Sunday, September 28, 2014

Finally the secret to my extraordinary health revealed. Writing.

Courtesy of Arts.mic:  

The benefits of writing go far beyond building up your vocabulary. 

No matter the quality of your prose, the act of writing itself leads to strong physical and mental health benefits, like long-term improvements in mood, stress levels and depressive symptoms. In a 2005 study on the emotional and physical health benefits of expressive writing, researchers found that just 15 to 20 minutes of writing three to five times over the course of the four-month study was enough to make a difference. 

By writing about traumatic, stressful or emotional events, participants were significantly more likely to have fewer illnesses and be less affected by trauma. Participants ultimately spent less time in the hospital, enjoyed lower blood pressure and had better liver functionality than their counterparts. 

It turns out writing can make physical wounds heal faster as well. In 2013, New Zealand researchers monitored the recovery of wounds from medically necessary biopsies on 49 healthy adults. The adults wrote about their thoughts and feelings for just 20 minutes, three days in a row, two weeks before the biopsy. Eleven days later, 76% of the group that wrote had fully healed. Fifty-eight percent of the control group had not recovered. The study concluded that writing about distressing events helped participants make sense of the events and reduce distress. 

Even those who suffer from specific diseases can improve their health through writing. Studies have shown that people with asthma who write have fewer attacks than those who don't; AIDS patients who write have higher T-cell counts. Cancer patients who write have more optimistic perspectives and improved quality of life.

And THAT my friends is why I will live forever.

Okay that might be an exaggeration, but perhaps it really does have something to do with the fact that I never get sick.

I almost hate to say that out loud, because of course that is exactly when you WOULD suddenly get sick, but for the last ten years it has been absolutely true.

In fact so strong is my resistance to illness, that I was the go to guy to take kids to the nurses office when we had a huge flu outbreak in the elementary school that I worked at a few years back.

By the end almost everybody, including the school nurse, had been stricken and forced to take time off, except for myself and a small handful of other hearty souls.

Though I never get a flu shot I have not had the illness in well over twenty years. I have also not had a cold or fever in more than ten, and besides a small tickle in my throat, that I get once a year like clockwork, I have exhibited no symptoms of any kind.

Could it be the constant writing?

Well that seems to be just about as good a reason as any. Though to be honest I also work out at least five days a week, and eat pretty healthy.

However writing allows me to pour all of the potentially toxic thoughts swirling in my brain out onto the internet, where they are not only shared with others but also attract positive feedback, which cannot help but have a beneficial impact.

By purging myself of information that I find troubling in written form, I essentially exorcise my own demons and keep both mind and body ticking along nicely.

And people wonder what motivates me. Well now you know.


  1. Crystal Sage4:40 AM

    I totally agree, Gryph. If it were not for writing (and blogging) I would be lost. Writing is the anchor to my sanity and my writing has made an impact in my small community - helped to stop the town from giving away public beachfront land to a high rise developer. I wake up each morning with purpose and determination. I'm a writer and proud of it

  2. Beldar J Conehead, Age 121 (ret. duh...)5:12 AM

    Gryphen, for once I agree with you.

    For the past 15 years I have written 9 awesome novel-length sequels to Gone With The Wind, all set in a small steel mill town in northeastern Pennsylvania during the late 1950s and I reasonably expect to live to be 150. And if even one of my novels is published, that figure could go much, much higher. Possibly into longevity of biblical proportions.

    I'm not delusional, of course, and I know the uptight, vanilla world of book publishing lacks the courage to advance the Rhett/Scarlett story by 100+ years, especially with the sensitive themes of race relations, rape, unrequited love, alien abduction, zombie epidemics, adorable werewolf puppies and Nazi sleeper cells living in the Pocono Mountains.

    But still I carry on.

    I doubt we'll see many trolls on this post since there's no mention of The Screechy Wretch(tm) except for this unfortunate and nearly unavoidable oversight. Therefore, I shall forgo a transcription of shit trolls say and wish everyone a happy fall Sunday.

    1. LOL :D

      You, too, have a great Fall day, Conehead.
      Here in Ottawa we have The Most vivid fall colors Ever.

