Thursday, July 17, 2014

Bristol Palin's blog continues to be used to attack the President.

From Brancy's blog:

Wow — this is powerful. People from Chicago tell the President to resign. 

This person from Alaska agrees.

Well of course she does, that's why her mother got her a blog. And a ghostwriter to tell her what to think.

The group Rebel Pundit is apparently an Andrew Breitbart inspired group who go out into the streets and capture video of people saying negative things about liberals, the President, and the Democrats and then carefully edits it together to look as if the whole country is turning against them. (By the way I can find nothign about this "Manchild movement" advertised on those t-shirts.)

It was founded by Jeremy Segal a Breitbart contributor who specializes in the kind of "gotcha journalism" for which a certain half term governor once expressed so much disdain.

Here is part of an interview that Segal conducted with outgoing White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley while the poor guy was waiting to board a flight in 2012:

Breitbart News: Jeremy Segal with Breitbart News. I wanted to ask you two quick questions. 

Bill Daley: OK, sure. 

Breitbart News: I wanted to know if it dissapointed you that the president took on the Catholic Church? 

Daley: Who are you with again? 

Breitbart News: Breitbart News. 

Bill Daley: Is that a blog or something? 

Breitbart News: Yes, and a national news site. You know Andrew Breitbart? 

Bill Daley: Oh yeah, isn't that the guy that died? 

Breitbart News: What are your feelings about--or were you dissapointed that the president took on the Catholic Church? 

Bill Daley: He didn't take on the church... 

Breitbart News: He didn't? 

Bill Daley: No, there are some differences in view on certain issues, but he didn't take on the church. 

Breitbart News: Did you leave the White House because of Valerie Jarrett? 

Bill Daley: No. 

Breitbart News: Would you care to elaborate on that? 

Bill Daley: No, it had nothing to do with Valerie Jarrett.

Such hard hitting journalism, don't you think?

And now Palin's constantly impregnated cub is pimping gutter style journalism for one of the few Right Wing sites that still take her mother seriously.

Kind of sad really.


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Why anyone cares what this 20 year old thinks (?) is beyond me. I bet if anyone actually asked her about something on her blog, she'd have no idea what they were talking about. She has rented her name/blog to right wingers who hope to use it to lure young people to the tea party.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      That beotch is 23, going on 24. She might WANT people to think she is only 20...

    2. Anonymous12:52 PM

      20 ha! That mindless breeder turns 24 in October! She's of the age where most men and women are graduating from college with a Bachelor's degree, instead she's been pregnant (at least twice and probably 3 times) and all of the cash she has brought in in due to being the daughter of a quitter Governor and failed VP candidate.

    3. Anonymous1:12 PM

      No one cares what Bristol Palin thinks. There is no indication that she does think. What this is about is the political machine. People are sick of the sham. Not that anyone cares that Bristol Palin is being used in this hideous manner and for such evil purpose. The kids, most likely way younger than 20 years, they are also being used. They are the ones worth caring about.

      If your kid was sold a pack of lies and fell for it, you may not be too happy seeing them used. If it involved money and the truth came out that what they bought was false advertising, you may care about that and do something.

  2. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Same silly shit, different day. The money is drying up so desperation is in overdrive.

  3. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I would be ashamed to push my mother's hatred on as if I had no brain.

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Her mother takes advantage. Rostov has a low IQ. She is mildly developmentally disabled ( mentally retarded).

  4. So far anyway this little gem has been shared 212 times and tweeted 3 times. Not much action out in the world. I think the best thing to do about Bristol Palin's blog is to ignore it; that's what the world seems to be doing.

  5. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I was poor, but a GOP die-hard: How I finally left the politics of shame

    I hated government -- even as it was the only thing trying to save me. Here's how, one day, I finally saw the light

    ...After years of backing Republicans, Lyngar says he saw the light. The beginning of his change seemed to come in 2010. Living in Nevada, he says he could not support the Tea Party candidate for senate, Sharon Angle, calling her “an obvious lunatic.” Instead, he sent money that he really didn’t have to spare, to the Rand Paul campaign. Lyngar describes what he saw after the Tea Party gained power in Washington:

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      I read that and shared on Facebook yesterday! A really good read and a little glimpse into the GOP brain, such as it is. Or was in that case.


