I Want to Hear From Anyone Who Still Supports This Guy; I Want to Try to Figure You Out
Of course she is referencing President Obama and offers a link to a Right Wing blog that is attacking something on his official Facebook page.
She then offers up this graphic.
![]() |
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Palin some kind of politician as well? |
Hey guys: If the General Patton quote offends you, take it up with the General, not me; and then ask your parents why they raised such an overly sensitive intolerant little fellow. (See? Full retard.)
I used to not feel this way, as I sought some redeeming value in everyone's opinion (Yeah, right!), but today's hijacking of the nefarious political party drives me to agree with the good General. Under its present leadership only the dishonest or frighteningly naive could claim allegiance to the Left wing of the party symbolized by the ass. If you consider yourself one of the good-old-day's Blue Dog democrats or a "Reagan democrat" of old, know those days are long gone. Your party left you. Go Independent. I'd love to hear from any of you who conclude the democrat party has morphed into a fundamentally transformed, unrecognizable monster, thus you've strengthened your spine and walked out of their room. You're better than the contributors to these days of bread and circuses. Save America, go Independent.
- Sarah Palin
Okay is she really trying to divide members of Democratic party, while her own Republican party rips itself in two over ideological differences?
Everything she says up at the top is far more descriptive of the Republican party as it is today than any disagreements on the other side of the aisle.
I think what we are seeing is a classic case of projection, not to mention Sarah Palin giving her inner troll free rein to say whatever her editors have kept it from saying for lo these many years.
Of course Palin has virtually nothing to lose at this point.
She will write no more books.
She will have no more contracts with Fox.
Her political career is a bloated corpse that even modern science could never revive.
And her money is running through her fingers faster than she can turn (political) tricks to earn more.
So all she has is her hatred for the man who she believes snatched from her the destiny that she had been convinced was hers for the taking.
Which then reveals the ugliness that many of us knew was there all along.
"these days of bread and circuses"?? What the HELL is THAT supposed to mean, I wonder. $carah does not have the intellectual ability to figure out why SO MANY of us are in the President's corner, so why try to explain. Dumb broad, getting dumber. I wonder if she has washed her black crusty penis jeans yet?
ReplyDeleteMaybe she's mixing it up with "days of wine and roses."
DeletePanem et Circenses
Delete“In modern usage, the phrase “Bread and Circuses” is taken to describe a populace that no longer values civic virtues and the public life. To many across the political spectrum, left and right, it connotes a supposed triviality and frivolity that characterized the Roman Republic prior to its decline into the autocratic monarchy characteristic of the later Roman Empire’s transformation about 44 B.C.”
“Roman politicians devised a plan in 140 B.C.E. to win the votes of these new citizens: giving out cheap food and entertainment, “bread and circuses”, would be the most effective way to rise to power.”
Pan et Circenses (Bread and Circuses) famously described the relationship between the Roman Emperor and his people in the decadent years of the Empire
She is a classic undiagnosed dyslexic without an edit button. She just lets ‘er rip! There isn’t a shred of self reflection in her screed.
DeleteWell then, someone certainly told her about that, 9:33 AM. Was this a RAM post?
Delete$arah Palin is the most ugly person on earth. There is not one thing attractive about her any longer. The inner hate has spewed out and is destroying her...not soon enough either!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. Good Comment. Thanks!
DeleteShe seems really proud of it too. When was the last time she said something nice or promoted something beautiful and worthwile? She is filled with hate from the inside out and is drowning in it and wants to grab hold to as many people to go down with her. Sicko through and through.
DeleteNEVER! She is a hateful shrew. The meth is eating her inside and out. I don't understand how the GOP can be so stupid to continue to use her "brand".
Ask your PARENTS who General Patton is?? Does she really think anyone under the age of 65 even reads her stupid rants? Young people are very savvy and see right through this blatant imbecile. Today Brancys blog is encouraging its readers to read a MIDDLE school book, and today Sarah is directing young people to vote as an Independent. Do these 2 morons think young people follow them and value their opinion?? BTW, I am a registered Independent and will never vote for a republican again. That party shut me out years ago.
ReplyDelete"Ask your PARENTS who General Patton is?? Does she really think anyone under the age of 65 even reads her stupid rants?"
That's a really good point!
so....Piper is writing the rants for mom....lol what a bunch of maroons.
Delete"I Want to Hear From Anyone Who Still Supports This Guy; I Want to Try to Figure You Out"
Oh, honey, there is no hope that you can ever figure anything out, least of all anything that involves anyone other than you.
What we want to figure out about Sarah Palin is why she boasts of doing an insane thing like boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriage) and then avoided neonatal intensive care equipped hospitals to drive many miles to a small hospital not even rated to handle twins and be induced by a doctor that rarely deals with births.
Delete"Try to Figure You Out"? Good phrase for Palin, hope it comes back to haunt her.
Most of us figured THAT out immediately, it DID NOT HAPPEN. $carah is too old to be trying to act cute. Just embarassing everyone including herself, if she had any self awareness whatsoever.
DeleteI want to hear from anyone.... That sounds like Bristol asking people to send in their selfies taken with a kid's book. Hey kids, tell me how much you love Hobby Lobby. Please write to me, please notice me, I'm sinking, I'm sinking, I'm sinking.
