Monday, August 11, 2014

Reports of a Levi Johnston/Bristol Palin truce are untrue.

Courtesy of Sunny Johnston's Facebook page.
Okay so Radar Online is reporting that Levi and Brisotl have reached some kind of truce, and that that is the reason they are now seeking mediation instead of battling it out in the courts.

That is not accurate.

What is accurate is that the Bristol camp asked for a mediation, instead of hashing it out in court because they fear having reporters, and bloggers (Hi Bristol!), there to record what transpires. (Which of course IM reported on back on July 17th.)

As far as I am aware things between the Johnstons and the Palins are still pretty rocky, and I think Levi only agreed to the settlement idea because he is much too nice of a guy, and I am concerned that it will blow up in his face.

However if it does that only means they then go ahead and fight it out in court anyway, and I can goddamn guarantee I will have a front row seat if they do.

Oh by the way Tripp is back in Arizona right now, according to my very good sources, which is interesting because Bristol was just seen driving through Wasilla.  So one has to ask, WHY is he in Arizona without his mother, and was Levi notified of that ahead of time?

I bet you can guess the answer to that one.


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Mediation is mandatory before commencing to a trial. Not instead of it. In all civil cases, family law included. Mediation is not recorded as there is no sworn testimony, just negotiation.

    If the 2 parties cannot agree, then the trial date is set, and the attorneys will present their case before the judge.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      No it's not. It's HIGHLY recommended by ANY reputable judge that mediation be used instead of a trial. NO court official wants a trial and NO parent should want one either regardless of the case.

      Also regardless of the case, ALL Family cases should be closed to the public as politicalgates said. They just should. No random stranger should be able to watch such sensitive things. It's just wrong. I hate seeing A list celebs slam each other online

      It just isn't right for an outsider to want to watch.

      At least this case in particular isn't bad.

    2. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Actually, it depends on the rules for the court and the state. It is not up to the judge. In my county, the local rules require mediation in all cases, not just family law. If you don't submit a joint statement to the court stating you've attempted mediation, you don't go to trial. Case dismissed.

  2. cracklin charlie2:12 PM

    Im reading on my phone, ya.ll. If thats a picture of Tripp, does he have his front teeth?

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      I enlarged the photo and he does have his front teeth.

    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      How old is Tripp by the Palin version? Other estimates?

    3. Cracklin Charlie5:02 PM

      Thanks, I finally got home to my full size screen that I can see. That is a great picture of father and son! And the young fellow does still seem to have his baby teeth. The Palin version seems to place Tripp's age at 5 1/2 years, but I think he turned six in April.

    4. Anonymous7:39 PM

      He should have all his teeth

    5. Anonymous9:28 PM

      7:39 PM He should have lost some of his baby teeth by now. Don't believe the fake birth date that Bristol and Sarah gave Tripp.

    6. Cracklin Charlie7:30 AM

      It's still a bit too early for the permanent teeth, but if his front teeth are not wobbly now, they soon will be.

      If his primary teeth are healthy, and they seem to be, he should lose the front ones around age 6 1/2 to 7.

  3. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I'm glad that Levi and family will have the Court as a part of this issue! Most assuredly when it involves any member of the Palin clan! They cannot be trusted as we've seen throughout the years. They lie, cheat, steal and play the victims ALWAYS!

    Plus, Bristol (like her mother, Sarah) are horrible mothers and Bristol has admitted to her deficiency on video!

  4. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I can't believe she would be brazen enough to allow him to go out of state without his father's permission in the midst of this court dispute. But then she is her mother's daughter.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Family vacation.

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Family vacation? Does that include all of Bristol's Bastard Babies and a new Trial Daddy?

    3. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Even for a vacation, a parent must coordinate with the other parent, and can't take the child out of the state without permission.

    4. Anonymous5:40 AM

      family vacation without his mom?

  5. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Is this why the Palins fuck their brains out before marriage?

    "Woman describes why keeping her virginity until her wedding night was the worst decision of her life."