  6. Anonymous12:37 PM

    "Kind of sad really. "


    Bristol has been trying to upstage Mrs (note the "title" Mrs, bots) Sunny Johnston from day one.

    Bristol fantasized about a wedding in the Rose Garden.

    Her Mom was going to be "President of United States" and all that.

    If only Bristol's mother had not convinced her a dozen jelly donuts was a hearty breakfast.

    What could've been....

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Bristle's dream wedding was to be wearing camoflauge also, too!! We would have known which one was Bristles by the pregnant belly!

  7. Anonymous12:38 PM

    One person -- not "people" -- used the word "resign". Past that, it's a group of unhappy Chicago residents who are worried and concerned about the state their city is in, and I don't blame them.

    However, all Bristol cares about (and Breitbart) is that one of them said the word "resign". Does Bristol support the idea of bringing more tax dollars into Chicago? Does Breitbart? Of course not. If we didn't have the current crisis will refugee children crossing the border, that video would have been titled "Lazy moochers want Obama to resign if he doesn't redistribute your tax dollars".

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Bristol supports the idea of getting drunk on wine coolers and having sex in tents, all while being an abstinent single mother of perhaps 3 babies.

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      12:54 PM She could qualify for a PAC. A super sized gulpy one. I have to take it back, I'd said she would never run for an office. Yep, Bristol does have a platform to run on.

    3. Anonymous9:22 AM

      If she even considers running, the opposition would be able to parade a whole group of guys who were either trial husbands, or one night stands in front of the press. Her reputation is not one of respectable young woman, but that of a slut. There would be no cover up like there is now, because by then her grifting mother will be exposed for what she is.

  8. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I sure hope Levi's attorney brings up these posts in Barstools name. She is mentally disturbed and should not have custody of any child.

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      She needs a guardian to take care of Bristol. No one turns their life over to such a nefarious cult if they are well and able to function in the world.

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      No one in the Palin family really care about Tripps future do they. These blog posts show an unfit parent. Why on earth are they posting these racist hate filled rants right before the custody hearing. It's really not very bright of them.

    3. Anonymous2:43 PM

      2:17 PM

      Sarah's recent propaganda is all about her 'happy' commercial fishing family. She's in some kind of fantasy world that none of last week happened. She wasn't even at the airport where she was photographed and some photos disappeared. Go figure. One of her cray cray supporters just happened to get a photo of her in a small crowd of millenniums right after a troll was commenting on her popularity with young people. Cray Cray said he didn't take the picture, yet he would not credit the photographer. Too much crazy going on since her previous lunatic posts.

      Now Bristol doesn't care about Tripp, all her Christian blog is about is destroying someone else. Not even Levi. She is after the head of state and taking out the whole country at any cost. Lying is easy for them so they just make shit up.

      None of them have time for Tripp. Poor kid. He must be absorbing all that poisonous hatred.

      I wish Sunny and Levi could have complete custody, for Tripp's sake.


    4. Anonymous3:18 PM

      The only "commercial" fishing is at Todd's family business' whorehouse.

  9. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Why is Mrs. Palin so hellbent on trying to make her special daughter happen?

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Bristol's REE-ward for humiliating herself in '08. Hope it was worth it, she's never going to amount to anything. She's been rightfully branded but good, Hollywood's done with her, and what self-respecting man wants a pass-around pack?

    2. Anonymous1:52 PM

      "In my day, she'd just be known as 'That little whore that lives down the street!'" - Joan Rivers

  10. This is just pathetic. This sudden pretense that vacuum-skulled dullard Bristol can write more than her name and has the slightest clue about, well, anything, is just baffling.

    Stick a mike in her face in public and ask her about some of these idiot posts on "her" blog and she would just goggle at you.

    And two in a row from a clearly dim-witted 20-something on how, see everybody, black people don't like the President?

    This reeks of desperation and is at the same time so incredibly stupid.

    As if anyone, anywhere, young or old, gave the tiniest shit what one of the least interesting people on the planet thinks about anything.

    Something odd going on here, but Bristol is too damn stupid and boring for me to bother pursuing it.

    1. Is anyone more deserving of the epithet Tundra Twatwaffle than Bristol Palin?

      She would be pathetic if she weren't such a vindictive and hate-filled liar.

    2. Anonymous2:13 PM

      I hope you start a blog Nefer. Really, you are so articulate.

