Sunday, August 03, 2014

Local leaders in Texas are unimpressed with Governor Perry's showboating.

Courtesy of Texas Democrats:  

Pharr Mayor Leo “Polo” Palacios: “We don’t need 1,000 National Guard troops. I think we need to send 1,000 teachers.” [Houston Chronicle, 7/24/2014

Sheriff Clint McDonald, Sheriffs Association of Texas: National guard can’t do anything. They’re not Texas peace officers. They can’t arrest anybody. They can be the support help, last time i had the national guard in my county, they helped the border patrol change oil in their trucks.[KENS, 7/28/2014

Sheriff Joe Martinez, Val Verde County: We’ve kind of been left out of the picture as sheriff's we are the chief law enforcement officer in the county and we learn about problems in the state from the media. [KENS, 7/28/2014

Sigifredo Gonzales Jr., Sheriffs Association of Texas: “That money should go to local sheriff's departments, local police departments, local people along the border, local law enforcement along the border that know what they’re doing. that’s where it needs to go.” [KENS, 7/28/2014

El Paso Sheriff Richard Wiles: I was shocked cause the information he is providing is not the information I am getting from sheriff’s across Texas, along the border. [TXCN, 7/29/2014

Jayson P. Ahern, former Customs and Border Protection acting commissioner: “This does not come from the federal government. That’s the biggest distinction here. This is the governor taking unilateral action. Not having that oversight and supervision and direction as part of a plan from the federal authorities, i think it is reckless and could lead to significant safety issues.” [New York Times, 7/25/2014]

Rick Perry may have conservatives in other parts of the country fooled, but it is pretty clear that Texans are not buying his bullshit. 


  1. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Seems those glasses have done little to elevate his I.Q...........

    1. Anita Winecooler5:23 PM

      Just like Sarah, Bristol, Tripp, RAM and Nancy French.

  2. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Sean "pretty boy" and Gov Dick-kakis spend a fun day shooting 7 year old mescans.

  3. fromthediagonal6:47 AM

    ... (adjusting the crotch of his camo cargo pants)... once again I am GiggleSnorting! Thanks, man!

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Y'all got it all wrong! That's a "Texas Job Fair" down on the border. Rick is just down there hiring staff for his big ole house he's buildin. LIBRULS!


  5. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Rick the Dick Perry was a C- to D student in college and makes C- to F decisions in government.

  6. Anonymous8:07 AM

    “As those brown kritters rears their head and comes into the prairies of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Texas. It’s just right over the border. It is from Texas that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on them little illegal border crossers from Mexico because they are right there, they are right next to our state.”

    1. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Can he see Mexico from his house? LOL

  7. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Perry doesn't fool us in Texas. He's playing to a base outside of Texas. Most of us--even conservatives--don't hold his views on border/immigration issues. Our economy thrives because of immigrants--and he knows it.

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Perry doesn't fool most of the rest of America either. Governor Goodhair is a national joke and will never win the Republican nomination, let alone the Presidency.

    2. Anonymous7:54 PM

      8:38 -
      There are three good reasons he'll never be President.

      He's stupid.

      He's arrogant.


  8. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Perry is an idiot which puts him on a par w/Sarah Palin, quitter gov of Alaska! And remember - they are friends!!!!

    He will never be picked to run for POTUS! Can you imagine him competing against Hillary Clinton? That would be a hoot and holler to watch and I'd want a front-row seat!

    He's known as a 'joke' to America!

  9. Anita Winecooler5:29 PM

    Mr Winecooler does a lot of travelling for his job, and has had the distinct pleasure of meeting a lot of fine Texans who laugh along with him at these fools.
    One of his co-workers said she wished Rita Moreno would sneak up behind these two idiots and break out in her oscar winning song "I want to live in America". So everyone can point and laugh as two armed men who can't shoot by law shit their pants for the world to see.
    I couldn't agree more!


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