Friday, August 15, 2014

KKK to raise money for cop in Ferguson who shot the black eighteen year old because, "We need more white cops who are anti-Zog and willing to put Jewish controlled black thugs in their place."

Courtesy of SPLC: 

The South Carolina-based New Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan says its Missouri chapter is raising money for the still unidentified white police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown, 18, who was scheduled to begin college classes this week. 

“We are setting up a reward/fund for the police officer who shot this thug,” the Klan group said in an email. “He is a hero! We need more white cops who are anti-Zog and willing to put Jewish controlled black thugs in their place. Most cops are cowards and do nothing while 90% of interracial crime is black (and non-white) on white.”

And just when you thought this thing could not get any more racially charged. 

This is exactly what the conservatives want, a race war.

Then they can go after minorities, calling them uncivilized less than humans, and blame the whole thing on the President. 


  1. Balzafiar6:52 AM

    The white sheet brigade is a cadre of fools. The bigger threat is not from the Jewish community controlling everything, but the religious right infiltrating state and federal government.

    As to what Jews control, they are very good at business and have helped this country enormously. Just look around at all of the hospital additions, cultural centers, community centers, et al, all of which have been built by Jewish donations to their communities. Perhaps the KKK should boycott the emergency rooms built with Jewish money.

    The entire movie and entertainment industry was built from the very beginning with Jewish money. The KKK idiots might be very appalled to learn the true ethnicity of some of our biggest stars. Are they going to boycott them too?


    1. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

      So very true, Balzafiar. When my dad was in the process of passing away, we wanted home hospice. Long story short, his RCC church, which he attended three to four times a week most of his life, turned their back on him.
      My Jewish friends got involved and a Jewish organization put safety bars and a seat in the bathroom, went above and beyond to make his last days meaningful and free of pain, when he passed, in lieu of flowers, we asked that all donations be sent to Jewish Family Services. They offered grief counselling, light housekeeping, respite care, etc
      You never forget kindness like that.

  2. Anonymous7:37 AM

    This is outrageous, but if the cop accepts any money raised by the KKK, he is DONE working as a cop in that community. This might turn out more interesting, to see if the cop is willing to be associated with the KKK! I'm guessing his lawyer will advise him not go near that with a 1000 foot pole!

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      I think it very unlikely that the cop that killed Mike Brown is interested in working in any community anywhere near the St. Louis area.

  3. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Yes, anti-semitism is a HUGE problem, in this country and abroad. It's very interesting to read the Southern lpovery law Centers descriptions of all the dangerous people/hate groups in America. And ADL anti-defamation league publishes all hate crimes directed at Jews.

    Also in the news today is another crazy radical Islamist group BOKO Haram in Nigeria. They are a very radical and scary group.

    Ferguson scares me. I think the police are going to protect the cop by changing the real story.

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      They've already started, now in stead of getting shot for jaywalking he was supposedly a suspect in a robbery of cigars. What a pile of bullshit.

  4. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I knew that the KKK have gone after Catholics, Jews and African Americans, but who is ZOG? And I seriously question the percentage given by the KKK of non-white violence against whites.

  5. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Sad to think this element of the culture still exists. I think the John Birch Society is the outgrowth and when I hear Palin, Miller and tea party types, I think KKK/Bircher. They showed up in the Pacific Northwest in droves during the 1950s-1970s.

  6. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I think we've discovered the real subhuman mongrels.

  7. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I doubt if robbery suspects would have been walking up the middle of a street. The Ferguson police force needs to resign in its entirety; they seem to be doing nothing to protect the citizens of the town.

  8. Anonymous9:16 AM

    A few words float through my mind when I see pictures of these sheeted freaks. Like coward, fungus, toe jam suckers, faker, etc. I wish Anonymous would get on it, remove their "protective" sheets and start to print their pictures and names. They need to be exposed. Such a band of pansy assed cowards.

  9. ibwilliamsi10:03 AM

    It's quite certain they know who's who, and chose the correct person to promote their cause.

  10. Anonymous10:37 AM

    If the KKK is so tough, why do they hide their identities by wearing 'pee-stained sheets and hoods?

  11. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The head of the Ferguson police force is a proven idiot. You can tell he is small town and racist.

    Instructing his people to man the war scene and shoot off tear gas and rubber bullets was amazing to watch. He should be fired!

    Wouldn't surprise me to see some of these characters killed - it's proven he and his force have intimidated the blacks in that community and it's way past time he is stopped from leading his gang of pussies under all their war gear.

  12. Anonymous2:45 PM

    That guy is nothing more than a bully. He should take off his white mask - show himself - say the same words and it would be fun watching what would happen to him.

  13. Anita Winecooler6:24 PM

    Reminds me of Sean Hannity giving to Zimmipoo's defense fund. Same sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. This officers toast if he accepts money from a hate group, especially the KKK. And whatever "progress" that's happened since will turn to more violence, and justifiably so.

  14. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman and threatened his life. Zimmerman was correct to act in the manner he did. In the Brown case, it is not yet clear what happened. I will withhold my judgment until more facts come to light. As it stands now, we really don't know exactly what happened.

  15. Anonymous9:44 AM

    michael brown is a good boy now lol

  16. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Zimmerman was following travon. Travon stood his ground and died a real hero. Facts will get distorted and people will soon believe he was a suspect in a "strong arm robbery" and soon forget that Brown was just jaywalking. Come on people text book cover up.


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