Well now you can add Fox News op-ed writer as well.
And by that we mean she babbled into a tape recorder and had some poor SarahPAC paid hack attempt to form it into a coherent article.
Epic fail by the way. (For those seeking an op-ed that was almost ALL Palin's creation click here.)
Here are some of the lowlights.
First off she is pissed that the President is the Democrat's rainmaker:
President Obama was absolutely swamped the other night, staving off the munchies at a pizza party in the Mile High city, hobnobbing as headliner at numerous Democrat shindigs, collecting big bucks from big donors all day.
Whew. Exhausting. Especially exhausting must be trying to change pace and pivot through the fundraising parties, knowing they’re thrown by those much maligned “fat cats” (Obama’s words, not mine).
The president conveniently disparages these fat cats in public, but in private their group hugs are a whole lot of cuddlin,’ purrin’ and rolling over for more tummy tickling from the one who feeds them. And it wasn’t hairballs any felines coughed up Tuesday just to hear Obama talk…and talk…and talk some more.
Donors forked over up to $32,000 just to get in the door to hear some fancy talk and scratch each other’s backs. These parties may be quite boring, too, making the outings even more exhausting, because politics isn’t a passionate cause for most attendees, it’s a money maker.
Yes how dare the President attract money for Democrats. I mean can't he simply find one or two Koch style sugar daddies like the Republicans?
And how it must burn little Miss Irrelevant's ass to know that people are willing to shell out that kind of money to see the President while she still has to negotiate for air fare and lodging.
Palin then essentially calls the President "boy" by reducing him to the status of an out of control teenager:
After watching what’s going on, does anyone else feel an urgency to take away the proverbial teenager’s car keys to prevent the inevitable crash down the road? But maybe that’s just the mama in me. Maybe I really should give the busy guy a break because with all the screaming chaos around the globe, Obama’s completely tone-deaf, disengaged, and unfocused actions perhaps can be explained.
The "mama" in her? Where was THAT when her kids were off doing drugs, breaking into liquor stores, and getting pregnant?
Palin then goes on to complain that the President in having the bowling alley in the White House renovated, which seems particularly trivial unless she believes the money spent on that could instead be used to send more border agents to Texas.
(Later she has to walk the criticism back after finding out that the project has been axed. I have to believe that this was not a project that the President personally championed as I have seen him bowl, and it does not look as if he spends much time practicing.)
Palin then goes on to criticize the President for visiting Denver:
![]() |
I love this picture! |
Whew. Racking balls, getting buzzed on suds, maybe humming “Rocky Mountain High” while kicking it in those Rockies, hard choices had to be made – stripes or solids? And that beer – do I drink it if the mountains aren’t blue? Talk about miscues.
Well it looks as if, unlike the President, when somebody altered Palin a mind altering substance she said "You betcha!"
Next Palin criticized the President for his visit to Texas:
President Obama was in Texas next. No time to visit the porous U.S. border, but lots of time for more fancy talkin’, photo-opin’ and fundraisin’. No plugging holes this time down South.
Yeah why did the President visit Texas for "photo-opin'," and avoiding the "porous" border, instead of doing what Governor Rick Perry was doing.
You know "photo-opin'" ON the porous border. (Isn't there only like one body of water on the Texas-Mexico border? Yet every picture of Perry has him in a boat.)
Well enough screwing around, Palin needs to bring up those "impeachable offenses" again:
But Barack Obama has most certainly engaged in impeachable offenses. Many. That’s a given. No need to waste ink trying to educate the “deniers” on how things are guaranteed to get worse unless this lawless administration, led by an imperial president, is legally slapped down on the House and Senate floors; so instead I’ll use what we’re told are the world’s superpower’s scariest weapons – a pen and a phone – to talk to sane Americans about taking our country back. That’s up next.
Yes this President has done some things that Palin believes are "impeachable offenses" though she has yet to name a single one. (I'm pretty sure that one of them is "Won't acknowledge my existence.")
Palin also believes that she understands what is holding lawmakers back from jumping onto the impeachment bandwagon to hell:
With all due respect, listen up, politicians; you’ve ignored your 7th grade American government lessons long enough.
Yes it is that THEY who are the undereducated ones.
If only they would have paid as much attention in school as little Sarah Heath did in between proselytizing to her classmates, stuffing her bra, and showing the boys that the barracuda did not always use its teeth.
As the great Keith Olbermann once opined, "This woman, is an idiot!"
P.S. By the way I thought this was as good a place as any to remind everybody that the current problem at the border with the unaccompanied children is NOT due to a porous border.
These children, and often adults as well, are TRYING to get captured.
They are not climbing over border fences in order to disappear into the country. They are actively seeking border patrol agents and surrendering because they are terrified and need protection.
There is no influx of guards, or addition of National Guard troops, that is going to curtail this migration into the country. All it will do is help the immigrants find the help they are seeking more quickly.
Somehow this fact seems to be evading the Republicans.
Hey, Sarah! Something else for you to be mad at. After your call for Obama's impeachment, I went online and donated some money to the anti-impeachment fund. I wish you and Boner would shut up and go away.
ReplyDeleteBrava / Bravo!
DeleteBravo! (btw, Brava is never used in this context)
DeleteWhat a fucking asshole she is! And SHE who had a tanning bed in the gov's mansion.
I think that they raised more money in one day thanks to Sarah's call for impeachment.
DeleteYou know, one day the stupid coming out of Palin's
ReplyDeletemouth is going to rip through the cosmos--killing us all.
Boy, President Obama's magnificent Austin speech really reached those Republicans! Such fury and furor! Such infantile behavior by them all: from Boehner, whose lawsuit is now about the ACA, to Rick Perry in his George-W.-Bush-dress-up moment, to good old predictable lunatic Sarah Palin. Not an adult brain cell among them!
Yep, he kicked ASS!
DeleteAt the Paramount Theatre in Austin, Texas, President Obama delivers remarks on the economy, July 10, 2014.
How Boehner Painted Himself in a Corner on Impeachment
President Obama's grace and delivery must be terrifying for the inept. And the people LOVE HIM! The human people.
