Monday, October 13, 2014

Federal judge rules Alaska's ban on same sex marriage unconstitutional.

Courtesy of the Alaska Dispatch:  

A federal judge ruled Sunday that Alaska’s ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional, paving the way for gay couples to begin marrying in the state for the first time. 

“The court finds that Alaska’s ban on same-sex marriage and refusal to recognize same sex marriages lawfully entered in other states is unconstitutional as a deprivation of basic due process and equal protection principles under the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,” U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Burgess wrote in a order in the case Hamby v. Parnell, released Sunday.

Holy crap, this is big news for Alaska!

To be honest I thought it would be quite some time before we would see this issue addressed up here after the Supreme Court essentially gave their stamp of approval to marriage equality last week.

You know this place is more and more starting to remind me of the Alaska of my youth. Before all of those southern conservatives came up here with the oil boom and ruined the state for everybody.

My only regret is that I didn't get to see Jerry Prevo's face when he heard this news. Since he has worked so very hard to keep the LGBT community from having equal rights I have little doubt that this pissed him off to no end.


  1. Well, since she claims to have "gay friends," this isn't gonna bother Palin, right?

    1. Anonymous5:16 AM

      I doubt she will comment. It's her big speech day in ND.

    2. Anonymous6:44 AM

      Her lawyer can get married.
      Her pocket judge can get married. Maybe they will invite the payme family to the wedding.
      Seriously, this is GOOD. Another strike against the goddamned church interfering in peoples lives! I love that Alaska "banned" gay marriage and now its been overturned by SCOTUS!

      "My only regret is that I didn't get to see Jerry Prevo's face when he heard this news."
      Oh yeah! He probably had a huge sermon on it yesterday you betcha. This is EPIC from Freedom for everyone.
      So happy for all!
      And you know heads exploded on this...

    3. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Oh FFS!
      Republicans Say Rainbow Flags Remind them of Nazi Flags – But Actual Nazi Flags Don’t

      VoteBlue in Nov. Stop the madness!

    4. Anonymous7:26 AM
      Well Alaska is trying to repeal Burgess rulling....!
      Interesting that Burgess was the one who made the ruling but good for him to basically come out of the closet....

      "In an email, the state said it will appeal Burgess' ruling.

      “As Alaska’s governor, I have a duty to defend and uphold the law and the Alaska Constitution,” Gov. Sean Parnell said in a press release. “Although the district court today may have been bound by the recent Ninth Circuit panel opinion, the status of that opinion and the law in general in this area is in flux. I will defend our constitution.”

      Wasn't Burgess running for Senate or Gov or something? What happened? Gov lite better watch his ass.
      Burgess knows where all the bodies are buried....!
      He could get "honest" all of a sudden, he is after all a Federal judge, wowser AK you guys be jumpin' up there!

    5. Anonymous7:41 AM

      From the dispatch article:
      "Burgess, who was appointed to the bench by President George W. Bush in 2005, wrote in his order that the state offered little evidence supporting the reasoning that the marriage decision falls to the voters. Even if the amendment to the Alaska Constitution was not designed to discriminate, as the state argued, Burgess said that it clearly did.

      “By singling out homosexual couples and banning their ability to marry an individual of their choosing, it is impossible to assert that all Alaskans are equal under the state’s laws,” Burgess wrote.

      Jim Minnery, the head of Alaska Family Action group, which opposes same-sex marriage, said Sunday that he viewed the judge’s decision as a “subversion of the democratic process.”

      “What this really comes across as is not so much the people's constitution as individuals in black robes,” Minnery said. “That's disconcerting to a lot of us.”
      “(The state of Alaska) absolutely has no leg to stand on,” said ACLU Executive Director Joshua Decker. “Alaska’s ban is a dead letter and the governor is just wasting taxpayer dollars."

      Shortell wished the state “good luck” in its efforts.

      “We just went through this,” she said. “They can try (to appeal) but it’s not gonna work.”
      So gov lite is wa$ting taxpayer money trying to force xtian values down everyone's throat? And he is up for Re-election? Spread the word, do not vote for Parnell!
      That was a awesome writeup by the AKdispatch btw.

  2. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Congratulations, Alaska!!!!!!!!!

    It's an amazing step towards equality for LGBT Alaskans!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Fabulous news!

  4. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Congratulations Alaskans !

  5. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Thank you, Alaska!
    Another one bites the dust......

  6. Balzafiar6:32 AM

    Maybe now Todd will come out of his closet.

    1. Leland6:49 AM

      Speaking of "the closet", I was having dinner with some friends of mine and one of them made this comment. It was so damned funny that I almost choked on my dinner.

      "Lindsey is so far into the closet if he takes one more step he'll be in Narnia!"

      I'm sorry. I know that is OT, but your comment about Todd gave me such an opening, I couldn't resist.

    2. Anonymous7:29 AM

      That is Hilarius!
      "Lindsey is so far into the closet if he takes one more step he'll be in Narnia!"

      I'll have to remember that. Good one! Give your friend a "hi five" for that. Funny and it.

    3. Balzafiar7:58 AM

      Leland, that is a good one and not OT at all. Snarky jabbing at hypocrites is always good clean fun. Kudos to your friend and to you for sharing it with us.

  7. Caroll Thompson6:54 AM

    Great news for those who support equal rights for all. Freedom is expanding in this country; freedom for all.

    And for those who do not agree with gay marriage, well, they don't have to have a gay marriage.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      And for those who do not agree with gay marriage, well, they don't have to have a gay marriage.
      And abortions, also too! :)

    2. Balzafiar8:51 AM

      "And for those who do not agree with gay marriage, well, they don't have to have a gay marriage.'

      That's right. Todd can have his butt buddies and continue with his pretend marriage to Scarah. Marcie can continue with his beard marriage to Michele, all the while prayin', lickin', strokin', gaily prancin' 'round the bedroom in his chiffon robes and gigglin' while rakin' in all that money -- gotta get rid of that gay, y'know.

  8. I am overjoyed at this wonderful news. Now, y'all keep a good thought for Georgia! Equal rights for ALL!

  9. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Parnell said he'll appeal. It's certain he'll lose on appeal just like it was certain he'd lose the case. But what the heck, it's not like the Dept. of Law has anything better to do, like, say, investigate rape and drugs and other illegal activity in the AK Nat. Guard.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      And by fighting this loser of an appeal, the state AG's office will effectively be taking money that could otherwise be used to investigate the real corruption in Alaska, AK National Guard included. The GOP: in favor of a government so tiny it could fit inside your uterus (or bedroom).

  10. Anonymous9:27 AM

    So happy for my gay friends in Alaska!

  11. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Marry on people, marry on.

  12. Anita Winecooler5:06 PM

    Congratulations Alaska! Marriage Equality makes so much sense, imagine the effect it has on businesses and tourism, not to mention, the rights and privileges all married people get.
    Best of all, it reflects everything this country stands for.


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