Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Today's Sarah Palin rant against the President brought to you by the good folks at Facebook. (You know because nobody else will print it.)

Courtesy of the Histrionic Harpie's Facebook page:  

One cannot dispute President Obama's claim of having "the most transparent administration in America's history." So true. It's so transparent you can see right through it to his Imperial Presidency that will destroy the nation from within. (Quick everybody, raise your hands if you've seen the "Manchurian Candidate.") Unless voters tip the balance of power back to the people very soon, the left's disregard for Constitutional restraints and our rule of law will fundamentally transform America into a nation unrecognizable to the men and women who paid the price to see America rise as the world's shining city on a hill (Obligatory Reagan reference.)– shining because we've reflected the beauty of freedom. We now get the government we asked for in 2008, and then four years later asked for more. (Well at least she admits that this is the President the American people wanted.) As in the days of old, as history records in the book of Samuel in the Old Testament (Hang on folks we're going Old Testament.), in shortsightedness the people wanted someone to take care of them, to "do it for them," so they cried out for a king. Though it wasn't in their nation's divine destiny, nonetheless they were given a king. Tragically, the people realized too late that their demand for a king was not in the people's best interest. (Okay is she saying that this President is NOT the one that God wanted us to have, yet the people ignored His will and chose Obama anyway? And does that suggest that back in 2008 there WAS a divinely chosen leader for this country, whose destiny was robbed from them?) History is the best teacher. As America dethrones independence, self-responsibility, work ethic, and – most significantly – God, we'll realize that elevating fallible men to provide for us and control us will be our downfall. Of course, it's not too late to halt this transformation and begin the restoration of all that is right about America. It's in our hands. With humble acknowledgment of the mistake we've made in demanding the proverbial king to take control, we can move forward with the imperative task of replacing an Imperial Presidency with a government of, by, and for the people again. (Does it sound to anybody else like she is calling for an armed revolution?) Once we restore the proud and free ideals that made America exceptional, soon our allies will respect us as reliable again, and enemies will not trample us as they fear what happens when you mess with the United States Military. (Yes the same United States Military that will put down any poorly planned Tea Party civil war fomented by you crazy lady.) The people will be sparked with optimism and a spirit of ingenuity and generosity again; and being ever vigilant we can get back to the peace that only faith, family, and freedom can provide. It's in our hands. It's at the ballot box.

Excuse me Sarah you have a little rabid flecks of foam on the corner of your mouth there. Might want to wipe that off.

Included at the top of this diatribe was this graphic.

Of course what Palin conveniently omits is that this President DID reach out to Congress multiple times, only to have his attempts rebuffed. Back then the President probably did not  realize that on the night of his inauguration the Republican leaders were meeting and deciding on a plan to obstruct EVERY SINGLE THING he attempted to accomplish. 

And yet still this President reached out to Republicans when it came time to work on the health care bill: 

In the late spring of 2009, Obama started talking health care. He sat down with Republicans over the summer. He invited a group of Republicans into his office and told them he’d put tort reform in the bill if it would get him Republican votes. They stared at him. Other administration officials met with Republicans a number of times to see if anything could be put in the bill to appease them. The answer was always no. Remember here that the Affordable Care Act is basically a Republican plan to begin with, as the individual mandate idea came from the Heritage Foundation. So you might have thought that some Republicans would be OK with that.

But of course they weren't, and instead of helping to craft a solution to the health care crisis that both sides had previously agreed was desperately needed, the Republicans instead started to work to find ways to use Obamacare to defeat the President, and his Democratic allies, in the upcoming election cycle.

George Bush wanted to avoid Congress because he knew they would stop him from doing something wrong, President Obama has to work around Congress because they are desperate to keep him from doing what is right.

I doubt very seriously if the American people have trouble differentiating between the two.

Update: Just a minor point that really irritates me. 

Palin uses the phrase "as history records in the book of Samuel." No, the Bible CANNOT be used as a book of history.

Over and over again the stories told in the bible turn out to have either very little or no historical value (Remember the Jews were never Egyptian slaves.), so using it to teach a lesson in history is essentially like using Grimm's Fairy Tales in order to teach about proper child rearing.


  1. Anonymous12:15 PM

    There is NO WAY she penned this diatribe. The reference to the Manchurian Candidate is a dead giveaway. GO.AWAY.Stain!

    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      But she sure lurves that Shining City on a Hill!

    2. Anonymous2:32 PM

      That is an OLD photo, her eyebrows are in a normal place not way up her forehead. "faith, family and freedom" she rants about. WHAT FAITH does she follow? Family? Who in their right mind would want a family like hers, with illigitimate babies every year? Low morals daughters. What "freedoms" is she being deprived of? There are people in other countries who accuse HER of being a traitor, constantly demeaning our President. She has the "freedom" to shoot her big yapp off all she wants.

    3. Anonymous3:32 PM

      She has new teeth now, two. er third or fourth set.

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    really, but does anyone other than the white trash knuckle draggin' mouth breathin' inbred retards read the cross eyed skank's ghost written diatribes ?

