Saturday, August 02, 2014

Sarah Palin answers questions. Always good for a laugh.

So I have decided that I am not going to report on anything behind the Sarah Palin Channel pay wall.

And I am not alone in that decision.

This has apparently frustrated the spotlight addict, and she has made some of her videos public in the hopes that somebody will pay some damn attention to her.

She put up one yesterday suggesting that she would answer questions, so I thought "Okay let's see if knowing that most of the viewers will only be her sycophants, will convince her to say anything interesting?"

The short answer is no, it didn't.

She essentially rehashes the same crap she has been dishing out for years.

When asked if she is going to run for President, she again says that she is not "closing any doors" but does "not know what the future holds." Which of course is bullshit since we all know, and have known for years, that she has no intention of running for President, or ANY political office.

She also answers questions about her feelings toward the President, which nobody has to pay $9.95 to find out that's for sure, and her feelings about the legality of his administration, and of course impeachment. Which she is still pimping despite being virtually abandoned by everybody, including Fox News at this point.

There were a few responses that I thought deserved attention.

On one she is asked if she belongs to any Down Syndrome support groups.

Palin adopts that ridiculous syrupy voice of hers while admitting that no, she does not belong to any of these groups. Which considering the difficulty of raising a child with this challenge, would seem to be counter intuitive, except when you consider that Palin really does not care enough to seek any real support or input on his care.

The other question that I found interesting was "Before you support a candidate for office do you make sure he has the qualifications to run our country?"

(I swear that one almost made me do a spit take.)

Palin answers that she, and her SarahPAC team, thoroughly vet the candidates and that she takes the responsibility seriously. She also claims to be proud of the job that they have done so far.

Seriously? Considering her win/loss record you would think she would be somewhat less than thrilled with the electability of her endorsees.

So what I learned by entering the mouth of darkness, which is the Sarah Palin Channel/blog, is that Palin is continuing to dodge hard questions, and outright lie to our faces, only now it will cost you $9.95 a month to have your intelligence insulted.

Yeah, I wonder how many masochists THAT will attract?


  1. Caroll Thompson12:12 PM

    It was great not hearing from her dumb ass for a week. I guess that pay wall is better for us than it is for her.

    Get back behind the pay wall Sarah. The world is a much better place without hearing your voice (and all your lies).

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      That is so true. She just isolated herself even more with that stupid "channel" of hers. LMAO!!

    2. Anonymous4:15 PM

      "...better for us than for her."
      So true!
      Maybe there is a God after all.

    3. Everybody knows she is rolling in the dough counting her millions of followers on the new techy webby channel thingy. I bet the servers are still crashing. $$$$$$$$$

      WOW, she better go pick out a new pontoon or house. What a hick.

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Ha! Talking about impeachment, she said this would be a clear message to his predecessors, so that any future president would know . . . Um, successors, Sarah?

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM


      Bush the Dumber definitely needed some impeaching. Could have saved us a few wars and a 9-11.

    2. Anonymous3:05 PM

      There is a word of the day for Sally Sandusky. "predecessors" $carah looks like hell in that photo. Hungover? Also, too she is TOO OLD to be putting on that cutesy act.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    The $64,000 question:

    Sarah, have you donated any money to any Down Syndrome support group?

    She said when running in 2008 that she would be an advocate and spokesperson for children with disabilities. This bitch can NOT even be bothered to join any of these groups ...

    Damn you to hell Sarah

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Ah, but what she really said was that "if I am bless ed to be elected Vice President, I will be a,strong advocate in Washington for all special needs kids ." Since she lost, she had no reason to d anything for anybody. Not even her pretend child. I hope his,real parents claim him soon.

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Just like she Quit to be "progressin' Alaska" lol! LMAO she has only progressed her and her family's grifter bank accounts.

    3. She was dead in the water when she did really stupid things that we thought were out right funny but her stupid ass was serious.

      She put an outline of the state of Texas inside an outline of the state of Alaska. She did this to prove she had more executive experience than the 2nd biggest state, Texas. she wasn't kidding either.

      the insufferable witch hasn't changed her old tired, racist, batshitstonecrazy ways since 2008. Matter of fact she has regressed. Yep it's possible!

      When will the msm call her what she is, mentally retarded, clinically deranged and physically bent.

  4. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Great screen grab of Sally, Gryph. Why no picture of Sarah? Oh yeah she's probably writing her next speech. Busy little bitch, that's our Sarah.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM


    2. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Looks like she had more work done on her face, it is so tight looks like she couldn't open her mouth if she tried. More good news for us!!!!! If her eyebrows are lifted anymore, they will be up on her wig line.

    3. Anonymous1:20 PM

      visually the botoxed cross eyed skank still reminds me of a dr seuss cartoon character

    4. Anonymous1:24 PM

      sparkle pony's looking really dour

    5. Anonymous3:57 PM

      I don't generally like to comment on the appearance of females not in entertainment, since they should be judged on their knowledge, etc and not what they look like on camera, but she's looking ROUGH. Time and recreational time wasters have not been kind to her.

    6. Anonymous4:31 PM

      It looks like she's got a shitload of filters on that camera. Her skin looks expressionless, almost like wax, and that isn't makeup, that's filters.

      I blew the image up really, really, big and you can tell the lines and creases she normally has aren't there. And it's not botox, it's overall. It's filters.

      Anyone out there in the video business? Am I right?

  5. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Hey Palin, what does the VP do? What newspapers do you read? What is the "Bush Doctrine?"

    We're all ears and awaiting enlightenment!

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      I'll get back to ya, Charlie."
      Can u imagine any VP candidate giving that response on a televised interview?

    2. Balzafiar1:38 PM

      Sharia Sarah doesn't have to worry about the Bush Doctrine; she wears a one-piece bathing suit, ca 1955.

    3. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Don't have to imagine it anymore: it actually happened!

  6. Anonymous12:28 PM

    If Sarah and Todd had joined a support group, they might have learned that Trig could have therapy from age 0-2 for his facial muscles, swallowing (eating), eyes, etc; like other Down Syndrome children. He could have been in a school program for free; yet she chose to not get Trig the help he needs.
    Instead, the Palins put him in front of a computer screen. She is shown feeding him baby food in front of the computer; no eye contact. She indicates that he doesn't talk. A photo has shown Trig going to sleep on his I-pad - no one puts him to bed when he is tired, or it's bed time. Trig smiles for the camera because this is probably one of the rare times Todd or Sarah will hold/look at him. I doubt he is potty trained, and now Sarah is trying to "catch him up". Oh, and she showed his reflexive tongue movements on the video, for the world to see, and so he will be embarrassed if he ever makes it to high school and has some friends.
    There is no way that he can attend "regular" kindergarten, like Sarah says. He is too deficient.
    Sarah should label her videos "Despicable Me", 2, 3, 4...

