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Click Lake Lucille regulation flotation devices to play video. |
It is however an opportunity to see Palin in the flesh (Well you know the flesh that you can see behind the caked on makeup, fake hair, and pontoon size fake tits.) And it also affords an opportunity to see briefly Todd, showing no obvious injury from his night of drunken brawling.
However, to be fair, there is really no way to determine exactly when this video was shot, so it could have been weeks before the Throwdown at the Hoedown.
Ostensibly this video is to showcase a book written by Breitbart editor Joe Pollack, entitled "Wacko Birds."
Not it is NOT a book about the Palin family, but it IS a book about the Tea Party using the term that John McCain used to label the movement after Rand Paul's self serving filibuster on the Senate floor.
Palin is shown in the kitchen preparing food, though actually it appears that most of the preparations has taken place off camera, and Palin is left to point at various dishes, and claim that each one contains some fish caught by a member of her family.
Palin also attempts to wax philosophical about politics with Pollack, but it turns out to be a really sad regurgitation of Palin talking points.
Here is her defense of the fact that the Tea Party has not defined leadership:
"That's that Catch-22 because people, like me, uh those proudly associated with the Tea party, it ticks me off that the media still gets away with characterizing it as a party though, because then they get to jab us that, 'Oh we have no leadership.' But that's the point."
This discussion happens while Palin is stuffing cheese into her hotdogs. Because, you know, screw you Michelle Obama.
Palin also shakes her pom poms for Breitbart
"I liked that Breitbart was so into that infiltration and influence on pop culture, because, and I tell people all the time, it's not going to be preaching within our four square walls of a church necessarily. It's certainly not preaching to the choir, uh not necessarily the political arena, because in my world, my people, my friends, my family, they're not political. They're just hard working, patriotic, commons sense Americans. And...um..and that just inherently leads them to conservative positions that they stand for. (Wait, so being a hard working American automatically makes you a supporter of conservative positions? Because I know some union members who would have a REALLY hard time with that statement.) But everybody is influenced by pop culture. If not the church, if not politics, then it's, I would say, pop culture."
You know I think that Palin is associating thievery NOT conservative as coming from pop culture, as if it is only a fad and will have no staying power.
The Breitbart zombie and Palin then agree that President Obama was the "Facebook candidate" and that he was essentially shaped by whatever the voters wanted him to be. Just another way to undermine his presidency and suggest that he is lacking in gravitas.
The clip is a little over fourteen minutes long, but it seems like it goes on forever, and contains very little that is coherent from Palin, making the Breitbart clone seem like a Rhodes Scholar by comparison.
Which leads one to ask just WHY did this deserve to be moved from behind the pay wall to make it accessible by the public at large, and I really believe it is a passive way to tell everybody that it is business as usual in Palin-land and that the brawl had no effect on her, her family (You also see the Heaths), or her grifting ways.
However as I said up top, there is NO way to really determine when this clip was filmed so of course it has no value in putting the controversy to rest.
It also does not feature either Bristol or Track, which allows continued speculation as to how they are recovering from their participation is Wasilla Wrestlemania.
Nice try Snowdrift Snooki, but no cigar.
She has SO got "mean girl look" down to a t.
ReplyDeleteMy suspicion is that she was born with that scowl.
DeleteI heard the mid-wife took one look when Scarah was delivered and slapped her mother.
DeleteAn Orthodox Jew would NEVER eat hot dogs that Sarah would buy. And, even f they were kosher hot dogs, mixing them with cheese is very against kosher dietary laws. What a disgusting and inappropriate meal for an observant Jewish guest.
ReplyDeleteAnd as a Jew, I'm sickened that these people visit and support her. What is wrong with them!!!
$he probably doesn't have a clue about Jewish dietary restrictions.
Delete$he thinks Kosher is just a really good pickle.
Do you know if the guy IS orthodox? If not, he can eat anything he wants! (I'm Jewish, too.)
DeleteI have friends from all walks of life, and while I do not know all their cultural dietary restrictions or control I have found a phone call before hand to ask is always appreciated, even down to picking up extra cheap pots and pans and dishes for our Jewish friends for meat/dairy
DeleteBut I truly think the ONLY thing Sarah can cook is hot dogs and then somehow the processed cheese is supposed to make them "fancy" for company lmao.
I very much doubt she could make moose chilli from scratch. Everything about the woman is phony. Next up a COOKBOOK.
DeleteThanks for watching that so I don't feel the desire to. So far I haven't given that outfit any clicks, hope I never do! But as to moving it out of the pay wall.....pretty obvious that no one is paying. Too bad, so sad.
ReplyDeleteShe is the very epitome of unhinged impotent rage. And according to her shirt, she apparently enjoys administering cunnilingus to wildlife. Now that I'd pay to see!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that was a well-intentioned innuendo, like the recent comment she made about the president "pulling out too early".
Delete9:34 AM, I think you've nailed it! What a trashy mouth she has!
DeleteThe guy is not a zombie believe it or not. Do a bit more research on his background and education. Why would he visit such a fake mental midget. She looks insane in this video, hopped up on something, pancake make up, cliche dumb t-shirt, outdated 70s hair cut (Farah Fawcett style), and big FAKE boobs. Blchhhh plus she sounds dumb as dirt!
ReplyDeleteWhy would a young, Harvard law grad. Jewish man work for Breitbart, and fly to AK to interview this moron? He's too smart to be so stupid.
DeletePeople actually PAY to see this boring "sex kitten" with Ma and Pa Kettle and Jethro? I would rather send $10 a month to a WORTHY cause, such as the Humane Society, Woulded Warriors, or the DNC. $carah must be finding out how unpopular she really is, now that donations are dwindling.
DeleteHe may be Harvard book smart and Harvard Law School smart, but he has not made smart choices in his life. On Wikipedia, it says that he ran against the popular congresswoman, Jan Shakowsky, in 2010 and lost, getting only 31% of the vote. He said that he had voted for her in 2006, but by 2010, he was a Tea Party candidate. It could be that his extreme views were no asset in getting hired. He was hired by Breitbart after losing his election, yet he calls himself a politician. There is a difference between being book smart and wise in the ways of the world.
Delete$$$$$$$! As you say, he's not stupid, but he might be opportunistic. Just because he's an Orthodox Jew doesn't guarantee that he has scruples.
Why would he visit? A free Pac-paid trip to AK in the late summer? Who wouldn't.
DeleteDinesh D'Souza.
DeleteDartmouth, Reagan White House, American Enterprise Institute,Kings College, Federal Prison.
Just saying.
That is all
He works for Britefart. Being smart and religiously observant does not make one heroic. There is a small percentage of Jews who hook up with the right-wing but the majority of us support liberal and progressive causes and vote accordingly. Palin doesn't realize this. She thinks that because the current PM of Israel is a hawkish ultra conservative all Jews must think like he. Nope. We shall Never Forget what fascists and nazis have on their agendas.
DeleteI wonder if Palin has the slightest clue as to where people from Wasilla have to go to hunt elk. Did anyone else see that article in the dispatch where a young gal from Homer, 8.5 weeks pregnant, went out and shot herself a moose. Now, how could that have occurred if her father was not there to work the bolt on the rifle, as is necessary when Mrs. Palin goes "hunting"?
