Monday, August 04, 2014

Quick guide to Israel public relations courtesy of a newspaper in Wales.

Kind of frightening how accurate this is, don't you think?

By the way it appears that this game may not last much longer once the Millennials take charge:  

The Millennials are a new generation with their own perspective on world affairs. They’re less interested in organized religion than their elders. In the U.S., they are substantially less Northern European in their heritage and tastes (this is also true in France e.g.) The Millennials have only seen the 2006, 2008-9, 2012, and the current wars, in which Israel is the superpower and its opponents lack tanks, artillery or planes. Palestinians in such an encounter look like the underdogs, not a powerful threat. I don’t think the Israeli leadership has the slightest conception of how the tide is turning against them over their colonial policies and tactics.

Looks like that two state solution might need to be resolved within the next ten or twenty years.  


  1. Leland3:26 AM

    "Looks like that two state solution might need to be resolved within the next ten or twenty years."

    It should have been resolved before Israel reformed. It should have been reinforced with a massive slap the very first time they stole land from the Palestinians. It should have been slammed into them by the world when they tried it again.

    Had that happened, it probably wold have had a massive effect on the anti-Israel terrorist activity and it certainly would have been a lot easier for the world to then slap the shit out of organizations like Hamas!

    Simplistic? Yes. But the simplistic things are usually the best.

    1. Maple8:45 AM

      Agree completely. Good to hear it said, but several years too late, alas.

  2. Anonymous4:35 AM

    That applies to everything. In 1967 the USS Liberty was attacked by Israeli forces during the seven day war. Israel said it was an accident but eye witness testimony from those on board ship say otherwise, including the fact that Israeli gunboats shot up life rafts as the crew was attempting to abandon ship. Israel and its defenders label anyone who disputes Israel's accounts as anti-semetic including the sailors who were on board the Liberty. They will claim that there were ten investigations including five formal Congressional investigations that prove it was an accident. The Library of Congress has no record of any investigations by Congress. What is really galling are those US citizens who take the word of a foreign country over its own military members. Hmm. If I am anti-semitic for taking the word of US service members over the government of Israel, does that make US defenders of Israel on this issue, un-american? Against the troops? All the survivors want, almost fifty years later is a complete and thorough investigation with everything declassified and out in the open. Is that too much to ask?

    1. Maple8:47 AM

      I'm so, so tired of hearing that "anti-semitic" whine. They even call their fellow Semites (Arabs etc.) anti-semitic.

  3. Anonymous5:23 AM

    I see where Netanyahu told our ambassador to Israel and Secretary Kerry not to second guess him. Okay, I will tell you what, we will keep our nose out of your business along with the billions of aid that gets sent your way every year. Of course that would never happen because our politicians are afraid of AIPAC and all the other US lobbies that work on Israels behalf. Can you be opposed to the policies of the government of Israel and not be anti-semitic? Yes. But that will always be the fallback position of Israels supporters.

  4. Anonymous5:45 AM

    The population of Gaza has at least 250,000 children. I think many of them will inclined to be life-long radicals after being bombed at regular intervals throughout their childhood. That will last into the next century.

  5. Leland6:01 AM

    I still remember the shock on a person's face (a person of arab nationality) that unless he hated himself, he couldn't be an anti-Semite because he WAS a Semite. ALL the arab and jewish people are!

    It's RELIGION that separates them, not blood.

  6. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Having lived through seven decades, I have no more confidence in the "millennials," wherever they may live, than in any other previously highly touted "generation." As long as people think that their woes can be settled by the use of guns and the seizure of land, there will be mayhem. If the reality of climate change continues unabated, things will get far worse.

  7. Anonymous9:46 AM

    REALLY? Seriously???

    Google Play Offers ‘Bomb Gaza’ Game for Android Phones


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