    3. I'm in TOTAL agreement with A2:13. Nefer, your comments are like the glass of wine I save for the end of the day. Thoroughly rewarding, and always leave me thinking "I want another of these right now!"

  11. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Bristol's blog turns off comments, which is insulting if she has any followers.
    How rude to be only ME, ME, ME.
    Bristol's blog just did a Hobby Lobby Love Day that was a waste and a failure without feed back and a flow of discussion.
    Bristol's blog is attempting a book club and they only seem to expose the fact that Bristol doesn't actually read, certainly not past age 12 level. It is Nancy French that does all the set ups and work. They should just come out with the truth and stop false advertising.

    One day Bristol Palin will be sued. It doesn't matter if she knows what is going on or not, the blog uses her name.

    Bristol's blog has a consistent theme intentionally destroying a good man's name, at the same time they show contempt for the highest office in the land. They don't use articles or information that are truthful which makes them complicit with other's libel. All the while they are conspiring their rotten deeds. At the same time Sarah Palin is stirring up more violence. Guns, guns, guns. Gabby Giffords and the dead in Tucson isn't enough carnage for the Palin?

    Sarah Palin is running away from her latest idea and she is scared to confront Eric Holder, Bill Kristol and others. Even her rebel rousing promise of more impeachment projects and film is on hold while she uses Bristol to try and go for the jugular.

    "Sunglasses At Night" or indoors with boobs

    Same day

    Outdoors, no sunglasses and boobs are covered.

    Why aren't the Bristol Bay Salmon in Facebook photos?

    tick tock tick tock
    Waiting for Kristol screech. Holder? Impeachment series? How convenient to take a flight or a vacation at this time.

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      She's a coward like her mother.

    2. vegaslib1:27 PM

      Of course Sarah has glasses on, to hide the crazy meth eyes.

  12. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Obama could open fire on a group of babies and you'd all defend him.

    it's beyond sad how this man is untouchable in your mind, how no constructive criticism is allowed.


    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Gryph, please for the love of gawd, stop posting the troll's stupid ass comments.

    2. vegaslib1:31 PM

      Where in the hell is the "constructive criticism" in ANYTHING that these assholes say about Obama? Waiting......

    3. Provide constructive criticism and we will deal with it just fine. Your unhinged, demented, false, stupid, asinine bullshit is not "constructive criticism." It is stupid. And it is lies.

      You are the one who is hypocritical.

    4. Anonymous2:04 PM

      It is sad in your mind you hate but you maybe call yourself a religious person. He is just that wonderful, Mr. President.

    5. Anonymous2:07 PM

      I'll betcha Gryphen lets the troll comments through that are directly from someone very close to the Palin klan if not from a Palin themselves. I'm sure he knows which IP addresses are which. But Gryph if that is not the case and it's just another nobody, then I agree - stop posting the stupid troll's comments. Otherwise I'm just going to have to assume that it's an "important" troll!

    6. Cracklin Charlie3:14 PM

      What's that scraping sound?

      Oh, it's the bottom of the barrel. Piss off, Bristol!

    7. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Could you please supply examples of the president's misdeeds, with reliable references, for us to consider? I didn't think so.

    8. Anonymous4:53 PM

      1:17 PM FUCK OFF, Troll. How many 'whiteouts' are Sarah, Bristol, and Willow responsible for? Their Fake Family Values platform is a joke. Sarah Palin couldn't say no to men outside of her Faux Marriage, and her Daughters can't say no to many many Trial Daddies. That Bordello on Lake Lucille, that the Palins call home, must have the biggest nursery in Wasilla.

    9. Anonymous5:03 PM make up some horrid scenario that has not and never will happen, to "prove" we worship him, which is pretty stupid...because you don't have one legitimate lie from the President that you can name and back up with proof. Desperation is a stinky cologne, troll-tard!

    10. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Besides, the Palin whores you ardently defend day after day after day, would trample a field of newborns to get to a fucking dollar bill. And yet you WOULD keep on supporting their greedy asses. Quit your constant bullshit projection onto others, it's getting boring.

    11. Anita Winecooler4:59 PM

      Leave the kids being killed by guns to the experts. Cristina Taylor Green, for example, and the expert who enticed the crazy man with the gun by posting Gabby Giffords name and district with gun sites on her facebook. In case you're dazed and confused, we're not talking about your President, we're talking about Sarah Palin and the rocket scientist who wrote "They're not gun sites, ummmm, they're manhole covers"
      Why would "Sarah" write that, then do the famous Adolf Hitler "Blood Libel" video? shm. The dots are there, just connect them.