    2. Balzafiar6:58 AM

      Beldar, here, free of all charge to you, is my contribution for the plot of your next Gone With the Wind sequel:

      It's the story of a really sleazy vampire family based in Wasilla, AK, their wild drug-and-sex parties, prostitution rings, flat-as-a-pancake pregnancies and other illicit activities. They spend their entire lives sucking the life and money out of the gullible.

      They meet their much-deserved fate when one day the entire family disappears suddenly when a freak tornado appears out of nowhere and carries them high into the air over the Bering Sea, where it drops them into the icy waters among a mass of ravenous sharks who haven't fed in weeks.

      Sort of a Gone With the Wind meets The Wizard of Oz but with lots and lots of sex, drugs, politics and finally lots of blood and gore. The final moment comes when the main vampire shrieks at the sharks "Don't you know who I am?", then the screen fades to black.

      It should sell well as a book and would probably be another Hollywood blockbuster movie.

    3. Anonymous7:06 AM

      "Therefore, I shall forgo a transcription of shit trolls say"

    4. Beldar J Conehead, Certified Author (ret.)8:16 AM

      Balzafiar, good timing, as I just recently started the 10th GWTW sequel novel and will definitely incorporate your bleak dystopian Alaska ideas without actually crediting you for your contribution.

      (sorry. high-concept publishing is simply too cut-throat to permit any form of human decency. You understand, I'm sure...)

      I can promise there will be an oblique reference to 'those who helped make this incredibly amazing piece of award-winning, best-selling literature possible' and a minor character named Balzafiar, also too, Don't be alarmed by his gruesome death because - SPOILER ALERT - every single character in my novels dies a gruesome death.

      It's kind of my trademark.

    5. Balzafiar9:02 AM

      Well, Beldar, I guess since I'm going to have to resign myself to a minor part, can I at least have one sex scene? Maybe behind a convenience store? Full frontal, of course; it is Alaska, you know, plus I like to impress people.

      Now, about that gruesome death. This IS just a movie, right?



  3. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Love the pic of Snoopy Gryphen! Nice touch! Who knew that our venting about the screechywrench™ was actually healthy!!! Sarah palin keepin liberals healthy and strong since 2008!
    side note: agree with you Gryphen working out 5-6 days a week also and avoiding junk food is how I stay healthy but didn't know writing on blogs could be "healthful" So, Screech serves a purpose then? Who knew?
    Happy fall Sunday!

  4. Agree, again, with you.
    I have written 6 books and my last book took me to Nebraska where my husband and I interviewed 50 people over 5.5 days during a heat wave of 100º (day and night). I never felt better in my life and my husband who "only" writes poetry and is 6 years younger kept up.

    I have also kept a detailed Journal since 1981, now 4,200 pages.
    Writing rules!

  5. Balzafiar6:09 AM

    Sorry to be so picky Gryphen, but...

    "...exercise my own demons..."

    should be "...exorcise my own demons..."

    Demons, especially those living in Wasilla, aren't affected at all by exercise, so exorcise is the better way to go.

    1. Well I "exercise" them until they get too tired to bother me and then they....Yeah you're right.

  6. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I never get sick either...anymore. I think it has more to do with the naturopathic doctor telling me to stop dairy and gluten and take probiotics. Ok I eat cheese because you can't give up everything. No more respiratory infections and especially no more sinus infections even though the ENT wanted to do surgerybefore I went to the ND.

  7. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Maybe there's something to it. Maybe by being honest and truthful, it reaps good feedback. All of us have daily stresses and have to cope with the usual doses of negativity that come to everyone, but also you, G. have to have an extra dose trying to exact some truth out of an impossible situation, and that is extra stressful, as for readers here, IMO.

    I believe we all need reassurances that justice will prevail, innocent victims of corruption will be protected, the defenseless will be defended. Some people are more prone to react by injustice than others and sometimes that adds that need for something greater than us to be a true judge and defender of the innocent.

