Saturday, August 23, 2014

Actor Patrick Stewart wins the ALS ice bucket challenge.

Damn that is classy.

If you are on the internet for any amount of time, you cannot help but to see numerous ALS ice bucket challenges from....well from EVERYBODY.

In fact I really cannot think of anybody who has NOT done it yet.

Some of them are very entertaining, but after awhile there is this terrible redundancy to the whole thing.

So seeing the video of Patrick Stewart, of whom I am a great fan anyway, just made me smile.

And I thought it might help you to smile as well.

P.S. By the way Sarah Palin did the ice bucket challenge as well.

You know, maybe THAT'S the best one.


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Palin would have to fake her ice bucket challenge because we all know that happened when her water broke the last time...

  2. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Thats it? Hope he's paying his $100.

    1. Oh I imagine that check he wrote is for much more than that.

      Patrick Stewart is a very generous man.

    2. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Nope. He wrote it out for $100.00. You can watch closely...

    3. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Well, even if THAT check is for 100, it could be because technically that is what the challenge is.

    4. Oh, come on now, 7:22. It could just as easily be $1000. Which I think it was. (He has donated $1000 to umpteen other charities and VERY much more to causes he supports personally)

  3. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Which wig would Sarah Palin sacrifice? Maybe she could charge the wig damage to her PAC along with the ALS contribution.

  4. Balzafiar6:55 AM

    Pour a bucket of water over Sarah and it would flush all the rats out, causing widespread panic.

  5. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Loved both videos, but especially Wicked Scarah's video. You can bet She is not going to donate Jack Sheet to ALS or any other charity. You know, I'll bet this is the reason that She does not like to bathe.

  6. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Rmoney did it wearing a suit, white shirt and tie!! Someone said that is what he looks like naked!!

  7. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Benedict Cumberbatch did a really funny one. And Chris Evans had fun with his too. Check 'em out if you can.
    M from Md

  8. O/T but I'm sitting here at my desk working today when I start feeling a great disturbance in the force here in Charlotte. I go over to my local newspaper website and find this happening tomorrow:

    of course, the church insists that this is in no way political. Love the weather here in the south.... but the hypocrisy, it burns.

    btw - love the manly photo of ted

  9. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I ignore them. I ignore the challenges. I did lose a good friend on 8/14 who suffered lifelong from ALS. Unfortunately the $ raised does not go to the victims, and only 7% goes to research. I applaud whoever came up with the idea...tho' as it has increased awareness. ALS affects 1/00,000 people. If only we could do the same thing for a disease that effects the majority. Heart disease kills 1/5.

    There are so many ice bucket challenge fails with people ending up with broken bones, including broken necks. The worst one, IMO, involved firefighters at Campbelsville University yesterday. The firefighters are in critical condition because the bucket operator put them into the powerlines. He wins the Darwin award.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      See my post below about There are no admin costs.

  10. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Sarah Palin did the ice bucket challenge, LOL! If that's all it takes, how about a dunk in the dead lake?

  11. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Gryph, thanks for posting this. SO many people are growing weary of the Ice Bucket Challenge, I've seen others online that are angry because it's taking away from their charities.

    It hits home to me through a dear friend's son, Steve Gleason, former Washington Dtate Cougar and New Orleans Saint special teams captain. Diagnosed at 38, he has used his $$ to work with Microsoft, build a center for those afflicted to reside and get the best care possible, "No White Flags" is his motto. You can see what he does at

    This is not written as a plea for money, just see what he's doing as incapacitated as he is. EVERYONE has their struggles, and no one's plight is worse than someone else's. We all have but one life, and why I simply cannot suffer the likes of $arah Palin.

  12. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Funny she'll do the ice bucket but challenge her to show Trigs birth certificate and she chickens out.

  13. Anonymous1:21 PM

    It didn't take Sarah very long to see Stewart's ice bucket challenge here and copy it, using kitchen tongs instead of real ice tongs. Oh, and a diet Dr. Pepper, too, also. Sarah said that she was too old and at this point in her career.....what career? Posting videos on Facebook and exchanging comments with her handful of TV channel subscribers?

  14. Anita Winecooler4:33 PM

    She doubled the check, how sweet. Would be nice for the ALS foundation to show the returned check. Zero times Zero equals what again, Todd?
    Looks more like an infomercial for stupid. A christmas deer icebucket, dollar store cup with a "P" on it, and a wine glass of diet Dr Pepper. With decor that looks like a fourth of july parade exploded.
    The stills are the funniest part. Amazing what heavy duty wig glue can do!!!

  15. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Sarah Palin is a joke. Patrick's video was classy, didn't say a word, just calmly did his thing. Palin couldn't keep her mouth shut for 1/2 a second, apparently doesn't know how to pick up ice with tongs. She just rambles about bullshit. What is there to double? Last I checked there was no set donation.


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