Sunday, October 19, 2014

Conservatives 4 Palin might be a dying website in America, but the Kiwis LOVE them!

Okay for the record I actually NEVER visit C4P these days, as they stopped being relevant about four years ago.

However somebody recently sent me some links which I found kinda interesting.

As you all know there is a site called Alexa which analyzes website traffic and ranks them based on popularity.

I also never visit there myself because according to my therapist constantly seeking validation by checking a website ranking your blog is "A cry for help Jesse."

Anyhow based on an e-mail I received I went ahead and visited Alexa to check out the rankings for C4P. And what I found there was a little strange to say the least.

As you can see the vast majority of the internet traffic going to C4P comes from New Zealand of all places.

They are ranked only 175,754 in America but a rather incredible 1,521 in New Zealand.

By contrast the Sarah Palin Channel is ranked 162,949 in the US and 61.3% of their traffic comes from America. Which seems about right.

Soooo, what explains the fact that C4P has so many Kiwi visitors?

Is this fake internet traffic that was purchased by C4P? Is there a glitch in Alexa's algorithm? Or is it possible that Palin is wasting her time in North America and should take that 15 hour flight to the self proclaimed "God Zone" where she could apparently reign as queen?

But if they DID buy visitors off of the internet, why did they buy so few that they still only rank 306,239 globally? That's not going to impress anybody.

Yep, it's a mystery alright.

By the way for those who are curious this is how IM ranks over at Alexa.

Not bad, not bad at all.


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I was told by an old acquaintance who married a New Zealander that Kiwi's were pretty horrified at the thought of a Sarah Palin US Vice Presidency. She said that they were visiting and were out in the middle of nowhere on a hike and saw an anti-Palin political sign. It was during the election, so I doubt that all these years later the Kiwis would be loyally looking her up. Seems pretty fishy.

  2. I have friends in NZ who think Palin is an idiot. It's a fairly progressive country so I'm very surprised at that number. OTOH, I'd bet that 99% of them are NX fundies....

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Sounds like you need to change therapists...what we all go thru is what seasoned therapists call a 'mental shit' and it' takes awhile sometimes - others it's 'fluid' lol...they can be funny...
    of course those ones are RETIRED...incase they read this...

  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Another possible explanation is 'Kiwi' singular--M. Joseph Sheppard, with multiple accounts, Kiwi extraordinare.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Since Sheppard runs his own Sarah fan site, could he be receiving Sarah PAC money to juice up the comments over at C4P? Some of those people sound more fictional than real

    2. Anonymous7:23 PM

      EXACTLY! THE OLD PERV! Wonder when he took over c4p? And yes he prob fakes the comments or sits at his computer all day...with his hands in his pockets as they say....ah, hem... Bet his new wifey doesn't know?

    3. Anonymous8:53 PM

      or multiple personalities of sarah...

  5. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Pretty nice rating for IM!

    SarahPalinChannel has dropped/is dropping like lead. It was around 45K a few weeks ago and 130K yesterday.

  6. Anonymous12:39 PM

    c4p is a conglomerate of WTH people for anyone who visits there regularly. There are people out of New Zealand that post there regularly under the guise of USA citizenry It just takes a little knowledge of IP addresses, that whole cult makes me laugh. I could voice my opinion on specific people and how they reap the benefits of the system they profess to hate, but not worth my time. I'm also sure that some there are "postage" paid.

    Bring on when their savior announces 2016 is out. but they all took the "pledge." LOL. Since they all live in the Old Testament, I'd make a moniker to post about the golden calf in Exodus but they'd just ban me. The "trolls" that do make it through are hilarious until the moderators obliviate 'em into the cosmos.

    Keep on rockin' in the free world.

  7. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Ha ha! The cans are gonna hit the fridge when Granny Palin finds out IM ranks higher that her channel and C4P. Karma's a bitch granny!

  8. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Is there anything at all about this woman and her "brand" that is genuine? And who funds all of this deceit? The Koch brothers? Maybe they finally cut the ties and that explains the lack of activity on her Facebook and the SPC!

