Monday, August 04, 2014

I'm not exactly sure how I missed this, but the Republican led House Intelligence Committee just concluded that the Obama administration is guilty of no wrongdoing during the Benghazi attack.

Courtesy of SF Gate:  

The House Intelligence Committee, led by Republicans, has concluded that there was no deliberate wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, said Rep. Mike Thompson of St. Helena, the second-ranking Democrat on the committee. 

The panel voted Thursday to declassify the report, the result of two years of investigation by the committee. U.S. intelligence agencies will have to approve making the report public. 

Thompson said the report "confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order (to U.S. forces) was given." 

That conflicts with accusations of administration wrongdoing voiced by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista (San Diego County), whose House Government Oversight and Reform Committee has held hearings on the Benghazi attack. 

Stevens, who grew up in Piedmont, and the other Americans died when Libyans attacked the consulate on Sept. 11, 2012. Among the Intelligence Committee's findings, according to Thompson: 

-- Intelligence agencies were "warned about an increased threat environment, but did not have specific tactical warning of an attack before it happened." 

-- "A mixed group of individuals, including those associated with al Qaeda, (Moammar) Khadafy loyalists and other Libyan militias, participated in the attack." 

-- "There was no 'stand-down order' given to American personnel attempting to offer assistance that evening, no illegal activity or illegal arms transfers occurring by U.S. personnel in Benghazi, and no American was left behind." 

-- The administration's process for developing "talking points" was "flawed, but the talking points reflected the conflicting intelligence assessments in the days immediately following the crisis."

Okay can the Republicans finally shut up about this non-scandal now?

Apparently not as the so-called Benghazi Select Committee, headed by Teabagger Trey Gowdy, is still moving forward and will call its first witnesses in September.

Does anybody remember exactly how long those witch hunts in Europe lasts before they finally realized that there were no such thing as witches?

Well this will probably last longer. 


  1. Anonymous4:09 AM

    This kind of stuff is going to continue right up to 2016. They will do ANYTHING to attempt to destroy his legacy. Remember where we were as a country when he took office in '08 and look where we are now. They can't have that, no sirree.

    Happy Birthday, Mr, President! Keep beating them at their own game and smiling that beautiful smile!

  2. I'll eat my hat if you see this in any major papers or blogs.
    I saw it last night. Today . . . .crickets.

    And about the witches . . . .Those European's ancestors moved across the pond and became the modern day GOP.

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      I just watched both my local *and* the national news. Not a peep.

  3. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Come to think of it, wasn't that Trey Gowdy in Monty Python and the Holy Grail running around shrieiking "Shay's a weetch!"

  4. Anonymous5:46 AM

    O/T but this New Yorker article just nails it!

    Watching the Sarah Palin Vanity Victim Website

    ...Palin turns her six years of national public life into a kind of metaphor for her audience’s own experiences. This is the connection that she is talking about—saying, in effect: I’ve been mistreated in the same way that you have, and by the same kinds of people, disrespected by the same coastal élites who monopolize the culture and take your money while laughing in your face. That is, perhaps, why Obama is such a vital presence on the site, a reminder of everything that Palin isn’t, and never can be.

    ...She has described the project as an attempt to foster community, but that may just be another word for fan club. The paywall keeps the haters out.

    "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing."

    1. did the article happen to mention that her entire site is inspefulating at this very moment?

      inspefulate, (v) - "the painful process by which a new venture rapidly fails in an hilarious or especially humiliating manner"
      (see also: inspefulated, inspefulating, inspefulators, inspefulatiated, inspefulatee, inspefularia, et al)

  5. Anonymous5:49 AM

    EVERY SINGLE so called 'scandal' that they've drummed up has, as the time passes, and it's been truly examined, has fallen flat on it's scandal mongering ass! It's disgusting how the media is complicit with the right wing in drumming up these false accusations and then when they're disproved, they are silent. It's insidious and dangerous for this country all in the name of ratings and sound bites. I abhor our media and how they are careless and corrosive in their reporting. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  6. But when Fox reports on it, that should finally put it to

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Sure, but how many people will be watching Fox at 3:37 in the morning when whichever idiot is on the air makes the offhand comment about the report?

      "But we covered it! It's not our fault that no one heard it!!!"

  7. Although this should actually not surprise anyone that has more than 88 brain cells that have a blood flow, seems the media, generally, have completely missed the facts here. BUT, I must question whether or not they would actually say anything since it would take away one of their biggest writing (making up ‘facts’ from thin air) projects they’ve built their businesses on for years!!

