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In doing so Stelter plays a clip from Morning Joe, going on to essentially mock them for joining in the "feeding frenzy," and making the claim that the entire story is based on anonymous sources and one political blogger. (Amanda Coyne.)
Which is odd because Stelter later mentions the worker who "got fired for talking to ABC News" who we all know as Eric Thompson, and also claims that CNN has been reaching out to the Palins repeatedly and the family has refused to comment.
However he fails to report on exactly what Thompson said, which provided much of the detail that we know about the incident, or the fact that the APD confirmed that the brawl happened and that the Palins were present. (Which I guess means it would be too much to ask that THEY contact the APD to learn that the brawl is under investigation and now in the hands of the Municipal Prosecutor.)
This is an incredibly lazy attempt at spin, with Stelter essentially making the claim that since we have not seen pictures or video, and the Palins have not remarked on this, that there is really no story worth reporting.
Really? Well interestingly enough that is NOT the opinion of a number of prominent news sources, who have been incredibly fascinated with this tale, and who I believe will have much, much more to report on in the coming weeks.
He should've did his homework about Eric Thompson and why was he fired for talking to the media just because he was a guest the party and witnessed the Palins acting like thugs.
ReplyDeleteAnother reason why I refuse to watch CNN.
Around here we call CNN Fox Lite.
DeleteIsn't "HER" story as told by RCP anonymous sources?
DeleteCan't have it both ways Sarah.
Is she kissing CNN's ass now?
Poor CNN. This sort of stupidity must give Ted Turner migraines. I bet he wishes he'd never relinquished CNN.
DeleteM from MD
Lol. CNN the last place that would cut her slack. Goes to show how ridiculous the whole thing sounds. Oh genius, Eric Thompson admitted to Amanda Coyne that he didnt see how the fight broke out. That probably means he didn't see it at all.
DeleteNo, it doesn't 7:12 PM. What kind of bass-ackwards reasoning is that? (here's a secret: just the kind of idiotic reasoning we see from RWNJs).
DeleteThere were more than a dozen witnesses to the brawl. Some heard Track and his friends insulting women at the party, some saw the beginning of the fracas, some saw Bristol attack the homeowner, some the dogpile, some saw the Palins leaving and Track being obscene.
Do you or anybody think ALL of them saw EVERYTHING? Gawd, don't test my patience (with trolls).
CNN are tools for the right.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like something Sarah herself has concocted! She contacts the guy, tells him what to say and tells him to say that the Palins would not respond to him!
ReplyDeleteThe Palins are too, too eager to be connected to the media especially if she thinks she can get away w/a different side of the story to the Palin Anchorage Brawl!
I smell a rat!
Yup. I agree.
DeleteNot Sarah; it's the "consultants" raking in the SarahPAC dollars who are working overtime to make sure the gravy train stays on the rails.
DeleteReliable Sources, eh? Ha!
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way, when are they going to stop using the old photos of The Grifters? How old is Piper in this photo?
Lazy spin is right.
I noticed that, too. Is this picture 5 years old?!? Why don't they show the one with her wobbling on her high heels in the pink top with the boobs bigger than her head?
Delete1:42 Teabaggers call that being 'hot'. Bristol calls that being 'awesome'. That is the only word that Bristol learned while suffering from 9 month mono 4 times.
DeleteIt looks like Joey Junker split after Bristol popped out her latest abstinence baby.
IF Bristol has had more than one illegitimate bastard, she would be in a terrible position suing the putative father, now, wouldn't she? It would be a public and documented admission as to what her true character really was. I have no idea as to whether she is a multiple mama, but I have certainly heard the rumors about both her and Willow. IF true, neither one could sue for child support: what little Palin mystique and faux christian sham that is left remaining would fly out the window as fast as a bat in an exorcist scene.
DeleteThat pic is from "Time magazine's 100 most influential people" of 2010.
DeleteThe last time Sarah Palin was considered by anyone not a wingnut Tea Partier to be influential.
Stelter is pathetic. He will be proven totally wrong - but will that stop him? No. He will be on to something else and will ignore it like Palin does. She thinks by not addressing it that it will go away. I think not. This is only the beginning.
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
I hope you are correct that this does not go away.
DeleteSarah Palin serves as a useful measuring tool and test to evaluate various media and news sources.
ReplyDeleteBrian Stelter failed the test and showed himself to be an untrustworthy source of reporting on anything.