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Here's something written by one of them over at the pee pond:


      virginiagentleman1 • 3 minutes ago
      Good Afternoon C4P!
      How 'bout that climate change stuff? The hot house effect? Global warming? So many dire warnings furnished to us by the left! WE are killing the planet! YOU are killing the planet! Polar Bears are dying out! Cow farts cause global warming! The SEAS are rising! Ya just KNOW that the sky is falling don't ya? So Joe Bastardi, chief weather forcaster is on with Cavuto 'splainin' that the ice is GROWING at a record pace in the Antarctic! HUH?!

      Or, how about this one; Obamacare will LOWER yer monthly premium! Save ya 2500 hunnert dollahs! A YEAR! Whoopee! And IF I had that supposed saving in my hand, I'd fer shore celebrate! I don't know about YOU, but MY premiums went WAY up, same for most folks I know. I have yet to meet someone face to face who actually has SAVED money. Something stinks in DC!

      And did ya hear the good news? Our Imperial President, Allah's own gift to America, the world, AND the downtrodden illegals, has DECREED that HE will fix the immigration problem WITHOUT Congress! Well, DAMN! Why do we even NEED a Congress?
      Hell, we have instead the SUPERPREZ in control, more powerful then a steaming pile of sh*t, able to leap Constitutional restraints in a single dictatorial bound, and can lie faster then a speeding bullet! THE HERO PRESIDENT! Or is that the ZERO president?
      My GOD! Just think of the money we could save if we didn't have a Congress! Emperor Obama could spend it all on the illegals! He can invite more muslims into the country! He can make the sun rise and the moon set! ASK ANY LEFTY! The god-like Obama can do ANYTHING!!!!!! WOW! What a guy!

      Okay, so I don't like the Marxist bas-turd and consider him a dangerous threat to the very fabric of American, life, law, and order, our Constitution.
      So, BITE ME!
      Wow! Talk about frothing at the mouth.

    2. Anonymous1:20 PM

      virginia's still sukin' wind ? i thought he'd a croaked by now ..

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Oh yeah, that's the old fart with the heart problem that HE brought on himself. He arises each morning with soliloquies about God's creation over coffee, then goes on these batshit rants that raise his BP and have landed him in the ER more than a few times. Then off to bed for communication with his Creator, only to do it all over the next day. He even blew a vein in his eye screaming on the phone to a political caller. The doctor told him in no uncertain terms to knock this shit off. I see he hasn't.

    4. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Watch out VG, you're going to blow a gasket. An important one, I hope.

    5. Anonymous3:12 PM

      And isn't that OLD VirginiaFart on Medicare?

    6. Anonymous3:13 PM

      1:25 P.M."... I see he hasn't."
      Good. can't wait to dance on this pervert's grave.

    7. Anonymous3:33 PM

      I thought for sure VG was dead by now.

    8. Beldar J Conehead3:50 PM


      Didn't Beldar Conehead write that exact same over-the-top "anti-Obama" rant as a comedy bit some time ago? It sounds very familiar.....

      Hopefully this is just a matter for the copyright lawyers to work out and not this goofball's actual feelings, because scary.

    9. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Sadly, we're still paying tens of thousands in taxes each year to keep that old fuck alive. So much for death panels that would fix this nasty little problem. Worthless, raging racist hypocritical old bagger.

    10. Anonymous4:05 PM

      I would never wish anyone dead. It's the hypocrisy.

    11. Anonymous8:40 PM

      I think old virginia.gent is Palin. It's her style of 'speaking' and one of her old tricks to write fake letters to the 'editor'.

    12. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Sue their asses, Beldar.Then let's stock up on rum and go buy our own island in the Caribbean without Teabaggers. No idiots welcome.

    13. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!5:40 AM

      Just read the first couple of sentences.

      Then, on to the comments because, quite frankly, not only do I not care what this person "thinks" but it has been shown time and time (and time again) that tying to make sense of her diatribes is like nailing Jello to a wall.

      She has no convictions of her own so she is incapable of making a stand on anything.

      Just as the sun rises and sets, there is stunning hypocrisy and/or stupidity in everything she posts.

      I think I'm glad Gryphen follows her but then again, if no one writes about Sarah Palin's lies - who is infected other than the morons who read her Facebook?

      Let the thing due by starving it of light and water (I.e. attention).

  3. laprofesora12:21 PM

    Sarah, even when you use big words (or pay people to use big words for you), your stupid still shows. Y'see, the big words don't reflect the TRUTH. They only reflect your stupidity. But thanks, I really appreciate the distraction from the SCOTUS debacle.

  4. Caroll Thompson12:22 PM

    We the people like our President and we the people will keep him until Hillary is sworn in on January 20, 2017.

    Sarah the meth head has apparently been living on sour grapes these last six years. Sucks to be known as Sarah the Quitter.

    1. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!5:41 AM

      Exactly, sarah.

      We really, really love our president.

      So fuck off, mkay?

