Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Sarah Palin is now calling for the impeachment of President Obama. Whoa Nelly, is she off her meds!

Apparently Palin and her ghostwriter jotted this cry for a mental health intervention down and sent it to Breitbart, who as we know will print just about anything.

Hang onto your hats kids, this is yet another wild ride:

Enough is enough of the years of abuse from this president. His unsecured border crisis is the last straw that makes the battered wife say, “no mas.” (Did this bitch just compare the President to a wife beater? How do you say "Fuck you" in batshit crazy word salad gibberish?)

Without borders, there is no nation. Obama knows this. Opening our borders to a flood of illegal immigrants is deliberate. This is his fundamental transformation of America. It’s the only promise he has kept. (You know besides all of these.) Discrediting the price paid for America’s exceptionalism over our history, he’s given false hope and taxpayer’s change to millions of foreign nationals who want to sneak into our country illegally. Because of Obama’s purposeful dereliction of duty an untold number of illegal immigrants will kick off their shoes and come on in, competing against Americans for our jobs and limited public services. (Actually this current crisis is the result of the Child Trafficking bill signed into law by George W. Bush in 2008. Not Obama.)There is no end in sight as our president prioritizes parties over doing the job he was hired by voters to do. Securing our borders is obviously fundamental here; it goes without saying that it is his job. (Actually one of many. And if he had some help from Congress I am sure he would solve it as well.)

The federal government is trillions of dollars in debt, many cities are on the verge of insolvency, our overrun healthcare system, police forces, social services, schools, and our unsustainably  (That's not a word.) generous welfare-state programs are stretched to the max. We average Americans know that. So why has this issue been allowed to be turned upside down with our “leader” creating such unsafe conditions while at the same time obstructing any economic recovery by creating more dependents than he allows producers? (Actually the economy has improved by leaps and bounds. And is now being compared to the Clinton economy of the 90's.) His friendly wealthy bipartisan elite, who want cheap foreign labor and can afford for themselves the best “border security” money can buy in their own exclusive communities, do not care that Obama tapped us out. 

Have faith that average American workers – native-born and wonderful legal immigrants of all races, backgrounds, and political parties – do care because we’re the ones getting screwed as we’re forced to follow all our government’s rules while others are not required to do so. Many now feel like strangers in their own land.  (Well racists, misogynists, and radical Christian fundamentalists at least.) It’s the American worker who is forced to deal with Obama’s latest crisis with our hard-earned tax dollars while middle class wages decrease, sustainable jobs get more scarce, and communities become unrecognizable and bankrupted due to Obama’s flood of illegal immigration. 

Who’s looking out for the American workers? Who has their backs? Who fights for them? (You know I would usually guess Obama here, with his fighting for an increased minimum wage an all, but something tells me that is not the crazy lady's first choice.)

We should. 

President Obama’s rewarding of lawlessness, including his own, is the foundational problem here. It’s not going to get better, and in fact irreparable harm can be done in this lame-duck term as he continues to make up his own laws as he goes along, and, mark my words, will next meddle in the U.S. Court System with appointments that will forever change the basic interpretation of our Constitution’s role in protecting our rights. (God, I hope so!)

It’s time to impeach; and on behalf of American workers and legal immigrants of all backgrounds, we should vehemently oppose any politician on the left or right who would hesitate in voting for articles of impeachment. (Hah! Sorry that one made me laugh out loud.)

The many impeachable offenses of Barack Obama can no longer be ignored. If after all this he’s not impeachable, then no one is. 

Well he's not impeachable, but I am quite sure that the next Republican to occupy the White House WILL be. 

Okay is there something beyond going full retard, that I just don't know about?

Perhaps we should just call it going "full Palin?"

I really thought that Palin had gone right off the deep end with her earlier rant, but damn this one makes that one seem like a moment of menstruation induced crankiness.

The idea that this lunatic, who apparently chose to quit her job rather than face possible prosecution, would suggest that our hard working President should be impeached is so ridiculous that it should be the new litmus test for determining a person's sanity.

And guess who just failed?


  1. vegaslib11:37 AM

    I swear she's been up all night long on the meth and watching a loop of Obama being named the winner. Over and over and over. She is frothing at the mouth and can't get enough hate out at once. She makes no sense, she states no facts, she truly sounds delusional.

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      not sure if my comment went through so if this is repeated please delete gryphen.
      a quick -very quick stroll over to the pee pond explains this latest bit of lunacy from the skank. apparently she is on hannity tonight with an "exclusive" interview explaining her call for impeachment.

      hahaha ailes owns her ass! i can see it now-ailes calls skank and tells her to write a fb post about impeaching the president and promises to let her hang out with the male skank hannity. she then calls him a thousand times asking a gazillion questions about what to write because she is an IDIOT.

      now ailes has her tens of twenty followers upping his numbers and the added bonus of laughing at her stupidity on hannity. he so owns her ass.......and he uses her to his own amusement only. seriously, it is like he gets bored and needs a dose of two idiots talking to each other for ten minutes every few months to give him a giggle!

      oh skank-ailes owns you and you are his puppet.
      notice how you aren't even welcome on greta's show anymore skank? in fact you had to leave alaska when she visited this past weekend! that is how OVER you she is.

      pathetic grifting granny. you are a loser

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Remember that FOX viewership has decreased! Plus, only the extreme right follows the Hannity show or 'might' have an interest in Sarah Palin and her bullshit!

      Their numbers of viewers when compared to the number of voters throughout America are pretty insignificant!

      Hannity and Greta are the only ones that have really showcased Palin. Greta is no longer doing it as much and Bill O'Reilly thinks Sarah Palin is an idiot and hasn't had her on his show in a number of years!

    3. Anonymous12:56 PM

      vegaslib, that was brilliant! It made me laugh out loud to think of her watching a continuous loop of her watching Obama getting the prize that she thought was totally HERS!

    4. Anonymous1:01 PM

      The old fellow over at the pee pond just woke up from a nap and posted this:-

      virginiagentleman1 • 27 minutes ago
      Yawn. Stretch. Pfhytt! Whoops, sorry!
      I feel like those folks on the S.S. Minnow, you know, the Captain, Gilligan, the perfessor and Mary Ann, and the rest, after a 3 hour snooze, a 3 hour snooze! Or have I disremebered the words to a song again?