    Congrats on your IM success. It's certainly well deserved!!

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      I think the fungus on her feet is genuine.

      R in NC

  9. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Isn't there a guy from NZ who is obsessed with SP? Not sure, but a guy calling himself Exodus, write up these almost worship-like comments for Sarah.

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Yes. Last year in a comments section she told me she was female but of course who knows. She always copy/pasted these long long worship screeds of Sarah's accomplishments. Posted the same thing over and over and over and over.

    2. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Exodus, is a women, M.Joseph Sheppard, with multiple accounts, Kiwi the "new account"

    3. Anonymous8:55 PM

      you mean multiple personalities...yikes...

  10. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Some friends recently spent 9 days in NZ. They thought the people a bit odd, politically conservative and sorta behind in their grasp of world thinking although it was noticed they travel around the world more than people from other countries. Someone like Palin might interest them because they don't really know much about U.S. politics but they've heard about her strange ways they think of as feisty.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Wow, that doesn't come close to my impression of Kiwis. Yes, they tend to be remarkably widely traveled; also quite well educated and generally aware and sensible. It's moreover a multicultural country, with a high proportion of foreign born citizens. I can't imagine Kiwis paying any attention to the likes of Sarah Palin, short of "postage" and/or mental illness being involved.
      But thanks for your concern.

  11. Anonymous1:11 PM

    The only reason that Palin ranks high in much of anything is that she is the proverbial trainwreck of anything. Put another way, she owes her worldwide popularity to her stupidity and antics. She is nothing more than a sideshow attraction, hence her "draw."

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Anonymous1:11 PM:

    2. Anonymous4:52 PM

      You will never convince me that Kiwis care enough about this particular train wreck to account for the blog ranking. A lone nut and/or "postage" in action. Gotta be.

  12. Anonymous1:12 PM

    It has to be something to do with that dirty old MJ Sheppard guy. From what I can see, he spends all day on the internet. He's totally revolting. That, and there was another one that was a real weird cookie, but "she" got banned from C4P. Exodus E Exodus or something like that. I would imagine they are either the same person, or are a couple...and somehow connect their websites to C4P accounting for the traffic. It's so pathetic. Sea O' Pee folks are getting stranger and stranger. They worship that odd Virginia Gentleman, and they do nothing but spout the bible along with totally un-Christian diatribes about the President of the United States.

    I have seriously NEVER seen such a group of unpatriotic people before. They will not find unity for country in anything. Nothing. It's all hateful rhetoric against the left.

    Interesting when one of them feebly tries to stand up for gay rights...the zealots step in and stomp that talk down quickly.

    Foul little group of idiots.

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      I just LAUGH at them, this is her base. TheresaAK deciding whom and whom cannot post, her hubby PBP quoting Bible, VG saint starts and ends day in the glory of God while calling President Obama and every politician he doesn't like every name in the book between those prayers, the Brianus/Mes love affair taken public, Engineer 100 "the country NEEDS you as president , $arah," Food Stamp Pete working the gov't while dissing them, happymullah that still swears SPC is a good deal, ZH100 that starts the day with screed from '08, nothing new to see, the Elston dude I won't even go there on like southparkcentral sheppard, AudreyI, JanuaryRose that discus still keeps cancelling just goes on and on and on......others left out on purpose.

      Wake UP people, you're being SCAMMED to the HILT.

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Anonymous1:55 PM You nailed these posters. I was sickened when VG asked what should be done with his body after he died. But you missed the poster, stlouisix, whose writing makes me repulsed. He claims to be Catholic, but his writing is the nastiest I have ever witnessed. Unfortunately, he is not a fictional character as I know his real name. His writing has made me ashamed that I was baptized Catholic. All of the C4P characters are full of hate, bigotry and vile - reading their posts is enough to turn anyone away from religion.

    3. Anonymous2:18 PM

      You really did capture them perfectly, anon 1:55!

