bible study time in his bunk and took a walk to pray? There are a million different possibilities for the circumstances of his capture. What if the troops who are dissing him ripped his Bible to shreds or were involved in other serious wrongdoing and are preemptively trying to impeach his witness?

    What if it was Track Palin who was captured? Would it be acceptable to speculate on whether or not he was worth retrieving?

    Should Jeremy Morlock's commander send him off to be captured and abandoned to save the military the disgrace of his actions?

    It's disgusting that this woman who loves to talk about American exceptionalism is willing for the U.S. to abandon its history and it's promise to its troops and their families. Who would be willing to serve in such a military?

    There is no word to express how disgusting Sarah Palin and others in the GOP have become.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      >>There is no word to express how disgusting Sarah Palin and others in the GOP have become.

      You know, I consider myself to have a pretty solid handle on adjectives to describe things, feelings, ideas, and I have to completely agree with you. There are no words that encapsulate the visceral disgust that happens when one listens to her or reads her words. The toxicity is comparable to verbal radiation, it sears and cuts, with the full intent of doing so. The dark, dark being that resides within Sarah Palin is more repulsive than any creature Hollywood could dream up. She never should have been given a national voice and John McCain will rot in hell for foisting this sick, twisted, mentally ill, drug addled, narcissistic, pathological liar and wicked creature upon this country.

    2. Anonymous9:55 PM

      What if the troops who are dissing him ripped his Bible to shreds or were involved in other serious wrongdoing and are preemptively trying to impeach his witness?

      The same thing occurred to me.

    3. Anonymous10:00 PM

      You are exactly correct. Thank you for using your very appropriate expression of the soul-corroded evil-incarnate quitter queen of AK/AZ in such a clear and precise manner. Well done.


    4. Anonymous5:49 AM

      $carah is rotting from the inside out. The bile she spews comes from deep inside. Repulsive excuse for a mother, grandmother, human being.

  20. Anonymous5:41 PM

    She's crazy.

    That photo of Bristol and Sarah; Sarah's head looks like it was photoshopped on another body, or some 12 year-old's body. Her scrunched face and open maw and over-sized head make her look creepy.

    1. Anonymous5:54 AM

      Layer upon layer of plastic surgery has shored up and fleshed out the old crone's face while the rest of her has wasted away from drugs and hate and whatnot. Her face isn't photoshopped in the picture, more like her whole head is now permanently photoshopped onto her body. She can still manage to look more or less reasonable in a head shot on teevee, but in full view she is a grotesque imitation of a human being.

  21. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Bristol can't speak proper English, and she has never left the USA. Bristol can speak 'Trial Daddy' Sex tryouts.

    1. Anonymous11:22 PM

      Wait...Bristol went to Haiti with Mommy for less than 24 hrs. for a photo-op. That's the time she was wearing a giant neck scarf in 98 degree weather.

    2. Anonymous5:50 AM

      Maybe it was another case of "mono" that results in rapid weight loss for Bristles??

  22. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Doing juvenile selfies is as bad as it gets for Sarah.

    A serious subject like the Bergdahl rescue, and the whole serious matter of exhausted soldiers in Afghanistan, having been killed and damaged, and all Sarah can do is play teenager games, making stupid selfie faces? This was the VP presidential nominee?

    She is seriously mentally ill.

    1. Anonymous10:01 PM

      Yes. And where is her fish?

    2. Anonymous10:04 PM

      "exhausted soldiers in Afghanistan"
      That was Jeremy Morlock's cry for help. Sarah Palin ignored him in an insulting manner. He was a sick soldier, the military kept him pumped with pills. No one cared about him. The Army needed a body to go to battle for them. It happens over and over and who wants to hear about it? Once in awhile those like in Morlock's gang go on a rape or murder spree.

  23. pus-draining-postules is not repugnant enough; i'm stumped for the right metaphor for these 2-legged, meat-puppets.

    how i despise them.

  24. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Things like this make me ashamed to be an American, too. Especially what I've seen and heard regarding this kid. I'm sure he has seen things we couldn't bother to think about as we go about our shopping, golf playing and vacation planning.

    I heard someone on fox news say something about "he even did ballet as a child" and "what's with his dad's beard?" Yeah, THIS makes me ashamed.

