Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Values Voters folks demonstrate once and for all that their "values" lead them to choosing the worst candidates imaginable for President.

  Courtesy of the Washington Post: 

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) has come in first in the Values Voter Summit presidential straw poll for the second year running. Receiving 25 percent of the votes cast, down from 42 percent in 2013, Cruz was the favorite for the 2016 Republican president nomination among the 2,000 social conservatives activists at the conference. 

Dr. Ben Carson, the former neurosurgeon, was second in the poll with 20 percent of the vote, up from 13 percent last year, while former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee came in third with 12 percent. Other speakers at this year's summit include Rick Santorum, who was fourth with 10 percent, and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, fifth with 7 percent.

Holy crap!

The first, second, and third choice was the guy that thinks we are about to throw Lorne Michaels in jail, the guy who thinks Obamacare is worse than 9-11, and the guy who said that women needed government to help them control their libido?

All I can say to the idea of any of these three imbeciles being chosen as the GOP nominee in 2016, is "Yes please!"

Update: Even among this group of mental midgets Palin was only able to garner nine votes

Damn, how many forks is that now sticking out of her?


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    What about Punchy Palin? Don't tell me nobody voted for her. Poor kid.

  2. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Yeah right

    And the half black President continues to bomb the snot out of Iraq and Syria. That's the half black President that was gifted with a Nobel Peace Prize.

    He loves him some remote control killing.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Yeah and you would be the first to back stab him if he didn't bomb them. go back to the cesspool and cry to them for awhile.

    2. BDDB

      (Beldar does it better.)

    3. Hah, I can't spell today!


      Have to get the spelling right as I may have to type this a lot.

    4. Anonymous7:39 AM

      The prize isn't a gift. You are a moron, through and through. You must be an Alaskan (sorry Gryphen!).

    5. Anonymous7:45 AM

      GREAT idea, Liz, we should all reply BDIB to these posts, the get a lifes, the grow ups. etc. I think I will if you don't mind!

    6. Anonymous7:50 AM

      The fact that you refer to him as "the half black President" tells me all I need to know about you. Racist!

    7. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Yes!! BDIB!!

    8. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Anonymous6:40 AM I guess is hung over from the partee last night....anger bear!
      hey you can't have it both ways? Y'all say the POTUS isn't doing "anything" and when he IS "he is bombing the snot" out of them? what IS it? STFU go cry somewhere else. Fukin palin whiners...

    9. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Are Sarah Palin's kids all White? Are they Half-Breeds? Is Todd Palin considered half white by you, Uneducated Troll? 'Let Allah Sort It Out'? Fuck you and those Drunken, Drug Addicted, Brawling, Bastard Making Palins. Bristol and Willow can't even Buy a Husband. BWAHAHAHAHAHA, Wasillabillies.

    10. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Aren't you up early? Your Idol is obsessed with PRESIDENT OBAMA, just like you, Troll. Sarah Palin is still longing for some more Glen Rice, and he is all Black.

    11. Anonymous8:46 AM

      @6:40 Don't you belong to the same club who hates the Muslims and the terrorists and the beheadings? Don't you belong to the same club who claims that ISIS going to enter the US through Mexico so we have to do something about them right now?

    12. Yes, 7:45! Solidarity with Beldar!

      And aren't we lucky to have Beldar and Gryphen and all the great commenters who help us find some humor in the midst of horror?

    13. Anonymous10:03 AM

      one of the grandkids is 1/2 black....but he's kept hidden and is referred to as the "godchild".

    14. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Who would the father be, 10:03? And don't slander those two young black brothers who Bustol ripped off by doing her reality show when it was clearly their idea.

  3. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Ted Cruz isn't even a flippin' citizen!!! They should just call it "the Retard summit" b/c its just full of retards. These people are full blown koo-koo4 cocoapuffs paranoid, hateful, afraid of their own shadow in the name of gawd...Did y'all hear when screech pulled that on her speech? Like she was fucking potus? "And gawd bless 'merikka". Bleech!
    fecking retards, all of 'em any of 'em! VVS.

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      He just had his Canadian citizenship revoked this year. I'm sure his being born in Canada will make no difference to his voters.

    2. Anonymous7:36 AM

      7:29- you don't get it. He is NOT eligible to run in this country. You have to be a natural born citizen, and he isn't. He is also a lying, disgusting asshole.

    3. @Anonymous7:36 AM, the term "natural-born citizen" is not defined in the constitution.

      Many people believe it simply means that from the moment of birth, you are a US citizen either by being born to a US citizen, or by being born on US soil, and that you do not need to be naturalized as an immigrant would.

