Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Sarah Palin is the "politician" that the most Americans want to shut the hell up.

Courtesy of Wall Street Journal:

 Sarah Palin is the politician Americans most want to be quiet, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Annenberg poll that asked respondents to weigh in on six prominent figures. 

More than half – 52% — of people surveyed said the former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, who was recently seen calling for President Barack Obama’s impeachment in a Brietbart News column, should just “be quiet.”

I am beyond surprised that it was only 52%. 

100% of the people I know want her to shut the fuck up and drop off the edge of the world.


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Sarah Palin, the Antichrist?

    1. Anonymous12:24 PM

      She is the devil incarnate. Evil and hateful through and through!

  2. angela12:16 PM

    So I'm thinking Palin's monumental fear of people (daddy) telling her to sit down and shut up has come to fruition.

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I'll bet it's much higher than that countrywide.
    Heck, worldwide for that matter.

  4. Anonymous12:23 PM

    The other 48% had forgotten entirely about her.

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      I think that's it. A lot of people don't regard her as horrendously over-exposed because, outside the watchdog community and the extreme nutcase fringe on the right (aka her people), most people just don't hear that much from her any more, so that sense of STFU already just isn't there.

  5. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I saw another writing on this and they showed 54%! Amazed too that it was not a higher figure. There is not a soul I know that likes or respects the woman! No one!

    Sarah Palin is an embarrassment to Alaska, America and women! Plus, she is anti American and should be put on trail for treason!

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Astonishing that she has any following at all. The rest of the world caught on that there was something desperately wrong with her as soon as she opened her mouth at those rallies in 2008. Our opinion has not changed in the years since. Yet there remains in America a segment of the population that eats up ever morsel of her ignorant & vile word salads. That's just so sad and disheartening.

    2. Leland2:32 PM

      While I despise the woman to the limits of the word, once again I must ask people to stop asking for her trial for treason.

      Here is what Article Three of the Constitution says:

      "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

      As much as I hate to say it, that THING is NOT guilty of treason!

    3. Anonymous4:40 PM


      She filmed a video telling the AIP to keep up the good work.

      The AIP is a terrorist organization.

    4. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Right Leland, not treason; sedititon!

      incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.
      any action, especially in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion.
      Archaic. rebellious disorder.

      The B.

    5. Leland5:38 PM

      @ 4:40

      Just out of curiosity, the AIP is listed BY WHOM as a terrorist organization? Because unless it is recognized as such by the federal government, the last I heard it wasn't recognized as such. Yes, there are several listings, but I found NONE from the feds.

      Besides, the intent of my comment was that far too many people flippantly use the word treason when it is NOT true - of a lot of people!

      I can agree with 4:47 about her and sedition, yes. But not treason. Treason is the ONLY crime specifically listed in the Constitution and it is VERY clearly defined for this country.

      And I wonder just how long it would take the feds to step in and act if there really WAS treasonous actions - regardless of who it was being looked at.

      Hell, if they didn't go after Jane Fonda they aren't going after Palin!

  6. Anonymous12:26 PM

    It'll just make her be more stupid and repulsive. She thrives on making people want her to go the hell away.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Which shows her mental illness. Who in their right mind would get off on that?

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Sarah Palin doesn't give a shit what kind of attention she gets - as long as she gets it! She hasn't changed since her Alaska days!

      She's one fucked up piece of work!

    3. Anonymous4:58 PM

      I'm with you 1.03...been here a long time noticing that for all the good and worthy posts G makes about topics that are pertinent, the comments are sparse. if it's gay rights-crickets usually.

      I have not been coming here as much lately. The posts about SP garner loads of comments-all the same, all the time. You could take the comments form any SP post and put them under any other. I am weary of SP and the comments made here.

      It's too bad G, you are a thoughtful and talented blogger. You obviously care about people.

      You deserve a better community.

  7. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I suspect that most people who don't haunt the political blogs don't even know she's speaking. She's already shut up as far as they know.

