Friday, July 18, 2014

Convicted felon, and sovereign citizen, claims that he does not have to obey the law because his rights come from "the creator."

Courtesy of Monroe News: 

An Erie man charged with multiple felonies challenged constitutional laws in a Monroe court and claimed his rights were violated when police searched his home and confiscated several weapons. Philip R. Za­pata, 36, of 6705 Preston St. said in First District Court Tuesday afternoon that he was not bound by Michigan laws, a belief typically shared by those known as sovereign-nation citizens. 

“Your laws are violating my rights,” Mr. Zapata told First Dis­trict Judge Jack Vitale. “My rights don’t come from the Constitution. My rights come from the creator.” 

Acting in his own defense, Mr. Zapata challenged virtually every facet of the case, including the police identifying his residence on Preston, which he called his “family storage unit.” He also challenged the use of his name because it was printed on legal documents in capital letters. He referred to his name as a “dead entity.” 

The case against Mr. Zapata involves his alleged possession of weapons that Erie Township police removed from his home on Feb. 6. Chief Dean Ansel and Officer Jon LaSotta both testified that they had a legal search war­rant when they entered Mr. Za­pata’s house. Mr. Zapata, a convicted felon, is not allowed to legally own weapons. Inside the house that day, the police officers testified to finding and seizing a rifle in a bathroom, a 9mm handgun be­hind a trap door in a wall and a shotgun behind a freezer. 

You see this is the result of people being told that this is a Christian nation and that God wrote the Constitution.

These people are simple, barely functioning morons, who somehow believe despite their ignorance and criminal behaviors they are entitled to own guns.

I wonder if while in prison he will convince his cellmate not to touch him in his naughty bits because those body parts come from his creator?


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    You hooo, Mr.Creator, come out, come out where ever you are. 298 dead people want to know why they weren't saved yesterday. If you were too busy laughing your ass off watching Sarah Palin videos on YouTube I understand.

    Devout Follower of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I don't think that Mr. Zapata believes that God wrote the Constitution. He want nothing at all to do with the Constitution. I guess the 10 Commandments are all he needs. Idiots like this should never be allowed near a weapon or a ballot box.

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      I'm guessing, based on his cache of hidden weapons and his status as a convicted felon, that he doesn't follow those pesky 10 Commandments too closely either.

      I'd be curious to know what his conviction was for. The article doesn't say and I couldn't find anything in a quick google search.

  3. Ah, he's a special kind of wacky, ain't he? Bless his angry little misguided heart.
    Something tells me he's going to get a special kind of condescending treatment in jail: they're going to shake their heads and give him a pat on the head before giving him an understanding rap on the mouth.
    M from MD

  4. hedgewytch9:19 AM

    Put him in a cell with Schaffer Cox. They can figure out together where to go to have their "sovereign Christian nation". I've got a few suggestions for them.....but that wouldn't be very nice of me to say.....

  5. He claims his rights come from his parents? No other creator in this situation.

  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Some state, preferably in the red, sweaty, pustulent underbelly of our great nation, needs to secede and name itself Beckhannityalexjonesistan. Then Rush Limpdik can run for presnit, and Tricky Dicky Cheney can reprise his role as Satan's understudy. All sovereign citizens, birthers, twilighters, 9/11 conspiracy mongers, tea party dupes, neocons, paleocons, Birchers, KK Klansmen, -women, and -children, neoNazis, the NRA, homegrown militias and other nasties, Motorcycle gangs, Chinese gangs, Mexican gangs, Latino gangs, Hell's Grannies (had to add a M. Python reference,) wetland-destroying real estate developers, crooked law enforcement officials, school shooters, mall shooters, gas-station shooters, 7-11 shooters, just-minding-my-own-business-walking-in-my-neighborhood shooters, crystal meth manufacturers, Monsanto: ALL WELCOME! Come on down: the hatred is just fine!

  7. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Open Carry Advocate Wants to Fight Police Brutality By Threatening Cops With Guns

  8. Anonymous10:17 AM

    O/T but John McCain is a complete an utter dick who should also STFU!

    ...Republicans can’t stand the Obama doctrine. John McCain would rather be bomb, bomb, bombing any and everyone before the facts come in — you know, just in case. Sen. McCain is so frustrated by the fact that the Obama foreign policy has worked where his neo-con warmongering has failed that he has been reduced to personal attacks and name calling.