    4. Anonymous2:22 PM

      TheresaAK and her hubby are probably the same person, or they post for each other. Theresa has the annoying habit that less-read people seem to have--abusing the "..." by passive aggressively placing it at the end of each sentence. Ellipsis abuse. Major tip-off that a person isn't playing with a full deck and has anger issues. How Christian of her!

    5. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Don't forget DeeDee3, head of the see of pee sex department. She loves to claim that bloggers Sarah hates are child molesters and that we believe Trig was brought to earth in a UFO by aliens. She's a real nasty vile person hooked on nasty sex stories.

    6. Anonymous4:20 PM

      And Mark55 who swears ebola is Obama's plan for population control, he and his family are immunized of course.

      Then you have MaMcGriz on the sister site palin4america. She is the resident cheerleader with an underlying mean streak like the vg guy. I think they are both fakes.

    7. Anonymous4:42 PM

      1:55 PM here agreeing for those I left out that all of you added. It's a daily trip down HUH? road. This is her base, don the tin foil hat.

    8. Anonymous7:33 PM

      TheresaAK deciding whom and whom cannot post
      Does anyone think she is our "Bossy troll" and on Malia's also,too?
      and Dee Dee could both of them be Sarah's alter ego?

    9. Anonymous8:17 PM

      TheresaAK is a piece of work. I laughed when she got into it with AmazedOne (well deserved) and she quit posting. Enough people cried and begged, VG on the phone, back she comes. "You LOVE me, you really LOVE me!!" with apologies to Sally Field. Ever since, she's been even worse browbeating people who don't kiss her behind. In the name of God, of course

    10. Anonymous8:57 PM

      155 but when your a whore like palin they don't care how it's done just make them come and come and

    11. " Theresa has the annoying habit that less-read people seem to have--abusing the "..." by passive aggressively placing it at the end of each sentence. Ellipsis abuse. "
      I have a co-worker who does that. Very annoying. I read an article by a psychologist regarding controlling people, who believed that it is the written equivalent of not letting anyone else get a word in edgewise.

  13. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Sarah Palin Channel: 162,949

  14. Anonymous1:16 PM

    No doubt at all that she purchased visitors and she's too stupid to understand how it works. She probably thought nobody would notice all activity is NZ. There really is nothing in her head....nothing at all.

  15. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I do part-time work for a company that pays people to post on-line comments to their clients' blogs. (I just do it for extra mad money), but I know some of the principles originates out of New Zealand. Yes, people can get paid to post comments & I strongly believe that this is what is happening at C4P. So anyone who monitors C4P like I do now knows that more than half of their traffic comes from New Zealand.

    I have an opinion as to who are the "New Zealand" posters on C4P - just watch who "suggests" that everyone should send SarahPac donations. Could this be where some of her Pac postage is going to?

    The sad thing is that the number of poster on C4P is steadily declining so SarahPac should really rethink spending any additional money on this losing expenditure. ( shows that mainly men view Sarah's channel while at home. Does this mean that dirty old men go watch Sarah's videos to get their conservative relief?

    On a positive note - congrats to you Gryphen, per Alaxa you are a very successful :defunk" blog site!

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      SarahPAC's 'postage' goes to legitimate companies. However, the 'direct mail and fundraising' activities these companies provide clients may include internet 'work.' They buy and sell mailing lists; it doesn't seem far-fetched that they may also buy facebook/twitter fans and do some trolling, as well. Sarah has other funds, also too, besides SarahPAC that could be used for any purpose she wants to hide from public scrutiny.

    2. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Sarah's "postage" could include postal money orders made out to....pick the member of the Palin family.

    3. Anita Winecooler4:37 PM

      The only reason Sarah's count is as "high" as it is, is that some assholes confuse Lisa Ann, of "Nailin Palin" fame for the real deal.

    4. Anonymous4:44 PM

      If you look at her "postage," the small amounts are real, huge are payouts.