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Immoral Minority would likely shrivel up and mostly disappear if it weren't for Palin opening her yap. Much as you disparage her Gryph, you are part of a symbiotic relationship, she is your bread and butter (of blogging anyways), and you are hers.

    2. Anonymous1:41 PM

      1:03 PM And you are Gryphen's, Troll.

    3. Anonymous1:53 PM

      1:03 I agree with you. I've been accessing this blog since the talk about Palin first started a number of years ago. Rarely miss a day w/o reviewing it STILL.

    4. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Heh, not really 1:41. Just stating the obvious. Much like 1:53, I've been here regularly since the beginnings of national Palin. Still, you would have to be blind to miss the amount of comments on a Palin post versus most others. She is basically a non-entity to everyone except her extreme admirers and her extreme detractors.

    5. Anonymous3:39 PM

      @1:03 p.m.

      Um, no. $arah Palin would shrivel up, and die if nobody paid any attention to her. Media-whoring is the entire Palin's KKKlan's bread and butter.

    6. Anonymous3:46 PM

      @2:26 p.m.,

      That's because Palin fires up the Left, the same way President Obama fires up the Right. Except, unlike the Right (including Palin) who openly obsess about President Obama on a daily basis, on cable t.v., and other venues, the majority of liberals outside this blog, ignore $arah Palin 99% of the time.

      Republicans need 4,5, or 6 responses to rebut President Obama's SOTU address. I can't recall them doing that with any other president. On the other hand, I can't think of any prominent democrat who would run to the microphones to respond to an idiot like Palin.

      Republicans are FAR more obsessed with President Obama, than liberals are with $arah Palin. What will republicans, and $arah Palin whine about when President Obama is gone?

    7. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Sarah Palin needs to be watched and documented. It is hell and people are sick of her. She still must be watched and documented. It is not an obsession. It is a job. Not a pretty one but necessary. The dedication is to the truth.

    8. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Anon@346, agreed. I'm thinking that the nutcase right and Palin both are realizing that 2016 is no so far away, and that their venal dog whistles won't work nearly as well when they can't get their base riled up over the BLACK GUY IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Hence the escalation of rhetoric about impeachment, etc: gotta make the most of those dog whistles while there's still time. Also, I suspect, hence the escalating meltdown we're seeing from Her Shriekiness.. Although one can believe there are other factors at work with that, like for example the combined toll of mental illness, substance abuse, and malignant narcissism.

  8. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Worthless attention whore....!

  9. Anonymous12:38 PM

    amazed myself that it wasn't 100%, she is a waste of skin

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      I am beyond surprised that it was only 52%.

      The other 48% don't even have her on their radar, "Sarah who?"

  10. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Laughing too hard to breathe, this re Beck's giving balls to the kids at the border:

    Riley4Palin • 6 minutes ago
    The differences between Palin and Glenn Beck are too numerous to count, but everyone does charitable acts in life.

    Beck is a show boat and opportunist whose ego is so huge that he can't take it when people question his motives. Now he has his minions defending him on twitter when people call him out on his charade."

    Did riley mean palin or beck? Hard to tell

  11. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Independents and Democrats, of course, come in at even higher percentages.

    Reason? She is always angry, always on a tirade. Even ignoring the fact that her rants are crazy gibberish, the sheer fact that she's never not furious. Rational people simply want to escape from Bedlam.

  12. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Sarah Palin is like any other cult

    20 VIPs in child sex ring, claims campaigner: Whistleblower says senior politicians, military figures and people with links to the Royals were members

  13. Anonymous12:56 PM

    But she won't.
    How in the hell did she get elected your Gov.?

    1. Caroll Thompson1:45 PM

      The race for Governor in Alaska in 2006 was a three way race. They can be tricky. Maine was a three way race in 2010 and we got LePage, who only got 38% of the vote.

    2. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Right, and LePage is a knucklehead in his own right.

    3. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Thanks, I'll have to Google that race and read just how dumb the other two must have been.

  14. Whew! Just finished watching Baldy on InSannity and re-watched her "Blood Libel The Sequel" video!

    That is one mean....mad....fucked up face looking....OLDDDD...."fella"!