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      No Child Left Behind. Well... never mind

    2. Anonymous12:42 PM

      I think the laptop was put there to keep him interested enough to not smack her. As for rare times Todd or Sarah will hold/look at him, I think that is true of Sarah but not Todd. Much as I despise Pimp Daddy, I do think he loves his kids, especially Trig.

    3. Anonymous12:57 PM

      I wonder how far behind Piper Diaper must be? She missed a lot of school as well thanks to her mothers insecurities. Fortunately her two big sister role models probably taught her anything she needed to know. Poor kid

    4. " ...yet she chose to not get Trig the help he needs."
      She couldn't afford to have a well-developing child meeting milestones and living much like any other child with talents, strength, and weaknesses.

      It would interfere with her image of herself as noble martyr mother graciously accepting the tremendous burden of this "special gift."

      She can't be a self-sacrificing saint if Trig is developing well and is getting therapy to make the most of his himself, now can she? Sorry, kiddo, your needs are not as important as Sarah's image.

    5. Anonymous1:29 PM

      First of all, no special needs child is ever released from any hospital without info on immediate therapy ( usually known as Zero to Three). But Sarah couldn't be bothered because she used Trig as a prop instead and dragged him around the country on a fucking book tour instead.

    6. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Recent studies show even normal children benefit from one-on-one "conversations" with adults as early as six months of age. Being a parent of any child-especially one with developmental difficulties- is a very time consuming job.

    7. Anonymous4:20 PM

      I don't think Sarah "delivered" Trig and was released from a hospital. Trig was "delivered" to her, probably at her house after he was released from the Anchorage NICU.

    8. Anonymous9:45 PM

      yeah, Dr. CBJ required therapy for Trig. Shuuuure she did.

    9. maybe they were full o'shit, but "Me Again" had written that originally Sarah and Todd were given strict instructions regarding Trig's glasses, etc (i.e. they needed to force him to wear them constantly for his development).

      Well, Me Again said that Sarah was so deficient that instead of doing the therapy -


  7. janice12:34 PM

    I see this going down and off the web quickly after she finds it is more work than the money coming in.... poor Bristol, she will definately be poor now.... I wonder what Sarah's excuse will be?.

  8. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Geez,, Hey Sarah, that big American flag doesn't make you a patriot or a statesman. Keep trying though.

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      I love her photo props.

      The albino gerbil on the window sill is my favorite.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      I think that’s a polar bear. The only kind she likes are stiff, considering her lame effort while gov to work on climate change.

  9. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I wonder if anyone asked if she wears wigs. I'm sure that would provoke a rabid lie of "No! Of course not"

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Good idea for some more questions:
      1. Does Willow do your hair or do you do it yourself?
      2. What IS Willow doing?
      3. What IS Bristol doing?
      4. How long does it take you to put on your makeup?
      5. How long does it take to wash it all off?

    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      and everyone's favorite: Where is Trig's birth certificate?

    3. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Who is Bristol doing, you mean. I hear Junker flew the coop!!

  10. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Why WOULD she care about Trig? I believe he's Todd's kid from someone in his village..Remember on her Alaska Show when they flew up there. First thing out of her mouth after getting out of the plane with Trig was...Oh, look Trig, here's your cousin..He has down syndrome too! Was that a "cousin" or maybe a "brother" and why was remark said with snark in her voice and a bit of a sneer? I think it's highly possible she went through all the fake pregnancy stuff and took Trig to avoid any embarrassing info getting out just as her life was "presumably" on the uptick while reminding Todd that he OWED her BIG TIME for LIFE.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Yup. Sarah is the Queen of tells.

  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    So she already is making the "pay for view" public, did any of the nitwits ask for a refund?

    Keep yacking Sarah, all your lies will be documented on the Internet.

  12. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I'm sure she'll make a good amount of pocket change or rube cash from her little Internet channel, but yeah... the spotlight will dim considerably.

    Glenn Beck used to be all over the place, TV, radio, Internet.. Now, he's pigeonholed himself into his own little corner, preaching to the choir. He's reaching NO ONE outside his own self-made bubble. And, seeing how much the rubes are willing to pay him to keep being Beck, why change?

    Sarah's never had that sort of popularity. Oh, she has her hard-core groupies over at c4p, but most of them have already drained their retirement funds by giving to her "PAC", and now she wants more of their money... for what? She's not going to run for office again -- EVER. She has ZERO effect on US laws/policies. Her fans crowned her a "King Maker" in 2010, when in reality, it was simply a typical midterm election cycle. The GOP has grown tired of her high school mean girl antics (you lost in 2008, you're pissed, we get it already), and even the Tea Party doesn't endorse her like they once did.

    I'll be genuinely surprised if the Sarah Palin Channel is still here -- with Sarah actively participating -- this time next year. It's too much work for her. A video a week would be too much work for her. She'll (sooner than later) dump this endeavor on one of her lackeys, and by this time next year, it will have been merged with Palinistas4Freedum or whatever website currently fleeces the groupies for SarahPAC donations... and Sarah will assign herself as "CEO" or "Founder" and be done actually doing anything with it.

    1. linda1:01 PM

      this prediction is spot on. i agree 110% that is her plan.

    2. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Good observations! The difference between Palin and Beck is that Beck was always in broadcasting. Palin started in politics. Then she quit her job as governor to go into broadcasting (appearing on Fox). She teased that she would run for President, while Glenn never pretended to have political ambitions. If Palin was truly serious about running for president, she should have finished her term as governor and had a record of accomplishment. Instead, she is known as a quitter. Quitting might have been a stepping stone to more money but not higher political office. Glenn does not tease his followers that he is going to run for anything. Palin trades on a fake family image, pretends to run for something and lacks the real skills in broadcasting that a journalism major would have had. I don't like Beck, but his rants are well practiced, studied exercises in stirring up his audience. Palin just wants the money and the attention without working for it. She used to give $100,000. speeches that she didn't bother to practice or learn. She's a fake. Beck may be an actor, but created a good part and he plays it well. Sarah couldn't act scared on the A train to Harlem.

