Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Religious scholar Reza Aslan slams televangelist Joel Osteen and the Christian prosperity movement.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

During a question and answer session, the University of California at Riverside professor was asked about the portrayal of Jesus in movies. 

“I love all fictional presentations of Jesus. I think they are fantastic, whether it is the Last Temptation of Christ or The Passion — both of which are fiction. But — sorry about that, did I break that to you? — but again for me what is fascinating about those is it is just a representation of what I have been talking about all along, which is the incredible malleability of the Christ story, the way that it can become whatever you want it to become.” 

Aslan said his favorite representation of Jesus was from the 1970 rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar, and then pivoted to the issue of the prosperity gospel. 

“The fastest growing Protestant movement in North America is this movement that is referred to as the prosperity gospel,” he said. “This is the gospel preached by people like Joel Osteen and T.D. Jakes — and when I say people, I mean charlatans. The argument of the prosperity gospel, if I can put it flippantly, is that Jesus wants you to drive a Bentley. That is basically what the argument is. That what Jesus wants for you is material prosperity, and that if you literally give, you will literally be given tenfold. That’s not a metaphor, as it is in most churches. It is literal. You give me $10 and Jesus will give you $100.” 

“This is as profoundly an unscriptural interpretation of Jesus that exists,” Aslan remarked. “I mean, if there is one thing that is just so clear cut and just not open to interpretation at all of any kind when it comes to Jesus’s message, it is his condemnation of wealth.” 

“And yet, not only does this version of Christianity exist, as I say, it is honestly the fastest growing version of Protestant evangelical Christianity in North America. That’s because Jesus can be whatever you want him to be, and the Christian message can be whatever you want it to be.”

I have been saying this for years.

I actually find many of the things attributed to Jesus to be quite admirable, but modern Christianity has drifted so far from what he supposedly taught that it bears virtually no resemblance to anything that could have possibly been inspired by his words.

So today, like Aslan says, the Christian message can be whatever those who claim to represent his teachings want it to be.

And sadly they so much more often focused on what using his name can do for them, than in what sharing his teaching can do for others. 

This is not to suggest that he was a demigod, or that he even existed, but there are things of value in the words that they claim he spoke. And the value should not be minimized by reducing it to mere dollars and cents.

Especially when the Gospels specifically condemn that kind of thinking out of hand. 


  1. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Cue the "real" Christians, i.e. the humble-braggers who affect superiority to the fundie/prosperity crowd because THEY worship the non-materialistic (pacifist, nonjudgmental, etc.) Jesus, i.e. the Jesus the belief in whom they think makes them look good.

    LOL! It's all such imaginary bullshit.

  2. Anonymous3:20 PM

    When I was working cleaning up tornado damage, the only game in town was Samaritan's Purse, the relief arm of Franklin Graham's ministry. As a gay atheist, working with a fanatical right wing christian organization went directly against my grain. But, I had the skills and the time to do good and help my community. When asked about my religious affiliations I simply said, "I don't belong to any organized religion. But, I believe in the teachings of Jesus to always do good and to teach by example."

    1. Good answer.

      You told the truth.

      How they interpret it is their problem.

  3. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I love Reza. I saw his take down of a Fox correspondent and it was golden.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      The dishonesty and distortion of Fox on full display.

  4. Anonymous3:39 PM

    But - Mr. Aslan is Iranian, therefore probably he is not Christian but more likely studies Islam! How can he talk about Christianity and Jesus then? (snark off)

    I fully support his comments here. This prosperity crowd does not follow any of Jesus's teachings. They will not fit through the eye of the needle, thus they will not make it to Heaven or wherever they think they have earned by their hateful life on Earth.


  5. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Has everyone noticed that Franklin Graham has avoided Sarah and family since the trip to Haiti? Even when he was recently in Alaska he stayed clear of the Palins.

    I think after seeing Bristol pregnant in her vest and scarf, Franklin realized what a total sham the Palin family is; and that Sarah's myth and the entire family are just bullshit lies on top of more lies.