DeleteOnly fools would humiliate themselves with a showboating stunt.
"These children, and often adults as well, are TRYING to get captured." They turn themselves in at the border since they've been told America will welcome them.
The cheesy sleazy photo op of Perry and pal isn't about the humanitarian crisis. Human traffickers, drugs and cartels are a whole different animal. The dumbass playing badass intends to confuse the issues. Perry and the Fox moron are agents of misinformation. They know they would only terrorize children in the poses and props they choose.
Yes, they do patrol in Texas, but not to look for, shoot or capture families and children from Central or South America. http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/director_staff/public_information/images/HogueBoatlg.jpg
Last two paragarphs; EXACTLY, Gryphen. Just because they are Hispanic does not automatically make them "illegal immigrants." These are asylum seekers, displaced persons, and refugees. Let's start using those more appropriate words in our headlines.
ReplyDeleteHow are these refugees any different than the Cubans who get asylum immediately? Hey Palin, you support Rubio, how come you support the Cuban's in Florida? could it be because they vote Republican....
Delete9:43 AM
DeleteThey are different only b/c Gops and Teas bogart the media with fake stories and lies to keep an uneducated public misinformed. It is a treacherous tactic in hopes they can gain control and one day open fire on those they don't like. Now the Gop can't shoot people as they want or it would be called war. Even if they mistake American citizens for "aliens" you can't shoot them in a democratic society with laws. The Gop must be patient and win elections. They can work out the laws they want and get rid of others. Right now they want to build expensive tall fences and for the military to guard a huge border. It would cost a fortune but America would be able to shoot people and not have to bother with a refugee situation. Cuban refugees were only possibly communists, now Gop thinks border refugees are terrorists from the Mid East or just lazy people who want to drain welfare from the rich men's back accounts. Those are some of the groups they want to shoot.
What else will Sarah Palin unearth from her very own Shit Pile Mountain? At least POTUS is living rent free in her cavernous grotto she calls her head.
ReplyDeleteShe is simply consumed with jealousy for him and his classy beautiful family. She is obsessed, and it is not attractive to see the snarly hate in her face when she speaks of him.
DeleteThat is the face of hatred, jealousy, and impotent rage all rolled into one pestilent, self-sanctimonious package.
ReplyDeleteKeep staring Sarah: No one is afraid of you anymore.
From start to finish, all I heard was:
DeleteIt should have been ME.
It should have been ME.
It should have been ME.
Sounds like she is warming up to sing at the opera, 6:24.
DeleteBitch keeps mentioning "munchies" is she implying that the President actually smoked pot? Keep bringing up the fact that you are a mother, bitch, then people will wonder where your "gift from God" is. PayMe family values means getting knocked up while unmarried (several times in Bristle's case) grifting and avoiding REAL work. I think the gravy train is pulling in to the station, and $carah is getting desperate. All those mouths to feed, more added each year (thanks Bristles) and the $$$ drying up.
DeleteYeah, 6:37 AM, she's the phat lady all right! LOL
DeleteYes, that is how petty and ignorant she is. If she had anything to say someone would have helped her to get it said by now. She comes from pathetic desperation that clearly shows how lost she is. The end is nearing for twatwaffle..
If the end is near for the twatwaffle would she hurry it up, I'm tired of waiting for her to exit, stage right.
DeleteI think Ms. Palin is suffering a bad case of ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome). What a laugh. An ugly laugh, but funny, nonetheless. What a fool she is.
ReplyDeleteI think we've witnessed what's known as a psychotic break.
DeleteIt looks like a psychotic break but why is Fox publishing it???
DeleteFor their racist, ignoramus followers.
Deletethey do say that bad attention is better than no attention at all.
Deletebut they also say that it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
I am taking the liberty of amending Mr. Olberman's statement: This woman is not merely an idiot, but an Incorrigible Idiot.
ReplyDeleteAs to the boat pictures:
Is that sunglassed, equally Incorrigible Oops Fool Perry trying once again to look like Putin?
I just do not think it is working for either one of them.
Rachel Maddow had a great take-down of Perry yesterday. Check it out.
Maddow did an outstanding portion of her show on the idiot Perry....covering when he started to run for POTUS and stopped/withdrew! He showed himself to be an absolute dummy! How he ever got elected as governor of TX is beyond me!
DeleteKind of like the idiot Sarah Palin in Alaska. I'm sure Alaskans are glad she quit! Especially when looking at the nutcase she is today!
hahahaha, this paragraph tells it all! She is soooo jealous it hurts!
ReplyDelete"President Obama was absolutely swamped the other night, staving off the munchies at a pizza party in the Mile High city, hobnobbing as headliner at numerous Democrat shindigs, collecting big bucks from big donors all day."
She wants that sooo badly!
Darn straight she does!
DeleteIn all my born days, I have never seen anyone so pathetic.
I think you meant "offered Palin a mind altering.."
ReplyDeleteThe two main bodies of water along the Texas border are the Gulf of Mexico and the Rio Grande.
Those things aside, that has to be THE MOST deranged rant from Palin that I've ever read. The odd feline analogies, the teenager comparison, another idiotic call for impeachment... I've noticed something about Palin over the years. Whenever she is so laughingly WRONG about something, she never apologizes, she never backtracks, she doubles down on the derp. And just when you think she's reached the limit of her idiocy, she pulls a stunt like this and proves there is no limit.
That picture of Perry and Hannity in the gun boat just needs a distant outline of a small child with "surveyor marks" to enhance the feeling of awesome virility.
ReplyDeleteAnd tiny dick-ness.
DeleteGod. Fucking. Gawd. That's a cry for help if I ever heard one. What on earth is so out-of-control in her life that she is floundering in so much inarticulate and misdirected rage. One thing's for sure, President Obama is only her tension target -- he's just drawing the fire she apparently doesn't dare aim at somebody else.
ReplyDeleteWere Rick and Sean shooting the kids as they swam across the river?
ReplyDeleteWaiting for Sarah to say the kids being held by ICE should be executed.
"What I'm told are this superpower's greatest weapons -- the pen and the phone."