      Sooooo, I awake to the scuttlebutt that Sarah Palin will be on FNC tonight to discuss her call of Impeachment against Obama. Am I still dreaming? Or, is this true?

      It is incredible what the NAME POWER of Palin can do don't ya think?

      No less an American Hero then Colonel Allan West himself called for Obama's Impeachment just a few short weeks ago. The result? Crickets, LOTS of crickets, an infestation of crickets!
      Now the little gal from Alaska calls for Obama's impeachment. And the media explodes! Snot, brain pus, and drool FLIES from the exploding heads of the LSM and their trolls! DUCK!!!

      How does a tiny little woman like Sarah Palin manage to set off such a firestorm with her words?

      Don't know? Well I'll tell ya. FEAR! Blind panicking FEAR! Pure and unadulterated FEAR! Slobbering insane FEAR!

      The one voice the left fears most, Sarah Palin, speaks the word impeachment, and the wheels fly off of the lefts train. A collision with a bridge abutment is imminent. Disaster to follow!

      Why? Because unless you have been living the life of a cave dwelling hermit, or the sewer life of a troll, then you know that ANYTHING associated with Palin will travel around the globe at warp speed. It is a fact. Accept it!

      No one in the modern world can get the sparks flying like Palin. NO ONE!

      And if true that she will be on Fox tonight, then for the left this is double trouble.

      Not only has Palin's written call for impeachment of Obama gone viral, but in a matter of hours, we will see and hear those words come from her lips and the video will travel at warp speed as well. This is tantamount to the proverbial 'kiss of death'!

      Yes, I know that there isn't the spine and courage in Congress to make Obama's impeachment actually happen.


      But AFTER the mid-terms?

    5. Anonymous3:04 PM

      And, Republicans will be taken out across the nation! Just like before (President Obama's second election & win!) - with the Republicans not believing their polls and supposed national feedback.

      I can hardly wait to cast my vote in the hopes of knocking out every Republican I can from office! (on all levels - national, state and local!)

      I am sick to death of the Republican party! It supports no American except the rich! They want more war, which is a huge cost to taxpayers that we cannot afford.

      Plus, they are racists and detest anyone that is NOT white! It's a FACT and can be documented! And, they are against women's rights (also FACT)!

      They are a deplorable group - just look at the folks representing their party! (Don't forget their Teabagger members!)

    6. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Oh die already virginia gentleman.

    7. Anonymous4:25 PM

      He's on a heart transplant list. The old geezer will probably get a new heart and have many more years left in which to keep spewing his venomous rhetoric.

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    This isn't crazy enough for a Palin. This is just the beginning of this phase. She will reload and send out more crap.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      I wish someone would "reload" and put the crosshairs on her.

    2. Anonymous1:41 PM

      With extreme prejudice.

    3. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Here is a thought. In her last few rants, she has not once said "Todd and I" Could her viciousness be because Toad has left? Her crossed eyes are getting more and more prominent. $carah, get a REAL job, stop grifting, get out of the limelight and GO HOME (wherever THAT is)

    4. Anonymous2:51 PM

      1:08 And, not miss! She needs to have the treatment of the dead or those so badly harmed - i.e. Gabby!

  3. Palin is a FRAUD11:51 AM

    Why does anyone still think what Sarah Palin has to say is valid?

    Sarah Palin is a liar and a fraud and has no credibility whatsoever. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

    For starters, Palin was not pregnant in 2008 and did not give birth to Trig Palin. That is fact. Palin is a monumental fraud.

    Sarah Palin is the biggest hoax in American political history.

  4. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I just read the headlines. I can't read any of her bullshit anymore. I think it's high time someone washed her mouth out with piss and make her eat some turd blossoms.

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Bring back Martin Basheer. (Sorry if I misspelled his name.) He had it right.
      You think McCain is ready to leak all of Sarah's secrets from the '08 vetting? Oh, yea, that's right he didn't vet. McCain was asked to comment and he didn't want to without reading what she had written. Chickenshit won't say a word.

    2. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Remember in Game Change, when his campaign advisors asked him to tell her to STOP the racism, he said "Then she will turn on ME" Some "hero"!! He is scared shitless of her, she is so VILE.

  5. Anonymous11:53 AM

    "You WILL notice me, you WILL!"

    I picture President Obama somewhere giggling until his sides ache upon hearing this.

  6. Anonymous11:54 AM

    This is why I try to tell people that SP is still dangerous.

    Unfortunately, were I to send this verbal goulash to my dearest friend, her response would be "damn straight." Sad, really.

  7. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Poor Screech, she didn't understand that Saddam Hussein wasn't behind 9/11 and she still doesn't understand anything!

    Once when I was flying out of Minneapolis to Canada, I sat next to someone on their way to Alaska, he was beaming, he said, 'I'm a pastor from Wasilla, Alaska, you know where Sarah Palin is from" I said "Oh is she as awful as everyone says she is?" and he turned to the window and refused to look at me for the entire flight. It was hilarious, he looked so crushed.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      LOL! You should have asked him why in the world a woman with a high risk pregnancy would fly and drive a total of many hours to have that baby at the Wasilla hospital, bypassing several major medical facilites on the way.

    2. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Should have asked "Have you baptized any of Bristol or Willow's illigitimate babies?"

    3. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Anonymous11:54 AM
      OMFG that is Hilarius! To bad it wasn't Pastor Bess you would of had a lot to talk about with him, he can't stand her!

  8. lostinmn11:55 AM

    Three options;
    One. The coffers are drying up and the hush money recipients are rattling their sabers so she's doing whatever she can to get attention.
    Two. Some really bad news is headed her way and she's boosting her clicks so she can play the victim card she's being prosecuted for being a Rill American and calling out her enemies before the fact.
    Three. The pasties and g-string have come off and we're left to view the ugliness that is the real Sara.

    1. Cracklin Charlie12:30 PM

      I hesitate to choose only number Two, mostly because of the definite likelihood of serious mental illness; but, it certainly seems that she is trying to get out in front of something that's barreling toward her.

      Or, some right wing asshole paid her to sign her name to that ridiculous proclamation.

    2. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Anything but door number 3, 11:55. ANYTHING. OH, THE HUMANITY!!!