      I loathe Cruz and despise everything he stands for, but for me, where he was born is a non-issue as long as his mother was indeed a US citizen at the time of his birth.

      However, I don't think anyone should be able to hold a national office as Cruz does who had dual citizenship, as you would owe allegiance to two countries.

    4. Run, Raffie, RUN ! ! !

    5. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Even though Cruz, Sr. supposedly came to the US in 1957, he didn't become a US citizen until 2005. So Cruz, Jr., was born Dec. 22, 1970 in Canada to a US citizen mother and a Cuban citizen dad. Would Cruz, Jr., not only be a citizen of Canada by birth (he has now renounced that citizenship), and not only a citizen of the US by virtue of his mother being a US citizen but would Cruz, Jr. also be a citizen of Cuba since his father was a citizen of Cuba?

    6. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Rafael Cruz became a US citizen a couple months ago. It wouldn't matter anyway, because his mother is a natural born citizen which entitles him to run even though he was born in Canada.

      Obama was born in the US. His mother was also a US native but that does not prevent racists from crying foul.

      We won't hear anything from the teabaggers when Rafael runs for president.

    7. Anonymous10:20 AM

      @anon 9:45 am
      Congress has defined "natural born" as born on US soil when the house and Senate both pushed through a little law that allowed John McCain to run for the office of the Presidency of the USA by avering that all military bases( or offspring of military members born off base but in a foreign country while a family member is deployed to be considered a "natural born" US citizen. So, according by the actions of our Senate and House Rafael Cruz is NOT a natural born citizen. Thanks for playing.

    8. Anonymous10:20 AM, that resolution (not a law) was based specifically on the odd situation of the Canal Zone, which was neither US nor foreign territory. Children born overseas in incorporated territory were covered under the law as being citizens at birth.

      As far back as the 1930s Congress passed a law regarding the citizenship at birth of children born outside the limits *and* jurisdiction of the US (such as in Canada). While the Canal Zone was outside the limits of the US, it was not outside the jurisdiction of the US making it a sort of no man's land in regard to citizenship.

      Congress passed a resolution (not a law, which would have had to be passed by both chambers and signed by the president) stating that for the purposes of eligibility to run for president, McCain was considered a natural -born citizen.

      The resolution does not apply to any other individual.

    9. Anonymous2:59 PM

      7:29 -
      But members of Teddy's fan club all know that Canada is REALLY part of the U.S., unlike that furrin Hawaii island place with the hula dancers and the scary Asian-type folk.

  4. First things first. He has to somehow avoid being eaten alive by the vulture capitalist. Appetizer time for the Mittster...

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    6:35 AM
    Thank you for posting the pdf. I would hate to meet the 9 voters who voted for Sarah "Punch'em Again Palin". If VV voted after Sarah's speech, she might not have gotten 9 supporters. haha

  6. Anonymous7:10 AM

    This is going to be fun. Cant wait to hear the same outrage (fabricated) about him being ineligible since he was not born in the states.

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Obama was born in the states.

    2. Anonymous7:52 AM


    3. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Anonymous7:43 AM

      Obama was born in the states.
      Ted Cruz WASN'T!!! Its not "Fabricated" its "TRUTH" retards...all of 'em any of 'em!

    4. Again, "where" born does matter as long as one parent is a U.S. citizen. There's some fuzziness around the status of the parent's citizenship; i.e., whether naturalized or born in the U.S. Nevertheless, if one of Cruz's parents was a citizen at the time of his birth, he is a citizen.

    5. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Should be easy to verify if one parent 'was' a citizen cause we already know papa cruz wasn't. Saw several articles months ago attempting to trace his mama's timeline but don't recall one saying her citizenship was yet verified.

      Maybe they gave up the search when it was becoming more and more apparent that he would never be elected even if he were able to ooze his greasy, slimy self into the race.

    6. Anonymous10:12 AM

      His parents were not married when he was born, but his mother Eleanor Elizabeth Wilson was born in Wilmington, Delaware making him eligible to run for office.

      Rafael Cruz single-handedly ended the birther nonsense regarding Obama. The GOP hopes everyone forgets about it.

  7. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I lost count of all the forks sticking in her but I heard she's had more pricks than a pincushion.

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      In other words... The difference between a porcupine and a humvee limo renter...

      With the humvee limo renter, the pricks are on the inside.

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Anonymous7:44 AM

      In other words... The difference between a porcupine and a humvee limo renter...

      With the humvee limo renter, the pricks are on the inside.
      Great comment!!!