DeleteI figured it out real quick, she was attempting a fundy abortion or attempting to garner attention by the possibility of delivering a baby on the floor of an Alaska Airlines jet. She is a narcissist through and through.
Delete@9:34 I agree that it did not happen. But Sarah Palin's boasting of such an insane thing has gone unquestioned by the journalists. That's what I want to figure out. Why the silence?
DeleteSarah, your investments, mutual funds, IRA (if you are smart enough to have any) are getting FAT because of "this guy" and the amazing economic turnaround the last few years, all because of "this guy".
Delete@9:41 - nope...she was not pregnant. BUT the DS child was ready to come home finally.
DeleteYep, 10:26 AM, that was the "puppy" e-mail.
Delete"I think what we are seeing is a classic case of projection..."
ReplyDeleteThat is what $he is doing each time $he opens her dirty trap...
DeleteTotally agree!
DeleteI doubt that is an authentic Patton quote. The term "Liberal Democrats" wasn't used in the 1940's as far as I can tell. I did a Google search for the alleged Patton quote and all I found were right wing sites using this quote. It isn't on the official Patton Estate website. Snopes didn't have it either. Putting text on a photo doesn't make it true.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I was thinking.
DeleteI feel the same--the quote doesn't sound authentic. Patton died in the 1940s and I don't believe he would have phrased his views that way.
DeleteNo, that is a “newish” quote, something that came out of Palin’s muddled brain synapses. Or, she was inspired after watching Patton on Netflix the other night. Or she forgot she watched Patton and then dreamed up this quote for FB. Making things up comes easily to her, she lives so vibrantly she vibrates ideas!!!
DeleteYou are all right, liberal Democrat was not part of the political vernacular in the 1940s.
Patton wasn't exactly a folk hero of right and wrong. he was a good general who knew how to fight a mechanized war. Other than that he was a racist, bigot and demigod. He was as controversial as Gen McArthur and its no surprise he was shelved for D-Day because of his attitude and behavior. We immortalized him because of the movie and his six guns but make no mistake there was a reason Bradley was elevated over him and why Ike wanted nothing to do with him when it came to joint military efforts with the Brits.
DeleteI also searched for the quote & found the same....on right wing sites...no citation...
DeleteAlmost 80% of what's quoted online is attributed incorrectly.
Delete- Abraham Lincoln
"Under its present leadership only the dishonest or frighteningly naive could claim allegiance to the Left wing of the party symbolized by the ass.
Ass? What a stupid, snotty little bitch she is.
Leave to ignorant nasty pants Palin to come up a grade school insult.
"Democrats today say the donkey is smart and brave, while Republicans say the elephant is strong and dignified."
I remember very early in the 2008 campaign, before Sarah was announced as McCain's VP running mate, Sarah liked Obama. She liked what he was saying and saw how people reacted to his campaign speeches and said she would consider voting for him. I don't know where I read that but that was a long time ago. She also said openly she didn't know what a Vice President did. There are so many things that Sarah is and was ignorant of. I just can't believe John McCain even made that decision, naming Sarah VP candidate.. Shame on John McCain!
DeleteHhhmmm. Isn't Patton the general who slapped the shit out of TWO shell shocked soldiers?
ReplyDeleteTHIS is the idiot she admires?
Admittedly, in those years a man with his skills in warfare were necessary. But his sense of humanity was putrid.
I wonder what she thinks of Eisenhower with his complete distrust of the military/industrial complex? With his attitude - as a Republican! - that government should help the people! You know, like we Democrats believe?
Yes that was Patton slapping his underlings.
DeletePatton quote:
Delete"War is the supreme test of man in which he rises to heights never approached in any other activity."
Good grief, writing a symphony or conquering smallpox just didn't reach the heights that WAR does for Patton.
My dad actually saw Patton once during combat. Thought he was an idiot then and continued to say so for the next half century.
I don’t know if you guys noticed this, but the movie Patton is on the Netflix queue as a new release. Perhaps this is where Sarah gets her inspiration! She is so clever and current! (Snark)
DeleteDidn;t the rank and file think he was NUTS? That would explain $carah's admiration of him. Sort of "takes one to know one" type of thing.
Delete? ? ?
DeleteWasn't Patton the one that wanted to invade all China, Japan or the Asian continent? I thought he was a real nut case. Truman wanted him gone but there were some problems and they had to mostly disagree behind closed doors so to speak.
She really knows how to pick 'em.
10:25 Sounds a lot like little Johnny McCain, he wants to invade EVERYONE also, too.
DeleteO/T but you have to read Breitbart and the skank's call for impeachment of POTUS. She's really getting desperate. Down to her g-string and pasties; swinging on that pole for the last few dollars from the mouth breathing old racists white folks.
DeletePlease pass the brain bleach!
I'll take your word for it, lostinmn. I would rather not give Breitbart nor Sarah the click they so much want with their bizarre rants and comments. Besides, I'll probably hear about it on MSNBC tonight on one of the shows, Al Sharpton most likely.
DeleteThey still can't name any "High Crimes or misdemeanors" he's committed while in office. What he seems to be "guilty" of is being a Democrat, and "Presidenting while Black"
DeleteShe is getting ready to release Bristol's sex tapes. It will bring her another day or two of hits.