  5. Anonymous12:23 PM

    What a reckless, deranged woman she is . Too bad there's very little help for sore loser syndrome. It usually requires 'growing up' and becoming more worldly and mature. No chance that is possible in her tacky butt-hurt world. No hope for people like Palin, where there's nothing left to live for other than inciting violence and practicing the fine arts of treason and sedition.

    Most unaware thing with her is that she seems to think we can't compare the words her staff cobbles together with the gibberish she spouts when she's behind a microphone. How sad that she's not even capable of spewing 'her' own written words and has to pay someone else to craft her spews and venom.

    1. Cracklin Charlie12:43 PM

      Wonder what it costs to buy Sarah's convictions these days?

      Can't be much.

    2. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Ptobably the same $$$ it costs to bed one of her daughters - a Big Mac and Large fries!!

    3. Anonymous3:11 PM

      For Sarah? probably could be bought with a package of laxatives, or a new toothbrush to stick down her throat.

  6. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Oh Gryphen - me thinks she is "borrowing" again. Here in Oklahoma, James Langford, republican candidate for Tom Coburn's seat made comments in one of primary ads as to how he sat down with President Obama and shared this passage of scripture to him, yada, yada, yada.

  7. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Sarah you didn't write that. What a worthless piece of shit you are. You simply need to go away. What a disgrace to us Alaskans you are.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      I hope she is using her time to look after Trig. Willow is in dire need of a mother's time and attention.

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      @1:47. In that case, Willow is screwed as $carah is not capable of parenting.

    3. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!5:41 AM

      She didn't write that.

      She didn't build that.

      She didn't birth that.

  8. fromthediagonal12:38 PM

    I do have one query, and ignore the rest of this screed: Why, if the Bush presidency was so fabulous, did "our enemies" not respect us and took the libery of torching the Twin
    Towers and related objects/people, obviously expecting to get away with it? Oh yes, I guess that's called selective memory.

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Oh please. Cheney knew and even helped to plan the attacks. It helped make him a fucking bazillionaire.

  9. Cracklin Charlie12:42 PM

    And that swan dive off the high board oughta just about do it for Miss Wasilla, folks!

    Wonder where that crap came from...C Street, maybe?


  10. Anonymous12:44 PM

    At the risk of repeating myself, I once again have just one comment about her rant; she is SUCH an asshole.

  11. Jonathan Edwards12:48 PM

    Sarah: just a couple of historical points for you and your ghostwriter to consider --

    Saint Matthew first wrote about "a city on a hill." John Winthrop, first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, used the "shining city on a hill" when he was still on board the Arbella, sister ship of the Mayflower, before landing at Plymouth Rock.
    Fast forward a few centuries to when John F. Kennedy used the phrase, referring to Winthrop, in 1961. Walter Mondale spoke about it in 1984. One of Reagan's smart speech writers, doing some research, came upon the phrase and thought it sounded just right for the actor-turned-politician.
    Ronald Reagan made it sound really mystical and sincere, but he probably barely knew its provenance, as I'm sure you don't.

    Second, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. wrote a book entitled "The Imperial Presidency" in 1973. He detailed "imperial" acts by every President from George Washington to the early '70s. If you took any political science courses at any of the colleges you claim to have attended, I'm sure it was assigned reading (although that doesn't guarantee that you read it).

    So the concept is as old as the Republic.

    The rest of your diatribe is so poorly written, filled with your special buzz words in no particular order, that nothing is clear other than you're still a rabble rouser against the President who was twice elected by a majority of American voters with their eyes wide open.
    I'm assuming that, since today is the beginning of a new fiscal quarter for Sarah PAC, you're hoping that one last frothing facebook post could bring in some checks dated June 30. Amirite?

    Finally, please leave the Bible, Old Testament and New, out of your political screeching. For some, it's a sacred text, not to be used for your base purposes. You take too much upon yourself to imagine that you can know the mind of the Almighty. To do so is blasphemy.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM


    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      I'm just home from the desist and almost two hours of nitrous oxide so I'm a little beyond Sarah Palin, but I agree with your comments completely!

      The right wing in the US constantly muddles so many things together: the Old Testament (they're not so good with the New Testament), guns, misogyny, various amendments to the Constitution that they deliberately (or maybe not so deliberately) misinterpret, history (from any century), geography, all glued together with lots of venom and meanness. And no one does it better than their darling, good old predictable Sarah Palin, never more than a Facebook screed away from attacking President Obama and the Democratic Party.

    3. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Plus, she must have flunked English. She cannot compose a proper sentence - she doesn't use paragraphs - doesn't use commas, etc. W

      Wonder what her grades were like in high school - probably much like her daughters that flunked out and/or quit.

      Sarah Palin is the retard from Wasilla, AK and they are not proud to have her a part of that community!

      She never would have passed an entrance exam to one of the major colleges in the nation and we know she still wouldn't be able to today!

    4. Anonymous2:26 PM

      She got a D in Econ 101 at one of the "not too challenging" colleges she attended. She's dumb, plain and simple, she's dumb, and seems to like herself that way. Go figure.

    5. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Thank you, 2:26, she's just a puppet for her masters that tell her what to say. Her word salad every time trying to reiterate what she's told to say is comical. She can't do 3X5 anymore, can't do Sharpie on her hand, Only pre-approved questions and a teleprompter we can see through her glasses. Can anyone look more stupid?