  16. AKinPA2:04 PM

    I went over there today. I haven't visited in awhile. I think they found a new enemy to hate: the Pope. Pete P and Stlouissomething are over there calling him by his last name and tearing his message apart. One of them called Palin "one of the greatest ecumenical leaders of all time." I really hope those people are living in their moms' basements. They don't have the critical thinking skills to cross the street safely.

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Pete probably does live in mom's basement. He's the guy who applied for public assistance while promoting tea-bagger ideology.

    2. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Sarah's idea of religion is that God will open the door a crack and she has to push her way through. Sarah does not pay attention when God closes the door, as in losing the 2008 election. Sarah keep waiting for God to open another door.

      Her other description of God was that He wouldn't give Sarah anything that she can't handle, meaning the arrival of Trig. But Sarah cannot handle the simple job of raising a child with DS. She does not seem to provide the boy with therapy. And, using God is a poor excuse.

    3. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Pete P will never have a real job.. only temps. His online antics and comments will keep any employer from seriously looking at him. The background check is his enemy.

    4. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Your right 2:30pm, not only can Sarah not handle Trig but she acts like she he is an embarrasment to her, Miss Ex Beauty Queen wants cute kids who don't wear diapers at six years old, you can bet she never changes his diapers, or feeds him or pays attention to him at all unless it's a photo op.This month is Downs Syndrome Awareness Month and not one word about it from her, does anyone think she really gives a damn? She also is still ready to send Bristol Cream The Brawler to the drunk tank because no "Happy Birthday to my strong great work ethic daughter!" was posted by her, maybe it was like Tawdry's birthday it will be a little late this year? or she knows if she does mention Bristol's birthday a lot of people would bring up the now famous Palin Brawl.

    5. Anonymous4:42 PM

      2:46, I'm in the employment business. A simple and fast internet check disqualifies Pete P for any position, plain and simple. A shame that people do not realize this, but most employers do a social media check now. They won't want someone who is likely to cause trouble, be disruptive, and distract co-workers with incessant political or religious talk.

    6. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Anonymous3:22 PM,
      I tweeted )she who deserves no name) asking what she planned to do to further awareness of Downs Syndrome. My sons told me to leave it alone, but the fact that she prostitutes herself for candidates and has done nothing for her "son" really ticks me off. I had an aunt & have a cousin w/ Downs and they are special people - even if they require a lot of work to get them to a place where they can thrive. To see Trig w/out glasses and hearing aid makes my blood boil. Sarah is a b*tch in many ways, but what she is doing to Trig is child abuse. How her followers cannot see this just shows their level of intelligence.

    7. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Bristol Cream The Brawler to the drunk tank because no "Happy Birthday to my strong great work ethic daughter!" was posted by her, maybe it was like Tawdry's birthday it will be a little late this year? or she knows if she does mention Bristol's birthday a lot of people would bring up the now famous Palin Brawl.
      They have been awfully quiet lately and hardly no trolls? Did she take them to NYC or Hawaii?
      Or was the NE article her "bday present" to Brisdull?

    8. Anonymous8:59 PM

      aw did the pope tell her to fuck off too? hows that working for ya sarah...the secret is getting close to what is the CNN deal? red white and black and the the DNA search for your 'family'...;)0

  17. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Those comments at C4P don't sound authentic. They sound like they get paid. Is it possible SP has such a God-complex that she has to read made-up fantasy wonderful things about herself all the time?

    If SP pays people to sound like obsessive fans, this is not about increasing her image ratings, it's about her mentally ill complex and her need for worship, which is a trait of a true psychopath.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Some of those "fans" are there to encourage C4P's few readers to donate to Sarah's PAC. Food stamps Pete said that he donates a little bit each month to Sarah's PAC. I think that Pete should pay for his own meals and forget about Sarah's PAC. I'm tired of giving me a free ride. (For the record, Pete is in his 40's and doesn't seem to try very hard to find full time work. But he does spend his time criticizing the people who people who have that sense of entitlement and want the government to support them. There is someone with Pete's name where he says that he lives, but for all we know, his identity has been appropriated by a screen writer or someone creating a cast of characters for C4P.