    This is one of the many reasons I believe in God. There is no way that man can run roughshod and do the barbaric things to it's kin and not have one iota of shame, guilt and conscience. We think it doesn't happen much anymore because we think we're now all civilized. However, we're witnessing something much different; in one of the wealthiest nations on earth, there are still humans who call up down and down up and would manipulate and dominate (thinking of Values Voters bunch, Cruz, hateful Rep. Congressmen, Senators) who would have voters dance to their puppet-pulling strings and who have no more values than a rock. That is scary and the rhetoric coming from them sounds evil and a forecast for worse things to come. They seem hell-bend on controlling.

    If I didn't have trust and know that there is a God, I would be totally lost. But, some day, all the hard work that people do to break others free from tyranny (with the pen, not the sword) can pay off, but with divine aid which reduces soul stress for this temporal life. And that is a great stress reducer.

    And, eat an apple once a day.

  8. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Your writing, Gryphen, has helped me, and I'm sure others here, process frustration of the nasty Palin saga and the machinations of the Alaskan politics into humor and a good dose of laughter, which is a good medicine.

  9. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Guess I can thank Sarah Palin for fending off Dementia. 8 years ago I went through chemo and radiation for breast cancer and ended up with "chemo brain" and couldn't remember a thing! At the same time my husband was fighting cancer and the kids got me a WebTV to keep in touch with family and friends to update them on his progress. I found the internet and the blogs. Along came the Tundra Turd and I found the blogs following her Soap Opera entrance and "pregnancy". Being an old nurse I laughed my head off at her wild ride and the birth of Trig. When I watched John McCain introduce her to the world I said, "Houston, we have problems!" I thought, she thinks she's running for student council in high school! I felt sick to my stomach....the dumbing-down of America has started.

    By morning, I had forgotten what I saw and heard. I read it again. It sounded familiar and I kept reading morning after morning and gradually tried to catch up with what had happened. The chronology of her stories made an imprint on my fuzzy mind.

    That Sunday morning you did the expose of Trig's ears triggered my medical training and knew she was full of sh*t! I was the little old lady that gave that fragile child the name of "Ruffles" to separate him from the chubby cheeked baby we saw Sally holding in the hospital hallway. I still think that was a little girl baby Mercedes was holding in Palin's kitchen that exposed those terribly misshaped ears. From then on, the follies of Sarah just kept getting wild!

    I know more about Wasilla, Alaska than know about my new little town we moved to just before I started my treatment. I started writing comments as to what that woman was saying was a lie as far as the wild ride. I was a former obstetric nurse and it just didn't happen. I had worked labor, delivery and nursery and was a mother of 4 children. It just didn't happen as she said. Period. She was a liar and a fraud.

    At seven years they said I was cancer free. But I had my memory back and can still say that woman is an idiot! I'm 75 now and reading and writing has kept me from being a victim of Alzheimers. I've lost my dear husband after his 15 year fight with cancer, strokes and Dementia but I still have my memory.

    With the stroke of every key it was imprinting on my brain and repetition left it's track. Did I mention I had a photographic memory before the chemo? I was never so frightened in my life when I couldn't remember something I just read! My musculus-skeletal system is shutting down from Post-Polio Syndrome and have to get around with a walker. I have not been "sick" in 8 years. I am allergic to all vaccines grown in egg yolks and haven't had the flu since the 70's. Unlike Jesse, every morning I get up and thank God for giving me another day and thank him for my blessings. To each his own. A mind is a terrible thing to waste!

  10. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Like your style!
    May we all live long enough to see that liar brought low.
    That's enough to keep ME going.

  11. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Except a lot of your toxicity slanders people. You need to find the root of your need to create lies.

  12. physicsmom1:11 PM

    Good for you, Gryph! It's a promising study and explains whey every therapist everywhere tells a patient to journal. Who knew?

  13. 'Figured you'd find that study as enlightening as I did. I do keep a journal that I only resort to when I've got a lot on my mind.
    Otherwise, the writing instinct goes into my fiction.
    M from MD

  14. I read recently that the act of physically taking pen to paper writing (as opposed to keyboarding) also had health benefits.

    My friend in Minnesota got me blogging on a secret diary only she and I can access. I try to write every night, just daily stuff, but it can take me 15 min. or more to do it.

    I've been feeling better but don't know about the healthier. I have to see the dermatologist about some suspicious skin things on the backs of my hands.

    I'm not saying writing causes skin cancer.

    Not yet.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.