    3. Anonymous1:20 PM

      #2 is what is happening to her daughter, Bar$tool. She will actually have to behave decently for a change towards Levi at the end of this month, when her parenting skills will be brought into question in front of a judge...

  9. Anonymous11:56 AM

    IM, I seriously doubt Palin has a menstrual cycle any longer! She's more likely to be in the stages of menopause! (which also reflects her unbalance as to emotions!)

    As someone else said today - Palin is an 'in country' terrorist and should be executed! She has done NOTHING to support Americans ideals since she ran w/McCain and showed herself to so nasty, racist and inept! She's only gotten worse as the years have gone by!

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      What happens to women with eating disorders is pretty clear. You don't have to be old like Palin, it happens to young ones as well.

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      As one of the age to experience the decade long change that is menopause, the physical and psychological differences are not nearly the EVENT that is supposed to have made me a brainless ball of emotions and hot flashes.

      Menopause is only a big deal if you want to make it a big deal.

    3. Anonymous2:49 PM

      1:09 PM - Sounds like it could have been written by Palin - on purpose perhaps? Haha!

      Our little 'sista' Sarah didn't have to proclaim her monthly period (IF she is even having them anymore!) or the fact she is menopausal!

      She projects being an emotional mess! She is NOT a good example for women in politics, entertainment or business. Get rid of her, America! She's an embarrassment to Alaska and the USA!

    4. Anonymous3:07 PM

      I am 1:09 and I not Sarah Palin. However, I am a woman that successfully completed a 40 year career in a male-dominated field and endured endless jibes about my "emotions" and "moods" from men with only anger not science to motivate them.

      To compete you must be less emotional than the men. You must take the garbage they throw every stupid day. You must be more intelligent, experienced, judicious, persuasive, etc. than the little princes that think they were born the lords of creation.

      And when the first wave of menopause jokes hits you, you can finally let them have it. I printed helpful explanations for humans not lucky enough to experience menopause and left them around the office.

      Men "emotions" and "moods" to abuse women in the workplace.

    5. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Women in menopause are emotional.

      Substitute a few words and you get, for example,

      Black people are lazy.

      Neither of those sentences are tolerated by thinking people.

    6. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Palin is a Drug addict!
      Has nothing to do with Meno.

      Men get male menopause also,too!
      Her prob she is shooting up meth and Todd's low T meds.

  10. Anonymous12:01 PM

    President Obama has accomplished a number of things in spite of the Republican obstruction since his election the first time!

    The Republicans will not give him credit for anything because he is black. The man is so accomplished and well educated that it drives them nuts. Plus, they cannot get him to be an asshole to any of them even though I'm sure he'd love to deck a few of them (i.e. Rick Perry and that political woman from AZ - cannot recall her name!).

    President Obama is a SUCCESS and a CLASS ACT! And, I'm delighted I voted for him BOTH times.

  11. Anonymous12:02 PM

    The idea that this lunatic, who was forced out of her job rather than face possible prosecution............

    More please. How much longer until we hear the details?

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      talk to Shawn Christy's mom...... Palin was involved in a conspiracy to kill the president. She even promised that AK state troopers would help carry out the task....the poor lunatic.

    2. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Anonymous3:54 PM

      talk to Shawn Christy's mom...... Palin was involved in a conspiracy to kill the president. She even promised that AK state troopers would help carry out the task....the poor lunatic.
      Link please.

  12. Caroll Thompson12:04 PM

    Sarah really wants some attention today. She probably googled her name and found out no one was paying attention to her. The media she hates has packed their bags and gone home and I guess she misses them after all.

    Sarah must be desperate after her last public outing in Tennessee that didn't even draw 400 people. And they were giving away free tickets to the event.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Sarah probably dipped into one of her 'banks' to bank roll the show in Idaho for Independence Day. She had Quitter Day to deflect. She always needs to look like a unified family. It cost her one way or another to do that production.

    2. "her last public outing in Tennessee that didn't even draw 400 people"

      There are rumors afloat that more than 350 of those attendees were - or will soon be - residents of the National Institute for the Politically Insane based in nearby Rectal, Tennessee.

  13. Anonymous12:06 PM

    WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS MEAN? I am not even joking, I defy anyone to parse out just what Palin means to say in this fish-in-a-blender mix of random words and phrases.


    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Ooooohhhh! 12:06 scathing rip on her ass! Thanks!

  14. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Hey Sarah, you might want to educate your ghost writer (and yourself) by actually reading The William Wilberfoce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, which was signed into law by George W. Bush to protect unaccompanied minors crossing the border into the US. http://www.state.gov/j/tip/laws/113178.htm

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      That law actually protects children against sex traffickers unlike Mr. Sarah Palin, Todd, and his sex-for-secret-service trade.

    2. Anonymous2:38 PM

      To add - for those not knowledgeable as to 12:37 pm's comment -

      You need to read the book "Boys Will be Boys" by Shailey Tripp. It's written by the lady that was Todd's prostitute and whom he put up for use to Secret Service members (Palin's), Anchorage Police Department, FBI and political people involved w/Sarah and John McCain's political group.

      Even more interesting is the fact that daughter Bristol named her son (w/Levi Johnston), Tripp!! Spelled exactly the same way as the author, who was close to Todd and reported in her book that Todd had a small, two-toned dick!

      The Palins truly are one fucked up family!

    3. Anonymous2:39 PM

      She is too stupid to read. She is a palin afterall...

  15. Anonymous12:12 PM

    It's right-wing assholes, like $arah Palin who have battered this country! They are responsible for the "Great Recession" (which President Obama has dug the economy out of), the illegal war in Iraq, that resulted in thousands of deaths for no reason, conservatives are to blame for the legislative gridlock, conservatives shutdown the government last year, conservatives played with the debt-ceiling, conservatives have blocked unemployment benefits, messed with voting rights, messed with abortion rights, etc. And, the list goes on!

    Of course, $arah Palin wants President Obama to be impeached! She's still mad because of the ass-kicking she got in 2008! Even if the republicans win control of the Senate, they still won't have enough votes to convict President Obama! The republicans need 67 votes in the Senate to remove President Obama from office, and there aren't even going to be 60 republican senators after the midterm elections! The republicans are going to need a lot of votes from democrats, and they aren't going to get them! Well, I wouldn't trust Joe Manchin, and a couple of others. But ultimately, the votes aren't there for a conviction! It will be a charade, and waste of tax-payer money!

