Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sarah Palin conflates Nancy Pelosi's desire to treat the thousands of immigrant children that cross the border alone with respect with her own pro-zygote beliefs.

Courtesy of Joan of the Arctic's Facebook page:

Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. (Well according to Darwin more of a very, very, very distant cousin actually.) My sister sent me a clip of Nancy Pelosi either speaking such gibberish, considering her track record, or confessing one heck of a great conversion. (Apparently her sister is Breitbart.) Yesterday, Ms. Pelosi spoke highly of illegal immigrants storming our U.S. border, including the children being used and abused in this crisis, and said America needs to look at this as an “opportunity,” not a crisis. She proclaimed, “every child, every person, has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect” because we are “all God’s children.” Amen, sista'! (Did she really say "sista?") But, really? How sincere is this politician’s concern? Never seen as a pro-child/pro-life advocate with respect for that sacred “spark of divinity” in every innocent human life in the womb, Ms. Pelosi often touts her Catholic faith but overlooks this doctrine her Church has preached for 2000 years. (As do the majority of Catholics these days.) Hopefully she’s changed her tune on the issue of life – in which case, I’m sure she’ll invite those who understand the impact a culture of life can have on America to use her new, refreshing advocacy statement. Her words yesterday are the foundational pro-life message that can educate those in her party who constantly claim to be “for the children" in one breath, but in their next breath advocate snuffing out the life of innocent children soon-to-be-born. Cynics (or those of us living in reality) recognize typical liberal hypocrisy here, but then again we can hope this is revelation of a profound Pelosi political conversion! Though I won’t hold my breath. (Oh yeah, it's Pelosi who's spouting gibberish.)

 - Sarah Palin

Okay well first off unlike the "pro-life" movement Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are much better at advocating for the needs of actual living human beings, whether it be educational needs, nutritional needs, or civil rights, than those who seem to only care about fetuses up until they are born and then could really could not care less what happens to them.

And secondly, well I seriously doubt that Nancy Pelosi, or anybody else, really cares what Palin has to say on this or any other matter of real importance.

Speaking of pro-child how is that custody case going in Wasilla?

I think I know, and if I'm right it is good news for everybody involved who's last name is NOT Palin.


  1. Could someone finally just paint a large purple L in the middle
    of her loser jug head?

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      The loser is Nancy Pelosi. She does not have the womanhood to adopt 1 immigrant child.

  2. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Sarah, you're no monkeys uncle.... You're an monkeys ass!

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Hahahaha....that's so true!

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      And a fucktwat to boot.

  3. Anonymous2:13 PM

    "Amen, sista!"
    Oh, that Sarah is too cool for school.

    She used the phrase 'Amen, sista!" in an April 2008 email response to Rosanne Hughes trash-talking journalist Wesley Loy.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      And "shout-out," and "backasswards," "WTF," "Freakin," "Flippin," "Haters," she is one cool-ass granny that can hang with the kids.

    2. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Just the kind of professional language you want from a future President of the United States.

      Gahhh...just the thought that she came so damn close to the White House STILL gives me nightmares!

  4. Randall2:13 PM

    Sarah who?

  5. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Love the photo ... dumb and dumber with a big dose of hate and petulance thrown in. That's our Sarah.

  6. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Okay, everyone. Get out your copy of 'Going Rogue,' by Sarah Palin. Turn to page 55 and read how Palin aborted 'baby' Tad in 1989.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Exactly. She is the biggest hypocrite in Amerika.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Is Brancy now a big time anti-choice advocate because mommy dearest forced her to have abortions?

    3. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Yep. She fronted the 'wite out' because it would give her an OUT if someone came forward with the truth that she really had a few abortions.

    4. Anonymous4:29 PM

      After she had her own abortions, Sarah prolly made a dill with gawd to make up fer that by preaching aginst abortions. Tawd was prolly tired of Sarah gittin knocked up and birthin chilrun that weren't his'ns

    5. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Sarah needed better medical consultants. Anyone in healthcare knows white out is never ever ever used on any correspondance or record.
      Her and her magical thinking again. Delusional also too.

