Friday, August 29, 2014

Conservative website, The Daily Caller, publishes interview with Tonight Show producer about extravagant demands by Sarah Palin. Inspiring Palin to shout "Fire up the Facebook!"

"Wait, we needed to hire a fucking plane to get you here?"
Courtesy of Mediaite:  

This week, The Daily Caller’s Jamie Weinstein published an interview with longtime Tonight Show producer Dave Berg, who has a new book out about his experience working with Jay Leno titled Behind the Curtain: An Insider’s View of Jay Leno’s Tonight Show. Included in the piece are some comments about Sarah Palin that the former Alaska governor is rushing to correct. 

“After the campaign, she had a book to promote, and wanted to do the show, but it was difficult to work out the logistics because she didn’t like to be away from her family for long periods of time,” Berg told Weinstein of Palin. “Finally, the only way we could get her to come to Burbank was to book a charter jet from Anchorage for $35,000. The jet was big enough to accommodate all of her family members.”

We have all heard of the outrageous demands that Palin has demanded in the past so of course this is not at all hard to believe. And it is even easier to believe since we covered it here at IM way back in June. (Scroll to the bottom.)

Of course hearing this infuriated Palin who quickly applied the whip of inspiration to her ghostwriter's back and she quickly pooped out this post: 

Guess the boys at The Daily Caller spent a bit too much time at the frat house and not enough time in their college library. (Or maybe it’s in one of their Jr. High tree forts where their leader gathers the boys to “report” their “conservative” issues.) Their claims about what I supposedly “demanded” of the Tonight Show are, in their frat boy terms, B.S. This is not the first time we’ve had to correct their sloppy “journalism.” Paraphrasing and dramatizing sure doesn’t fit into any fair and balanced image, especially from a little fella loving his title of FOX News Channel host. Maybe those bow ties are a bit too tight, bros. 

In contrast to your erroneous reporting (Hey! Come to think of it, this time it’s merely erroneous; it’s not your usual misogynist slant!), we loved visiting the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. I had a blast on the show. Leno’s team was top notch, professional, and funny; and some even brought their families to work that day so they could meet mine. That was neat! Thanks for the memories, Jay! 

I’m looking forward to reading Dave Berg’s great new book “Behind the Curtain: An Insider’s View of Jay Leno’s Tonight Show.” Dave reached out by email to my team to share the following: “I consider Gov. Palin’s booking on Jay Leno’s Tonight Show one of the best gets I ever got. I had worked long and hard to book her, both during and after her vice-presidential campaign. She turned out to be a charming guest, who also did a killer standup, and her ratings won the night by a large margin. You can’t ask for more from a guest.” 

Thank you for the kind comments, Dave. Back at ya!

Okay well here's the thing, producers like Dave Berg deal with divas ALL of the time.

Just because he sent her a nice e-mail schmoozing her a little, which he probably does to all of the challenging guests, does NOT mean he did not think she was a pushy bitch.

And by the way the website that I sourced way back in June was the Hollywood Reporter.

So is Palin claiming that both the Daily Caller AND the Hollywood Reporter demonstrated poor journalism? Or is it possible that she is just pissed off that somebody let the world know that she is a pretentious celebutard, who is ALWAYS squeezing the very last nickel out of every public appearance.

Remember her family's motto:

"What's in it for us."


  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    she is such an idiot. even on fb a few people made the comment "what is erroneous about this article by the daily caller?" berg was interviewed and it was his words quoted so how can skank applaud berg and lambast dc? oh yeah, she can do this because she is an idiot. next!

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Her IQ = 83.

    2. I think you transposed her IQ it's 38. trig has an IQ higher than that insufferable witch.

  2. Pat in MA4:48 PM

    The only BS in the story is her claim that she didn't want to be away from her family for long periods of time! It was more like 'who wants to come on a free trip to Burbank CA?'

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      You got that right! Remember Levi in the Vanity Fair article said Sarah was excited about getting free new clothes and getting to stay in nice hotels when she got picked VP. "What's in it for us" is their family motto.

    2. Anonymous9:51 PM


      Which is why she wears new and glamourous clothes.

      Tank will say anythnig for money

    3. Anonymous12:26 AM

      She did in clothes for every appearance, remember? And new shoes, wigs that fit, and nice, tailored jackets. Not to mention the silk underwear she picked up in Minneapolis for the whole crew. I do recall that after the campaign was done,. the GOP wanted the clothes back, and old Sarah refused. "MINE!" And then when it was made an issue, she claimed she never wanted all that fancy stuff; she only shops at second hand stores. So, dear Sarah, forgive us, but your version of events is never the truth.

    4. Anonymous2:20 AM

      9:51 The ONLY time she has looked presentable were when she wore the expensive RNC clothing. Apart from those, her style is "early Salvation Army" As for Tank "will say anything for money" he must be a distant relative of the PayMe clan. Either that, or one of Bristles many kids.

    5. Anonymous3:52 AM

      Dumbass troll, are you trying to deny the FACT that she spent almost $200,000 on clothes for herself and her family, paid for by taxpayers? That shit ain't flying 'round here.

    6. Anonymous7:55 AM

      9:51 Sarah Palin will say anything for money.

  3. Anonymous4:50 PM

    With all the problems in the world right now, which Sarah described in her previous FB post, why is she sitting at home twiddling her thumbs and doing nothing?

    Can't she find something to do in her wildlike playground up there in AK, besides thinking of only herself and what celebrities write about her? Can't she ever do something productive in her life?

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      That's her job, and she thinks that keeping her name in the media is productive. Sarah's job is to keep promoting Sarah Palin.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      So if Sarah didn't want to be away from her family, how come we have seen her away from her family??? She can't have it both ways. It's not as if she was the one giving Trig all of those exercises and therapy every day. He never had any. Her other kids were neglected. Even Curtis Menard Jr. knew that Sarah was not taking proper care of her kids.

    3. Anonymous9:52 PM

      And we all know what happened to Menard Jr. after he confronted Sarah Palin about his 2 kids.

    4. Anonymous9:52 PM

      You do know you're taking an innocent thing and completely changing it right? NO ONE has ever said Sarah is a bad mother. Curtis' wife SAID "the kids were never in danger or neglected." She said Curtis believes WOMEN SHOULD WORK. Which is disrespectful actually. He would think YOURE ALL the same.