    I also have a feeling he speaks English better than a Palin, even in his condition.

  25. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Holy shit, Gryphen, it's neck a neck in Mississippi where Sarah's got her eye on a teabaggin' fool, to win. They are literally within a thousand votes apart with 40% counted. But he IS still losing.

  26. Anonymous5:52 PM

    AND it changed....now he's falling behind. 51-47 with 43% reporting. Big jump just now. NOT in the teabaggers favor.

  27. Anonymous5:54 PM

    And LONEGAN has LOST again. Yay to the Sarah Palin curse!

    59/40. A landslide in New Jersey.

  28. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Oh, Bristol, there's a world of difference between military "service" and the "service" you give your boyfriend of the week. Did they teach you nothing in skin school?

  29. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Totally O/T, but is $arah sitting in a child booster seat in that picture above?

    1. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Sure looks like it. Weird i have never seen a restraining seat for adults. Is she that weak that she cannot hold herself upright anymore?

  30. O/T
    MS SENATE UPDATE 9:00 PM (Central)
    U.S. Senate - GOP Primary
    889 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 49%
    Max Runoff Cands=2
    Name Party Votes Vote %
    Cochran, Thad (i) GOP 59,736 51%
    McDaniel, Chris GOP 56,486 48%
    Carey, Thomas GOP 1,944 2%

  31. OT

    MS SENATE UPDATE: 9:05PM (Central)
    U.S. Senate - GOP Primary
    1028 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 56%
    Max Runoff Cands=2
    Name Party Votes Vote %
    Cochran, Thad (i) GOP 72,620 50%
    McDaniel, Chris GOP 69,224 48%
    Carey, Thomas GOP 2,419 2%

  32. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Completely O/T but Gryphen, did you see this?

    Obama Says He Is In a Strong Position To Amend The Constitution and Repeal Citizens United


    That would REALLY make this happen to the Right Wing:


  33. The right has reached new lows, even for them...I feel for the young man and really hope he is doing better. I feel for his parents, because they surely have been in hell the last five years.
    I understand if and he did write that he ashamed of the terror that is America. I am ashamed of Americans who are pit bull alerted now to snap at the red meat being spewed. Let the man heal!

  34. OT
    MS SENATE UDATE:9:10 PM (Central)
    U.S. Senate - GOP Primary
    1098 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 60%
    Max Runoff Cands=2
    Name Party Votes Vote %
    Cochran, Thad (i) GOP 84,156 51%
    McDaniel, Chris GOP 79,062 48%
    Carey, Thomas GOP 2,860 2%

  35. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Most women, if not all, as teens would have been horrified to be trotted out on a national stage pregnant. She told Greta that abstinence was unrealistic until Mommie Dearest stepped in and she saw bucks. NOW look. Shut up, Bristol, we know who and what you are.

  36. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Palin truly lives in her social media world. Trial by FB, sentencing by Twitter, pay the 'judge' in PAC $$$.

    Apparently Palin's knowledge of the Uniform Code of Military Justice is about equal to her knowledge of 'her' bible.

  37. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Steve Lonegan loses again


  38. OT
    U.S. Senate - GOP Primary
    1148 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 63%
    Max Runoff Cands=2
    Name Party Votes Vote %
    Cochran, Thad (i) GOP 88,969 51%
    McDaniel, Chris GOP 83,967 48%
    Carey, Thomas GOP 2,957 2%

    I've got a six pack riding on outcome with a friend here that Cochran beats McAllister by 3 points. We're both getting ready to celebrate Cochran's win. Both of us are Indies but Cochran is old family friend.

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Cochran is a fucking rightwing asshole pig. Only difference between him and McDaniel is in Palin's peabrain. Nothing to celebrate in his win.

    2. Cochran is not a R/W pig. He's considered a moderate by Dems and a RINO by the baggers and fringe RW.

      Why do you think he is being primaried after two terms in the House and six terms in the Senate? He's served 42 years, and the baggers want to sacrifice seniority to a freshman bagger.

      Whatever, I don't have a dog in that hunt bc he doesn't represent me nor my state. But you obviously know very little about Republican politics to put him in the same category as McDaniel.