ReplyDeleteThere she goes again, completely ignoring the fundamental reality that our Constitution, written with a pen, is the governing power for the citizens of the United States. Except when Palin wants to make a thinly veiled threat that, for her and her gun tot in' pals, the rule of law is to be scorned when they're packing heat.
Of all the bizarre references she's making, including how she'd "mother" this errant teenage son Barack, her constant return to the threat of violence is the most egregious.
She's just itching for someone to assassinate him.
DeleteAsk Gabby Giffords.
The President used the "I have a pen and a phone" back in January to remind the GOPTP that despite their intransigence he has the executive order privilege in his pocket.
DeleteAs usual, the friggin' bitch can't get her mocking done with any originality.
Ahhh, that explains why she is always clutching her phones.
DeleteSince President Obama has not yet sent her a love letter, he OBVIOUSLY is going to call her to whisper his sweet nothings in her gnarly ears.
Deletei'm itchin' for someone to swing for the fence with an easton aluminum baseball bat up along side the cross eyed skanks fukin' head ...
8:47-- you are as sick as she is.
DeleteAnonymous8:47 AM
i'm itchin' for someone to swing for the fence with an easton aluminum baseball bat up along side the cross eyed skanks fukin' head ...
She incites violence on both sides. I see. Nice.
Deletefight fire with fire .. done deal
poor little rah-rah. left out of the party. stuck with a future that doesn't care about her. anna nicole palin. wahhhhhhh
ReplyDeleteFace it folks.The republican party has nothing. palin's comments sound like wah wah wah. Sheesh and she was a candidate for VP.We should be counting our blessings!
ReplyDeleteShe did not write this crap. Too clever for her by far.
ReplyDeleteClever??? Seriously?
Delete7:32 : yes, 'clever'. $he herself could not have thought of all those analogies. Someone else either gave her those ideas, or they added them, in order to make her word salad 'sliiiighlty' more comprehensible.
DeleteDo you really think she would have been able to talk about 'munchies', when she really meant MaryJanes? She does not KNOW that you get the munchies when smoking some 'weed'! That was someone else who wrote this part - someone who has experience with it.
Deleteshe has admitted to smoking pot so I don't wtf you're talking about...
DeleteI thought so too 6:47. The kitty cat talk was too clever for her...not something she'd think of on her own....just something she can spew easily and nastily!
DeleteI think a subtle, underlying version of this hatred of immigrants is a reference to the fact Barack Obama Sr. was not a U.S. citizen.
ReplyDeleteIf they can't hate him for being an uppity Southern boy, they'll hate him for being a furrener (in their twisted minds. And they can't get their heads around the fact -- now apparent to all -- that more than half the country rejects their racist, nativist prejudices.
Yes, some comments I've seen suggest that they are really Muslims disguised as Hispanics. You know, his "fellow terrorists". My god these people are insane.
DeleteThere's a picture of a red and white jacket left in the dirt somewhere at the border that these nuts are toting as a muslim prayer blanket. Insane doesn't even begin to describe 'em!
DeleteYUK, Gryphen! Must you keep publishing that awful picture of Sarah with the boils on her face? It makes me ill!
ReplyDeleteHas anyone distributed the photo of her as the hooker in New York City to the national media? Damn, but it would be a hoot if someone actually used it!!!
DeleteShe's the big pile of steaming turds sitting on the top of Bullshit Mountain.
ReplyDelete..."showing the boys that the barracuda did not always use its teeth."
ReplyDeleteI'm dying here, save me.
That is one of Gryph's best!
DeleteLaughed my head off! Funny! Such a visual!
DeleteNational guard on the border? To do what? Shoot women and children who are surrendering? Be glad, very glad, she was on the losing team. She has still not figured out that this is not about her. Verrrrrry slow learner.
ReplyDeleteYeah, every time she opens her trap I feel an urge to post on her Facebook a message of deep gratitude for constantly reminding me what we avoided by not voting for McCain.
DeleteYou really can't put a price on contentment like that.
LOL! She is pissed off that she can't pull in big bucks like Barack can. What a foul little shit she is, mocking and snarking like a teenager. Her jealousy at his popularity, her envy for his position, it's so palpable, you could easily trip over it.
ReplyDeleteShe's apparently decided to up the ante on her media jabs, hitting from FB, Fox, Breitfart and anywhere else that will have her. It seems this is her 2014 agenda, attack, attack, attack.
The part that is so funny is that the more shit she throws, hoping it will stick, the more money pours into the Dems coffers. She attacks him for raising money, when her foul mouthed diatribes are what are flooding the coffers for 2014, and it's NOT for the GOP.
In fact, the GOP is scrambling to fill theirs and they're getting freaked out about it.
House GOP cash woes prompt dues crackdown
Everything they are doing is backfiring and turning into an open spigot for money for Dems.
The immigration issue is rallying the Hispanic vote, the Hobby Lobby ruling is rallying the female vote. The insanity is rallying the sane vote. And all that is happening is that Sarah is becoming more and more toxic, ugly and putrified.
I am really enjoying watching this vile bitch melt down! As the month comes to an end and hopefully Levi and Sunny get full custody of Tripp, her pac numbers come out and those pesky lawsuits are finally brought to trial not to mention the Boys Will Be Boys movie getting ready to start filming old seditious saah is gasping, gasping,ever more desparate for someone anyone to notice her, sorry skank you are done! Rant on you worthless,vile, grifting bitch from hell, I for one will watch with relish as she flits out,BWAHAHAHA you vile fucking bitch KARMA now go the fuck away... paging API hahahaha
ReplyDeleteWhen does the Court case occur in Palmer/Wasilla (Alaska) as to the Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin custody case over TRIPP? (Named after the prostitute of Todd Palin in "Boys Will be Boys" - Shailey TRIPP). I thought it was suppose to be done at the end of June? Anyone know?
DeleteKiss my fkn ass, you deranged bitch.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of that song by the Guess Who ~ "She's come undone".
ReplyDeleteI thought that one of her kids wrote that thing. It twas so juvenile. In fact, it sounds like one of IM's trolls. Yup. You can't make this stuff up.