  7. Anonymous3:11 PM

    That funny photo of Palin reminds me of the title of the book that Levi Johnston wrote - "Deer in the Headlights' - that is exactly the look the idiot has on her face in that picture! She looks spooked!

    Plus, another reminder that she does read this blog - I have referred to her as 'sista Sarah' many times when writing negative stuff about her on IM's blog! Should I sue the bitch? Haha! Fuck her (even though I know no one wants to!).

    1. abbafan6:16 PM

      Anon @ 3:11 P.M. - "deer in the headlights" - no shit! she really looks fuckin' stunned, along with that fuckin' wonky eye!Even her breeding spawn are as fuckin' stoopid as her! palins are the shitstains on America's draws!

  8. Anonymous3:11 PM

    She talks out of both sides of her screechy rectum.

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Bet her rectum is one wide and nasty thing - due to ????? Let's just guess! The racist woman ain't no racist when it comes to sex!

    2. Anonymous5:37 PM

      We'll have to ask Mr. Rice about that

  9. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Sarah Palin is Pennsytucky...

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Bye one abortion get one free lol!
      That was the best line of that one episode of OITNB (except is was buy 5 get the 6th for free!)

    2. Anonymous6:39 AM

      Pennsytucky was one of Track's clients and Sarah's "Amen, sistas." No plot spoilers, please for Orange is the New Black. I binge watched and have forgotten prob half of stuff from season 2. Gonna watch again this w/e bc of 3-day holiday weekend. Cheers!

  10. Anonymous3:26 PM

    That left eye is doing the wonky tonk.

  11. Well Tundradunce sure likes sneering at Nancy Pelosi, doesn't she? She had the gall to call Pelosi a dingbat once, and now she says Pelosi speaks gibberish?!

    She really has dragged out her big old bottle of projection and is chugging it by the pint lately.

    Palin has never and will never accomplish even 1% of what Nancy Pelosi has in her life. Educationally, politically, or personally.

    Palin is nothing and will never amount to anything no matter what bullshit she spews abut Pelosi.

    She always has been and always will be a worthless, useless, nothing and loser.

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      You won the internet today Nefer

    2. You pretty much nailed it Nefer. If any of the babblings out of Palin had ANY relevance at all she would at least be be spouting her venom on the Fox News circuit. Forget about her appearing with any real journalist.

      It is truly pathetic Palin's only platform is Facebook or an appearance at a sparsely attended Teabagger event.

  12. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I wish Dick Cheney would take her hunting.

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      LOL! “Spark of divinity” refers to people already here, already alive and in need of basic human considerations like food, housing and education. I won’t get into a philosophical mish-mash regarding the beginning of life, but as far as I can see Palin let that little spark of divinity die in parenting her own children. So just sit down and shut up Sarah Palin. There ... I said it. I have avoided saying that for 5 years, but any BS coming from her regarding the divinity of children is simply disingenuous. Remember Sarah, there are a few of us who actually watched your crappy parenting up close.

    2. Anonymous4:20 PM

      And, not bring her back from the hunt!!! Kind of like lose her in the tundra of Alaska FOREVER!

  13. Caroll Thompson3:40 PM

    I actually read the entire post that you printed G. I am not kidding you when I say I now have a massive headache. I think I have had enough of Sarah Palin for my weekend. A cold compress on my head and a dark room is what I need.

    You are a hero to cover Sarah Palin. I actually do not know how you do it.

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      You gotta just look and read and laugh! No reason to get all bent out of shape about Tundra Turd; she's got a fan club of about 300 people nationwide and is on her way out. Enjoy her downfall and mania, but whatever you do don't let her get you down! This is the "punchline" period of the joke that is her "political career". Hell, she's a 50 year old anorexic, that in itself is reason to chuckle.

