Thursday, July 03, 2014

The slippery slope created by the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision, threatens to knock new protections for LGBT Americans right off their feet.

Courtesy of The Atlantic:  

This week, in the Hobby Lobby case, the Supreme Court ruled that a religious employer could not be required to provide employees with certain types of contraception. That decision is beginning to reverberate: A group of faith leaders is urging the Obama administration to include a religious exemption in a forthcoming LGBT anti-discrimination action. 

Their call, in a letter sent to the White House Tuesday, attempts to capitalize on the Supreme Court case by arguing that it shows the administration must show more deference to the prerogatives of religion. 

"We are asking that an extension of protection for one group not come at the expense of faith communities whose religious identity and beliefs motivate them to serve those in need," the letter states. 

The Hobby Lobby decision has been welcomed by religious-right groups who accuse Obama of waging a war on religion. But Tuesday's letter is different: It comes from as group of faith leaders who are generally friendly to the administration, many of whom have closely advised the White House on issues like immigration reform. The letter was organized by Michael Wear, who worked in the Obama White House and directed faith outreach for the president's 2012 campaign. Signers include two members of Catholics for Obama and three former members of the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. 

"This is not an antagonistic letter by any means," Wear told me. But in the wake of Hobby Lobby, he said, "the administration does have a decision to make whether they want to recalibrate their approach to some of these issues."

In other words if the Hobby Lobby can use religion as protection from treating people equally then why do we have to?

In fact this is exactly what Ruth Bader Ginsburg predicted would happen in her dissent: 

“Would the exemption…extend to employers with religiously grounded objections to blood transfusions (Jehovah’s Witnesses); antidepressants (Scientologists); medications derived from pigs, including anesthesia, intravenous fluids, and pills coated with gelatin (certain Muslims, Jews, and Hindus); and vaccinations[?]

…Not much help there for the lower courts bound by today’s decision. [...] The court, I fear, has ventured into a minefield.”

I would predict that this is just the beginning.


  1. Caroll Thompson2:45 AM

    Give them an inch and they want a mile. Hey let's just bring slavery back, eh? Those crackers said the Bible (Old Testament) gave them the right to own other people. And of course, women and children will once again be chattel and have no rights either.

    What a mess those five white Republican men have created.

    1. Anonymous4:58 AM

      America is screwed. Get out while you can.

    2. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Why don't you stay and help clean it up? Do something. Get involved. Speak up.

    3. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Many of us have stayed and tried til we are blue in the face. I am leaving soon, when I retire. I know when we are FUBAR in MY lifetime. I want to enjoy the next 20-30 years.

  2. Anonymous4:03 AM

    I wonder how "Darth" Cheney feels about this seeing as how he has a married gay daughter?

    Doesn't the Supreme Court have 30 days to finalize a decision? Possibly they will see the folly of their way and rescind their original ruling. Otherwise, I feel certain the gop will be slaughtered in the Nov elections. (At least I hope that happens).

    1. Anonymous5:18 AM

      Darth is too busy with straight Liz undermining every good that President Obama attempts.

  3. Leland4:41 AM

    Angela, the Founding Fathers already SAID that. It's just today's RWNJ's don't WANT to know it because they can strike while there are idiots like this on the SCOTUS.

  4. Can we finally just say organized religion is anathema to
    governing a country and doing good by its people?

    YES -- because it's in the Constitution ... Right?

    Separation of church and state ?? Right?

  5. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Republican Candidate: Jesus Will Overrule The Supreme Court and Throw Gay Americans Into Hell

    Gordon “Dr. Chaps” Klingenschmitt, disgraced Navy Chaplin, bigot extraordinaire and now candidate for the Colorado legislature representing Colorado Springs, proudly displayed his obsession with homosexuality again on his “Pray In Jesus Name” show on Wednesday, saying that “in a hundred years” Jesus will overrule the recent 10th Circuit Court of Appeals decision striking down the Utah ban on gay marriage.

    “Jesus as the judge will overrule the Supreme Court,” Chaps raged, “and what will he do with these two men? It’ll be printed in Heaven’s newspaper in a hundred years that God throws them into Hell.

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      I think it was written in the book of Luke that Jesus comes back in 2114 with his law degree and finds himself on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.

      What I did not know was that God ran a newspaper. What an enterprising pair, wonder what profession the Holy Ghost is involved in?


  6. It seems this country has regressed to where civility, intelligence, and common sense are pretty much non-existent. I'm reminded of children playing a game of baseball and changing the rules to benefit the team ahead as the game progresses.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      There are still plenty of sane, civil and intelligent people here in the US, it's just that we aren't interesting to the media. In this new world of extreme journalism madness sells.

  7. Anonymous5:28 AM

    More conservatives hit Twitter, explain to women that only dirty girls do sex

    Even though the Hobby Lobby case is actually fairly limited and may not, in the end, deprive any women of their contraception access, conservatives on Twitter seemed to believe that it constituted a ban on insurance coverage of contraception. Ecstatic at the belief that stupid sluts (“Slut”in conservative parlance=anyone who has sex on purpose while female) are getting punished, they went to Twitter. I collected some tweets and some of the general arguments being floated on Storify.

    1. Anonymous6:05 AM

      Love Marcotte! So cogent.

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      So these christian men seek to sexually repress the female of their species while they hire rent boys, "wide stance" it in restrooms, and frequently ignore their holy bonds of marriage for dalliances with women (and men) that they are not married to?

      Not a week goes by that we don't see a headline reporting on how a "conservative christian hero apologizes for having sex with a ___________." (fill in the blank)

      See what sexual repression gets ya, nothing good, nothing good ever. Then again, christianity gives them that golden ticket of forgiveness. Pay your tithe, get on your knees, engage in some ritualistic behavior and heaven still awaits you. (oh wait, isn't that what go you into trouble in the first place ;-)

      Rinse and repeat, ad infinitum.

  8. Anonymous5:43 AM

    2 of our 3 branches of government are being held hostage by conservative ideologies, and approval ratings show that people are weary of conservatives' agenda. Vote the disease out.

  9. Anonymous6:09 AM

    There was a post on my facebook about the bible reading that"all debts should be forgiven every 7 years".
    I think we listen and stop paying taxes, mortgages, etc if you believe in the bible !!!!!!!
    Even if ou don't, like me, pretend and get rich!!

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      The Trumpster must be on really good terms with God!

  10. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Right there proves it, religion has warped the minds of these conservatives. Religion has taught them that sex is dirty and therefore pregnancy is a punishment (consequence). Poor little sheep, can't think for themselves and can't enjoy life thanks to their bronze age fairy tale.

  11. Anonymous9:09 AM

    The Supreme Court issued orders on Tuesday that show it has already taken the first step down the slippery slope. The orders clarify that Hobby Lobby applies to claimed religious beliefs about ALL contraception and not just those specifically cited by Hobby Lobby as perceived abortifacients.

    Great article by Michael Hiltzik at LA Times.

  12. Anita Winecooler5:15 PM

    Justice Ginsberg's words were spot on, and we're seeing it happen even before the dust settles. Didn't the founding fathers establish this country because they were for freedom of and from religion? The ruling had to do with a woman's right to use the birth control she and her doctor agreed upon, not what your boss "believes" you should be using.
    Should Hobby Lobby hand over all the money they made investing in companies that researched, developed, and manufactured their "banned" contraceptive list? I think they should, and make it out to "Planned Parenthood".
    Whatever happened to "Separation of Church and State"?

  13. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Anyone who believes "unintended consequence" applies here vastly underestimates the forces gathering for the last 50 years.........and their strategic planning......


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