    John McCain’s solution to everything is more guns. Notice that he isn’t calling for US troops in the region, he just wants to create a full blown war. It is odd that McCain would call Obama a coward when it was George W. Bush and Dick Cheney who abandoned their posts and went into hiding on 9/11.

    The true cowards are Republicans like John McCain, who lied the country into going to war with Iraq, and have never taken responsibility for the American blood on their hands. Republicans are trying sleazily to use the loss of 298 lives as a political weapon against President Obama.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:11 PM

      He's making the rounds. Someone needs to put lipstick on that dog and muzzle him. What a sick, pathetic, senile old man.

  9. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Well the Supreme Court and Hobby Lobby opened the door for this defense didn't they? how can the court okay hobby lobby's faith in a zombie and not every other "belief". Or as we all know this was just about the "faith" with the biggest pocket book and their male belief that they own women.

  10. Anonymous10:28 AM

    He appears to be one of Sarah Palin's offspring--both by blood and creed.

  11. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Mr. Zapata reminds me of Sarah Palin.

    ot What broke Sarah Palin? Her Facebook is stuck on double posting salmon. Her blog, named after Bristol, is also in a bad way.

    Bill Kristol also wants Sarah Palin to shut up: 'Makes Republicans look extreme'

    'She wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate'

  12. Anonymous11:13 AM


    Hello Mrs. Palin,

    I cannot help but notice you have been eerily quiet for the most part this week after the shellacking you took the prior week. I hope it wasn't something we said? You've probably had your attention diverted to your husband's former prostitute and business partner, Shailey Tripp, coming up missing in Louisiana. It's rather odd Bristol named her first some after her fathers sex surrogate. Hopefully authorities will find those responsible and bring them to justice.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Whomever you are, 12:44 anon, I lmaoed at "first to pop an artery."

  13. Anonymous11:18 AM

    He looks a little "special".

    1. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Yes, it ain't easy these days. The competition is special.

    2. So help me, on first glance, before any reading, I thought it was a butch woman.

  14. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I say grant him his rights. Citizens of the United States obtain their rights through our law system. If he is not a citizen make the case that he is here illegally and deport his ass and confiscate his property obtained through illegal means.

  15. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Open Carry Texas: ‘Racist and xenophobic’ gun control laws are like ‘Jim Crow’

  16. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Meet Holly: A Lying Right-Wing ‘Christian’ Taliban Extremist Ammosexual Whackjob (Images)

    Holly Hobby Lobby Wants to ‘Have a Word With You Idiots,’ And It’s Just as Stupid as You Imagined

  17. Anonymous1:12 PM

    How about saving some prison budget, and just deport Mr. "Sovereign Citizen" Zapata to his "sovereign nation", where he can meet his creator... Then his "rights" won't be violated any more by the laws of OUR nation.

    Goes for all those other SovCit morons, too. They can

  18. Anita Winecooler7:08 PM

    In a way, they're right. He should be eating better. Priime Rib, filet mignon, Lobster, Snow King Crab Legs, a salad, a fine glass of wine, coffee, key lime pie. They're so desperate, and all they can dig up is that he eats cheeseburgers. LOL

  19. Anita Winecooler7:21 PM

    Rumor has it, that one of the best places to find "your creator" is in prison.
    No harm meant to big "c" real christians, just an observation from watching crime shows and how quickly they change their tune.

  20. Remember when they were all up in arms because President Obama had some arugula?

    Fucking useless clownhats.

  21. Randall8:13 AM

    Belief in superstition rots the mind.

  22. "Sovereign Citizen" ... aka tea party 'patriot'.
    With patriots such as these, who needs anarchists and seditionists.

    Drop this idiot in a dingy and put him to sea ... and then he can claim to be a "sovereign citizen".

  23. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Literally every comment on her is about a person and a life you do not know... smh you all are obviously low life's who have more time paying attention to something that hasn't affect you at all and prob should worry about your self and not someone who is here legally but none of you actually take the time to find these things out. Lmao I hope a felon gets a released and comes and find all you judgmental haters and give you an understanding of what fear is....


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It just goes directly to their thighs.