ReplyDeleteOT I want to hear some more about Bristol and Joey breaking up, Bristol's new face, the reason that she needs to keep posting photos of Tripp (my babe) and the gossip about Willow.
ReplyDeleteSomeone will wise up and make a bundle with their true story on the reality fraud family.
DeleteSarah is going down fast now. She may only have the sex tapes to keep the charlatans going. It would get them attention and money.
Meanwhile, I am so glad Fox is having her stuck to them. They will be fatally scarred. All this is also great documentation for the history books.
Speaking of sex tapes.... What is with this site??
Oh, shut the fuck up Sarah, you scuzz-bucket bitch. You're so one-note! Whatever he does, you whine about it. You're so obviously a bitter, sad little loser, and you blame ALL your failures on this one man who doesn't even give a squirt of piss about you. I guess it's true and Todd finally left your stupid ass, because you have been ratcheting up the crazy this week. Your EX-husband doesn't even give a fuck about you, so why in the fuck would President Obama care what you think? You might want to suck it up and practice a little self-restraint or your worshipers might start to finally notice you aren't as "happy" and "vibrant" and "accomplished" as you pretend to be. They're ALL you have left, don't run them off too, you nitwit!
ReplyDeleteDid Todd finally leave the stinky Bitch? Did he get another Ho? Does he have another baby, since Trigg, Piper, Track, and maybe Willow are not his? Inquiring minds do want to know.
DeleteSarah Palin will not run for elected office. She quit in Alaska and is entirely too inept. Plus, she knows she'd never win!
Delete"play run for office again"
DeleteShe does play the game to collect money from fools.
That election loss in 2008 is still bothering Sarah Palin. She just gets more bitter with each year. What is she going to do if (1) they actually impeach Obama or (2) in 2016, there is a new president?? Who will Sarah hate next?
ReplyDeleteHopefully, she will be dead by 2016.
Deletehopefully, by the end of summer 2014
DeleteThen she'll be after Hillary Clinton (hopefully, she runs!) - a woman that is so far superior to Palin it isn't even funny! More jealousy!!!!
DeleteBut, also too, Palin might not be around by then?
hopefully, a week from Tuesday.
DeleteGovernor Hickenlooper sign ed several gun control laws and hours later a member of his cabinet was assassinated by a white supremacist. What kind of joke can you make about that, Sarah?
ReplyDeleteHickenlooper is a Quaker, who says he tries to live by the non-violent beliefs of his religion.
Her religion is also nonviolent, or was, until the war mongers decided not to actually follow Jesus, but shoot him.
DeleteThe whore of babble-on strikes again. Keep talking, Sarah. Every time you open your mouth, the world sees what we here at IM have known for years... you are one crazy bitch. Bark away!
ReplyDeleteShe's just ratcheting up for a fake POTUS run, send your money bitches, momma needs some new poll dancing stripper shoes.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but, did she just imply that the good people of Colorado are not WORTH a visit from the POTUS! Does she, and her ilk, think that visiting with the Governor and residents of this state are a big WASTE of time?! And, such disrespect for the CO Governor! Unbelievable!! I have relatives in CO. It's a beautiful state with wonderful, friendly people. Excuse me, while I go donate to the DCCC.
ReplyDeleteGood, then maybe the bitch won't show up here as planned on the 17th. Bitch, I'll be at DIA that day & if I see your saggy ass there I will call you out for the racist piece of fucking shit you are. You'll know me as I'll be the one who is several years older than you, same size as you but not anorexic or on drugs & I look 10 years younger than you. Or and I can string two sentences together you hag.
DeleteIt is time for those who have the proof about both Palins to produce it. No mercy. She's going to get someone else hurt or killed.
ReplyDeleteM from MD
She and the toadd already have. Many times over apparently. It is more than time to expose them.
DeleteAbsolutely! She is insane with insane followers. To prevent an impending tragedy, please, please someone spill the beans.
DeleteMaybe they don't care about earning well deserved money when the time is right.
DeleteBeing heroes and saving a country isn't their cup of tea?
This woman has gone off the rails!!
ReplyDeleteRemember when others said she'd do it to herself? Well, here she is, doing it to herself. She can't help exposing her true colors and they aren't red white and blue, but green, jealous envious green.
Not everybody who visits Colorado is a stoner. If that were the case, you'd never be able to visit the Virgin Islands (punchline to a very old joke *rimshot*)
DeleteWasilla is the Meth Capital. Not everyone is a speed freak like Sarah.
DeleteMy daughter in Austin says that people stood for hours and hours to get into the Paramount, to hear their President.
ReplyDeleteYes, way down South in Perry-land.
Austin is the city in TX that is Democratic majority! Yea!!! It must drive the idiot Perry wacko!
ReplyDeleteIt is not fair.
It is just not fair.
This mentally ill, illiterate harpy has no right ot have a voice.
How fucking stupid ae the people in this country that allow her to get away with this shit?
It's not funny.
She faked a birth, with help from a doctor and a hospital.
She was enabled by the GOP.
This is serious stuff..
The end of her can not come soon enough and is loooooong overdue.
Hang in there 8:02. She's getting very close the edge. All she needs is a little push. Any volunteers? The line forms on the left. Anyone with her health issues and the fact that she's consumed by pure hatred, she can't last much longer.
DeleteI will start an award fund for anyone who takes this hag down. There is a ton of evidence of her unethical, illegal behavior and she just gets away with it. Come on, if we all chip in, we can offer a substantial reward to someone who can bring her down. She is beyond the pale, a lying, hateful, spiteful, deceitful narcissistic nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!GA:H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI know you are, Anon.
Delete8:26 am You don't know Shit, UNITED STATES TROLL/jessie/nocomprends/disappointed/manlover4ever/oceanlover/Bristol stalking ignoramus. You are a Sick, Insane Stalker who enjoys being ridiculed. You have to be STUPID to continuously post on blogs that you don't like, and obviously you are not liked at those blogs. All that you are doing is creating 'clicks' for the blog owners from people who are disgusted by your ignorance. Keep up the good work, it is not favorable to you. BWAHAHAHAHAHA, what a tool.
