Friday, July 04, 2014

Sarah Palin's super patriotic passive aggressive 4th of July shout out.

Wearing her "With every step I am disrespecting our flag" shoes.
Courtesy of the red, White, ans Blue moron's Facebook page:

Happy Fourth of July, America! Never forget what Thomas Jefferson called “the Spirit of 1776” – a sentiment rooted in the abiding belief that all men are created equal and desire freedom. Reagan invoked that same spirit in his famous speech “A Time for Choosing” when he urged us not to “abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.” 

(Translation:  Happy freedom day you small town living patriots, and fuck all of you elite intellectuals who keep fact checking me and pointing out my ignorance for all to see.)

Today and every day, let’s remember the “Spirit of 1776” and celebrate Independence, not government!  

(Translation: "Let's totally celebrate the spirit that formed this great country, but not the government the Founding Fathers came up with to run it.")

May that love of liberty burn in our hearts and renew our commitment to restore and preserve all that is good and strong and true about America. 

 (Translation: And what is good and strong and true in America is that there are certain people who deserve to have rights, and certain others who simply do not. You know who you are!)

 - Sarah Palin (Translation: RAM.)

Palin's ghostwriter also includes a quote from Ron Paul which kind of makes me think she is seriously considering the idea of the Tea Party breaking off and forming its own political party.

Which would, in my estimation, be just about the greatest thing to happen to this country since Paul Revere rode through the streets ringing those bells and warning the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms.

Okay I know that might confuse a few of you who did NOT sleep through tenth grade history, so here let Stephen Colbert explain exactly how that took place.

By the way I just returned from attending the 4th of July parade downtown where I got the chance to see my Senator. Mark Begich, walking down the street while being greeted by friendly waves from bystanders, and numerous floats promoting diversity and Alaska's commitment to human rights.

It made me very proud of my state, and very proud of my country.


  1. Anonymous2:35 PM

    President Reagan had Alzheimer's. I'd prefer a little more intellectual than that.

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      But it's right on her level!

  2. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Sure Silly Sarah...keep on adoring that creepy Ronald Raygun. Reagan was a criminal, deeply involved in the Iran-Contra affair. He was also responsible for the cocaine pipeline involving the CIA. The Afghan war was started to support the CIA in the heroin business just like the CIA supported the cocaine business in the '80's.

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      He was also responsible for the cocaine pipeline .... say no more, of course, she worships his legacy. Who needs a functioning brain when you have money and speed?

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      And considering how often he raised federal taxes, you'd think she hasn’t considered anything about the guy except that he looked good on a horse. Sheesh. And, when governor of California he approved of abortion. On the other hand, he was heartless when it came to the environment. And, he was a louse when it came to paying his own personal taxes, I remember my father being furious when this was disclosed.

    3. Anonymous3:49 PM

      And Reagan thought ketchup was acceptable as a "vegetable" course for school lunches. Sarah Palin probably thinks so too.

    4. Anita Winecooler7:04 PM

      And he got his best advice from Nancy "Just say no" Raygun's psychic friends w/ oija boards and magic 8 balls. Whom she invited into the White House!!!!

  3. Traitor Palin can hire ghostwriters to yammer away with faux-patriotic drivel all she wants. Nobody gives a shit what the washed up nasty harpy from hell has to say about anything.

    The fact is:
    She abandoned her last elected office and the oath she swore to the people of Alaska.
    No one has offered her any type of appointed position since.
    No one has offered her any sort of position of power since.
    No one seeks out her opinion on anything.
    No one bothers to report her opinion on anything.
    No one believes she has anything of worth to offer this country.
    The RNC didn't want her anywhere near their convention in 2012.
    Alaskans apparently don't give a shit about her, and why should they? She abandoned them for money.
    She is not invited to participate in Alaskan political events.
    She's done. She's just too stupid to fall over.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      You are wrong! She is loved by the three nitwits at the sea of pee.
      That has to count for something. Well actually it doesn't does it? ha ha The deluded few who love her and call her President. As they pee in their depends and cough up phlegm.

  4. Anonymous2:55 PM

    The Fourth of July at the White House

    Thank you President Obama for your continued awesomeness and courage. Thank you Michelle Obama for your continued grace. Happy Fourth!

  5. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Every time I see her in those heels on her feet, I want to ram them (spike first!) into her racist, anti government and anti American mouth with the hope it would shut the piece of white trash up forever!

    Her 'special' greeting on Independence Day to Americans is phony and nothing but bullshit - as always!

