Friday, July 18, 2014

Florida pastor accused of raping women at shelter assaults female reporter for daring to ask him about it.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A Florida pastor accused of raping women at a shelter that he ran was caught on video this week ripping the microphone out of a reporter’s hands when she asked him about the crimes. 

According to an arrest affidavit obtained by the Orlando Sentinel, 44-year-old Pedro L. Custodio — who is known as “Pastor Pete” — was accused of forcing himself on at least three women who had been clients at Our Father’s House of Refuge Ministries, Inc. 

Documents said that in July of 2013, Custodio took one victim into the shelter’s pantry, locked the door, removed his pants, grabbed her hips, and began kissing her. The woman said she was eventually was “able to convince him” to stop because he was married. 

During the investigation, Eustis police learned of two other victims. One said that she had a consensual sexual relationship with the pastor, but that he also raped her on her birthday in May of 2013. 

“[The victim] advised she was crying during the entire incident and [was] repeatedly begging for Pastor Pete to stop,” police documents said. 

The third woman said that she also felt “pressured” to have sex with the pastor. 

“Pastor Pete would tell her she could always go find another shelter in Orlando if she did not do what he wanted to do,” according to police.

Now I am not saying that this man's disrespect for the female reporter proves that he would force himself on women in the shelter, but I will say that I would bet quite a lot of money that if this were a male reporter that he would not have dared grab at the microphone.

Rapists are often people who feel inadequate and who force themselves on those they perceive as undeserving of respect.  And this guy clearly demonstrates those traits.

And if he is guilty, and used his positions as a pastor to manipulate these women, then he is truly a piece of shit and I hope they throw the book at him.


  1. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!6:35 AM

    Kind of like Todd palin-

    A low life scumbag who intimidates and threatens women to force them into sexual bondage.

    Shailey tripp had two disabled children and she didn't have money to buy sanitary napkins when todd palin preyed on her.

    Justice for all women! !!

  2. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Gryph, I love your blog. But, I have to say, I know a lot of people of faith who are just really nice people.

    That said, I know a lot of people of "faith" who are utter assholes.

    I think that's pretty much a common denominator. In any demographic, there's going to be great people and there's going to be assholes. There are responsible firearm owners and there are paranoid, tiny-dicked tools.

    The one aspect that disturbs me is when people of "faith" justify their ass-holy-ness by saying that they are believers. Doesn't hold water in my world.

    Just my .02.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      I'm an Atheist but I do know some decent people that are christians and those of other faiths as well. However nice they are I still can't help but want to help them overcome the brainwashing that they have received via their various cults and bring them into rational-thinking society so that they can live freely and without fear. I never act on that but I can't help but lose respect for their intelligence based on their inability to accept reality.

  3. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I am not surprised, religion was created to manipulate people in the first place.

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    People in that community should make it their business to find out how much this clown makes, tax free, from donations and taxpayer money. Chances are his wife is abused, too, since he has no respect for women. We find these types all too often. Some of them make ALL of them suspect. Why does Franklin Graham, who dropped out of Divinity School, need his own private jet? Surely commercial airlines fly to any place he wants to spread his snake oil. He took over the family (lucrative) bidness. He is just like Dubya, only pretending to be "spiritual"

  5. ibwilliamsi10:49 AM

    How much of his funding is from the Bush's great "1,000 points of light" scheme?

    How much tax would he and his church have paid if he weren't a tax exempt religion?

    1. Dear ibwilliamsi, oh tell this disgruntled tax-payer. My tax dollars go toward funding abortions.

  6. hauksdottir1:39 PM

    IIRC from law school decades ago, this "pastor" didn't assault the reporter, he committed battery.

    Battery is touching without consent. This includes clothing and articles on a person's body or held by them (not just skin). Assault is the threat of being touched, battery is actual touching. (There are other necessary criteria, but that is the basic difference.

    There was a legal case where a black man in a cafeteria(?) had a plate forcefully taken out of his hands... and that was determined to be battery. What difference is there between a microphone and a plate? I didn't become a lawyer, so someone with criminal law experience could step in if that distinction has changed.

    The microphone could be used as a cudgel, so this reporter is fortunate. And the pastor has revealed himself on camera as a nasty little animal.

  7. Anita Winecooler6:56 PM

    Just my 2 cents
    If found guilty,
    Throw the book at him, start charging taxes on all churches. Any scum that hits on women when they're at their most vulnerable doesn't deserve to walk among others.
    He was painting himself into a corner, and he touched that woman reporter and threw her mic so she couldn't finish her job. I think that demonstrates his respect for his fellow man, especially the females of the species.
    How does a "pastor" counsel men with a propensity for violence against women, when he's in denial of his own propensity for violence?

    As an aside, I wonder whose idea it was to send this particular woman to do this interview? She's well build, yet dresses modestly, No wonder he was walking fast and finding it difficult to speak in full sentences.


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