    2. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Last Thursday evening, Sarah proved she has DOZENS of fans in Eastern Tennessee, with 90%+ White demographics. I don't have the link handy, but the Knoxville newspaper review of the event was revealing regarding the disinterest of Tenesseans (and Virginians) towards Granny Grifter. IIRC, at least the first two pages of comments are indicative of just how far Sarah has fallen. Lots of honest, intelligent comments made by the "Real Mericun" folks that Sarah is still trying to pander to, but now most can now see through her BS. If someone else has that link, please post it again. I'll return the favor next time. Right now I'm using a friend's phone bc my battery died and I've got to replace my charger cord bc it is frayed. Puppy!? :-)

  14. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Geez, Sarah must get sick of having to do 30 minutes of scratching her head and scribbling every day. Those Kochs are hard taskmasters, aren't they Sarah? Not like the Alaskan people, who just let you stay home and watch reality TV.

    Palins are just not cut out for work.

  15. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Can word salad, blizzard of words, verbiage Palin assign a 'gibberish' label to anyone? Anyone?

  16. Anonymous3:53 PM

    The Pelosi children (5) are ALL college graduates (prestigious universities - NOT "hair school.") some with JD degrees. Looks as if they are in long term, stable marriages, too. And have successful careers, and children (grandchildren to Congresswoman Pelosi) who are NOT exploited on TV shows.

    Not surprising since her priorities are not out of whack,unlike like a self-centered Mother in name only Alaskan politician we could name.

    Nancy about not running for public office until her youngest daughter was a senior in high school: “It was important for me to be there for them. I went to Congress in my 40s. I could never have done it earlier. I am in awe of young women today who are balancing very difficult careers and family. When I went to Congress my children were grown. While I was chair of the Democratic party in California, they were in school.”

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      The Palin klan cannot even begin to compare to that of the Pelosi family. They (Pelosi family) are REAL Christians, have successful kids, well educated, the family has more money than the Palin klan ever thought of and Nancy Pelosi has provided many, many years of public service to America. Love the lady! She was also a great Speaker of the House!!!

      There is absolutely NOTHING Sarah Palin can say she was good at. Absolutely friggin' nothing!!!

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      I have NEVER seen Nancy Pelosi looking anything but perfectly dressed, makeup and hair perfectly done. Class is something Mrs. Pelosi has in abundance.

  17. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Sarah Palin: Peashooter.

    Nancy Pelosi: Tank.

    1. Anonymous7:01 AM

      Pee shots for Sarah!

  18. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I very much respect Nancy Pelosi...especially when she ran the House of the U.S. Congress. They accomplished things under her leadership as Speaker of the House!

    She must be so damned appalled at the orange guy and alcoholic who has done absolutely zero for Americans! He is nothing more than a 'flunkee'. Yep, I'm talking about the 'boner' who is a 'stiff' jerk!

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      I lost respect for Pelosi during one address GWB gave when she said to the clapping joint houses of Congress "They love you Mr. President"
      Actually I threw up a little in my mouth when I heard her say that.

    2. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Got a link to her saying that? I can't seem to find it.

  19. Anonymous4:06 PM

    The funniest thing is that Sarah spends so much time thinking and writing about Nancy Pelosi. I am sure Nancy Pelosi never gives Sarah Palin a thought.

  20. Anonymous4:07 PM

    "...speaking such gibberish,...." Projection?

  21. Just who the hell does this effin' bitch think she is? I am getting so sick and tired of waiting for her to be called to task.

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      She is an expert on every issue under the sun, had you not heard? This is why she can endlessly bitch, whine, piss, moan, berate and belittle the President and anyone else who dares try to help him address and solve our real issues, while at the same time ordering President Obama to humble himself and call her so she can instruct him on the proper way to run the country. She's such a delusional, arrogant, psychotic little turd!

  22. Anonymous4:08 PM

    This whole abortion thing -- did not become what it is now until the modern age, and certainly not a political hot button before the late 1960s.
    It's my understanding that Roman Catholics did not address the issue until the 19th century. Not for 2,000 years.