    5. Right bitch. Why are the questions brought up in the first place? How do you know what was said, you fucking liar?

      Fact is sarahy is a piss-poor mother and grandmother. Wasilla knows that much.

      the tart quit her elected job and ditched her parental duties. All her kids are delinquent and dumbasses. Enough said.

    6. Anonymous2:25 AM

      $carah's motherly instincts were on full display during the campaign. I watched in horror as Piper staggered around the stage, carrying Trig. A few times she was danderously close to the steps. There was $carah (and Trig's momma Bristles) completely ignoring the whole thing, smoozing with the big wigs. A REAL caring person would have taken the baby away immediately, avoided a disaster. $carah's true mothering instincts came through loud and clear then, she has none!

    7. Anonymous3:55 AM

      He would think YOU were a fucking idiot, though. And he'd be right. You're damn near incoherent.

    8. Anonymous7:53 AM

      9:52 So now you know Curtis' wife? You must be the most well known 'friend' in Wasilla. Keep dreaming. BWAHAHAHAHAHA, you are a clown.

    9. Anonymous11:09 AM

      I watched in horror as Piper staggered around the stage, carrying Trig. A few times she was dangerously close to the steps.
      (not to mention the influenza scares and the baby being in all those crowds)

      Was the RNC convention time before or after Trig's heart surgery?

      You know Sarah. She popped him and in a day or 2 he was at work with her. At least that was the publicity and photo ops. There was a baby that was already at work for the Palins.

      A mother like that might need a baby prop and take him from the hospital immediately after surgery. I am curious about the timing of Trig's many tours and travels and his surgery or surgeries. Heart? Ears? What more? Sarah already said she neglected his care and well being and now he can't manage to pick up a Cheerio, eat, form words. Also had she not neglected Trig he may be in a better place with pooping in his diapers.

    10. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Not sure about heart surgery, but the baby at the RNC is not the ruffled ear baby from the Palin kitchen pictures, and no baby would have his ears corrected at such a young age. 4 is the absolute minimum! The baby may have been wearing "earforms"...remember when Sarah said "earforms" instead of "earmarks" as she answered a question? Who the hell would say earforms out f the blue?? Someone with a secret to hide would say it as a freudian slip though.

    11. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Anonymous9:52 PM

      He would think YOURE ALL the same
      Well...we know YOU'RE ALL STUPID, all of you trolls any of 'em all of 'em dumber than a box of rocks! Just like the Methqueen.

  4. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Did a killer stand up routine my ass.I read numerous reports by people that were in the audience and everyone said she bombed.They had to use a laugh track because basically there was silence.

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:02 PM

      Hence, the producer's use of the word "killer" to describe Sarah's routine.

      He was damning with faint praise. She bombed.

    2. Exactly. Berg's email to her was standard "so happy to have you, come back again real soon" that any host says to any guest, whether at home or a talk show. You don't roll your eyes until they are gone.

    3. Anonymous8:59 AM

      She was in a selling-a-book stage. She definitely used a Lear 60 and played up the family stuck like super glue routine. It's an old con and has worked for her. She is doing it to this day and it costs her plenty. Her adult children can't leave the prison yard without a pass and she must spend a fortune to pretend they are not all held back and undeveloped like what she did to Trig.

      I don't get why she is so thin skinned over a little prick like this. She's had bigger cuts from her ilk. A few she has totally ignored. So why is she bothering with this one?

      Her syndicate has been trying to get her image back to the corn ball crap her brother would write, like floathing on a dead lake into her kitchen as simple Sarah feeds Trig and Todd does the grass. LOOK... family together, crappy casual like potential donors!

      “Despite Palin’s diva-sounding request,” as described by Weinstein, Berg was complimentary of Palin, saying the money was well spent.
      Jamie Weinstein

      Why her big protest over such a little thing?
      "What's in it for us."

  5. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Too bad something didn't happen to the jet carrying 'her highness' either to or from CA! Wouldn't the silence have been golden all these years later?

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Not funny

    2. Anonymous8:10 PM

      yeah, i'm not laughing but the thought's spot on -

      i didn't think it was funny when Dar Miller, Curtis Menard, Christina Taylor Green et al lives were ended either

    3. Anonymous9:13 AM

      If you are thinking of reap what you sow, that is from the Bible. It is good not to be deceived. Charlatans and blasphemes are among the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst.

      "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap." Galatians 6:7

      "As I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same." Job 4:8

      "Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rod of his fury will fail." Proverbs 22:8

    4. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Don't give up hope yet. I believe the GOP will end her in a plane crash when the time comes. i'd be afraid if i were her. In fact, I'd never fly if I were her.

    5. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Anonymous6:57 PM

      Not funny
      Funny Hilarius and Karma!

    6. Anonymous1:42 PM

      11:48 AM Agree. I don't know how GOP will do it, whatever works I guess. It can be said to be God's plan. Those humble GOPs will not want to take the credit.

  6. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I remember her "standup" was so "good" that they had to add a laugh track. There is nothing funny about that Ho.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      I didn't see your reply, I just said the same down further.

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      This, the woman, who has zero sense of humor - doesn't have a clue how to make others laugh (except for her idiocy!) - and thought being on the Jay Leno Show a blast and Jay being 'funny'! Does she even know what that last word means?

  7. Anita Winecooler5:12 PM

    She just laid another of her square eggs. Fists she bitches about Berg, when all he did was tell the truth, then she praises Jay Leno. WTF? Now I get why she needed a private plane, she needed to trace Jay's jawline for Mini Me's new chin.
    Do you have any clue how many septic systems that kind of money could provide? There isn't one big enough nor deep enough for her bullshit. Sarah really needs to GAL. (That's wasillan for "Get a life",I heard from a reputable source.) Berg should sue her for slander. .

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      She's playing whack a mole with a significant part of the english speaking world now. She is losing.

    2. One thing for sure, the skank is used-up. she couldn't get on the show now, if her whole damned family came by bus.

      Funny thing is, she still thinks she's hot. rnc, dried-up appearances, no call backs and her phony, sparsely idiotic glog should have given her big clues but she's a dumbass.

