Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Mississippi Tea party challenger refuses to accept that he lost election, decides to file suit to force Republican party officials to say he won by 25,000 votes.

The moment Mississippi voters should have seen this coming.
Courtesy of ABC News: 

Mississippi State Sen. Chris McDaniel officially announced the beginning of a legal effort to challenge the results of his primary fight against six-term incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran. 

The campaign formally filed a challenge with the Mississippi Republican Party’s executive committee, the official first step to mounting a legal challenge.

Even though McDaniel was beaten by 7.600 votes, and those votes were unanimously certified by the Republican party's executive committee,  he has refused to concede.

And now after his volunteers have spent that last month or so combing through voter rolls they think they have found enough questionable votes to give the election to their candidate. How surprising.

The McDaniel camp is not asking for another runoff, they simply want the election given to them, and allow McDaniel to win by 25,000 phantom votes.

Holy crap did Mississippi dodge a bullet with this guy!


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    That's when she wore her see-through blouse to hook the married tea-partier & get much needed attention.

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Will The Sarah Palin Channel Rival Comedy Central?

      Palin is the embodiment of the GOP’s talk radio allied wing that has virtually consumed the party, and a living, breathing manifestation of the damaged political legacy of Arizona Sen. John McCain. McCain’s putting her on the ticket was a political mistake that unleashed upon his party someone who has helped purge the party of its already dwindling contingent of moderates and conservatives willing to reach across the aisle — the very kinds of GOPers the 2000 incarnation of McCain respected.

    2. Anonymous2:23 PM

      I give her a pass on the see through top . I was embarrassed when a solid black wool sweater photographed became see through from two camera flash bulbs.

    3. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Anon at 2:23PM
      I don't give either one of you a pass unless you are under 20 yrs old , and SP isn't

    4. Leland2:42 AM


      Now isn't that a nice polite SEXIST statement!

  2. Anonymous1:02 PM

    We dodged a bullet too since he would be that much closer to the Senate and if this is the way he behaves, we'd have to deal with that kind of shit in the Senate. This guy is such bad, bad, bad news, it's not even funny. No dignity, no grace, no maturity, just tantrum throwing and media whoring it all he has left.

  3. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Right...just trust me and my impartial volunteers for an accurate vote total. What an asshat but we knew that when Sarah endorsed him

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Those were the votes we counted when we were locked in with the votes somehow on election night...

    2. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Wonder if he'll take it all the way to SCOTUS.
      POS loser. That's the type she endorses!

  4. Anonymous1:07 PM

    The pungent aroma of magnolia was still not enough to overcome the stench of Sarah.

  5. Anonymous1:07 PM


    Joan Rivers Calls Sarah Palin a 'Retarded Person'

    Tuesday on "Access Hollywood Live," comedian Joan Rivers likened former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) to "retarded person."

    Rivers said, "Sarah Palin, I think she's not my all time favorite. You know how you have a car sign that says be careful handicap person. I think when they have a retarded person driving a car it should be a picture of Sarah Palin with a line through it."

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      So funny both sarah &" bristol have threads up regarding their admiration for Joan & commending

  6. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Grab the popcorn for Sarah Palin vs. Jesse Ventura

    In a fight between a former Alaska governor-turned-VP candidate-turned-cable news pundit and a former “professional” wrestler-turned-Minnesota governor-turned-professional conspiracy theorist, the only thing you can do is sit back and enjoy the fireworks.

    Jesse would beat her ass in a heartbeat. She ain't even begun to know the beat down she'd take from him. Metaphorically.

  7. Anonymous1:12 PM

    It's getting worse for him :

    McDaniel Staffer Implicated in Paying Man to Concoct Vote-Selling Story

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Good story.

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Well, there's a surprise. What an awful human being.

  8. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Guess who just became Chris McDaniel's next target

    Chris “declare me the winner”* McDaniel is now trying to drag Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell into his challenge over the results of Mississippi’s June 24 primary runoff.

    In an email sent Wednesday, the McDaniel campaign called on McConnell to “condemn the race-baiting ads funded by a super PAC directed by Republican National Committeeman Henry Barbour.”