    6. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!5:44 AM

      She couldn't graduate college and she did not.

      You have a college degree, sarah?

      Prove it, bitch.

      All you have to do is show a little piece of paper.

      How hard is that, succubus?

  12. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Anyone else notice how her diatribes have increased and gotten much angrier as her bank account is seeing fewer and much smaller deposits? That's what she's pissed about even more than her intense hatred of President Obama and other decent politicians trying to do good things for all the citizens of America. She thinks this country is her own private Burger King and she wants things her way, dammit!!! Had McPain won, wonder how he and his little missus would have reacted to Dems telling them how to do their job???

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      She really has been doubling down on the manic as of late. Baby hates not being the center of attention.

    2. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Poor $carah, she went from $100,000 speeches, private jets and first class accomodations to - WHAT -? High school graduations in rinky dink little towns. Too bad she did not get Bristle's tubes tied, her family is growing yearly. $carah has TOO many dependants already, and Piper is yet to get started. Donations down, jobs non existant. Sucks to be $carah.

    3. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!5:46 AM

      Just saw that Dolly Part on killed it at the Glastonbury music festival.

      Talented and beloved world wide.

      Sarah can walk where Dolly walked but she sure as hell can't follow in Dolly's footsteps.

  13. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Well now, hold your horses, Your Heinous, in 2008 you said that God was going to do the right thing on November 4th. Now you're saying He didn't? Twice? Are you saying you know better than God? Isn't that blasphemy?

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      SHE is god. Remember? She penned the little ditty about TRi-G way back when in the voice of god.

    2. PalinsHoax3:46 PM

      Love, love, love your contribution Anon 1:06 pm!

      That's right. Even the Ol' Quitter-Failure-Fraud knew that God would NOT let McCain win - when she stated that God would let the right person win the election - President Barack Obama.

    3. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Sure seems to me, 3:46 PM, that she thought it was her and I also too remember that Tri-G letter, 3:36 PM. Remember when she called it the Palin/McCain campaign and sharpied out the blue McCain visor in Hawaii before she was called home because Willow had trashed that house.

      That some people think she is the only one that can lead this country simply does not compute. I just cow laugh at every Facebook posted. At least someone told her to stay off Twitter.

    4. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!5:47 AM

      You think I have a GOD complex?

      I AM God!

      - sarah Palin

  14. Anonymous1:09 PM

    "As history records in the book of Samuel in the Old Testament", she writes. What Sarah Palin writes proves that she is not a bible-believing christian.

    Everyone who is 'saved' knows and believes that all scripture in the book of the bible is the Holy Spirit inspired Word of God. Sarah doesn't even know that?? No real christian would suggest the Book of Samuel is an historic account. By faith, they believe that this story truly happened. By faith, they take these stories as models to learn something from them. The story of the King that the people demanded for, is that people who should have known better and who relied upon the prophet Samuel to tell them what God required of them, turned the tables and demanded God give them a King. So, in His anger at their impatience, He delivered. It goes along the lines of "be careful what you wish for because you might get it". The King, Saul, was their worst nightmare.

    It wasn't the 'heathen' that demanded Saul. It was the Hebrews, who were supposed to wait for the right King, which was David. They learned their lesson the hard way.

    Tea Partiers may very well learn their lesson the hard way if they put their 'man' who is also as fallible (as, Sarah, ALL men are fallible).

    Sarah doesn't seem to have a clue as to what a christian life or walk is; she is looking like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      And SHE thought she's Queen Esther. God knows a heart and knows exactly what that family is all about. The dirty dealings, the prostitution, the lies. I know many here are atheist, and I respect that, but $arah is getting her comeuppance. You mention HIM while you deal in slime, He'll get back to you. Every damn time.

    2. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Historical records clearly show that Ester had big ole fake titties and was a paid shill and grifter. According to $arah 20:08.

    3. Anonymous11:25 PM

      YUP. Very well stated, 'according to Sarah 20:08.'

  15. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Gasp, gasp, puff,puff old seditious sarah got ahold of some of the good shit!!!! You lying fucking harpie, just shut the fuck up and go take care of your uneducated family you stupid cunt! No one cares what you say but boy I bet those PAC dollars are drying up faster and faster... BWAHAHAHA keep posting on fb you fucking hag, the only social media you can keep up with.

  16. Anonymous1:17 PM

    So she's basically saying that the President is "fallible" and that the liberals voted in a fallible man; and she thinks that the Tea Partiers will vote in an infallible man? Sarah, check it out, the anti-Christ will believe himself infallible and demand worship.

  17. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Hey, wait! Was it July 3rd, 2009, that Sarah made her breathless quitter speech?
    Six years out of office, Sarah. You said you didn't "need a title" to have an impact in the world of politics and ideas.