    3. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Palin trades on ALL things that are FAKE and is going down, down, down. This new endeavor of hers (website) is not going to to work! The majority of Americans (and Alaskans especially) are not interested in her - or, what she has to repeat, repeat and repeat. There are so many lies (proven!) she has projected....she is just plain boring!

    4. Anonymous2:29 PM

      That last sentence is a riot! "Sarah couldn't act scared on the A train to Harlem!" I'd love to actually put her on that train and watch what happens. The little racist would shit her drawers!!!

    5. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Sista Sarah likes being in the spotlight too much to make this website thing a success. She is just now realizing what is going to happen to her with this new endeavor!

      You will fade from view, Sarah, and the majority of us are gonna love it! The silence and lack of visuals will be golden!

    6. Anonymous3:49 PM

      I saunted over to the snake pit (Open Thread) at the peepond, and OMG LMAO, they SERIOUSLY think Granny Palin is going to run in 2016! What a load of gullible morons! They deserve the fleecing they're getting from this babblemouthed grifter. They learned nothing from 2012, absolutely nothing.

    7. Anonymous4:26 PM

      I don't get it. How can ANYONE be that stupid and think she would actually run for president? She wouldn't run, but she also couldn't possibly win. She knows that. Why are those people so fucking stupid!

    8. Anonymous4:57 PM

      You are spot on. I just checked out the Sarah Pac site. The last update there is from June 3, 2014.
      I give Sarah's "channel" a couple months at the most. The few times I've trolled it there are maybe two or three updated articles daily. That is not much of a return for what she is charging.
      An in-depth article was done by Vanity Fair:
      I would love to know how much she actually makes once people start to cash out of their trial memberships....

    9. Anonymous9:36 PM

      4:57 I would think Sarah Pac site has been instructed not to reveal anything so that people have to go to her pay site.

    10. Anonymous1:05 AM

      What's with all this white-washing of Glenn Beck and trying to make him look good compared to Sarah, here lately? He's a dangerous lunatic who sits in a fake oval office pretending he's some kind of philosopher or serious intellectual while he demonizes anyone he doesn't agree with. He has gotten more people threatened and murdered than Sarah could ever hope to. Just another schizoid, right-wing, delusional asshole spewing eliminationist rhetoric in the hopes that someone as crazy as he is (but with a lot less to lose) will take a shot. In truth he is worse than Sarah Palin because while, deep down, Sarah knows she is a fake who is all talk. Glenn seems to really BELIEVE the bullshit he spews. He thinks he's some prophet doing "god's" work. So, yeah, sorry...not buying it.

    11. Agree, 1:05 that Beck is lunatic scum. I don't think that is being questioned.

      I believe the point was to try and find someone to compare to palin with this new venture of Web-based pontification. The most notable is Glen Beck.

      So the comparison is to how Glen has created his empire to how Palin has attempted to create hers.

      Now, people have pointed out that Beck has a history in broadcasting, and there is certainly a level of work involved in creating that many hours of content. That is a given.

      Palin is Lazy, Lazy, Lazy.

      She does not create the content herself, and the people only want to see Sarah. This would keep her busier than ANYTHING she ever did for Fox.

      She won't update enough, people who wanted to see her will get bored and feel ripped off, and the subscribers will fall off fast.

      Furthermore, the site is new now. This is the only time people are going to sign up for her site. You either are a fan or you're not - you are not going to decide in five months to sign up for this Palin site, you know what I mean?

      As it is, even the die hards aren't a given - Virginia Gentleman is "saving his pennies" for a heart transplant. THESE are the people she was COUNTING on!

      What's amusing is that the C4P morons think there are enough OTHER people out there to take their place? Without the rubes of C4P, Sarah has almost NO ONE!!

      And, Sarah is boring. She is a one-trick pony.

      She's not smart - which is necessary to be clever and/or funny.

      She's not interesting - she has no interests other than herself.

      She's not charismatic -Many mistook her bile and anger for energy, her "cutesy" schtick as charisma - but no. She would not have failed at EVERY SINGLE TELEVISION OPPORTUNITY if she truly had charisma.

      She's old, boring, nasty and uneducated.

      And "ALL" this for more money than NETFLIX?

      WOO-HOO!! Count. Me. Out!

  13. Anonymous12:46 PM

    She had also put up a video of herself slamming Jesse Ventura for suing Chris Kyle. She actually received some negative feedback on her FB page, specifically calling her out for not getting the story right. (That video appeared to have been shot in AZ. Totally different background, but same stupid spewer

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Kyle and his friend brought a vet with post traumatic stress to a firing range. Good idea. The gun fire probably set the poor guy off and he shot Kyle and the friend, killing them. Sarah and Todd turned Kyle into a hero. I never heard that Kyle had a background in psychology and knew how to treat post traumatic stress.

      Kyle's book described an incident where he bragged about beating up Ventura in a bar. Ventura proved in court and to a jury that the incident did not take place and that he was damaged by the story. He was awarded $1.8 million in damages for defamation.

      I don't care for Venture and his blustery style, but if someone printed a lie about him, he deserved the judgment. The publisher agreed with the court and agreed to remove the offending paragraphs. Palin adopted Kyle and she picked a hero (a sharp shooter) with human flaws. Tough. Move on. Find another hero to embrace. Find someone else's name to paint on Todd's snow machine next year. Maybe the marine is still locked up the Mexican jail and Palin can go on about that .

    2. lostinmn3:06 PM

      Let's be clear about one thing. I'm not a fan of JV for his behavior at the funeral of Paul Wellstone. One must remember that for all the "good" that was Kyle that a portion of his book was proved to be false and will be retracted and scrubbed it gives me pause about how accurate and truthful the rest of his "story" is. It's one thing to write a factual book and quite another to write historical fiction. The fiction is often more entertaining and filled with adventure but once a key part of your "Facts" have been proven false it makes it harder to believe the rest of it just isn't embellishment of his actions.

    3. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Vemtura started many other bar fights over the yrs and he had/still has anger issues ('roid rage)from all the steroid use.

    4. Anonymous8:53 PM

      That's irrelevant, 3:23.

    5. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Not a JV fan either but he was awarded a judgment for good reason. That book pretty much ruined his career & reputation.

    6. Agree with the questions regarding Kyle's book.

      THe book is supposed to be about his heroism and bravery - which could have been true...

      Yet he felt the need to Shoehorn in a FALSE story about beating up Jessie Ventura?

      That is just bizarre. It makes it seem that Kyle had a major bug up his ass about JV and chose this opportunity to LIBEL (hi, troll!) him?