    2. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Actually, it would make me feel better if they are being paid for their comments. The amount of hate directed toward our President and anyone/everything that is not to their liking is obscene. I go to their site to try to remain balanced and informed, but I leave feeling sick that people can be so close-minded and full of hate. It would help me sleep better to know that these are fictional characters that someone is paid to post as.

      Elections are right around the corner, the only way we have to stop this T-Party craziness is to get every sane person we know to vote.

      To H#LL with Sarah Palin, the Koch Bros. and the wacko T-Party. It is time we take these idiots down.

    3. Anonymous3:04 PM

      I think if they were fake, they would have been created to look more sane. These people are too bananas to be fake posters. I do know that one of them, a worshipped long timer, is a troll.

    4. Anonymous3:43 PM

      I'm not the only one who has long wondered if Branius, or whatever he calls himself, isn't either a comedic genius or a troll. I've never waded into the Pee pond and don't intend to, but people have posted some of his comments here -- he's another one of those posters who just writes a little too well.

    5. Anonymous5:59 PM


      I believe Branius is RAM because of the constant review of Sarah's 1st book. RAM hero-worships Palin - so does Branius. He/she holds Palin on an alter and will throw in a little latin. Which to be honest how many people know? He is one of the "dedicated" followers that will bring up donating to SarahPac. If he isn't a fictional character, I hope he seeks mental care when Sarah tells her cult she is not running in '16.

    6. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Anonymous5:59 PM
      I don't think RAM. RAM is a fat bitch who got caught dissing the "Big bosses daughter" and was taken down a peg or two. Remember when she was called RAM the hammer or something stupid? She is a failed screenwritter so I'm pretty sure she is a troll and someone said she still comments over there under a different name, but not Brianus. That is too stupid.
      That guy is nuts if he is for real, he needs help.
      I think RAM is the snarky bitch who trolls here sometimes. Remember RAM writes some of her speeches. I ran a test one time and the speeches that were 9th-10th grade were RAMS and the 8thgrade Sarah's. (compared to her writing from school)

    7. Anonymous11:54 AM

      RAM playing the part of the Concern Troll, that I could believe. But there must still be a few other Sarah sickophants out there -- people whose names we don't necessarily know. In any case, she (it) has enough intelligence and restraint to sometimes be subtle, which for sure rules out everyone with Palin/Heath DNA

  18. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I didn't know about Alaxa. I'm slightly embarrassed that they know I check IM hourly.


  19. Anonymous2:12 PM

    cracker barrel? hahaha!

  20. Caroll Thompson2:24 PM

    So what I am hearing is that 'rill Americans' are not reading any of Sarah's websites. That makes sense since her favorite Senator is the Canadian Teddy Cruz.

    Somehow I feel better now. At least I know that the USA has fewer idiots than I thought. That and Sarah has to pay to get anyone to read or comment on her websites. I guess that is why they had to crash the birthday party - no Americans want these people. Hope springs eternal.........

    And I know one other thing; none of us are paid to read or comment here. But we all can click on IM even more obsessively to get G in the top 10,000.

  21. Anonymous3:00 PM

    The comments that are posted at C4P are meant to stir up the base and usually have little thought behind them. Now old goat from Virginia wants to have President Obama impeached because he sent an elite airborne force to Liberia to build houses. Oh, no, he should have sent the Seebees.

    We are the ones paying for the old guy's medical care, one way or another, through the VA and medicare. The lack of oxygen has affected his brain. Does he really think that President Obama picked the unit that was sent to Liberia? That job would have fallen to a high ranking military officer. In addition to building places where the Ebola patients can be quarantined and treated, the troops may have to defend themselves or use their skills to keep order. We have no idea what troops are needed for what tactical military exercises in other places, and which groups are available. Yes, the President is the Commander in Chief. The choice was made by a high ranking military officer.