  8. Anonymous5:14 PM

    berg is a conservative republican. just sayin

  9. Anonymous5:17 PM

    "also did a killer standup," Yeah...I saw it once in 2008 at the RNC....haven't seen it since. What a yahoo.

  10. Anonymous5:17 PM

    It's too bad that the excuse was that Sarah couldn't be away from her family. How in the world was Sarah planning on serving as Vice President? The Vice President does not get to bring his or her family along on state visits to other countries, or when presiding over the Senate. Sarah did bring her kids along when she was Governor, dragging Piper and Trig along on official State of Alaska visits. Our governor doesn't do that. I couldn't tell you what his family looks like, nor the family of previous governors.

    If I have my choice of believing the former producer of a successful TV show or the failed vice presidential candidate who quit her job as governor, I'll take the producer's word for it. Sarah has been on record as telling some other lies, big ones. No, I'm not talking about Trig. But she did try to convince Steve Schmidt that Todd meant to check "independent' as a choice on a ballot when we know (and Steve knew) that Todd had been a member of the Alaska Independent Party for 7 years, and checking the box for AIP was no accident.

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Stop making sense! Just stop right now!!!

    2. Her and toad's involvement in AIP was a lie and she wanted others to lie about it too.

      sarahy and toad talk of seceding from the US but they run from and lie about it when they are confronted.

      she's a freakin douchblood.

    3. Anonymous2:31 AM

      The ONLY reason she did not want to be away from the family was fear of one of them telling the TRUTH. Had to drum into their heads that Trig was their brother. Plus what a close, religious family they are.

  11. Anonymous5:18 PM

    "frat house", "Jr. high tree fort", "college library", "gather the boys", "especially from a little fella loving his title of FOX News Channel host", "maybe those bows tie are too tight, bros".

    Hi Sarah, is that the best you could do? It's tough to emasculate without using your standard lines of cajones, mom pants, or man up, isn't it.

    I don't remember that Sarah did a "killer stand-up routine". I thought she was awkward and her routine fell flat.

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      How long ago was this any way? Jay has been off of late night TV for a while. Oh, the book just came out. A bigger person would just laugh it off. By protesting, Sarah draws attention to something that most people wouldn't notice. Sensitive much?

    2. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Hate education much, Serror? Everyone knows how jealous you are of educated, intelligent people. Especially women.

    3. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Maybe if her daughters could meet some "Frat house boys" they could get out of Wasilla and expand their horizons. i mean really they have gone through the single guys in Wasilla and nobody bought it who's left? Get those girls out of there Sarah and who knows they could meet a future NBA player.

    4. she writes like a 5th grader who's stuck in the 80s. she is so uncouth and ditzy. Yeah she went to college. HAHAHAHAHA

    5. Anonymous2:34 AM

      No frat boy or professional athlete wants to take "left overs" with numerous kids by different guys. They have gorgeous, young, ambitious girls chasing them. They pick the cream of the crop, not lazy skanks who still live off their mothers.

    6. Anonymous5:18 PM, you said it more concisely than I did further down. Creepy, isn't it?

  12. Anonymous5:20 PM

    They reported she asked for a 35k plane ride for the clan.
    She said the reporting was erroneous.
    Nowhere in her retort does she refute she asked for a 35k plane ride.
    So what's erroneous, according to her?

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Maybe it was less, like $32,000. Why hasn't Sarah sued if it's libel?

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Maybe it was more, like $37,000.

  13. I noticed that she didn't deny the story about the private jet.

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Kerry5:24 PM

      I noticed that she didn't deny the story about the private jet.
      She's flippin' pissed b/c she got caught Griftin'! She makes everyone sign non-disclosure clause so when "something" gets out, like private jets and bendy straws its pisses her off and there's nothing she can do about it except maybe sue which she won't do b/c of DISCOVERY Where EVEN MORE would get out!!! Bwhahaaaaa! Suck it up Bitch!

  14. Anonymous5:25 PM

    They don't know Sarah. She needs to correct the slander before everyone else is slandering her. Go Sarah. Set the record straighthe. You are a wonderful mother, Sarah. Don't let the sextint do this to you.

  15. Anonymous5:25 PM

    "We are family....
    I got all my junior grifters with me...
    We don't need to work it's plain to see...
    We make our millions off of rubes at C4P...".

  16. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Sarah says, "Leno’s team was top notch, professional, and funny; and some even brought their families to work that day so they could meet mine."

    That's sort of like a short version of Scared Straight. "Okay kids, you're going to meet a pimp, a quitter governor, a druggie, an unwed teen mother, and a kid who vandalized a house after breaking into it. None of the kids are high school graduates and the parents are not too bright. Take a good look because this family is what you do NOT want to be like".

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Sarah's ego is beyond belief - as usual!

      Who in the hell would want to physically meet her or any other member of her family? I know I assuredly wouldn't! And, know many others that share the same feeling.

      We know too much about them (proven facts!) that have given the Palin/Heath clan a 'forever' undesirable aura around them!

    2. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Let's say they were thrilled and excited to meet the Palins. That does not negate the FACT that the producers had to pay for a private plane to get the Palin family grifters to California.

      Sarah is throwing good commentary out there trying to offset something.

      This doesn't make logical sense, but we are talking about Sarah's deflection plan. Don't address the issue, don't argue with facts, just throw something that sounds good out there and hope everyone only notices what you said and not what the original issue was.

      She may have a short attention span, but we don't.

    3. Yeah she is the elite that she'd makes fun of. Pitiful old saggy uneducated racist cow.

  17. Edward R. Murrow5:33 PM

    She's such an expert on good journalism.

    Sarah, when you say something isn't true, then you have to provide your side of the story. How did you get to and from L.A.?

    Otherwise, your lengthy post can be summed up as "No comment" about your trip. That's usually the alibi for those who don't want to discuss the facts.

  18. Anonymous5:45 PM

    How can Sarah think of pretending that she might run for president when she can't take a little criticism? She has such thin skin. Of course Sarah takes private jets. She used them for when she flew from endorsement to endorsement. You don't expect Palin to wait in an airport with all of those other people. Sarah used private jets when she traveled around last year, promoting her book. For all of the insults that Sarah throws around at others, it's amazing that she isn't strong enough to stand up to a story about her-- a story that's probably true.