DeleteLet's hope if that is the case, that Bristles exerts more energy than she did while DWTS!! It would explain why none of these trial husbands sticks around. I, for one, have seen enough of this tiresome family on tape. All their shows bombed, with the exception of $carah's latest. Since she does not appear too much, that could be a reason.
Delete"I Want to Hear From Anyone Who Still Supports This Guy; I Want to Try to Figure You Out"
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean that Scarey is going to allow comments on her Slambook page?
heeheehee.... This ought to be fun!
Keep us posted if she does let the comments be made on her Facebook page. That would be VERY unusual for her to do, unless you agree w/her crap!
DeleteI wouldn't dignify her nonsense with a response.
DeleteFrom what I've heard in the past and have seem myself, is that she immediately censors any negative comments about her.
DeleteDon't bother, Palin censors all of the negative comments about her on her Facebook. She doesn't like seeing her fans knowing the truth about her. Seriously!
DeleteDon't bother, Palin censors all of the negative comments about her or on what she has said in her Facebook. Seriously!
DeleteThanks, m baker, as I was reading that balderdash it was also my first thought. Yeah RIGHT, $arah!
Delete"She's come undun."
"She will write no more books."
ReplyDeleteShe will never again take credit for someone else to write a book for her.
There, fixed it for ya!
Yeah, really!
Deletesarah who?
ReplyDeleteand I should care what she says, why?
Hey Sarah, figure THIS out: GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!
ReplyDeleteNo one else cites that Patton quote - it is without provenance in a single 1982 biography only. It is likely bull*hit. Palin is being too transparent in asking for examples of people that "quit being Democrats".... she is obviously collecting material for her next scam, be it a book or some fund-raising enterprise.
ReplyDeleteIs her Facebook page really open for commentary on this? I suggest we all bombard it w/'reasons we love President Obama! See how quickly she shuts the thing down!
DeleteShe would likely collect all the truthful comments, to prove what a victim she is. I will NEVER log onto to her, or Bristles blogs.
DeleteNancy French should be ashamed to have her name associated with ANY Palin. I thought she was supposed to be religious? Surely she is aware of Bristle's reputation, and $carah's blatant hatred of the President. These so-called religious, family value types are such hypocrites. President Obama is doing a very difficult job, while raising two beautiful, intelligent daughters. No comparison whatsoever with the Wasilla hillbilly tribe of dropout, loose morals grifting lazy ass PayMes.
ReplyDeleteNancy French should be ashamed, but she's just providing desperately needed services under the guise of "christian split personality"She's a married woman with children pretending to be an unwed mother who can't write two sentences.
DeleteI have more respect for prostitutes, at least they're honest about what they are and what they proclaim to be.
I think her silly picture from New York City should be used to illustrate every post in which she tries to present herself as any sort of political expert. Her booby balloons, tacky pink shirt, odd skirt, and the utterly ridiculous hooker-goes-club-hopping heels along with her unkempt hair and bumpit sum up that brainless nasty moron so well.
ReplyDeleteYou said it so well. I totally agree.
DeleteHer sense of style is lacking. If she thought THAT outfit looked good, or those crusty penis jeans, well there is no hope. No CLASS, no style, no brains.
Delete8:49 I so agree w/you - suggested the same thing awhile back. Does anyone have access to that photo where it could be put up everywhere? It truly would be the final nail in her coffin!
DeleteWould love for Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews (MSNBC) etc. to have access to it too.
10:09 : 'google' is your friend! ;)
DeleteThey are saying the exact same thing about the Republican party - she has just turned it around to the Democrats to try and create trouble and division. Her normal crap!
ReplyDeleteShe was a crummy politician at one time - so, showing herself as the self-evident idiot by putting up the Patton comment is not a surprise.
She is such a joke and racist!!! Did she refer to our wonderful President Obama as an 'ass' in that comment? Damn, but I could call her so many worse things, but will hold my tongue and not come down to her level!
Thank God we have President Obama at the helm and not John McCain or Mitt Romney!
I realized a while ago that if I actually deigned to listen to Palin's babbling word salad---all I heard was whah, whah, whah, whah.
ReplyDeleteAla Charlie Brown's teacher . . . .
Hey, Sarah! Yes, we know you read this. I used to vote based on merit, regardless of the party. Over the years, the GOP has gotten less and less deserving of my vote. This past election, I voted "D" in an open primary state, and will vote the straight Democratic party slate in November. Also, I voted for Obama--twice (nyah-nyah)
ReplyDeleteGood news, Brancy is reading a book. The middle school book is a start. Nancy should be able to play the part of a 20 something leading fans with another HoLo style idea. It may turn out better than Hobby Lobby, we'll see.
ReplyDeleteAfter the July 4th blow out at the resort Brancy was hard pressed to come up with why they could be proud of Track Palin, he is clearly in need of damage control PR. The sos posting of an old picture from September 2012 works magic (he is in uniform, with a child, surprise!)
Real progress, he isn't merely posing next to former military persons, he is in a nice uniform!