    The comment shows the lack of critical thinking and it is simply meant to gin up negative comments. Or maybe, his wife had better get the oxygen mask read for the old coot.

  22. Anonymous3:02 PM

    The Kiwis would poke Sarah Palin with a stick and that's about all. The only insane people in New Zealand are expat Americans (who presumably they have no friends here because they're on Palin sites 24/7).

    Nobody likes Sarah Palin. End of story.

  23. Wendy3:04 PM

    I looked up SarahPAC at Alexa. It's rank is 531,590 and its US % is 52.7. Pretty interesting that it takes in the money it does.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Where do you see how much money it takes in? I didn't know there was a place to check that.

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Sorry Wendy, disregard my earlier reply to you. I was thinking SPC not SarahPac. I really want to know how much $ Sarahpac is bringing in.

    3. Anonymous4:24 PM

      ugh. made same mistake with last post. For the love of all that is holy, I want to know how much SPC is bringing in.

    4. Wendy5:48 PM

      Yeah, that information about how many subscribers there are at the Sarah Palin Channel does not seem to be available but judging by how often Palin puts SPC teasers on her Facebook page, I'm guessing it's not doing too well. It sounds like it's made up of mostly rerun videos from Sarah Palin's Alaska :)

    5. Anonymous9:01 PM

      well let's hope SarahPAC gets enough to pay 2.4 billion according to DoD for lost revenues...ouch...
      and that was a 2011's seeping sarah..;0)

    6. Cracklin Charlie6:06 AM

      DoD??? Department of Defense?

      And 2.4B? No wonder she was so happy that alligator guy gave her a coin. She's gonna need a lot of coins.

  24. Anonymous3:07 PM


    Sarah Palin Greedily Hoards Cash From Her SuperPAC Rather Than Help Other Candidates

    ...The Center for Responsive Politics revealed that Sarah Palin’s SuperPAC, SarahPAC, contributed only $45,000 to the campaigns of GOP candidates in the third quarter despite having over $1.4 million available. In a Thursday post to the organization’s website, it was noted that Palin’s political action committee raised $433,000 from July 1st to September 30th and began the quarter with nearly a million dollars banked. For some reason, even though the former Republican Vice-Presidential candidate endlessly opines that these midterm elections are extremely important, she’s decided to hoard her money and not help out her fellow Republicans....

  25. Anonymous3:07 PM


    Sarah Palin's PAC Mostly Spends Its Money On Sarah Palin

    The most recent quarterly reports show few candidates receive donations from Palin's personal PAC...

    ...Despite her utter non-viability as a candidate in 2016, Sarah Palin's piggy bank PAC still rakes in the donations. Presumably, this means it would give some of those donations to candidates Palin has endorsed, at the very least, right?

    Well, yes and no. Open Secrets reports that her PAC is operating as usual, with few donations to other Republicans but lots of money spent on herself....

  26. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Oh, and don't forget that each of their comments is directly Tweetable from the 'share' button. Yesterday I saw several of their comments on Twitter- someone is making Sarah Palin accountable for what goes on at C4P. They're making her look even more stupid and radical and they don't even know it.

  27. Anonymous3:08 PM


    Mrs. Palin is rumored to be considering a presidential run in 2016. In an interview with Fox News in March, Mrs. Palin said she did not have plans to seek the nomination but added that she would “never say nev

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Political pole!

  28. Anonymous3:08 PM


    Livid Alaskan trout-mouth bombs brood in a sea of rage!

    You’re all headed to the drunk tank!” That’s what an enraged Sarah Palin is telling her three eldest kids – Track, 25, Bristol, 24, and Willow, 20 – after a police report reveals they were boozed up at a party that turned into a headline-making brawl.

    Cops in Alaska released the report Oct. 9 after prosecutors said no charges would be filed related to the Sept. 6 incident. The former Alaska governor was at the party with her hubby Todd and their brood when the fight broke out.