      Do your homework before you pop off like that, bc you're not helping inform anyone here about the true nature of the candidates. The biggest knock on Cochran, other than the smear campaign run through Breitbart, Demint, Club for Growth, et al., is a whisper campaign that Cochran will only serve one to two years of the term and then retire due to "health reasons"(he's 76 yrs old), allowing another "establishment RINO" to be appointed by the MS GOV at the direction of rainmaker Haley Barbour (former Gov & Boss Hog Emeritus). I don't know of the validity of the rumors, but they are certainly not far-fetched, IMHO.

      If ever there was an "establishment," Republican, Thad Cochran is one. By the way, FWIW, the difference in this race came down to the huge turnout in the home county (Jones County) of McDaniel which favored him by a spread of over 9,000 votes with 11,075 to 1,816 for Cochran. Jones County is also where two of the men were from who were arrested for conspiring to break into the nursing home in Madison, MS to videotape Cochran's wife, Rose Cochran, who suffers from dementia.

      Although I'm no longer a GOP supporter, I'm merely offering an opinion based on more than a knee-jerk reaction, as I'm familiar personally with the situation with this particular candidate.

  39. Anonymous6:28 PM

    "I knew she was stupid but am confounded that she's too stupid to know how stupid she is."

    It's called the Dunning-Kruger Effect.


  40. Anonymous6:28 PM

    71% reporting and McDaniel is still behind....

    T. Cochran (i) 50.2% 101,901
    C. McDaniel 48.1% 97,624

  41. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Unfortunately, it looks like the pig castrator is running away with it.

    J. Ernst 53.0% 14,420
    S. Clovis 18.5% 5,026
    M. Jacobs 16.1% 4,381
    M. Whitaker 11.2% 3,060
    S. Schaben 1.2% 334

    Precincts Reporting: 11.9%

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Low turnout.

    2. Lots of severe storms in Iowa tonight.

  42. They never allow reporters to talk to a person who has been held captive for a long time. They generally have severe mental health issues, such as PTSD and other problems related to being a prisoner. We don’t know the conditions he was held in which may have been total isolation so he will have trouble adjusting to being around people. He may have been brainwashed into believing certain things about the world that are not true and that has to be dealt with. The military also debriefs them and gives them some time to recover and get treatment. I have a feeling Sgt. Bergdahl had PTSD before he was captured.

  43. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Bergdahl is being debriefed in an army hospital. After 5 years in captivity and being able to speak the language, he may have information that the army wants. And, he won't be giving any interviews until the army has heard everything they want to hear. Sorry, Bristol, your childish remark shows how little you know about what's important. Bergdahl may be revealing some important information and you're too busy taking another selfie to understand the importance of his being debriefed by the army.

    1. Anonymous11:03 PM

      Is that a fish in the selfie with Brisket?

    2. Anonymous5:56 AM

      Looks like a large mouth type. Is it the kind they beat to death once they reel it in? If so, get to work before it escapes!!

  44. Anonymous6:34 PM

    It seems that Sarah and Bristol have already held the trial and judged Bergdahl guilty of being a traitor because he was anti-American. I can think of someone else who is anti-American-- Todd Palin-- who joined the Alaska Independence Party, wanting independence from the US. That sounds pretty anti-American to me. Wash John McCain anti-American when he cooperated with the North Vietnamese because he was tortured? People in war and in captivity do things that they never would do in civilian life.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Good points about both Todd and McCain.

    2. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Thanks for the great post Anonymous 6:34 PM. Sarah, you are known by the folks you hang out with!!!

      Hypocrisy, thy name is Sarah Heath Palin.

    3. Anonymous9:25 PM

      When Sarah was Governor of Alaska, she addressed the AIP. I guess that makes her anti-American, too.

  45. Anonymous6:34 PM

    T. Cochran (i) 50.4% 110,244
    C. McDaniel 48.0% 105,089
    T. Carey 1.6% 3,533

    Precincts Reporting: 74.3%
    Updated: 10:33 PM ET
    Source: Associated Press

  46. Anonymous6:36 PM

    OH SHIT:

    C. McDaniel 49.6% 113,416
    T. Cochran (i) 48.8% 111,457
    T. Carey 1.6% 3,638

    Precincts Reporting: 76.8%
    Updated: 10:35 PM ET
    Source: Associated Press

    1. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Looks fishy to me! Withing two minutes, McDaniel gets 8500 votes all of a sudden???

