Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Glenn Beck fears for Carol Costello's humanity, after she mocks Bristol Palin's lies to police. Seriously?

Courtesy of Mediaite:

Arguably the biggest media story in the last few days has been CNN anchor Carol Costello‘s inappropriately lighthearted tease of audio about that now-infamous fight involving the Palins. Glenn Beck today expressed his disgust with how Costello was “reveling in the abuse” of Bristol Palin. 

Beck found it striking that CNN and Costello “took such pride” in scolding the NFL over domestic abuse and yet she presented this case of a woman being assaulted an in unserious manner. 

Beck called it “really despicable” and said rather than pressuring Costello to resign, he just wants to appeal to her humanity. Beck said that Costello’s clearly “become so politicized” when it comes to the Palins, “she’s lost the humanity of this family.”

At one point Beck says that she was "dragged by the feet across the law, with her dress coming off of her." No, no she wasn't ever dragged by the homeowner.

She was carried away, in a full nelson, by her father's good friend Mark McKenna, who admits to that fact on the audio. (Go to "Police interview the Palin family and Mark McKenna" and fast forward to 18:30 on the audio.)

Now according to McKenna Bristol was knocked down by "some girls" who were coming to Korey Kingenmeyer's aid. But that was totally appropriate in response to Bristol's drunken, assaultive behavior.

So if Glenn Beck wants to waste his time worrying about anybody's "humanity" then he needs to direct his concerns to this white trash family, and their inherent need to constantly play the victim and attempt to destroy anybody who dares to defy them in any way.


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    So frustrating how they spin things their way; even more frustrating that these big guys in Anchorage won't grow a pair and stand up for themselves. Seriously. Pathetic.

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Really, what a bunch of p*ssies, every last one of them.

      What's next? $arah's going to trot her fake x-tian Christmas book out again for another attempt to sell maybe a hundred copies? I wouldn't put it past her, when she's just shown the world what an absolute farce that diatribe was!

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Gryphen - Kind of O/T,
      Palin is threatening to run again.
      Any way to accelerate the story you're working on?
      Dairygate perhaps?


    3. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Oh, now her fucking dress came off of her?? I'm waiting for Bristol to come out crying that she had to take a pregnancy test or some BS like that. Why are these loons making this stuff up when it's so easily shot down?? WHY IS NO ONE SHOOTING IT DOWN!?? I feel like I'm going crazy here!

    4. Anonymous3:16 PM

      You know by tomorrow they'll be claiming Korey had his hand down her thong stroking her hoohah and was tweaking her tits while dragging the little slut around the yard.

    5. Anonymous3:24 PM

      apparently she was drug across the lawn....and her thong disappeared

      up her ass. So everyone saw her hoohah.

    6. Anonymous3:38 PM

      3:16 PM

      You can't blame those kids on the audio for crying so much.

    7. Anonymous4:16 PM

      I heard she had another baby right then and there

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Aww. Poor Bristol. Sucks to be you.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      You just want this whole ting to be over, Brissy, do ya? Well, it never WILL be. You and your stupid family should have thought twice about what you were doing that night but you're too DAMN DUMB and ADDICTED.

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I guess the *look glen goes for these dye is to appeal to the to/hillbilly bunch.glen is all about spin and lies.lets ignore the obvious.all in a days work.can u make it *go away by ganging up on Carrol?lets not forget there plenty of Reputable stations looking for a good anchor.

    1. Boscoe12:24 PM

      ...and by "let's ignore the obvious", I assume you're talking about Glenn's chin implant? ;))

  4. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Hear Ye, Hear Ye, By Order of Royal Decree: There will be no laughing at Sarah Palin or any of her family here in the kingdom. No matter how many times you play that video of Sarah saying, "Any and all of them," "Paul Revere rang those bells and fired those warning shots and warned the British," and "1400 Pennsylvania Avenue," you shall not laugh at the flubs, gaffs and mistakes of Sarah Palin. If her family drinks too much or abuses the wrong substances and act like fools in public, the same royal order stands. No laughing at Track who cannot spell his last name. No laughing at Bristol who cries and plays the victim, a more convincing act that any of her appearances on television. No laughing when Piper pushes the reporters for ruing her vacation, I mean, her mother's wannabe presidential bus tour in search of backers. No laughing when Tripp drops the "f bomb" that he learned from his mother, his aunt or one of the trial daddies. Do you remember that guy who cried on You Tube to stop talking about Britney Spears? We have to hire him to tell people to stop laughing at Sarah Palin.