    Well, you cashed in with Rupert, as he promised, but then you were let go because you were such a failure as a talking head.He promised to publish a few of your books, but that's all behind you. He's not offering you any more big publishing advances.
    You pushed your oldest daughter -- an immature unwed teenage mother -- into the spotlight, to dance, and show her parenting skills. No more awful Hollywood producers will be knocking on her door again soon.
    You got yourself a couple of reality shows, so cringe-inducing that you'd have been wise not to appear before a camera. Of course, you cashed in big-time with those Alaska filming credits.
    Let's not forget tawdry Todd, trying to be a star.

    Add it all up: for a family of yahoos, it made financial sense for you to ditch that government job to which you'd been elected but was too complicated and didn't pay enough. You turned your ten weeks on the national stage in 2008 into a money machine.
    Sadly, that machine is losing its steam, the warranty's expired, and even Todd's wrenching skills will never get it to work again. You can fuel it with free Facebook and Twitter posts, but they won't keep Sarah PAC running.

    So, from all of us, to special you on this special anniversary, Sarah, I guess it's time for you to join those dead fish, the ones Todd enjoys, and just float on downstream.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      I stood and applauded to this one.

    2. Anonymous6:51 PM

      + me!

      And you have a bit of a legal problem as well, don't you $arah?

    3. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!5:55 AM

      What's amuSing:

      Sarah and her family are so fucking...


      And... repetitive(!!!!)

      That television viewers have said time
      (Sarah Palin's Alaska)

      And time. ..
      (Brisdull Palin: life is a Tripp)

      And time. ..
      (Wife swap, stars and stripes)

      And time again!!!!
      (American stories w. Sarah Palin; sportsman channel show).


      I thought the next big gig was SARAH TV or some shit.

      How's THAT going, harpy?

  18. Anonymous1:26 PM

    30 yrs ago, before the internet, she would have been spewing her hate on a corner and not her fakebook page. The only difference is 30 yrs ago she would have been taken to a hospital for mental health treatment.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      With her getup, for prostitution.

    2. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Come on, start using her old haggy self pictures. She looks awful.

  19. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Sew every hole shut that she has on her body and then throw her out to sea and see how long it takes her to sink!

    She needs that diarrhea mouth shut forever - especially when it comes to spouting her idiotic 'christian' crap! She is the last one on this earth that has lvied a Christian life...evil fucking piece of shit!

    President Obama will reach heaven's door and Palin will have the door to Hell wide open awaiting her! I have no doubt about it!

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      She'll get a huge surprise at the gate too. Trump's been working on Hell's new high-rise, oops, low-rise. Haven't we known many who deserved a special place in Hell? Well, Trump saw a golden opportunity to fleece on forever by building his last HUGE project.

      Didn't want his kind having to associate with the everyday type crowd already down there. Palin Inc gets a whole floor and a roomy garage. They're also working on a plan to brace a couple floors to hold Rush. Cheney is trying to work a better, stronger deal with the devil so can't confirm him yet. He may have plans to overthrow the Dark Prince and if you think about it, he's just the guy who could do it.

      Worst for Palin is there's no internet in hell. No one to hear her screams and rants anymore.

  20. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Wow! The President, Obama, has the most power of all to do all that cover everything hide everything! He is the most powerful and this turd has nothing. The turd. I just made myself chuckle.

    1. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!6:01 AM

      Palin did she ran for governor on the promise (hahahahaha)
      That the Palin administration would be the MOST TRANSPARENT (after their last corrupt governor).

      Then Sarah quickly resurrected what her staff wrote or said,
      She made her non elected husband a "shadow governor"..

      And she decided to use a non government email address to discuss all the unsavory items she didn't want documented in her government email.

      And THEN,

      She had emails restricted and blacked out when the public demanded a review of her misconduct.

      Totally transparent.

      Great job, scarah.

  21. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Old granny banshee is howling at the moon again!
    She really is nuts!

  22. Anonymous1:51 PM

    why won't this uneducated harpy shut the fuck up?

  23. Anonymous1:52 PM

    SarahPAC Summary | OpenSecrets ;)

    A day of jubilation is nearing. All of Alaska will be heard celebrating the day she quit to progress without a title. July 3. That ghastly screech....

  24. Anonymous1:59 PM

    She's a fucking moron, and quoting the bible just proves it times 100000.

  25. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Ha ha ha, still spending more than she takes in a keeping cool million in the bank because it's the last million she's ever going to see for anything.

    No political job, on Fox News but only paid a pittance per appearance now with no longterm contract, does high school graduation speeches for free and now relies on a forced relationship with some of her "supporters" to get her free private jet travel.

    No one will ever purchase another ghostwritten Palin tome, no one will ever vote for her (well, the 300 supporters she has would vote for her, but that's about it). She's pissed off Alaskans to the point that she has to leave her wigs at home and put on a hat and sunglasses just to go to her "grandson's" soccer games, and when she is in Scottsdale, no one really knows who she is.

    She's a woman "without a country, and without a state" and also too a failed politician that can never ever dip her toe into the arena again. She's wearing out her welcome as a cheerleader for the far right, so where does she go from here, what does she do?

    No wonder she looks like the only food she eats is her fingernails, gotta be anxious making being such a failure :-)

    And it couldn't happen to a nicer person.