DeleteNow that was original 8:26. I'll go next
Delete"No YOU are!!!"
I thought it was, "I KNOW you are, but what am I?"
DeleteSilly lil immature 8:26 AM!
9:03 is Angry mannish CW or COL.
DeleteNot much different than Sarah in words.
bristles can't manage the simplest of witty comebacks..btw, I hear joey junkie kicked your fat ass to the curb...lol you're never going to find a man stupid enough to marry you, skank mama.
DeleteSomeone might show her some respect if she could only talk open and honest about snorting speed on oil drums and all the good times she had and has. Sad about old addicts that turn from street drugs to the worst addiction, prescribed medications like happened to Elvis and Michael Jackson. She wants to die with her toxic secrets. Good luck with that, Sarah.
ReplyDeleteDear God, this is scary. SP isn't a political pundit, she's a mentally ill inciter of doom and gloom and her target is this President.
ReplyDeleteHer lack of self-respect, self-awareness, jealousy and immaturity show in this piece, with words like 'fat cats", "group hugs", "cuddlin', purrin' and rollin' over for more tummy tickling from the one who feeds them"? WTH?
And more words, like "hairballs", "Nah, Shoot, they don't even let cell phones ring", "sinful, bubblin' crude you don't like", "black gold", "Texas tea", "up to snuff" "ballsy".
This, is Sarah, role model, mother and champion family values' mom of the year.
I'm surprised she didn't throw 'stripper poles' in there.
She is what my mother used to call "a smart-aleck". But, she shows no courtesy, professionalism; I can't imagine Margaret Thatcher writing something like this.
Ah YES, the late Margaret Thatcher. Yet another Her Heinous wanted an audience with and was refused!
DeleteThat's because she knows the tiny handful of uneducated mouth breathers that still like her fell threatened by anyone with accomplishments and actual knowledge of facts and such. They consider snark to be a leadership quality and intelligence to be a sign of someone trying to trick 'em.
Delete$a®ah™ may be a hollow un-Christian sack of spite and false witness, but she knows her audience.
her op-ed reads like two meth hos arguing in the trailer park about who owes who what...
DeleteShe's just upset that President Obama gets donations without having to use knee pads. She is getting old. Arthritis is kickin' in. Can"t get up and down the way she used to. It's just not fair.
DeleteShe is a mentally ill inciter of doom and gloom and her target is this President.
DeleteDisgruntled Obama Stalker Sarah Palin Claims Impeachment Is a Bipartisan Issue.
At what point will it be clear who all Republicans are waging War against? They mean business and have stressed guns, AK-47s, ammunitions are all their right because they need them so very much.
Impeachment is one way to try and get rid of an elected official. Republicans feel free to talk about that form of taking someone out. Other things they have in mind they won't say in public. They can't indefiniently go on beating around the bush. Theie intentions must soon be made clear.
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."
What is very disturbing is reading the comments on her piece and Fox just allows them to stay on. The racists' comments just come out of the woodwork and what they say is clearly dangerous for this President. Only Sarah Palin could be a magnet for these types.
ReplyDeleteclearly dangerous
DeleteThat is the purpose. Fox and friends know they are lying and stirring things up. That is what they are about. They aren't for the people. Ailes wants to be a kingmaker and get who he wants elected. Not Palin, she is his necessary evil spew and will be rewarded in other ways. Ailes could get her an appointment with Republicans elected.
Democrats are allowed to mercilessly attack republicans yet can't take the same even legit opinions about their own.
ReplyDeleteYou KNOW Obama is no different. Theyre all shills.
DeleteAh. We've been expecting you. You're late for another clobbering. Seriously, what kind of self-righteous masochist are you? You come here and spout and get your pathetic behind handed to you.
Anonymous8:26 AM
DeleteHey trollie, speaking of "Shills"? like the kocksucking palin?
you betcha you know all about "shills" doncha?
9:30 is predictably hateful potty mouth mannish CW.
DeleteHer potty mouth and level of hostility and illiterate accusations rival Sarah's. Maybe we should fix her up with Chuck. Just go see CW and SM talk to each other on the paranoid blog! Lol.
Trollie!!! STFU! Turds!!!!!
Yes soooooo classy.
They're all the same? Yet you continuously come here to whine about how Democrats are the REAL meanies? Come up with a new script or fuck off you boring little turd.
DeleteDoesn't the troll remember what happened to people who criticized GWB? If the wore the wrong t-shirt they were arrested. I guess our troll is still in high school and doesn't know what happened a few years ago when she was busy signing autographs with her special pink Sharpie.
DeleteYes Trollie you forget to give the LINK so I WILL http://bit.ly/1jcQmGU
DeleteHappy Sarah?
Oh and a snippet for everyone: "As Dr. Sherr was aware of, and stated very clearly in her report, there had been text messages between Shawn, and Sarah"
That would be SARAH PALIN who Sexted Shawn.
Anonymous10:02 AM
DeleteTrollie really gets to ya doesn't it? And mannish? who is more manish that Trannyman Palin? That yellow get up she had on the other-night...made her look positively green with envy at our WONDERFUL POTUS!!!
Yep we dodged a KRAZY bullet in '08, we surely did.
Hey did your Sarahpac check clear? Heard funds are drying up.
Must be tough, for old trannyman!
FU Trollbait.
The above hate and lies don't make you all look sane, civil, or intelligent.
ReplyDeleteOn a bender last night, trollie?
DeleteTook you 2-1/2 hours to get here!
DeleteAnonymous8:27 AM
DeleteThe above hate and lies don't make you all look sane, civil, or intelligent.
You are talking about the babbling idiots op-ed aren't you?
Yes she looks strung out on meth as usual word salad bullshit.
Lol... How low is your IQ? Do you think your comments make you look sane or intelligent or civil.
DeleteI pity you for your pea sized brain.
