Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Alabama ministry puts up billboard using pro-indoctrination quote from Adolph Hitler.

Courtesy of the Ledger-Enquirer:  

A billboard at the Village Mall in Auburn, Ala., features five smiling kids beneath a quote from Adolf Hitler: "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future." 

According to Lamar Advertising's Montgomery office, the billboard was rented out by Life Savers Ministries, based in Opelika, Ala. 

Hitler's quote traces back to his speeches of the '30s, and has historically been tied to the Nazi youth programs. 

The billboard went up Friday and will be taken down Tuesday, per LSM's request. 

"We are pulling the billboard and certainly never intended to cause confusion. ... Herbert Hoover would have been a far better one to quote when he said, 'Children are our most valuable resource,'" founder James Anderegg told the Ledger-Enquirer. "We are a children’s organization and had honorable intentions and nothing less." 

"We are a children’s organization and had honorable intentions and nothing less." I'm pretty sure Hitler said something along those lines as well.

You know there must be a handbook somewhere that instructs these organizations NOT to state what their purpose is, and to avoid using horrible historical figures as their inspiration, but apparently Life Savers Ministry lost their copy.

And of course this provides the opportunity to once again put that old wives tale about Hitler being an Atheist to rest. Hitler was raised in the Catholic church, learned his antisemitism there, and even  borrowed the swastika from the coat of arms that was displayed on the stone arch at the monastery where he attended school.

In fact Hitler would probably be very pleased with the methodology utilized by fundamentalists and Christian home school programs in this country, and their reliance on the camouflage of religion to provide cover for their agenda.

Which reminds me of another quote attributed to Adolph Hitler:

“Who says I am not under the special protection of God?”

Who indeed?


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    “Who says I am not under the special protection of God?”

    Gee, I wonder if "special treatment" falls under "special protection?" Somehow, I believe it does...

  2. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Does ANYONE research anymore before they use a quote?

    1. fromthediagonal3:05 PM

      anon@2:48... Naw, if it sounds good, they use it, because once seen in print, it cannot be unseen, and we all know that their followers may see, but they don't look further.

    2. Anonymous3:17 PM

      They HAD to research it, someone on the staff did. Or they are completely incompetent and should have nothing to do with children.

      “Who says I am not under the special protection of God?”

      Now that one I thought was attributable to the Quitter Sarah. Huh.

    3. It's attributed to Hitler right there on the billboard.

      They knew exactly who said it, and chose it anyway.

    4. If they bothered to research they wouldn't be religious. I think your question was answered by the group existing.

    5. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Maybe whoever decided to put the quote on the billboard knew exactly who A. Hitler was and what he did. The person may actually have approved of him. Like those who admired Mussolini because the trains ran on time.

  3. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Republicans Delete Digital Praise of Bowe Bergdahl Release

    At least three prominent Republicans appeared to offer praise on Twitter for the rescue of American POW Bowe Bergdahl — only to later backtrack, scrubbing their tweets or websites of any mention of the soldier after questions arose over the prisoner swap that freed him.


    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Republican Bergdahl Scandal Falls Apart as White House Discussed Swap With GOP in 2011


      Fox News Hosts Classlessly Claim That Bergdahl’s Dad Looks Like He’s A Taliban Member


    2. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Republican Bergdahl Scandal Falls Apart as White House Discussed Swap With GOP in 2011

      The Republican Obama scandal machine has been stopped before it could ever get started as it is being reported that the White House informed congressional Republicans on numerous occasions about the prisoner swap that brought Sgt. Bergdahl home.

      The idea that Republicans had no knowledge of the prisoner swap that freed Sgt Bow Bergdahl was dealt a severe blow today.

      The Washington Post reported:

      'Obama administration officials first discussed with senior House Republicans the possibility of swapping five terrorism detainees from the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in exchange for the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in late November 2011, according to senior GOP aides.'


  4. Anonymous2:59 PM

    O/T but Former Bush Official Blasts GOP On Bergdahl: Bush Would Have Done The Same Thing


    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Ted Cruz Helps Republicans Self Destruct While Getting Caught In a Huge Lie About Obama

      ...After President Obama announced that we negotiated for America’s “only prisoner of war”, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, to be safely returned to us, Republicans freaked out like they do every time Obama is successful at something. Don’t remind them that he got Osama, that sends them into severe shriek mode.

      So Republicans accused Obama of negotiating with terrorists.