  26. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Someone was talking about Sarah's chin implant the other day. That's a great pic of it. Look at it, it's huge! I bet it's a man's chin implant. Sarah is the only desperate old former beauty queen who doesn't have a subtle little silicon bump there, she has the big U-shape that Michael Jackson had.

    She's fugly.

    1. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!6:07 AM

      Maybe Brisdull doctor have then a two for one?

  27. Anonymous2:19 PM

    yadda yadda yadda
    blif blap

  28. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I never read Sarah's spew but I feel so sorry for her having to do shit every. freaking. day. Poor Sarah, she's so allergic to work and the Koch brothers are making her peel her dirty gray sheets off of herself at least once a day...

  29. Anonymous2:21 PM

    It is going to be a big day for the Lord and Bristol on July 3 when she is on the front line celebrating what the Lord bestowed on America when He blessed the Supreme Court with Hobby Lobby.

    The vibrant living family will be wonderful to lead the gaiety and cheers with celebratory merriment and thanks. We can all witness the faithful Palins along with Sister Bristol. Her dear boy leading the prayers is as cute as a bug! They are wonderful to share all the photos of their family and the activism they share. What a blessing they are willing to be front and center for the Lord and Hobby Lobby. Be sure to follow Sarah and Bristol and be among the first to see the family together and leading the events on Thursday.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Snark or retard?

    2. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Lol!!!! Great satire or you are on meth or fucking nuts!!!

    3. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Well, if they are at a Hobby Lobby it means they aren't in Alaska and they won't be skuzzing up our 4th of July Festival in Wasilla. Woo-Hoo, nice to hear that they are elsewhere. Then again, they haven't been to a 4th of July picnic or fireworks, or parade, since Mrs. Palin quit her job 5 years ago. Funny, the Wonderland Park, where all the festivities are held, is just across the highway from her house, but she and her inbred crew are afraid to show their faces! Gotta love it and gotta laugh!

    4. Anonymous3:21 PM

      No coinky dink that July 3rd was chosen.
      Happy 5th QUITTERS Day!!

    5. Anonymous4:04 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHA, you will not see any of them on July 3, 2014. That is Sarah Palin's QUITTER'S DAY ANNIVERSARY.That was the end of her 1/2 term FAILED political career. She will be in a Fetal Position with her door locked.

    6. Anonymous7:24 PM

      She can take tent-camping wine cooler Bristol anywhere she wants for publicity on a 4th of July weekend. Lots of people camping, here's to you, Leno Chin. It "is" QUITTERS DAY and they know it.

    7. Anonymous7:41 PM

      This is too well written to be by a palintard. Jenna Marbles maybe?

    8. Anonymous8:42 PM

      But will they do yoga in the aisles? THAT is the question.

      Shameless Colonel Klink mention.

    9. Anonymous4:44 AM

      If whining and bitching on a blog or on facebook is "activism" then I'm friggin' Martin Luther King, Jr. Fucking idiot.

    10. Anonymous9:23 AM

      No Hobby Lobby stores in Alaska - not anywhere in the state! So, it appears they (members of the Palin klan - Bristol, etc.) are in Arizona!

      Poor Sarah wasn't asked to be in the 4th of July parades anywhere in Alaska! And, the Republican party in Alaska wants nothing to do w/her!

      She quit as gov of Alaska five years ago tomorrow - July 3rd! Happy anniversary, sista Sarah! We are so glad to be rid of you in Alaska!

      You have screwed yourself over and over again and have no one to blame but yourself! Go play in the traffic honey!

  30. "Today's Sarah Palin rant against the President brought to you by the good folks at Facebook. (You know because nobody else will print it.)"
    And that right there is why her rants are becoming noticeably and increasingly angrier and angrier.

    Here, Palin, I'll do just like you do when you address the President directly. I'll address you directly. The difference is, you actually read here, whereas the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, is busy leading a country of over 330 million people while also working with other world leaders. He doesn't have time to waste on the facebook rantings of an uneducated, ignorant, stupid, washed up, has been, loser who has nothing useful to contribute.

    Remember, Palin, when you had your very own Huffpo page? Remember when your silly op-eds (remember when you had op-eds) were given big photographs and were the main above the fold story? Remember when your brain dead followers filled every comment board with hundreds of comments? Remember good old Hammer of Thor? Remember when you were a sought out guest on many different types of shows?

    Yeah. You blew it. You're just too fucking stupid and narcissistic to know it. You blew it. You're nothing now. Nobody is listening to you. Nobody cares about you. Once the President leaves office, you will reach rock bottom. The only reason you are noticed at all right now is that you are connected in people's minds with the same election in which President Obama was first elected and some is his relevance is reflected onto you by association.

    Once he is out of office, a washed up, lazy, dumbass quitter that couldn't even handle her own elected office and quit it years ago just won't mean anything to anybody.

    You're done and no matter how much and how loudly and how hatefully your ghostwriter and you spout your lies and stupidity, you will stay done.

    It's over, Palin. Over. You lost. You'll never come back, and nobody cares.