Here is a man in his mid twenties and he has not had a job for years, if ever. He didn't have to deal with his daughter for the bash at Coeur d'Alene resort and he can just be cool and party. Cute how they connect Track to a Christian beer. Read between the lines, he had to be wasted the entire holiday, but beer is Christian. Oh so clever Nancy knows how to work it to be another proud of do nothing that once wore a uniform. His most current 'job' seems to be posing with other people who were once in the military. LOL. Egads! Can you say desperation?
How much lower will crazy Sarah Palin go?
Here, let me take the troll response preemptively out from her pen: why do you write about people who live their life vibrantly and out of the public's eye? Why do you write about people who are so productive and have productively paying jobs ever since they were born? You don't know these people and have no idea what good christians they are, and they give their last penny to charities also, too! Go get a life and get off this disfunctional blog that does not exist!
DeleteI hope all the way to hell, 9:01, and she can take Nancy with her!
DeleteI wonder if Nancy prays that her kids will turn out better than $carah's??
DeleteAn intervention is needed for Sarah Palin. Her jealousy of President Obama and his family simply knows no bounds. Does she never have a rational moment when she sees how obvious her middle-school ranting is?
ReplyDeleteSarah, I am a Democrat and I am proud to say that both of my parents were active Democrats and that my son is a Democrat. We're intelligent, well-read people and we know that, only when Democrats are in charge, does this country prosper. So, Sarah, please make an appointment soon to see your doctor. He may be able to prescribe some medication for your illness or he may refer you to a psychiatrist. You really do need help. And we, the American people, need to know that you are safely locked up and kept away from your handy-dandy cellphone. We, the American people, implore you to get the medical help you need. You do have insurance under the ACA, right?
An intervention....
DeleteMuch needed but never will be.
One request do NOT go to the GP that you claim delivered Trig. (we all know that is a lie) You need a specialist. someone more qualified to deal with your obvious mental health issues. No, your cut rate plastic surgeon is NOT the one to consult with.
DeleteOr, that she is put on trial for treason - found guilty by an 'all black' jury (racist that she is!) and put to end totally uncomfortable! The racist, nasty women deserves nothing else!
DeleteSarah Palin is nothing more than a deadly 'pox' on America!
I think Sarah is too stupid to benefit from therapy.
DeleteShe truly is a mentally ill, fucked up bitch.
ReplyDeleteFuck you and your inbred stupid family Sarah.
DeleteIn the last picture Sarah can't stand the smell of herself either.
ReplyDeleteShe looks like a braying jack ass, wh ich she is.
DeleteI don't know about any of you, but it sure seems like something is going down in Shank-ville. She has really brought out the crazy lately, each post a little more "HUH?" than the last. Sounds to me like she's hit desperation mode, and let her keep at it. The bigger fool she's makes herself to be and the more irrelevant.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you!
DeleteME 2
DeleteShe's having one of her WTF moments!
DeleteProjection much? Hell yeah! She is losing it. And suggesting liberal dems move on to the Independence party? WTF? Become a teabagger? She is clueless about progressives. Unlike the GOP, Dems don’t go nutter and divisive, they fix the problem.
ReplyDeleteSarah has already has something new on her facebook, a link to a ghost written article posted at Breitbart. (I guess Breitbart is the only place that will post one of Sarah's ghost written articles). She wants to impeach President Obama for enacting the laws about unaccompanied minors that was passed during the Bush administration. Only, Sarah does not say it in one or two simple sentences. She rants and spews her anger for paragraphs that are not worth reading.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of reading, Bristol has finally found a book that she is trying to read. There are a couple of reasons why Bristol is "reading" a book. It will be made into a movie starring Taylor Swift (who is photographed holding the book). Bristol's idea of a book club is for people to take photos of themselves with their books. Then, she (or Nancy) will think up a question for Bristol's fans to answer. It will be fun, and there will be give-aways. Note that there is no comment section for Bristol's blogs. She wants people to email or tweet her photos. It looks as if she and Nancy are building a mailing list. And, they can't afford a full time monitor for the comments that will show up. The book that Bristol has picked is rated for grades 5-8, so Bristol is really stretching her limits this time. And, the book is part of a four part series. Bristol's book was written in 1994. Glad to see that she is really on top of things. (She wouldn't have thought to read it except for the fact that it will be a movie, released in August and starring Taylor Swift. Otherwise, do you really think that Bristol would read a book? A children's book?)
Both Sarah and Bristol belong to the Publicity Club that says, "Get your name out there every day. It doesn't matter if you have anything of value to say. In fact, the more outrageous and stupid, the better. Get noticed." Somehow, this is supposed to attract money and a following.
Ah, yes , the Kardashian Model; only Palin's have yet ti figure out that they have to PAY someone to write that stuff.
DeleteSo, bitch...a politician is the lowest form of life? And yet you couldn't even do that right.
ReplyDeleteThink about that...you're so fucking worthless you couldn't handle being at the bottom of a pond full of the lowest life forms that ever existed...being the 1/2 term governor of the least-populated state in the union, with virtually NO accomplishments besides fooling your state into electing you.
I'm glad to see you are coming to terms with your utter nothing-ness. Also glad to hear you finally admit that you don't really have much respect for those Founding Fathers you're always spewing bullshit about because that's easier than actually reading their own words about their views. George Washington was the first president, so he was one of the lowest forms of life, right? You fucking idiot scumbag. Get the fuck out of our country you treasonous whore.