    I hope the republicans do impeach President Obama, especially over immigration. Because any kind of impeachment will only motivate the democratic base months before the midterm elections, President Obama's poll numbers will shoot up, and impeachment over immigration will further alienate Latino voters, which will hurt the republicans in 2016!

    "Please Proceed, Half-Term Governor!"

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      I agree with everything you said. And I think that's exactly what is keeping Republicans from trying to impeach Obama, is they are AFRAID it will backfire and bite them in the ass! Just like it did when they tried to impeach Clinton!

    2. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Great comment and your last line was perfect!

  16. "we’re forced to follow all our government’s rules while others are not required to do so"
    You mean Hobby Lobby, right? You brainless yowling harpy.

  17. "Who’s looking out for the American workers? Who has their backs? Who fights for them?

    We should.
    Yes, you should, but you don't. You never have and you never will. Fuck off, you braying cretin.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Keep going, Nefer!! You're right! Sarah only cares about Sarah! Why would she care about American workers when none of her family works??!!

  18. Anonymous12:17 PM

    "Sarah Palin: America Is Obama’s ‘Battered Wife,’ Time to Impeach Him"

    And by impeach Him she means send Her more money.

  19. So, she's been hearing all the lawsuit and impeachment talk picking up speed and she wants desperately to get her 2 cents in and take full credit for whatever steaming pile of bullshit Boehner finally pulls out of his ass.

    There is a desperation and even higher-pitched rage to her rants in the last month or two that is starting to creep me out.

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      You're right. She is so narcissistic that she wants the credit just in case Boehner were to manage to put up a real fight (which he won't).

    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      After her Sportsman show ended, there were rumors that it would not be renewed. Suddenly, it is. Could $carah have had to PAY to keep it on the air? Did she have to take a drastic cut in (already low) salary? We all know how she loves OPM (other people's money) spending any of her own is against her religion (whatever THAT might be)

    3. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Yes Nefer, also noticed her panic and desperation have suddenly taken on an even more strident note than usual. Nothing is working out for her, her cash flow is way, way down, audiences dwindled to paltry numbers and she knows she is thought of as a tiresome sore-loser by the multitudes. She has nowhere to go but down but, by gawd, she's gonna try to take someone, anyone down with her.

      Hope this is giving McCain nightmares. She is forever linked to him and his reputation sinks a few more inches every time she opens that gaping maw. He can't go along with her and he can't disavow her cause he loses either way. He is as much a fraud as she is so I'm hoping the taint gives him a serious rash.

  20. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Unemployment down from 10% to 6.1%, stock market setting record highs, more people covered by health insurance than ever and Osama is dead.

    Yes, of course, impeachment is the answer to all this.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      And, Sarah Palin has gotten richer under the guidance/leadership of President Obama and his Administration!

      Say 'thank you' (if your finances were properly managed!) and appreciate his hard work for Americans, sista Sarah! Remember - you are actually one of them!

  21. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Every interview, facebook post and tweet by the Snowy Snooki should be followed by "Also, please send money."

  22. Olivia12:23 PM

    It just seems so silly that they are foaming at the mouth trying to pin something on the President, especially since he is less than 2 years from the end of his administration. It all makes more sense when you realize that what they are doing is trying to alter how history looks back on his presidency.

  23. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Here she goes again! Yesterday she wanted to be on The View. Today she wants to impeach our President. I guess she really can't finish anything she starts, can she?!

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      I think The View told her to go pound salt.
      She is one ticked off tart.

    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Can you imagine what Whoopi and Rosie could do to Palin? Just verbally! Damn, but it would be fun to watch and then see Palin in tears and running, running, running from the set - never to be heard from again!
      It would be such a wonderful FINAL EXIT!

    3. Anonymous3:47 PM

      I agree!! I think the View told her NO WAY and she is mad!!!

  24. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Jan Brewer, Governor of Arizona.

  25. Anonymous12:25 PM

    If Palin keeps this up, Obama will NEVER win reelection again.

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      LOL! Brilliant!

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM


      He will be a success (along w/First Lady Michelle) wherever he/they go after this term is completed!

      I suggest they first take a few months and spend it in Hawaii for pure relaxation! They so deserve it!

    3. Anonymous2:53 PM

      1:15 The First Family has been nothng but gracious, in spite of the assholes like Palin, Boehner, Little Johnny McCain and Senator Cornpone (Lindsey Graham) I have NEVER seen a President treated this badly. The gop are SCARED of him, and it shows. Ywo more years, guys, and you are off for a well deserved vacation.

  26. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Typical of 'Sarah Snarkmeister' to make light of battered spouses in order to garner the media spotlight and spew one of her usual banal diatribes on matters about which she is completely clueless.

  27. Anonymous12:27 PM

    To all Nutters, the magic number is "67"

    That's the number of US Senators you need to be able to CONVICT and REMOVE a sitting POTUS after the House impeaches.

    Impeachment without the ability to CONVICT and REMOVE is a COMPLETE waste of time. And as the GOP found out the last time, the voters will not forgive them!

    Proceed House GOP. We dare you.

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM


    2. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Not to mention the little matter of meeting the test of "high crimes and misdemeanors"

  28. Anonymous12:28 PM

    From the person who walked away from elected office and abandoned the citizens who voted for her.

    There is nobody with less credibility to call for the impeachment or judgement of any kind towards another elected official who actually stayed at their job and made the tough choices.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Add Palin had committed an actual impeachable act by perjuring herself during the Personnel Board Troopergate investigation.

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      1:19 - continuing - - - -being the fine Christian woman she professes to be!

    3. Anonymous2:47 PM

      From the person who HAD to quit her Medicare in her state was in SHAMBLES and shut down after 254 died. SHE had MANY ICEBERGS against her the Indictments WERE there and then poof she quit all of them plus Multiple ethics complaints disappeared...Quitter queen thinks she is invincible. It won't last.

  29. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Sarah is on Hannity tonight to discuss her "time to impeach" call.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Oh, I get it.....trying to draw in viewers......
      good luck with that, honey.

    2. Anonymous1:12 PM

      She isn't capable of a serious discussion. She'll be there to be the 'mouth' for Republicans who don't want to go on record to say what she's willing to say.