    “Sarah is livid that her kids have been called ‘belligerent and intoxicated,’” a friend said....

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Gretchen already covered this.

  29. slipstream3:08 PM

    I can explain this. New Zealand (as we all know from seeing the Hobbit movies) is populated with orcs. And trolls.

    Of course they love $P.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Gollum! My precious!

  30. Anonymous3:09 PM


    Mrs. Palin is rumored to be considering a presidential run in 2016. In an interview with Fox News in March, Mrs. Palin said she did not have plans to seek the nomination but added that she would “never say nev

  31. Anonymous3:09 PM


    Meghan McCain Laments ‘Awkward’ Palin Connection: She’s Like ‘My Crazy Aunt’

    1. Anonymous9:02 PM

      shit and megan is really being polite I am sure! lol...

  32. Anonymous3:10 PM

    The poops gonna hit the fan when Sarah Palin sees this picture of her hand and neck

  33. Anonymous3:11 PM


    Sarah Palin's PAC Mostly Spends Its Money On Sarah Palin

    .....I wonder if next quarter's PAC reports will report expenditures for lawyers to surreptitiously purchase all the phone pics and videos from that brawl last month. Hmmm.

  34. Anonymous3:43 PM

    As a proud kiwi living here in the US I can assure you all that NZ is most definitely not home of a many Sarah Palin fans, although she certainly is a source of much amusement there. NZers have watched the Palin circus from the time of her VP nomination and her alternately hateful and hilarious 'career' since then with great curiosity, plenty of laughter, and a lot of "only in America" accompanied by shaking of the head. Honestly, to us, she represents the worst side of America and fuels that idea Americans are crazy. Of course, we know that not all American are crazy, but when we see the likes of Sarah Palin, along with the NRA open-carry nut cases, bible thumpers rewriting science textbooks, the totally dysfunctional political system, and the irrational fear of universal healthcare, it does make us glad to live in progressive, relatively harmonious, sane, society. Not perfect of course, but we have great gun control laws (have you checked out our gun violence stats - you should!), first country to grant women's right to vote and have high number or females occupying political office (including 2 previous prime ministers) , legalized gay marriage, an excellent socialized healthcare system, social welfare, and the best rugby team in the world! Seriously, the dude who claimed NZ was "politically conservative and sorta behind in their grasp of world thinking" is talking BS. Yes, we elected the fiscally conservative National Party (again)- but our fiscally conservative National Party is far to the left of US democratic party. And we are very socially liberal and have a far better knowledge of the world than most Americans. Seriously, Kiwis and the rest of the developed world laugh at the insular Americans and some of their misguided beliefs, eg, that the US is the "most free country on earth" (simply not true) and "the greatest country on earth etc". America is a lot of things, and great in many ways (I chose to live here after all) but it is certainly not the free-est country and some of you folks need to find out about how people live in other comparable countries.
    Back to Sarah Palin - NZers view her as a great laugh (who knew politics could be as entertaining as reality TV) but an ignorant and a pathetic excuse for a political leader - that she got so close to being the VP of the US is a sad indictment on the US.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      I figured that the Sarah Palin site would provide comic fodder for New Zealand. I doubt that Sarah Palin will emigrate to NZ any time soon, although I do wish she would emigrate somewhere. I would never want to wish her on any other country, really. She is a home-grown product of our own idiocracy after all so we're stuck with her.

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      +1000 - glad to know 3:43

  35. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Maybe Sarah really is Gollum. NZ is the land of Middle Earth.

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      middle earth middle east...come see come

  36. Anita Winecooler4:48 PM

    Congrats on the well deserved ratings for IM. Something tells me "New Zealand" the country, is being used as a scapegoat for Sarah's call center "POSTage" bought by Sarah Pac and located in India or some other country that she can get the most bang for her bucks.
    There IS no real "content" on C4Pee, just copied and pasted comments of adoration and complements on her luscious body and vibrantly living family of independent pioneer christians with work ethics to die for. And the fake tatas can't hurt either, right Granny Sarah????