OOOHHHH You burned us THIS time by saying the SAME STUPID SHIT YOU ALWAYS SAY! A better question would be...why the fuck do we care what we look like to someone so brain-numbingly stupid they think that Sarah Palin is even on the SAME PLANET as Barack Obama in terms of brains, integrity, class, dignity, kindness, or hell, ANY OTHER QUALITY? You are too hopelessly stupid to know how hopelessly stupid you are, so please go back to the kiddie table and let the grown-ups talk, okay, dumbass?
DeleteNew words for the day: sane and civil. What happened to manipulation? living life vibrantly? slander?
DeleteAll said and done, we elected a man with zero accomplishment or ability, who's really not liked by anyone in DC of either party.
ReplyDeleteThe Clintons may have their issues but their hatred for this man is justified.
DeleteLOL yawn.
Delete8:26/8:27/8:28 AM Troll, you are the Hater, and you are stupid. Sarah Palin is unqualified for any Congressional job, and we all know it. You are a Palin Panty sniffing ASSCLOWN. Take your Palin 2-toned Dildo and disappear, Fool.
DeleteIf you believe what you wrote, you are incredibly uninformed and frankly stupid. Because there is no truth in what you wrote and only a racist would believe such nonsense.
DeleteYou are a moron and I pity you.
I'm not sure where the response 8:54 came from as compared to the initial one under 8:28.
DeleteI disagree w/the first comment - President Obama was elected a second time with the majority support of the nation and is doing one hell of a job in spite of obstruction!
As to the comment by 8:54, Sarah Palin would have to run for the U.S. Congress from Alaska and she'd never be elected. If she changed her residency to AZ, I would think she'd lose there too. She is not liked across the nation and is looked at as joke!
She's not a politician, is a failed entertainer and is a liar and fraud. She has way too much baggage to run for anything - even dog catcher! Plus, she doesn't have the brain power or stick-to ability!
She is roundly disliked in Alaska. So much so I have seen people give her and Todd a very wide berth while in public. She is rabid.
DeleteYes, he has NO ACCOMPLISHMENTS which is why Palin can't stop snarling and snapping at him from a distance. She sees in him everything she wished she could be, honey. She just wasn't good enough. She'll never BE good enough. Hate to break it to you, but Barack Obama is BELOVED around the world by sane and decent people. It's only you fucktards who can't stand him cause he makes your queen look like the piece of crap sore loser she is! Get a fucking clue.
DeleteOh and WE did not elect him. I get so tired of Republicans trying to act like they feel any kinship with the majority of Americans. America elected him, you treasonous fucks have been crying and whining about it the whole time. We know you hate us, and we are DONE trying to negotiate with you traitors.
DeleteThere goes Sarah, projecting again. Sarah, where is YOUR law degree? How long did you teach at the university? While Obama was the head of Law Review, did you film one TV show or record one radio show in college?
DeleteAs mayor of a small town, Sarah had to hire a city manager and still left them $20 million in debt.She quit her job as governor. She lost in 2008. Yeah, I'm looking at her accomplishments, LOL.
Lol! She is a caricature of a far right loon. What's her problem anyway? She made a lot of money because we have a black president. She should be grateful.
ReplyDeleteOh me, Oh my. Isn't the Ol' Desperate One just full of envy, jealousy, agitation, resentment, malice, spite and misery.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the matter Ol' Wretch?
Are you distressed because you are a step-granny to Tawdry's love child?
Did your TWOBULL unexpectedly become untied?
Are you frantically searching for that faux pregnancy belly?
Did you just look in the mirror and realize how repulsive you look?
Oh dear me, the handsome Black man in the Oval office won't fuck me. What is a dried up OLD ho to do?
DeleteWon't FUCK her? LOL Pres Obama is too good to even shake hands with that greasy, bald-headed skank!
OT Gryphen, do you know anything about Shailey Tripp being reported missing and then found in a MS hospital? Hope she is OK and you can shed some light on what has happened.
No I don't.
DeleteI have reached out but have not heard anything as of yet.
I am glad she is found. Wish her the best.
DeleteIt was reported on WDSU News but very little information. They said they don't know if foul play was involved and are asking for information from the public.
DeleteMS hospital? Multiple sclerosis type hospital? I hope she is OK. She needs protection as I could see the Palins doing physical harm to her if they got the chance - much like they've done to folks in Palmer/Wasilla throughout the years.
DeleteMS? Ms... Mississippi
DeleteMS = Mississippi
DeleteMS hospital = Mississippi
DeleteAnon 9.40, MS for Mississippi , article is postdated Hammond LA.
Deletemississippi hospital...
DeleteMissing woman found in Mississippi hospital
Detectives said the details surrounding Tripp's disappearance are undetermined at this point.
Authorities in Mississippi are headed to the hospital where the woman was found to continue the investigation.
Malia has also been in touch with people. When she knows anything she will not hold back. Shailey is ok and movie is still on.
Why contribute to society when it's so easy to hate and complain, amirite Scarah?
ReplyDeleteAnyone figure out what her "stripes or solids" means? (last paragraph).
ReplyDeleteHer very last paragraph, with "With all due respect, listen up, politicians; you've ignored your 7th grade American government lesson long enough" - Sounds like Sarah feels she has the financial back-up of someone and some fat cat supporters, with her telling politicians to 'listen up'.
Who does she think she is? She quit her elected office. She isn't a politician anymore and thinks these guys are shaking in their boots, because she's going to use her pen and phone? What is this all about anyway?
Either SP is totally delusional and thinks she has the power and clout to influence politicians, or there is some 'fat cat' backing her up. Either way, she looks absolutely foolish.
"You've ignored your 7th grade American government lesson long enough," is what McCain's crew said to her in '08 when they were trying to tutor her and all she wanted to do was play on her phone. Amirite, $arah?
DeleteThe joke about Sarah Palin is that if you put her on a Sunday TV show, she would not be able to carry on a conversation. Her history, civics and current event categories are nil! She doesn't know the difference in her wars - what caused them - who fought them - where the countries are located on a map - it just goes on and on!
DeleteI'm really wondering when someone is going to shut her down. Is big money behind her? She assuredly could be paid to say anything as she is NOT patriotic and could care less what folks think of her.