    I do know one good way for people to stop laughing at Sarah and her family. How about staying out of the public eye for a while? How about not crashing parties when you are already drunk? If you don't want to be noticed, hiring that stretch Hummer wasn't a good idea. Poor Sarah, always the victim.

  5. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Interesting about McKenna claiming now that she was knocked down by some girls coming to Klingenmeyer's aid. Where did that come from and when? Are the McKenna's hearing from Klingenmeyer that they better come to his aid about this assault charge before he breaks his code of silence?


    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      This is what McKenna claimed on the night of the brawl. It's in the audio. It's not a new version of events -- McKenna "came to Klingenmeyer's aid" and told the truth that night to the police.

  6. GAAWWDD! I am so sick by the disinformation coming out! PLEASE, Mr Klingenmeyer and all the other's present at this -get the truth out there! You are all being maligned-Especially the host who has even been accused of actual sexual assault. Please, someone stop these horrific lies and slander and libel.
    with love-and despair-from Georgia USA

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM


    2. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Listen, I'm a sweet little old lady, who bakes cupcakes and cookies for my neighbours, and always has a smile for everyone, but MUTHA ****ER!!! I'M LOSING MY SHIT ALL UP IN HERE! W.t.f. Mr. Klingenmeyer?!

      Seriously, what's it going to take to get you to speak up?? You must know that the entire Palin family are all now laughing at your expense. Instead of them staying under the radar until the brawl news blew over, they have skillfully and successfully flipped the script on you. Sarah's been given more facetime on Fox than she's had in a long while, and she's bounced right back, not skipping a beat. No sense of remorse,regret, or embarrassment over her family's ugly behaviour. She's so overly confident now, that she's dropping statements about running for office again, but you Korey, you are now a marked man. You are a liar, a pervert and an aggressor ~ and not just an aggressor, but one with extreme hostile intent and dark overtones of a sexual nature. Bristol is now the heroine of this tragicomedy and you sir, your name is mud.

      How do you get through your day? You must know that people are now snickering behind your back, and talking about you in a most unkind, and unjust manner. How do you sleep at night? You are the butt of jokes, and water cooler fodder. Mr. Klingenmeyer, are you going to allow this injustice to be your legacy ~ and that of your children? Please, for the sake of yourself and family, come forward and represent yourself. Clear your name.

  7. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Glen Beck is clearly one of the pawns of SP. I guess he is still sniffing her nasty undies which makes him even more under her control. Neither he or the Palins have any "humanity". Please stop teasing us and drop the other shoe.

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Why wont Beck and palin put out an APB on this wild molester Korey. Your silence is deafening sarah. C'mon
      you fucking loony toon, you can do better than this. You're not fooling anyone, anymore. You are a joke.Constantly attempting to harass and belittle our great president is not only pure evil but treasonous as well.

  8. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Idiot Glenn Beck simply proves every day what a moron he is.

    Glenn Beck hates that large numbers of Americans have access to affordable health insurance, because HE'S A MORON..an irrelevant MORON, but always a moron.

  9. Anonymous12:25 PM

    What another ignoramous? He should wonder about that ugly old old granny sp's humanity after throwing her shite towards are beautiful, wonderful USA President.

  10. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Palin related- I love when this happens. The C4Pers have once again self convinced themselves that Palin is running for president in 2016, because she hinted on some interview that she would hopefully run for some office again in the future (which is total bullshit as is more than plainly obvious to anyone with a brain). It is the funniest damn thing to watch. VG is going to stroke out when she says she isn't running.