      Any person that was confident in themselves, their lives, their accomplishments and their actions would have NO NEED to create a ridiculous lie about a bar fight!

      Makes me question everything about the guy.

      (Well, the story about bringing the PTSD guy to the gun site for therapy is like bringing an alcoholic to a bar - "to see that it's not so bad, right?")

      The association with the Palins was the death knell. Before or after his actual death is moot.

  14. "This has apparently frustrated the spotlight addict, and she has made some of her videos public in the hopes that somebody will pay some damn attention to her. "
    This is exactly the corner I said she was painting herself into. Keep everything behind a paywall? Guess what, Tundradunce, you aren't worth the price of admission.

    But if no one is watching, how can the noodlebrained narcissist get the attention she craves?

    Of course! Make some videos available to that there lamestream media that we uh, so despise, there also to in this great country uh, yeah. Freedumb!

    Now there is even less of a reason to subscribe. Why pay if she'll put the ribbon-wrapped glitter-sprinkled turds out there for free, so lose a subscriber or two, annnd, lather, rinse, repeat.

    What a maroon.

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      If you have to pay to see it, then the media won't bother to write about it because it is not accessible to their viewers or readers. If Sarah is making some of the stuff free, then she is still trying to attract subscribers and she hasn't hit the numbers where it is profitable for her and the internet providers. (It is not a TV channel. It is a website).

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Wonder how many folks have signed up for her bullshit and actually paid for it? Anyone know? Also, it would be fun to learn how many have asked to cancel and get their money back once they realized they were getting nothing different than what they've been listening to for eons.

      She's so friggin' boring and inept! And, so easy for so many of us to predict her every move.

    3. Anonymous2:45 PM

      "If you have to pay to see it, then the media won't bother to write about it because it is not accessible to their viewers or readers"

      Haha you get right to her big logical fail.


    4. I would like to tweet the two geniuses who decided to support Sarah in this venture:


  15. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Sarah Palin's book has a lot of info about the difficulties of maintaining a Down Syndrome infant's therapies while keeping up with a heavy campaign schedule in 2008.


    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Then maybe Sarah should have left Trig at home with a therapist and care provider instead of dragging him around in front of crowds, bright lights and late hours. The campaign was just an excuse not to begin therapy, and then there was the book tour and then....

    2. It's quite obvious that the Sarahskank never applied any of those therapies that her ghostwriter put in "her book".

    3. Anonymous2:47 PM

      What does a cockroach sound like? Because I think that's what I hear at 1:02.

    4. Then maybe Palin should have realized that her family needed her at that time and not accepted the VP offer or graciously stepped down. There are plenty of politicians, male and female, who decide not to run or not to run again for an office for family reasons.

      She had (allegedly) a pregnant teenage daughter and a newborn child with Down Syndrome.

      She said she didn't even blink when the VP offer was made.

      Well, maybe you should have blinked, you stupid cow.

    5. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Then why didn't Todd do thise duties, or the caretakers they had for Piper? No excuse in this day and age for not getting Trig the help he needed. Now it's too late, yes I said too late. A child's learning ability drops off sharply at age 3 and children cannot learn some things after that age.

    6. Anonymous6:42 PM

      1:02 PM Crickets get more attention than Sarah Palin gives Trig.

    7. Anonymous1:15 AM

      So, with that big, super-loving family she has, she couldn't arrange for his therapy to continue with a trusted relative while she was on the road? But no, she chose to keep him with her on the trail so she could have him nearby for convenient photo ops to advance her own career. She failed and it was all for nothing, so she never bothered to pick back up with the therapy after she got a mudhole stomped in her flat ass by Barack Obama? What's the excuse for that? You're as stupid as ever, troll.

    8. JC, people, I think the OP is snark.

      Did Palin ever mention all of Trig's therapies in her book? or how it was super difficult to get that all done while she on the VP trail?

      No. I believe that is what the OP is talking about. She didn't even have the ghostwriter address it b/c it is so out of her scope of thought.

      If Sarah HAD dealt with all that shit, you can be SURE we all would have heard about it.

      But she knows she can't just lie about it cuz people with DS loved one KNOW what they're talking about,

      so Palin just keeps Trig hidden away with people she can trust not to tell anyone else about him.

      I can't believe she admits she's not part of a DS support group, bc you almost have to be to deal with it all. But again, she would be "found out" in two seconds if she lied so she was truthful. I wonder why she chose to answer that question at all?

    9. Anonymous7:06 PM

      She's really too stupid to understand. She claimed she never knew any DS kids and we find out there are at least a half dozen DS kids in her extended family. Both Palin and Heath sides have DS genes. Remember her cousin at a book signing in AK? "I'm the real thing!" He was so proud.

  16. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Somebody really ought to run her shit through a lie detector. The sing-song voice no doubt would throw the machine into overdrive.

  17. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Sarah sure looks a lot like her mother in that screen grab that opens this post.

    The Daily Mail seems to have picked up the Radar Online story about poor little Bristol:

    1. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Looks like for a change, everyone is on Levi's side as everyone is telling Bristol to get a job, get an education.

    2. But, but, but...


      Why o WHY won"t anyone believe Brisdulll?????

  18. Anonymous1:31 PM

    My Dog! She looks like a 70 yr old with dementia.

  19. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I'm surprised she admitted she wasn't involved in a DS support group. I think she thinks it makes her look Tough and Strong.

    In reality, it makes her (and Todd) look like a fool and someone who doesn't care about her DS child.

    She gave THE WRONG ANSWER but didn't know enough (or care enough) about the facts of raising a DS child to realize she did the BIG REVEAL by saying she didn't participate in a support group.

    Hey Sarah, it's OK to need support. If not for yourself, you tough old bird, then get the support for the sake of your son--who desperately needs it.

    And, also, too. Why isn't Todd doing something to intervene on Trig's behalf? What father would allow his wife to endanger his premie special needs child by flying thousands of miles while in labor?

    What kind of father allows his special needs child to be ignored and prevented from getting all the possible help he can get?

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      I think it's pretty obvious as to Todd as we are seeing less and less of him this year. Most of us don't even know if they are still married.

      I'm sure he is so sick of her he can hardly see straight. Remember, he is the guy that knows her better than anyone and could sell her out in a heartbeat! She's paying him to keep quiet and allowing him to be more and more out of the picture.

      The Palin klan is in a horrid mess! But, someday in our futures, things are going to crack and the truths will be published for Alaskans and the country to see - IF they are even interested by then!

