Friday, July 18, 2014

Hobby Lobby owners plan to open museum dedicated to the Bible in Washington D.C.. Oh goody, another museum dedicated to Christian mythology.

Courtesy of the New York Times:  

The evangelical Christian family that owns Hobby Lobby, the chain of craft stores, made history two weeks ago when the Supreme Court overturned the Obama administration’s mandate that family-owned companies must provide contraceptive coverage to their employees. 

Now, the family is looking to build a permanent presence on the Washington landscape, by establishing a sprawling museum dedicated to the Bible — just two blocks south of the National Mall. 

The development of a Bible museum has long been a dream of the Oklahoma-based Green family, which has built Hobby Lobby into a $3 billion company in which its religious beliefs infuse every aspect of the business, from the music played in its stores to being closed on Sundays.

But on the heels of the company’s legal victory, the project is raising concern in some quarters that the Greens’ museum could blur the line between educating and evangelizing. Steve Green, president of Hobby Lobby and the son of its founder, has referred to the Bible as “a reliable historical document,” and, as part of the museum project, he is developing a curriculum to “reintroduce this book to this nation.”

Just what we need, a powerful corporation dedicated to giving Creationsist Ken Ham a run for his money in dumbing down American schoolchildren.

You may remember that Steve Green, of the Hobby Lobby owning Green family, has also been working to introduce a Bible curriculum into public schools in Oklahoma. 

Apparently these people are determined to push their religious belief into every facet of our lives, and after their Supreme Court victory they may believe that there is nothing to stop them.

Of course if the millennials are any indication their days of spreading misinformation and lies may well be coming to an end in the very near future.


  1. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Unfortunately it's going to take a very long time to undo the harm these religious zealots are doing. Yes, Millenials are not buying into this crap, but in the meantime, the fastest growing group in the US is the elderly. As a group, they tend to be conservative and more religious, easily frightened by change. They vote more, too. This group is far from finished. It still has years to fuck up the world for the coming generations. Depressing.

    1. Anonymous4:58 AM

      At the rate they are undermining climate science, though, I don't think Earth will be around that long for them to contaminate! And I am one of those elderly voters. I do attend church, but I am very skeptical. Luckily, I attend a peace church, so I don't have to be brainwashed into thinking America is 'chosen by God to lead the fight' or whatever.

    2. Anonymous5:40 AM

      Hey I gotta tell you - don't worry about "the elderly"! There is a huge chunk of Boomers out here that will never give up the liberal/progressive fight. We are sick of seeing rights that we fought so hard for slipping away If I were you I would worry yech more about the younger voters who are buying into the Fox News mindset. We boomers are doing our part!! Peace out !👍👍

    3. The elderly? You mean those of us who protested the Vietnam War, fought for free speech and equal rights, campaigned in New Hampshire for McCarthy and blazed trails as feminists in the workplace and in the home? We're alive and well, thank you and as liberal as ever.

    4. Anonymous6:32 AM

      FOX news demographic is old white folks. It's going to be another 15-20 years before they all die. Hobby Lobby is trying to indoctrinate the next generation. Apathy lets them get a stronghold. Younger people need to VOTE. And not libertarian.

    5. Anonymous12:17 PM

      I too am elderly -73 going on 74. Also of the liberal Woodstock fame. I have been a bleeding heart liberal all my life and come from a liberal family. Hang in there, it's not over 'till it's over.

    6. Anonymous1:11 PM

      6:32 younger people can vote however they want. I frankly applaud anyone who votes for libertarian principles. It is very appealing to younger generations who simply want less government complications and interference in their lives.

  2. Leland4:21 AM

    I wonder if they are going to be honest enough in this "museum" to show the vicious brutality in the OT?

    Or the gross contradictions in the book?

    Or the multiple creation theories.

    Or present true depictions of servitude required of women?

    Or the provable misrepresentations and falsehoods of history presented?

    Or the multiple forms of marriage listed.


    What am I saying?! Of COURSE not!

    1. Anonymous6:25 AM

      They'll pick and choose the parts of the bible they like, just as they always do. You know they'll leave out most of those librul-commie-love-each-other Jesus parts!

      And just like they pick and choose which parts of the Constitution they like.

      "You mean there's other part BESIDES the First and Second Amendments???"

  3. London Bridges4:39 AM

    The first step in declaring itself a tax exempt educational, religious institution.

  4. This actually might be a good thing, if it gets more Christians to actually read the Bible! Most American Christians are Biblically illiterate. A survey by the Barna Group some years ago found that over half of people that identify as "Born Again" couldn't even name the four Gospels. Twelve percent thought Joan of Arc was Noah's wife, and some thought Sodom and Gomorrah were a brother and sister. The myth of an inerrant, historically accurate Bible will disappear if Christians actually start reading it.

  5. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Good. Let them waste their money. That's some mighty pricey real estate. Even if they charge admission, the only ones going will be the Bible Thumpers anyway. Too many other *real* museums in DC.

  6. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Sorry, but that's one of the most egregious assaults on the separation of church and state I've ever heard of.

    If they want to build something in the middle of Kansas or Texas or Kentucky, right next door to the creation museum, that's fine, but stay away from Washington, D.C.!