    Hey, where's the troll, telling us to stop spreading lies? Sarah's prickly facebook and her thin skin speak for themselves.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      The 'just no' troll is licking her wounds from the horrific beating she took last night.

    2. Anonymous9:48 PM

      She just wants people like YOU to be nice, not lie, not trash, and get alife

    3. I'm wondering if she had to report that $35,000 gift to the IRS?

    4. 9:48 You lie too. STFU

    5. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Anonymous9:48 PM

      She just wants people like YOU to be nice, not lie, not trash, and get alife
      How the fuck do YOU know what SHE Wants Troll?
      Unless you are ONE OF THE GRIFTERS also,too?
      ARE YOU?
      Otherwise STFU with your stale bullshit.

  19. Anonymous5:53 PM

    omg, I'm embarrassed FOR her.

    She actually brought out the "thank you" (excuse me "Dave reached out to my team") that every guest gets after doing the show?

    "Lookie here! They emailed to tell me that they think I'm wonderful!!"

    1. Anonymous12:32 AM

      Why did Sarah have 'a team' in 2009? She lost the race. She was about to quit her job. She can answer a phone...she's usually typing on two of them at once. "My team." Oh, she sounds like she's so important. Fail again, Sarah. How does it feel to be a complete and utter failure at life?

  20. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Bullshit to stand up comedian They added the laugh track before it aired.

  21. Anonymous6:12 PM

    You know, it's almost sad how we have to witness this woman try to reinvent herself in a million ways to counter the fact that she's a proven idiot. You can't change history, $arah, you blew it no matter who you hire to change your image. You can buy your Facebook likes at 5K per month, but, in your soul, you know you're a worldwide laughing stock. That you prey on those too blind to see what you're about is a travesty and, quite frankly, I don't see how you sleep at night.

  22. Anonymous6:13 PM

    UNITED STATES is in the house. LOL

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Hi Sarah

    2. Anonymous7:43 AM

      UNITED STATES, WASILLA, and LOS ANGELES are always simultaneously in the house. They consult each other before coming here. They have a Troll convention by texting each other. Sarah Palin is involved with the 24/7 Troll. Isn't that right, LOU SARAH?

    3. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Isn't Los Angeles BRANCY?
      Her ghost?
      Or was that Bristol? Not afraid to lie?

  23. Boscoe6:18 PM

    wow... it's just mindboggling how completely unstable and infantile she is.

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      What is mindblowing is how NO one in the Lamestream media is talking about how completely unstable, methed out and fucked up 12 yr old she is who was "almost" VPotus! Now that is fucked up!

  24. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Sarah Palin didn’t want to be away from her family? This is laughable beyond laughable. Friends who know her in Wasilla say she wasn’t home when she was home! She popped out babies because they looked good on her arm. There was no there there. The poor kids were worn like jewelry until they grew up and demanded direction. She is a superficial drama queen who became an adult in the 19080s and thought the show Dallas was real life or ought to be! There is a good chance she suffers from borderline personality disorder.

    1. Anonymous8:10 PM

      thinkin' she popped out babies because she's too stupid to remember to take a pill.

    2. Anonymous11:44 AM

      There is a good chance she suffers from borderline personality disorder.

      no it is established that she has many a psychiatric diagnosis - tis why there were no health records revealed.

  25. Beldar J Conehead6:25 PM

    #1 rated Troll Simulator!!!
    Accept No Substitute

    IM commenters
    - are haters, nasty, suckers, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, pieces of filth, classless, ignorant, jealous, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
    - don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, don't have lives...
    - should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...

    She, on the other hand,
    - is nice, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, real, not seedy, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, hard working, private, intelogent, living vibrantly, happy...

    - is probably not even his real name, matters not, not a great father, a lying putz, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      You are sucking the air out of our troll.

    2. Anonymous9:46 PM

      You're right. haters are a waste of space. Whats worse, Gryphen KNOWS he's a liar who actually tries to ruin people ie kids.

      THAT is criminal

    3. Anonymous12:36 AM

      Honey, just how has Jesse ruined anyone's life? All he does is report facts. I know facts to Sarah are like a wooden cross to a vampire, but if the facts hurt her, maybe she ought to try to live a better, kinder, life, instead of calling people names, trying to emasculate every man who doesn't fall at her filthy feet, and lying to make money. SHE is the millionaire, built on the backs of people like you. Gryph is just trying to get the truth put there.

    4. Anonymous2:50 AM

      Kids? Which kids? Once you give birth, your childhood is OVER, you are supposed to be an ADULT. Nobody is trying to destroy anyone, except $carah lying and insulting the man who was ELECTED TWICE to be our President. We are poroud of him, support him and do not care to have a grifting, scamming nitwit like Palin insulting him constantly. Donations to her scam - oops - Pac must be way down, all the trolls are scurrying out.

    5. Anonymous3:43 AM


      He's not "right". He's mocking you.

    6. Anonymous7:37 AM

      9:46 PM You are the one who knows about a waste of space. You waste space here all day and all night. Grow Up, Stop Slandering, Stop hating people who you don't know. Get a life. Empty your bedpan. Take the Palin pictures off of your basement walls. Buy a new Palin 2-toned Dildo. Stop Stalking the Palins, Troll.

    7. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Beldar is so good at out-trolling the troll, i@ 9:46 didn't even figure it out!

      Maybe it will give up and go away. It's outclassed.

    8. Anonymous8:11 AM
      Beldar is so good at out-trolling the troll, i@ 9:46 didn't even figure it out!
      Maybe it will give up and go away. It's outclassed.
      Sadly, it appears that the troll now thinks* it has reinforcements.

      *for want of a better word

    9. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Yea, I know b/c dog turds can't "think" LMAO!

  26. Anonymous6:33 PM

    It's stunning that Sarah would feud with David Letterman and put him on her enemies list and then be thrilled to be Jay Leno's guest. Bristol also made an appearance on Leno's show.

    Jay Leno--he who joked thusly:

    "Governor Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. Oh, boy, you thought John Edwards was in trouble he's really done it!"

    "All the Republicans are heaping praise on Governor Palin. Fred Thompson said, as an actor, he could see them making a movie about Sarah Palin and her family. Didn't they already make that movie? I think it was called 'Knocked Up!'"