    12. Anonymous9:34 AM

      1:17 Talking about a group of babies, how ARE Bristle's offspring doing these days? There is the DWTS baby, then the Junker kid. Also, too, the baby she was preggers with when she had that "engagement" cover with Levi, then she took the money and ran.

  13. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Sarah's blog (we all know it's NOT Bristol's) shows just how desperate she is for every last single penny she can milk out of her fan club members. We all know that is the ONLY reason this blog even exists in the first place. Pathetic of Sarah to use her daughter in this way and pathetic of Bristol for taking the $ her mom pays her for it instead of using her brain. Goes to show as well that Bristol may claim she's an "independent" adult when in reality the opposite is true.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Sarah's blog (we all know it's NOT Bristol's)


    2. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Bristol is slow. Her IQ and developmental level are like a child's. She can barely read, let alone write a blog. How awful her mother uses her like this. It's sick.

    3. Just as Sarah Palin pads everything about herself (resume, experience, hair, shoulders, butt, boobs) she also just loves to use other people as props to make herself look better. She to hide behind someone else (Trig! Track! Todd!). In this case she's hiding behind her daughter. She can point to Bristol's blog and get attention but, as usual, take no responsibility.

    4. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Sarah Palin is to pads what Imelda Marcos is to shoes.

    5. Anonymous9:39 AM

      How can Bristles make a living, when the only thing she knows is spreading her legs? Oh, her father ciould employ her until the FBI rounds up the entire clan and jails them.

  14. vegaslib1:19 PM

    For Gods sake, enough already. We know your entire fucking family hates Obama. We get it, Jesus, give it a break for fucks sake. Why don't you losers find something else to do besides get pregnant and bitch about our first black President?

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      They really are pathetic losers, aren't they? I would pity them but they are beyond pity.

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      They're completely owned by him...they think about him non-stop. The Immoral Minority and the Obama family are their lives. Because Barack Obama seemed like such a phenomenon, Sarah was hastily picked for VP in the vain attempt to "out-charisma" Obama. It didn't work, but look at all the good stuff that has come the Palins' way...they're wealthy and "famous" and have milked their failure for riches and attention for years now. Yet they still obsess over Obama instead of enjoying the good life that they never would have had if he wasn't such an unstoppable juggernaut in 2008. Sarah AND Bristol are nothing but black holes in human skin, they are miserable ingrates and they want everyone to be as miserable as they are. For all their talk about loving America, you would think they would appreciate the opportunities this country has given them, but they wasted it and it's too late now. They need to get the fuck off the stage already.

    3. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Money does not buy happiness. Especially when you have as many secrets (and babies) to hide as the PayMe family has. How is Toad's new wife and child fitting in with this vile group?

  15. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Bristol Palin is a brain-dead wannabe. I have to laugh about the Rose Garden wedding. Sarah Palin’s kids have no idea what the Rose Garden is and they never have. National politics (actually even Alaska politics) were not a subject her children had any interest in. The two eldest were put out of sight as they were juvenile delinquents. These were not children who were well educated by their parents. They were essentially ignored by their parents and reacted badly to their poor parental upbringing. Now they only grift as that is the model they saw as children.

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      It's really sad. She wasn't raised to have any curiosity about the world, she never learned any critical thinking skills. So she is developmentally stunted- but doesn't realize it.

  16. Anonymous1:20 PM

    stain-ette is a puppet to her mother, stain. The puppeteer's are the Cocks. IMO none of stain's diatribes are written by her. They are signed sealed and delivered to her for $$$.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      The entire family only knows how to do fraud. They seem to do it 24/7.

  17. Anonymous1:22 PM

    If Bristol would stop blogging, she would be able to spend more time with her children.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      She's a terrible mother. It will all be coming out in court soon as long as Levi doesn't roll over

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      She blogs while laying on her back. She's a multitasker.

  18. Seems like they may be paid endorsements. So what is the perennial preggers Palin progeny hoping to gain? Some sort of psuedo paid position/contributor for political publications of some entity like the GOP, Breitbart, Newmax or even Palin? Sure......everyone clamors to hear to opinions of a marginally educated GOP minion with a vulgar vocabulary and even less empathy or compassion than a kumquat.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Are they paid by Breitbart to push their lies?