    1. Leland8:45 AM

      I am one of the most fervent believers in the separation of church and state you'l come across, but I have to ask you: What the hell does LOCATION have to do with it?

  7. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Financed by the cheapie, birth control free insurance, no doubt!

  8. Beldar J Conehead7:26 AM

    Gryphen, don't be so hasty to dismiss the grand dream of the people who own the person known as Hobby Lobby, Inc. (wait. these people own another person? Isnt that slavery?)

    This bible museum actually fits in nicely with my own dream to write a book about museums about the bible and eventually open my own museum dedicated to all of the books about museums about the bible. And if that goes well, I can absolutely envision a chain of museums dedicated to the books that are dedicated to the museums about the books about the museums dedicated to the bible.

    Eventually, our severe conservative dream is to some day have the entire country consist solely of churches, bible-related museums, hot dog stands, drug stores that don't sell contraceptives and gun shops, also, too.

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Easy on the hotdog stands,Beldar. We have BIG WIENERS, and we have little weenies!

  9. Yeah, good luck to them on that. Real estate is very expensive down there, even for them. And there are a wonderful glut of museums down there, including the ones I've worked in and continue to work in. You know they'll go for whatever tax breaks their super rich a$$es can get so they spend as little of their own $ on their hypocritical museum. And they can expect protesters outside their museum too.
    M from MD

  10. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Someone should write a book about the "first" Zombie. Call it the "New" Testament.

  11. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Hobby Lobby owners support Gothard, an ultrafundamentalist who has been accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate touching by more than 30 women..

  12. I hope as many people wanting to keep religion out of our government protest this plan as did the wingnuts who protested hatefully the plan for that mosque 2 blocks away from Ground Zero in Manhattan.

  13. And if you actually want to see a truly historically significant bible, just go to the Library of Congress.
    M from MD

  14. A bible museum? With actual bibles? Historical ones?

    Does that mean the Green family will actually READ it?

  15. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Truly, mostly love the blog. But I wonder - do you have the same intolerance for all religions? You seem to only share your disdain for Christians. The intolerance for people of Christian faith (which includes the Christian Left) seems quite targeted. I have this feeling that if there was a story somewhere about hating Muslims or Hindu or Sikh or tree huggeres or Jews or whatever, you'd rally against that. But Christians? You're all over that. Feels hypocritical, IMO.

    I do agree that you present some unbearably horrible examples of 'Christians' but there are billions of us (like other religions) and honestly, most of us are truly not like that. There are crappy people of every religion, or no religion, you know?

    I completely respect your right to be a non-believer, and to express that. I really am a fan of the blog, but sometimes it's really uncomfortable. A shame, that, because on just about everything else we agree. I hope you (and the others here) can tolerate that feedback and put some thought to it without feeling the need to attack me. I'm one of the good guys, and I want you and the blog to be as successful as possible.

    Peace. Promise.

    1. Leland3:23 PM

      Two things.

      First, it seems to me that you might not be as big a fan as you claim since you can't have been around too long. Jesse slams ALL religions with equal fervor. It's ORGANIZED religion that is the danger and he does a fairly good job of posting things about all of them over time.

      Second, it only SEEMS as though he attacks christianity more than the others because there are a lot more examples to be posted in this country due to the demographics. Especially from the political side right now!

      Our biggest threat in this country right now is NOT from Al Qaeda or foreign terrorists. It is from the religious right which seems to want to re-interpret the Constitution in a way no honest scholar or lawyer can accept. Their loud complaints are creating an atmosphere of fear and hatred and it is splitting this country apart. Witness the biggest and loudest mouth of all of them, SP!

      Yes, there ARE good christians out there, and many do a lot of good. But mostly it is people of FAITH rather than Dogma. My problem with the good christians is simple: If they disagree with the screamers and don't DO anything to contradict them - loudly and publicly - they are part of the problem.

      Time and again many of us have posted comments stating we really don't care HOW or WHAT you believe as long as you allow others the same rights and stay out of our lives and homes. The religious right doesn't WANT that for everybody, they want everybody to believe as THEY do.

      Sorry, but I'd rail against that as well - and I do.

  16. Anita Winecooler6:36 PM

    Well, it's about fucking time! Go for it, Mr Green! And the Muslims can have a Quoran museum, Sikhs, Hebrew Hare Krishna, Mormons,, Wiccan, Atheists, Rastafarians, Pastafarians, Flintsoneism, which proves man and dinoaurs roamed the earth at the same time,, and all the religions and non religions of the world can have museums as well. It's the same "freedom of/freedom from religion our brilliant forefathers called for in that living document called "The Constitution".
    And no fighting over whom gets more square footage, play nice.or get glitter bombed by Michaels Craft Supply glitter (only the best for my evangelical christian co americans).

    The Supreme Court opened a can of worms

  17. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Steve Green directly profits from the manufacture and sale of the real abortifacients...not the crap he refuses to allow his employees to use.

    He's an anti-semitic asswipe who believes Halloween is a day to worship the devil.

    He's so ignorant, he wipes his face with used toilet paper.


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