    2. Support group? Where all the members are peers and equals, sharing hard won knowledge and comfort and support? Where there is a shared commonality of experience and whatever you are going through, someone in the group has had your experiences?

      Sarah doesn't do peers and equals. No one carries the burden that Palin carries. No one can possibly understand what it is like to care for someone with Down Syndrome. Palin is so fucking unique and special that there is no group that would of use to her because she alone knows what it is like to have a special needs child.

      And in a support group, people listen to each other and support each other. Why would Palin waste her time listening to someone else, as if their life had any meaning or interest? And why should she support other people. She's the one that is sooo special, not those other people.

    3. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Thank you Nefer 3:04. You are spot on as usual!

    4. Anonymous3:57 PM

      What father would allow his wife to endanger his premie special needs child by flying thousands of miles while in labor?

      What kind of father allows his special needs child to be ignored and prevented from getting all the possible help he can get?

      Todd may have the street smarts of a bully, but he is not an intelligent man. He is the one who explained the Wild Ride by saying that he couldn't have a fishpicker born in Texas. What a dumb thing to say. I'm sorry to be brutally honest, but does Todd really think that Trig is going to be part of the family fishing business? Doesn't he have to have native blood to qualify to fish that spot? Track isn't fishing there either. 'Nuff said.

      Todd had to take care of the kids while Sarah was on the City Council, in the Mayor's office and when she was Governor. Judging from how each of them has turned out, Todd gave the minimum amount of care. He didn't seem to be an important part of their lives or he would have counseled them to make wiser choices in their lives. I don't think that Todd cares about the value of education.

      Sarah is the only source of income for that bunch of slugs. If Sarah says, "No therapy, I don't want strangers nosing around our business," then there's no therapy. He seems to hold Trig in a sweet way, but we don't know how involved he is in raising Trig. Not very much if Todd didn't figure out that the kid needed therapy, and at an early age.

    5. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Don't be too hard on Toad - after all, he didn't even finish highschool...

    6. Anonymous4:32 PM

      "What father would allow his wife to endanger his premie special needs child by flying thousands of miles while in labor?
      Well, to be fair, Trig wasn't actually along for that ride.

    7. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Actually no he doesn't have to have Native blood to fish there. It's a commercial fishery, so it takes a limited entry permit, which costs thousands of dollars. You don't even have to be a resident of Alaska to own one. You just have to have enough money to buy one. Not that I'm saying that I think Trig will ever be a fish picker, but in theory he could.

    8. F U McCain7:00 AM


      Love your take on it but that "thinking" (ha!) would only take place if sarah actually birthed Trig.

      Since he was an "add-on", Come on, People! She *already* did her part- she took him!

      She's done. Finished. That's all she wrote about dealing with that kid, thank you very much.

      She said she'd "take him" and raise him and that's what she'll do, just like she did for the rest of her kids.

      There will be a roof over his head, some food available somewhere and someone to make it for him. He'll have clothes but he'll have to learn to dress himself pretty early - "retarded" or not.

      But, um, "Therapies" and shit?

      Watching him constantly to make sure he's wearing his glasses?

      Potting train him instead of diapers?

      ****Looks around confused****

      Who the fuck are you talking about? This is SARAH PALIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      (And, obviously, the support groups can kiss her ass b/c she doesn't want to hear their sob stories, jesus! Unless there is money or a vote in there for Sarah, move along, loser.)

    9. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Anon at 6:27 pm. Sarah "Palin never got big with this pregnancy" because she wasn't pregnant and wasn't very careful in her choice of pillows to use when being photographed. And the Gusty (? sp) photos are the only ones that show her looking pregnant. Obviously someone had gotten a fake pregnancy belly for there to strap on. It must not have been used during the flights to or from Texas at the time of the "wild ride." Any pregnant woman in her seventh month would show some discomfort sitting in an airplane seat for hours and to be doing so after already showing signs of oncoming labor would make the discomfort even more obvious. I guess the tummy pillow she used that day was not very large and did not press on her bladder. Someone else is Trig's real mother.

      At this point I think that Trig would be far more advanced than he is (according to Sarah Palin) were he living with his real mother. That is the tragedy and that is the reason why the truth should be revealed about his birth. Sarah's lies covered up for someone in the family and have likely caused permanent damage to an innocent child.

    10. Anonymous7:04 PM

      what kind of father? the non-father who is the pretender. It must have sucked knowing your wife was faking a pregnancy for political gain, but hey, the perks were great. The drugs were good, the hookers were fine.

  20. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Are you sure that's Sarah and not her mother, Sally Heath?

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      What is going on with her mouth? It's like a slit, instead of lips. And the odd way she is holding her head, tipped own and looking up, like some kind of beauty pose from time gone by. Instead, she looks bizarre and contorted somehow. And that old lady wig she's sporting! OMG, it's just awful. She looks like she's mental. I know she IS, but now she's LOOKING that way. Mentally unbalanced.

    2. Anonymous6:23 PM

      I was thinking the same thing, her smile reminds me of Chris Wallace, something mental is going on with her

    3. Anonymous6:27 PM

      I think Sarah no longer has veneers. I think she now has dentures. Meth use destroys teeth and my best guess is she has had partial deterioration of her jaw also( maybe she has had dentures for yrs?). And then I think she has filled up her sagging cheeks with fillers. But if you compare her face shape and jaw line in pics from 2008 to recent ones and look closely you may agree with me.

    4. Anonymous7:00 PM

      her recent profile shots indicate she is most definitely wearing dentures and they don't fit well at all.

  21. Anonymous1:38 PM

    where are the trolls?

    1. Caroll Thompson3:45 PM

      The trolls are behind the pay wall over at the Sarah Palin Channel. lol

    2. Anonymous3:49 PM

      The troll is like a vampire, only able to come out under the dark of night. The later the better because the troll may have caretakers, and she needs to wait for them to go to sleep.

    3. Anonymous9:57 PM

      I am going to assume that if Gryphen lets ANY troll through they are an important related in one way or another or working for Sarah Palin herself. The other trolls I could care less about.

  22. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I've not read the responses, but have to comment regarding the above photo shown of Palin - she is looking more and more like Sally (her mudder) and is NOT aging well at all!

    She is nothing more than a flunky!!!!! Thank god we are not hearing from her anymore. It's friggin' pure, pure heaven!

  23. Anonymous2:00 PM

    She looks more like Church Lady than Church Lady.