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Yeah, I was there earlier. I wonder when combined if their collective IQ is over 1000.

    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      That old virginia dude's day was made by watching it. All the usual platitudes and then said he could see the peace of God in her "continence." Oh really, vg? That's quite a talent! Snort!

    3. Poor MES, the object of Brianus' very long and very distant romance. Says Brianus (there's more, much more as no one writes as poorly AND at such length as Brianus):

      "DEO VOLENTE, SARAH 2016—and, after her words today, I think it may indeed be the Good Lord's and the Governor's will that she run for POTUS!!!
      * * *
      From the first moments of the interview, even before she started to speak, the Governor's bright, confident, joyous FACE and countenance anticipated and foretold the feisty and fighting words that would soon follow!!!
      * * *
      There is only ONE office for the Lady Warrior of Wasilla, of Alaska, of AMERICA:


      To continue, re attacks on her family over the last six years, she notes that many families have it harder than the Palins, and are taking the real shots out there, as she says. As always, she is truly self-effacing and GENEROUS in acknowledging the heroism of others. IMV, she is the greatest HEROINE of this generation, but—SHE points to others. She incarnates the AMERICAN SPIRIT at its very finest and noblest!!!
      * * *
      In conclusion, guys, let me note that, IMHO, her EYES, her EYES flashed, throughout the seven-minute course of this interview—her eyes flashed all the POWER AND BEAUTY AND RESILIENCE OF THE AMERICAN SPIRIT.

      These are the EYES of a captain and leader and President whom this native of Berkeley, California would follow into battle—anywhere!!!""

    4. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Careful what you wish for there, Brian.
      Ever bought a used car with a lot of mileage on it?

    5. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Have you guys SEEN double anus Bryan? An eyesore if ever there was one.

    6. Anonymous3:39 PM

      @ 3.22 PM - Do you have a link so we all can have the pleasure?

    7. Anonymous4:17 PM


    8. Another take on how “haters" and Queen Esther's acolytes share a cause: The G(r)ift That Keeps On Giving

      Run Sarah run! Of course we in the know know it won't happen but Demos sure miss a bet not featuring her in all ads and tarring the GOP with her brush nonstop 24/7... Go Ahead! Vote Republican!

    9. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Holy COW, 4:17 PM, for the way MES and he carry on in their "I'm in luuuuuuuv" declarations, I figured them in their twenties. Now I'm really creeped out.

      Brian and Mindy sittin' in a tree.
      Oh forget about it, I just grossed myself out.

  11. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Glenn Beck = violence against intelligence. Characterizing Brisket's drunken stumbling as violence against women is simply ridiculous.

    Yesterday I weighed in against the CNN anchor's behavior. After hearing Glenn Beck's idiotic commentary I'm changing my vote.

    As usual Sarah's whining will simply make things worse for her. The more attention she draws to this, the more people will hear the audio. The audio speaks for itself, any sane person will realize Brisket is behaving like the spoiled rotten white trash idiot she it.

    Sarah might not realize the extent to which the C of P crowd will be horrified by Bristol's vocabulary.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Their minds are already convinced about Palin the victim. There will be no listening to the tapes by the c4pers, even if they did they would rationalize it all. Nothing has changed because of the fight or police reports.

    2. It is horrific, but you are right. I pray that the people will do the right things and clear their names and the host's name of the vile that is being spewed.

    3. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Glenn Beck finds cursing with children despicable. He is not going to bother to listen to the audio or read the reports and decipher what actually happened.

      Why would anyone else that is prone to cult thinking?

      The whole idea of being in a cult is you don't have to think for yourself or take any responsibility for anything. Only that you 'believe' in what god you buy into and follow.

  12. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Oh for pities sake! This is mass delusion.

  13. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Can't Glen Beck and those who defend BP ever consider she might be lying? It's their refusal to believe the Palins can be anything but righteous. They won't read the police reports, won't listen to the whole audio; but they make it clear they believe someone's story, without checking out the facts.