  30. Anonymous12:29 PM

    At some point Palin, and others calling for impeachment, are going to have to specify which "high crimes and misdemeanors" President Obama has committed that support impeachment. Disagreeing with his policies, such as border control, don't really cut it under that document you like to cite, the Constitution.

  31. Anonymous12:31 PM

    "...an untold number of illegal immigrants will kick off their shoes and come on in, competing against Americans for our jobs..."

    Says the fucktwat who quite HER job. And by the way Sarah, what jobs are you talking about? You mean the jobs that no "deserving, true American" would do like picking tomatoes and lettuce?

    You really are a dumb fucking pile of shit.

  32. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I have heard Ms. Palin say "The many impeachable offenses..." over and over, but I have never heard her specify even one single offense that rises to the high crimes and misdemeanors standard of the constitution. I have seen the list of impeachable offenses on Redstate and because of the the offenses are so absurd perhaps that is why Palin refuses to give examples.

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Boehner has not given a single offense, either. Because they can't.

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      $carah NEVER states FACTS. Just phrases like bumper stickers. She critisizes the President, yet has not had one single suggestion about what should be done. NOT ONE. Vile, stupid, low class woman.

  33. angela12:34 PM

    Todd and the kids are replacing her meds with aspirin. They want all the money now. Face it---her cheap wig buying habit, hooker shoes and constant Botox are eating up the savings.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Good one, Angela.

  34. Anonymous12:36 PM

    No problem. Obama will simply make an executive order banning his impeachment and she'll be getting a call from the IRS any day now.


    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      IRS is nothing! She's an American terrorist! Convict and take to trial and put her away for life! Best thing that could happen to America!

      Oh, and the trail should be made public!

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Ooops - should read 'trial' in that last sentence in 1:10 PM comment.

      But, it might be fun to put her out on a "trail" in the State of AZ and have her lost forever!

    3. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Give her a rifle. She does not know how to load one, or shoot straight! Must be the crossed eyes.

  35. Anonymous12:36 PM

    The GOP can't and shouldn't impeach Obama for three reasons. And this is the harsh truth.

    1. The GOP rendered impeachment meaningless when they impeached Clinton for something that was really none of our business. It was a massive waste of time and money. I really couldn't care less if the POTUS, any POTUS, is getting some on the side.

    2. Barack Obama is black. They can't impeach a black President. This would play right into the DNC's narrative. No one wants the GOP to impeach Obama more than the Democratic Party.

    3. It's pointless. He doesn't care if he's impeached, it's not going to make him change his behavior. And though the GOP will probably take the Senate in 2014, it won't be by nearly wide enough of a margin for the Senate to act on impeachment, and remove him from office. It's all for show.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Since they refuse to do the jobs they were elected to do, this keeps them busy and makes their donors happy. The only losers in this mess are the American people, who need JOBS, unemployment benefits etc.

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Change his behavior? Behavior? President Obama is doing his job. Just like all the other presidents who used executive orders. You don't seem to have a problem with members of Congress earning $180,000 a year plus health insurance and other benefits courtesy of We the People. But they barely work 10 hours a week!! Why not tell them to do their jobs? Why not ask Boehner to bring all those bills to the floor (jobs, infrastructure, immigration) that have already been passed by the Senate? I wish Americans would take time to educate themselves about the role of Congress.

  36. Anonymous12:37 PM

    The GOP can't and shouldn't impeach Obama for three reasons. And this is the harsh truth.

    1. The GOP rendered impeachment meaningless when they impeached Clinton for something that was really none of our business. It was a massive waste of time and money. I really couldn't care less if the POTUS, any POTUS, is getting some on the side.

    2. Barack Obama is black. They can't impeach a black President. This would play right into the DNC's narrative. No one wants the GOP to impeach Obama more than the Democratic Party.

    3. It's pointless. He doesn't care if he's impeached, it's not going to make him change his behavior. And though the GOP will probably take the Senate in 2014, it won't be by nearly wide enough of a margin for the Senate to act on impeachment, and remove him from office. It's all for show.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Everyone (media) keeps saying the Republicans will take the Senate/U.S. Congress in November. Based on all the crap they have been doing, I sincerely doubt it!

      I'm getting friends and family together - we'll be going to the polls and voting every Republican out of office that we can in our state and cities - which is majority Republican!

      They are a horrid party! So many facts out there that document my statement. Get out the voters Democrats and Independents!

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Like the President said, "It's a stunt." That, and nothing more.

    3. Anonymous2:05 PM

      When they impeached Clinton, it backfired and more people voted for Democrats in the next election. This will end up hurting the Republicans even more.

    4. Anonymous3:00 PM

      They do not need help, they are destroying themselves!!

  37. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Uh skank-you may want to talk to the man who gave you a public platform-according to huffpo:
    "Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who ran for president in 2008 with Palin as his running mate, didn't have much to say about her call for Obama's impeachment.

    "I always respect other people's opinions," McCain told The Huffington Post during a hallway interview at the Capitol.

    The Arizona senator said he hadn't read Palin's column yet and hedged on making any judgments about it before reading it. Still, he distanced himself from her stance.

    "Am I proposing that the president be impeached? No," he said".

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      She no longer has loyalty to McCain or vice versa.

    2. Anonymous1:18 PM

      McCain's hands are tied where Sarah is concerned. The reputation of the entire Republican Party is at stake, and they aren't going to let ANYBODY validate how ridiculous it was to choose Sarah for McCain's running mate. He also didn't make that decision unilaterally. There are a lot of very powerful people in the Republican Party who stay in the shadows.

    3. Anonymous3:02 PM

      This little fart is on TV EVERY Sunday, disparaging our President. He is as bitter as $carah, just not as openly vile.

  38. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I love Rosie O'Donnell! Sarah Palin was never under consideration - she just hoped she would be! Hah!!!

  39. Anonymous12:43 PM

    In other words, she's whoring her self-important self out again for money. Damn, she is desperate. What a douche.

  40. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Get your popcorn she will be on Hannity tonight to talk abt it.

  41. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Sista Sarah gets very little agreement in responses to her 'stuff' anymore. You'd think by now she'd have figured out where she stands. But, folks like Huffington Post keep giving her top notice - which does nothing but encourage her! (Majority responses to her there too are majority negative!)