    2. Anonymous2:12 PM

      I think Bristol probably gets paid as a "consultant" or some other BS through SarahPAC in exchange for Sarah & Nancy using her name pretending to be Bristol on her "blog".

      In the past wasn't there talk about Bristol having some kind of trademark or title "Pie in the Sky"? or something like that? All designed by Sarah, lawyers and staff so Bristol's name could be used of course.

    3. vegaslib2:32 PM

      Maybe that is where some of that "postage" is going?

    4. Anonymous2:45 PM

      I'm an advocate for kumquats and I resemble your remark!

    5. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Bristol was set up with a public relations llc. We know how meaningful that was. Who know how they've used it. No doubt part of the crime family shenanigans.

      I can't wait until the law suits start to pile up. It will happen. It may start of slow and seemingly minor. It won't stay that way.

      I would really like to see Bristol's butt hauled in for depositions and a lawsuit. She is a fool to allow anyone to use her name. It isn't something that will indefinitely work out.

    6. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Anon 1:49PM
      "Are they paid by Breitbart to push their lies?"

      It could could be. I wouldn't be surprised.
      ('what's in it for me?" )

  19. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I know many in chicago don't like him but I thought it was mainly because of the gay people whove "died" to protect Obamas secret.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      You seem to have a deep seated hatred for gay people! What a perverted christian you turned into!

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Really? What about all the gay men that have died to protect Todd's secret? You know how much he loves men, don't you?
      Did you also know that Bristol had a vaginoplasty?
      She needed it. Too bad there is no way ton crease her IQ

    3. Anonymous1:50 PM

      How do you know them if they are dead?! or they died to protect his secret? STFU Bristol & get a real job where you can earn your keep.

    4. Anonymous2:05 PM

      If she is in the family business "vaginal rejuvenation” is tax deductible and necessary.

    5. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Full on teatard on display. No one sane believes that load of crap except for teatards of which you obviously are one. The earth is flat too right?

    6. Anonymous2:51 PM

      At age 23 yes. She's been around the block a few times & has to pretend she's a born-again virgin.

    7. Anonymous4:13 PM

      1:31 Oh really fucktard. I live in Chicago and u don't know what ur talking about.

    8. Anonymous4:43 PM

      1:31 PM Todd Palin is the Gay Pimp, and he does not try to hide it.

    9. Anonymous5:12 PM

      wth is "whove"??????????????
      secret? is that the secret "that he is gay" or is it the secret "he doesn't like gays?" can't play it both ways idiot wannabe bristol palin.

    10. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Somebody needs their medication STAT

    11. Anonymous6:09 PM

      What is it with you fucking pod people and your love of thinking about Pres. Obama having gay sex? Jesus!

      And yeah, I'm sure when PO was an unknown attorney he went around Chicago murdering gays because apparently he would have all these depraved gay orgies but he didn't want anyone to know! And it's obviously easier to murder people to cover it up instead of being discreet about your sex life from the beginning. Do you idiots EVER listen to the shit that constantly spews out of your face?

    12. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Even though Trig and Ruffles were preemie there were two that had to come out so that kind of wore out Bristol's nether regions, hence the reconstruction. Tripp was normal size. I wonder how big the DWTS baby was? As the Troll likes to remind us, it's common here in Wasilla for 23 year olds to have 3 children. Most of them are on Food Stamps, but luckily Bristol has Levi's money and her mother's sweet grift cash.

    13. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Remember Grant Park overflowing with super happy people when the President went there before his Innauguration? Yeah, those Chicago people hated him (NOT) Too bad $carah went to Tennessee recently for something called "Americans Last Gasp" Fewer than 300 tickets were sold, more had to be given away. It was extra for a "Meet and Greet" Nobody bought one for $carah, so she left. Bristles needs to stop screwing, giving birth, grow up and get an education.

  20. vegaslib1:48 PM

    1:31, 1:37. What is your point? Obama is gay and can't remember when he met his wife? WTF?

    Your little buddy has been pretty quiet since getting her ass handed to her by just about everyone. LOL.

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Sarah has so much to hide from since her last manic attacks. She feels better just knowing that Mansour and French have Bristol's blog to carry on and spread their hate.