    "Some sad news. Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin's daughter, has broken up with babydaddy Levi Johnston. I was stunned when I heard. I mean, really, if two kids without a decent education and no jobs and a baby can't make it, what hope is there for the rest of us?"

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Wish Leno and Letterman would give us their REAL takes on the bitch! Bet they have great stories to tell - green room - what questions they could and couldn't ask - what they had to provide her, etc.

      Control, control, control is Sarah Palin - was then and is now. That's why we don't see her appear anymore on various shows - no one wants her! She's nothing more than a friggin' joke!

    2. Anonymous2:53 AM

      How things have changed for Levi. He is employed, has a beautiful wife, daughter and another baby on the way. He has matured, is facing responsibility. Bristles, on the other hanmd is still stuck at 15 (when she had her first child) trying out trial husbands. None of them stick around, even after she has their babies. I wonder why????

    3. Anonymous7:32 AM

      2:53 AM Bristol 'Just can't say No'. Bristol has had very few years when she has not been pregnant since her Sophomore year in High School when her 9 month 'Mono' episodes started. Willow has had at least 2 pregnancies. Why was Willow sent to the Kline Institute in New York?

    4. Anonymous1:00 PM

      She will not fight with me has the same take out tray jaw that brissie has. Crap she is hoping one night Brissie can take over the know similar chins and all....

  27. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Dave Berg lied

    Glenn Rice lied

    Levi Johnston lied.

    Shailey Tripp lied

    Lance Nezaticky lied about Willow's drug deal at Target

    Mercedes Johnston lied

    Everybody lied that Willow quit high school in her sophomore year

    President Obama lied

    Joe McGinnis lied

    Sarah Palin told the truth that Bristol has great work ethics

    Sarah Palin told the truth that she wasn't pregnant when she eloped

    John McCain told the truth that Sarah Palin is America's energy expert

    Sarah Palin told the truth that North Korea is America's ally

    Sarah Palin told the truth that Track is a combat vet

    Sarah Palin always tell the truth

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      @6:45 You left out Trig, who magically arrived at a small town hospital which cannot and does not deliver special needs. high risk, premature babies. If there is time, they transport the mother in labor to Anchorage where there are such facilities. Sarah claimed to have arrived at MatSu around midnight and Trig arrived around 6 AM. They would have transported Sarah to Anchorage. As for Trig arriving, he was probably delivered, already born and dismissed from the hospital where he had been recovering from his real premature delivery. He arrived conveniently at 6 AM when there aren't many people around the hospital, no doctors, night staff, no visitors. Sarah's Wild Ride remains one of her great lies, along with the rest of her bogus "I chose life" story. She may have chosen life for the girl carrying Trig. Or maybe the girl didn't say anything until it was too late to make a choice. Oh yeah, and Bristol had mono for 5 months, too.

    2. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Glen never SAID they had sex, remember.

    3. Yes he did, you lying troll. He said the bj was average altho she sopped up his dic like it was moose gravy.

    4. Anonymous3:05 AM

      The problem with ALL this grifting family is that they have not kept up with technology. They honestly think that Alaska is so far away from the rest of the country, that nobody has ways of getting at the TRUTH. Bristles gave birth to Trig in another state, he was in intensive care. Once he was set to be released the text went out "The puppy has arrived" $carah made her trip to the hospital, and lo and behold, she gave birth!! No special needs child would be released to go to work with their "mother" at the age of 3 days. Wonder Woman $carah thinks we are all as gullible as she is, but not nearly as smart!! Wrong, again. If only she had thought things through, she would have known the scam would not hold up. Still, dumb $carah keeps on the scam, expecting people to honestly believe such a blatant lie. She would not know the truth if it came and knocked off her bumpit.

    5. Anonymous11:40 AM

      3:05 what state do you think?

  28. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Oh my God what year was that? I have never seen such a sociopath in my entire life! I bet everyone was just dying to meet her family, yeah like a freak show only the tickets were free. This person [ I won't call her a woman because she is an insult to real women ] sits around on her butt all day spewing her crap about what's wrong with President Obama, fleecing her raggedly band of followers and getting away with offering no solutions.

    Well we are calling you out Sarah, get off your butt and run! What? to chicken? get in front off a panel besides Faux news and debate, What? you don't have the cajones? speak up you know all the answers so go for it! The reason can't be your family because YOU put them out there every chance you get. Are you feeling limp? impotent? or menopausal? .

    You can run your mouth so why don't you run for President Esther? doe's Todd not approve? or is he too busy being kept that he just goes with the flow ya know like a dead fish. It wasn't that you wanted a free vacation for your family the truth is you can't function without them, someone has got to hold your hand all the time and you don't trust anyone but them especially Todd who stays for the money and the toys you buy him, hell your whole family owes you and you love it! It makes you feel powerful, it let's you run the show even if it's a side show it's still yours right?

    And when you die your family will say "What's in it for us?" The Palin way.. be proud you taught them well.

    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      @6:50 Bravo! Well said!

    2. Anonymous10:44 PM

      Offering no solutions?! Do you live under a rock?! She offers conservative christian commonsense [searching for another c-word] solutions! Isn't that specific enough for you?! /snarkoff

    3. Anonymous12:40 AM


    4. Anonymous3:08 AM

      The ONLY "c" word that comes to my mind when $carah is involved is "c**t"

    5. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Anonymous3:08 AM

      The ONLY "c" word that comes to my mind when $carah is involved is "c**t"
      ME too with a CAPITAL "C"!!!

  29. Anonymous7:09 PM

    So special of her to 'dress up' for the show. New jeans? OMG

    1. Anonymous7:52 PM

      I thought she looked a bit slobby, also, too.

      And no color near her face. Maybe this was before she started living vibrantly?

      And her old ponytail out of control hairdo from her half-term governor period.

  30. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Can she not read? The Daily Caller article quoted an excerpt from a book. What's with her "frat boy" comment?

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      No. She can't read. Her IQ is only 83.