If only that were true... Palin will and has pulled her strings to keep this as nothing more than gossip. She has already wiggled out of this one.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I wish it were true that you finally had the goods on her, I know otherwise. Frankly, you should have kept your mouth shut with the teasing... you only gave them a heads up.
Ya, that "Stay tuned" shtick is getting old.
Delete12:41 and 1:54 - please tell us how you would handle the Palins. Please proceed, concern trolls.
DeleteNo one has filed charges. The DA can't file charges unless there is evidence. This seems done, but the Palins, one or all of them will mess up again at some point.
DeleteThere is evidence but the the DA makes the determination. He can say it isn't going to hold up in court because everyone is terrified of the Palin machine, like when Willow and Bristol were heading towards Connor's mother.
DeleteCNN sold out after Ted Turner left. I'm not saying so people can call me a liberal, progressive actually, I am saying it because they're now Fox Lite. If they had any credibility at all, they'd nail her @ss but it's abundantly clear that they have no interest in doing so. As many have said here, and on other blogs, what kind of hold does this POS family have that no one will shut them down once and for all? It boggles the mind.
ReplyDeleteTed Turner was an extreme conservative. Yes, he married Jane Fonda, but he was a libertarian/Bircher. Look it up. I doubt he'd be upset at CNN's current 'vying for Fox' attempts. I don't consider CNN as Fox Lite: I consider them one and the same. In the case of Fox, the public knows what to expect, which is more than I can say for CNN. Would DNN (Deceptive News Network) be a better/more accurate title?
DeleteInteresting time in our culture isn't it?
ReplyDeleteNo video---so it didn't happen. Weak and idiotic.
You walk on a street and a house has been blown to smithereens. The neighbors saw it happen and the fire department says the house blew up----But there is no video so the owners who were seen running from the house with cans of gasoline and torches say . . . What house, what explosion?
CNN is embarrassing.
No video---so it didn't happen......
DeleteI noticed that. I suppose if his children disappear and there is no video, it means they aren't gone.
Well, any network that employs Wolf Blitzer is bound to get the story wrong even if he is not reporting it.
.............much, much more to report on in the coming weeks.
ReplyDeleteYou mean - like maybe a video ! Or two !!
I'm hoping it involves what Nyah spoke of -- CBJ and more.
DeleteNo, he means like the iceberg... that melted.
DeleteAnonymous1:31 PM
DeleteNo, he means like the iceberg... that melted.
Sorry BUT I"M sick of hearing that bullshit.
It was there. There were INDICTMENTS!!! People had copies of indictments! Sarah's QUITTING Melted the iceberg and quite a few "other things".
It is said there were Federal charges and still multiple ethics complaints that were all dropped.
The "iceberg" was real, just like this fight is real...and
I suspect that is why APD hasn't blown smoke up everyone's ass about it b/c THEY can't! Too many witnesses and pissed off Alaskans. They are sick of the palins who bring Shame on their great state.
She squirmished out of that but she can't get away with crap forever.... her and Tawdry.
A1:06: Griffy said APD report coming this week, not coming weeks.
DeleteA3:51, lol another genius. Like federal indictments just stops because a person resigns from their job? Yeah okay, not in the real world. You're a deluded nonsense peddling boob.
"Like federal indictments just stops because a person resigns from their job? '
Unless resigning was part of a deal. She resigns and they don't indict.
I would love to know what they had on her and who is protecting her. Must have been something that would have ruined the Republican party, since she wouldn't be the first politician to commit a crime.
She is too smug, has that "I can get away with anything attitude".
Bastards and cowards!
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm not holding my breath. Seems the Palins are surrounded by a protective fan base in Alaska. Frankly, I am sick and tired of waiting for these horrible family to be exposed. Time to move on from these toxic, useless gossip sites.
ReplyDeleteGo right ahead. No one is stopping you...
DeleteUmmm no.
Deletecall it what it is troll "A Pay base" if the paylins go down their "Postage"grift disappears! That's all they are protecting.
When Alaskans elected a DEM as gov, poof goes
Saree's "protective fan base" down the toilet troll.
like a floating turd....
bye buh!
I posted my comment on his Reliable Sources page.
ReplyDeleteHis take is that it is all untruthful gossip. He also failed to report the Palin side of the story. There you go, the Palin's say nothing so nothing happened.
Someone else commented they looked for a story on Yahoo about a divorce and did not find one. I could not find one either. Some sources also reported she was not wearing a wedding ring questioning the status of their marriage.