      ...PolitiFact pointed out that many previous Presidents have negotiated with terrorists under Cruz’ definition, and furthermore, former President Bush negotiated with his self-dubbed “Axis of Evil” Iran and North Korea:


    2. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Hillary Clinton Lays Out Republicans For Wanting to Leave Soldiers Behind

      ...Republicans are trying to smear Sgt. Bergdahl because his release was obtained by President Obama. If a Republican president had made the same deal, conservatives would be waving the flag while dancing in the streets over the release of an “American hero.”

      Former Sec. Clinton is correct. Until we know the terms and restrictions placed on the five prisoners that were sent Qatar, everything is guesswork and speculation. However, the idea that an American citizen and soldier should be left to die in captivity is repulsive.

      Clinton had nothing to do with this decision, but the debate over whether or not the US government should try to free soldiers and citizens from captivity isn’t one that Republicans should want to have. Everything is anti-Obama politics for Republicans, but this bit of hypocrisy will come back to bite them on the backsides if they insist on playing this game with Hillary Clinton.


    3. Anonymous4:23 PM

      They are SO full of shit. They absolutely screamed for the White House to do whatever it had to to get him back!

      GOP Urged White House To 'Do All It Can' To Get Bowe Bergdahl

      ..."Last year, on the fourth anniversary of Sgt. Bergdahl's capture, on the floor of the House of Representatives, I introduced a resolution in the House calling on the United States to do everything possible not to leave any members of the armed forces behind during the drawdown of Iraq and Afghanistan. Believe it or not, I had members of Congress come up to me and say, 'I didn't know we had a living POW in Afghanistan.' That was shocking to me," said Nugent, according to a Feb. 24 article in the Citrus County Chronicle.


  5. Anonymous3:40 PM

    It's hard to believe people still think this way in 2014.

    This comment is in response to a post by a Pentecostal minister, wailing and gnashing his teeth about the sinful exposure of women's (gasp) *KNEES!!!* in church and in the community.

    (And, no, this is NOT snark!)

    "Wholehearedly agree! Knees are incredibly alluring. Pentecostal girls must be taught to be identified as Christians according to their dress. Why, I won’t even wear pajamas pants to bed! Nightgowns only. It’s such a shame to see young girls wearing them underneath their skirts. Pants are PANTS regardless of the time of day they are worn....

    ...It still baffles me that some choose to perm their hair, when God didn’t create them with curly hair in the first place! In fact, holy hair must be protected so that it remains healthy! No heat styling or extraneous products for this woman’s glory! Big thanks to alll who go out of their way to point out the failings of this generation’s youth! Knee-knocking is a slippery-slope, pretty soon they’ll justify bikinis! Obviously!"

    Bikinis????? Oh NOES, NOT BIKINIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (Incidentally, this woman has clearly NOT seen my knees because they are very far from being 'incredibly alluring'! And if a man can't control himself at the sight of someone's knees, he's got much bigger problems to worry about!)


  6. Anita Winecooler4:03 PM

    Not to nit pick, but forget research, do these people READ what the Billboard States? Adolf's name is on the sign itself. Sure, they had good intentions but we all know the old saying.... the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  7. Anonymous4:13 PM

    I had occasion to work with a German some 15-odd years ago, a man who was 9 years old at the end of WWII.......a man who spent his lunch hours pouring over photographs of the era lamenting what could have been.......a chilling verification of the truth of the comment..........

  8. Anonymous4:15 PM


    Why is Track Palin's service kept top secret? How do we know how he served when they are compelled to hide his service? Why does he spend most of his time in hiding now? A man with a job would be going to work, not in seclusion 99% of the time.

    Doesn't this sounds just like Bristol Palin giving a shout out to the President? "Mister President, You Don’t Even Know What “Honorable Service” Looks Like"


    When are the Palins going to have ghost writers write about people they know up close?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

      A day before they're accepted in the witness protection agency.

  9. Anonymous4:19 PM

    O/T but you knew it wouldn't last for long...

    NRA Apologizes For Calling Open Carry Protests 'Weird' And 'Scary'

    The National Rifle Association is walking back its recent criticism of pro-gun activists in Texas, apologizing to protesters for the "confusion" over the powerful gun lobby's position on open carry of firearms.


    1. Anita Winecooler6:18 PM

      They need to do more. Give eleven free NRA official band aids to the few, the crazy, the offended idiots. Wayne's such a pussy.

  10. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Part of their "ministry" is the harrassemnt of pregnant women - Assholes.

  11. Once you quote Hitler in a positive way--- anything you do is suspect.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.