    2. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Here is the thing about a book with a responsible publisher. They fact check everything before it goes to print. The publisher does not want to have a lawsuit filed against the book. (For libel, troll, for libel). Palin complains about the "lies" in books and articles written about her, about comments posted and made about her, but she never sued anyone for telling a lie (while knowing the truth of it). She threatens. That's why she pays her lawyers so much money each month. Cease and desist or else usually scares people into silence. But we have not seen the lawsuit against Joe McGinniss or his estate. While Sarah is complaining and trying to correct the impression that she is a diva, I don't see the lawsuit being filed against this book either.

    3. Anonymous9:38 PM

      She hates 'frat boys' because she was never in a Sorority. Sarah tried to 'FUCK' her way through College, and Failed.

    4. Anonymous9:43 PM

      You cannot fact check most things like that. It is impossible. You cannot relive another's life.

    5. Anonymous9:44 PM

      A diva doesn't live the way she does in AK. A diva doesnt hunt, wear hoodies and carharts, and remain low maintenance

    6. Anonymous11:10 PM

      9:44 - ask Todd about how low maintenance she is & why they have separate residences

    7. Anonymous1:06 AM

      "You cannot fact check most things like that"--are you crazy, troll? Do you think that that $35k wasn't written down as a business expense on tax and other business documents? The Palins may be lacksadaisical about ("What do you mean we have to pay property tax on our cabin?") but I assure you that other corporations take things like deductions for businesses expenses very seriously.

    8. Anonymous3:10 AM

      9:44 Neither does $carah!! Get a life, grow up, stop being a hater.

    9. Anonymous4:55 AM

      Sarah never shred Shailey Tripp over "Boys Will Be Boys"...

    10. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Daily Caller....hmmmm wasn't that the SAME conservative rag that reported Beckys talk with one of the c4ps? Toki? How Brissie was a bitch and big boss didn't like this and that? REMEMBER? Wasn't it the Daily caller? She better watch her ass, they may dig up more of RAM's convo with toki!

  31. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Strange. Scarah didn't have a word to say on Facebook. Just a link to Nancy at patheos. She did have a picture of Joan with Bristol.

    You know Sarah got Bristol any TV gigs. You would think Sarah could appreciate what the Rivers tried to do for her 2 undeveloped daughters.

  32. Anonymous7:39 PM

    I actually believe her. I mean, not like the media is honest either.

    "Your opinion is not my reality. Just a little fantasy you created and sold to a fool."

    That quote is the perfect motto for liberal blogs

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM


    2. Anonymous8:17 PM

      chuck_tard jr, ya fat fuk,

      apparently your blog's dead these days, eh ?

    3. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Like Palin flies on regular airlines in coach. No way! She flies in private jets. Just look at what her PAC pays for.

    4. Anonymous9:26 PM

      @anon 8:82pm oh yes, Sarah is flying coach now.

    5. Anonymous9:36 PM

      Sarah Palin doesn't have to sell you anything, you suck it up for free.

    6. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Actually, she flies commercial 99% of the time.

    7. Anonymous9:49 PM


    8. Anonymous10:28 PM

      "I actually believe her. I mean, not like the media is honest either."

      So you're saying that your reason for believing Sarah is that the media isn't honest EITHER? You must be a Heath or Palin.

    9. Anonymous12:45 AM

      "That quote is perfect for liberal blogs." Oh, and I suppose you buy every word Sarah puts out there, every word on FOX, NEWSMAX, Brietbart? You are a sad person if you believe anything she says. She is a consummate liar. She couldn't tell the truth if she were being paid. Look at the childish attacks she makes on anyone who disagrees with her, or tells what happened. And who cares at this point? It isn't like her demands for private jets make a bit of difference now, when she has to fly commercial to her puny conferences and events. Her $100,000 speech days are long gone. Looks like her pay-for-view lasted a month (hope she writes those refund checks soon!)
      Sarah will do anything, say anything, to keep her name out there. She's such a clueless harpy that Fox doesn't even want her any longer.

    10. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Feel sorry for Jay Leno. Look what he had to use to reclaim mojo. He wasn't targeting the under 75 age crowd, he was going after old guys in bed pans. People that may laugh at her jokes.

      Sarah wasn't used as a politician but her role as a ho is why Leno and Berg bought into this. Typical. When she flopped, it stands to reason they would lie about it. Leno was in a bad way during that time and they made the same mistake that McCain made to think Sarah was more then hype. The old ho is just not a comedian, they should have called Joan Rivers, she is funny.

      Who needs teleprompters when a studio can simply insert canned laughter? "I know. I was there."

  33. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Sarah Palin isn't a journalist any more than she is is a political analyst.

  34. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Here's a follow-up comment.

    When I was watching the video I was kind of listening to see if it sounds like a sound track. (Kinda dumb on my part since I hardly watch TV and wouldn't know sound track from race track.) However, I did think to myself: Boy there's one guy who's laugh you can hear real loud, he must be paid to laugh.

    Wonder if it was Michael Stinson the guy who sent the Tweet saying he was the only one laughing? They kept his voice and layered all the other "audience" over the top to make it seem like a lot of people guffawing.

  35. Anonymous7:52 PM

    " (Or maybe it’s in one of their Jr. High tree forts where their leader gathers the boys to “report” their “conservative” issues.) Their claims about what I supposedly “demanded” of the Tonight Show are, in their frat boy terms, B.S. "

    What in the heck is that suppose to mean? So much for the thick skin she keeps telling us about.

    Also too Sarah you are so transparent. Every time the truth is written about you, your response is to attack with your childish comments.

  36. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I think she sounds real nervous, as in "hmmm, we didn't claim that as income that year so I guess I better deflect the attention of the IRS."

  37. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Sarah has a weak spot; it's her desperate mental need to be believed, no matter how obvious her lies are, she wants people to keep believing her; she must have them believe her. Her insatiable need to be 'right' in everyone's eyes and to be constantly praised by anyone who meets her and her family.

    It must be a pretty lonely life for this woman; to need strangers' validation this much; shows her life isn't as vibrant as she pretends it is.

    1. Anonymous9:42 PM

      But what about the thousands of lies written daily on blogs?

      It isn't about validation.

      It's very sad that you're so gullible.

    2. Anonymous12:47 AM

      If Sarah is so worried about being written about, why doesn't she just live her life quietly and leave everyone else alone? She doesn't have to respond to every story, every response, every blog. She could be helping at Piper's school. She could be cleaning her house (dogs are not clean animals, and three of them?) She could be spending time learning how to help poor Trig with eating and speaking. Instead, she spends her days stomping out criticism of herself, and inviting more. Such a vibrant life she leads, and name-calling is so very Christ-like, isn't it?