This from the quitter that progressed Alaska without a title by many failures on Reality TV. No one in her family could act themselves out of a paper bag for the most stupid Reality TV shows known to mankind.
DeleteTodd's time as a shadow politician was short lived.
Sarah Palin is complaining about illegal immigration. What do you call it when citizens of the United States cross the border into Canada to take advantage of their free medical care system? That's what Sarah Heath and her family did when Sarah was a kid. The only difference is that they didn't stay in Canada, but they crossed the border to get something for nothing. For Sarah to be writing about illegal immigration is the pot calling the kettle black. Hypocrite!
ReplyDeleteThe entire PayMe family is always looking for something for nothing. I am looking forward to the day the $$$ dries up, and they have to get REAL jobs. Bristle's a word of warning, STOP having babies, you mother can not afford many more. It has not worked to keep one of the trial husbands around, so try something else. How about keeping your legs closed for a while?
DeleteBristol does NOT read trash (escapist) literatur, let alone ANY any book. LOL
ReplyDeleteAlso, she posted Taylor Swift's picture with the red dress to contrast the picture of Willow wearing a similar red dress for her "barfday."
I bet anything that IF the book IS read, perhaps Piper will take a stab at it for required summer reading.
And that my friends, will keep everyone in the grifter payroll.
Nancy will hire someone else to read the book. Everyone knows Bristol can't read or write at a middle school level.
DeleteSarah Palin Lands Deep In The Fringe: 'It's Time To Impeach'
ReplyDeleteIt was probably inevitable, but Sarah Palin on Tuesday officially joined the fringe contingent of conservatives who want President Obama impeached.
As she's done several times in the past, the former Republican presidential nominee and half-term Alaska governor published the "exclusive" on Breitbart.
After detailing Obama's "years of abuse," Palin not only called for impeachment, but said that politicians who oppose such action should pay a price.
It’s time to impeach; and on behalf of American workers and legal immigrants of all backgrounds, we should vehemently oppose any politician on the left or right who would hesitate in voting for articles of impeachment.
The many impeachable offenses of Barack Obama can no longer be ignored. If after all this he’s not impeachable, then no one is.
9:45 a.m. Are you trying to rewrite history? Sarah Palin was NEVER the former Republican presidential nominee! John McCain was and he picked the idiot to run w/him for the position of VP. And, thank god they lost by a large margin!
DeleteCan you imagine what our world would be like today had they gained control? It scares the hell out of me!
Thank you President Obama and VP Biden for doing such a good job in spite of the crap you receive from Republicans on a minute by minute display!
$carah NOBODY cares what you think, feel, say or do. STFU, bitch. The Russian newspaper, Pravda, called her a traitor for insulting the President constantly. Inciting racism should be added to her list of "accomplishments" Obviously, her loss of freedom does not include shooting her vile mouth off.
DeleteShould someone point out to her that when Patton was alive, the Democrats and Republican parties were the opposite of what we have today. The massive shift didn't occur until the 60's after the civil rights movement....I agree that the quote is made up, in the 40's there was no such thing as a liberal democrat.
ReplyDeleteLOL. Franklin Roosevelt? Or Harry Truman and John Kennedy, all presidents before the 1964 Civil Rights Act? Or Adlai Stevenson, presidential candidate in 1952 and 1956? All liberal Democrats.
DeleteYes, their policies were certainly liberal and progressive. You're right. But, were they called "Liberal
DeleteDemocrats" at the time, or simply " Democrats"? Patton died near the end of 1945, only a few months after FDR died.
Good point, 12:19. Sorry I misread you!
DeleteYeah, "back then" it was just assumed Democrats were liberal. Until the Southern States Rights/Dixiecrats broke away.
Right! Get to the important things, forget the bitching. Except in $carah's case, if she is not bitching, she has nothing to write about.
ReplyDeleteShe gets upset with any politicians who finish their full elected term.
ReplyDeleteShorter translation: "Look at me! I have a reality show to push! Give me attention!" The half-term Governor has the same issue as John Boehner - no actual offenses with which to attack the President, so they just make sh*t up. Until now, the Obama administration has been more aggressive in deportations and undocumented immigration dropped with the economic decline.
ReplyDeleteOf course, it's no surprising a woman who barely finished college and once dreamt of being an on-air personality doesn't quite understand how this who government thing really works.
seriously doubt she has more than 2 years of college credits
DeleteShe didn't finish college.
DeleteThere is no evidence Palin has a degree.
DeleteRemember, John McCain pushed the fact she had a college degree (Idaho) and that she was an oil/gas expert! What a friggin' joke!
DeleteShe's a total imbecile and I seriously doubt has a college degree. It was never verified -w/a copy of her diploma OR through the college. FACT: Professors didn't even recall having her in their classes!!!
You mean like Ronald Reagan having more people indicted and convicted from his administration while in office who were then pardoned by Bush.
ReplyDeleteIt would be interesting to investigate the correlation of her "proclamations" and the state of her finances. She may need more "postage" and "consulting fees".
ReplyDeleteYes she does. And those $100,000. speeches are drying up. Not to mention the $18,000 travel expenses, complete with two bottles of water and bendy straws. Now that Palin announced that she wanted to audition for The View, her fans got the hint that she is not going to run for president, and they she is looking towards the world of celebrity, not politics.
