Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Man attempts to take selfie while holding gun. Death photobombs him.

Courtesy of Metro:  

Oscar Aguilar showed off on Facebook by posting photos of himself in front of sports cars, sitting on motorbikes and hugging attractive women. 

But the Mexican’s desire to impress proved his downfall when he borrowed the gun and snapped himself waving it about. 

Neighbour Manfredo Paez, 57, said: ‘I heard a gunshot and then I heard somebody screaming.’

And they keep saying Darwin was wrong. 


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Gee, maybe he should have taken Sarah's advice and held a fish?

  2. Anonymous6:53 AM


  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Same bullshit that teen was spouting.

    Brain Scientist Arrested For Allegedly Pointing AR-15 At Women In Phoenix Airport


    Arizona Brain Scientist: Toting My AR-15 Into Airport Was 'Political'

    Peter Steinmetz, a top researcher at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, described himself to reporters as a "freedom activist," according to The Arizona Republic.

    "I am a peaceful political activist, and my purpose in walking around the airport with my AR-15 rifle was entirely political in nature," he said in a news conference outside his attorney's office. "Put simply, I decided to make the point that a peaceful citizen can openly and responsibly carry a firearm, including an AR-15, for the protection of themselves and their community."

    "I wanted to help educate the public and the employees at the airport about this point by allowing them to see a peaceful person responsibly carrying an AR-15 while doing things that people normally do there, like waiting for someone, drinking a cup of coffee," he added.


    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      I hope he gets a nice long prison term to "educate" him!

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      How does a "brain scientist" not have a brain? What a tool.

  4. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Colorado Springs TV station KRDO reported that a 9-year-old boy found a handgun inside a Pueblo, Colo. home. Another 5-year-old child then got ahold of the gun and accidentally shot the toddler.

    The 9-year-old told police that he learned how to handle the gun and get it ready to fire by playing "Call of Duty: Black Ops," according to the news station.

    The 3-year-old underwent surgery at a local hospital and was in critical condition.


    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      What TPM didn't mention is that the boyfriend (owner) fled the scene and wasn't found for six hours. Prick.

  5. Anonymous7:42 AM

    One less Mexican for Sarah Palin to worry and complain about.

  6. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Want to see selfies with guns from Sarah, Todd and Bristol.

  7. Anonymous8:48 AM


    NRA Commentator: You Don't Need To See To Be Able To Fire A Gun

    A National Rifle Association commentator defended the rights of blind people to carry guns in a video Monday, saying a victim doesn't need to be able to see "if someone is on top of you trying to kill or rape you."

    In the video, titled “Firearms and the Blind,” NRA commentator Dom Raso asked viewers several rhetorical questions. He said a blind person is not going to “start shooting in every direction” and “kill[ing] everyone” if he or she has a gun.


    1. Anita Winecooler5:43 PM

      Damn, they got a video to show blind people they don't need to aim if someone's on top of you, trying to rape or kill you? How about when they're six feet in front of you and don't say a word?

      Coming soon, Assclown Gun Fetihsists have a video for the deaf explaining Braille isn't necessary to open carry when someone's on your back trying to rape or kill you"

      These people are frickin' geniuses!!!

  8. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Conservative Activist Proposes Third Party With Sarah Palin As Its Leader


    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      From the story: "By that, I mean a person would log on, register themselves, and then electronically sign a “pledge” that commits him or her to vote for a Third Party when the party officially launches. Of course, such a pledge cannot be legally binding, but I doubt most voters would go through the process of registering themselves online unless they were serious. Of course, there would be some fraud, but that would be factored in when determining how much support the new party has."

      I'm thinking a lot of refugees from "Reaganbook" could help out the "cause"

  9. The herd sure is thinning...

    @8:51 The Flying Spaghetti Monster must have heard my prayers...

  10. Darwin Awards.

    And we have a winner!

  11. Any chance this unfortunate Einstein had the civic-mindedness not to breed...?

  12. Anita Winecooler5:46 PM

    Well, one consolation is that he died while doing what he loved most.....living.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.