    3. Anonymous7:19 AM

      9:42 FOAD, Troll.

    4. Anonymous9:36 AM

      IM owns her. She is obsessed with the posts on this blog.

    5. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Anonymous9:42 PM

      But what about the thousands of lies written daily on blogs?
      ******What LIES?
      Be specific
      Name THREE LIES troll, there are SO MANY more but I'm giving you a fucking break to ONLY name THREE lies!

  38. If three sources all say the same thing, you can cite it in your research paper.

    But I guess that is way beyond Palin's area of expertise. (I still maintain she slept her way to that B.A. degree.)

    1. Anonymous9:41 PM

      ^lol If you're asked a specific question like that, of course you're going to nod yes. smh

    2. Anonymous9:49 PM

      She doesn't have a BA degree. She lied.

  39. Anonymous8:49 PM

    lol I believe her. Why? because her 2 friends who went with her (elite 6) posted pics on an alaska air flight with her and family

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:44 PM

      What are you talking about? Are you denying that NBC sent a private jet to fly a swarm of Palins to Burbank?

      Even Sarah didn't deny that...the only thing she did with her hatebook post was use junior high insults on the writers at the Daily Caller.

      What did she say that you believe?

      Forget it, I'll get Beldar to translate.

    2. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Nope. Not true.

    3. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Get lost just no, you are a LIAR and a Palin Fraud.

    4. Anonymous11:04 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHA Do you actually believe that any Palin photos are correctly dated?

  40. Anonymous8:50 PM

    This whole weird diva allegation is weird. She wouldnt request a whole plane. Tickets, obviously, since she was a guest. But she was well received in LA that trip. The media can't handle that and will lie to make waves.

    1. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Why do you trolls lie for the Pimp's ex-wife? Do you find all of your Palin news on Facebook? GROW UP, STOP SLANDERING, GET A LIFE. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

    2. Anonymous9:36 PM

      Hi Louise Sarah, pucker up and kiss our ass

    3. Anonymous9:48 PM


    4. Anonymous9:50 PM

      8:50 - she was so well-received that she never went there again.

    5. Anonymous10:23 PM

      Every post you make is weird and completely untethered from reality. Do you have any sense of how mentally ill you are?

    6. Anonymous1:03 AM

      The use of "weird" three times in two posts isn't what the grifter is paying you for, Troll. Just because Sarah has no respect for the English language doesn't mean that her employees can't do better.

    7. Anonymous3:17 AM

      Of course she was "well received" on that trip. The show has to ensure that Leno has guests in case they have to call a substitute. She was not so "well received" that they booked her ever again, so there's THAT!!

    8. Anonymous4:42 AM

      Fucking FREAK

    9. The only one making waves is Palin, you silly dolt.

    10. Anonymous8:12 AM

      "Well received" is what public relations do when they lie their asses off to try to cover up a failure. Leno was also sinking at that time. He and Berg were going for the same disaster that old man McCain fell for. Pathetic old guys thinking a Hail Mary pass might help them. It didn't so they try to salvage something with PR lies. Truth hurts, some people will go on and live a lifetime in denial before admitting the obvious.

    11. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Trolling for dollars is weird.

    12. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Anonymous1:03 AM

      The use of "weird" three times in two posts isn't what the grifter is paying you for, Troll. Just because Sarah has no respect for the English language doesn't mean that her employees can't do better.
      Its willows. She only knows a couple of regular words.
      Weird. Lieball. Grow up.
      The other words she knows are Faggot, and vile sexual innuendo.
      I guess we have to excuse her b/c she is retarded.

  41. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Hey... $he did not 'refudiate' the claim that $he demanded a private plane...

  42. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Hey Sarah,
    Fond memories of those days eh. When you could fly in a private jet and now...oh boy now you are flying coach. Yep, Old Granny Lulu was recently spotted flying into Phoenix, not in first class, not in business class, but in coach...bahhhhhhbahhhhhh

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Old Chuck and Sarah’s mom fly coach all the time. You’d think she would help them purchase first class tickets given their age and health conditions.

  43. Anonymous9:39 PM

    That's not Sarah Palin in the above picture. Sarah Palin has bigger titties

    1. Anonymous12:49 AM

      Back then, she didn't need the Belmonts to make an impression...she just batted her eyelashes.

  44. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Sarah doesnt make outrageous demands. lol

    1. Remember when she lied about not requesting bendy straws? she said she didn't want straight straws. she also requested unopened bottled water. The insufferable witch had the nerve to have a rider as if she's a rock star. We found out after she lied and said she didn't request said items but we got the truth via dumpster diving. her contract was found. she is one sick trick.

      Those were the days when the stupids were fooled by the pioneer, last frontier bullshit (as frat boys say, always with the boys) old cootieass fraud. she can't beg her way to a viable show, not even her own tired hillbilly jackass-wannabe "show."

  45. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Are you sure that's Jay Leno? I swear that looks like Bristol Palin sitting behind the desk.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      HAHAHHA...You put it so

  46. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Sad you're jealous of 2 great women.

  47. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Only dopes don't realize Sarah is a narcissistic grifter. Just look at the dope at 8:50 PM ... dumber, and dumbest all wrapped into one. Are you a Palin family member (Toad the Pimp, Chuckie the 1st or 2nd, Piper Diaper, Willblow, BisQuick, Cain't get right, Sarah the Quitter?), an amoral paid shill (Brancy or RAM?), an unconnected mentally deficient kook (Kristy or The Virginia 'Gentleman'?), or any one of the other low IQ goofballs at C4PeePee, Breitbart,or any number of dumb-fuck sites for the terminally stupid.

  48. Caroll Thompson10:17 PM

    That was then and this is now. I don't think anyone is paying for Sarah to fly on a private plane, or even a commercial plane anymore.

    Labor Day is the unofficial start of the campaign season for the November, 2014 elections. A whole lot of people will be out on the stump. But Sarah is obviously not getting any calls from candidates for two reasons. Number one reason is she is poison in a general election. Number two reason is, unlike most actual politicians, she charges the candidates for her appearances. Just ask Karen Handel who paid Sarah $100,000, which included a private plane to fly Sarah to Georgia.