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      That is the expression a comedian will use when mocking someone. She's a caricature of herself.

    2. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Sarah Palin is hardly a church lady! The furthest from! She's not a practicing Christian (too damned evil!) and hasn't been in a church since Ted Stevens died and she and Todd attended the funeral in Anchorage.

      People haven't seen her in any church in the Palmer/Wasilla, Alaska area for years!

    3. Anonymous9:58 PM

      It's about time she go back to her church to get another exorcism from her Kenyan witch doctor. Apparently the first one never took.

    4. Anonymous7:00 PM

      OMG - I commented (last comment) before reading this...but she absolutely does look like Dana Carvey in that photo.

  24. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Kind'a like paying for a magazine you've already read.

  25. Anonymous2:09 PM

    People here knew since 2008 she's a deceiver. But, it was impossible to convince her fans and hypnotized robots.

    Still, even knowing the fake she is, it's still shocking isn't it, to hear her tell a questionner that she does not belong to any down syndrome support groups.

    It's like a child of a parent with an abusive personality disorder; the child knows there's something wrong, and grows up knowing something's wrong and can accept the past, but still, each time the parent tries to perform that abusive stunt again, the grown adult still reacts, reacts sometimes in shock. It's so unbelievable to see the abuse in action and the fakery in action. There are times when no words can describe it.

    This is how I feel when hearing Sarah Palin, the great fake noble SP, say "NO". Her child wasn't that important and she just said, "NO".

  26. Anonymous2:16 PM

    "Sarah Palin Channel/blog"

    G: You got it right after the slash. It's a fking website.

    To honor Sarah Palin's on-the-record, professed disdain for Orwellian language, please consider dropping the word 'Channel' for future references to the vanity site. 'Channel' is pure Orwellian Newspeak, a marketing tool to bilk $99 a year from misguided, adoring fans.

  27. Anonymous2:24 PM

    sheeple, sheeple, sheeple...........puhleeeeeeze, She took him to the office three days after he was born. There's no stronger therapy than exposure to real world work place experience at an early age. She made sure Trig got there and had that experience just as soon as she could so just back off on the no therapy nonsense.

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Yeah, that was a great idea. Take a preemie DS infant with a hole in his heart, weak immune system and undergoing light therapy for jaundice to an office full of people and germs that his little body wasn't ready to fend off. Great therapy? I think not.

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      I hope you're kidding. I'm a special Ed professional. I've worked 20 plus years with developmentally delayed children birth to 20 years. A child needs to be exposed to ALL life's experiences. Taking him to work was ok. Having therapy with a physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist and an early child special education teacher was even more important. She should have done all that. Face it, she dropped the ball with Trig. The days of just letting a Down Syndrome child "be" are long over. Many of these children can obtain goals over and beyond just being gifts from god. I actually hate when someone says they are gifts from god!! These children have so much to offer and can achieve so much. But they need early intervention!

    3. Anonymous2:53 PM

      How did her staff put up w/her crap? Cannot imagine being a part of her bullshit as quitter gov of Alaska!

    4. Anonymous3:18 PM

      She took him to work 3 days after SHE SAID he was born. No infant with a diagnosed heart issue would have been out of the NICU at that time.

    5. Anonymous3:27 PM

      My theory is that Trig was born months prior to her taking him to the office, claiming to be his mother. Bristles had him, he was in intensive care, then when it was time for the "puppy" (remember THAT e-mail) to be released $carah claims him as her own. She actually thinks we are all as simple minded as she is.

    6. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Exactly 3:27 !

    7. Anonymous10:00 PM

      You can't be so stupid as to believe what you wrote. Seriously?

    8. Anonymous10:02 PM

      You are CLUELESS about what therapy involves. Dragging a newborn to an office is not a substitute for physical, occupational and speech therapy. Are you really so uneducated to not know this?

    9. Anonymous7:25 AM

      This is satire people. Relax!!!!!

    10. PalinsHoax12:00 PM

      And 3:27 pm, And remember the picture of Tawdry and $carah holding little baby Trig - and on Trig's head is a stocking cap with a little label that says "My Little Puppy"!

    11. Anonymous5:39 PM

      You people responding to snark sound like total morons.

      Learn to fucking read. jesus.

    12. Anonymous6:59 PM

      find the pictures of her taking the 'newborn' to the office. The pictures are hard to locate now, but the baby has curly blond hair and Tripp's turned up nose. Plus Silly Sarah is wearing a tight pencil skirt with no sign of post pregnancy weight. Her tight abs you know.....

  28. Anonymous2:28 PM

    The initial number of subscribers must have been massively underwhelming, and/or she simply cannot help herself. Hiding behind a paywall is no fun at all when there's so much work to do and only a handful of devotees are even watching.
    Sarah Palin Channel [sic] won't last into 2015. Wonder I'd she'll really give refunds to the poor fold who sent her $100?

  29. Anonymous2:52 PM

    (in Gomer Pyle's voice)

    Sarah Palin admits that she does not belong to any of these DS support groups!

    For those regular IM readers it comes to no surprise. For you new readers, look at the website below and read the post and comments and you will be enlightened to why Trig is so far behind the other DS kids the same age as Trig. For six years Sarah Palin has only been concerned with Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      An excellent idea to repost this link everywhere.

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      If Sarah belonged to a DS group, she would have to talk about Trig's therapy. Since he doesn't get any therapy, they would see right through her. She couldn't fool them. We know that Sarah does not take advice from anyone. She couldn't follow directions when it meant being elected as Vice President, so she certainly can't follow directions when it comes to taking care of a kid (what's in it for us?).

      What is surprising is that during the last six years, Trig must have been seen by a doctor, nurse, teacher, care professional, anyone who would have recognized that the boy was not getting any therapy at all. Why didn't one of them explain to Sarah how necessary it was for her to provide therapy for Trig? She didn't have to do it herself. There are trained professionals. It is covered by insurance. Palin is said to have millions. She provided a sitter, but not a therapist. That's the same thing as failing to put his glasses on so he could see. That's the same thing as failing to provide nourishing meals and teaching him how to pick up finger food. That's the same thing as leaving him in a wet diaper all day or letting him sleep on his i-pad. That's the same thing as child neglect. I wonder if it could be called child abuse.

    3. Anonymous4:42 AM

      Maybe whenever therapy was mentioned, his mother Bristles took him to Arizona?

    4. Anonymous6:57 PM

      I don't believe Brie gave birth to TriG either. TriG was purchased and is now the discarded prop, taken care of by a minister and his wife and daughter.

