Monday, October 13, 2014

Bruce Braley has closed the gap with pig mutilator Joni Ernst significantly.

Courtesy of TPM:  

Republican Joni Ernst leads Democratic Rep. Bruce Braley by just one point, according to a Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics poll released Saturday. 

Among likely voters, 47 percent favored Ernst and 46 percent favored Braley. 

This latest poll shows the Iowa Senate race tightening. A late September Des Moines Register poll found that 44 percent of likely voters supported Ernst and just 38 percent supported Braley.

This is really good news for progressives in Iowa, and demonstrates the importance of turnout in this next election cycle. 

If we show up at the polls we win. Period.

Personally I would LOVE to see yet another Sarah Palin endorsee fall by the wayside.


  1. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Personally I would LOVE to see yet another Sarah Palin endorsee fall by the wayside.

    Especially this one.

    1. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Its the Palin Curse AGAIN!!!
      Fuck off Sarah.

    2. Anonymous5:46 PM

      we gotta keep this pig castrator sarah palin wanna be bitch from winning! shes gonna fuck us

    3. Anonymous5:52 PM

      we have to show up and vote and stop this bitch!

    4. Anonymous6:16 PM

      fuck joni ernst

  2. Caroll Thompson2:36 AM

    It certainly looks like the tide may be turning in Iowa. The news that Joni's father was awarded nearly a quarter million dollars of contracts from the County where Joni was the auditor has done some real damage. The ethics rules were violated and Iowans are very big on honest government.

    In addition, Old Joni is not doing well in the debates from what I have read in the newspapers. All of her statements that she made to win the primary are coming back to haunt her. She is against having a minimum wage, she is for personhood, she believes that State officials should arrest all federal agents with whom she disagrees, she also thinks that rules on clean air and water are so 1970's.

    Anyway, Joni is not so good on backing up the truck on things she has said and is fumbling for the answers. Her defense is to pounce on her opponent for a dispute he had with his neighbor about a chicken. That's all she has got, plus all the usual Obama is the worst President in history who is taking away our freedom and is not a real American with Harry Reid thrown in for good measure.

    I will say one thing. This mid term election is the most exciting one I have seen in my lifetime. I hope all this excitement induces everyone to vote. We need to work for 100% turnout.

    1. Anonymous6:30 AM

      personhood of what? embryos or corporations or both?

  3. Randall3:08 AM

    Sarah Palin needs to do another endorsement or commercial for Ernst, or better yet - show up and campaign in person for her.

    THAT would, without doubt, put Braley well over the top.

  4. Anonymous3:47 AM

    It is somewhat encouraging the race has tightened but the Kochs have fielded another one with a very good chance of winning. The Iowan bumpkins who will vote for this purchased tool (and bona fide clown) are like bumpkins everywhere, clueless and regressive. Keep the Gubmint's hands off their Medicare!

  5. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Repub. voters are STUPID. Ernst claimed she missed more votes than she was there for because of her commitment to the Nat'l Guard. That was a lie, and it was reported. Still she was ahead in the polls. Now it has come out that her father was awarded government contracts during her watch. I thought Tex ASS and FloriDUH cornered the market on dumb voters, now Iowa is in contention.

  6. London Bridges4:32 AM

    The Democratic party should change its name to the Human Being party. Then, when campaigning for its candidates they can say: "Vote For The Human Being." Accurate 99.5% of the time compared to the alternative major party.

    1. I approve this message. Every Republican candidate i see has become an unthinking, unfeeling automaton serving the needs of its corporate overlords.

    2. Anonymous6:14 AM

      Around here, candidates don't list their party on signs or in ads. And they only talk about things like petting dogs or stopping by coffee shops. It takes real research to find out what they stand for, and the dopes don't bother.

    3. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Although I've been a Democrat for most of my life and have become more liberal as I've aged, there have been times in the past when I've voted for a Republican candidate because he/she was simply the better candidate. While I may have disagreed with some of their platforms, I still felt that they would do a better job in their intended office. Sometimes they were not great, but just better than a bad Democratic candidate.

      Today, however, I cannot imagine voting for any Republican candidate for any office. The party has been pulled so far to the hard radical right that anyone who joins and runs as a Republican has core values that are completely opposed to mine.

      I sincerely hope that sense and compassion win out this year, and that this election puts far more Democratic candidates in office than anyone could have predicted.

      We MUST get the GOP out of power (controlling even in the minority) and get this nation moving forward again.

    4. Anonymous10:54 AM

      It's 100% true. Conservatives say they love America mostest of all because they be all patriot-y like that, while us liberals love the people in it. Cons don't understand this. They think pledging your love to a giant chunk of land is more important than caring for the people walking on it.

      They'll never get it. Never have. Never will.

  7. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Gryphen, I'm with you on the "Ernst is an idiot" but there's no reason to antagonize farmers. If you eat bacon or any pork, you are a cause of hog castration- otherwise "boar taste."

  8. Anonymous9:29 AM

    This is HUGE, Canuck. It should be shouted, and tweeted, from the roof tops to every voter in Iowa. Perhaps you/we can get this information to some newspapers and/or radio shows in Iowa ASAP?

  9. Anonymous10:04 AM

    To Rethuglican politicians like Joni Ernst and Doug Lamborn we're only useful until we're no longer useful.
    Lamborn has never served a day in his life EVER, and it certainly appears to me that Ernst used the National Guard to A) have a job and B) gain military 'cred' until she could make her move into civilian politics, not even bothering to follow the very clear rules about being in the military/political activity.

    That's pretty much all you need to know about Joni Ernst.

  10. Anita Winecooler5:19 PM

    Gotta give Joni a little credit. She's helped her opponent by squealing with delight that she knows how to castrate pigs. That's wonderful, except there aren't pig farms in Washington DC, so she's basically wasting her talent.

  11. Anonymous6:47 AM

    All Iowa needs is Steve King in drag - I have a hard time believing the voters of my home state are that stupid.

  12. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Liberal filth. Gross.

  13. Anonymous11:17 AM

    BTW braley had this in the bag before he put his big fat foot in his mouth. Now he's going to lose.


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