Monday, August 25, 2014

Hey Sarah Palin get your own ideas!

So the above showed up on Sarah Palin's Channel website blog as the "Picture of the Day."

As I am sure all of you remember I linked to this video along with my initial post about Patrick Stewart's classy ice bucket challenge. Which I am pretty sure gave Palin the idea for her failed ice bucket challenge.

So now not only is Palin attempting to be a blogger just like me, but now she is also stealing my ideas.

And she didn't even have the common courtesy to give me a hat tip.



  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Sarah doesn't have ANY original thoughts in her little pea brain...just goes to show you she reads your blog!

  2. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Gryphen, I just stumbled across Palin's latest Facebook post: their service dog for Trig, trained by an outfit that really trains dogs for wounded veterans has arrived....
    She posts seven new pix, in which she is featured in six. Trig's in one, totally ignoring the dog, which is being hugged by Sarah.
    So they let therapists teach their Gift, and the rest of the time a Labrador retriever will be his nanny.
    Can't figure out what screwy religious message is involved in naming the poor dog Jill Haddasah.

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Check out how small her tits are in white tee shirt pics.

      Dog ate the Belmonts.

    2. Anonymous1:43 PM

      She better keep an eye on Tri-G with the dog.
      Dog shit is soft and warm..Just sayin'. He might get hungry and that would be awful for poor little Tri-G.

    3. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Will Jill nap with Trig out in the truck, will Jill teach Trig how to speak?

    4. Anita Winecooler6:29 PM

      At least she'll try her best, he'll have a friend, and she's softer to sleep on than a frigging I pad.

  3. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Ah, Hadassahbis Hebrew for compassion, and was one of the names given to Queen Esther!

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      She believes she is destined to be the present-day Queen Esther. This is why she believed she was destined to be VP. She is mentally ill. This was clear to the McCain team and is an outgrowth of the ramped up over the top evangelical behavior she displayed as a teen. She is very ill and her family ought to gat help for her.

    2. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Woah, just wiki'd Esther and not being a person raised on the bible and not knowing anything about it boy am I confused by that story! Best I can tell is that Esther allowed the king to kill a bunch of non-Jews. That I guess would be about right for Mrs. Palin, so I guess the shoe fits?

  4. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Sorry, that should read Hadassah is....

  5. Anonymous12:58 PM

    The old seditious one has never had a original idea! That's what seditious sarah is all about, glommimg on to whoever, whatever, that will get her ugly fucking face out there! Yes she is IM owned, now pictures of the before unseen therapy dog, fucking predictable

  6. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Since Sarah has "committed" herself to coming up with topics for her "channel/videoblog/whatever", she will continue to use IM for ideas for topics. She is the laziest and stupidist b*tch I've ever seen.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Sarah, do an interview with Dr. CBJ so you can fuck each other over more.

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Absolutely! Dr. CBJ is never shown the appreciation she earned. My Gosh! Todd would be stuck with a Texas Fish Picker if not for the wonderful friend and unqualified Dr.'s delivery.

      I would think all the fans would love a sit down chat and questions to Dr. CBJ. To reminisce on the good old days. It is the perfect time to show some love for Dr. CBJ with the Life Choices speech coming up so soon. Everyone wants to know about her and Trig's progress and all the doctors who have cared for him during his life. There is no one, besides his pediatricians, that have had more care and concern for Trig.

      It makes no sense at all for Sarah not to include Dr. CBJ at this time. She has her own blog channel what is holding her back. Don't the fans want to know these things about Trig and about his care and the ones that know?

  7. Anonymous1:06 PM

    We own her. She is entirely without imagination or intelligence. I thought the ice bucket video was lame and disingenuous. She really has no sense of humor, especially regarding herself. The SNL skits and other skits she attempts look stilted and juvenile.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      She went on SNL to show she wasn't like how they portrayed her, then wouldn't even do the Palin rap, a pregnant Amy Poehler had to. If she can't poke fun at yourself, it shows just what a narcissist she is. Of course she mimicked Stewart, she hates anyone intelligent and refined.

  8. Anonymous1:08 PM

    If it is a search and rescue dog, they can use it to find Trig when they forget where they left him sleeping.

  9. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I went there to add a comment but there is no way to comment that I could find. I just wanted to tell her that I thought the dog was supposed to be Trig's not hers. All but one of her photos of the dog is with her and the one with Trig.
    I love animals and hate to think what this one will have to endure in her set up.
    Somebody save JILL.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Jill will be gone in two weeks, tops. It takes alot of effort to have a service dog.

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Jill is to save Trig. Saving Sarah from having to pretend she is looking after him.