    Remember when Sarah went on a book tour right after she quit her job as Governor. She claimed to be on a bus, but it was revealed that she was actually taking a private plane and getting on the bus at the last minute to fool folks into thinking she had spent all night on the bus? It didn't fool anyone.

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      You don't suppose little Sarah is caught up in the breaking Pay To Endorse schemes of the right wing...nah, not Sarah...that would be...well, it would be............funnier than hell. $100,000 for an endorsement from Sarah. Wow!

  49. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I kinda hate myself for commenting about her appearance, but...Is that an Adam's Apple or thyroid condition?

    1. Why not comment on her appearance? It's not as though there is any substance to comment on and she is the one that portrays herself first and foremost as being so hawt.

  50. Anonymous2:45 AM

    9:47 Jealous? Try to find one person who would trade places with the lying, stupid, fame whoring, grifting skank from Wasilla. Just one. $carah is a JOKE worldwide. Normal people know where and when their children were born, they do not lie and make up stories. $carah has nobody fooled, except herself. Everyone on this thread KNOWS what a scam artist she is, nobody is jelous. We all know what WORKING for a living means, we do not scam people out of $$$. $carah is fading FAST. Her looks have been destroyed by the evil bile she spews. Her mouth has a sneer. Her "runners legs" (another myth) look like a couple of strings of spaghetti she has lost so much weight. Is she going to see her "close friends" from the Duck Dynasty while they are at the State Fair, or did they ask her to stay away from them?

  51. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Stop being jelous of $carah. The camera was on her, so obviously the show was a success!! People did not laugh because they were in awe of her beauty, hairstyle, pageant walk, all of that. Even someone as dumb as her knew she bombed, with no audience participation.

  52. "...we loved visiting the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. I had a blast on the show. Leno’s team was top notch, professional, and funny; and some even brought their families to work that day so they could meet mine. That was neat! Thanks for the memories, Jay! "
    So, Palin, you illiterate dunce, none of this has anything to do with Berg's claim that you wouldn't do the show unless your family could be with you, and that the only way that would satisfy your demands was to charter a plane.

    Do try to achieve some level of reading comprehension, idiot.

  53. This is all about some man having the audacity! the unmitigated gall! to remember Palin as being a pain in the ass.

    He is a man. And when remembering Palin, he didn't praise her to the skies and gush about her beauty and hotness. He must and will be punished.

  54. Her bizarre, nasty-tempered, petty, anti-male sniping is on full display in this post. The "frat boys" digs, "tree forts", sneering at their education ("not enough time in their college library"), "frat houses", "little man" and so on.

    She really has her claws dug into Tucker Carlson, mocking his bow tie and position at fox. How dare he print something that was critical of her?

    So much vitriol packed into so little space.

    What an absolutely, corrosively, nasty piece of work she must be to be around all day.

  55. PalinsHoax7:03 AM

    Anonymous 9:44 PM
    ". . . and remain low maintenance"

    Is THAT why she doesn't bathe her stinky body, brush her ratty hair, clean her white-coated tongue, or iron her rumpled clothes?

    Yea, that's low maintenance alright.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      And we all see that.

  56. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Joan Rivers said when she grew up girls like Bristol were known as whores & Tripp would be called a bastard. I'm surprised Brissy forgot that....

  57. Anonymous8:00 AM

    The Resident( 'Just no'/ kryptonite/justtine/jessie/nocomprends/
    disappointed/queenie/quartz/schwartz/julezz) Troll comes here daily and nightly for her desired negative responses. The Troll must love being abused.

  58. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Nefer5:25 AM said

    He is a man. And when remembering Palin, he didn't praise her to the skies and gush about her beauty and hotness. He must and will be punished


    I can't imagine how many people Sarah Palin hates. I sense that she hates more people than she likes. That explains why she's aging so fast, hate will age you.

    It's better to be on Sarah Palin's Hate List than to be on Sarah Palin's Hit List and have her place your name and location on her Gun Cross Hair map.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Don't try to count the number of people on Sarah Palin's Hate List. It's like trying to count the number of snowflakes that fall on Wasilla in the winter.

  59. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Boy she is really scraping the bottom of the barrel for attention. Why isn't she slamming Berg he is the one that mentioned the cost of the charter plane? Is she hoping he will jump start her dead career?

    As for her comment: "some even brought their families to work that day so they could meet mine. That was neat!"

    They probable were still in shock, like the rest of the country, that the Republicans even thought of putting this dysfunctional family any where near the VP mansion and wanted to see white trash for themselves.

    That was neat- haven't heard that expression since I was in middle school in the 60's.

  60. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I can see why Berg chose the word 'killer', all those mystery deaths. It is obvious Sarah did not do a killer stand up routine and he knew it. He wasn't about to admit it either so he was pc and did what was kissy ass polite business. She's a gullible fool and is desparate enough to twist things toward her propaganda spiel. Sarah was not Berg's book merely a tiny insignificant part no one would have noticed. She had to blow it up for some cheap attention. Berg writes about many higher quality celebrities, will they whine over more significant reveals?

    Who’s a diva, who was drunk on Jay Leno’s ‘Tonight Show’?

  61. Anonymous10:51 AM

    There are many images of Joan and Bristol that look much better. Why did Sarah say nothing, just link to her other blog and put up a picture where Joan is hunched, looking small and bad? Bristol was actually standing up straight.

  62. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Anon 1041 said

    Who’s a diva, who was drunk on Jay Leno’s ‘Tonight Show’?


    Just about all the times she speaks she appears stoned or drunk. Could it be she needs liquid courage?

  63. Anonymous11:52 AM

    There are no statue of limitations on murder. Of late, I've seen and read about several old cases. Some are even closed as 'accidents'. Something comes up 10-20-30 years later, longer in some cases. And suddenly an accident case becomes a murder case and the law takes another look at the murder.

    It makes no sense that anyone would make anything out of little thing in regard to the Leno show.

    Why is Sarah deflecting now?

  64. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Anonymous9:47 PM

    Sad you're jealous of 2 great women.
    Sad you are so retard troll/willow. That's the sad part. Can't do har so you troll?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.