Thursday, July 17, 2014

Might be the worst wife ever.

Courtesy of  

A Texas actress who tried to blame her husband after sending ricin-laced letters to officials including President Barack Obama was sentenced Wednesday to 18 years in prison. 

A federal judge gave Shannon Guess Richardson, 36, the maximum sentence under her plea deal on a federal charge of possessing and producing a biological toxin. Richardson was also ordered to pay restitution of about $367,000. She had pleaded guilty to the charge in December. 

"I never intended for anybody to be hurt," she told the court, adding later, "I'm not a bad person; I don't have it in me to hurt anyone." 

"I'm not a bad person; I don't have it in me to hurt anyone."


Let's see if that passes the smell test.  

Prosecutors say Richardson mailed the three letters from New Boston, outside Texarkana, then went to police and claimed that her husband had done it. She was arrested last June. The day before her arrest, Nathan Richardson filed for divorce; it was finalized in January. 

Prosecutors say investigators noted inconsistencies in Richardson's statements. She also acknowledged in a signed plea agreement that she ordered castor beans online and learned how to process them into a substance used to make ricin, a toxin that can cause respiratory failure if inhaled. 

She obtained an email address, a PayPal shopping account and a post office box in her husband's name without his knowledge, according to the document. 

On the morning of May 20, 2013, she said she waited for her husband to go to work and then printed the mailing labels. 

The letter to Obama read, "What's in this letter is nothing compared to what ive got in store for you mr president," according to the document. "You will have to kill me and my family before you get my guns. Anyone wants to come to my house will get shot in the face." 

She eventually admitted to trying to blame her husband and lying to authorities.


This nasty piece of work went to all the trouble of learning how to make this deadly poison, opened up a Pay Pal account and P.O. Box in her husband's name, and then sent off letters containing ricin to the President of the freaking United States.

I know we talk about the humiliating things that Sarah Palin has subjected Todd to during their years of marriage, but at least she never tried to get him arrested for threatening to kill the President.

That is a whole new level of evil in my book.


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Not so fast with the 'worst wife ever' tag. There is still time for Palin to take first prize. After all, she does rack up a lot of
    'postage' expense. Give her a little more time, I'm sure she will
    sweep the competition.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Given her level of hatred and well-documented vindictiveness, I agree.

  2. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Which is why I check every little to make sure no one has created a PalPay account in my name.

  3. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Hawaii knows, Her Viciousness hates being one-uped.
    (Yeah, I know, but Hawaii actually exists.)

  4. lostinmn9:55 AM

    and the palin basement masturbators will all defend her saying she's sooo good looking and all she needs is a good man to set her straight.

  5. Anonymous9:57 AM

    "...but at least she never tried to get him arrested for threatening to kill the President.

    Don't put it past her, Gryph: She'd fuck over Christ himself if she thought it would get her press (and in truth, she has already done so in one way or another many times in the past.)

  6. Beldar J Conehead10:25 AM

    Don't kid yerself, Gryphen.

    I can just about guarantee that on a regular basis she's receiving letters something like this:

    "Hey. Your pretty cute. if you wind up in a prisen that has cangekul (not sure how to spell it, but sex) vists drop me a line and I will cum merry you. I live in my green 1987 Ford F-150 with a topper over the bed so I can cum thier any time. I dont have no pets but I have a rash that wont not go away. My 2nd ex-wife says I was handsome before my last accident that I dont recall on account I was drunk at the time but not my fawlt. Do you like dogs?

    Youre friend,

  7. Anonymous10:25 AM

    "... but at least she never tried to get him arrested for threatening to kill the President."


  8. Anonymous11:19 AM

    This lady must be related to the Heath family.

  9. Anonymous1:18 PM

    LOL Gryphen still pretending like he knows people. Humiliating?


    You know nothing and it's obvious. VERY

  10. Anonymous1:22 PM

    G tries to write Sarah as different from any other person. It's an impossible task, as she's the same as you and me. But he will continue because he lives in his own world.

    1. I KNOW, right??? Gryphen is the WORST! I don't like to say bad things about him because , like you always say, we shouldnt say bad things about people unless we know them personally and obviously you do, so that is awesome!

      Like you, I wouldnt even visit this defunct blog unless I was being paid to write stoopid crap here. Does ScreechyPAC pay you in stamps, too?

      Libtards, huh? The WORST! What are gonna do?

      C'mon, let's tell Gryphen we feel sorry for him and smh at him! Wanna? C'mon!!! It'll be fun!

      On the count of three, let's tell gryphen to grow up. It always makes me feel superior to him because it implies that I've grown up already, right?

      One.... two.... THREE!!!

      GROW UP!!!!

  11. Anita Winecooler5:10 PM

    Yeah, it's pretty difficult to find any "intent" when a person humbly says she's a good person, didn't intend to hurt anyone etc etc.

    IMHO This pitiful piece of shit got away easy. Threatening and sending Ricin to the President of the United States and she gets a fine and 18 years?

    Speaking of receiving an envelope with white powder in it, didn't Sarah's hand puppet say she got one a long time ago? Whatever came of that?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.