    Whichever Baldy personality that has taken over must be the one that showed up during the campaign of 08! Ya know the personality that said the President is "palling around with terrorist"...that ONE! The same one that Steve Schdmit must have ran up against and it scared the shit out of him!

    I swear that crazy ass video of Baldy's reminds me of that kid who killed in Santa Barbara...he was smirking and gesturing and chuckling like Baldy was last night....SHIVER!

    I hope the Koch brothers...the motherfuckers...have the men in white coats standing by with a HUGE hypodermic needle full of whatever shuts Baldy up and puts her to sleep handy...the crazy woman is about to BLOWWWWWW!

    She's REALLY trying to incite someone...anyone to DO SOMETHING to President Obama! I'm sure the Secret Service within the last day has received a HUGE increase in threats toward the President!

    The woman is clearly insane and sounds like she has thrown all her chips into the pot and is ready to......WHAT??

    *The following message will be posted on ALL websites until further notice*

    The pitbull with lipstick has rabies and is on the loose...please call animal control(RNC) IMMEDIATELY if you see not approach....nor look at it's wonky eye! It is recommended that a gas mask should be worn due to the horrifying smell! Good luck and Godspeed!


    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      She's REALLY trying to incite someone...anyone to DO SOMETHING to President Obama!

      It looks very obvious. Yes, when the threats increase they would pay attention to what brings that on.

    2. Anonymous2:31 PM

      I totally agree, GinaM, the crazy is at fever pitch.

    3. Anonymous2:48 PM

      If Sarah can incite someone to try to do something to President Obama, she would expect to whine out another "Blood Libel" video then walk away unscathed back into the arms and pocketbooks of her faithful followers. Over the last 6 years, I can't remember a time that she's accepted responsibility for anything she does or says. Also, too, when sane people accused her of inciting violence it would give her an another chance to be the victim. The woman is mentally ill and should be locked up.

      When oh when will someone pull the rug out from under her and expose her past actions. Keep her so busy defending herself that she has no time or energy to attack President Obama or his family.

  15. “It was a mistake,” says the Palin confidant. “She had in her mind that she was propagating something under the auspices of the PAC.”

    What in hell is "propagating"? And how could could it be done under the "auspices"? Who writes this shit?

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      She thought she was breeding rosy crap undercover of her Pac. BS meter goes off!! She wanted to pull a fast one on the old fat guy. She knows it and he knows it. Now they kiss and make up because they share the same passions to lie and destroy what gets in their way.

      It is written by another cult member.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      It was no mistake. She's a fork-tongued snake in the grass, and her PAC is nothing but a personal slush fund.

    3. Anonymous4:02 PM

      @phoebes in santa fe--propagate means to spread or promote. Under the auspices in this context means with the support of or sponsored by. This quote was from someone else, so it's actually correct and intelligible, compared to anything the Tundra Twunt says

    4. Anonymous4:41 PM

      personal slut fund.

      fixed it

  16. Anonymous1:17 PM

    If the news org would stop looking at Palin as a "politician" and see her instead in her true role - quitter/loser, then she would not get the attention she badly craves. Someone, anyone, please spill the goods so she will go away forever, either in a straitjacket or in an orange/yellow/red jumpsuit! She is well past her pull date but she still gets attention :(

  17. Anonymous1:25 PM

    "A Palin confidant tells the Erik Wemple Blog that Palin’s contract with Fox News guarantees the cable-news leader exclusive rights to her work on television and on the Internet, an arrangement confirmed by a Fox News source."

    Fox News, exclusive rights, on the Internet. They have the rights to Facebook or is that SarahPac loophole?
    Who owns Nancy @ Bristol Blog?

  18. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I've seen in a couple of places today that there are rumors Palin is being considered for one of the hosting slots on The View. The comments on the facebook page for The List are about 99% STRONGLY against Palin.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Rosie and Whoopi would eat Palin alive and she'd QUIT within a couple of days. She'll never be given a spot on The View! Cannot even imagine it being done!