Deletea sad commentary on this country that this bloody bozo is anything more that a circus act - and perhaps she should read the constitution about impeachment
ReplyDeletePeople who want to be taken seriously will
ReplyDeleteproofread and correct errors in punctuation
and content before releasing their writing.
Palin's gibberish , incoherence and taunting paranoia are increasing at a rate that indicates a
severe breakdown in her thought process,
which is usually jumbled at best.
This should alarm those who allegedly care
about her, but, apparently not.
Instead , places like Drudge and Breitbart seem to encourage her bizarreness.
Drudge and Breitbart don't care about grammar and punctuation. They want clicks which means that they can get more money for advertising on their websites. Get adblocker.
DeleteSarah I would like to ask your parents why they raised such a rude, judgmental, hateful woman? Promoting a hateful ideology against persons that who don't share you vision is nothing short of stupid.
ReplyDeleteYou act as though you could do better in one of the most difficult "jobs" known to mankind. The President is not perfect, but at least he can formulate a coherent thought that does not digress into name calling. Can you imagine what a laughing stock we would have been if you had been elected to VP? You were never competent to hold that position.
Liberals are not the enemy, stupidity is!
Sally and Chuck Heath should hang their heads in utter shame for the hatred they bred into their children. Palin should be in jail for her divisive, anti-American accusations.
DeleteShe is the enemy/terrorist within our own country and should be executed!
DeleteShe's always been jealous of the educated and accomplished, and he's in the place she thinks was rightfully hers. Oh....and he's BLACK.
DeletePresident Obama is popular overseas, as was Clinton. Unlike Bush, who was mocked for his stupidity. The gop really attract the dregs.
DeleteC and S are as disrespectful and vile as Sarah.
As we type the Sarah's new party is busy as a bee. http://www.capstonepub.com/product/covers_lg/9780736849623.jpg
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Palin some kind of politician as well?
ReplyDeleteI heard Sarah Palin was too inept and could only pose as the front for a shadow politician, another Palin fake.
She couldn't even answer questions during Press Conferences in Alaska! She ended up surrounding herself w/her commissioners and then would defer questions to whichever one of them was relevant.
DeleteShe was a total FAILURE as 'quitter' gov of Alaska and did the state a huge favor in resigning (for an unknown reason - but, she appeared scared to death in her speech!)
Obama Requests $3.7 Billion To Deal With Border Crisis
ReplyDeleteThe Obama administration is seeking nearly double the expected figure to help deal with a crisis of unaccompanied minors at the border, in an effort to hasten removal proceedings that either allow children to stay in the country or send them back to Central America.
The significant sum -- $3.7 billion in total -- will go to multiple government agencies to apprehend, care for and remove unaccompanied minors, the administration announced on Tuesday. The money, which must be approved by Congress, underscores the political world's alarm over the humanitarian crisis of tens of thousands of children crossing the border without their parents. The funds, should they be approved, will be combined with a future push for legislation that chips away at a 2008 law meant to protect minors.
Of all of the comparisons to pick, a battered wife is bad example. It's a terrible example. And, it is an insensitive remark because there are women who are at the mercy of a brute who does abuse them. How would Palin know about that kind of abuse? first hand maybe? Projection, Sarah?
ReplyDeleteI was extremely brave and read Ms Sarah's facebook page. I am not sure which one I find more pathetic, her or her followers. It is hard to have in hope for mankind after reading their comments. So much hate in their hearts, very sick.
ReplyDeleteSarah has delusions of adequacy because she's deceived herself into believing her opinion is relevant.
ReplyDeleteWell said Randall. She's the gift that keeps on giving to the Dems.
DeleteDonations must be down, and maybe the Sportsman Channel could only afford half of her last paycheck? $carah is riled up about something, and since money is all she cares about, it must be drying up.
DeleteHere is a thought, since the Sportman Channel did not announce a second season until recently, maybe she had to offer to do it for FREE, for the publicity? THAT would explain her more bitchy than usual blog entries.
Delete"delusions of adequacy"
Deletegood one, Randall
It amazes me that Huffington Post puts Palin's photo on the top w/impeachment quote! Fucking amazing! Our media is doing us such a disservice.
ReplyDeletePoor President Obama! He has so much on his plate - has accomplished so much in spite of the Republican's constant obstruction - has so much hate spewed at him on a daily basis - it just has never stopped since he took his first oath of office.
Republicans need to be voted out of office wherever possible in November - U.S. Congress - governors up for reelection - members of State Legislatures - city assemblies, etc. They are a horrible, horrible party and have done nothing to assist Americans since President Obama was elected by the majority the first time!
Actually, I think there's a method to it. When was the last time she garnered top billing? YEARS ago. Just show her for the POS she is! The comments are scathing towards her.
Delete"She will write no more books."
ReplyDeleteAh man say it ain't so Uncle Gryph We are waiting for her work out and diet book.
This post is pathetic, even for Palin.
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost, the list of President Obama's accomplishments is quite remarkable, especially given the fact that the gop controlled house has actively obstructed everything the Senate and White House has tried to accomplish. That includes ideas that were once Republican ideas, i.e. the ACA, cap and trade, etc.