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Every time I see them I think of how smelly they must be. What an insult to the American flag.

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Every time I see her in those shoes, I feel like sending her a copy of the Flag code.

    3. Anonymous4:50 PM

      You just know the soles are black with her foot funk lol

    4. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Every time I see those shoes I see "$19.95 made in China"

  6. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Fucking hilarious!

  7. Anonymous3:24 PM

  8. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Ah.... the photo shoot from Sarah's tv latest failure

  9. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Sarah? As we start year six of your quittiness, you do understand that bipolar is a mental issue you can get help for and not a photp op that you visited both white bears and penguins, right? That would take a lot of postage.

  10. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Flower morphology is in your face.

    Petals, sepals, stamens and all that is nothing more than a plant's genitalia on display.

    Look closely at Sarah's neck and forearms.



    (Forgive my observations. After all, I am the resident Republican hereabouts.)

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      That would explain it...

  11. Anonymous3:59 PM


    Can't she do better than that? I'm gonna have to find some other dipshit to laugh at soon, I guess!

  12. Anonymous4:32 PM

    One would think that she actually did something with HER precious freedom aside from throwing stones from deep, deep inside her barricaded plexiglass house.

    But one would be wrong.

    Love how you have her pegged, Gryphen.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      I'll have you know, Mrs. Palin has more than done her share for this nation! Certainly more than ANY of you OR that lying President you worship. She even gives her unkempt, drunken hate-rants several times a year to anyone who asks...for FREE! You can't put a price on the pearls of wisdom she vomits forth in her oddly timed and weirdly emphasized word-spew, so now, no one bothers! smh and lmao

    2. Anonymous6:31 PM

      I read "hate- RATS " and I thought, wow, what a perfect description of her family!

  13. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Only a little off topic, but still Palin related.

    Thad Cochrans Senate Enablers

    Check out who donated, even a few of sp's endorsees!

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Bwahahahahahaha! I see Palin's buddy Kelly Ayotte on the list of Cochran enablers. (g) That's gotta hurt!

      You know you've gone through the looking glass when anyone refers to Thad Cochran as LIBERAL.

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Interesting. Notable names of Palin-supported senators, besides John McCain, are Deb Fischer, Kelly Ayotte, and Saxby Chambliss.

    3. Anonymous9:20 AM

      I loved Palin and McCain splitting the sheets on this one. Must have further solidified their 'close relationship' and increased his undying 'admiration' of her.

  14. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Ah, the irony. Thomas Jefferson's shared his feeling about the Declaration of Independence and 1776 on the approaching 50th anniversary--that the decision for independence was "arousing men to burst the chains under which monkish ignorance and superstition had persuaded them to bind themselves" and "all eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view. "

    Jefferson would most likely consider Sarah Palin, the tea partiers, and collection of religious right to be deplorable idiots and open enemies of our Constitution and republican democracy.

    1. Anonymous6:35 PM

      The rights of WHITE MEN.

      Jefferson was a slave owner and RAPED Sally H emmings while she was his slave.

      TJ did NOT want or need black people ti have voting right s or land rights OR the right to marry a white woman.

      Fuck you, Sarah. Go read a fucking history book not written by some asshole at FOX, MKAY???

  15. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Palin is NOT getting the coverage in the lower 48 (south of Alaska!). Had company here this past week from the east coast and they said they hear nothing about her. Yea!!!! That could not have been better words to my ears! And, she thinks she is so friggin' important!

  16. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I wonder when she will be getting tattoos of the flag on her fake cheekbones.

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Ink is problematic over silicone and Bondo but she can get some sparkly flag decals over at the truck-stop.

  17. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Serror is an idiot,

    Just more red, white and spew.

  18. Anonymous6:33 PM

    It wasn't Thomas Jefferson who spoke of the "Spirit of '76", it was Thomas Jewett. Another history fail for Sarah.

  19. Anonymous7:06 PM

    “A Time for Choosing” when he urged us not to “abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.”

    So the intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol (Washington DC or London, England)??? Can plan better for us than we can plan for ourselves? Sarah, do you have any idea what you are writing about? I wouldn't give you credit for one single solution to anything, but I would trust the intellectual elite to come up with some good ideas.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Maybe she should put away her tawdry t*ts and show us her PLAN!! What is it Palin? Tell us this master plan floatin' around in your demonic mind. Overthrow the President and all Democratic and Independent members of Congress? Kick around 3 lady justices to the curb? Deport or death panel anyone who doesn't like your style of gubmint? Then, you'd be happy?