      They screwed up posting salmon slayer Piper twice. it is time for an impeachment video and Todd goes fishing with Sarah and the Belmonts? Give me a break.

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Hasn't Toad moved on, started another family with a young woman?

  21. Anonymous1:49 PM

    There heereee....the palin trolls....

  22. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Fuck off barstool,brancy and seditious sarah!

  23. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Why can't Sarah Palin remember where she gave birth to Trig at. Where's Trig's birth certificate?

  24. Speaking just for myself, I'd be thrilled to have a gay President (Democrat, of course!). And / or a Muslim President (also, Democrat, of course!). And hell, I'd be happy with a radical President (again, of the Democratic variety.) President Obama, the best President of my lifetime, is not gay, or Muslim, or radical. But he is a great man and a great public servant.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      So true Liz!!!!!!! + 1000000000

    2. vegaslib2:35 PM

      You tell 'em Liz. I loves me some gay, muslim, radical prezes. Bring it!!

    3. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Oh, to see the pee pond reaction! Bring it!

    4. Anonymous3:39 PM

      The funny thing is that he's not particularly liberal. (I'm pretty leftish, so I would know.) In St. Ronnie's day he'd be pretty middle of the road. But the zero on that political spectrum graph has shifted a zillion points to the right so the middle now looks left.

  25. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I don't know about this. I do know our POTUS is a good guy and has had just the utmost obstacles his entire first 4 years and now this term. These people would probably cry like a baby with all the weight he has to push against. I just send good thoughts to Mr. President and his family and his staff!

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      +1000, 1:59 PM! Worst president, my keester, and the finest First Family in memory.

  26. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Me too!!!!he is so intelligent and thoughtful. I'm amazed at his class in dealing with the ignorance and disgusting behavior of the right.

  27. Anonymous2:08 PM

    "Bristol Palin's blog continues to be used to attack the President."

    Translation: The stupid little twat has willingly allowed herself to be thrown under the bus yet again by (and for the benefit of) "Mommy Fearest" towards some futile end.

    Jesus, you're a fucking idiot, Bristol.

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Bristol gets paid for it so why should she care. Money is everything to her. To things Bristol has learned the hard way. 1) Money can't buy you class. 2) Money can't buy you love.

    2. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Another lesson she needs to learn Getting pregnant does NOT mean the guy will marry you, dumb asss.

  28. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Hey Bristol, doesn't it pain you to have your mother take credit for the child you gave birth to? Was is worth selling your soul for fame you lazy ass?

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Oh, there are PLENTY more where he came from!!I have one almost ever year. (said Bristol)

  29. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Bristol, what did you do with the junker baby while in Arizona. The pictures don't lie. hmmmm.. I could sell them....

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      You deserve the money if you are rich anonymously donate to a favor charity. Don't hold back, hold out for best return on your product.

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      There is nothing to sell. Lots of people in AZ saw her pregnant, including one photo while at the theater with her grandparents.
      I think the thing is that they act so righteous, when in reality they are scandalous.

    3. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Anonymous3:14 PM

      It would be nice when people share.

    4. Anonymous4:40 PM

      If lots of people saw Bristol in public pregnant, where are the pictures? I want absolute proof. Otherwise this is a rumor IMO.

    5. Suzy Q5:00 PM

      Good freaking lord! I sure hope to hell that Bristol is doing her Kegel exercises or she'll be wearing Depends at age 30! If people saw her pregnant in Arizona why don't we see the product? Where do the Palins hide these children? I guess it's too much to ask that Bristol use birth control?

  30. Anonymous2:20 PM

    You're an idiot. They may have met in passing many times, seen each other in passing, said HI or something like that then later met & exchanged names. Big whoop de doo over nothing. Now if he forgot their anniversary you might have something there. This just shows how desperate the RW nuts are to grasp on to anything no matter how trivial. Next thing you know it will be teaparty headlines that Obama forgot to feed the dog. Ridiculous.

  31. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Did Bristol ever get a real job after graduating skin school??
    Is she giving facials/ popping pimples somewhere or just still living off her mommy and daddy?

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Skin School, LOL!.. she spent 6 months to learn how to give handjobs? Hell, she had to get her jaw fixed because she giving blowjobs since 13 took its toll.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      yeah! we know the "skin" she's talking

    3. Suzy Q4:50 PM

      Has she been playing the skin flute for 10 years, too? Didn't her mother play the flute for the talent portion of the Miss Alaska beauty pageant? How did that work out?