  30. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Frm the fundies Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE)

    "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.'

    Skanks screeches about impeachment are dog whistles to the fundies-"lawlessness is the term always in the impeachment word salad vomited from her mouth. Grifting tool!!!!!! This is why her six followers keep following-the end times blah blah blah.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      That's an interesting point about "lawless" as a dog whistle for the end times. It seems to be a not-so-veiled reference to President Obama as the Antichrist as well as a call for donations. After all, why save your money if Jeebus is on his way?

  31. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Sometimes you see Sarah Palin flat as a pancake.
    Sometimes you see Sarah Palin looking like Dolly Parton.
    Sometimes you see Sarah Palin with short hair.
    Sometimes you see Sarah Palin with long hair.
    Sometimes you see Sarah Palin with loose, wrinkly, flapping turkey neck.
    Sometimes you see Sarah Palin's neck tight as a drum .

    That woman sure is vain and fucked up.

  32. Jesus, woman, you're fifty years old. Get your stupid damn bangs out of your eyes.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:01 PM

      Where's Willow's Weed Wacker?

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      lol! Might need a brush hog to git-r-dun.

    3. Anonymous9:19 PM

      sparkle pony's bangs are to try and hide her gigantic bald cranium

  33. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Me thinks Sarah Palin is not Trig's real mother. From what we have heard from Sarah's own mouth, seen in her videos and observed over all these years, Sarah Palin has no motherly bond or emotional connection to Trig. Trig is like a sack of potatoes to her, a piece of cardboard.

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      And Trig throws a helluva right cross when Sarah is in range.

  34. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Sarah you don't have to send a dog to obedience school but if you have a DS baby you do have to be apart of his life and not just let him fend for himself on the floor or hold a DS baby in front of cameras and have is head flop over like a wet noodle. Sarah Palin join a support group. If you are not Trig's real birth mother then give him back to his mother or to an agency that will make sure Trig gets the proper care and support.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      She's not. His real birth mother.

  35. Anonymous3:39 PM

    My first impression was that was Sally Heath. Now I realize that Sarah Palin looks just like Mitch McConnell.

  36. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Boy, she is aging horribly. It's hard on her finally realizing that folks are not interested in her....stress, diet, drugs, booze, lies, evilness and hate. You've done it to yourself, Sarah Palin!

    Alaska Republicans are not interested in you - the national Republican party is not, FOX is not and your website is going to be a flop.

    You are now getting everything you deserve and when you die HELL awaits you....well deserved too!

  37. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Sarah Palin is going to hell for mentally harming and abusing that kid.

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      She was already on the highway to hell long before Trig.

  38. Anonymous4:01 PM

    For a narcissist like Palin, putting herself behind this pay-wall will backfire. She has no talent, intelligence, knowledge, or work ethic. She is not a Glen Beck (as much as I despise the man). She just limited her audience and will now 'leak' pablum to draw folks in. Except, why would anyone pay for what she posted free on Facebook before. Even the dim ones at c4p may wake up to this scam. The money is not to 'progress' a political agenda and a future presidential run, it is to sustain a wealthy pseudo-celebrity lifestyle for an Ivana Trump wannabe middle school mean girl.

  39. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Sigh. The imbecile people in this country outnumber the intelligent ones. Otherwise she would have been given the boot out of the public eye since she quit.

  40. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I wonder if she is losing any fans over these hard to ignore truths that she is admitting to.

    1. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Some of the Pee's are offering to pay for a subscription for those who can't afford to see Sarah. Awwwww

    2. Well of course. They have that Pete guy who gets Food Stamps,rent assistance,and medicaid who see's no irony in making comments complaining about "takers" ,while he has his hand out. I'm sure he's not the only one.

  41. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I have not read any responses yet, but from your post, I take that $he does NOT have enough subscribers who are willing to shell out $100/year for her diatribe.
    That mist hurt, hmm, $arah, to realize that you actually only have a HANDFUL of REAL die-hards that support you?!


  42. Anonymous4:38 PM

    TAPP is a relatively new company and they must be hoping to use Sarah to attract more people to use their services. So far, they have represented big pharma and some conservative, religious guy. They must have believed Sarah's hype about having 4 million followers on her Facebook. That would result in a little problem of many of those "likes" and comments were bought and paid for from an agency that specializes in that kind of thing. So many of the comments seem to be the same old stuff, repeated and repeated. They don't even try to be original. So TAPP believed Sarah's hype and now she can't deliver. They installed all of those cameras, set up the website, and provided the initial outlay of money with the hopes that Sarah's millions of fans would rush in and provide a profit in a matter of weeks. Good luck with that. An article about the crisis on the border is 2 days old and attracted 63 comments. Wow, that's big time!

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      As of right now, this post has 120 comments. Twice as many as Sarah's article and in just a few hours.

      Admit it Sarah, you are not as popular as Gryphen's defunct blog. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.

    2. Anonymous9:35 PM

      @6:58 That's amazing! Especially when you look at Sarah's facebook page. She racks up thousands of comments and likes in the first hour after posting something. We have two choices: Sarah has thousands of fans, but they cannot scrape together $10 to watch their hero on her new TV channel-- or-- the likes and comments are fake, bought and paid for to make Palin look more popular than she really is. Kind of like gaming the letters to the editor and writing favorable comments about governor Palin, written by Lou Sarah and Louise Heath. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but when they have to pay to watch, the numbers change.

    3. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Palin puts a lot of stock in popularity polls. Too bad she has to rig them to win.

  43. Anonymous4:40 PM

    In the picture for this post $arah looks positively unhinged.

    Her mental condition is so bad, I have no doubt that at least some of her family must be aware of the lunacy,

    Maybe most of them are or too unaware and delusional to notice

    1. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

      They can't kiss the goose that killed a golden egg, or something like that. Codependency or get a job, which would a Palin pick?

  44. Anonymous5:05 PM

    i'm not kidding... I can't even type...I thought that was sally wearing sarah's wig! lol
    btw..i see she's only answering "questions" she would like to hear or answer.
    pft! lol

  45. Anonymous5:40 PM

    How dumb it is for Sarah to admit that she has not sought the expertise and advise of a DS organization. Her video makes it clear that Trig has not been seen by a therapist. Why would someone who called that child a gift from God act that way?

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Sarah Napoleon Palin has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder that's why.

    2. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Because she lied?

      Because all that trouble (and I don't think she really likes kids even those that are rilly hers all that much) and she got the nomination but the door was slammed in her face right as she was ready to run through it?