    2. Anonymous11:04 PM

      Home cooking.

  47. Anita Winecooler6:37 PM

    Great Idea! Bristol and Willow are unemployed and know all the nuances of the "American" language. They can be hired as translaters, give him a mohawk, manicure, pedicure and skin job. Sarah can end it with a happy ending patriotic pole dance!
    Anyone believe for one second this post was written and thought out by any Palin? Of course not, it's got RAM all over it.

    I happened to tune into the "BANSHEE" news twisting channel, and everyones lost their minds while scratching and clawing to make a dig at the President and this soldier.

    Re: The language issue. It's more common than people think. Post Tramatic Stress Syndrone and the Stockholme Syndrome don't magically appear when the soldier is safe or comes home. It's a process. Since we're talking to Bristol, let's compare it with pregnancy.
    Did you have your heels in the air while pleasuring Levi, and a day later have your little stud "Tripp"? No, it takes time for the fetus to get used to floating around in polluted conditions, to get nutrition and grow, and eight to nine months later, it's born. Comprende Chinzilla?
    Someone with half a brain, being held captive, would try anything for their captors to see them as human, and what better way than learn their language. You should learn another language, too. That way, when you're in Walmart and someone calls you a fatass liar in Mandarin behind your back, you'll know they're not saying "Wow, she's so awesome and cool!" And they won't laugh so much when you say "Gee, Thanks and God Bless You!" .

    1. Anonymous10:10 PM

      Maybe Willow and Bristol should join the army and learn what a soldier has to go through. Their half brother Trackmarks couldn't cut it on "safe" duty in the freaking National guard.

  48. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Princess Dumbass of the North and your ignorant spawn...first: neither of you speak the English language well enough to speak ill of anyone who may or may not remember how to speak it for whatever reason. Second: I am not a violent person but if I ever run into either of you up here in Alaska (or anywhere else for that matter), I will be hard pressed not to a can of whupass (at least the verbal kind) on both of you. Every time you open your gaping maw and express the crap you have inside your empty heart and empty heads it makes me feel almost (but not quite) sorry for you because one day, all of those sick and disgusting thoughts and words will so come back to haunt you for the rest of your pathetic lives. You know nothing and are so eager to hear the sound of your own stupidity and lack of humanity. You have no clue what this giy may have been through. If you were able to read and had read one word of any of the reports of what the mujahadeen (sp?) put their Russian captives through you might think this young American soldier may have been praying for death the last 5 years anday never speak again in any language due to the trauma. Neither you nor anyone in your family has earned any right to speak against him or any other soldier on the front lines of the obscene wars this country has been involved in. Where do you get off? At least wait until he gets off the plane and onto American soil before you start spitting on him and his family. You shame the country you claim to love so much. Yes. You shame all of us. You should be hung up in the town square and forced to listen to the sound of your own acreeching blather while the rest of us take a pound of flesh for every time that you dishonor us.

  49. Update 9:38PM CENTRAL
    U.S. Senate - GOP Primary
    1361 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 74%
    Max Runoff Cands=2
    Name Party Votes Vote %
    Cochran, Thad (i) GOP 110,244 50%
    McDaniel, Chris GOP 105,089 48%
    Carey, Thomas GOP 3,533 2%

  50. Anonymous6:41 PM

    C. McDaniel 49.9% 118,020
    T. Cochran (i) 48.5% 114,661
    T. Carey 1.6% 3,697

    Precincts Reporting: 79.5%
    Updated: 10:39 PM ET
    Source: Associated Press

  51. Anonymous6:43 PM

    SHIT! He's gaining...

    C. McDaniel 50.1% 121,294
    T. Cochran (i) 48.4% 117,262
    T. Carey 1.6% 3,779

    Precincts Reporting: 80.6%
    Updated: 10:42 PM ET
    Source: Associated Press

  52. Anonymous6:49 PM

    C. McDaniel 50.1% 127,935
    T. Cochran (i) 48.3% 123,399
    T. Carey 1.6% 4,028

    Precincts Reporting: 84.4%
    Updated: 10:47 PM ET
    Source: Associated Press

  53. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Sees $carrah has'nt remembered English in quite a while, BITCHTOL.But you see to be proficient in her version of vitriolese.