  42. Did Palin get an email from The View telling her to stop spamming them? She's awfully pissy, even for her.

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      + 1000

    2. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Had to take a paycut from the Sportsman Channel?? Her pay was low to begin with, wasn't it?

  43. hedgewytch12:52 PM

    Please Mrs. Palin, can you give us a specific reason for impeaching President Obama? One specific reason......But Mrs. Palin, you haven't named an actual legal reason for invoking the Articles of Impeachment. Can you name just one legitimate reason? ......Perhaps House Speaker Boehner can help you...Mr. Speaker? A reason? Just one? ......Anyone?.... Bueller?

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      You want a reason? Because Sarah From Alaska said so and that's good enough for you!

    2. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Reason? Several he is black (1/2) he is highly intelligent. He has class to spare. He NEVER loses his temper, keeps cool. He was elected overwhelmingly, both times, no dirty tricks. He is well respected at home AND abroad. Has a great family.

  44. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Sarah Palin is too stupid to understand what Impeachment means. She who was forced to resign from her position as Fake Governor of Alaska.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      $he thinks it has something to do with cobbler.

  45. Boscoe12:55 PM

    I wonder if this is the result of the Repub powers that be realizing that Bohner's whole "sue Obama" thing was overplayed and the only way they can back away from it with any credibility is if they can get the extremist NutBase to adopt it?

    Has Palin ever backed a winning or popular cause? Seems to me she's the barometer for FAIL.

  46. Smirnonn12:55 PM

    Methinks I smell desperation.

    Just imagine the depths of regret McCain has (assuming he has a conscience) for having this moron as a footnote on his bio.

  47. Anonymous12:56 PM

    She's just doing this for attention. A call for attention so that Greta or Sean Hannity can invite her on tonight.

    She is in full narcissistic mode. When people say no, not now, the narcissist will almost do anything to demand that they get their way. No one is talking about her anymore and she's having a full adult narcissistic tantrum.

    If the invitations for interviews still don't happen, she'll go to the next level and tell the world she faked Trig's birth. Really, I am certain if she doesn't get her narcissistic supply and get it soon, that she will do this. It will be the only thing that will give her the attention she craves for at least the next year or so.

    Only then, she will be the talk of the nation and be in every magazine the world over. She should think about it.

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Se is already on Hannity tonight. It was a dog whistle for potential viewers and talk tomorrow. You're right, baby isn't getting enough attention and becoming increasing rabid over it. Narcissism at its finest.

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Trying to prove to Ailes that she can get more viewers on the meter than cookie cutter blonde with bulgy boobs.

    3. Anonymous3:09 PM

      If she were to tell the truth about Trig, she would have to go into hiding. Look back at the paydays she had, talking to religious groups, expounding HER "gift from God" They could demand their money back, plus the cost of her and Toad's expenses.

  48. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:59 PM

    Wonder who slipped Ariana a few thou to put MIndy Meltdown on the front page of HuffPo/AOL, with a big ol' headline n' everything? Does the Seven Mountain Squad want to get their cranked-out, bogus Xtain puppet on "The View" THAT badly? The comments there are just devastating for Poopsie--there are very few of her pee-brained soldiers out there on the attack. Maybe they're taking naps on their little play mats right now, or maybe there are no postage pennies left in the PAC piggy bank. Whatever--it's interesting that after the Hobby Lobby ruling, SP has been opening her yap wider than ever. If a slot on "The View" actually ever WAS in her future, would she be given official scripts to preach at them thar wimmen that their proper place is in the kitchen, praising Jeebus, makin' moose chili and lotsa babies?

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      HP is whoring for clicks (nothing new there). Half Term Half Wit draws a lot of traffic ... the comments are overwhelmingly derisive. Sarah is not ashamed to be the idiot (as if she had a choice) her knuckle dragging base adore ... they send her their couch money.

    2. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Of course she would be given a script. (Hassleblech used to read her daily fax from Hannity every single day.)

      But, we all know the Rogue would NOT be told what to say and will use her infamous Beauty Pageant Blather instead.

      Besides, they just hired Rosie. She and Whoopi would refuse to work with her, and vice-versa.

  49. Anonymous1:05 PM

    She hopes name calling will get the President's attention and he will finally call her.
    "President Obama Is the ‘Manchurian Candidate’"

  50. Smirnonn1:06 PM

    Just this:


  51. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Hannity, drool spilling down his chin, foaming mouth, eyes crazed: Gov. Palin, should President Obama be impeached? Sarah, eyes crazed, crooked wig and wicked smile: Sean, that's what I'm telling the American people what they should want.

  52. Anonymous1:09 PM

    She doesn't really care, if that WERE true...because her family doesn't have jobs!

  53. Anonymous1:14 PM


  54. Most "go fuck yourself" in Spanish insults women, but I'll go there anyway, cause she's an insult to women. Anda la puta que te pario. (go to the whore that bore you or go fuck yourself).

  55. Anonymous1:17 PM

    "was forced out of her job rather than face possible prosecution"

    Gryphen, Can you explain this?

    I could understand her quitting to avoid being impeached for Troopergate--abusing her power and/or perjuring herself in the investigation. In January, however, the legislature said they weren't going to bother looking into it. I can't think of any reason a state or federal prosecution would be called off in exchange for her resignation. What would the prosecuting agency possibly gain? I can't think of any precedent for this kind of deal.

    Would you please let us in on the types of possible prosecution a resignation would avoid. Or are you saying she resigned because she expected to be prosecuted and didn't want to being in office during an investigation?

    1. Actually I phrased that poorly.

      I fixed it now.

    2. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Thanks for the reply, Gryphen. Though I still don't get the prosecution angle.

      Federal? State? Personnel Bd?

      Not just Palin being lazy and pissy with the final straw of news that the Personnel Board ruled her 'legal' fund was illegal?

      We know she's a 'won't take 'No' for an answer' kinda of girl who insists on getting 'her way or the highway.'