  37. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Sure, bury the lead! Most of your traffic comes from 1) Cracker Barrel, and 2) Obamacare for Dummies?

    I'm trying to wrap my head around those trains of thought...

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      The train left without you. Keep wrapping.

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Ok, I'm not a troll but I don't get it: how do the dots connect from Cracker Barrel to IM?

    3. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Scratching my head. I'm also confused.

    4. Anonymous8:05 PM

      NO idea what it's talking about.

    5. Anonymous8:26 PM

      5:35 - Did you mean to write "bury the lede"?

    6. Anonymous9:36 PM

      Top Keywords from Search Engines sending traffic to IM:

      'Cracker Barrel' is because of the Duck Dynasty stuff in the news. I haven't looked at item #2 5:35 brings up. The traffic from search engines is only 11% for IM.

    7. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Gryphen has done a fair number of posts on Obamacare, they pop up when searching. Hence, Obamacare for Dummies.

  38. Anonymous7:56 PM

    MES BrianusBerkleianus • 44 minutes ago


    Always a great detailed story. VISUALIZATION!

    YOU are very TALENTED, use your GIFTS well!


    I am so proud of YOU! See YOU later!


    Can we start one of these for Beldar? LOL

    1. Anonymous6:25 AM

      We'd have to duke it out (how many marriage proposals has he gotten already?)

  39. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Palin blogs are well on the way to being defunct. The fringe group of kooks who visit them is getting tinier. She has strung them along for quite a while, but even the slowest are catching on. Let's see if the most imbecilic still hanging around wake up when she 'opts out' of 2016 because she can do more 'without a title'. She will also throw in 'the troops' and 'the family'.

  40. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Everything is smoke and mirrors with our Sarah. A wink, an adjustable and inflatable upper chest body appliance, flag and religious pins and belt buckles, Photoshopping, Koch bumper sticker RWNJ anti-Obama/anti-Gubmint (weird dissonance considering the flag displays, but ... AIP!) pablum, purchased 'adoration', and so forth. It's how the "what's in it for us" dishonest and mediocre family gains access to money and how Boom Boom Bristol gets away with assault. And then there is Toad the Peeper and the Pimp, that's another story.

  41. Anonymous6:00 AM

    According to Alexa: "How fast does load?

    Very Slow (5.439 Seconds), 94% of sites are faster."

    Too many bells and whistles, Jesse - and your site confuses my old machine (and no, I'm not on ie).

    1. Anonymous6:28 AM

      I have to say, this is an issue for me as well. Even on my home ISP, which isn't all that slow, the site can be a bit of a pain to navigate.

    2. elliegrl7:46 AM

      Me three! Is it possible to clean it up so it loads faster? Is the background an image or just a color? I have often wondered why it loads so slowly. But you're worth the wait baby! ;-)

  42. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Hilariously, Today the Pee Pond is discussing Alexa! My oh my, somebody reads IM.

  43. Anonymous6:42 PM

    "Okay for the record I actually NEVER visit C4P these days"
    Yeah right, you never go there, but the day that you did visit just so happened to have a site that was useful to you in the comments.
    Crap. You're there every day. You and all of your other disqus profiles hitting the ^ on posts. if not you some of the other flying monkeys that inhabit this shytehole daily.

  44. Anonymous6:25 AM

    other way around, dufus 6:42. Gryph's been using Alexa for years, and the blue-hairs at C4P just discovered it. Keep trying, though. I do visit C4P, have to get my fix of Brian'sAnus talk and his new slightly strange GF MES. Plus, there is January's Rose whoulda thunk that her Reality TV Real Housewives of BH Sister came from a family of right wing nut jobs? I could go on and on and on. The entertainment is endless at Sea O' Pee.

  45. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I also find it funny that your mods will not create a new thread until Pete and Teresa have filled it up with enough bible quotes and random article links to nudge the comments up over 400. Can't have it looking like noone posts anymore, can they?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.