    3. Anonymous8:58 AM


  8. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Off topic, but I was wondering if Sarah Palin ever mentions her other grandchild (Track's child) in public? She loves to talk about her "decision" to have Trigg (although she would love for others to be forced to do it and not have a choice, and she loves to talk about Bristol being a single parent and her hard decision--but what about the young woman left being by Track who is raising another Palin? Maybe Track could get a job being the "it's tough being forced into a early marriage, just because you got someone pregnant" deal?

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      bwahahaha...that's the palin version.

      Bristol's DWTS child was not left by Track or anyone else. Kayla is Bristol's baby. Britta was the cover-up.

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Yea, Kayla is Bristol's DWTS baby. It must be true since the Palin's never denied it. But my question is who is the father? And is Bristol so fertile that just by looking at a guy she gets pregnant? Did Sarah suggest that she get a "two bull" and not have to worry about any more "white outs?"

  9. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Hey, wait a minute there! Sarah Palin came in 12th place as VP candidate. She got 2% of the votes cast in that one. In the famous words of her "strong" daughter, Bristol.... "Mom's a superstar!"

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Isn't that humiliating? After the crazed speech when she had to make the people stand up, to look like an ovation? She got HOW many votes? LMAO

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      "mom's a stupidstar" fixed it for ya...

    3. Anonymous8:43 AM

      The moral of the story is that the crazy speech may get lots of attention but voters, even values voters don't take her seriously as a presidential candidate. In fact, the crazier the speech, the less influence Sarah has.

  10. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Anyone see that chick who bakes marriage cakes bawling at the "values" summit because of the horror of being asked to bake a cake for 2 women, one of which had been a client in the past? Then there were the 2 nazi ken dolls who said we should push forward in all haste with troops on the grounds, attacking out of luv luv luv.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      That raises some interesting questions:
      1. Would she bake a cake for a morbidly obese person?
      2. Would she bake a cake for a diabetic?
      3. Would she bake a cake for a diabetic who announced that they were going to eat the whole cake right there in the bakery/
      4. Would she bake a cake for a Muslim?
      5. Would she bake a cake for an atheist?
      6. Would she bake a cake for someone who announced that she was going to get an abortion?
      7. Would she accommodate someone's food allergies, gluten intolerance or make the cake for a vegan?
      8. Where DOES she draw the line?
      9. Do her tears go in the cake? Any extra charge for the tears?
      10. Would she bake a cake for President Obama?

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Would she bake a cake for a heterosexual, each previously divorced, couple? How about a heterosexual, already pregnant couple? Does she check birth certificates to be sure the couple is not transgendered? Does she know for sure that neither person is covertly bi-sexual?

      She is saying, 'poor me', because she is unwilling to walk the extra mile for a person whose belief system is offensive to hers. Wouldn't she make a better testimony of her own faith by showing that her faith was strong enough to not be rattled by other people's spiritual differences? Wouldn't it be better to just fulfill the commandment and love her neighbor as herself (even if she does not approve of their lifestyle)?

      What IS a Christian bakery, anyhow? This seems more like a Christian fakery to me. If you are running a Christian bakery, would you really have to advertise that fact? Did Jesus/Yeshua put up a sign saying 'Christian Carpentry'? Did Paul put up a sign saying, 'Christian Tent-Maker'? I doubt it. People knew by their deeds who and what they were, and were attracted to their message accordingly. Most of the work in promoting the true gospel is in keeping your mouth shut, and letting your love and deeds speak for themselves.

    3. I'm sure she would walk right past someone needing help who was Not Like Her, wouldn't she? Just like the Good Samaritan. Or Jesus.

      Oh, wait...

    4. Anonymous6:24 PM

      The Good Samaritan stopped. The "Christian Baker" would keep on going. Going to hell, I tell you, going to hell.

  11. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Sarah got nine votes!!! LMAO! Hey, Bristol...Mom is no longer a superstar! Suck on that!

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Would it be time for Bristol to suck balls about now after learning that superstar mom only got 9 votes?

  12. Caroll Thompson7:57 AM

    I guess the value voters can't find an American to support, so they are supporting the Canadian.

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      If any of those meatballs became president I would become a Canadian.

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Karl Rove, Fox Noise, and the Koch empire have created a monstrosity: a party made up of literally insane voters, and nationally unelectable candidates.

    3. abbafan4:50 PM

      Caroll - cruz Jr. renounced his Canadian citizenship not too long ago. Good! We don't need him or his fuckin' old man here anymore!

  13. Anonymous8:02 AM

    With all these superstars there they could only get 900 people to attend and vote?

  14. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Let's see how long it will take the ever creative Sarah to lift a few details from this story and incorporate them into her Wild Ride. 3..2..

    By the way, how does one will a plane to hurry?