    When Sarah is exposed as a fraud, Franklin does not want the explosion to damage his "grifting" business. He will continue to keep his distance from Sarah.

    He knows all it will take destroy Sarah is one "insider" spilling the dirt.

    Britta, you were raised by a preacher. Maybe you are the one to put an end to Sarah and her lies.

  6. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I will take back every bad thing I have ever said about Sarah and Bristol ...

    as soon as they go help Samaritan's Purse in Sierra Leone take care of the Ebola victims.

    Damn, even with her own "TV" show, Sarah cannot even give a shout out or prayer for the Doctor and nurse with Ebola in Georgia ... suck on that Franklin.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Please no. Those working with Ebola absolutely don't need the likes of them underfoot!

      Elizabeth 44

  7. Anonymous3:55 PM

    63 Texas Republicans Sign Court Brief Saying Marriage Equality Could Lead To Legal Incest, Pedophilia

    But where were these same lawmakers when Catholic priests in Texas were running amok?

    Dear Russia, Please make the entire state of Texas a first strike location for nuclear targeting!

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      They forgot bestiality.

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      So you want them to take out Wendy Davis?

  8. lostinmn4:02 PM

    To be fair I think Joel and his people say that if Jeebus can turn water into wine and flatbread into jelly filled iced donuts he can sure as hell make ten bucks into a hundred.

  9. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I like joel Osteen and I will gladly eat my words if he turns out to be fake. I just don't get fakeness from him. Though I don't like that he charges for his shows. He just seems naturally happy and uplifting.

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Would you like some salt and pepper with your order of Osteen? Maybe some tabasco sauce?

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      LOL I listen to Joel Olsteen sometimes because he does have nice sermons. I know he's in it for the money, including the bleach blonde bimbo wife... I would never send them a single cent of my money but it seems like I tune in when I'm low and he will say things that make me feel better. Sadly, it's a cult of personality situation, which I believe Jesus probably had but used it for all the right reasons.

    3. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Of course he's happy and uplifted. He's raking in lots and lots of dough with his "nice" act, from all the gullible morons who think he's for real and that following him will put money in their pockets and then grease the skids into heaven for them. I have news for you, the only one who's getting any money in his pocket out of this bullshit act is scam artist Osteen himself.

    4. Anonymous6:55 PM

      " I just don't get fakeness from him."

      He reeks of fakeness! I sincerely hope you don't give money to him. I have a fascination with people that can't see through these charlatans. I don't understand it.

    5. The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you have it made.

      I'm sure Joel gives plenty of money to God. He tosses it up in the air and whatever God doesn't take, he keeps for himself.

  10. Anita Winecooler6:18 PM

    He's spot on, and not because he's an iranian atheist, but because these people are truly the most dangerous of the dangerous. Preying on the gullibility of others to live a millionaire's lifestyle while the poor suckers in the pews buy their books, tapes, and bullshit.

    Janice Joplin shorthcanged herself. Should have sang "Lord, won't you buy me a Bently"

  11. Anonymous7:14 PM

    AGREED. Thanks for posting Gryph. -SJP

  12. Anonymous8:39 PM

    I have always considered myself someone who follows Christian beliefs, but I abhor Joel Osteen's "Church of the toothy smile". Read this article and anyone can understand Gryphen's aversion to religion...

  13. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.

    Moneylenders in the temple. (The *ONLY* time Christ is violent.)

    Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

    The biggest problem with the prosperity movement (leaving the whole invisible sky person aside et al.) is that believers are basically putting themselves back in time to before Luther and Gutenberg. They aren't bothering to read the book they profess to follow. They are allowing others to read and interpret it for them. No free will or critical thinking involved.

    Grifters would be a more appropriate description. There is nothing Christian about their message. They throw in a Jesus and some Hallelujahs but there is no Christianity in a Prosperity Doctrine.

    You want true Christianity? Try St. Francis of Assisi.

    Buddhists are more Christian than Osteen.


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