    Is it inhumane for people like Glen Beck to decide who is the victim and who is the perpetrator, WITHOUT looking at the evidence. Lots of ministers are being exposed now with sexual scandals. Their congregations would never have believed it. THey in fact tried to ignore it.

    When a person will not look at all the evidence and defend a person based on who they are, a celebrity's daughter, their conscience is pretty lousy.

    It's inhumane when right-wing media condemn a family (Klingenmeyers) as a guilty, without first finding out what the whole story is about. It's inhumane for Beck to put another family in jeopardy of falsely being charged, without a court and a jury.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      The Klingenmeyers will have the house and lifestyle and a McKenna job. I guess they can live with the price they pay.

  14. Anonymous12:35 PM

    The Palins are winning this one...again. This time using 'violence against women' as their Kryptonite against any who dare go against them. Unless people in the know step up, then the Palin clan will retain their victim's crown and people like Korey Kingenmeyer will become the evil doer. Sarah Palin does seem to know how to spin things in her favor. Of course, 'blood libel' back-fired but it didn't destroy her as she continued to spin and play victim time and time again. And the Palin is strong with Bristol as well. Sure, there are a lot of us who see her as the fraud that she is but she's still throwing gasoline on the far-right-fringe fire and those crazies listen and react to what she says. Please, please, please...will someone step up with information that will put an end to this?!

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Remember that these folks are in the minority! Palin has input w/very few when you look at the total population of voters. And, the young ones are not in her support group.

      She is a huge waste of our time!

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      12:53 PM

      Get back to us when you have a lot of significant things to say about how you are spending your time. Thanks.

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      1:09 PM

      Cleaning latrines is time better spent.

  15. Caroll Thompson12:38 PM

    Sarah is out with her Presidential prick tease saying she is thinking about running for office again.


    Time to get the fools to give to Sarah Pac again. In 2012, the media gave her a lot of attention. I don't expect they will this year. Ron Paul, Jeb Bush and the Ted Cruz's of the world will be taken seriously. Sarah Palin, not so much.

    She may actually have to throw her hat in the ring this time to get any attention. And she may actually have to go through a Republican primary debate.

    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      She won't. She would never go that far. It ends at the tease.

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      The only thing she's thinking about running is her mouth...

    3. Anonymous1:07 PM

      She is trolling for money.

    4. Annnddd-the least of the 99% give her money-whatever they left from giving to Pat Robertson and his ilk.

    5. Anonymous3:27 PM

      I actually hope Jeb Bush declares he's running soon. The Bush machine will crank it up to high gear and crush little air-head nobodies like the trashy palins in a NY minute. Once Karl Rove is cut loose watch out sarah, you've been poking him with a sharp stick for too long to not pay the price, bitch.

    6. Anonymous3:50 PM

      They won't crush Palin, it really isn't worth it or necessary, and it would be stooping. They will just ignore her antics and harping while they go about their big boy business.

  16. Anonymous12:41 PM

    This broken record image is a keeper -- we should use it every time she opens her mouth about Obama, her victimhood, etc.


    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      I used to have a stereo receiver like that!

  17. Anonymous12:49 PM

    G -

    You are probably already working on this - but Sarah had an interview on Varney's show where she said she might run for office again.
    Forgive me for asking as I never have yet - BUT - when is the s--- going to hit the fan? I think we need to put an end to all of this nonsense.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      @ 12:49 PM - Sure hope it will happen before the year runs out. It would be a dandy Christmas gift.

    2. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Pat, don't hold your breath expecting some big bombshell. She is a reality personality. The more outlandish she is, the more buzz she generates. It doesn't matter if it is good or bad, as long as people are talking about her. The Palin dance is going to continue forever, get used to it. The best thing that could happen, which would be Palin's worst nightmare, would be if everyone simply ignored her and her antics.