  15. Balzafiar8:10 AM

    Sarah didn't have to worry. The entire Palin coven has that warrior body, don'tcha know. They are impervious to the ordinary trials and tribulations of mere mortals.

    Plus of course if they're not really pregnant to begin with, that helps a lot.

  16. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I'm disappointed that Palin only got a paltry 9 votes cause I was hoping she would absolutely sweep the straw poll thereby pushing her to commit to a 'run' for her 'supporters'. It might have forced her to have to give up the tease of another campaign earlier in the game than she planned.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Sarah's fans say that she doesn't need no stinkin' polls. Sarah listens to what God tells her. So far, she has not gotten the messages. She lost big time in 2008. Serving her complete term as governor would have been the natural stepping stone to run for president. She wasn't invited to the 2012 Republican convention. They didn't want her even hanging around. How many times does God have to close doors before Sarah gets the hint?

  17. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Palin is no longer believed to be a contender. It seems that reality has finally been accepted by about 90% of the people.

  18. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Todd, Bristol, Willow, Track, Piper, Trig, Tripp, Sarah, and a total stranger.

  19. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Is that Uncle Fester from the Munsters?

    1. abbafan4:53 PM

      No, Uncle Fester was on The Addams Family. cruz looks like Lurch!

  20. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Yeah. No doubt i my mind that Sarah wasn't at risk of popping one out on the plane.

  21. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Geez, she couldn't rig the voting like DWTS ?

  22. Anonymous9:01 AM

    "Well, I rarely wear a ring, especially up in Alaska, ya know, choppin’ wood or yer butcherin’ a moose or sumpin’ just jewelry gets in the way so we…we just don’t. But, you know, by the way, what the heck business is it of the liberal haters anyway? Why are liberals so intolerant? Who cares? You know! Eh?"

    "It’s the truth that will set us free. And freedom. That’s another value."

    Only 9 people chose this woman...this mental the one they want to lead America and the world? Surely the vote count was rigged.

    1. hedgewytch9:47 AM

      This woman is so brazen, and she gets away with it because most people are too stupid to check facts and haven't a clue how Alaska really is.

      Chop wood? Please - IF she even uses wood in her house it would be in a fancy decorative fireplace more than likely - and she'd have hired someone to cut, split and stack the wood. Doubt old Toddy and Track are out there building the wood pile together. Butchering a moose? Um, IF Sarah even went hunting and someone harvested an animal, we all know good and well she'd NEVER get her hands full of blood, meat and grease. And that activity happens for most of us Alaskan subsistence hunters only once a year (if we're lucky). Fishing? Sarah pulling net in? Get seaweed, jelly fish, and fish lice on her? Strain some muscles? Clean fish? Don't make me laugh.

      No, Sarah has no excuse to not wear jewelry - but I wish she did 'cause that Star of David she constantly wears is butt ugly as is the rest of her "bling".

    2. Anonymous11:02 AM

      I hope you didn't intend to label the Star of David ugly and only saying it was ugly that she uses it as costume jewelry.

    3. Anonymous1:11 PM

      The Star of David monstrosity she had on was gaudy, ostentatious, and way WAY too big, and thus ugly (and this is coming from a Jewish woman who has seen similar ostentatious, gaudy Stars of David around the necks of friends and relatives from Long Island, NY).

      The fact that she isn't Jewish and doesn't give a shit about people who are Jewish makes it that much uglier.

  23. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Sarah said that truth was a value, which is strange considering that she has told such whoppers. (And, I don't mean the hamburger, although she does manage to grind up the truth).

  24. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon10:12 AM

    Chuck Heath, not a total stranger.

    So Sarah finished 15th -- not a bad showing at all.

  25. Anonymous11:05 AM

    The only surprising item from Carnival Cruz's "victory" at this event is the fact that he didn't score higher. Given the number of Christo-facists in attendance that is.

  26. cckids12:09 PM

    Ted Cruz. Santorum. Rand Paul. Jeb Bush (Jesus, ANOTHER Bush), Sarah Palin.

    Quite the crowd they have in their clown car, isn't it? Saying that this VVC is the most insane ever is close to asking someone to measure how high is up.

  27. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Jutting chin, ugly man. Now how are these numbnuts gonna square the fact that Rafael was born in a foreign country with a Cuban father? Better see the birth certificates of mother, father, Rafael and three generations back. Will the rwnjs be howling for the next 2 years about the fact that Cruz is not an American and thus is not be eligible to run for POTUS? And don't tell me that his mother is an American citizen and therefore he is automatically an American. This reasoning was not good enough for Obama so it's not good enough for this POS McCarthy look alike.


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