    Why bring McConnell into this?

  9. Two sore losers.

  10. Anonymous1:40 PM

    What's up with the Joe Millers and Chris McDaniels? Are they so convinced God wouldn't allow them to lose or just trying to keep campaign $$$ coming in as long as possible?

    1. fromthediagonal2:20 PM

      The answer to this is easily ascertained: Keep $$$ coming, no matter what it takes.

    2. jkarov3:13 PM

      According to the movie "Game change", $arah told John McCain that "God will make sure the right people win this election".

      Yeah $arah, how's that 2008 election workin' out for ya?

      How about your group of "prayer warriors" that are still convinced you are the rill President, and were robbed of your throne by $atan.

      What did Mary Glazier say to you when she found out you blew the election, and had to retreat to Alaaaaskkaahh, in shame and infamy?

      How about all her false prophecies that you would be President?

      Where are you tonight $arah? Aint at 1600 Penn Ave are ya?

      Just nothing there but a moderate Democrat name President Obama , you betcha

    3. Anonymous5:17 PM


      God did make sure the right person one.

    4. Anonymous6:49 PM

      NAR prophets have a little trick--they don't make false prophecies because all their predictions are conditional and untestable and conveniently dependent on their gullible followers' prayer and fasting. So, no testing for the charlatan, so-called prophets; constant testing for the 'prayer warriors' who are doomed to forever send money to Mrs. Palin to atone for failing her and disappointing God.

    5. Anonymous8:24 PM

      It's a borh /and. Not an either/or.

    6. Anonymous8:44 PM

      It's a both /and. Not an either/or.

  11. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Lord have mercy on us all.

  12. Anonymous1:48 PM

    What he's doing is trying to de-legitimize the black votes for Cochran. Racist pig.

    Sarah Palin sure has a nose for scum. She's so presidential.

  13. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Well then, it might also be that he lost by 25,000 phantom votes also.

    Fucking moron.

  14. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Why isn't she wearing her flag pin? Tooooo in your face at a southern gathering, LOL.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Interesting observation.

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      It's the wrong flag. They only honor the serpent one...very fitting, actually.

    3. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Not a Star of David either, lol. I'd like her to wear that in the south.

    4. Anonymous11:53 PM

      The cross earrings and necklace need to be bigger. Where's the cross dangling bracelet? She needs a cross shaped belt buckle too. She is losing her touch. Damn it!

    5. Anonymous11:57 PM

      Her outfit screams Virgin Skank Ho.

  15. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Sarah Palin sure can pick 'em.

    1. Anonymous10:21 PM

      Yep: They most always seem to lose!

  16. Anonymous4:09 PM

    And I bet most of those were GOP.

  17. Anonymous5:09 PM

    McDaniel can sit home and have tantrums until he is dead, it doesn't matter , the sleaze bag lost.

  18. Anita Winecooler6:13 PM

    I suppose he'll make up a pregnant or aborted chad argument, even though the votes weren't hand punched.
    Once Again, the perfect photo of dumb and dumber!

  19. Is this the voter fraud the GOP has been passing legislation to stop? No?


  20. Anonymous2:11 AM

    This guy is a perfect metaphor for all the sore losers in the GOP. Lose an election? Well just take your wittle ball and run home to mommy by refusing to work with the duly elected President, claiming fraud and passing unwarranted voter id laws, or, what the hell, go all out and vote to impeach the President.

    Wake the fuck up America, or we're all through!

  21. Anonymous4:55 AM

    In Florida after Rick Scott started (then eventually the courts stopped) a purge of people off the voter rolls, investigations only found one person who was not eligible to vote but did. A non-citizen, from Canada, registered and voted Republican.

    Marvin M

  22. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Wait. Wait. Wait. That photo of Palin with McDaniel is not photoshopped, right? She's actually wearing a see-through shirt that shows her bra!!!?? Imagine the First Lady dressing like that. The right would have a fit.

  23. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Oh, is she getting married again in black? oh my bad.


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