      Nah, then you'd be out of work bitchin' for a livin'.

  20. Anita Winecooler7:18 PM

    Idk Kind of disappointed. The wicked witch didn't mention Emerald City (Raygun's shining city on a hill). Didn't thank the troops, mention Rolling Thunder, The Declaration of Indie Pen Dunce, nor wish the first daughter a happy fourth of July birthday. No moose chile, family photos around a dead animal carcass. How Pathetic.
    Guess RAM was famished and rushed though it.

    Happy Fourth, Everyone!

  21. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Nefer said: No one seeks out her opinion on anything.

    But but Nefer, dontcha know that Sarah Palin is America's energy expert. Oil companies are just lined up at her door asking for her expert opinion.

    1. Anonymous3:25 AM

      Boy of boy was the a whopper McCain and his buddies told. Palin an energy expert, LOL!

  22. Anonymous1:45 AM

    She thinks those shoes are going to make up for her aging face to bring up old whitey kkk hard ons? Probably will lolololol

  23. Anonymous2:23 AM

    lol she didn't MAKE the shoes.smh But it is funny that meghan m has those

    1. Anonymous6:46 AM

      I just heard Meghan M is burning hers now.

  24. Anonymous2:24 AM

    When will someone stand up to Gryphen's liberal lies?

    1. Anonymous5:30 AM

      When he writes some I guess?

    2. Anonymous5:52 AM

      I vote for big-talking conservative icon Sarah Palin to come here and refudiate them.

      Except she would never show her cowardly, hypocritical face anywhere SHE would really have to stand up for herself. She goes nowhere she is not assured of protective ass covering.

      Unless she's Anonymous, or Lou Sarah, LOL. Lou Sarah, is that you? Typical conservative, expecting somebody else to fight your battle for you.

    3. Just as soon as he tells one, dear. Now run along.

    4. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Oh, come on, Troll, you're not even trying any more. What happened to slander and manipulation? You are supposed to work that entire list of words into your comments. Do they pay you by the word or the comment?

    5. I would love to see Sarah Palin defend herself against the truth. She is a coward who refuses to speak anyplace but her secure venues of crazies and Fox.
      It is almost impossible to parody Palin anymore. The Daily Currant did a parody article of Palin wishing George Washington a "Happy Birthday" on the 4th and the public ran with it being true.
      That was pure gold and it made my 4th of July...
      Palin is truly the gift that keeps on giving...

    6. Anonymous10:41 AM

      8:04 She rarely is on FOX anymore...Bill O'Reilly doesn't want a thing to do w/the 'idiot' (his words, not mine!). Hannity and Greta showcase her sometimes - probably Hannity more than Greta - but, it's getting less and less.

      Sarah Palin has lost her 'whatever'! And, it's way, way past time.

      I had company here from the east coast and they said nothing is ever heard about her anymore! I think Alaskans pay more attention to her (negatively!) and even that is really getting old and boring!

  25. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Palin proves time and time again there is still a whole lot of stupid still to come from her.

  26. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:31 AM

    I find it really interesting that no one talks about Mark Mayfield, the TP leader who "committed suicide" recently (he was a McDaniel supporter who was caught taking photos of Thad Cochran's ailing wife in a nursing home). Guess the Koch Boyz had to bury that story pretty quick...looks a tad hinky for their new little Scott Walker clone, eh?

  27. Anonymous8:00 AM

    poor old seditious sarah, no one cares what you think about anything! you are irrelevant, always have been always will be BWAHAHAHAHAHA, can't wait until Levi gets full custody of Tripp, your PAC goes belly up and for Shailey Tripps movie to come out !!! How bout you, seditious sarah, got your popcorn, another fridge on order, the best is yet to come.......

  28. AkMom9:14 AM

    "By the way I just returned from attending the 4th of July parade downtown where I got the chance to see my Senator. Mark Begich, walking down the street while being greeted by friendly waves from bystanders, and numerous floats promoting diversity and Alaska's commitment to human rights."

    Gryph, you were obviously NOT in Wasilla. What a joke of a parade, plenty long, but the 'In Your Face' tactics were unreal.

  29. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Au contraire. L&K. They are talking. Talking in their usual circles trying to decide whether to pin it on Cochran or Obama.

    There has of yet been no word of Mayfield acting out of pure shame for playing along with the disgusting McDaniel campaign strategists scheme.


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