ReplyDeleteYea, and now she is going to support elk and replace them w/moose? I doubt she knows anything about elk - where they are in Alaska - hunting season, etc. Hey, Sarah, you fraud, educate us w/o looking up all the answers first!!!
DeleteRemember the old video when she and her Dad were 'hunting' (and I use that term loosely!) a few years ago?
It wasn't one of the PayMe's was it?? Being pregnant is a constant state for them, it seems.
DeleteDoes anyone here seriously believe that Palin knows that elk and moose are completely different animals? She probably lumps them all together as long-legged moocows with funny heads.
DeleteShe probably just wore the T-shirt because it was titty-pink and had a suggestive come-on on the front. And maybe she thought it would make all our heads explode because everyone knows all liberals are vegan, right Sarah?
DeleteActually, what we call moose (Alces alces) in North America is called an 'elk' in Europe. What we call an 'elk' in North America is actually a Cervus elaphus or Wapiti, a completely different species. Some biologists consider the American moose to be a distinct species or subspecies of Alces, but it's certainly very closely related to the European elk. (Not that I would assume that Princess Wind Between Her Ears would know any of this!)
The range of the European elk extends into Russia, so maybe she saw some from her house while she was keeping an eye out for Putin, and got confused about which animal (or entree) is was!
I didn't bother to click or to view. But I already know what she says " Blah, blah, blah, Obama, blah blah blah, I have baggeritis, blah blah blah" as she tries to slice a processed hotdog so she can shove a piece of processed cheese into it and cll it cooking ( we all saw John McCains monkey already do that yrs ago)
ReplyDeleteSuch 'quality' food, Sarah and you are 'such' a wonderful cook! Hot dog and cheese! Jesus Heath Christ!
DeleteAgain, she proves herself to an 'idiot'! Probably also has heart disease and clogged arteries!
Yeah, Palin. Clog your damn arteries and die years sooner than you have to. Teach your wretched offspring to do the same. That'll teach us. {rolls eyes}
DeleteSarah was serving hot dogs with cheese to a Jew wearing a skull cap. He brought her a book about an Orthodox rabbi. Milk and meat do not mix. The they not kosher. All that Joel put on his plate were those skinny carrots, some fruit and a white blob of something. He can't eat eat the food that they put out there. How nice of Sarah to ask him what he could eat since he was such an honored guest.
DeleteI won't watch the video.
DeleteDid $he at least wrap the dog/cheese combo in those triangle-shaped biscuits?
Did $he at least wrap the dog/cheese combo in those triangle-shaped biscuits?
DeleteDo you nuke those for 30 secods or 45 seconds? Too complicated and time consuming to use the rill oven.
I"m not watching it but she pulled the "moose chili" and Cheesy Hot Dogs aaaallll those years ago when Matt Lauer came to visit
Delete(and he got Piper to say she didn't like being away from school and her friends. Oh how times have changed!)
She NEEDED Matt to think there was Moose in the freezer -
TODD called EVERYONE they knew to see if anyone had any MOOSE because,
damn, man,
they needed to SELL THIS SHIT to GMA!
Interesting she doesn't have another recipe after all these years but cheese dogs. Jeesus that's disgusting.
Also, too, was this AMAZING recipe in her Holiday Slambook/Cookbook??
DeleteHer face is nasty looking in that photo!
ReplyDeleteLet's see:
- wig (different one/different color) - check
makeup - check
galsses - check
belmonts - check
nasty face - check
She's a fraud and we all know it. She'll never be able to bury the Palin Anchorage Brawl. It's attached to her 'momma genes'! (So loves Bill Maher - he compared the statement she made a long time back about President Obama's jeans! Perfect!)
The Palins/Heaths are one screwed up family!!
What does her T shirt say, I Eat Dick? I lost my glasses. Any help is appreciated.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she is advertising for some old rich fool to finance her again? Ailes must have opted out.
DeleteIs't there a fraternal order of Elks? Maybe this was a
Deletecome-on to them....
the brawl was 2 weeks ago, plenty of time for Mr. Palin to heal a punch/elbow to the schnozz and have his veneer replaced.
ReplyDeleteI also will not watch any videos of Mrs. Palin. And when I do, I turn off the sound, mostly because it makes my cat get a panicked look in her eye.
This still from the video, placed side-by-side with one when she was Mayor and flat as a pancake is the clearest indication that she's trying to woo a specific demographic. And no, trolls, I'm not jealous. I proudly carry my own non-inflatable buxomness, sans artificiality.
She is a stain on women, and this country. And poor Alaska. I can't wait till she's finished.
You should watch the first two minutes in order to try to figure out what kind of mental disorder Sarah Palin has. She cannot speak. She points to the salmon and halibut trying to remember which kid caught which fish. The weird sing-song nature of her speech made Sarah sound either drunk or drugged. It worth the two minutes for the laughs.
DeletePalin gets that sing-song voice when she is lying, doesn't know what she is talking about or just making stuff up out of thin air. It's her "tell".
DeleteI'd personally love to play high stakes poker against her.
DeleteI really do not have anything against Palin. You know e old saw about people in business rise to their level of incompetence and then stay there? She found her level of incompetence and is coming back down. Being relegated to a pay site for her most hardcore cult members is the endgame for her, I think. Let her have it...
ReplyDeleteMany of us believe that her 'bidness' is not as benign as you and others who advise that we ignore her. As inane and idiotic as her videos and screeches are to an educated and sensible person, it's her misinformed bigoted bots who run with her theories and spread the cancerous codwallop she dishes out. The blowback may save even a few of these gullible souls from falling for her crap.
DeleteHer hatred and lies have hurt and divided this country. It's not all fun and games over there in Pa-la la-land. I'm grateful for all those who continue in their efforts to expose her devious con-game for what it is.
IIRC Peter Principle. She hit it sometime as mayor of that 5k population town when she had the sports center built on land that wasn't even publicly owned, for Pete's Sake.
DeleteI can't understand a word she said, and I was reading your transcription. If this doesn't prove that Rah-Rah has nothing to say, and that we should stop paying attention, I don't know what does. But then, I reached that conclusion long ago, and (sigh) I'm still here. Silly me.
ReplyDeleteShe has NO subscribers so she has to open up the paywall. NO ONE is buying her shit, so she has to give it away for free? What a fucking idiot she is. She is diluting the business and tarnishing her brand if she can't even keep a few subscribers happy. I'd be PISSED OFF bigtime if I had paid for the content and then she just gives it away.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious about the give-aways. Who owns the material on the pay site, the creator or the site owner? The site owner has a financial interest in the site's success and giving away views for free can't be helping.
DeleteProbably she has to pay for the service through subscriptions, or from her own pocket, or through the PAC if legal. But it may seem like a good advertizing expense, something to write off, even if it would be a financial failure. A certain number of people that view the videos will donate to her pac, buy her books, offer to pay her to attend a function, etc. Advertizing.