    Sarah's double talk about Nancy Pelosi not being able to show compassion for small children because she holds a different political position than Palin does on abortion: does it then follow that Sarah has no compassion for these children? That's what logic (and experience) would tell us.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:37 PM

      In that cavernous echo chamber being miraculously supported by that frail neck and fishing line, while her eye tries desperately to secede from her face, she's probably thinking "Kill them all and let Allah sort them out" when she thinks of those brown kids crossing the border, yet she had no problems with crossing borders for free health care in Canada as a child.

    2. The insufferable dumb witch doesn't know the difference between a child and a fetus.

      Stay out of people's bed you old goat. What women do with their bodies is their business not yours. You have trouble keeping up with the pussies you birth, let alone your writ-out and D&C worn-out puss.

      Also you can't do anything one ounce better than Rep. Pelosi. All you are is a clown mayor dummy who could run a little village of wasilla. Hell your city hall looks like a fotomat shack. McDonalds is bigger.

  23. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Nancy Pelosi lives rent free in Sarah Palin's empty head!

  24. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Sarah is crazy wild over Sen. Chris McDaniel. She has overlooked many of her other passions and made several ads for him on her Facebook. McDaniel has addressed the unfortunate death of Mark Mayfield. A good Christian family man, married with two children. Kind, level-headed, respected and well liked. A person who Palin would admire and relate to with his leadership position. In Mississippi he was a Tea Party leader. It is mind boggling to not find Palin's condolences. What is her delay? I was certain she would speak to the loss in a heart felt Facebook article and let his family know how she feels. Also acknowledge the lose for McDaniel as well. McDaniel and others grieve and will miss him. Mark Mayfield would be an important person to any one who supports the Tea Party or Republican.

    “To all ‘so called’ Republican leaders who joined lockstep: I WILL NOT REST!”
    Sen. Chris McDaniel

    McDaniel is passionate, heart felt and he means business. If ever there is death by politics, it can be said Mark Mayfield died a martyr for his work. It is unconscionable for Sarah not to support her partner McDaniel and someone so vital to the Tea Party. Perhaps she signed the Guest Book but she must write to her followers on Facebook as well. This is not the time to bring up Nancy Pelosi, not until she cares for speak to the anguish and heartache her friends are living right now.

    Mark Mayfield Condolences | Sign the Guest Book

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Whoever you are, you really don't have a clue, do you? Sarah Palin is only and ever out for Sarah Palin.

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Mark Mayfield was connected to the people who tried to take photos of Thad Cochran's wife in the nursing home. The woman has dementia, and is bedridden. What kind of "compassionate Christian" does that, and what purpose does it serve? Was he also involved with the people who were locked in the courthouse (with the ballots) and did not call for help for hours??

    3. Anonymous6:52 PM

      but... but... Sarah agrees with bleeding hearts... Dear Humanitarians "Finally, they have won me over." “It’s for the children!” “This is a humanitarian crisis!” "I say this as a mother – a bleeding-heart compassionate woman and mother."

  25. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Oh c'mon Sarah PLEASE DO hold your breath...forever.

  26. Anonymous4:28 PM

    What are the names of Nancy Pelosi's kids again? That's right, I'm not sure I know any of them, or her husband's for that matter....hmmm....

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Alexandra Pelosi is a talented Emmy winning documentary film maker. She is known in her own right. She made it on her own. The opposite of Bristol.

      A documentary about new American immigrants that spans all fifty states

    2. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Speaking of kids, what have they done with Willow? Is she being held captive? I was sure she would have a job by now.

    3. Anonymous9:56 PM

      Willow can't be trusted alone, she has a loose tongue.

    4. Anonymous1:41 PM

      I can hardly wait until one of these Palin kids speaks out about their mother and/or father (if he is that to them?).

      Piper would be the best source as she was around as a prop the most and then Bristol.

      It might take awhile, but it'll eventually come out from someone in that clan - when none of them have money and have to secure REAL jobs and learn what it is really like to work for a living!