    Armed Democrats
    Yesterday at 4:20pm ·

    In case you were wondering which side to come down on here: now you know. The half term quitter from Wasilla accuses Bowe Bergdahl of being "anti-American" because of a letter he wrote to his parents expressing shame for the way fellow soldiers laughed about the death of an Afghan child.

    Heaven forbid a member of the US Army should ever demonstrate a sense of decency or compassion. Leaving aside that Palin shipped her own son off to Iraq in 2008 in order to cover up his Oxycontin habit. We all knew her to be a cold and manipulative parent anyway. Of course she'd raise a monster.

    And trust her to attack a combat veteran for fun and profit. We still don't know the details of Bowe Bergdahl's disappearance well enough to determine exactly what happened. And if he did in fact just walk away in despair from the ungodly mess, who could blame him? Except obviously Palin and her fellow crowd of Fox News armchair patriots.

    Sarah Palin doesn't care about Bowe Bergdahl or any other veterans for that matter. She's in the business of making money by generating phony outrage amongst angry, old white bigots who can't quite decide whether the President of the United States of America is the Antichrist or merely a Muslim jihadist illegally occupying the Oval Office.

    Sgt. Bergdahl is simply collateral roadkill on her way to the bank. And nobody has ever been more corrosively anti-American than the former half term Governor of Alaska herself."

    Jesper Nymund.

    1. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Jesper too on the way the bank?
      Murder is the Palin Mafia.
      Thank God you lost the election, McCain.
      I told you that you were next if you got there.
      Rat bastard that you are.

  54. Anonymous6:58 PM

    So they say that Bristol was pregnant 4 times? #WTF? Why does she only claim 1?

    1. Anonymous9:45 PM

      ... because Barstool needs an interpreter to tell the truth for her sorry, lying skank ass instead of professional fake-christian ghostwriter, Brancy French.

  55. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I thought she was such a loyal supporter of our military. She can't even wait for the entire story (minus rumor) to come out before condemning him. I'm sure she is jumping on that TP bandwagon without even knowing what is going on.

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      The only thing Sarah loyally supports is Sarah aka $$$ and attention. That's it. The rest if opportunistic politics. She jumps on every and wagon she can to spew toxic fumes from her mouth. She THRIVES on poisonous jabs and vitriolic punches. It's pretty sick who she will throw under the bus when she sees it plays to her red meat crowd.

    2. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Palins are pond scum.

  56. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Gryphen, I just ran into this article and whoa, is it a doozy! It's like they live in another world altogether. The fear mongering and dark foreboding is eye rolling.


    1. Anonymous9:05 PM

      Wowser, that is some dark and crazy stuff! How does one become so sick and determined to be so?

  57. Anonymous7:11 PM

    C. McDaniel 49.7% 139,090
    T. Cochran (i) 48.7% 136,064
    T. Carey 1.6% 4,477

    Precincts Reporting: 91.4%
    Updated: 11:10 PM ET
    Source: Associated Press

  58. Anonymous7:20 PM

    The Bowe Bergdahl Controversy Could Be Politics At Its Very Worst

    A land speed record must have been broken in the time it took to turn the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl from weekend newsbreak to full-blown political controversy.

    In the three days since the Obama administration announced that it would free five top Taliban officials from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for Bergdahl's release, the topic has dominated a White House briefing, shadowed the president on his trip to Europe and overtaken the cable news circuit.


  59. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Bristol has a Drug addicted half-brother at home, who was a National Guard member(not by choice) and still could not 'kick' his drug habit. How dare she mock a POW. #WTF TRACK.

  60. Anonymous7:25 PM

    The pig lady took it.

    Winner J. Ernst 55.8% 65,562
    S. Clovis 17.8% 20,863
    M. Jacobs 17.3% 20,274
    M. Whitaker 7.9% 9,296
    S. Schaben 1.3% 1,490

    Precincts Reporting: 70%
    Updated: 11:23 PM ET
    Source: Associated Press

  61. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Bowe Bergdahl’s Vanishing Before Capture Angered His Unit


  62. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Sarah has 80 year old arms in that selfie. BWAHAHAHAHA, she took it and can't deny it.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Didn't she once write something derogatory about people who take selfies?