    2. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Those 'rumors' were started by Sarah herself, and the few remaining tadpoles at the PeePond picked up on it. No way will Geddes screw his show with her. She's far worse than even bimbo Lizzie, and antivac Jenny. At least they have brains, even if they are small. Palin is like an angry robot run amuck...Frankenstein's monster, if you will. But her audition week (30 minutes) could be fun. Can you imagine her being assigned to read some highbrow best seller over a weekend so she could interview the author on Monday? Or how about her hosting a cooking segment with a chef? Or a segment on child rearing? Yeah, Sarah would generate ratings only so people could laugh at her.

    3. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Brand Palin is throwing up whatev to see if anything sticks.

    4. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Are they expecting us to believe that cowardly Sarah would try to get on The View? Sarah - who has refused to be interviewed by anyone except those who guarantee her that they'll tolerate anything she spews and will only ask her prescreened questions - would go up against Whoopi and Rosie O'Donnell? I don't believe that for a moment. Sarah's putting that BS out for the attention it brings her. It's just self-promotion.

    5. Anonymous4:39 PM

      on The View....

      ....she would need to move to where they do the show. Take Trig out of the environment to which he is accustom. As if she would care about him.

    6. Anita Winecooler7:28 PM

      Yeah, stay by the phone, Sarah. After the past three days, "The View" can tell you're able to restrain your true feelings and moderate your tone of voice to appeal to the View's audience.

      Have fun explaining what you meant by insinuating President Obama is a sterotypical "Wife beater" while imitating Piper's "Shuck and Jive" to Whoppi Goldberg. Good Luck with that, just sayin.

  19. Randall1:30 PM

    NO NO NO

    Let Sarah Palin talk!

    Sarah talking does more damage to the Republican Party/Conservative Movement than any ten Democrats put together.

    Every time Sarah Palin opens her mouth, another voter registers Democrat.

  20. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Ahead Of Midterm Elections, GOP’s Message Appears To Be One Of Racism And Hatred

    With roughly four months to go until 2014′s midterm elections, which will decide which party holds the majority in both the House of Representatives and Senate, the Republican Party seems to have made the decision that blatant racism and ugly hatred will be the message the party’s candidates will push on the campaign trail. Over the past few days, we’ve seen a renewed focus by the GOP to alienate and demonize African-Americans and Hispanics, all in an effort to energize the party’s ‘old, angry white guy’ base. The hope is that this will be enough to secure victories in key House and Senate races. On the other hand, this may finally be the course of action that finally destroys the Republican Party once and for all.

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      The way Republicans are playing this, just doesn't make sense. They are alienating African-Americans and the Hispanics!

      I hope Democrats throughout the nation are paying attention to this and getting the vote out for the upcoming elections!

      I'm talking to friends and family whenever possible about this - there are so many FACTS accessible that almost anything a Republican might say can be disputed.

      It's a challenge and interesting! Most Americans aren't paying attention to his 'noise', so it is up to the rest of us to get the voters out!

  21. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Sarah better be watching for her icebergs!

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Over at Malia's the rumor mongers are still dropping dire hints- but no substance so who knows what's true and what's fiction? Maybe there is an iceberg on the way? I hope it gets here before the warming oceans melt it.

  22. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I think it's only 52% because so many clueless Americans haven't any idea who she is. How many of us were asked in this poll what we thought? I certainly wasn't. Given how skewed polls are, I bet the let's-silence-Sarah-Palin result is really about 85%.

  23. Caroll Thompson2:03 PM

    Very few news outlets carried the ridiculous Impeach the President because Sarah is a sore loser article. But this poll got Sarah a lot of attention, but I am not sure it is what she was hoping for. The moron actually thinks she made a lot of sense wanting to impeach the President for no reason. More like a lot of nonsense. Even the Speaker of the House rolled his eyes today when asked about it.

    Yes, I am very proud of my fellow Americans today. Most realize that a third grader knows more than she does. It is also very hard very hard not to notice the hate and anger that fills Sarah Palin's very soul.

