Thursday, August 07, 2014

Author of the book "Awkward Moments Not Found in Your Average Children's Bible" receives mail. And by mail I mean death threats.

Courtesy of "Awkward Moments Not Found in Your Average Children's Bible" website:  

This week I received what is certainly not my first death threat, nor, I’m sure, will it be the last. Almost daily, I get what I would consider to be hostile emails from devout Christians (who have mostly not read our book), threatening everything from boycotts to bodily harm – even death. (Or, just weird guys like Dan.) Sometimes I also receive messages from atheists who think I’m too “easy” on Christians with some of our commentaries. In all honesty, I’m sure it just comes with the territory of working under a pen name (for good reason), making it easier for strangers to take pot-shots at what they perceive to be a character, not a real person. Coming through Facebook or email, these are relatively easy to track back to the sources, doing a bit of research and providing all of the necessary details to local authorities for follow-up (in case the subjects are known offenders in need of a refresher course about playing nicely with others). For the most part, these events don’t really affect me – I write under a pen name, I separate my writing from my personal life as much as possible, in order to maintain family privacy while protecting my other businesses from the unknown. You feel pretty safe until you open your personal mailbox to find an odd letter addressed to your private name – no return address, just a postmark from a couple of hours away.

A lot of things go through your mind while standing in the middle of the road, reading a letter like this: How did they get this address? How did they find my real name? What is this verse? Who are they? What do they want? This is obviously the King James? Are they serious? Would someone actually track me down at a speaking engagement to cause me harm? Where’s my wife? Where’s my gun? 

Panic. Fear. Just what they were hoping for. Possibly just what they’ve been taught. 

The author goes on to discuss the impact the letter has had on him, his family, and his plans to attend certain public gatherings. 

As you can imagine I completely empathize with this man's concerns, as I have also received death threats in the mail, as well as threats to contact my employers, or family members and tell them what a horrible person I am. (Yeah, as if they did not already know that.)

What I find very interesting about this threat is that it is NOT inspired by anything that could be categorized as slander or misinformation. In fact what seems to have angered the people responsible for this threat, and others, is that the authors dared to tell Bible stories that preachers and priests often minimize, or avoid altogether.

You know if I did not know any better it would seem that certain Christians simply do not want to have certain parts of their holy book exposed for the world to see.

But that can't be right, can it?


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    And the christians wonder why we don't like them?!?!

    I need a verse for those that ignore my "No Trespassing/No Soliciting" sign and come traipsing up to my house on to share their drivel. Is it okay to smite them? I'm sure there is something in that "good book" of theirs that will allow for smiting of the Trespassers. I always tell them they are Trespassing and unlike their god, I don't forgive those that trespass against me. If that doesn't do it there's always the pit bull or the bear spray...if only I had some lions, I hear that they love the taste of christians.


    In all seriousness, there are way more "christians" that do no favors to their favorite fairy tale than there are mindful christians adhering to the teachings of Jesus, but hey, if you read here you already know that.

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I remember a CCD class where the students wanted to act out OT stories (big mistake right there). I suppose you know what Lot's daughters do after their mom is turned to a pillar of salt? No? Why they get their dad drunk and try to get him to father their children, that's what. Maybe we should pick another verse….

  3. Anonymous1:04 PM

    When I've asked my Christian friends about these passages they are quick to tell me that those are from the OLD testament, and that they follow the NEW testament. Pick and choose what you like I guess!

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Hmmm. You mean the New Testament where Jesus hung around with lepers, tax collectors, prostitutes, etc.? Where he stated that let those without sin cast the first stone? Or in the book of Matthew where he says that the second greatest commandment is love your neighbor as yourself? Come to think of it, considering how many self haters we see in that group, then they are loving their neighbors as themselves. Also found in the book of Matthew is "Judge not lest ye be judged" That New Testament?

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      It's the same thing they do with the Constitution.

      They only like the First Amendment when applies to Christians, and they forget anything that comes after the Second Amendment.

  4. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Does book have a page where Bristol is stoned to death?

  5. Anonymous1:13 PM

    It seems to me that such so-called "Christians" are akin to many so-called "Constitutionalists" insofar as they have probably never read (nor fully understand) the documents they hold so bloody sacred as a matter of torturing their meaning to their own benefit. Sheer delusion and ignorance on a scale unseen in any other developed nation on Earth.

  6. Anonymous1:24 PM

    This may be the creepiest thing I've ever read. The piece of domestic-terrorist shit who wrote the threatening letter is likely feeling super righteous and proud of himself and, maybe, running for Congress as a 'tea party constitutional conservative.'

  7. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Let's all send a sympathy card to Jesus.......oh,wait........

  8. Anonymous1:39 PM

    But my question is, how did this person find out who the author really is? There was a leak somewhere. Probably at the publisher where someone saw the book and leaked the name.

  9. Anonymous2:23 PM

    More religion in the news today ... Baptist Church Leader Arrested for Soliciting Dog Sex on Craigslist.

    Can we find out if Sarah gave Trig's therapy dog to this guy?

  10. Randall2:33 PM

    There are a couple of scenes in Tobit (in every Bible except King James - and actually, in the earlier King James Bible) that should really be in there:
    when the bird shits in Tobit Sr.'s eyes, making him blind,
    when the fish tries to eat Toby's foot,
    the demon in his young bride's hoo-hah that keeps biting her husbands on their dick when they try to have sex on their wedding night, killing them...
    oh yeah, Tobit is probably my favorite, and definitely one of the funniest books in the Bible.

  11. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Guess boko haram are biblically inspired.

  12. Anonymous3:23 PM

    These people are insane!! But I do find it amusing that it's just too PC of you to write about radical Islam. I guess in Iraq, thousands of Christians are hiding in the mountains from radical Muslims. They are starving and the US will be sending them food. It was on NPR. Also on NPR was a story of Indian journalists who filmed Hamas militants setting up tents with rockets underneath for firing to Israel. They set them up right outside a UN school and in a crowded neighborhood. The journalists were pissed because so many newspapers / new stations refused to air their video or show their photos.
    We do have crappy media-rift, left, middle- it's all bad.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Link, please. Thanks.

    2. Anonymous9:06 PM

      I have no mercy nor sympathy for any weak-minded people that buy into ANY brainwashing device that is ANY religion. Grow a spine people and get real. You'll see your lives improve in a hurry. Until then, well, the religious nuts will keep killing off each other in the name of different religions. It makes me sick to hear that America is sending our tax dollars to a bunch of brainwashed nimrods; you have a religion? Then YOU fight your own damn battle and leave MY tax dollars out of it! America is NOT a christian country, so why the hell are we sending money to these religious freaks?

    3. Anonymous6:38 AM

      Feel free to write your own blog with what ever you want on it. In the mean time,provide links so people don't assume you pulled it out of your ass.

  13. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Yep, the Old Testament is full of all sorts of disturbing stuff.
    M from MD

  14. Anita Winecooler5:33 PM

    A serious death threat over a book that uses another book as a source? Whatever happened to "turn the other cheek"? What a shame these militant small c christians are doing to regular small c christians.
    Where was this dufus when "Life of Brian" was in the movies?


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