    3. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Jill the Therapy Dog:
      1. I resent Sarah using the Hebrew name, Hadassah when she refers to the dog. Since Sarah is Queen Esther, and Esther is Hadassah, let's call the dog, Jill Sarah. It's more fitting since Sarah really is a female dog, a b----.
      2. The dog took a month or two longer than promised.
      3. After hearing Trig calling out in the video of Piper doing her Ice Bucket Challenge, it doesn't seem that Trig will be able to command the dog to do anything.
      4. Is the dog going to feed Trig?
      5. Is the dog going to make sure that Trig gets to the toilet in time?
      6. Is the dog going to teach Trig how to talk?
      7. Is the dog going to school with Trig, or is she going to be Trig's buddy instead of school?
      8. What happens when Sarah leaves to make her appearances? That dog requires an adult to walk her, feed her and look after her. I don't think that Trig can do any of that. Todd has to look after Sarah. Oh, Track, consultant's pay. And, Piper, too, also. Thanks for taking one for Sarah.
      9. The dog is going to be Trig's buddy? What are they going to do, sit on the couch together and watch cartoons?
      10. Maybe the dog is trained to prevent Trig from wandering off or falling in the lake. Maybe the dog is trained to bark if Trig is in danger. Too bad no one will be around the house to hear the dog.
      11. I know what the dog is for. He will sleep with Trig in the truck.
      12. I know what the dog is for. Jill is the prop for Sarah's speech about raising a special needs child.
      13. Is Trig still going to have a therapist, or is this it?

    4. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Jill is Sarah's speech therapist. Shhh.

    5. Anonymous3:05 PM

      @ 2:48 LOL!

    6. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Do you think that Sarah Palin watched those TV episodes of Lassie (or the movie?)
      Lassie: bark bark bark.
      What's that Lassie? Timmy fell down the well? Lead the way and we'll save him.
      Jill: bark bark bark
      Sarah: What's that Jill Hadassah? Where did you put Trig this time?

    7. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Regarding your question "will Jill be able to help Trig get to the toilet in time?"

      Trig is still in diapers full time. She never will put in the work to toilet train Trig. Because she has willfully kept him completely deaf and almost completely blind, potty training would take quite a lot of work. And we know how Sarah feels about, ew, work.

      She is embarrassed that Trig is still in diapers and she won't ever buy them for fear someone will see her/them. She orders them from Walmart dot com and amazon.

      I almost literally shudder to think about how often Trig is forced to languish in his own filth, only finding relief when one of his idiot family members is too bothered by the rank smell NOT to do anything.

      Oh, this poor boy. Sarah kept him mute so he couldn't talk, knowing he was guileless and wouldn't lie for her. So she just made sure he never spoke or heard the world around him.

      And this is why I hate her so very much.

    8. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Hey I'm with you, but sometimes I get the feeling that Trigger doesn't spend that much time with "the palin's". I think he visits them for photo ops now and again but I just don't see him living there full time. Unless they have a full time live in nurse/teacher postage stamper.

    9. Anonymous6:40 PM

      4:40 PM AGREE.

  10. Anonymous1:25 PM

    OT: Today is National Corn Dog Day!

    Can't wait to see how Sarah will h onor this truly American National Food.

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Thanks! Bad boy Track has been slipping backwards into a fog and not able to work the lately.

    2. Anonymous2:25 PM

  11. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I wonder if one personality gives her an idea about what she sees on the blogs, and another one carries it out and she thinks she thought of these things??

  12. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Now she can brag about her son Trig's new guide/therapy dog at her next FREE screech.
    Nothing but the best for her GIFT.
    Fuck you palin.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Now no one can accuse her of neglecting him for the first 6-7 yrs of his life and setting him back to a place he can not fully recover. Because WOW! she finagled a therapy dog for Trig.

  13. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Sarah copies Gryphen and the ideas she gets off of IM like she copied Oprah's hairdo or dressing like whoever she's obsessed with at the time.

  14. Anonymous2:01 PM

    What a patriotunt.

  15. Anonymous2:01 PM

    So, Sarah, will we be seeing you at the Alaska State Fair this week? A great photo op!

  16. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Today is his burial.

  17. Anonymous2:08 PM

    She so much reminds me of an awkward gal in high school I once knew. She copied everything the "cool girls" did, wore, said. It only made things worse for her. She obviously wasn't one of them, but it was so sad and embarrassing to watch her try so hard to be. I don't think she ever really understood how much people laughed under their breath at her. It was pathetic. Her name was Sarah, too.

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      I agree. I have observed more than once that Sarah seems stuck in middle school, as do all her spawn. I'm pretty sure the "you haters are all jealous!"-troll with the poor syntax is a Palin.

      Sarah is always copying the current "fad"--usually two days later--as if she was in her teens, not her fifties. When the adults are talking, she acts out, plays the class clown, anything for attention but with nothing to add to the conversation.

  18. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I know that Sarah knew the woman who owns and runs the dog training facility. Training those dogs to work with the disabled or with vets who have PTSD takes a lot of time and cost a lot of money. I wonder what kind of therapy the dog can offer Trig, other than companionship and a warm snuggle. I can't imagine Jill being a substitute for a speech therapist. I can't imagine Jill being able to work with Trig to pick up a Cheerio and feed himself. I can't imagine Jill providing the therapy that would help Trig develop to his full potential. It looks as if Jill is just an expensive companion who might calm Trig's nerves and make he feel happy. Yes, and Jill can snuggle with Trig when he sleeps in the truck. It looks as Jill will end up being a substitute for the adults and kids who should be interacting Trig on a more regular basis.And Jill will be the spotlight star in Sarah's speech about raising a special needs child.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      The therapy dogs I've been around or known of take commands from their person. Is Jill being trained to Trig's particular voice and ability? I don't exactly understand how it will all work. Yes, I can see Jill will snuggle and sleep with him. There may be some play.