DeleteDon't she or someone in her family realize that the whole world is laughing at her ever changing breast size ?
ReplyDeleteNo. She puts them on, looks at herself in the mirror and says "Boobies!" and that pretty much exhausts her thinking capabilities.
DeleteNefer, I laughed out loud. Good one!
DeleteWhere are the fight videos ? 2 weeks and nothing yet ?
ReplyDeleteAs usual, Toad was the highest "bidder" (blackmailer).
DeleteI have always wondered if Sarah suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder, and that the belmonts are indicative of one particular personality rising to the surface. Explains much of her disconnect, and the warnings to her staff of her daily mood swings. Sick woman; sick family.
ReplyDeleteYes! The wacky manic Palin always has the big bazzoombas on.
DeleteHave thought that too but figured it was more the result of her choice of self-medicating that day or night.
DeleteI've wondered that, too, because of her different voices.
DeleteOh she absolutely does. There is a little girl, there is an angry girl, there is the political girl who believes she did not abort a Tri-G by birthing a pillow, There are at least 4 .
DeleteI see the dumb and ignorant Obama hating middle girl mean girl is all gussied up with the life preservers strapped on. The dementia crowd at c4p are probably gushing praise and adoration.
ReplyDeleteAnd what are those pants she's wearing? They look like pajamas.
DeleteShe is so annoying. Going back and forth in sing-song-y mode, then trying to be on Pollack's intellectual level of discussion (ha), then resorting back to "little girl mode" - complete with playing with her hair (wig) when asking Sally about Facebook and Instagram - is really bizarre! No matter when this drivel took place, it's obvious that she is really pandering to her handful of sheeple. How anyone can even fathom this lunatic in any elected office is beyond me......
ReplyDeleteTheir complaint was the Obama was the Facebook President. It looks as if being a community organizer taught him something about how to contact his voters and organizer them. It looks as if Sarah followed the Obama model if she is complaining about his using Facebook.
DeleteAs for me, after one donation, I got emails every day. I got three to five emails a day close to election time. That Community Organizer sure had one good organization and they got out the vote. They knew that they had to win big, not squeak by. I continue to get emails from them. They don't wait for me to go to Facebook and they don't send me Facebook alerts. They just email me directly.
I followed both campaigns avidly, and never once went to a FB page for information about Senator or later, President Obama. Palin uses that old transparent game of always assigning a behavior that she does, to someone else. She is the champion of all Facebook politicians, where she can immediately erase all critical opinions. Even one or 2 of her kids are proficient at opining on FB IIRC. She is petrified at the notion of actually going on a round table show, a panel, any place where she will have to respond to what others say, give an analysis that is not directly tied to herself acting cutesy.
DeleteIs that the therapy dog loose by the backdoor at 3:19 in the clip ?
ReplyDeleteMedia rage donkeys like The Grifter always have a stack of puff ball promo vids to be pulled out & posted whenever they want. They do a bunch at one time while the equipment is set up. Different outfits, still have a sun tan etc. This could have been filmed a year ago sort of thing.
ReplyDeleteHere's another really obvious media tactic: a 'stolen' Palin sex tape being released.
Try not to barf on your laptop.
The entire video creeped me out. Whywhywhy is it held in the kitchen, with her parents puttering in the background but saying nothing, serving seafood and cheese stuffed hotdogs to a Jewish man, while she wears 'I Eat Elk' t shirt, no doubt stolen from Piper. BTW, where is Piper, Track, Willow Brisdull, Trig?
ReplyDeleteI thought that Sarah treated her parents like servants. After all, they made the food and brought it over to Sarah's spotless kitchen. Yes, the banging of the pots and pans in the background was annoying. Sarah did not treat Sally very nicely when she asked if Sally knew what Facebook and Instagram were.
Delete"Sarah did not treat Sally very nicely when she asked if Sally knew what Facebook and Instagram were."
There never seems to be any closeness exhibited between Sarah and her mother. The only one that she talks about is her father and it always seems to be an attempt to say what he would like to hear, but without any genuine fondness. Very creepy dynamics.
I'm sure they had to edit the film when Sarah was handling those limp carrots. When I saw the first one - my stomach turned! That's the biggest impression the 14 minute film made on me - oh, and how ridiculous of pants those are that she is wearing! What a waste of time - but then I fully expected it would be....
ReplyDeleteThose were the thinnest carrots I ever saw. Did Sarah also take a bite of one as she peeled another?
DeleteYes, Sarah went all out for her special guest, wearing an "I eat elk" T shirt and camo pants. He wore a tie.
.."went all out for her special guest, He wore a tie."
She served him a cheese stuffed hot dog? Such class!!
By the way can't you buy hot dogs already stuffed with cheese ? (ball park?) Too expensive for SarahPAC?
After watching while she prepares(¿) all the food and dinner ``` she is continually flipping her hair back and scratching her head, rubbing her butt and other body parts, etc. `` it would sure be hard enjoying any of that food which is probably full of all sorts of her nasty germs, hair, etc., and etc. *ARGH*
DeleteI would never eat food prepared by a hostess who repeatedly touched her hair. I was always taught that you didn't touch your hair in the kitchen or in a restaurant, gawd forbid while cooking. I watched the video with the sound off -- Sarah was mimicking his hand movements. She can't help herself. Monkey see, monkey do. (My apologies to monkeys everywhere).
ReplyDeleteI saw that too. Hair touches and then she handled the cheese, stuffing it into the hot dogs. I missed the shot of Sarah washing her hands. (There was none).
DeleteCheese and hot dogs? That's not Kosher to mix milk and meat. And her guest was wearing a Jewish skullcap. What a thoughtful hostess.
If Pollack strictly observes the dietary laws, he wouldn't eat anything from that kitchen. Even the humble crudites Palin's mom served up in the form of carrots and other veggies that, who knows, may have been handled with meat and dairy at the same time during prep or not rinsed of all bugs. She can drag in an elk, roast it, serve it, dance around with it before she EATS it but her poor guest would not be able to partake of that otherwise kosher animal species unless it had been certified kosher, i.e. killed and dressed properly as proscribed by kashrut. Her cutesy gambit of tossing some cheese on weiners pretty much put paid to his being able to eat anything she served up from that kitchen.
DeleteThe only thing he was able to ingest was her long winded bullshit sandwich as he sat waiting to serve up his own little serving of TeaParty bullshit for $$$ he hopes it will bring him via Britefart.
She would get minor points for wearing a head covering however most wigs (shietels) are to be worn on top of a woman's head, not woven in and around the underneath of one's own straw like hair. As this is proscribed for 'married' women, she might lose that tiny minor point on that score. There has been talk about her marital status.....just sayin.
I agree, the best thing we ever did was to put a sink w/ hot and cold in our outdoor kitchen because it cut down on so many trips back inside to wash our hands.
DeleteOh but we do know roughly when this was taped. He starts talking about how the media tears down Tea Party leaders and at the 8:10 mark he says "last week, when Rick Perry is charged with these abuses and so forth..." Rick Perry was indicted on August 15. So "last week" would have been anywhere from the 17 to the 23rd of August, well in advance of the Thrilla in Wasilla.