Some of what I saw today on her rant appears to be written by someone else, but then I see some of her flavor in it too. The kitty cat stuff - don't think she was the one that came up with it...she's not clever enough.
All I can say is that I'm delighted we have President Obama running the country. He will go down in history being one of our better POTUS and it's going to piss the Republican/Teabaggers off royally. Wouldn't it be fun if President Obama was put on Mt. Rushmore? I'd love it!!! Our first black POTUS with those other standouts.
Don't forget to write a note to President Obama and let him know how much you appreciate him and his efforts in spite of the constant obstruction he receives on a daily basis.
He truly is a class act! Boehner, McCain, McConnell and some of the others are NOT and could take some lessons from our president!
I really think she is delusional.
DeleteShe is the only VP candidate to refuse to do Meet the Press. Coward that she is.
DeleteCuriously, looking/being a fool doesn’t seem to bother her. She refuses to learn anything new and keeps up with her insane talking points. Delusion is her problem and like others I wonder why her family doesn’t get her some help.
Delete9:36, she's never appeared on a Sunday show because she isn't capable of going unscripted...
DeleteMiss Sarah is never put in a corner. When Hannity reacted to her "cajones" the other night, he said he would have put it more delicately or something like that.
ReplyDeleteA day later, she defiantly puts "ballsy" in her piece. Defying Sean, are we, Sarah?
She thinks it makes her sound so tough girl when everyone knows she's the biggest coward.
DeleteI know! If you’ve ever met her she hides! Any one to one conversation is not allowed. She is very short and behaves like she has short-guy syndrome. She hides behind her minions and always has in the political sphere. She hypes herself to keep it going and it is not reflective of her inner self. She, as was pointed out by Steve Schmidt, is the consummate actress. I think one might easily add “chameleon” to the list.
DeleteKind of like the "Great and Powerful Oz". Hides behind a curtain and projects herself to be big and mighty. She is a mighty big moron. That's about it. Toto!!, Go pull the curtain aside!!
DeleteHer cowardice is obvious. All she does is cower behind the internet, Fox, her ghost writers, and others (e.g. her children) and yap and spit and stick her tongue out. She is the penultimate dimwitted timorous wuss. "Mama Grizzly" my ass.
DeleteI love how they use her demented obsession with the president to push her buttons.
ReplyDeleteSarah receives another text from the Koch brothers:
" We want more crazy ! Mad cow crazy !! That should have been you in the WH. What are you waiting for ? Money transfer is pending.
Attack..Attack !!
We want more cowbell !!
Thank you so much for publishing that last point, Gryph.
ReplyDeleteIt has been making my teeth itch for the last few days that the image the Rethugs are promoting is of 'diseased and unwashed hordes of brown children streaming through the puckerbrush in the middle of the night'.
She is coming out of her hole on a daily basis now and spitting crap about our wonderful POTUS as usual! Damn, if she only knew what she was talking about!
ReplyDeleteAs to the border - no need for the National Guard (Perry looked like an idiot on the border - attired all out for war - no way in hell that guy will be elected POTUS - ever, ever!!!)
as the folks coming across are doing it willingly - there is no fighting! They want to be here!
Perry would love to have' shoot em up bang bang' on the border as I'm sure Palin would too!
Republicans/Teabaggers must be so embarrassed having 'the idiot' a part of them! She's a traitor to them, to our wonderful POTUS, to FOX (Roger), to Alaskan and American!
Put her on trial America, find her guilty and do whatever would come next - death or life in prison. We would all be so much better off never hearing her voice again! The silence from that rancid mouth would be pure heaven!
Wasn't that the purest pussy asshole image you've ever seen? The two of them, Rick Perry and Sean Hannity, puttin' on their I'm Important clothes and facial expressions, and holding biiiiiiggg guns that I suppose are aimed at the children????
DeleteDoes anyone else think that Palin's skin is starting to look like Jan Brewers?
ReplyDeleteYep, worn out and snake-like. After a while the facelifts just don’t work especially with skin that has been over exposed to the sun. Palin is addicted to tanning and it shows.
DeleteShe looks so awful, old and mean in her getup. Fugly. Sp quit, so be quiet. SP doesn't have knowledge of anything other than her money. Take you meaness to your kids. stinky.
ReplyDelete$arah Palin's still mad about that poll that says more than a majority of America just wants her to shut the fuck up!
ReplyDeleteWe know she writes hatred, but if you ever doubted the effect on her flying monkeys,
ReplyDeleteMarvan Huen How Much is this beer costing the tax payers, Paying for security and travel, For his drinking binge ????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????
Daniel Allen A disgrace Debbie. Drink a beer in the privacy of your home. When you are the POTUS you are held to little bit of a higher standard don't you think?
Barbara Schmok Mardock Debbie you are right it's not illegal to have a beer, but he isn't your neighbor ... He isn't doing his job, he's partying while we have a boarder crisis, a financial crisis, a health crisis and the list goes on and on .....
And of course there are more vile ones. She is the hillbilly version of Tokyo Rose. She doesn't care who gets hurt or killed.
I can always tell comments written by the potty mouthed and hostile CrystalW. She and SM go back and forth to each other spewing the same conspiracy paranoid stories and calling others trollies.
ReplyDeleteSure Willow was sexting with S and so was Sarah. Smh
It's amazing what's left out like the full psychiatric reports about being delusional.
That's not o/t, that's important.
ReplyDeleteMoose Juice -- a unique and particularly pungent blend of insipid Kool-Aid, bitter tea, ipecac, and vitriol ... personally brewed in the cauldron of the 'Whining Wannabe from Wasilla'.
ReplyDeleteShe consumes it by the gallon.
DeleteThat is the snarkiest thing I have ever read!
ReplyDeleteDisgruntled Obama Stalker Sarah Palin Claims Impeachment Is a Bipartisan Issue.
ReplyDeleteAt what point will it be clear who Republicans are waging War against?
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."
"But Barack Obama has most certainly engaged in impeachable offenses. Many. That’s a given. No need to waste ink trying to educate the “deniers” on how things are..."
Yeah. That's a given. "No need to waste ink" saying what these offenses are because "it's a given."
