Sunday, August 03, 2014

Sovereign Citizen movement perceived as top terrorist threat.

Courtesy of START:

START researchers David Carter, Steven Chermak, Jeremy Carter and Jack Drew recently conducted in-depth surveys with more than 364 officers representing 175 state, local and tribal (SLT) law enforcement agencies to examine perceptions of: the threat of terrorism; the nature of information-sharing; and whether agencies are prepared to deal with terrorist attacks. Their results are published in “Understanding Law Enforcement Intelligence Processes,” available on START’s website. 

The Sovereign Citizen movement was the most highly ranked threat, with 86 percent of respondents agreeing or strongly agreeing that it was a serious terrorist threat. This is a significant increase in ranking from an earlier survey implemented in 2006-2007, which showed Islamist extremists to be law enforcement’s top concern at the time. In that survey, approximately 67 percent agreed or strongly agreed that Islamist extremists were a serious terrorist threat. 

“Identifying and prioritizing a threat is akin to hitting a moving target and evolves as new intelligence, data, and events develop,” David Carter said. “Law enforcement must be steadfast in identifying major concerns, substantiating the concerns, providing products and resources to better understand the nature of the threat, and supporting efforts to respond to such concerns.”

This is not exactly surprising since we have seen a number of sovereign citizen types either threaten to kill law enforcement types, like Schaeffer Cox did in Alaska, or actually follow through with those plans as we recently saw in Nevada

We also just saw them gather together and use the threat of violence to turn away federal agents during the Bundy Ranch standoff.

When was the last time Islamic terrorists did that on American soil?

And the truly frightening part is that there are politicians who are protecting these groups and actively seeking their support.

Yes Rick Perry I'm looking at you!


  1. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Let's not forget the report from Homeland Security in 2009 that was leaked. It pointed at right wing extremist groups as being a huge threat to the security of this nation. The Republicans and right wing media went nuts about it and accused the Obama administration as fear mongering. Um. Do you think any of those who criticized that report five years ago will now say "My Bad"?

  2. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Sarah's folks.

  3. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I totally agree. And the govt, not wanting another Ruby Ridge, allows the extremists to prevail. I honestly don't have an answer; I am truly scared for my country.

  4. Maple8:33 PM

    Who needs a Manchurian Candidate when you're got the enemy within. This is truly frightening.

  5. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Advocating the violent overthrow of the U.S. government is the definition of treason.

    Somehow, thousands of whackjobs are so emboldened by what they see on Fox, and read on the internet, that they have now come to believe that instead, it defines PATRIOTISM.

  6. Anonymous11:38 PM

  7. so put a bullseye on their heads. smart

  8. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Christian religious bigotry runs rampant in our military.

    ...Smith’s antics would almost seem laughable, if he didn’t represent our nation’s military. Sure, he no longer actively serves, but Smith still capitalizes on the respect we have for our soldiers, especially ones from elite branches like the SEALs.

    And here’s something you may not know: Our taxpayer-funded U.S. armed forces have been infiltrated by Christian evangelists who engage in overly-zealous recruiting and religious bullying against their non-Christian fellow soldiers. Furthermore, they’ve flagrantly disobeyed orders and endangered their comrades’ lives in Iraq and Afghanistan with their provocative anti-Muslim taunts.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.