ReplyDeleteNice try Mrs. Palin..
A Fan From Chicago
Good catch! I can't listen/watch....makes my cat spasm out
DeleteGreat catch!
DeleteIn order to add the music and other videos, the original raw video was edited. So, don't look at the Palins for any sign of bruising. I agree with 10:10. Shot in late August, two weeks for editing. You can see the cuts. Also, there is no book on the table, and then, oooh, where did that book come from?
DeleteNice catch, Fan From Chicago!
DeleteGood catch.
DeleteAnd there is no Mrs. anymore.
wow. That's some good listenin' you are doing there. Rill good. She's such a fraud. Please, Mr. Gryphen... out with it! The trickle of information will keep her running scared. There has not been any video of the PalinBrawl2014 yet, and I think she believes she's home free. Prove her wrong.
DeleteHey Serror!
DeleteIM readers are hanging on your every word.
To expose your deceptions and distractions.
All of 'em!
Low production values (shocker there!).
ReplyDeleteLove how she talks about her kids' work ethic within the first minute or two. I wonder if this is partly a response to all the flak she got from posting about that on Facebook. "The fishing business is like a family farm--you don't do it for the money but because it teaches your kids a work ethic." I feel like that's a huge insult to the people who own fishing business and family farms. They're in it to make a living, which is not the same thing as being in it for the money, and often they don't make much of a living. They aren't trying to teach their kids a work ethic; the kids HAVE to develop a work ethic.
I also love how she made a big point, complete with pantomime, of Willow clubbing the halibut. Them Palins sure do love their violence.
After about two minutes, I could watch no more, but neither the back button in my browser nor the stop button on the video worked. I had to close the window to escape.
I remember, when Palin was running for VP, something came out about her telling Track when he was in hockey fights that if he was going to fight, "make it hurt." She's always been violent. What a mother!
DeleteIt took some time for the people at TAPP to edit it, add the extra footage of Tea Party events or whatever scene was mentioned in the conversation. This one has music, too, so give them some time in post-production. If Todd was in the shot, even briefly, that means that he wasn't behind the camera. We saw a cameraman when the two boys from New Jersey visited Sarah, too. And, how professional it was to have Tripp and Todd walk through the shot and watch Jill the dog pace around on the stone slab outside.
ReplyDeleteThe reason that this is public is:
1. Sarah's channel is sinking fast
2. She needs to promote that "family" image because she will be making two speeches that have "values" in there.
3. She has to keep her relationship with Breitbart as her influence with Fox seems to be fading away
"The Breitbart zombie and Palin then agree that President Obama was the "Facebook candidate""
She claims that Barack Obama was the Facebook candidate?
This is rich coming from someone who interacts solely by social media (since nobody else gives her a platform any more).
Oh honey, just because you yap directly at the President in your moronic, spittle flecked facebook screeds doesn't mean he actually reads them. Bless your (shriveled cinder of a) heart.
Now, did his campaign effectively manage and use all modern methods of communication to reach potential supporters or voters? Of course. On the other hand, McCain's campaign sent out snail mail letters designed to look like telegrams! That was, pardon my bluntness, what's the word? Oh yes. Stupid. A winning strategy in 1908, but in 2008? Not so much.
Interesting (but not surprising) that you would sneer at the President* for something that you do. What a blundergoose you are.
*President. President, President, President. President Barack Hussein Obama of The United States of America.
In 2008, McCain did not know how to use the internet. Cindy had to read his email to him. The Community Organizer was using email and every modern form of communication to connect with people.
Deleteloser, Loser, LOSER of Alasssssssssska.
DeleteSarah can only communicate on Facebook and through her so-called channel Nefer because she cannot handle being asked actual questions. So she hides like the coward she is behind the Facebook page.
DeleteBut that is okay because no one wants your dumbass Sarah. America does not want you or your family. Even the tea party candidates do not want you stumping for them. I guess they don't see your daughter as a role model for strong women.
>>>so-called channel Nefer<<<
DeleteKnow I didn't read this like you meant it but just lolololol
"our four square walls of a church," $arah? Of COURSE not. When was the last time you stepped inside one without arson on your mind? Enjoy Ted Steven's funeral, did you?
ReplyDeleteThe jig is UP no matter how she tries to paint it. This is becoming downright pathetic.
Sarah Palin has STILL not figured it out that most folks in America (and Alaska) know she is a constant liar.
ReplyDeleteAfter she makes statements or gives us a 'story', there is always someone out there that comes up w/the facts, dates, times, etc. and nails her ass every time!
It's just been done AGAIN! Liar, liar, pants on fire Sarah!
It kind of reminds me that while governor, Palin would do commercials for the fishing and oil industry. She presently is a 50-year-old granny cheerleader who thinks she is still “hot” in the tea party world. It is pathetic and she is so lacking in self reflection she doesn’t even notice!
ReplyDeleteSarah posted on her Facebook page today that she is posting photos of the 49th State. I guess that makes up for her posting on her 'Channel' that Chuck is going to write about the 50th State. Just like right after the Katie Couric interview, she went out on the stump and told everyone she reads the New York Times.
ReplyDeleteJoe McGinniss was right; Sarah lives in la la land. If she says it is so, then it must be so. Doesn't matter what she does, only what she says is true.
Unfortunately for Sarah, even the foolish have gotten a clue that you are one lazy dumb bitch. And now they know that your whole family has an alcohol and manners problem, at a minimum.
Hey Sarah, why aren't you out campaigning for those Tea Party candidates? Is is because no one wants to touch you with a ten foot pole?
Hey Sarah, I see your speaking spot at the values voters conference is before lunch on Saturday. My bet is you probably had to grovel big time to get even that pitiful slot. And I bet for the first time in a long time, you are speaking there for free. Maybe even paying for your own travel; oh the horror of it all.
Caroll she is such an idiot that the spec STILL has "fiftieth state" on the site referring to alaska!!!
DeleteThen again this is the same idiot who has said trig was born in wasilla and in anchorage and at seven, seven and a half and eight months.
What an IDIOT!!
FYI -- took a swing by SarahPalinChannel again:
ReplyDelete"What the Chuck" is still offering insights about the 50th state.
The Quote of the Day and Sally's Word of the Day have been up for two days.
Wondering how much the Heaths are being paid for the use of their names and pictures?
Maybe that's why Sarah includes a link to Bristol's blog and an article about how shy Track is. Palin Postage Payouts. Thank you PAC.
Delete11:20 AM
DeleteShe says Track is shy?! The same Shy Track who rips his shirt off and flips people off? That Track?
Isn't he the one that looks up the historic happening of the day? You know, "Historian, Consultant".
DeleteI'm confused, Chuck Heath is doing some sort of web show about Hawaii?
DeletePalin probably put that up about Track being shy, so no one would believe he'd rip his shirt off, or flip anybody off, or make crude comments to women. A cya for Track.
DeleteThe 45 second mark gives a glimpse of a dent in the fridge :-)
ReplyDeleteThis was not filmed recently, there is no color in the trees in the background and our trees are nearly all yellow now.
