Monday, August 25, 2014

Conservative pastor calls for a constitutional amendment that would criminalize homosexuality.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

In a video posted to his website last month that was flagged by the Good As You blog on Monday, Pastor Michael V. Williams asserts that Christians have been “increasingly tolerant” of gay people over the last 50 years. 

“Whereas homosexuality used to be a felony in every state — referred to as sodomy — it has now been decriminalized, and homosexuality is allowed to be openly expressed in public,” he notes. “While Christians are becoming increasingly tolerant of homosexuals, homosexuals are becoming increasingly intolerant of us.” 

“It’s time for Christians to resume obeying God and his word, and to re-criminalize homosexuality, outlaw it again,” the pastor continues. “The only way to do this and keep it beyond the reach of activist judges and unaccountable bureaucrats is to create a constitutional amendment.” 

Williams’ proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution declares that the “United States of America is a Christian nation with Judeo-Christian ethics, morals, principles and values.” 

And it decrees that the “practice of homosexuality in the United States of America and in all its territories and possessions, and in all its States, Counties and Cities shall be a felony punishable by ten years in prison at hard labor.”

But remember, these people are NOT homophobic. They just want to throw gay people into jail for simply loving the "wrong" people.

By the way don't you just love those production values in the video?

Kind of makes you wonder if Palin's video editors are moonlighting.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Why don't they legislate criminal neglect and abuse of the disabled since they are such sensible law makers?

  2. Anonymous2:54 PM

    And the part about churches being tax free.. and no politics? Does this guy pay taxes on the money his parishioners donate to him?

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      His domain name alone - should earn his church an IRS audit.

      Does the IRS still offer rewards for anyone turning in tax evaders? If they do then someone here should apply :)


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous3:15 PM

    What an ass! He is probably homosexual himself and in hiding.

  5. Here's the edit I made on this clown's site:
    1. The United States of America is a nation with ethics, morals, principles, and values.
    2. The practice of Christianity or other organized religion in the United States of America and in all its territories and possessions, and in all its States, Counties and Cities shall be a felony punishable by ten years in prison at hard labor.
    3. This Amendment shall take effect on the first business day after ratification.

    Especially because religion is a choice, I think it's a much more relevant amendment.

    1. Amen, brother.

    2. I think we should be like Mexico.

      Illegal for churches to have anything to do with politics whatsoever. If you preach politics from the pulpit, you are criminally prosecuted and jailed.

  6. eclecticsandra3:32 PM

    Sodomy is equivalent to homosexuality? Why do they focus on the sexual acts? I'm sure it indicates how out of touch they are with their own bodies.

  7. Say it with me now, uncle Gryphen- in Comic Book Man's voice:

    Werst. Closet Cayse. Evurrrrr.

  8. Do these people actually have lives?

    I'm serious.

    I would say, most of us have families, jobs, hobbies and interests.

    Not to mention, Charity Work.

    To overuse the phrase:

    Ain't nobody got time for that Gay Hatin'!

  9. Anonymous3:49 PM

    It's high time all religions were classified as businesses and taxed accordingly. Where in the Constitution does it say they should be tax exempt?

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      To be fair - churches used to perform many many charitable acts for their communities. Most were poor themselves and the government issued the tax exempt status to compensate their do-goodery.

      Today of course most preachers are scam artists so it's a whole different ballgame now.


    2. No place.

      Since the government has taken over the charitable works that churches used to do, I think it only fair churches pay their fair share of taxes to support those government services.

  10. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Love how he turns his body for each transition -- special effect? extra-seriousness? And what special rights do homosexuals want that no one else has?

    1. None.

      Nor do they want to deny anyone else their rights.

  11. Anonymous3:56 PM

    How about we just criminalize conservatives. All of them, that way none of these whacked out pastors slips through.

  12. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Hand-written letters get more attention than those new-fangled "type-written" letters, doncha know.

  13. Anonymous4:05 PM

    This cretin is a nobody, Just another attention whore, and he has his soapbox. What's he doing here? Why give him another one?

  14. What is wrong with people these days? I've never seen this much hatred for "others" with the haters letting their freak flags fly. Lately it's all ugly racism and so-called "Christians" claiming moral authority over everyone. Police departments are out of control. I'm ashamed of many of my fellow citizens.

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Not just police departments...beware of our military. One reason I have always supported the draft is because of the diversity that a draft brings to the it is becoming a religious organization ...scary stuff going on while only a few of us are watching.

    2. My brother was in the NAVY for four years and he came back calling President Obama,
      "The Sultan".


  15. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Watch These Painfully Ignorant Mississippians Explain Why They Hate Obama (Video)

  16. Anonymous4:20 PM

    My prediction: he'll be the FIRST person to break his proposed law.

    Everyone has to have noticed that the louder a person gets over "family values" or whatever, the quicker we hear that they've been busted for producing child porn in their basements.

  17. Read Frederic Rich's novel "Christian Nation". Ultimately in the book folks were forceably "born again" or were executed. And a variety of "others" were executed out of hand, like gays.

    But before that totalitarian end game was won, the novel's antagonists tried to get laws passed and amendments to the Constitution like the one this pastor wants.

    So, don't laugh. Many writers have been predicting the craziness of a totalitarian Christian Nation -- because the Christian right have not exactly made a secret of what their goals are.

  18. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Quite a few of male white christian pastors seem obsessed with sex that gay couples may participate in......makes me go Hmmmm.

  19. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Everyone with a functioning brain is becoming increasingly intolerant of christians, not just homosexuals. Trust me on this. You people are on your way out, stop fighting it so hard, religions come, religions go, and yours is gasping its last breath.

  20. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I was at a small corner store in Wasilla today. There was a man discussing Ferguson, MO and lamenting about why the media won't stop talking about this, and if it was a white person shot the story would have been dead already and blah, blah, blah, blah, holding me up in line. He finished his rant with "but I'm not a racist" and I countered with "sure, that's what they all say". It went a little bit over his tattooed, wife beater-wearing, 4-wheeler ridin', tiny little Wasilla brain, so I had to repeat it, and he still didn't get it until I asked him if his white sheets were at the dry cleaners, and he still didn't really get it. Valley Trash, can't even insult them because they don't even have enough brain cells to know you are disparaging them! For fucks sake, perhaps I keep living here because I can be one of the smartest people in town....and that's not saying much ;-)

  21. Anita Winecooler6:39 PM

    I swear this guy looks familiar. Does he wear raincoats and carry a newspaper to dirty movie theaters, you know, for research????
    I didn't watch the whole thing, people like this disgust me, but you're spot on with Sarah's production quality!
    They have their nose in women's private parts, and it's still not enough, they're so focused on the mechanics OTHER people do when all they need know is if it hurts, you're doing it wrong.

  22. If you "preach" politics you should no longer enjoy tax free status.

    Time for Williams and his church to start paying their fair share of taxes.

  23. Anonymous12:49 AM

    3:05 "Make such a pest of yourself that they're willing to do ANYTHING to shut you up".

    Gaydar pinging.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.