Title of article pretty much covers it. More pictures of SP coming out of the 'hot yoga' and Bristol and Piper at Costco. Piper looks scowly...
the Costco pics are at least a year old...they are the same period as the bus tour....look how short Piper is and she is taller than both Willow and Bristol now.
DeleteShe can't read or spell. You know if she had a heart it would be sore.
DeleteCan you imagine a family that allows a 6 year old to run around on and near a runway? Even her pathetic story about them abandoning Tripp to the limo sucked. They had to all be very sauced.
You know they think Track can go out and have some beers with the buds. It is only a matter of time until he is on another black out stupor.
The media hasn't even got to the part about child abuse and endangerment yet. This is hardly over.
APD is going to be soft, no wonder they are taking so long to concoct crap for Sarah.
A bigger story than Tripp's abuse will be when more about the corrupt police starts to unravel.
CNN, MSNBC, FOX, HLN, all of these 24-hour cable news outlets have to find shit to talk about and they are ALL not worth any of our viewing time. We've blocked any cable news, except for Comedy Central on our Tivo, just to save us the heartache of douchebag opinionated assholes pretending to do news! Do yourself a favor and block all of them!
ReplyDeleteI use to be a MSNBC viewer, but am no longer. They are also promoting war - just like the others!
ReplyDeleteNBC is owned by General Electric, a defense contractor. What do you expect? The best thing all of us could do would be to throw out our televisions. I did this years ago: one of the smartest things I ever did. Try it, and see how it radically improves your life, including your thought life and family happiness level. No, seriously. What? A household where we are not PAYING someone to argue, be rude, dumb us down, propagandize, and lie in our living rooms 24/7? Yes, that is exactly what I am suggesting.
DeleteWho even watches cnn anymore?? Serious question. The only time we watch is if something dramatic has happened so we can laugh our asses off at all their gimmicks. har
ReplyDeleteWho even watches TV anymore? Anything I want to see is online.
DeleteFuck the cable companies owned by RW assholes.
The Daily show is totally online also,too!
Except for cbs Survivor (yeah,I know lame reality show) I never watch tv anymore. It's been that way for about 3 years now.
DeleteI haven't seen Sarah wear a wedding ring for a long, long time. Was she wearing a ring in today's earlier video with Joel Pollak?
ReplyDeleteSometimes things like this take a while so I'm not giving up on Gryphen and the other people who've been working a long time. Karma is not on Sarah Palin's side. There's three kids ages 20, 23 and 25, at least two of whom appear to be volatile. They'll screw up again -- it's just a matter of time. You know, they may run into another situation where they have to vibrantly "stand up for the family"...when they're done with their "helping those less fortunate than themselves". Also, too, there's Mommy Dragon Lady who can't keep it together for more than a week or two.
OTOH, the Palins aren't as bad as Ma Barker and her gang of rowdies, the Bloody Benders or the Borgias. Palins are just a vibrant pretty family -- "Have you seen Todd?" and "The Hottest Governor from the Coldest State" -- with wonderful, hard working, abstinent kids who all abstain from drinking, drugging...whatnot. /snark
I'll be waiting for the next installment........
Just give the Palins time - I can see them copying the methods of Ma Barker and her gang!
DeleteThat makes me wonder if Track, Bristol, Todd and Sarah carry?
Somebody commented on here that Bristolbitch was aggressively keeping her purse away from the PD. Whether is was Drugs or guns is the question?
Delete9 out of 10 chances it was drugs.
DeleteGryphen ...this comment was at HuffPoo ...if true somebody was needing a doctor to stitch them up.
Barbara Pack O'Meara · Top Commenter · Roosevelt High School (St. Louis)
I have first hand information that the guy Bristol slapped has pressed charges and will sue Bristol. Furthermore, the fight was much more brutal than Sarah is letting on. I saw a picture of one guy who's lip was cut about 3/4" toward his nostril. And Bristol is just VERY LUCKy the guy she slapped didn't knock her cocky bitchy ignorant brat out cold. BUT he'll get his revenge
If true...maybe why its taking the Anchroage pd So fucking long giving a statement Or investigating...
Deleteor anything! I hope its true.
I found Barbara O'Meara on FB. She is indeed from Anchorage.
DeleteMaybe someone should contact her? (G man what say you?) Contact her before the palin mafia does?
DeleteWhen charges are pressed it is public info. Everyone one would know.