Also too speaking of "limp and impotent", those carrots!
And what she does to that carrot under the running water...I felt for that poor carrot.
DeleteGryphen, as you know, I've just published an anthology of my blog comments entitled "The Complete Trollery of Beldar J Conehead and Other Foolishness". The publishing business being what it is today, this first edition is appearing only in long extinct languages such as Tocharian, Gaulish and Vandalic, with the hopes that impressive sales figures will inspire the publisher to release the 1500 page tome in more recently extinct languages such as Chitimacha, Pentlatch, Salishan and Miluk.
ReplyDeleteEven more exciting is that your clever blurb appears prominently on the book jacket:
"Beldar J Conehead isn't even his real name!"
Ironic, innit?
Anyway, while you're waiting for your Amazon drone delivery of your signed copy of the book, here's some shit trolls say.
IM commenters
- are haters, nasty, suckers, illiterate, bad, drooling loons, beyond stupid, a waste of space, uncaring, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, tactless, pieces of filth, rolling in ignorance, classless, ignorant, jealous, bullies, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
- don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, sound stupid, stop at nothing to destroy people, need a mental purge, don't have lives...
- should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...
She who must not be named
- is nice, rich, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, owns your lives, real, not seedy, functioning, well adjusted, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, treats staff well, gives encouragement, beautiful, hard working, private, intelagunt, living vibrantly, happy...
In Non-Bizzaro World, she
- is divisive, mean-spirited, thin-skinned, queen of make-believe, not self-aware, inconsistently buxom, mercenary, self-absorbed, reckless, inarticulate, shameless, cynical, obsessed, vile, nauseating, uneducated, a laughing stock, embarrassing, incurious, bellicose, unsophisticated, uninformed, hypocritical, tacky, arrogant, petty, a quitter, cruel, unempathic, jealous, ridiculous, prevaricatious, snarky, lazy, acid-tongued, cowardly, irrelevant, rapidly aging, unqualified, unprepared, sour
- is probably not even his real name, delusional, frequently a dick, victimizing since 2009, sincerely stupid, matters not, writes in ignorance with hateful creativity, closeminded, not a psychologist, blackhearted...
- doesnt live in reality, doesnt know her, lives in a basement, doesnt know any of the people who actually KNOW her, tries to ruin people, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, judgmental, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing
IM blog
- is a cesspool, a defunct blog that nobody reads (yet somehow wound up with 24.5 million page views)
I feel sorry for you. smh
************************* *************
************************* *************
Beldar J Conehead, EXCLUSIVE troll of Immoral Minority
Remember, Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
Accept NO Substitute!
"Vandalic." Awesome reference to the degree she never got, Beldar! LOL!
DeleteSlightly O/T. --- the picture of the President and his daughters on their way to Camp David for the weekend: each of the girls is carrying a backpack, both loaded with what looks like twenty pounds of schoolbooks
ReplyDeleteComparing these "work ethic" teenagers who are working hard at their current job, which is getting an education.
The Palin girls, in contrast, quit their educations at about the ages that the Obama girls are now. Undoubtedly they didn't have a work ethic, no matter what their mother claims
Sarah and her ill bred family have NO idea what work ethic means
Deletewhy doesn't she just paint nipples on that shirt and be done with it? I mean, honestly?
ReplyDeleteI had elk last night for my guests, bacon wrapped elk tenderloins( seasoned with a paste of dark mustard, sage, rosemary , some thyme and black pepper--to keep the meat moist), wild rice "hotdish"( yes, I am originally from Minnesota and the wild rice is still from last yr when my sister went out and harvested it), Cheesy potatoes( I actually use cooked cauliflower as a substitute for the potatoes) and a nice salad that included a few candied pecans from our trees on top.
ReplyDeleteI'm betting my guests went away happier than Sarah's guests, just sayin'
10:49 am Your dinner sounds outstanding! Wish I'd been at your table.
DeleteI suspect Sarah Palin has no clue how to cook like that! She probably has no interest! Plus, it's like work which we all know she is NOT addicted to!
Any leftovers you'd care to share with some of us hungry readers???
DeleteIt's dinnertime back here on the east coast and your menu sounds much better than what I was planning to cook tonight!
It all sounds great but except for the elk, but I've been a vegan for 30 years.
Delete@anon at 2:00pm
DeleteIf you had been there I would have made at least 2 vegan entrees like I do any time I have vegan guests. Probably my old stand by of artichoke risotto would have been one of them
Where's the video Griffy? Why does she have to provide proof? Why is it that at a party in 2014 where there are phone cameras everywhere and no one snapped or shot a photo?
ReplyDeleteWha? She bought all the cameras? I think a person with that footage would get a hell of a lot more money from TMZ or elsewhere than from Sarah Palin. Nice try Griffy!
You obviously were the one that sat in the classroom staring out the window ignoring the teacher. Nice try, yourself, 10:50 AM!
DeleteSarry is that you? You always try to emasculate men's names. I guess firing the one witness scared off the rest. Don't get too happy. There's still the police report and 911 tapes.
DeleteDoesn't matter, 10:50 AM, LOL indeed! Everyone and their dog knows it happened. I LMAO that now she's back to cooking when we all know she doesn't do that either.
DeleteHOW many times are you going to try reinventing yourself, $arah, before you get it through your thick head that "rill America" has no use for you and HOOT at every attempt you make to remain relevant? Give it UP, girlfriend, you're a joke.
TMZ DID pay - and is keeping the videos under lock and seal.
Delete11:21am, Ha! Like she would ever come here to read your trash. "Police reports & 911" you sound as if you've seen them already. More delusion. cant wait to read em Griffy! Be careful what you're wishing for. Cuz like all of your other past BS about them, those documents may likely rule in her favor and then its back to conspiracy world for you once again muuuhahaha.
DeleteAll the candidates are having busy weekends campaigning for the November election. Why are you not out there on the campaign trail Sarah? Is it because no one wants you to campaign for them?
DeletePerhaps you and your family could learn some manners now that all of you have time on your hands.
Hey Griffy, I betcha that's not even you're rill name, also too! Okay, need more delusion to live vibrantly. Back to my Bailey's and Piper's pills. And also too back to my bedroom to wait for that libelly and slandery post from he, who, knowing that he hates God and was ringing those bells for are freedoms, and you know, its all about job creation and shorin' up the back fences.
DeleteOh, run along, little sadist....
DeleteHey 12:11 AKA Lou Sarah. Documents in your favor? Just like the Branchflower report? The House of Stacked Cards is about to fall.
Delete10:50 awe sarah who took away your meth? Soooo obvious that miss sarah skanky pants palin is in the house with her "Griffy" name doncha know......gryphen be sure to capture that up address and save the comments so you can do a post all about the grifters comments n your blg.
DeleteTaunt much there sarah- you and your taunts all but scream you have bought off everyone with photos and videos-that PAC money comes in soooo handy now doesn't it.
Your problem is a big one isn 't it? Eric Thompson and his wife who are entirely credible have both gone on the record nationally to tell the truth. Oh and don't forget Conner and his national enquirer piece- just a bit more about what a disgusting waste of space you and your hellish brood are.