    2. Anonymous10:25 PM

      She just forgot the fish, right?

    3. Anonymous10:26 PM

      Sarah simply forgot the fish, right?

  63. Anonymous7:31 PM

    On Monday's "Report," Colbert introduced another edition in his recurring series "Difference Makers," which celebrates the regular Americans who are out there making the world a better-ish place.

    In this episode, we meet Doug Varrieur of Florida, who, while breaking absolutely no laws whatsoever, is making every single one of his neighbors insane.


  64. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I don't know of a time I have ever been so ashamed of this country. Making "jokes" on Fox news about the Father's beard.
    Assholeism, like rust, never sleeps


    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      They should make fun of the Duck Dynasty if they have a thing against beards.

    2. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Duck Daliban????

  65. Anonymous7:44 PM

    C. McDaniel 49.4% 143,762
    T. Cochran (i) 49.0% 142,407
    T. Carey 1.6% 4,582

    Precincts Reporting: 94.5%
    Updated: 11:42 PM ET
    Source: Associated Press

  66. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Almost a certainty now that there will be a runoff in 3 weeks between top two--- Cochran and McDaniel.
    MISSISSIPPI U.S. Senate - GOP Primary
    1732 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 95%
    Max Runoff Cands=2
    Name Party Votes Vote %
    McDaniel, Chris GOP 143,762 49%
    Cochran, Thad (i) GOP 142,407 49%
    Carey, Thomas GOP 4,582 2%

  67. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Ahh, look at Bristol and Sarah Hollywood, taking selfies. But where's the fish ladies? I thought selfies need fish, and not the stink in your underwear. What a couple of "ridden hard and put up wet" skank whores those two are.

  68. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Two of the greatest things a parent can give a child in this life are unconditional love and acceptance, and the Whittingtons have done just that.


    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      What a beautiful family! How lucky those children have the parents that they do. How courageous Ryland is!

  69. Anonymous7:58 PM

    C. McDaniel 49.5% 144,477
    T. Cochran (i) 49.0% 143,071
    T. Carey 1.6% 4,593

    Precincts Reporting: 95.4%
    Updated: 11:57 PM ET
    Source: Associated Press

  70. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Seeing the voting results of what everyone is posting, consider the state and the collective intelligence as a whole. I'm so incredibly sorry for those who post here that live there.

  71. Anonymous8:08 PM

    C. McDaniel 49.4% 144,851
    T. Cochran (i) 49.0% 143,495
    T. Carey 1.6% 4,605

    Precincts Reporting: 95.4%
    Updated: 12:07 AM ET
    Source: Associated Press

  72. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Sarah says: "...the sketchy "I'm-ashamed-to-be-American" Sgt. Bergdahl, who is accused by his fellow soldiers of deserting and denouncing America..."

    In the past, Sarah thought it was okay to denounce America. Todd Palin wasn't just accused, he was an admitted member of the AIP for at least 7 years. An organization which was denouncing America. Maybe Sarah was a member too or at least, she recorded a very supportive video for their convention.

    Sarah Palin is an embarrassment to our country not only for what she says but also for how she looks. That selfie is horrible.

  73. Anonymous8:12 PM

    So they claim that Bristol can't remember to take her 'cramp' pills or close her legs for Trial Daddies? #WTF???

  74. On a personal note, Sarah Palin, in that picture in Bristol's second abysmally stupid tweet, looks like she's MY age (65+). Her arms look just like mine, slack skin over scrawny muscles (hey, we all get old!). Is it a FACT that Sarah Palin is only 50?

    With her controlled-substance "diet", Sarah Palin is just hurrying along the "getting old" process.

    One other thing. Doesn't it look like Sarah Palin's face was photoshopped in that picture? Her head looks like it's midway between her neck and her right shoulder. Kind weird.

  75. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Bristol Palin said "Really WTF?"

    When I hear or read that Christian Bristol said "WTF" I think Christian Bristol is saying

    "Wants To Fuck"

  76. Anonymous8:32 PM

    AJD on June 3, 2014 at 9:05 pm

    Sarah was all for being Trig’s “mother” until she and McCain lost the 2008 election. Now she can’t get away from Trig and Piper often enough, or so it seems.