    3. Anonymous2:03 PM

      I don't think that Sarah quit over Troopergate. I think that the Ethics Committee could not overlook her illegal legal defense fund, cleverly called Alaska Fund Trust (created by John Coale, Greta Van Sustren's husband). Under Alaska law, the governor could not use her position to enrich herself, and collecting money to pay her legal bills was a form of enrichment. At the same time, Palin was red hot, and she was getting million dollar offers from Murdoch and others. Rather than admit to the ethics violation and pay back the money, maybe even a fine, Sarah just quit. I think that her attitude was "you can't fire me, I quit." The sudden nature of her speech, her smug nature, the fact that Todd had to fly in for the surprise, all makes it look as if Palin quit to cash in rather than face the increasing ethics violations. And, she did have to pay back the illegal funds, but Sarah asked people to take the check and donate it to a newly created fund. For Sarah, it really is all about the money. (This is the same woman who charged the state to live in her own house and to take her family along on state visits. Greedy).

  56. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Damn straight we need to and vehemently have to impeach President Obama because he kept our Sarah Palin from her vice presidency position and ultimately from her child birth given right to the most powerful position known to man as Empress Sarah Palin

  57. laprofesora1:34 PM

    Uh, sure, Sarah. The world's going to stop what it's doing and listen to what a half-term crazy quitter who can't even put together a coherent sentence says. Just because you say so we're all going to impeach the president, okay. Does that satisfy your delusions of grandeur for today? Can you leave us alone now? We'll do some more crazy stuff for you later in the week, just shut up for a few days and give us a break. Yeah yeah, you're the queen, you're great, you look just like Ivana, yada, yada.

  58. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Sarah Palin now calling for immediate and permanent impoundment of all brown and black cars and trucks!

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Put Sarah Palin in one of the black ones once it's been secured and the doors locked!!! Haha!

  59. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Infuriating to read her words "we average Americans", as though she is an average American. She is in the top percentile of yearly earnings and is a millionnaire. She boasts about her and her family's vacations at expensive resorts, on boats, and she and her family travel extensively all around the place. Average Americans have to save every penny just to enjoy one vacation per year, and even then, when an unplanned financial setback happens, they have to cancel.

    This little princess, who enjoys the fruit of this Administration's labor, does not speak for average Americans.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      That is about to end soon.

    2. Anonymous3:58 PM

      2:14--- can you elaborate?

  60. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Maybe Sarah thinks that if President Obama were not in office, there would be a huge groundswell demand for her to go to Washington to save the day? She really is that delusional I think.

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Does she know that the liberal Joe Biden would become president if President Obama were removed from office?

    2. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Little Johnny Mac left his campaign trail to go back to DC to save the country. We all know how well THAT worked out, don't we? He made a gnormous ASS of himself, again.

  61. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Gryphenm is your middle name "obama denial"

    1. I don't know who Gryphenm is but MY middle name is "Awesome."

    2. Anonymous2:13 PM

      1:57 PM Is your middle name Palin Obsessed Troll?

    3. Ailsa2:50 PM

      "....but MY middle name is "Awesome."

      And we can vouch for that!

    4. Anonymous2:51 PM

      1:57's middle name is Louise.

    5. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyenm2:58 PM

      Thanks, Trollenm, for the much-need laff this afternoon. Here's another postage nickel. Make sure the check from the PAC clears, OK?

    6. Anonymous3:20 PM

      I can tell from the typo that our troll is on a phone. Bristol has a photo that shows the people who always have their phones ready for the next smart response. Living life vinrantly means writing troll remarks. No wonder they are always photographed holding their phones.

  62. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Hey, Sarah, I have a great idea for you. Why don't you just sue President Obama for stealing the election from you. In your mind, you seem to think that you were elected President in 2008, no matter who was at the head of the ticket.

  63. Anonymous2:19 PM

    sigh...in 7 hours her post has racked up almost 9900 comments...'when will we ever learn?'

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      That just her mouth-breathers, 2:19 PM. I'll put our country up against them any time and they will lose EVERY time. It's called democracy, 1:57 troll, if you're still here.

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      The world is a much safer place with all the Palin mouth breathers busy posting on her Facebook. Otherwise they could be busily parking along the highways, sharing the road shoulders with all that roadkill and honking.

  64. Irishgirl2:30 PM

    I like Rosie too. I used to follow her blog once upon a time. One day she answered a question of mine about the Iraq war. I couldn't believe it.

  65. Anonymous2:33 PM

    SAHRA PALIN .... swarm of illegal immigrant children is 'the last straw' for 'this battered wife'

    Comments (0): Bristol Palin plans Hobby Lobby Love Day to celebrate Supreme Court contraception mandate decision

  66. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Oh you Stupid Bitch. STFU.

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Anyone want to take bets that she'll be higher than a kite on Hannity tonight?

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      I bet she will be at half mast they will pump her ass so full of xanax it won't be funny...unless she hit herself up in the yellow room or what not.
      I'm sure Tawdry taught her how to inject herself. He should know.

  67. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Can Todd be impeached for being a PIMP?

  68. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Yea all the jobs in CHINA, And Bumfuck INDIA, right halfTERM, halfwit!

  69. Anonymous2:48 PM

    According to her Majesty Sarah Palin, let Allah sort out them illegal immigrants.

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Not without a proper "baptism!"

  70. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Impeach President Obama? How about we investigate Shailey Tripp's allegations that your husband Todd Palin not only pimped her out but had sex with her? How about the IRS investigate your family for not declaring his pimp daddy income? Let's start with that first then we can investigate others?

  71. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Some common sense analysis from the Opinion Page of the Washington Post:

  72. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Theres an old saying in AA groups. " You spot it, you got it." Battered wife syndrome, Sarah.

  73. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Nope, no more menstruation for Mrs Palin. She's too old. No amount of dressing like a teenage mental patient is going to bring her periods back.

    No more fake pregnancies either.

  74. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Let me get this straight. Sarah Palin swore an oath when she was sworn in as governor. Then she broke her oath and quit. And she 'a the one calling for impeachment/- when she was this close to her own impeachment-- but she quit so they couldn't do anything about it .

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      And that's not even half of it!

  75. Anonymous3:17 PM

    HI Wasilla in the house!
    Sarah, why did you name Tri-G after his down syndrome? Hoe did CBj induce you if she was not a high risk obstetrician.. MatSu administrators would never allow this.
    You are so screwed honey boo boo!!
    (I hope whichever personality you are logged in as, is scared!!!