  8. Beldar J Conehead7:14 AM

    Nice try, Gryphen, but you are either hopelessly naive or shockingly unaware. Either way, I feel sorry for you and register my pity by vigorously smh.

    You and your little libtard blog buddies simply don't understand the Republican's "long game". Sure, nothing untoward was discovered in this initial investigation into the tragic loss of American lives in Benghazi. Did you think that would be the END of the investigation??? Seriously????

    It's entirely possible that when the House oversight committee concludes its 2015 annual Benghazi investigation next year the results will be the same as in 2014. That's not surprising, I suppose.

    It's a complicated case. But let's say some little bit of evidence is uncovered - Columbo-like - in 2016 or 2017 or 2018? And then another little clue is revealed in 2019. Then maybe a dry spell of 3-4 years. But then a bigger clue is identified in 2025! Slowly, slowly the truth emerges.... See where I'm going with this?

    Clearly, this case needs a lead investigator who is focused like a laser beam on the truth. But let's say that guy isn't available or won't work for Republican witch hunts. Isn't it *almost* as good to have one who possesses a profound psycho-political obsession with taking down the black man in the White House no matter how long it takes and no matter what the actual evidence shows?

    This isnt the end of the Benghazi investigation. It isnt even the beginning of the end of the Benghazi investigation! In fact, it's barely the end of the beginning of the Benghazi investigation!!!!

    You heard it here first: Obama IS going down for his role in Benghazi, even if takes that whiny little douchebag Hon. Darrel "Dimebag" Issa the next FIFTY years to make it happen! Word!

    And now just don't get me started on Fast & Furious...

    1. One day Beldar I shall take you to the beach and make
      sandcastles with you while we sip buttermilk. Is it a date?

    2. Angela, I only drink buttermilk when it's served room temperature, served in a lightly etched 24oz brandy snifter and garnished with 7 papaya seeds. (not 6 or 8, but 7) If you can make that happen, I'm there!

      (Dont tell GinaM, tho. She had surgery recently and the pain meds raise her threat level to DefCon 4. That gal can swing a frying pan like nobody's business!)

    3. *GinaM squinting with one eye at "angela 7:44AM invite*

      AHEM....I said....


      Uh Angela...I'm not sure if you are aware but me and "Beldy" got a "thing" going on here at IM's and I could have SWORN you knew all about it!

      Now as Beldy has told ya...yes I had major surgery last week and I'm still a little woozy from the prescription cocktail of stupendous medication that they gave me...but I'm not THAT drugged up that I can't miss when someone is pushing up on my "internet man"....sooooo in other words....BACK UP OFF MY MAN(NEQUIN)!


      Ummm...Angela...please disregard the perceived hostility you may have read in the above diatribe....

      It's the medication talking!

      BWAHAHA....( hurts to laugh)...HAHAHA..(whimper)..HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....

      *GinaM reaching for her bottle of Generic Vicodin*

      SMOOCHES to my sweet Beldy...the best "internet man" I've ever been "internet married" to...ummm the doctor specifially told me no lifting...especially frying pans...did you have a talk with him? Hehehehe(ouch...ouch...ouch)!

    4. Gina, I bow to you and Beldar's uuuuuuummmm,
      relationship. And to the prescription generic vicodin.

  9. Randall9:27 AM

    OK, THIS time the House Intelligence Committee got it right,
    but I still believe wholeheartedly that 'irony quotes' are needed when one spells out
    the House "Intelligence" Committee.

  10. Anonymous9:58 AM

    It is truly pathetic to see many people making a career out of trying to discredit President well as how so many have become obsessed with hating him.

    You have to wonder what is going to happen, after his second term has concluded. I suspect many will keep on with their insanity, never letting it go.

    (To show why I'd think that, I just saw a Facebook comment of: "We need to empeech Obummer even if it takes us a hunnert yeers to do that.")

  11. Anonymous3:11 PM

    "Apparently not as the so-called Benghazi Select Committee, headed by Teabagger Trey Gowdy, is still moving forward and will call its first witnesses in September. "

    Talk about beating a dead horse. I wish we could garnish their wages for wasting taxpayers money.

    By the way teabaggers, where were the committees to investigate invading Baghdad? What was the problem, not as much fun to pronoun as Ben Gazzi?

  12. Anita Winecooler5:09 PM

    What took them so long? Isn't a Republican House Intelligence Committee an oxymoron?

  13. That won't stop Darrell Issa. He'll keep at the hearings until he's voted out of office or one of his Republican overlords sits on his face and tells him to knock it off and stop wasting time and tax payer money.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.