    Who IS raising those two youngsters, anyway? Todd is accompanying Sarah a lot these days. Is Track still in Todd’s hangar? He makes an appearance only when it is absolutely necessary. I assume Willow and Bristol are busy working the hair and skin business for which they trained post high school. Maybe Sarah pays Bristol’s nanny a group rate to include Piper and all the grand kids!

  77. Anonymous8:39 PM

    “Hire him a translator?” Where are these people from — an alternative grammatical universe?

    Sarah, you look like a bobble head in that photo. You have shrunk to nearly nothing and your big head looks like it doesn’t fit your body anymore.

    1. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Hire Sarah a translator.

  78. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Sarah Palin hasn't mastered the English language after going to five colleges to get one degree. .... Send that bitch to the Taliban.

    1. Anonymous4:36 AM

      She never graduated.

  79. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Look at those two idiots, no really just look. Can you imagine that the leader of the United States Of America spends her time on a blog with her idiot daughter acting like a 20 something?Who in their right mind would even pay attention to a fool like that? It's not terrorists who are trying to bring this country down, it's idiots.Hey $arah you dear heart are a traitor! you do not have classified information at your disposal,you have no clue what the facts are behind the scenes a real leader leads with thought and patience and you have neither. Shut the F up you skank, who never got beyond Highschool,My God your a moron.

  80. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Bristol and Sarah how about freeing Caint Get Right from his stepfather's hangar?



    1. Anonymous9:41 PM

      #Trig, Who's your real Mama?? #Tripp, how many siblings do you have?? #Track, oxycontin candy??

    2. Anonymous11:30 PM

      Track had to join the military because he was a druggie that couldn't stay out of trouble. He drove a car on a base; he never left that base and never saw any action. He then came home and became a worse druggie.

  81. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Bristol's ghostwritten blog doesn't have very many comments. It seems nearly defunct. A run of shrill and uninteresting posts? The sea of pee is drying up? Maybe a post on hamster butts would bring in some traffic. Over to you Nancy French.

    1. Anonymous10:02 PM

      I think the payments to the phoney posters didn't happen on the 1st.

    2. Anonymous10:54 PM

      10:02 PM I think you are right. I was wondering if old Nancy French didn't up and quit or they are in a dispute? Contract negotiations?

      They look disturbed. Bristol's stalker must have taken its toll on them both.

      #Trig #Tripp #Track #oxy #oxycontin #Trackpalin #Bristolpalin

    3. Anonymous11:12 PM

      Inside scoop at Peepond is that Bicycle Pete prefers gerbils.

  82. Caroll Thompson9:06 PM

    It is good that President Obama didn't feel the need to consult these two hateful shrews before doing the right thing and bringing the last POW from this long war home. That is what Americans do. We do not leave our military members behind.

    Anyone that would leave a man behind is a traitor to all who serve.

    1. Anonymous5:00 AM

      I don't think about Sarah Palin.

      - president Barack Obama

  83. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Look at Sarah Palin's throat! WTF? Really WTF? Grandma Sarah's old mummified throat skin looks like it's getting sucked in like she's gasping for air.

    1. Anonymous5:49 AM

      She looks like a late-stage cancer patient. Seriously.

  84. Grrrr !9:36 PM

    "Really #WTF .. Hire a translator!"

    Jus git ur mom 2 pay 4 it w her PAC.. if she bitchez teller ul get pregnt if u dont get 1 .. u mite hav 2 hav a kid or 2 but itz wurth it!!!!! ..mine even dose my FB posts......bristol

  85. Anonymous9:42 PM

    WHO THE HELL is that ancient great Grandma in the background?

    Damn, $arah, you need to lose some weight!

    Oh, and I thought selfies were the mark if immature idiots, according to Queen Esther, the magnificent.

  86. Anonymous10:08 PM

    In the end, you have Sarah's donkey mouth pic, Dolly boobs outside Fox.and Bristol's trout mouth pic trying to be Hollywood. If anyone thinks either gives one SHIT about this country, you are SO wrong. They are all about dollar signs, nothing more, and taking every last bit out of your wallet.