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Todd did your bride Sarah teach you a thing or two on your wedding night? Did Sarah learn anything from that basketball ball stud?

    2. Anonymous6:15 PM

      anon at 2:42PM Sarah had been fucking Curtis Menard for years before she blew a basketball player she was supposed to interview. Tawdry knew she wasn't a virgin since the Menard's paid him to marry Ol' Curtis' "mistake".

    3. Anonymous7:37 PM

      WHY are you bringing an innocent man into this and slandering him?

    4. Anonymous9:24 PM

      7:37 PM Curt Menard Jr. was not innocent, take a look at his son Track. While Todd Palin was Pimping, Curt was being pursued by Sarah Heath the promiscuous one. Sarah thought that no one would find out about Glen Rice. Todd 'eloped' with a Pregnant Sarah to cover up Curt Menard Jr.'s mistake.

  6. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I'd say Levi has done very well for himself:

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Wow, Breeze is an amazing young woman. Was just scanning her facebook page--she has established a photography business (great for her!) and her pictures are gorgeous. And she is enrolled in Univ of Alaska to start getting a nursing degree--no easy feat with 2 young kids but wow, more power to her. Good for them. Now if only Levi would stop murdering animals by hunting, they'd be perfect!

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Levi sure did well. Some say Tripp looks like Grandpa Heath. He looks a lot like the Johnston family to me.

      There is no comparison.

    3. Cracklin Charlie5:05 PM

      Is Sunny the one taking these gorgeous photos?

      Girl's got skills.

    4. Anita Winecooler5:15 PM

      Levi chose well, he's married, has a house, a job, a stunningly beautiful (and growing} family.

    5. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Bristol must be SO jealous. After the way she has treated Levi and Tripp, she deserves to be miserable.

    6. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Tripp is the spitting image of willow

    7. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Willow who? He looks nothing like Willow Palin.

  7. Anonymous2:36 PM

    When does school start in Alaska?
    Presumably Tripp will have to be a nine-month resident of the state, with one parent or the other, beginning very soon.

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      lol He is Alaskan resident. OMG people here are stupid.

    2. Anonymous9:18 PM

      7:34 PM You definitely know about Stupid. You need to return to High School, your missed 'MONO' semesters and your illiterate comments tell a lot about your lack of education.

    3. Anonymous9:34 PM

      LOL! I'm not Anon 2:36, but even I can figure out what he/she said: School starts soon. Tripp will need to remain in Alaska for the duration of the school year. No more hopping around the country for Bristol, unless she's content to leave Tripp with Levi and Sunny.

  8. Anonymous3:02 PM

    School begins this week in Anchorage,

    1. No. It starts on the 20th.

    2. Anonymous3:08 PM

      I would have sworn I heard them talking about school starting this week on Channel 2 this a.m. Perhaps I was still asleep?

    3. Teachers return on Thursday this week; kids start the following Wed.

    4. Anonymous5:30 PM

      School opens her in the Valley on Thursday, 8/14 for Grades 1-12.

    5. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Yes school usually starts the 3rd week. When I lived in Texas, it started the 2nd week

  9. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Oh by the way Tripp is back in Arizona right now, according to my very good sources, which is interesting because Bristol was just seen driving through Wasilla.  So one has to ask, WHY is he in Arizona without his mother, and was Levi notified of that ahead of time?


    We will see if Bristol collects any Alaska Permanent Fund money under Tripp's name even though he's been out of the state quite a bit. Now he's out of Alaska without his mama?

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Bristol was Tripp at the Palin Family Reunion? Where was it?

      Happy Independence Day from everyone of us at our family reunion today -- celebrating at the grand patriotic Coeur d'Alene parade!
      -Sarah Palin

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      How long was Tripp in California with Joey Junker?

    3. Anonymous4:41 PM

      I think I saw Tripp in the big family picture in Idaho.

    4. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Yes Tripp obviously attended the family reunion, as he should

    5. Anonymous7:33 PM

      lol People here need lives.