    Americans have spoken loud and clear. Sarah Palin sucks and we all wish she would shut the fuck up. She has nothing to say.

    So take your meds Sarah, get a crunchy whatever from the Taco Bell down the street and go hide in your room. We are done with you.

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      You probably shouldn't read the rest of the poll might not be so proud of your fellow Americans.

    2. Caroll Thompson3:01 PM

      Fuck you 2:19 and the horse you rode in on. Sarah sucks and there is not a thing you can do about that. Actually, she is her own worst enemy: "Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt" - Abraham Lincoln.

    3. Anonymous4:01 PM

      2:19 p.m.,

      I've seen all the rest of the poll. The poll still says $arah Palin fucking sucks, and Americans want $arah Palin to shut the fuck up, more than anybody in that poll!

    4. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Whoa Caroll Thompson. You misinterpret me...really no need to do a fuck you.

    5. Anonymous10:00 PM

      2:19 PM Who asked for your uninformed advice?

    6. Anonymous11:48 PM

      Caroll Thompson needs a timeout and a chill pill.

  24. Anonymous2:29 PM

    See folks, she the raging narcissist that she demonstrates to be, can't accept any criticism ever. Even if over half the nation makes it clear in a poll that she should shut up and retreat, it puts her in "Captain Ahab" mode and she'll just dig her heels in and keep talking.

    A narcissist needs to control others. He/she needs adoration all the time. It feeds their bottomless pit ego. When they lose their grip and lose that control, they start to unravel and go into desperation mode. But only desperation to the extent that it hurts others, friends and family.

  25. Anonymous2:33 PM

    It's would be safe to say these people polled don't follow Sarah Palin's every day shenanigans and don't know about her dishonest ways and how she treated people in AK, or never read her FB posts and contradictions and hypocrisy. Many don't have the time and don't even know the worst about her, and still, wish she'd shut her trap.

  26. $arah is like "the bird in the mine", the alarm that there's a LETHAL malignancy in the conservative movement of this nation: all the hatred of Nazism but without the brain.

  27. Anonymous2:53 PM

    It borders on the pathetic that this woman continues to try and extend her 15 minutes. She does everything she can: 'writes' books, book tours, family RV vacations (ridin' his horse through TOWWWWN"), DWTS thigh-high dresses, shopping in K-Mart in her skin-tight skinny jeans and platforms, pretending to read newspapers on the morning show with Matt Lauer...(she so funny!) numerous appearances on Faux News..eatin' Chic-fil-A, Superwoman bracelets, bumpits, too numerous to mention...It must be exhausting for Sarah's paid consultants to try and figure out new and "vibrant!'" ways to grift the public and extend those 15 minutes...

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      she's a pathetic clown.

  28. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Sarah makes the Republicans look bad. Let her keep on blabbing. She is an idiot.

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      i AGREE! I don't listen to her but she is the Republican Party and I want them to keep her yapping for them. She represents the whole gang @ GOP.

    2. Anonymous8:57 PM

      I wonder what Dan Sullivan has to say about that little matter that was referred to his office. Right before she QUIT!!!

  29. Anonymous3:15 PM

    It's highly ironic to listen to a woman who mind you has spent nearly her entire adulthood in local and state government jobs all at the tax payers expense bitching about government an she's the fucking answer to the working men and women of this county. Sarah Palin is unemployable in the private sector except for media pimping.

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      What you say is true about Palin, but in all honesty, is pretty much true of almost all politicians, democrat or republican. If it isn't media pimping, it is speeches, lobbying, sitting on boards...

    2. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Anon@413, that just isn't true. Most successful politicians are enormously talented, with professional backgrounds of some sort as well as leadership ability. I've had interactions beyond casual contact with two Congressmen: very different people, different politics, but both extremely intelligent, both real force of nature type people. I once saw Gavin NewsomAnd I heard some politician, maybe Obama himself, observe that, fundamentally, most politicians who make it to the House or Senate are fundamentally likable people. Sarah Palin is an aberration as well as an abomination. I saw the link that someone posted to a 2012 interview with Steve Schmidt. And, yeah, dead on the money. Impressive candor, also too, from a man who had a hand in unleashing the plague that is Sarah Palin,but is able to own up to his mistake (are you listening, Johnny? I know: as if.)