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      While you're at it Sarah, why did you give Piper the name Piper Indy Grace, aka P.I.G. Palin?

  76. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Dear America,

    Can you please slow down with all the changes taking place? We can't keep up!


    Bible Believing Tea Baggers.

  77. Anonymous3:27 PM

    So, as we all move forward together, let’s vow to keep championing the USA to advocate responsible development, and smaller government, and freedom, and when I took the oath to serve you, I promised…remember I promised to steadfastly and doggedly guard the interests of this great nation like that grizzly guards her cubs, as a mother naturally guards her own.  And I will keep that vow wherever the road may lead.  Michelle and I, and Track, Bristol, Tripp, Willow, Piper, Trig…I think I got ‘em all.  We will forever be so grateful for the honor of our lifetime to have served you.  Our whole big  diverse full and fun family, we all thank you and  I am very very blessed to have had their support all along, for Michelle’s support.  I am thankful too.  I have been blessed to have been raised in a third world frontier.  Thank you for our home, Mom and Dad, because in Kenya it is not an easy living, but it is a good living, and here it is impossible to lose your way.  Wherever the road may lead you, we have that steadying great star to guide us home.

    So let’s all enjoy the ride, and I thank you Sarah Palin for pointing out my faults and demanding my impeachment and God bless the Palin family and God bless America.

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      I gotta say, you lost me at So,...

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      This is the most media-enabled bitch in the history of the country. May she die a painful death, ideally from sticking her fingers down her throat too many times.

  78. Anonymous3:30 PM

    A bottle of cheap wine $2.00

    A corkscrew to open the bottle of wine $3.95

    Watching Sarah Palin coming uncorked on Fox News...


  79. Anonymous3:39 PM

    What an idiot that woman is.

    She's mad at the wrong person, and her mean girl is turning into rabbit-stewing psycho.

  80. Anonymous3:44 PM

    she tried that already and was caught. That's why she was forced to resign in 2009.

  81. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Did you see her OLD self on huff? unflippinbelievable! OLD! Her old wrinkly flabby arm and her face, old. Sally is coming out. Dang. OLD. Eww.

  82. Anonymous3:57 PM

    The pig castrator weighs in. No surprise here.

    Joni Ernst Suggests Obama Impeachment

    "And unfortunately we have a number of legislators right now that simply let these things happen. They're not speaking up against these actions," Ernst said. "They're not speaking out against the president when he oversteps his bounds, when he makes those appointments, when he's appointing czars, when he is producing executive orders in a threat to a Congress that won't do as he wishes. So he has become a dictator."

    Ernst's comments come at the end of the video.



    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      I'd love to get a hold of Hannity's vital areas and castrate him! He is as much an ass as is Palin! Bet he has a little dick - just like Toady boy!

  83. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I know you will have the old hoohah view and word salad. I don't need to watch old hannity/pan tee.

  84. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Love Rosie!!
    She knows 9/11 isn't what we were told it is!!

  85. Anonymous3:59 PM

    That nine year old in Tucson. Shut up payme. Need I write more?

  86. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Maybe Todd has a baby.

  87. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Granny Palin is too old to still be menstruating . She is in
    her menopause years. As a young girl, I remember my mom
    and her friends calling it "going through the crazies."
    My aunt, who was very conservative.... no makeup, dressed
    in brown, black, navy and grey. Would not dye her grey
    hair or wear earrings. She started through "the crazies"
    and dyed her hair blonde, started wearing makeup, earrings,
    and lots of pink and ruffles . Oh yes, and cried a lot!
    Palin lost weight, got big implants wears stilettos . went bald,
    low slung jeans held up with a belt with a buckle as big as a plate and botoxed to the hilt and more!

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Yup, that's right, all women in menopause are emotional, if you aren't concerned about science. Similar generalizations are just as unfounded. Black people are lazy. Men are calm. etc.

      Palin is mentally unstable. She has been that way for a lot longer than the recent decade. Menopause, may or may not, be a contributing factor.

      Women do go through menopause. Their experience varies greatly. Using a fantasy about what menopause is to denigrate women is no more acceptable than using the color of a person's skin.

      Although I had very little effects from menopause, it was frequently thrown at me in the workplace by ignorant and malicious people who were simply indifferent to how their prejudice hurt (some just enjoyed being hurtful). I think they substituted menopause for their other, now, politically incorrect viciousness.

  88. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Too bad that Palin isn't among the dead! Look at the hate and havoc she has created since President Obama was elected the FIRST time! Hell truly does await America's most evil, racist and non Christian woman!

  89. WA Skeptic4:19 PM

    "Quick, Henry, the Flit"

    She just gets goofier all the time.

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      This is how she was raised.

  90. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Sarah Palin is the quintessential eating disordered bulimic. She is so focused on her nasty body that she looks like a skeleton. While she might have been able to get away with that when she was young, now it's too late. Her hair has fallen out, her skin is sagging (bulimia + tanning bed addiction), and now she's in a constant battle against age. She isn't winning.

  91. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Some of what he's done. That's why they want to impeach him because he's been so successful in the face of their constant attacks and obstruction. Mark my words, this is now about his legacy and they're hellbent on sullying it any way possible.


  92. Anonymous4:22 PM

    She just wants everyone to regret voting for him and not for her- er, McCain.

    I'm sure she'll be ordering up some "Miss ME yet?" t-shirts soon. Plagiarism is her forte.........

  93. Anonymous4:29 PM

    It may not be much longer. It's what she does to the vulnerable that is most egregious.

    Colostomy bag. Write-in vote for Palin so you can also burden your children with the curse of a poor diet.

    Junk food. Issue recently came to forefront thanks to sufferer Bethany Townsend.

  94. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Fox Covers Immigration ‘Protest’ of About 10 People, Including Some Kids


  95. Anonymous4:50 PM

    That woman is a complete scrawny idiot. So moronic I don't know what to say......except? Let us hope that scary sary is exploited on the view and whoopee gives sary a lesson or two and then the scrawny wacko quits as always. The woman is a mess and nobody but nobody not even those closes to her could stand that foul toxic nasty mouth by ms her pees.......they wont get any guest to come on......the end....the kiss of program death.

  96. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Sarah wasn't considering going to The View. She simply knew that the media would mention her if she said she was interested. Anything for attention.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.