DeleteNo one else has mentioned that Korey was in that bad of shape. Also ask the other witnesses.
so barbara saw a picture of a guy who's lip was cut......that means there are pictures that are still out there. suck that sarah.
DeletePeople can take pictures after a fight. If that is true, the police would have had the injured go to a doctor for verification of injuries. He might need medical for insurance purposes.
DeleteIf someone was knocked over and down or into something, it doesn't always take a huge blow. A serious head injury can come from very little if the circumstances are such.
It makes no sense no one is talking about medical and insurance. You also can't be part of having minors around drunks and drugs. Did the responsible parties think about the host, who didn't invite the Palins?
What about the chauffeur, he saw or hear nothing? Insurance covers babysitting while mother and family are too drunk and brawling to watch the child?
It is impossible to have the press and TV drop a Palin stalker story. WHF is going on with the Ferrero guy? The newspaper will report his cases and where he is in the system.
Anon 6:26pm--The quote does not say that it was Korey with the cut lip. It was "one guy"--no name given.
DeleteThere wasn't ONE brawl, there were TWO -- Track vs. Connor then Bristol vs. Klingenmeyer.
ReplyDeleteIs Sarah Palin claiming "THEY started BOTH of them?" ???
Brian Stelter is trying to make something of himself, because he's nobody. He's a wannabe, and no one has taken any notice of him so far. The fact that he's working for CNN is a direct reflection of how tabloid CNN has become.
ReplyDeleteFire that ass of a bitch CNN's Brian Stelter
ReplyDeleteSarah is VERY confident that she and Todd have handled the situation and that no charges will be filed. Nothing will come of this story Griffin. Alaskans have moved on.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous3:37 PM
DeleteSarah is VERY confident that she and Todd have handled the situation and that no charges will be filed. Nothing will come of this story Griffin. Alaskans have moved on
Right Troll.
tic toc. Her day is coming.
Sarah has liquid confidence. Plus she is surrounded by people whose livelihood depends on lies. They would help her make things up and take crappy pictures if she wants.
DeleteAnyone with 2 brain cells knows that she thinks she is getting out a head of a story and she owns it. She is merely dealing with one little part. She can live in la la land about that all she wants. She will be blindsided. No one deserves it more.
Sarah seriously needs to get out in front of the story about Tripp but she won't. That will trip her up bad whether the APD does anything or not. Many think her police are too corrupt. The kid must be a brat and they hate him.
She also has her family traditions of taking care of the alcoholics. She thinks it will work for Track if they play the PTSD and super hero saves family cards. It's a temporary fix.
It may drag on due to all the complications. The longer it goes on the more tormented she will become.
@3:08 PM How do you know about what Sarah Palin feels unless you are a Palin? Trolls are full of shit. You worship a false idol, Sarah Palin.
DeleteOK lets humor the guy and have a moment of silence for Sarah Palin. Hey, doochebag, you work for a network that provided Candidate Obama, word for word, what Mitt the shit denied he said. "Read the script, Candy, Read the Script".
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine the pile of papers Candy would need to cover for Sarah Palin? CNN can take a leap off the ledge of "journalism" for all that I care. They're duck weed on the pond scum of news, Fox.
BTW, why doesn't Howie Whatzizface anchor "Reliable Sources"? Because he didn't use them, just like you.
Can't wait to watch this idiot eat crow, and believe me, he will.
Moar from Wonkette!
Mainstream media, gossip media and blogs 15 -- Palin apologists 2.
ReplyDeleteNo, Sarah Palin and her family (except the little ones) don't deserve a break. Those who think so are ignorant of their true nature and actions. Even HP referred to the 'alleged' brawl, and now this from CNN. These media outlets are coddling and protecting her. It is all about money ... not journalism. It is despicable.
ReplyDeleteIf the APD does nothing about this Palin brawl, then they will confirm in everyone's minds that know about the criminal Palin tribe - that they (APD) are absolute pussies when it comes to the Palins. Bought and paid for.
ReplyDeleteHow do they sleep with a reputation like that? My advice to APD - grow a pair and serve justice - after all they exist to 'serve and protect' - and see that justice is done (along with the courts of course). But I'm not holding my breath. I've lived long enough in Alaska to see that corruption is the law of the land. It sucks but that is the reality in Alaska.
Pentagon allows police accused of civil rights abuses to apply for military gear Monday 22 September 2014