  27. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Yeah, you ignorant twat, we'd all be a helluva lot better off if you DID hold that stank breath of yours, because then we wouldn't have to hear you talk. I swear, you will look for any possibility to open your trap and make an utter ass of yourself, just for that little bit of attention you think you get from your cyber compatriots. It's well past pathetic and painfully obvious that you are panicking that the slide to oblivion that you have been on since 2008 is speeding up and you are losing your footing fast, and all you can come up with is more of the same. Growling and spitting and raging at people who have accomplished far more than you will ever in your lifetime. People who have respect from the world, people who aren't laughed at behind closed doors, and for that matter out in the open. People who have achieved everything that you haven't. Your green monster of envy raises it's putrid head and all you can do it stamp your feet, project your failures on others and still, you continue to slide into the dustbin of history, nothing more than a festering boil on society.

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Beautiful...simply beautiful. Shakespeare could not have improved upon this.

  28. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Doctrine that her church has prefaced for two thousand years.

    Not so FAS and loose with the history of the Catholic Church, which was founded sometime between 300 - 500AD. Do the math. Not exactly 2000 years.

    Palin is also making a false argument, equating being pro-life with caring about the children crossing the border. Excuse me for asking, but who is against life? We all want to keep on living and breathing.

    Palin is the last person who should be writing about the lives of the soon-to-be born. Legal abortions take place during the first three months of pregnancy, not the last three months.

    But we know someone whose wild story about flying while leaking amniotic fluid, in labor, in her 8th month of pregnancy and expecting a special needs child would be terrible-- if it was true. Palin's story, if true, shows how little she cared for the soon-to-be born. Thank goodness that story is a pack of lies.

  29. Anonymous4:44 PM

    You big tease, G! (yay Team Daddy)

  30. Anita Winecooler4:51 PM

    Hold Your Breath? Sista Sarah? She spews word salad and now has picked up on "ebonics". Guess she saw "Airplane". Or it's left over from her voodoo priest, Muthee, but in the exorcism "make a way" tape, he clearly enunciates "Sister Sarah" and rolls the "r" for emphasis. Who's she dealing with that uses the term "Sista"? Sounds like a shady drug dealer or pimp.
    As for Nancy Pelosi, there's no comparison whatsoever with Wasilla's seventh dwarf. Please stick to your word and hold your breath. Just think of all the fetuses that'll thank you for converting Nancy Pelosi!

  31. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "advocate snuffing out the life of innocent children soon-to-be-born"

    This is just stupid. I know Palin has cognitive deficiencies but is she really so stupid that she can't comprehend the difference between respecting women's autonomy and abortion advocacy? How about the difference between access to safe abortion services and abortion advocacy? Is she such an uninformed Christian that she doesn't know the Bible doesn't treat abortion as murder?

    Jesus H. Christ!

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      advocate snuffing? Good Gawd! I hope that's not code for snuff films at the Rainboy Hunting Grounds.

  32. Anonymous4:58 PM

    This blog is proof that democrats are losers with no lives. But by all means keep up the hatred, lies and slander. Meanwhile Sarah is at home surrounded by loving family. happy and at peace.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      4:58 PM You would not know unless they posted it on Facebook. They don't communicate with you at all. You SICK, CRAZY Bitch get lost.

    2. Anonymous5:46 PM

      'surrounded by loving family, happy and at peace'

      That's a phrase frequently used to describe the last moments of someone who just died.

    3. Anonymous6:04 PM

      op is snark. Sarah died. Didn't you see her last gasp?

    4. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Jesus Christ, 4:58, you Palin worshippers are some crazy ass mother fuckers!

    5. Anonymous6:16 PM

      What lies? Sarah is the liar. And the woman so full of hate she can't see straight. And when did she get home from Tennessee? Are you sure she isn't at some Fox location spewing more garbage tonight? Last time I saw of photo of her surrounded by her family, it was photoshopped.

    6. Anonymous6:42 PM

      4:58 All her family wants from $carah is $$$. Soon she will be broke, since her gigs are not exactly bringing in the $$$. No more $100,000 speeches and private jets. There is not an ounce of talent in the family, they should be grateful they made as much as they did, and banked it. $carah looks as though she had an eye lift, her eyebrows are almost up to the middle of her forehead!!