      What about a dog like Tripp's? Will Jill be able to do more with Trig? If someone else is there Jill could fetch a clean diaper and things like that.

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      I'm thinking Jill will head for the hills ASAP. Poor thing, though it's probably all another palin hoax. I can't see Her Anus popping all that money just for Trigger. He's valuable to her but not that valuable. Poor kid.

  19. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Didn't Sarah get the joke that she was the Wicked Witch of the West who was melting when the water splashed on her?

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      On RW blogs, they are calling Hillary the Wicked Witch.

    2. Anonymous3:46 PM

      3:12: and in wingnut country in Texas ricky perry is the next president...dipshit.

    3. Anonymous5:49 PM


      I'm not a fan of Hillary either, but really, call her a witch if you must, but she is about 10 million times more qualified to hold office, any office, than is Mrs. Palin: failed Mayor, failed Oil and Gas Commission member, failed Governor and failed VP candidate.

  20. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Palin is owned by this blog, We asked where Jill the therapy dog is, poof, here she is, only they gave her a Jewish middle name,!/sarahpalin/photos/pcb.10152678846113588/10152678838963588/?type=1&theater

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      What took Jill so long? She was to be with Trig last month I thought? Did Sarah really need a reminder from IM? lol

    2. Anonymous4:05 PM

      LOL... they got Trig a therapy dog to show him how to eat solid foods and poop.. There ya go, Sarah Palin has officially farmed out parenting like she did when Wasilla hired a City Manager to do the job a mayor is supposed to do.

    3. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Perhaps Jill will teach Trig how to eat kibble, he's going to skip Cheerios and go right to kibble. Hope Jill is on a nice organic formula, perhaps Blue Buffalo, so that Trig can get his RDA of required vitamins and nutrients, cause you betcha, this dog is going to have that little boy eating food from her bowl in no time. Hope she's trained well enough to allow him to feed with her.

  21. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Does trig have seizures? Therapy dogs can sense when one is coming on and alert others. I'm assuming this new dog won't be doing therapy per se. More likely a companion dog that comforts trig or for safety so he doesn't wander off. If the dog is a true therapy dog, Trig and his care taker would have to train with the dog for several weeks. Will we be seeing those photos? He seems very young to have a therapy dog. Also, therapy dogs are working dogs, not pets. I wonder who in the family will be responsible for the dog?

  22. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I'm sorry ahead of time for Trig. He will just get used to depending on Jill and loving Jill, and Jill will go the way of all the other Palin pets.

    Who knows where they go, but once the "shiny new object" value has worn off, the all disappear.

    Who will comfort poor heartbroken, lonely Trig then?

  23. Anonymous5:14 PM

    She has a disconnect and doesn't really understand that most people see her as the Wicked Witch of the North...she thinks she's awesome, but only a few Alaskans and a few crazy people on the Pee site even think she's sane.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Think of a person like Jim Jones. Any cult leader. They are surrounded with fearful people who are stuck in a belief system they must keep up. They feed her sickness and she feeds theirs.

  24. Anonymous6:05 PM

    It seems criminal that no one can get Trig into a normal household where he will be taken care of properly, although it is likely too late to give him the tools to become at least a bit confident and independent :(

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      It is criminal. It is nice when a kid gets a dog. At least it is a nice photo op.

      But the fact is no one knows where Trig comes from.

      You can't take the word of a habitual chronic liar. That will use anything to make money, deception and fraud does not bother her at all. We know more about the dog then facts about Trig Palin or how many Trig Palins there have been.

      The folks that trained the dog know Jill 'Myrtle' will be used as a prop. How much money that will ad to the Palins bank. I would like to know if the place where the Palins got Trig actually know how much his life is about being a prop? Sarah did a video about how his life has never been about meeting his needs and watching over him so he is able fulfill his potential.

      The Palins have made millions off of Trig? How much more money will Trig and Jill bring in for the 'what's in it for us' family?

  25. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Where is Dr. Cathy and Trig's pediatrician?

    1. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Paging Dr. CBJ, paging Dr. CBJ!

  26. Anita Winecooler6:33 PM

    So Sarah copied your idea. where's the libel slander troll? LOL

  27. Anonymous4:19 AM

    You are vain G


  28. Anonymous4:22 AM

    This picture was reposted by half of my 1000 fb friends. And those are all people I personally know.

    Which brings me to a good point. Facebook is such a legitimate way to reconnect it's almost scary. The fact that I am friends again with people I haven't seen in 37 years, well, facebook is amazing.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.