  32. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Give it a rest, 1:37 PM. Many men can't remember their anniversaries. With all he's got to handle, BFD!

  33. Anonymous2:28 PM

    LOL! Breitbart.. a national news source for low intelligence racists like the Palin family.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      People who settle for lies are settling for abuse.

  34. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I found this info on the Manchild movement:

    A conservative Christian group full of a conspiracy against them.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Christianity needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

    2. Anonymous3:24 PM

      It looks like a Sandusky type of operation to me. And notice it was founded in 2007 after we all knew Obama won and before the Inauguration. I do recall reading about a Koch's brother operation against everything Obama after he won. These people really work with long-range goals. Only our vote will save us.

  35. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Having no thoughts of her own, Sarah puffs herself up by projecting parroted thoughts onto others. She's a coward and Bristol's a brainwashed fool to allow herself to be a prop, albeit a paid one. It's very sad for Bristol who, apparently and illogically, has been convinced the the money is a sign of God's approval.

  36. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Go and get a job while you can still close your legs, Bristol, you lazy bitch.

  37. The reality is that Bristol Palin has never cared about politics or anything remotely connected to social consciousness. Bristol came closest of any from this family of lying cheaters to telling the truth about the whole "family values" schtick when telling Frank Bailey, in front of her mother, "they'd sure see some shit!" ("They" being any possible reality show cameras which might follow the Palins around)

    She knows people remember that, and her saying with babe in arms "abstinence is not realistic".

    Bristol ONLY changed her off key tune for money, pure and simple. Her patheos blog is riddled with more advertisements than a building in Times Square. The more clicks, the more money. So she lets Nancy French, the woman who requested "a black child" instead of "any child that needs a home" to adopt just so she could say "I'm not racist, I have a black child!", post anything she wants.

    Bristol, perched in front of a microphone with no "key cards" (what Bristol called "cue cards" when deriding others for using them) would finally best her mother as the dumbest nitwit to ever hold a mic. Bristol does not HAVE opinions about anything except what fast food she wants and what sparkly new cell phone case to get. This girl, like her mother, redefines "vapid".

    Bristol's "celebrity" is compensation for her position as the under-bus sitter during the campaign. I doubt she will ever have the self awareness to say "I've never done or said anything to make people want to hear what I have to offer on politics. I'm going to shut up and try to earn back some dignity".

    And in this ONE and only regard I forgive Bristol...because how can she shed her mother's influence so completely? Her mother will never "suffer" such a moment of self awareness; why should she? Bristol has been taught "what's in it for me?" her whole life. But Bristol, you are nearly 24 years old. You have borne at least two children and almost certainly three. It's time to stop using the "it's all I know" as an internal, self justifying excuse.

    Bristol, you are a joke. And at this age, you can only blame yourself. Refuse to let that blog use your name anymore. Start a REAL blog and tell the REAL truth about your life and pregnancies. I guarantee that would get you more money and fame than your psychotic shrew of a mother could ever think of bribing you with.

  38. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Is that all you got? Because that's less than trivial.

  39. The shame of it is that Bristol's mother was so immensely damaged, narcissistic, and angry that she could not be a mother.

    If not for that, the vacuous little peawit would probably have led a perfectly contented existence as a high school drop out pregnant and married at 16, with a string of babies following. She and hubby would have had plenty of friends from their jobs at the Walmart and would never have known that there might have been more to life, and in their case, ignorance really would have been bliss.

    From all accounts, Bristol does not have the cognitive capability to figure out why she is miserable and there is little to no chance that she will ever figure out how to live her own life as her family personifies unhealthy enmeshment.

    I doubt if she knows anything about "her" blog other than it exists. She certainly can't read it.

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Bristol may not know about what goes on her blog, but she's 100% responsible. She get's money off of it and she should now better.

    2. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Yes, it is more commercial than the Palin's fishy commercial Bristol Bay slayings. I can't wait until Sarah gets Bristol into a law suit. How is Sarah's copyright debacle coming along?

  40. Anonymous3:56 PM

    It is countdown time.

    Interesting to see each day hate or Lobby love that Sarah posts in Bristol's name.

    What countdown day is this?

    Mommie Dearest is having a Love Day, salmon reinvigorating for impeachment fight.