  18. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I am glad she's associated with Glen Beck. Remember how he was removed from Fox news by petitions etc.
    Time is running out for that woman as well. I will make sure everyone knows about the hate the woman and her daughter spew against minorities and others. The woman is too stupid to run for office again & that's fine.
    But we will vote with our pockets and will not patronize establishments supporting that woman. In fact, Chik-fil-A in my area is WAAAY down after we told everyone about their hate towards those whom used to have lunch at that place

  19. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Happy Anniversary Levi and Sunny!

    Glenn Beck is clearly out of his mind. He also finds the Palins "despicable". He would agree with Curt Menard if he could be honest long enough.

    On his radio show Wednesday Beck said. “Go ahead. It’s cool. Use the F-word. Drop the F-bomb a few times. Nobody says that. Nobody! Nobody who is a decent parent ever would say that.”

    “It’s despicable,” he continued. He predicted that if he spoke to the girls in the video 25 years from now, he would be able to see the damage done. Beck is not the only commentator to share his outrage over the video, which has drawn ire from all sides of the political spectrum.

  20. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I wonder how Korey Klingmeyer's family, his parents, grandparents, aunts uncles feel about him being the sexual assaulting fall guy. The man that sexually drags around the world famous former governor's daughter in front of her six year-old son. That is also a crime, bad adult sex behavior in front of a child.

    Does Korey's family know why he is wearing the moniker of sex assaulter for the Palins and McKennas? Does it make them proud?

    I really don't get how he could do that to his family.

    Including the mafioso reasoning.

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      No shit. Come on Korey, grow a damn pair and stand up for yourself THE TRUTH IS ON YOUR SIDE

  21. Anonymous1:09 PM

    O/T but did you catch this, G?

    Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are right and God isn't 'a magician with a magic wand'


    Heads commence exploding!

  22. Anonymous1:14 PM

    This was once a horrible thing in America. Now it is a position of honor for some.

    When Women Cry Wolf About Rape

    Woman who cried wolf

    How Often Do Women Falsely Cry Rape? (sexual assault)

    1. American Thinker? Really?

      A position of honor?

      No thanks.

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      No one can stand up to the Palins, you can't expect one man to do it. Bristol will never be called out for crying wolf, not in the press. Even if people know about her and her family. They get to wear the fake front masks they have.

      Bristol doesn't even appear in public now and what she is to say is done for her on a stupid blog.

      She's (Brancy) tired of it all so she will never have to say another word except to support Sarah in her supposed woman's movement or whatev they are morphing this into.

      She must think she is really ready to take on Hillary now her steeple think she will run for office.

  23. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Sarah Palin: ‘Haters’ Can’t Stop Me from Running for Office Again

    Sarah Palin stopped by Stuart Varney’s Fox Business Network show Tuesday afternoon to share her thoughts on a variety of topics, including recent comments about her family by CNN anchor Carol Costello.

    “The hatred level directed against you is extraordinary and a disgrace,” Varney said at the top of his interview with Palin. “Has it driven you out of politics, driven you away from public office for good?”

    “No, bless their hearts, those haters out there,” Palin replied, saying the comments only “invigorate” her to keep doing whatever it is she does. The more they are pouring on, the more I’m going to bug the crap out of them by being out there with the voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future too.”


  24. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Run for office. Go ahead, waste your money and anyone who will fit the bill. You will lose just like you lost a decade ago. (almost) Get over it. You are old, you are an old granny sp. I would never party with my Granny. You have no friends. You can't fit into society like normal people. Go ahead run. Go ahead say you live vibrantly. hahaha We now know you old old granny party with your young young children even grandchildren.

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      She is teasing her fans. Not one bone in her body has any intention of running. I can't believe people around the IM boards believe she could be serious.

    2. Anonymous3:13 PM

      I can't believe it also. I thought IM'ers were smarter than that.

  25. Suzy Q1:24 PM

    Run, Sarah, run! Get in that 2016 Presidential race right now! Today! Do it!! Or are you a coward? You are a chicken shit and will tease but you will NEVER do it! Are you afraid of Hillary? Run and all the people of the USA, not just those of us who already know the truth, will learn that you faked the Trig birth. I don't imagine that people will take too kindly to learning that they were duped all these years now. Ever hear of pitch forks and torches? Yea, everybody will be using their 2nd amendment rights against a certain half-term governor. So you just go ahead and run Sarah. Everybody knows you won't. haha! America's laughing stock.