    6. Anonymous9:14 PM

      @7:33 Trolling IM is your life. You have nothing else in your life, Troll.

    7. Anonymous9:37 PM

      7:33 PM Yes, you do need a Life, but, you are obsessed with the Palins. What a waste you are.

  10. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Depression and addiction are ugly monsters.

  11. Anonymous3:57 PM

    The cheesecake pic that Bristol posted of herself was taken in Arizona, so I assumed that's where Tripp is. He had been staying with his Dad before that.

    It could have been Willow or someone else driving Bristol's car driving through Wasilla. In a small town wherever your car is seen you are presumed to have been.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Brisket and wallow don't look alike.

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      he did see Levi half of June and like 10 days in July.

    3. Anonymous7:32 PM

      cheesecake? huh?

      and why are people stalking

    4. Anonymous9:13 PM

      7:32 PM Stalking is your thing, not ours.

    5. Anonymous5:41 AM

      Molded cheese. No cake. Barstool is a disgusting person, no question.

    6. Anonymous5:49 AM

      There is a cousin Louden or Lauden or something weird like that , who looks just like Bristol. She has been used as a body double when Bristles is preggers.

    7. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Willoow is about 4' tall. If she doesn't use pillows you wouldn't be able to see her. lol

  12. Anonymous4:33 PM

    When does school start for Tripp? Will he attend?

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      If he attends in Wasilla school begins this Thursday, 8/14, this would be his first year going to school in AK. Presumably at his age he would be in 1st grade.

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Tripp's age puts him in Kindergarten. And If anyone finds out his school, DO NOT publicize it. Have respect.

    3. Anonymous9:11 PM

      7:31 PM You are a LIAR, Tripp is 6 and 1/2 years old. A simple copy of his birth certificate could prove it. You can't provide any proof of Tripp's age, because you are a NOBODY Palin Stalker with an agenda.

    4. Anonymous9:35 PM

      7:31 PM If you find out which School Tripp will attend, you will be stalking. You stick your nose up Bristol's Ass every chance you get. How do those Trial Daddies smell, Troll?

  13. Crystal Sage4:35 PM

    I notice that a lot of the pictures of a happy Tripp are taken outdoors in beautiful settings in Alaska. Those pictures taken with the Palins look staged and phoney. Tripp unhappy, indoors most of the time.

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      He probably doesn't know anything else with the Palins but to be bribed with sugar and toxic dyes when he poses for most of the pictures with them. He is like a circus animal. I am so glad to see him looking more relaxed and natural with his parents.

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Why are you proud of being an ignorant ass

    3. Anonymous9:08 PM

      7:31 pm Why are you proud of being a foolish troll, no one here likes what you write, and you make stupid comments. All of Bristol's Trial Daddies should be summoned to court and deposed as to their relationship with Bristol. Floosie-mama should be her title.

  14. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

    In a way, this arbitration hearing might work out for the best. Someone can't pull her BS,, or it'll all be on the public record. Stock up on Legal pads and pens, just in case!
    Bristol's got her mom's brains AND even temper.

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      Trollie has appointed herself as Bristol's Attorney. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

    2. Anonymous9:38 PM

      It's not an arbitration hearing. It's a settlement conference. There will be no public record of it, unless they reach settlement. In that case, the settlement will be part of the court's record.

  15. Anonymous5:46 PM


    What a racket... This is the Vine star that stood up the teens in Anchorage when Sarah Palin just happened to show up (although her story was that she was in Bristol Bay). Now it seems there is a worse scam by the Fox awards show. These kids may wise up if they are already seeing how they are being played.

    Did they ever figure out what happened to Cameron Dallas when he didn't show up as promised in Anchorage about a month ago? Did he apologize or give the girls an explanation? I wonder what that was all about? How did Sarah Palin end up in the middle of it all? Oh, I forgot she wasn't there, she was in Bristol Bay with Todd's native family and they were fishing.

    btw, isn't Radar on Palin speed dial? That's another trumped up story about Bristol and Levi. Don't they have a hearing the first of September? Will there be more Bristol stories? I haven't checked out Nancy in awhile, has she learned to cook? Sarah is really a bore with her latest blog.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      What are you talking about? Stop stalking these people. Get a life.