Spend all your money on those videos and photos-less for you as your money dries up faster than you do.
Keep running scared sarah-exercise is good right? You betcha!
She does read these "anti Palin" blogs, case in point, her father did a post yesterday extolling the virtues of "Alaska the 50th State" and thanks to use "anti Palin" people calling them on their error it got fixed to reflect Alaska as the 49th State. Geez, they pretend so hard to be "Rill Alaskans" but seriously that was an amateur mistake....I guess they really aren't in charge of their own content, on Facebook, Brissy's blog and even on the "Sarah Palin Channel".
DeleteParty? Birthday? What are you talking about? Todd is still 49 and they will celebrate his birthday privately and vibrantly, the way that they live their lives, privately and vibrantly, too,, also.
Delete10:50 Lots of flip-phones in rural AK and low signal
DeleteLong ago Keith Olbermann had it right - and had the courage to say it back then.
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
He called her an 'idiot' on national TV. And, he was so, so correct!! I'll bet the folks at FOX say the same thing behind her back!
DeleteWaiting for the next time Faux has her on after the "global apology" to the United States of America. What a maroon!
DeleteI fast-forwarded the video and laughed at how many, many times she stuck out her chest along with the 'little girl' look on her face.
ReplyDeleteThis was filmed pre-brawl. Tha author she is talking with mentions Rick Perry's indictment "last week". I love the scene where she flips her hair back and forth and leans way back in the chair in order to push her boobs closer to the camera shot. I smell desperation for subscribers and/or attention.
ReplyDeleteSarah darling, when you attempt to feed your Jewish friend of the week hot dogs laced with diary...you might as well use your Menorah as a slingshot (if you don't already).
ReplyDeleteI wonder if those are moosedogs? Maybe Elkdogs. Are all the palin dogs accounted for. Jill? Where's Jill? Uh, oh. Dad did you kill another dog? It's OK, hottest governor, they're only Jewish. They won't know.
DeleteAt the end of the video, Sarah looked like she was going to say Grace. Was she going to thank Jesus for providing the meal that Joel couldn't eat? Jews have a different prayer before eating, and it isn't to Jesus.
DeleteReally honestly I am so damn sick and tired of all of it. Waiting for the iceberg that never happens over and over again. No wonder trolls have such fun. NO one has the cajones and she knows it.
DeleteFFS! Gryphen, you could at least warn people that clicking on the picture would take you straight to Sarah Palin TV.
ReplyDeleteI for one did NOT want to give her clicks and raise her rankings.
And there are still people in this country think she could/should be president. They walk among us.
Luckily, they're all past breeding age.
DeleteWell I don't think they walk around me and my friends, lol. I think they mostly are old, scared folks that never leave home. Sarah has them where she wants them with her invention of death panels, the scary black guy in the white house from whom she wants her country back, the one that shucks and jives, wears pants that are too loose, doesn't have cojones, should "get big", "pulls out too early", etc. Sarah gets those old folks with those dog whistles.
DeleteOnly a moron would believe the BS in that article. I'm sure she paid someone to write it or it was a deluded fan, too funny. She, the proven pathological liar, deserves the benefit of the doubt,?? Rofl!
ReplyDeleteI think this guy wears a kippah the same way that Sarah wears her Jewish star necklace. It's a prop. I lived in Orthodox Jewish communities for 20 years, and they were my friends and social groups. Orthodox Jews believe in charity, and Tea Partiers do not. Orthodox Jews believe that embarrassing somebody is a huge sin, while the Tea Party-ers think it's an acceptable tool/weapon. Orthodox Jews don't believe in abortion, but they DO believe in contraception in order to space their children. And Orthodox Jews have a huge spectrum of religious strictness, just like any other religion. Some women would NEVER wear pants, while others wear pants, and yet cover their hair. I had a neighbor who covered her hair while wearing a swimsuit at the JCC pool. The notion that being an observant Jew carries some kind of credibility is ridiculous. I knew Orthodox Jews who cheated on their wives/husbands. I knew Orthodox Jews who were thieves. Sarah Palin is STILL an idiot, and her Jewish 'guest' knows it.
ReplyDeleteBut did any of the Orthodox Jews that you knew take the family to a party, start a drunken brawl, punch the host in the face many times and stand in the middle of the cul-de-sac shirtless and flip people off? I'm betting they didn't but that's because I've lived in a lot of different neighborhoods, known a lot of people and been to many a party but I ain't never, ever heard of a family doing what Sarah's family did. Never once!
DeleteAnd, he didn't eat any of the food but the veggies. I think he's authentic. It's Mrs. Palin who doesn't know squat about the Jewish faith which she loves to romance only because it meets her fundigelical xtian ends.
DeleteI think that some Orthodox Jews might end up in the conservative end of politics because of their shared interest in Israel. The Religious Right has their own agenda, but religious Jews like them for protecting Israel.
DeleteI think that Joel is religious. How religious, I can't say. Technically, he shouldn't be eating off of Sarah's plates because she does not have a separate set of dishes for milk and for meat. Less religious Jews could eat from Sarah's plates but not mix milk and meat (like in the cheesy hot dogs). I doubt that Joel ate the fish or the other food because he didn't know how it was prepared.
There was a shared responsibility there. Joel should have told Sarah if he had dietary restrictions. If Sarah knew he was Jewish, she should have asked if there was anything special he could eat or not eat.
Technically, he shouldn't be talking with her. He's supposed to stay away from any animal with cloven hooves
DeleteVery good comment but think I'd use 'less observant' rather than 'less religious'. Not sure the depth of one's religion can be measured on the strength of ritual observance alone.
DeleteProject much, $arah? $arah Palin was the DUMB candidate! $arah Palin is the DUMB who tried to trick the whole country into believing that she was what most Americans want a vice president to be: qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency!
ReplyDeleteNot only was $arah Palin not qualified to be president, she wasn't even fit to be governor of the least populated state in the country.
Fuck $arah Palin!
Having a smart guest does not make Sarah look smart. She couldn't engage in a real conversation with him. All that Sarah could do was resort to slogans. On the other hand, Joel really was boring. He may be smart, but you have to wonder how and why he ended up at Breitbart. Couldn't a smart Harvard grad get a job any place else/
DeleteThat video doesn't even rise to the level of "amateur"!
ReplyDeleteNo tripod, Pollack not in focus, zooming from person to person and scene to scene. It looked as if it were made on a Playskool "my first video camera." Who was "filming" --Bristol? Was she drunk? And the editing consisted solely of inserting way to much stock footage, sometimes with some Ken Burns effect to look "professional."
Palin wants to charge for this crap?
I watched it... wish I hadn't but I can't take those minutes of my life back so I'll comment on it. First impression, uncomfortable. A man who has things he feels he's expected to discuss but all the while pans and dishes clattering in the background and every time we see sarah she is putting on her "don't I talk cute and if I stand at this angle my boobs look the best this way" posturing. Don't know if it was just me but the guy seemed a little uncomfortable and talked as.if he wasn't sure.anyone was listening much. Uncomfortable and something not quite right with this vid. As for what sarah had to say, couldn't really follow as usual.
