Monday, October 06, 2014

Hey do you know how Fundamentalists always say that life begins at conception? The Mayo Clinic would like to politely disagree with that.

So for decades now the anti-abortion movement has been telling anybody who will listen, and many who are actively trying to run out of earshot, that life begins at conception.

They use this argument to not only fight against abortion, but to argue against emergency contraception pills, like Plan B.

However most people with even a rudimentary understanding of biology recognizes that a fertilized human egg is really not viable at conception, and in fact multiple billions of them never make it past the fertilization stage.

If you do not believe me, then here let the Mayo Clinic explain it better:

Weeks 1 and 2: Getting ready 

It might seem strange, but you're not actually pregnant the first week or two of the time allotted to your pregnancy. Yes, you read that correctly! 

Conception typically occurs about two weeks after your last period begins. To calculate your due date, your health care provider will count ahead 40 weeks from the start of your last period. This means your period is counted as part of your pregnancy — even though you weren't pregnant at the time. 

Week 3: Fertilization 

The sperm and egg unite in one of your fallopian tubes to form a one-celled entity called a zygote. If more than one egg is released and fertilized, you might have multiple zygotes. 

The zygote typically has 46 chromosomes — 23 from you and 23 from the father. These chromosomes help determine your baby's sex, traits such as eye and hair color, and, to some extent, personality and intelligence. 

Soon after fertilization, the zygote travels down the fallopian tube toward the uterus. At the same time, it will begin dividing to form a cluster of cells resembling a tiny raspberry — a morula.

Week 4: Implantation 

By the time it reaches the uterus, the rapidly dividing ball of cells — now known as a blastocyst — has separated into two sections. 

The inner group of cells will become the embryo. The outer group will become the cells that nourish and protect it. On contact, the blastocyst will burrow into the uterine wall for nourishment. This process is called implantation. 

The placenta, which will nourish your baby throughout the pregnancy, also begins to form.

Week 5: The embryonic period begins 

The fifth week of pregnancy, or the third week after conception, marks the beginning of the embryonic period. 

This is when the baby's brain, spinal cord, heart and other organs begin to form.

Kind of makes a difference when you recognize just how long it takes before a zygote even begins to look like an actual baby, don't you think?

The anti-abortion movement likes to use truly horrific images to upset people, but the facts are that the majority of abortions happen during the first trimester when the zygote/fetus is really one or two inches long, and it still quite undeveloped.

And if a woman takes an emergency contraception medication the chances are extremely good that the fertilized egg has not even attached itself to the uterine wall yet. And therefore is not yet, by medical standards, a viable pregnancy.

You would think that knowing that, anti-abortion activists would be all for contraception, both preventative and emergency, but they are not.

And the reason they are not is because this has nothing to do with saving potential human beings, and everything to do with oppressing women and making sure that there is a cost to any recreational sex that does not abide by the rules dictated in their morality.


  1. Another problem for fundamentalists in this area is that twinning isn't determined by the cells until a couple weeks after fertilization. For Christians, if everything begins at the moment of conception, this can only mean that twins share a soul - OR that the soul enters the cell cluster sometime during pregnancy. OR... Well, my brain is starting to hurt.

    1. Great point, Katy!

      Love, from Georgia USA

    2. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Great point. Because twins, triplets, etc., do. not. separate. at the time of conception. Thus, the 'person' is not there then. So, will the meme now change to: "but, oooooh, twins are even more special", or some similar excuse?

  2. To confuse the birthers even more it's much longer after implantation before a fetus can survive on its own outside the uterus.

  3. Anonymous5:01 AM

    More than 50% of all pregnancies naturally end in abortion. Therefore, God is the biggest abortionist of all.

    Some states have laws that force the mother to be to OBSERVE the zygote allegedly because that will bring her to her senses. LOL at how that backfired on the authorities. Women see a parasite that resembles a dinosaur or a prehistoric BEAN and scream, "Get it OUT"!

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      "Anonymous5:01 AM

      More than 50% of all pregnancies naturally end in abortion. Therefore, God is the biggest abortionist of all."
      That's a TWEET for sure!!! Best comment!!!

    2. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Or a bumped sticker, if we can shorten it a bit:

      50% of all pregnancies terminate NATURALLY; R U accusing God of being an abortionist?

  4. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Ted Cruz and politicians like him would like to ban all forms of contraception, especially the birth control pill. He states that all BC pills are abortifacients.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Ted Cruz and all of his ilk don't have a education in biology or "birds and the bees"
      and neither do their "doctors" either. I heard their drs. lamely trying to explain plan B and hope to goddess they are not practicing doctors!!!

  5. Ailsa5:10 AM

    I don't know how many times I've heard people try to explain this to the zealots among the anti contraception crowd, but they just say "It will turn into a baby."

    Well, the twinkle in your eye could turn into a baby too fellow but I'm not planning to poke your eye out.