    7. Anonymous7:40 PM

      5:46 LMAO!!! So true though, ding dong the witch is POLITICALLY DEAD!

    8. Anonymous8:14 PM

      OMG, lil troll, what you post without thinking.

    9. Anonymous9:54 PM

      Were you notified that she Died? You must be a Family member to have so much inner circle information about the Palins. When was the last time that you had dinner with the Palin Family? Do you do drugs with Track? Do you play Nanny for Bristol's many babies? Are you Willow's caretaker? Do you help Todd with his Sex Trafficking? Do you go out for crunchwraps, or cook for the kids like Levi had to?BWAHAHAHAHAHA, you are stupid.

    10. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Anonymous4:58 PM
      If $carah is REALLY "at home surrounded by loving family. happy and at peace," she wouldn't bother to spew hateful posts and advocate for the end of others, including LIVE children.
      People who are happy and in peace are usually loving and willing to help others and TRULLY love humanity. $carah is like a hateful demon whohas been set lose and it's out to destroy because it know it has very little time.

    11. "Meanwhile Sarah is at home surrounded by loving family. happy and at peace."
      No she isn't. You lie.

    12. Anonymous1:25 PM

      4:58 PM Is the Hospice crew there?

  33. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Hey Sarah, no one's afraid of you anymore!!! There goes your, "power," you vapid skank!!!

  34. Anonymous5:12 PM

    In addition to her run on sentences and disjointed narrative , Palin's punctuation errors are dreadful.
    When did Palin become an expert on Catholic doctrine ??
    Whether one agrees or disagrees with Representative Nancy Pelosi on policy,
    it's undeniable that's she's a devout Catholic,
    an accomplished woman ,
    a lady,
    the mother of five successful children and the proud grandmother of eight grandchildren.
    I have never seen Rep Pelosi scream and screech in public nor dress like a tramp.
    Instead of running down Mrs Pelosi , Palin should try and emulate her.
    Especially the " behaving like a lady " part.

    1. Anonymous4:47 AM

      Sarah's jealousy knows no bounds. I know that the far right despises Nancy Pelosi and have never understood why. There have been successful conservative female politicians. But they simply hate Nancy Pelosi. Maybe it's because they know that Nancy Pelosi is right.

  35. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Is Pelosi married to a Pimp? Is Pelosi's son a drug addict? Are all of Pelosi's daughters Moms without Husbands? Is Pelosi a wannabe Teen? Did all of Pelosi's kids graduate from High School and College? Did Nancy Pelosi Fake a DS Pregnancy? Sarah Palin STFU about Nancy Pelosi, a very wealthy and successful woman with style and class. Stick to your ghost writing Faux Xtian Nancy Horse-faced French. She believes in 'hawking' money just like you.

  36. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Where is your precious gift from god , Sarah? "Your" kid (who you did not birth) who has more chromosomes than everyone else's kid? Have you seen him this week? Fed him? Hugged or kissed or read him a book?? Tied his shoes? Helped him go potty?
    Buehler? Buehler?

    Please someone shut her the fuck UP!

  37. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Sarah, you are boring as shit. Quit being jealous, it's not Nancy Pelosi's fault that you're a brain-dead fucktard. She has never had an abortion and raised 5 well-educated and successful children BEFORE she got into politics. She just so happens to understand that not all women have the same kind of advantages that she's had, therefore they shouldn't be forced to give birth to a child they can't provide for. So why don't you follow her example and go be a mother to the 2 young kids you haven't completely destroyed yet, and stop criticizing everyone else, you stupid harpy? GOD you suck!

  38. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Palin has no logic.

    I'm going to try hard to express what I mean, since unlike Palin, I don't have a communications/journalism degree. She is dissing Nancy Pelosi why? Because Nancy suggested something illegal, hateful or unfruitful? No, Sarah is angry at Pelosi because she believes it's only the right thing to do to help those border kids. Sarah is angry because Ms. Pelosi wants to take this as an opportunity, not a crisis.

    What does Sarah Palin have to do with christianity? How is refusing to help the needy going to help the pro-life movement. How is ignoring those border kids going to help women stop seeking abortions?