    It is a Hate Day for low info Barstool's fake blog.

  41. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I just looked at bristol's FB and it's obvious she now has veneers. The woman now looks like she has horse's teeth; piper has a giant wonky eye --making her look retarded; scarah has the posture of a hunchback & has the obligatory sun glasses & willow has learned to hide her gigantic arms The other older women must be family & there's a young girl with vampire-like teeth.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Honestly, I don't care what they look like, what work they've had done, what they are or are not wearing. I only care that they are stirring up hate and fear in the dimwitted and that affects my grandchildren's future.

    2. Anonymous10:23 AM

      I find it sad that Levi is the ONLY Baby Daddy fighting for time with his child. The DWTS baby likely was Gino's and we know Junker fathered one. Don't either of them care enough to want to see their children?Bristol really knows how to pick losers, doesn;t she? I guess "Birds of a feather really do F L O C K together" I spelled it out, so she will not confuse it with her usual F word.

  42. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Congratulations Sunny, Levi, Breeze and Tripp!

  43. Anonymous4:41 PM

    And Sarah Palin can't remember where she threw her wedding ring. Sarah can't remember when her daughter Willow gave birth to Tri-g. Tripp does not know when his real birthday was.

  44. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Bristol is a post turtle.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      She's a turd weed.

  45. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Thank you. Not entirely surprised. Sarah backed down and didn't make a public spectacle LOL!

    I wonder if Bristol even knew she had something going on at the court house. They probably tell her whatnots at the last minute when they give her the script.

    Settlement Hearing is now scheduled for September 8th.
    Is that open to public?

  46. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Anon 4:07PM: URL links to Alaska court cases don't work like we wish they would.

  47. Anita Winecooler5:18 PM

    "Bristol Palin-Palin" pretends to read and find some full tilt bullshit, and "Nancy" the "Alaska girl" agrees with it. People with MPD can get psychological help and integrate the personalities into one, hopefully genuine, personality. Of course that would mean she needs to cut the apron strings, chew through the umbilical chord, and break the chains Momma has on her.

    In other words, those women are crazy.

  48. Anita Winecooler5:33 PM

    Easy mistake, hell I'm happy when Mr Winecooler remembers to take out the trash. But back to your idiotic statement, They didn't meet in school, they met at a law firm they both worked for, you know, just like Sarah and Todd.

  49. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Bristol Palin is an idiot. The majority of her blogs and posts are written by Nancy French. (I wonder how much Sarah's PAC pays Nancy, since Bristol's posts are the echo chamber for Sarah's posts). Bristol seems to be conducting her own book. She has chosen "The Giver," a 20 year old book that was written for kids in grades 5-8. It is required reading in several 6th grade grammar school classes. One reason that Bristol chose this book is because a movie, based on the book, will be released next month, staring Taylor Swift. If one looks hard, one may find some Christian values in the distopian society portrayed in the book.

    How stupid is Bristol? She has had the 192 page book for more than a week and she is trying to finish it. It's a book read by kids in 6th grade. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Anything that Bristol claims to write about President Obama should be seen as the ghost written post by a Christian woman with her own political agenda. And, she's paid to write for Bristol. Bristol's level of operation is 6th grade.

  50. Anonymous6:24 PM

    This blog just reinforces the stupidity of Brisket and Scarah. They think this will hurt the president. WRONG!

  51. Anonymous6:59 PM

    In a law firm, Anita? Up on separate charges in the waiting room? ;-)

  52. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Who gives a flying fuck when you look at the heading for this section concerning Bristol Palin? She is the very LAST one in the USA who has any influence when it comes to the POTUS and the next is her idiotic mother.

    What jokes! I'm shocked anyone is even responding to anything involving Bristol Palin! No other responses needed, folks! Time we quit talking about her!

  53. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Are you a fucking retard, Bristol? The posts are both still available.

  54. Caroll Thompson3:11 AM

    Bristol's blog is probably read by as many people as showed up to see Sarah in Tennessee. Less than 400 I am sure. But many of those hits might be folks from IM who read her foolishness before commenting here. I once read her blog before commenting, but I refuse to click on it again.

  55. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Please don't give her any publicity. That is all she and her mom have going for them. Take that away and it is all over.

  56. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Also, too Michelle was not pregnant with another man's baby when she married President Obama.


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