ReplyDeleteThings that would make Joel uncomfortable:
Delete1. Sarah insulted those Harvard elites, without realizing that Joel went to Harvard College and Law Schools.
2. Joel graduated magna cum laude, and Sarah speaks at a middle school level. He wanted to have a serious conversation and Sarah can't speak.
3. It's hard to conduct a conversation with Sarah while she is pretending to prepare the meal.
4. It's hard to conduct a conversation with Sarah with Chuck and Sally rustling all of those pots and pans and making noise in the background.
5. Joel must have been uncomfortable looking at all the food that he couldn't eat. He may not have known that it was Sarah's schtick to pretend to make and serve a meal. But, he should have mentioned to her that he was Jewish and maybe he did not eat non-kosher food. He really wouldn't eat the cheesy hot dogs because he doesn't eat milk and meat at same meal. So, watching Sarah make that stuff must have been irritating. Maybe that's why Sarah was forced to serve those pathetic skinny carrots.
6. Whether Joel could eat the food or not, it must have been annoying to watch Sarah run her hands through her hair and then handle the food. Even if he could eat it, yuck!
At one point she welcomes Todd & Trig home, but I didn't see Trig. The dog is wandering outside, apparently alone. When they gather at the table to say grace, Trig is not with them.
ReplyDeleteThe Rick Perry comment is one clue about the timing. Another is that she says the book will be out Sept. 17. Had to be filmed awhile before then to allow for the editing & adding video clips & music.
What time does Trig get home from school, lunch time or dinner time? Or else, they were eating that great big (not Kosher) meal at 3 or 4 PM
DeleteIf only a video would make it's way to the surface! I'm so disappointed that we haven't seen one yet.
ReplyDeleteHer guest refers to Governor Perry being brought up on charges "last week". Rick Perry was indicted the second week of August, that means this video was recorded the third week of August. Another swing, another miss.
ReplyDeleteRhinestones on a 50 year old ass are not becoming Sarah, just stop. And the BODY LANGUAGE!! Arching her back, sticking the fake boobs out, playing with the fake hair, licking her lips. Someone please take care of this woman's needs - STAT!
That stuff is cringe inducing. Especially the arching her back and playing with her hair. You do that when you're on a shoot for a magazine cover, or alone or with family, not with guests. What is wrong with this woman??????
Delete3:09 "What is wrong with this woman??????"
DeleteSo far, just about everything.
3:09 PM
DeleteShe is only a woman physically. A perversity resides within.
So I actually clicked on the video, quickly got bored and checked out her home page. It is filled with so many, many, many videos! My! What a lot of content!
ReplyDeleteOnly if you can read will you realize that many items are duplicated. The same article can be found in several spots on the page.
This is probably not a problem for her drooling flock as reading is not commonly found in their skill set.
And yes, Chuck (the old fart, not the younger fart) is still willing (in several places!) to tell you all about the 50th state. Who knew he was so knowledgeable about Hawaii?
I like the way she gets lost in her own word salad and finds her way out with "Anyway, back at this Catch-22".
ReplyDeleteAnd she seems to have more knowledge of and respect for 'pop culture' than for 'politics or religion'.
She calls President Obama the "facebook candidate"? Her? Gimme a break.
ReplyDeleteSarah is the facebook celebrity. As for Obama, he used social media when John McCain didn't now how to send an email. Which candidate was progressive and which one was an old guy, stuck in the past?
DeletePalin assuredly is stuck back in the McCain campaign and just how many years ago was that? Calling now President Obama the 'Facebook candidate"? He so far outdid and out campaigned them that she will never get over it. Talk about holding anger and a grudge! No wonder she has aged so horribly since then....
DeleteShe needs to get happy and positive IF that is even possible! I'd hate living in her head!
"Facebook candidate" = projection
DeleteTrying to show SHE isn't the "Facebook" person as she hides behind Facebook and her WEBSITE that she calls a TV Channel.
She copies everything she does. No one has ever accused Palin of being original. Do you suppose his FB &Twitter accounts were her 'divine' inspiration? Apparently this doG guy she yammers about is really her imaginary friend Barack?.
DeleteI'd rather dive headlong into my own vomit than eat anything that phonied up scuzball put her claws on.
ReplyDeleteWho funded and edited this amateur video? A mishmash of old photage sandwiched between the awful shots of what's happnin in Sarah's kitchen. IMO, it was just another Brietfart production to promote this book.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I know about Jewish diet restrictions, that poor guest would not be able to eat anything made in that kitchen. Heck, most of us wouldn't want to eat her crap.
And he didn't. All that he had on his tray (or is that brown square thing a plate?) were those skinny carrots, maybe some strawberries and some white stuff that might have been cucumbers. It was insulting to serve him hot dogs with cheese. Why didn't Sarah just bake a big ham while she was at it?
DeleteHey, hey Sarah! What's your mom's the "Word of the Day" today? Sarah?
ReplyDeleteSally was too busy in the kitchen rattling those pots and pans to think up a new word.
DeleteI'd suggest 'trafe'.
DeleteMeans non-kosher, not fit for consumption. The food could be shown as an illustration of trafe while Palin again showcasing her total lack of purpose defines yet another.
Hey Sarah, Obama is still President! Still kind'a chaps your ass, doesn't it? YOU ARE A FAILURE!!!!
ReplyDeleteHis books comes out next week? I would GUESS it was shot mid last week. The kids are in school as Sarah verbalizes when she asks Trig how his day was.
ReplyDeleteFlying a guest up for an interview was obviously in the works. And Sarah DID say she'd be interviewing and showcasing people.
One of the few places that Sarah's ghost written insults are posted is over there at Breitbart. Pollack is both an editor at Breitbart and their lawyer. Yes, it was worth the trip for him. His book is only available in digital format from Amazon. So much for the book signings. And, he probably needed to make sure that Breitbart's Tea Party and Sarah were on the same page. Do you think that TAPP was stupid enough to pay the guy's travel expenses up to Alaska? Maybe split the expenses 50/50 with Breitbart?
DeleteThe other kids are obviously at work. I'd guess it's around 4-5. Makes sense that Sarah and Todd, while picking Trig up from school, would get Tripp on days mommy works.
ReplyDeleteTodd didn't pick anyone up. He was walking around in the background with Tripp. Who eats lunch or dinner when the kids come home from school-- and who did pick up Trig-- if anyone picked up Trig? The other kids are at work? Bristol and Tripp live in their own house. Track lives at home and doesn't do anything. And, who eats lunch or dinner when kids are coming home from school? It was fake.
DeleteTripp's Mom doesn't work, but she may have been to drunk to care for him.
DeleteOh, Beldar, I see what you did there, very funny!!!!
DeleteBullshit @2:35 pm. Mommy Brissy doesn't work, because $arahpac pays her for posting nasty stuff on blogs
DeleteNice try, but you must think IM readers are as numb as a pounded thumb.
I haven't watched the video or read the comments yet, has Sarah Palin talked about or showed how she carved her Christmas (or was it her Thanksgiving turkey) upside down?