    Sarah Palin would cut off her nose to spite her face. If she can't have her way in controlling pro-choice liberals like Pelosi, then she would rather that all kids go hungry and homeless, to spite all those liberals.

    Sista Sarah is NOT worried about those kids. Her genuine sentiment is hatred towards Pelosi and liberals, and she would drown every kid alive if it meant she could spew her venom and hurt Pelosi and all liberals forever and ever.

    This is all Sarah Palin lives for: Vendetta

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Whereas V is for Vendetta, Mrs. Palin is more like R is for Retard.

    2. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Sarah Palin has no college degree.

  39. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Sarah's sista Breitbart sent her the surprise picture of Pelosi because they see pictures of Sarah's faces. They don't get it that Pelosi has nice hair and style.
    Can you spell j-e-a-l-o-u-s ?

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Pelosi and her children are edumacated.
      No-no in the Heath/Palin parental manual.
      Jealousy IS their middle name.

  40. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Son of a bitch! Sarah finally admitted what she is:

    "Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle."
    -Sarah Palin

    Explains her facial features, rock jaw, coarse hair, etc

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      She makes it so easy, doesn't she? LOL

  41. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Looks like the plastic surgeon pulled up too much on side of her head. One side of her mouth higher than the other.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      She and Greta (FOX) look alike! Must have had the same facial surgeon. Ugly!!!!

  42. Gryphen, I want to go on record as saying that The Screechy Wretch(tm) characterizing Nancy Pelosi's speech as "gibberish" is literally about the funniest thing I've ever read on your defunct blog. And that's saying a lot.

    Of course, it's also possible - cognitively speaking - that to Screechy's ears everything everybody says may sound like gibberish, so perhaps we shouldn't take too much delight in this revelation.


  43. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Cross-eyed and clueless. Perfect pictur.

  44. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Hey, $arahbitch! Didn't you a week or so ago ask that all those children be flown back to Mexico from whence they DID not hail from?

    Seriously, "sistah." you come out with the craziest crap after you've blown yet another appearance whether in person or on the idgit network.

    My advice: Look at what you said EARLIER before you spout off. Can you even remember what you said an hour ago? In the end it doesn't matter. You're toast.

  45. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Hard to say which is the favorite pic anymore. Above, the donkey bray, the shar pei wannabe, the Dolly Parton.

    Just LOOK at you $arah! Aren't you the BABE with all the answers. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    1. Anonymous9:32 PM

      And all the stupidity! :-)

  46. Anonymous8:39 PM

    It's happened.

    Responding to something Sarah Palin writes or says is akin to responding to the moronic trolls that saturate the comment section sometimes:

    It is pointless, useless and quite frankly - who gives a flying fuck what she says?

    About anything?

    1. Anonymous4:53 AM

      Well that's an awesome. Gif!

  47. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I Am remembering how Sarah treated a 5 month old baby with DS, dragging him around for two months as her election prop, exposing a baby with a hole in his heart to germs, bright lights, crowds and late hours. That is not a woman who cares about the children or quality of life.

    Many of these kids are fleeing some of the most dangerous conditions. Their parents are hoping that the kids might have a better chance at life here. Yes, it is a problem that they arrived illegally. It was the Bush administration who is responsible for the laws about how we treat unaccompanied minor children who cross the border illegally.

    Sarah never knew what the Statue of Liberty stood for. She flunked that test on her American History bus tour. She also proves that she is not a good, caring Christian who follows the teachings of Christ. Abortion and illegal immigration are not related subjects. That woman is still an idiot!

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      That was sad how she held her prop like a sack of potatoes. Also can't forget, I believe it was her book tour, she came out of her rv all nice and warm while her prop barely had any clothes on.

  48. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Sarah, you are FUCKING STUPID!!!!!