And then there's this:
"symbolized by the ass"
That's right up there with Palin's whole "rack and gun" nonsense. Keepin' it classy, Sarah.
She is obviously circling the drain, faster and faster. And, I think she knows it. She's feeling withdrawl symptoms from her attention/media addiction and this is why she's flopping around like a recently caught fish in the bottom of a boat.
It must be confusing to completely lack the self awareness to realize that the laughter in the room is directed at you.
Sarah, we're laughing AT you. Not WITH you.
Sarah has something to say almost every day, anything to get mentioned. Yesteday's tease that she would shake up things on the View is hilarious. Even if offered a slot on the View, no way would Sarah accept it because oWhoopie.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention, how her "team" could possible get her up every morning and dress her, slap a wig and makeup on and then try to control the diarrhea of the mouth. That would be full on awesome to watch her competely blow every myth about her being smart, or even sane.
DeleteThat is certain to fail. She is not going to retreat, how will she reload next?
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah, tell us about your husband's Sex Trafficking Ring.
ReplyDeleteTell us about all of your undocumented fatherless grandchildren.
Tell us about Track Menard's Drug use. Tell us about your TUBAL LIGATION and your faking Tri-g's birth. You have the nerve to suggest impeachment when you Quit under pressure of being Prosecuted for your Ethics Violations. President Obama has accomplished more than you could ever dream of attempting to accomplish, Tundra Turd. You dress like a TEEN-AGED HOOKER and you think that it is cute. You are a low-life Tramp, old granny.
She resigned for more reasons that ethics charges. That was the convenient excuse.
Deleteof course she did. Hell, the ethics case she charged against herself cost more than ALL THE OTHER charges combined. She quit because she was forced to. She was stupid beyond belief.
DeleteYou mean she's mimicking people here?
ReplyDeleteWow. Never thought that was possible.
Thought the only true immature assholes stalk IM to slander and attack people.
Shut up, Sarah, you dumb bunny!
DeleteIf you would just shut up, we wouldn't have to slander and attack you.
Do you say this stuff just so that we will slander and attack you? That is really sick.
Love DYLAN BYERS (politico)take on The retard aka Palin:
ReplyDelete'No mas' Sarah Palin:
You may have heard by now that Sarah Palin, the former vice presidential candidate-turned-Fox News pundit-turned-reality television star, is calling for President Obama to be impeached. The opening argument is particularly confounding:
Enough is enough of the years of abuse from this president. His unsecured border crisis is the last straw that makes the battered wife say, “no mas.”
Forget about the impeachment part for a second. The second sentence is just inherently confusing. If Americans are the ones being abused by Obama -- if we are "the battered wife" -- why are we speaking Spanish? Sure, millions of legal American citizens speak Spanish. But as far as Sarah Palin is concerned it's not exactly the native tongue.
It is time the media refers to her as the former reality tv hostess. The farce about politics is ancient history and it was all fraud. She never was any of the things they claim. She only quit to fail at an act more true to her, fake reality tv.
Delete$arah Palin has been going on a victory lap, as though she has been vindicated of something. Palin thinks' everybody wishes she were president, now. No fucking way! Not EVER! That's why she won't shut-up, and is becoming more emboldened then ever. But, Palin hasn't been vindicated of anything.
ReplyDeletePalin is a coward. She can't say anything to anybody's face. Palin still doesn't realize that she is still one of the most loathed ASSES in America! $arah Palin is projecting, again. Palin is obsessed with President Obama. She's a pathetic asshole.
Barack Obama took the the GOPig's "battered wife," and ended her wars, and has started to nurse her back to health with 288,000 jobs, and a 6.1% unemployment rate! President Obama has over 2 years left in office, and Palin thinks' she can predict the future! She doesn't know what the hell is going to happen to President Obama. Nobody does. She didn't even think he was going to win a second-term. President Obama isn't even paying attention to her. No matter how loud she gets, he's still going to ignore her, and so is the majority of America.
She's so jealous of President Obama, and the First Lady. Palin's mad that the only way she'll ever get to see the inside of the White House, is if she goes on the tour! President Obama would still kick Palin's wrinkly ass even if the election were held today!
Palin's so excited, because she thinks' President Obama is going to be impeached, and frog-walked out of the White House! This will be her revenge for him beating her in 2008! Good luck with that! If the President Obama is impeached, it's going to backfire on the Tea-tards!
FUCK $arah Palin!
"Thought the only true immature assholes stalk IM to slander and attack people."
ReplyDeleteSaid the only true immature asshole that stalks IM to slander and attack people! LMFAO!
She's getting hammered in comments, too. WTG, Huffpo, make it HUGE front and center what an idiot she is!