ReplyDeleteThat I would like to see.
First, get your best Cheese knife...
DeleteMy gosh Palin, pull your hair back. You are getting wig hair in the food! You sure know how to manipulate your fake boobs.
ReplyDeleteAll that stretching and leaning back in the chair with your hands behind your head hoping the old coots out there will sign up for another month. What boob trick are you working
on for next month for the guys! Oh come on, give them a
hint. The only bright bit of color in that ugly brown and
tan house ,is the red pot on the range.
I see so many fakeries with this. The interview being made while Sarah makes dinner. Sally Heath's distracting clanging in the background, people walking past, Sarah sitting then standing and distracting from the conversation as she is slicing cheese. The cross on the wall, Hadassah the dog outside in view through the glass door, Todd's float plane right in full view, a trampoline, reference to an unseen Trig; she's got all the angles working to keep up appearances.
ReplyDeleteWhy in heaven's name do they put together such a distracting video? Shouldn't this writer Josh be at least given an opportunity to talk about his work/book without the interruption of Chuck Sr. shuffling past and Sally banging and talking loud? Couldn't they have at least turned the TV off?
Too much going on, and it's because Sarah knows she isn't up to the challenge of interviewing this guy professionally and making intelligent conversation with him. She sounds like she's trying to audition for ET.
She didn't sound genuinely interested in what he had to say; she puts on this fake down-home family (just like one of you little people) presentation and it comes off so horribly.
Then the last straw is watching them say grace before their meal. Todd, Sarah and the Heaths with eyes closed and heads bowed is too much. But, that's what brings in the big bucks.
Moar from Wonkette!
"Palin informs us that part of their meal is “halibut that Willow caught down in Homer — she had to club it” (wouldn’t a big serving of pollock have been perfect?), and then she and Pollak engage in a wide-ranging conversation that includes this fun look at What The Kids Are Doing."
I only saw two very brief shots of the refrigerator and in both you could see dents in the lower part of the top doors. Since this video must have been shot between the middle to end of August, I'll bet it got really hammered after the Wassilla Wrestlemania.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Palin talks a lot about "common sense", but it would seem to me you would have to have common sense to know what common sense is, and we all know Palin doesn't seem to have any. If she did most of the ethic complaints filed against her wouldn't have been filed. Such things as wearing a snow suit with Todd's sponsor name plastered all over it should have been a clue you would be giving it a lot of free advertisement. Most people would have recognized this and would have known it would be inappropriate to wear the snow suit in public, especially when a lot of cameras would be focus on her.
When invited at Todd and Sarah's, bring those antacids. Cheese,venison, garlic bread and fish and noodly carrots, doesn't AK have any ma and pa business restaurants or caterers?
ReplyDeleteQueen of the north insists on opened bottled water and bendy straws, but can't put out the china and silverware for a business guest? Do these people ever eat salads, soups, french breads, baked chicken with herb sauce, with whipped potatoes and fresh green beans and at least serve beer or whatever's in that brown bottle with a glass?
Hot dogs with sliced cheese? Yes, fish, but fish caught by a snotty-nosed kid and her mean older sister, which sat in the freezer for 2 months.
I admit I did not watch the video, however from the comments it appears this Sarah channel episode was a soft porn "cooking" show, with her special guest promoting his book and bashing Obama for campaigning on Facebook 6 years ago, which is why Sarah is always on Facebook. ( boy, she really can't get over losing)
ReplyDeleteI do not consider heating up a hot dog cooking, but I guess she was going for the phallic symbolism.
Stayed tuned for her next video: kitchen food born illnesses: another myth of the liberal media.
Didja happen to see the TRAMP O LENE in the background? That's one of them "Symbols" every classy family has that says "Stupid People Live Here". This kitchen looks totally different from other Palin Kitchen's we've seen before over the years, could it have been filmed at one of the "cabins", a relative's house? The fridge is brand spanking new, and whomever did the cabinetry and counters did it all wrong. The "Appliance Garage" (thing that looks like a roll top desk) is on a counter that's way too narrow, and not placed where an appliance can easily slide out and back when finished being used. Guess it was all they could afford to steal from Spenard's contract with the city.
ReplyDeleteWow, did you see how THICK the book that guy wrote is? Must be one of those X Large prints for folks with failing eye sight.
Also, too, they're acting as if Facebook ONLY existed for the Democratic Party and only Candidate Obama could make the best use of it. Wrong, oh queen of the grand titons! He won because he was the best candidate and knew how to use social media effectively. Unlike you, "Enough about YOU let's tock about MEEEEEEE!"
That food was left over from someone's wedding or something, and re heated for the occasion. The author ended up with a few scraps on his dish because the hot dogs weren't kosher and the fish looked unappealing. Sarah didn't do her homework, lmao. Cheese and meat on the same plate - big no no.
Those huge ta tas must be hereditary. Sally's got a rack and Chuck Senior's got even a larger rack than she does. Poor Sarah.
Facebook was available to the public in 2004, and they kept adding features as the years went on. It had been around for 4 years and the McCain campaign could have used it, too, but McCain didn't even know how to read his email. The Democrats were far more organized than just Facebook. They emailed people both for donations and to alert people to appearances. They used all forms of media to communicate and reach people while McCain couldn't even read his own email.
DeleteDoes $arah Palin really think anyone doesn't know those giant tits are fake?
ReplyDeleteWho doesn't see that ginormous fugly wig on her head for being one step up from a floor mop?
For Dog's sake $arah, get a clue, and stop acting like a 12 year old Miss South Carolina!
You are the most pathetic example of a lying grifter snake, pretending to be all goody two shoes Christian.
Yes, $arah, we DO KNOW WHO YOU ARE!
Anon 4:01 said
ReplyDelete"Palin informs us that part of their meal is “halibut that Willow caught down in Homer — she had to club it”
What is Sarah Palin going to cook next, the Klingenmeyer that Bristol beat in the face in Anchorage?
I am not a fisherman, but a good friend of ours is. And he would never club and whack a fish to death. In the stress of being beaten and dying, the fish produces chemicals that any living creature would produce when under some kind of threat and stress. It affects the taste of the fish in a bad way.
ReplyDeleteOur fishing friend distinguishes between the top side and the other side where the blood and those stress chemicals collect. Top side was better tasting. When he sold fish to restaurants, they paid more for top side fish filets. If you eat in a good restaurant and they serve fish, they might list the fact that it was line-caught,as opposed to be hauled in a big net where the fish thrashes around, more stress. But, you will never see the notation that this item was clubbed to death by an angry kid.
A perfect commentary on the video, from Pap Finn at Wonkette:
ReplyDelete"Jesus Hopscotching Christ, it can't be said enough: that conservatives wanted this imbecile a heart attack away from the nuclear codes is enough *by itself* for them to have forfeited the moral right to ever govern any goddamned thing again.
Just stay out of the civic life of the country and let the adults run it, you neo-Confederate pigs. Stay home and jack off to Duck Dynasty, or shoot deer from helicopters, or do whatever the fuck it is you do all day. /rant off"