Soooo... still can't articulate even one, you seditious harpy?
Yes, Palin has seen 25 examples of impeachable offenses. Name one? Any and all of them.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you, Palin, in fourth grade? Ooh, make fun of someone's name. Ooh, burn!
Too bad he doesn't work as hard as Sarah when she gets to facebookin' and makin' videos for her retard fans in the back hallway of her house or wherever the fuck she does it. He clearly just doesn't have her work ethic! If he were as smart and hardworking as Sarah he could have finished two terms in his FIRST term! Come on, Obama, call the woman who publicly admits she doesn't even now what the VP does so she can educate you on everything from energy policy to immigration reform to foreign relations! If you don't, she's gonna write something SOOO MEEAANN on her twitter account, you'll never recover! You know what you need to do! LOL
ReplyDeleteThe bitch is running out of money. she just posted another stupid "lawless" article on fox calling for impeachment. Why doesn't SHE do it! She's pissed that she didn't win and she's stuck in her ol' wasilly housie.
ReplyDeleteShe and her KLAN are a bunch of retarted dorks. Wonky-eyed-dorks. PLUS, they are NOT really retarded that's how they look.
ReplyDeleteLittle Trig is not retarted they ALL have the same look. Just look at Palin and Piper and Willow, and that's why Brisket got surgery. GET IT?
Anonymous11:04 AM
Deleteyou're right...and to prove it brisket has posted new pictures of poor little wonkie piper...go look...lol
You know, being ugly or filthy dirty & trailer-trashy does not make you stupid, but she did take the cake and got all those "gifts," including her loser offspring. Maaan, as a mother I would be SO ashamed.
DeleteBut the woman has no shame, she has sold her soul to the devil " the devil knows there's very little time & it's out to destroy very quickly." Right SAREVIL?
pee pond intellIgence:
ReplyDeletepalin45potus • 20 minutes ago
AWESOME new op-ed by Sarah Palin, spelling it out.
She hasn't got a "coward" bone in her body, IMO
isabel matos palin45potus • 10 minutes ago
I Love how you worded that in parentheses
How long will it take for the poison inside that vile woman to begin to eat away at her body?
ReplyDeleteBill O’Reilly Trashes Sarah Palin’s Impeachment Idea
I am still trying to figure out why Sarah is calling for impeachment when that is probably what she was facing when she suddenly quit in 2009. (Good times, good memories, good bye, Governor). She had been cited for numerous ethics violations, and even her own hand-selected personally-appointed committee of three people made her pay back the per diem that she charged to stay in her own house when there is a perfectly good Governor's mansion in Juneau. She was forced to pay back the cost of taking her family along on free vacations (state business) when they had not been invited. And, she was facing a bigger stink over her illegal Legal Defense Fund, started by Greta's husband (isn't that cozy), and called Alaska Fund Trust, disguising its real purpose."You can fire me, I quit!" said Sarah five years ago, and she has been cashing in ever since. Sarah's motto: I'll keep on doing it until the courts tell me I can't." (And then she keeps right on because there is always a court of appeals). How is that lawsuit going with the people who own the rights to the iconic September 11 that you used to raise money for your PAC, Sarah? Yes, this is the woman who wants to impeach President Obama. (We should include Sarah and Todd participation in Troopergate, too, as examples of more lies).
ReplyDeleteHere is the reason why Sarah is last person to be calling for impeachment.The last time around, the Republicans tried impeaching Bill Clinton for lying. When men have some kind of sex thing going on outside of marriage, they lie. It's a given. (Women, too). Larry Craig did not have a wide stance. They lie.
Sarah Palin lied about something, too, and we all know it. She did not give birth to Trig. The story that Sarah told about being in labor, leaking amniotic fluid and flying for 12 hours to deliver a special needs, premature infant at a small town hospital which cannot and does not handle that kind of birth-- that story is a great big fat lie. If it is true, then Pro Life Sarah risked the life of the unborn child, herself and the people on the airplanes, not to mention giving birth in a place that does not handle that kind of birth, and being attended by a family practice doctor, not an OB who specializes in high risk births. (High risk: special needs child, premature birth, mother with a history of miscarriages, over 40 years old). For Sarah to pass up the well equipped hospital in Anchorage and choose little MatSu is either a lie or another example of endangering the life of a premature special needs baby.
If lying was the reason for impeaching Bill Clinton, then Sarah's continuous tall tales and lies ought to prevent her from calling for anyone else's impeachment. Let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone. Ya can't Sarah, you've done worse.
Mile HIGH city is another drug reference.
ReplyDeleteSarah achieved what was most important to her, getting noticed. Then, following Todd's motto of "What's in it for us?" Sarah is also hoping that what is left of her fan club will send in donations to her PAC.
ReplyDeleteHere is a little message for Sarah. When you said that you wanted to audition to get on The View, and that your program for the Sportsman Channel had been renewed for 2015, your fans got the message that you are working harder at trying to be a celebrity than a potential, possible, maybe a presidential candidate in 2016. While they think that you are amazing and gifted, they know what the calendar looks like, and if you are not out with a major organization behind you, collecting money, making speeches and appearances, you're not running for anything, and they are finally realizing that they are wasting their money. All that it goes for is funding the ability to ask for more money. It aint' working.
Says the half-term bitch who QUIT while Alaska burned! I heard $arah Palin gets her buzz from snorting crack off oil drums!
ReplyDeleteI actually almost feel pity for Sarah Palin even imagining the mess she "wrote" is journalism in any form. I realize she has some kind of degree from "where ever" after some five or six years attending classes at various schools. Any professional journalist would be ashamed to be associated with the infantile gibberish supposedly penned by Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteIt boils down to: Sarah Palin is "Dead in the flesh" to the President. In his mind she does not exist.
This is destroying her
She can scream and rant at her teabagger events, try to "gin up" her base via Facebook, Fox, and other right wing screeds, but it is all for nothing. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES will NEVER acknowledge you exist Sarah Palin.
He said as much very tactfully and eloquently to Barbara Walters years ago.
The fact the first family has dignity and class the Palin's will never posses is driving Sarah to the edge.