    1. Anonymous11:14 PM

      Hee Haw Sarah's Maw!

  87. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Geeze can Sarah be any more transparent using "Bristol's" blog as her 2nd platform? We all know high-school dropout Bristol could give a shit less about Sgt. Bergdahl or even know who he is. Sarah, REAL Americans aren't as stupid as you would like to think.

    "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln

  88. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Bristol and Sarah should learn to speak English. Bristol is an uneducated, ignorant, pompous ass. She's an entitled, spoiled, self infatuated moron. The nut doesn't fall far from the tree.

    1. Anonymous5:25 AM

      Uneducated ignorant Bristol has to look up pompous in the dictionary.

  89. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Looks like Bristol is down south with her mother. At least that means that Levi has Tripp and Trig is with his caretakers. Those two look like a low rent version of Thelma and Louise in that selfie. Old Grandma Palin trying to pretend to be 25 again....

  90. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Anon 10:08 said Sarah and her daughter Bristol are taking every last bit of your wallet... LOL... as the saying goes, "Git while the gittins good".

    They are like those two bit traveling carnivals that comes into town. They stay long enough to get your money and they move onto the next town. Example, Bristol was an advocate for abstinence through the Candies Foundation, that well dried up. Bristol got some gigs because of her last name and appeared on DWTS twice, Wife Swap, Life's A Tripp, etc . Those gigs dried up too and like the carnie people Bristol moved on. I don't know if Bristol was smart enough for college which could explain why Bristol always returned to her job as "office manager" between her gigs. I may have left out some of Bristol's other temporary employments but you get the drift of Bristol's gifting life. Bristol wasn't able to secure any other jobs maybe to her lack of talent which made her go to skin school maybe with the hopes of going back to Hollywood.

  91. Anonymous12:56 AM

    1) You can tell Sarah wrote her post -- she's still trying to top her record for longest facebook sentence ever.

    2) Let's put it in terms you'll understand, Sarah: Sgt. Berhdahl was in custody while you were still governor of Alaska. All the things you've done in that time -- tv shows, setting up and milking your PAC, buying Arizona real estate, eating pizza with Donald Trump, "writing" books, etc., sleeping in your own bed -- all of those took place while an American hostage was subjected to unknown treatment at the hands of an enemy.

    3) What we know about Sgt. Bergdahl is sketchy, and may be erroneous. But, remember, he was home schooled! Just as you like! He spent a summer working hard on a fishing boat in Bristol Bay! He's an Idaho native, just like you! He spent his whole life bucking up and getting out of the truck, always seeking, learning, trying! I'd trade him for any one of your sorry-ass, lazy, stupid children, or for you, any day.

  92. Randall1:41 AM

    Whenever my crazy Fox News uncle crows "you never negotiate with terrorists!" I remind him:
    "Ronald Reagan, arms for hostages..."

  93. Me thinks Bristol should volunteer for a USO tour of Afghanistan to cheer up the troops. At this time, she might ask the men if they fear capture by the Taliban.....or maybe if any of the men have ever gone AWOL.

    Really, Bristol is just an ignorant little girl in a world she was never given the proper upbringing to handle.

  94. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Brisdull's nose looks different to me. Hope she didn't eff that up with surgery like she did her chin. #WTF

  95. Anonymous4:04 AM

    The one thing that is obvious from this story is that neither Sarah Palin nor her daughter, Bristol, have an iota of empathy in their bodies. They are simply incapable of caring about other people. Until they meet this young man and interview the doctors giving him medical care, they have no right to opine about his condition.
    But they are both too stupid to understand.

  96. LisaB25955:00 AM

    They're going to charge this guy with desertion probably. OF COURSE he's not going to talk. What lawyer would advise him to talk?

    I just find it funny that the Queen of Not Answering Questions finds this a negative in anyone else.

  97. F U McCain5:02 AM

    Oh for fuck's sake!

    Sarah - even your kids don't listen to you.

    Bristol - yours, either

  98. Anonymous6:03 AM


    Wait a second, Levi and dem others already did.

  99. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Ben you lucky S.O.B. by dumping Bristol you missed getting involved with that dysfunctional family. There is a God.


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