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      What excuse will she give this time? We all know she's not going to, her PAC is drying up. She is the biggest damn coward, I wonder if she can even poop by herself.

      Eight years of excuses.....eight years of lying, cheating, and debauchery. She almost has to run to save plasticized droid face of hers. She can't cry wolf forever, and neither can that sleaze mini-me of hers.

    2. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Great comment Suzy Q, I'm witchoo.

  26. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Dig THIS!

    "Sarah Palin Says She's Hoping To Run For Office Again"


    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Do you mean run for or from?


  27. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Sadly,, the Bristol-victim-meme has totally taken hold. There was only one way to resolve it and that was for the video of what really happened to appear. Not only does that seem less and less likely, I wonder if even that would make a difference at this point. I've never seen anyone get away with their shit the way the Palins do.

    1. I agree with you. It boggles my mind.

  28. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Sarah Palin is claiming that she bugs liberals, and she is using this as her latest justification for threatening the country with another run for office.

    On Fox Business, Sarah Palin was asked by a sycophantic Stuart Varney if liberal hatred had driven her out of politics for good.

    Palin answered, “No, bless their hearts. Those haters out there, they don’t understand that it invigorates me, it wants me to get out there and defend the innocent. It makes me want to work so hard for justice in this country. So hey, the more they’re pouring on, the more I’m gonna bug the crap out them by being out there, with a voice, with a message, hopefully running for office again in the future too.”

    Do you know how stores keep trying to start the holiday season earlier and earlier each year by putting Christmas merchandise out before Halloween? Sarah Palin was doing the same thing in this interview. One of the ways that Palin has managed to trick her loyal supporters into sending her money is by teasing them with a possible presidential run on a regular basis. She did it before the 2012 election with the bus tour and her unforgettable mangling of Paul Revere’s ride.


    1. Anita Winecooler4:18 PM

      Just the thought is laughable!!!!

  29. Our Lad1:34 PM

    She got knocked down by a guy? Well, that's a fuckin switch.

  30. Carol should try to get an interview with Korey and let him tell his side of the story!!!!

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Great idea -- and make Bristol put her money where her lying mouth. Interview them BOTH.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Excellent idea!! Except he's probably too big of a pussy to say anything without tawd or one of the twinsies giving him permission. I bet his wife and kids are soooo proud of his bravery...not.

  31. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Let’s put the girl who cried ‘wolf!’ on trial instead

    Don't cry wolf!

    There is not one media outlet that will report the facts about this alleged assault that many Conservatives are making? It is not only Bristol through Nancy French working for Sarah Palin that is doing this.

    It is hard to believe that so many men are fine with this becoming acceptable. Men use to think it is bad for all men when a woman falsely accuses any other man.

    In this case the accused is a friend of the top Iron Dog inner circle. It must be investigated as to why the Iron Dog does not play a part in this entire event. If it was the NFL it would be different.

  32. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Does anyone up there in AK know if there are rumors of any charges against Bristol?

  33. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Sarah ran and lost against intelligent, gentlemanly kind-hearted Barack Obama.

    She can try to run again, but it won't give her the same sting of defeat when she runs against a white person and who will be blame then?

    This is interesting. In two years, Sarah won't have President Obama to attack. WHO will she blame then?

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      She never ran against Obama. She was invited as VP to the ticket, and she did not even put an ounce of effort into that. She never tried to run and she has no intention of running, ever. Her working days are long behind her. It is quasi reality persona and the occasional tease from here on out.

    2. Well, she could become self aware and blame herself. BWAHAHAHAHAH

    3. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Yes, run Sarah. The Clintons will chew you up and spit you out before you know what hit you, you bird brained twit. You think you and your klan are tough? Lol, the Clintons know all about back alley, dirty fighting, bitches. They will bring you and girlie-man tawd to your knees.