      A sane person chooses mediation because mediation is THE smartest way to go in any court case.That is fact. ANY judge will recommend it.

    2. Anonymous9:05 PM


      Well, sane people put a bit more thought into pumping out children and perhaps wait until they are older and have finished school and have jobs. That way one avoids court and mediation all together.

  16. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I knew it was a planted story to Radar from the palins. Those people lie and they are low low low.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Radar'prs evious lies were corrected. Other than that, THIS should NOT be public domain. Levi dug his hole deep when he scapegoated and refused to take responsibility in 09

    2. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Take the story for what it is worth. It is probably as true as Sarah Palin landing a spit on The View, 3 weeks out of 4. Yeah, and The View will buy Sarah her own NYC condo, too, also. And Trig doesn't need therapy. And Piper has already been accepted to Harvard, so she doesn't need to finish high school. And Todd doesn't need a fishing guide at his own lodge. He just brings some frozen fish and then sticks them on the hook and drops them in the bay.

    3. Anonymous9:02 PM

      @7:28 PM Then keep your stupid opinions to yourself, Stalker Troll.

  17. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Gryphen, WHY is this court case titled PALIN vs Johnston??? I thought LEVI had filed the case, NOT the PayMes!

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      His case was closed when the cases were combined. It is the original

      And this isn't YOUR business btdubs

    2. Anonymous7:27 PM

      It's not mature to change a family's name. It's hateful. Though people here know how to be ignorant and hateful.

    3. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Though they do! I think that's not mature either too.

    4. Anonymous9:00 PM

      7:27 PM STFU, Troll. What do you have to do with their court case? You are a Sick, Nosy Bitch.

  18. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Mediation is ALWAYS the way to go. NO person in a right mind would say no to it.

    And radar didn't say there was a truce. There was an article correcting lies the media was circulating. Surprise. But Ive never read anything about a truce.

    And "nice guys" dont act superior AND "pen" a book of lies which he did. True, it wasn't HIS book, but it is still lies using his name. Though i doubt he knows whats inside.

    As EVERYONE knows, the media should never butt into such sensitive matters. No mature person would ever use their biases by writing about custody issues.

    It's not like there's a better party here, no matter YOUR opinion.

    1. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Only one parent has broken the custody agreement and that is Bristol Palin.

    2. Anonymous8:46 PM

      The only thing you can talk knowledgeably about is unemployment and living off of your parents when you're an adult.

      Oh, and you also know how it feels to have the Sheriff after you, don't you?

      How much do the Palins pay you to defend them all over the internet 24/7? If it's true that it's Bristol's pussy you're after, then you had better go to the end of the line if you can see it from Florida.

    3. Anonymous8:57 PM

      7:18 PM You comment as if you are Bristol's Lawyer. You are a Nobody looking for attention. Get lost, Troll.

    4. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Anonymous7:18 PM
      Is that you, Sarah. Boy the word salad jsut sounds like Sarah to me...or Maybe bristol has the same :"handwriting." First you call the media and then you cry that the media is biased.

  19. Anonymous7:19 PM

    why is sunny tagged? she is unrelated to any of this. ???

    She has nothing to do with tripp which is why she was hoping for a son of her own.

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      It seems like Sunny has a lot to do with this. She's Trip's stepmother

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Sunny is very much a part of "this".

      Why don't you get a job and stop minding Sunny's business for her?

    3. Anonymous8:56 PM

      7:19 PM You can bet that Tripp calls Sunny 'MOMMY'. And Sunny is a better Mommy than Bristol the Trial Daddy Fucker will ever be. Your jealousy of Sunny Johnston is apparent.

    4. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Because Sunny is Levi's wife.

    5. Anonymous5:48 AM

      Sunny is the only loving mother that Tripp has ever known.

  20. Anonymous7:24 PM

    OMG these weird biases and shit need to stop. There was no article citing a truce persay. There was one CORRECTING a false story.