  49. The stupid witch is anti-choice she is far from pro-life. This goes double for the gop. MYODB clowns!

  50. Anonymous10:40 PM

    She wolf is mad. Mad that for the rest of her life she has to take care of a downs syndrome child, at first she thought of him as a pet and then reality hit. " He still craps his pants?'" So she farms him out to whoever she can while she does her grifting carny circus act. Tell us all saint Sarah how you love kids. You have done NOTHING for downs syndrome children,not one speech, not one minute of your time to help those other parents who also are in need! It's all about you 24 7 all the time, When he was a baby you paraded him around like a pet Saint Sarah, yeah he was useful then now? You are the lowest of the low you self serving hypocrite! Don't talk about children when you don't care about your own.

  51. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Hey visitor from united states, take a sanity break and empty your bedpan, Troll.

  52. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Sarah Palin accused Nancy Pelosi of "speaking such gibberish"? That's all anybody needs to read. What a joke and from the Queen of Word Salad!

  53. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Gasp, gasp, puff, puff, little miss blowhard is at it again! You know I think I will market a shirt that says IM OWNED instead of Alaska Grown BWAHAHAHAHA. Hey seditious sarah whos watching your kids?????? There should be another posr soon about the wendigo from wasilla RAGE over President Obama actually doing something about the problem instead of desperately glomming on to yet another plight in order to get the knuckle draggers to send money to her rapidly dwindling PAC. Run Seditious Sarah Run gotta keep the cash flowin don'tcha know

  54. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Warning: OLD NEWS

    Sarah: "Well I'll be a monkey's uncle."
    Todd: "Then I can be its mom, okay? Please? "
    Sarah: "Gee, Todd, you'll do anything to get me to lay that pipe to ya, huh?"
    Todd: "You betcha, boss man!"

    Watch "The Story of Donald Trump's lawsuit against Bill Maher Over An Orangutan Joke (Full)" on YouTube

    That explains a lot about Donald Trump's hair. Gryphen, owe me a hundred bucks... I told you Sarah had a dick. It was past time she admitted it.

  55. Anonymous6:59 AM

    The reason for Palin's gibberish is to drum up last minute contributions from the pro-lifers before her PAC's report that is due at the end of June.

  56. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Anonymous4:58 PM
    If $carah is REALLY "at home surrounded by loving family. happy and at peace," she wouldn't bother to spew hateful posts and advocate for the murdering of others, including LIVE children.
    People who are happy and in peace are usually loving and willing to help others and TRULLY love humanity.
    $carah is like a hateful demon who has been set lose and it's out to destroy because it know it has very little time.

  57. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Anonymous4:58 PM
    If $carah is REALLY "at home surrounded by loving family. happy and at peace" (sic) she wouldn't bother to spew hateful posts and advocate for the murdering of others, including LIVE brown children.
    People who are happy and in peace are usually loving and willing to help others and TRULY love humanity.
    $carah is like a hateful demon who has been set lose and it's out to destroy because it knows it has very little time.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      I doubt there are very few in America that would mourn the death of this fraud! Cheney should take her on a hunting trip for caribou in northern Alaska. Know she'd have a wonderful time!!!

  58. Anonymous9:37 AM

    This so called mother never gave her children validation
    for the right to even exist on planet Earth, except for their
    usefulness , at times, to keep the Pac money coming in.
    She would not care if everyone of these lost children died!

  59. Anonymous10:32 AM

    OT CNN Hosts Poll on Whether to Deport Journalist Jose Antonio Vargas

  60. Anonymous10:41 AM

    wow! Sarah is making her chimp face in that picture. And that's a good picture of her since it's blured to hide her other face missfortunes.

  61. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Can Sarah Palin look any crazier than that photo? She looks Batshit Crazy and crosseyed. Bristol, Willow, Track, and Piper 'Is that Yo' Mama'? BWAHAHAHAHAHA, anybody who looks that crazy should avoid the media. Sarah is nothing to write home about.

  62. Anonymous12:11 PM

    She looks so Fu%edUP she posted old pictures in her wanna-be-cool FB rather than the most currect photos of the "...Last Stand." lol
    she knows she looks F%$d UP

  63. Anonymous12:54 PM

    $carah, you DO look like MY monkey's uncle. Really, you do.


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