    1. Maple3:27 PM

      You nailed it! Bravo!

    2. There is an old joke on how the best way to torture a masochist is to do nothing to them.
      It is torturing Palin to be ignored by those with any intelligence. Did she really get any intellectual satisfaction of making a difference/connecting with people with her performance at the underwhelming "America Last Stand" with less than 500 actual tickets sold?
      The President said it perfectly in one interview when he responded to a reporter who asked what he thought of Sarah Palin. His simple answer was, "I don't think of Sarah Palin."
      Well said Mr. President.

    3. Anonymous3:40 PM

      That is a FACT. Every single thing that you wrote is true. She was handed an opportunity on a silver platter and she just pissed all over it.

      Her increasingly manic and unglued rants expose how frightened and angry she is that she just isn't interesting any more. She isn't 'new'. People know who she is and they have made their judgements of her. They don't want her. She oversaturated the media with herself and her loser family and people have moved on. They are bored with her and her klan. She brings nothing but hate and rage, sedition and faux patriotism, and more often than not, treason.

      It's deeply satisfying to see her crumble, to witness her decay. All that mean girl, snarky, smarmy, nasty, crude, low-down, ignorant commentary has saturated her soul and putrid vomit in the form of word salad is all she has. Even her ghostwriter is sounding unhinged lately. Probably freaking out that she may be losing a paycheck soon with the dwindling funds for SarahPAC.

      And you're also right about the hard-on she has for Barack. She can't stand the fact that he pays her no attention, no matter how much she screams for it. She has no power, no gravitas, no class, no education, she can't even speak like normal people speak. She can't make him 'pay' for stealing her VP crown, so all she can do is attack him from very afar.

      She's flailing. Bigtime.

      And she's just gonna get even crazier before it's all over.

    4. Anonymous6:11 PM

      She's getting pretty close to the "boiling the bunny" stage of her obsession.

    5. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!6:11 AM

      Snarky, smarmy, nasty, crude, ignorant mean girl.

      Those are her strengths, after all.

  31. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Blah, blah, blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah Shut up, asshole.

  32. Anonymous3:02 PM

    They need to apply for short term visas and then green cards and then citizenship. If they can pass the citizenship test then they can stay, if not then they are deported. Pretty basic stuff.

  33. Anonymous3:13 PM

    It's getting pretty scary out there...

    Alabama Residents Treated to Bigoted ‘Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White’ Billboard


  34. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I would say a more deserving person.

  35. Anonymous3:31 PM

    She has different teeth now.

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      She has had 3 sets of veneers since 2008. Yes, I have noticed, teeth are kind of my thing that I notice about people. I guess meth wears down veneers just like real teeth.

    2. Anonymous9:25 PM

      She changes her teeth more often than she changes her drawers. Meth kills.

  36. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Hey Sarah,
    I agree. I will not vote for President Obama the next time. That'll show him. Your Koch Bros. written drivel is too obvious.

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      I think if President Obama were able to run for a third term, he'd win. Know I'd vote for him in a heartbeat! But, now I'll gladly mark my ballot for Hillary if she decides to run!

  37. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Sarah, you are without question, the dumbest fucking c--t walking the face of the Earth. Truly, you are.

  38. Caroll Thompson4:16 PM

    I just love Bob Dylan and the lyrics to a song he wrote many many years ago. Back when a song was first a poem. Somehow this fits the situation that Sarah finds herself in:

    It's all over now Baby Blue

    You must leave now, take what you need, you think will last
    But whatever you wish to keep, you better grab it fast
    Yonder stands your orphan with his gun
    Crying like a fire in the sun
    Look out the saints are comin’ through
    And it’s all over now, Baby Blue

    The highway is for gamblers, better use your sense
    Take what you have gathered from coincidence
    The empty-handed painter from your streets
    Is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets
    This sky, too, is folding under you
    And it’s all over now, Baby Blue

    All your seasick sailors, they are rowing home
    All your reindeer armies, are all going home
    The lover who just walked out your door
    Has taken all his blankets from the floor
    The carpet, too, is moving under you
    And it’s all over now, Baby Blue

    Leave your stepping stones behind, something calls for you
    Forget the dead you’ve left, they will not follow you
    The vagabond who’s rapping at your door
    Is standing in the clothes that you once wore
    Strike another match, go start anew
    And it’s all over now, Baby Blue

    1. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

      It's a perfect analogy! What a brilliant man!

  39. Caroll Thompson4:58 PM

    Last week the Gov and the Democrat were tied. Last week LePage called Social Security and Medicare welfare. Maine is the oldest State in the Union (per person population - we are grey out here). This week the Democrat is five points ahead.

    Mike Michaud will soon be the next Governor of the Great State of Maine.

  40. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Yeah, Sarah, we know, OK? We really do. You've never gotten over the 2008 election, and you never will. Barack Obama is President and you're not, and your loss is consuming you (John McCain who?) with envy, hatred and resentment. Every one of your words screams it loud and clear.