    And every sane human knows that the best way to handle any court issues id mediation. It is the mature manner in which to settle disagreements.

    And it ensures or aids in future good terms.

    It's not like this is a nasty divorce case or even a bad case where both parties throw barbs the size of texas.

    Yes both of them penned books that Tripp will never see if they know whats good for him. Yes they've BOTH lied.

    The difference. Liberals refuse to see their "heros" are liars.

    I don't understand why any outsider, which you all are, think and act like you can think objectively and judge anyone. No ones worthy of praise here. They're all human.

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Bristol has broken the custody agreement time after time, she is a bitch who cares NOTHING about her own sons emotional needs. I should apologize for calling her a bitch though, I have never seen a female dog that doesn't care for their young properly like Palins do.

    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      How dare you talk about people you don't know!

      Get a job. You're as lazy as the Palins.

    3. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Are you an Insider, or a Troll who is Stalking Bristol?
      7:24 PM Enough of your Bullshit, you don't know shit!!!

    4. Anonymous4:56 AM

      Barstool "penned" a book? Not hardly. The skank can't even *spell* the word "book". Mummy's paid henchmen did the work, just like Nancy French ghostwrites the hateful screed known as Barstool's "blog".

    5. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Speaking of "heroes." you infernal Palin troll, all of yours are liars, psychopaths and narcissists. They are also, uneducated, ignorant and dimwitted.

  21. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Palin must have RadarOnline on speed dial:

    "... after stepping out of the spotlight to pursue her education at cosmetology school in Arizona."

    stepping out of the spotlight-what a joke.
    pursue her education - another joke, paying for a certificate is hardly pursuing an education.

    1. Anonymous8:48 PM

      After fleeing to Arizona to give birth to another Bastard Baby, Bristol Palin is dumped by another Trial Daddy.

    2. Anonymous5:55 AM

      8:48pm Not the first trial daddy who has dumped her nor will it be the last. Bristol is a loser and a liar just like her Mommy Dearest, but will be worse in the long run. If that's even possible. Both are shitty moms and shitty human beings. They both belong behind a paywall where I will never encounter either of their sorry asses.

  22. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Right Sarah?

  23. Tripp, if this blog survives to your adolescence, and you find yourself reading it, and without knowing what's to come yet between your father and your mother, I want you to understand your dad is a man among men.

    This is from a man who was abandoned (with his sister and his Mom), whose dad walked out before the soft spot on my head was hardened, and never looked back and never sent a dime. I never laid eyes on him and he was dead at 50. He divorced my mother long distance from Nevada, and charged her with desertion.

    It hurts in both good and bad ways to watch your father fight as hard as he is for his fair share of time in your life. And he's been doing just that since before you said your first words. Most of us here, certainly myself, see your dad as a hero, and when you're old enough for such assessments yourself, Tripp, it is my hope your view will be the same. Trust me; you're a very lucky young man, Tripp Johnston.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      5:48 So nicely said and I totally agree with you! Tripp will be in for a horrible story of his life once he is old enough to research it. A story where the evilness and nastiness has come 100% from the Palin/Heath side.

      Thank the Lord, Tripp has a sound and wonderful father in Levi (as well as Levi's family) that provide (and will continue to) the steady love and support Tripp will need as he grows into his young adult life.

      He is in for a shock when he sees all the material - video - radio - TV - news media and books that will be accessible to him at some future date.

      Plus, many folks throughout Alaska (especially) and the USA have kept items back as far as Wasilla, AK days for safekeeping.

  24. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Seems funny to me that everytime seditiious sarah shows her true colors and gets smacked down by the world, here comes a story about barstools custody hearing???? The trolls are working overtime to keep the attention off seditious sarah and her outright, drugged-drunk appearence on her pay channel.... funny

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:18 AM

      So Bristol is running interference for her mentally ill mother? No doubt that's been going on for years.

      These women seem completely beholden to each other on some very strange level. Freaky deaky!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.