  34. Anonymous2:39 PM


    One moron defending another more moronic moron.

    This is just what's become the status quo for the RWNJ's. They stick together like old, stale Cracker Jack (no offense to Cracker Jack). Their incessant, irrational pandering to the mouth breathing paint chip eaters that is their base is just the screech of nails on a chalk board in the midst of the symphony that is polite society.

    The true shame is that fartknockers like the paylump and blech can make a fortune off of their incessant, ignorant prattle.

    "America: what a country." - Yakov Smirnoff

  35. Randall2:45 PM

    Who gives a flying rats' ass what Glenn Beck says or thinks?

  36. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Surely, now that Sarah has teased she might run for office today, SarahPac will be sending out fundraising letters soon. She isn't hard to figure out. Or, maybe they were already in the mail & her "running for office" , with it fresh on her bots mind, is a way to stir her bots to send more.

  37. Anonymous3:13 PM

    This has gone far enough now. Bristol Palin needs to "man-up, grow a pair" and just admit she got stinkin' drunk, made a scene and a fool of herself and fucking buck up or get back in the truck. These perpetual lies and bullshit coming out of the palin klan camp are detrimental to others. Those sniveling, fucking cowardly mckenna thugs need to act like men for once in their lives and come clean and stand up for the guy who threw them a fucking birthday party. The whole lot of them are pathetic, immature fucking crybabies who aren't big enough people to take responsibility for their actions. I've seen third graders with more moral fiber and courage than any of these losers.
    I hope I got my point across by speaking in the same fashion as the trash talking ignoramuses involved in this fiasco speak.

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Too bad they don't put cry wolf women in jail.

  38. Anonymous3:21 PM

    It's just another excuse for her PAC... Everyone should have one.

  39. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Sarah Palin And The War On Women

    With a new crusade she can give Trig and Trackmarks a rest. When she can no longer use the "run4prz" scam she can quit before she is completely humiliated to care for Trig.

  40. Anonymous3:33 PM

    No ONE has topped her for running for office. She just doens't run because she knows she can't win. No one stopped when when running with McCain. She lost. That's it. And every time she claims she's running she quits. What a liar!

  41. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Glenn Beck is one of the few people crazier then Sarah Palin.

  42. Anonymous4:07 PM

    At one point Beck says that she was "dragged by the feet across the law, with her dress coming off of her." 

    Why would anybody drag Bristol by her feet until her dress falls off? We all know that after a couple of wine coolers and badda bing badda boom, Bristol's dress not only falls off like a cheap suit but her thongs will be down by her ankles before you can say "Hey Retard Drop Your Thongs".

  43. Anita Winecooler4:14 PM

    Where, exactly, were Todd, Track, Sarah, Willow and Tripp when this supposed "knock down" occurred? The only reason I ask is I'm curious if they had front row seats to Bristol getting "knocked down" since they missed when she got "knocked up". Glenn Beck can replay whatever version he wants in his mind, but "if you can't run with the big dogs, then stay on the truck".
    Nothing in Palin's version lines up. Did the Palins start the fight then sashay around on their own? Or did they get behind the Alpha Dog of the pack and stand their ground? The longer this story gets air time, the more it makes no sense whatsoever. Bristol beats on an older man, who, by ALL ACCOUNTS didn't lift a finger in defense, and she wants to be grouped with REAL battered and abused women? Pffffft, sell it somewhere else.

  44. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Incredible, they lie even when there is a written police report and audio tape the contradicts the story that Bristol was assaulted, gang raped or whatever the tale of the day is and nobody in the media says wait a minute that isn't the truth.

    What I don't understand is all these stories about poor Bristol-her only claim to fame is being an unwed teenager. The Palins must know or think something is going to hit the fan and they are setting up the defense ahead of time.

    The Bristol lie is a real insult to all women,especially women that have actual been assaulted. I hope she gets sued for defamation, then all the "haters" can demand an personal not "global" apology.


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