Friday, September 19, 2014

Occasionally we leave our mark on the internet.

I happened to notice this graphic over at Reddit. Which is, for those who do not know, a terrifying black hole which is known to ensnare innocent victims and drag them into its maw where they disappear forever and are never heard from again.  

Or, if you believe the administrators, simply a place where you can find pictures of cats.

Anyhow as I looked at that graphic I could not help but realize that it was probably inspired by this post on IM from earlier this week.

Which, if true, gives me a warm fuzzy feeling in my........let's say tummy.

I always like to know that my work is appreciated and shared among many, and in this case that seems to be what happened.

Viva la Internet!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Oh...come on know you are appreciated all over the country. Sending you love from Tennessee 😍


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.