ReplyDeleteO/T but good to know this is happening:
ReplyDeleteReady For Hillary Starts Spreading Its Money Around To Key States
Ready for Hillary has given money to 27 state Democratic parties and six national organizations since its shift:
Alaska Democratic Party
Arkansas Democratic Party
Colorado Democratic Party
Delaware Democratic Party
Florida Democratic Party
Democratic Party of Georgia
Idaho Democratic Party
Indiana Democratic Party
Iowa Democratic Party
Kentucky Democratic Party
Louisiana Democratic Party
Maine Democratic Party
Maryland Democratic Party
Massachusetts Democratic Party
Michigan Democratic Party
Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party
Montana Democratic Party
Nevada Democratic Party
New Hampshire Democratic Party
North Carolina Democratic Party
Ohio Democratic Party
South Carolina Democratic Party
South Dakota Democratic Party
Texas Democratic Party
Utah Democratic Party
Democratic Party of Virginia
Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC)
EMILY’s List
Netroots Nation
Women Winning PAC
Young Democrats of America
Maybe Toad wrote that, reversing the "wife" for "husband" ??
ReplyDeleteGryphen, shame on you!
ReplyDeleteCalling The Screechy Wretch(tm) a "retard" is offensive.
The correct and respectful way to refer to the former governor is "twatwaffle"
11:14 AM VISITOR FROM UNITED STATES YOU are the IMMATURE ASSHOLE who slanders and attacks people here. You are the one who Stalks Bristol Palin and her Brood of Bastard children. You are an insane assclown who is obsessed with the Dysfunctional Palins. Don't you get it? We don't believe any of the comments posted by your ignorant educationally deficient Ass. Go cry in your bedpan and leave Gryphen's blog alone.
ReplyDeleteGood luck drawing support from independents for a 3rd party Mrs. Palin. No one has forgotten the racist tweets telling Dr. Laura to reload with N words; reviving slave-era terminology to say that the first black president is "shucking and jiving"; using gutter talk in Spanish to say he has no testicles, and your numerous referrals to "slavery". And your rants on the Barbara Walters show about certain men being "limp" and "impotent". And, your attempting to deny freedom of religion to Muslims who wished to build a mosque/community center on their OWN land. All of your rabid rants are on youtube or in text on Google, Palin. . You made your pact with nasty people like that homophobe duck person and the incredibly nasty Ted Nugent, who tells the president to suck on his machine gun. These are your best friends and heros, Sarah, with you, 3 peas in a pod. Oh, yes, and then there is the passage in your "Christian Christmas" book where you refer to the horror of the slaughter of Connecticut first graders as "anti-gun chatter" which was the impetus for your buying a big, "much needed" gun for a Christmas present. Sarah, good luck on getting dems to contribute to your PAC.-
ReplyDeleteSarah get hired by the View, rant more against the Democrats, dye your hair blonde and get some major cosmetic upgrades then maybe, maybe Fox will rehire you?
ReplyDeleteThe View would never consider the harpy. Sarah invented that whopper to get some attention.
DeleteSarah Palin was raised by a woman that sends off vibes like she is a foremost battered wife. Sally acts like someone that knew their place was to keep pie hole closed and go to the corner until called to perform. No matter what was going on in the family, a little woman's place is in the kitchen and never, never, never interfere or bring up anything the husband doesn't want to hear.
ReplyDeleteJust leave home for a few hours and come back and she's gone full harpy.
ReplyDeleteNuts, she is. Thanks, Yoda.
Sarah wants to hear from those who still want to be Democrats, so she and her minions can identify them, knock on their doors at night, arrest them and put them on those trains to concentration camps.
ReplyDeleteThen off she goes to do her reality TV gigs and Hollywood interviews.
Oh, Sarah, you desperate old hag. You're so funny.
ReplyDeleteAs if any Democrat would listen to anything you say. Or read any nonsense that you claim to write. Only your cult reads your shit- the ones that CAN read, that is.
These images of the braying ass really capture her essence. Dumb, dumber, and dumbest all wrapped up in an ignorant hate mongering grammar school mean girl package. She is too stupid to be ashamed.
ReplyDeleteI think that photo of Sarah, the braying jack ass, is a perfect fit for her.
Deleteyeah, go independent so she can try to run as independent. Nah. She is turning green with envy with our USA! yes USA POTUS. And his lovely daughter having a wonderful birthday.
ReplyDeleteSo you think Sarah hasn't been a full retard and is just now going full retard?
ReplyDeleteno..she's always been 'special'... The half wit can't understand that dropping the undies doesn't work for her anymore.
DeleteWhoa, Sarah's train ran out of track from the get go. Can't blame the poor thing, "Go Independent"? What's up with that? The AIP losing members, again? Do us all a favor, dumplin', go full Snowden and see how many lemmings follow you. That's as independent as it gets, and besides, F Troop, Wasilla Chapter, doesn't need mama anymore.
ReplyDeleteWho insinuates the Leader of the Free world is a wife beater?
She's an idiot.
She is going to ask Bernie Sanders to be her Vice President 2016. "Go Independent"? lol
ReplyDeletepossibly, but Sally wasn't much of a mother either. She spent all of her time at church. Sadly, the church has no idea what she was doing.
ReplyDeleteShe got the "Bread And Circuses" idea from The Hunger Games, originally a YA series of books. Her kids probably don't read but I bet they had the movie on DVD.
Hey Palin, you want to know who we are who still support
ReplyDelete"this guy". We sure know who you are from the beginning ..God Bless Katie Couric! Oh, by the way, back off
with the lip gloss. You looked like you either had snot running
out of your nose, or you missed your lip!
You looked like you either had snot running out of your nose,
or you missed your lip while applying it!