    3. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Because no mother should treat her child like that, especially after telling that elaborate story about traveling 12 hours by plane, in labor, leaking amniotic fluid, delivering a premature special needs child in a small town hospital that is not equipped for that kind of birth. Because everything about Sarah is a lie, and no mother would treat her most precious gift from God like that.

  46. Anita Winecooler5:55 PM

    Oh, isn't "Sparkle Plenty" desperate? She's lobbing marshmallow questions and giving marshmallow answers. There's no need for brain cells, it's the same sputum she's been spewing all along, but on a different day.
    I guess the turnout wasn't as big as she expected. Time to drag out prop again!

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      She never learns.The GOP didn't invite her to their prom, her screeches are all but unattended, yet she keeps deluding herself that she, like our POTUS, is too somebody. Her bots are just as deluded.LOL!

  47. Anita Winecooler5:59 PM

    Love it! They got her number!!!!!

  48. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Except she can't even wink anymore, too much botox. lol.

    Thank you for the link :)

  49. In an answer to some question, she noted she often ice fished in Lake Lucille. Isn't that a "dead lake"? Are there fish there?

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Lotsa toilet trout!

    2. Anonymous9:14 PM

      she lies in perpetuity

    3. Anonymous10:15 PM

      Resolution Serial No. 14-09: Supporting an Alaska Clean Water Actions 2015 Grant proposal to develop plans and cost estimates to reduce the amount of metals and hydrocarbons being discharged into Lake Lucile through the Parks Highway stormwater system.
      Originator: Date:
      Public Works Director January 15, 2014

    4. Anonymous10:21 PM

      After Hurricane Agnes in 1972, the dam was unable to control the water flow even with the sluice gate open. The pavement on the bridge buckled and needed replacement. Our downstream neighbors brought in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to assess the problem. They stated that we had insufficient water retention capacity “ as a result of the natural siltation process from the slopes above the lake due to construction and sludge deposition by the town sewage treatment plant.” We started our first attempts to get the lake dredged then.

      Our lake was dying from multiple causes. The town never assumed culpability for its actions that allowed a sewer treatment plant to flow into the lake, thus providing rich nutrients that increased the growth of algae. The town also approved and put a sewer line into the lake directly from the roads in Dellwood. This resulted in the oil from cars and chemicals that are used to prevent weed growth flowing directly into the lake. The town did nothing to prevent the silt from new upstream construction from flowing into the lake. We became alarmed, and started our efforts to reclaim and preserve the lake. Frank Contalmo, our president at the time started the research that was necessary to begin our fight. People started working hard to get the lake dredged, countless meetings from 1972 to 1990’s. ........During the 1990’s, the lake was deteriorating rapidly. Hurricane Floyd, in September 1999, was a disaster for many of our residents.

    5. Anonymous10:23 PM

      Lake Lucille 2012 year end report by Allied Biological

    6. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Dear heavens, Anon 10:21 and 10:23--please check your facts! The Lake Lucille reports that you link to are about a lake in New York! I appreciate that you are trying to contribute to the conversation, but honestly, just read what you are linking to. Those links are a waste of time.

    7. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Hurricane Agnes? Hurricane Floyd? Anonymous at 10:21 and 10:23--you aren't from Alaska, are you? We occasionally get old typhoons but no one in Alaska was affected by Hurricanes Agnes or Floyd. Sorry.

  50. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Somebody in Wasilla please get the Palin family some help before this happens to them:

    HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — The mother of an 8-year-old Pennsylvania boy whose decomposing body was found on the third floor of their home said Saturday she didn't know he had died until noticing the smell.

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      I read about that earlier. What a totally effed up family. A number of seriously disabled children...child protective services... well maybe now that there is a decomposing body...prior to that they all apparently just slipped through the cracks.

  51. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Thick red wool in July???
    Such a fashionista !

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      in AZ no less

    2. Anonymous11:38 PM

      And it's practically falling off her shoulders. Guess they don't make sizes small enough to fit her.

    3. Anonymous6:52 PM

      as long as the sleeves cover her arms.

  52. Anonymous7:22 PM

    The questions are fluff. It's like teen hour, asking a teen celebrity questions "what color do you like?" "Where do you shop for your shoes?" "Do you have a boyfriend?"

    Questions Sarah draws out of reader's comments are like, "will you run for President" "What kind of fishing do you do", "tell us why you really hate Obama" or "do you vet your endorsements"?????

    Childish questions, just like the child Sarah. I guess they can't ask profound questions from her about specific regulations, ethics in politics and a summarize how they become law, or ask her a question as to what is her angle? Why is she setting up this website? How does her website actually affect American's lives for the better?

  53. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Omg, I'm embarrassed for her. That pre-teen sing song voice and the little under-her-breath quips. Have you ever accidentally clicked on a funky homemade youtube with 10 or so views of some granny giving cooking or sewing advice?

    "Todd, what did that bumper sticker say? Taaahdd!!" OMG. THAT is what she reminds me of.

    Running for leader of the free world?? I don't think so.........

  54. Anonymous9:48 PM

    We all know there is a ghoul underneath that deteriorating exterior but now the inner doofus is giving it a run. Hilarious image of Sarah. I guess internally she is ringing those bells and warning the British we will be armed.

  55. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Sarah Palin looks like a puppet wearing makeup.

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Todd sticks his hand up her ass and moves her mouth when Todd has something for Sarah to say.

  56. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Her crossed eyes are hard to look at. That red wool jacket is too big for her, it must be from the 2008 RNC paid for wardrobe. Her drug use has caused a dramatic weight loss.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      You mean to tell us that red jacket was hidden from them GOP/RNC clothes bounty hunters that went to Wasilla to get back the clothes in the black Glad garbage bags the Palins ran off with.

  57. Anonymous11:18 AM

    shes gonna be a very ugly old lady

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      She's already a very ugly old hag.

    2. PalinsHoax11:45 AM

      Anon 11:18 a.m. not ' Shes gonna be . . ".

      She IS a very ugly old lady already - and she's what, only 50? 53?

  58. Anonymous12:59 PM

    The idiot looks like a looney tune in the above photo - and similar in appearance to Sally. Sarah isn't aging well at all. She doesn't even compare to her days as Wasilla acting mayor and when quitter gov of Alaska. The years since have not been good to her!

  59. Anonymous6:50 PM

    She looks like SNL's church lady (Dana Carvey) in that photo.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.