  30. Anonymous3:25 PM

    That low figure for the poll reflects those who won't play the poll games, those who have cell phones that block calls, thus leaving the lonely old fossils with landlines and nothing better to do than chat with a pollster.

    Salad Sarah has a 52% STFU ratio among her own dwindling narrow group of supporters. Adjusted for the errors created by how polling questions are phrased, soon, very, very soon, we may be spared any more barf by the word salad shooter. Praise the deities, she's toast.

  31. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Not that it matters much, but hp says 54% not 52.
    It also says 40% of Republicans want her to shut up!!!!

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      The Washington Post said it's 54%, too. I think some of Palin's media enabler are trying to downplay the numbers.

  32. Anonymous3:34 PM

    She needs to follow in Brietbart's footsteps...straight to hell.

  33. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Jesus, six friggin years of Chicken Little Palin screaming the sky is falling sure is getting old!

  34. Anonymous4:04 PM

    It would be funny if faux sued her for breach of contract or something!

  35. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Dear Sarah Palin,

    Americans are sick and tired of listening to a incoherent screaming bitch with a six year old chip on her shoulder after loosing to Obama which sent your lazy ass back to Wasilla.

  36. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Quote from my husband: Sarah Palin needs a big cup of shut the fuck up.

  37. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Go away, Sarah. People don't like you. How many times do you have to be shown that you just don't fit in?

  38. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Rog uses her for ratings and to stir things up. He knows she is an ass and he will just use anything like this for more ratings. It's part of their game. I wish she would push him or someone to the point of taking her to court or making a public stink. I think they are all creepy crooks and will go back to playing nice after any little blow outs. He will find a way to avenge but not one that everyone will know.

  39. Anonymous6:53 PM

    It is amazing how Sarah Palin has ill feelings for immigrant children, they don't deserve a break. Wasn't it Willow Palin that was involved with other hooligans when they were partying illegally in a house without permission of the house owners? Was Willow prosecuted? Gov. Sarah raced home from her vacation in Hawaii to come to the aid of Willow and suddenly Willow doesn't have a record for breaking and entering. It must be nice to be the child of the governor that illegally entered a place they shouldn't have been in?

    1. Anonymous3:25 AM

      Good point!

  40. Anita Winecooler7:23 PM

    "Gee. Mr Ales, I made an error Just how was I supposed to know what my contract with FOX states, unless someone explains it to me?, how can I ever make it up to you?" BTW, did ABC call, and is there one of those pink things with my name on it, you know, "While you were out...."

  41. Anita Winecooler7:36 PM

    Well, we all know how much Sarah LOVES reading polls about herself from "Game Change". Hey Sarah, no one and their mother can't stand to hear your voice. HA HA HA!

    I like the photo, but Sarah's too used to the portrait view of a zipper. Can some genius with photoshop replace it with stitches or crazy glue?

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      I'd rather see a photoshop with her big ugly mouth replaced with an asshole...

  42. Anonymous9:36 PM

    LOL!!! Gryphen, the picture above just hit me. Beetle juice! But in Palin's situation it should be Fetaljuice! Say Fetaljuice three times and that ugly bitch appears.

  43. Anonymous9:58 PM

    After all the negative comments Sarah Palin has received from all sides since she attacked everybody I betcha that bitch will run back to Arizona with her pitchfork stuck up her boyish ass.

  44. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Anon 6:53 didn't Sarah Palin have another kid that illegally entered a place he should not have been in? Can anyone say bus yard? Was he prosecuted?

  45. Anonymous6:18 AM

    This poll reminds me of the polls on Obamacare. The RWNJ's characterized it as "majority opposed, when a good % were opposed wanted single payer. So I'm probably part of the 48% who "approve" of her, who wish she would DROP DEAD.


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