    You need to give it a rest. Continually reminding us is unnecessary. WE GET IT.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      YES we do. Wait until she starts in on Hillary if she even dares. We all know she's not running ever again, and she will be again IGNORED. Oh, her bots are praying for third party, and her statement. "if something doesn't change, I'm leaving the GOP!" Well? We're waiting......dare you, $arah, you. No one cared, the elite nor we the peons. Pathetic watching her.

    2. Anonymous8:31 PM

      "if something doesn't change, I'm leaving the GOP!"

      LOL... that may be her funniest line

      We need to count each idle threat. How many times we she do that until someone gets her out of her misery?

    3. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Hit the road, bitch!

  41. Anonymous6:47 PM

    That is the MOST important thing right now?? FUCK NO, Mitch!

  42. Anita Winecooler7:04 PM

    She's really off her meds lately. I always envision "Emerald City" when she evokes the words of Ronald Regan referring to an energy wasting home with the lights on an no one home. Hey Sarah, you've got something in common with Ronald Regan, Nancy's Psychics wrote his speeches, and Nancy French/Rebecca of dented fridge compound, and bumper sticker writers write yours.
    Bristol's planning "love" day at hobby lobby, woo hoo! Bunch of idiots screwing in the aisles of a store- let's face it, that's her only hobby. The apple don't fall too far from the tree!

    Damn, this poor excuse for a woman should be ashamed of herself. President Obama's entrenched under her skin and all he does is ignore the bore.

    Don't look back, Sarah. "History in the Bible" taught us God will turn you into a salt lick.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      He already has. I still say she'll go the way of Michael and Whitney. She's in manic mode, just a matter of time.

    2. Compare that clown witch with elvis not MJ and Whitney, for christsakes

    3. Anonymous5:52 AM

      Game of Life, I agree 100%

  43. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Seriously...when has this whore ever done ANYTHING her beloved Bible tells her to do? Can any of her trolls cite ONE INSTANCE of her behaving in a Christ-like manner? She is constantly in rebellion against her god's word. The New Testament says she should respect the authority god places over her and that she shouldn't even be speaking AT ALL. If she prefers the Old Testament, then she is in violation of the commandments against lying, stealing, and coveting, and treating others like crap because they are foreigners. If her god is real, she is going to burn and she's gonna take a lot of fools right to hell with her for putting their faith in this false idol they call a "leader". She is of her father the devil and it's too bad her idiot followers can't see it. They are the stupidest people on earth!

  44. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!6:06 AM

    Can you imagine either being a parent and sending your

    Eight year old to cross into a foreign country alive? ?? I would be so terrified, as I'm sure the parents were.

    There would have to be some seriously dangerous events at home for our family to decide that this is the only way to save our child.

    I also can't imagine being the eight year old!

    This is not our fault but it's not the fault of the children.

    Such a complicated situation deserves the humanitarian care and experience of a large group of people.

    I completely trust president Obama ti handle the situation humanely.

    Sarah Palin can go suck on some arsenic.

  45. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!6:14 AM

    Yurtle the turtle needs to get his closeted ass on Grindr and leave the rest of us ALONE!

  46. Anonymous6:59 AM

    We all know $arah has an obsession with President Obama, but what is this obsession bristool has with Oprah? I been noticing it for a while now, and scratching my head, until I seen a clip of both bristool & $arah was on Oprah and bristool talking about not having sex until she's married, now normally Oprah's guests is capable of answering questions during an interview, and bristool just came off as stupid, unintelligent, dumbfounded, there was no "Gotcha Questions" $arah sitting there smiling and looking like a doofus, Someone once asked Oprah was she afraid of sarah palin becomingt the next Vice President in 08, and Oprah said "No, I'm not afraid, because I believe the American People will make the right choice---Priceless

  47. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Sarah on behalf of America, FUCK YOU AND YOUR DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY

  48. PalinsHoax9:39 AM

    Game of Life9:53 PM
    Compare that clown witch with elvis not MJ and Whitney . . .
    - - -
    Perfect! Though the Ol' Bloviator's jaw is much more manly than Elvis', her face is definitely more bloated than Elvis' and her scraggly ungroomed hair is no comparison to Elvis'.

    I wonder if Elvis stuffed pillows up his shirt to pretend that he was pregnant? I wonder if he liked sniffing the tops of oil barrel drums? I wonder if Elvis was ever married to a pimp?

  49. Anonymous7:19 PM

    That woman is a complete and simple idiot. Blabbering about nothing. Transparent? transparent is that face in the mirror sary heathen. Yes indeed, see right through is right. and America voted and it was NOT for you or your clown car of nothings, zip, zero empty no brainers. Poor old pile of dung just keeps going and going and going like a worn out hag.

  50. Anonymous7:25 PM

    It is nice to point out when are fun dumb mental azzclown ms heathen exhibits the giddy up of a turd in an outhouse. The woman is a mess. By the time the nitwit reads the LA times Our beloved prez will be living it up in Hawaii once again. This crazy bag is just pathetic, just pathetic. she just wont stop stirring her fate and ugly into a boiling pot of steaming chitzoid. NObody will ever forget her ignorance in the future.....she stirs her ugly daily.


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