    1. An European Viewpoint6:24 AM

      "It will turn into a baby" only if *I* allow it to turn into a baby.

      And I can decide whether it will turn into a baby or just stay a stawberry of cells, because I'm a woman.

      Science has proven that my own female body can and does transform just a bunch of worthless cells into a human being.

      The creationists can't stand that. In reality, life begins not with "the breath of the Lord" but with sweaty, pleasurable hot sex. And that life is allowed to assume a human form not by "the hands of the Lord" but through nurturing organs every "undeserving" woman posesses.

      If the ability to create life is godly, then all women are 1st-rank Godesses and all men are 2nd-rank Gods (equals in creating life, but unable to sustain it alone, from the one-cell stage to the human baby stage).

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      And even "you" can't turn it into a baby. You could easily miscarry or lose the baby naturally, despite your personal will. The GOP, however, would prosecute you for that.

    3. An European Viewpoint1:26 AM

      Obviously, it's not a personal will issue. It's built-in, so the faith-hungry would better wonder at the marvels of darwinian nature in their own body, and let others decide by themselves what they'll do with their own marvellous body.

      I never got the whole "power of will" thing, actually. Prayer and power healings don't appeal to me. Things that exist, do. But the contructions of the human mind really pale in comparison with what exists in this Universe.

  6. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Ah, doesn't that zygote look cute? Should I knit him/her/it a blue, pink or, hmm, green hat?

    1. Anonymous5:38 AM

      Or NRA arm it?


  7. Anonymous5:29 AM

    My unsubstantiated view is that the anti-abortion groups think that the majority of the aborted babies are white. And by-gawd, they need all the white babies so they can grow up and maybe a white majority will be maintained. Maybe they will be god fearin', bible totin' and gun lovin' ignorant people.

  8. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Fundamentalists are indoctrinated parrots.

  9. Leland5:57 AM

    Too many of these idiots believe that Man is NOT an animal! They will easily sterilize the family pet or abort it and even "put it down" if it gets too sick. Try getting them to even TALK about that with people? Down here that would get you hanged!

    "But that's a human being!" SO WHAT?

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Animals are "being" too!

      "Man is the most dangerous animal" ~theZodiac killer

    2. Anonymous8:27 AM

      The hospital tried to 'put down' my brother last week because they believed he was homeless. When they found out he had full coverage insurance, his treatment changed. He was intubated, IV'd and ultimately he's alive, thanks to insurance, not the ER staff who informed his family he was dying.

    3. Anonymous1:38 PM

      And let's call that for what it is: an intentional attempt at euthanasia, based on economic status.

  10. Great. You've just given the Palin gals the name of their next child, Zygote Nugent Palin.

    1. Leland10:13 AM

      Nah! Make that Nougat!


      Love from Georgia USA

    3. Not Blastocyst M-16 Palin?

      After all, it has the word blast in it.

  11. Dr. Beldar J Conehead, M.D., Gerontological Obs./Gyn. (ret.)7:00 AM

    Not so fast there, Gryphen!

    Remember, there are two sides to every story.

    Like you've pointed out before, when it comes to science, it just depends on whether you want to believe Dr. Stephen Hawking (winner of the following awards, according to Wikipedia: Adams Prize (1966), FRS (1974), Eddington Medal (1975), Heineman Prize (1976), Hughes Medal (1976), Albert Einstein Award (1978), CBE (1982), RAS Gold Medal (1985), Dirac Medal (1987), Wolf Prize (1988),
    CH (1989), Prince of Asturias Award (1989), Lilienfeld Prize (1999), Albert Medal (Royal Society of Arts) (1999), Copley Medal (2006), Presidential Medal of Freedom (2009), Fundamental Physics Prize (2012), FRSA

    or Kirk Cameron (winner of the "most improved child actor in a primetime network comedy series" award, 1987 and 1989)

    On second thought, change "when it comes to science" to "when it comes to any topic of any kind".

    1. Beldar-I love you-are you sure your aren't Gryph's twin?

      With love from Georgia, USA

    2. As most young people (well, even the not so young) would say....

      Kirk who?

    3. Anita Winecooler5:32 PM

      Kirk is short for "banana boy" in Aramaic. . All the accomplishments and accolades Reverend Cameron has accumulated pale in comparison to his role in "Banana Boy" on You Tube,

  12. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Uh-OH! Now they've gone done it! BOYCOTT THE MAYO CLINIC! (I wish they would, and also would boycott every doctor - let them meet their maker, since a doctor 'plays God' when he/she is trying to interfere and heal a sick person. After all, God knows what's best for them, right?)

  13. CORRECTION; PlanB stops ovulation not implantation. Just like BC pills, PlanC is just a massive dose of the same hormones all at once to stop ovulation no matter how close to the release of the egg. VERY IMPORTANT

  14. millions of fertilized eggs never implant or implant for a day or heaven full of "people" who never lived? And if God knows the zygote will not develop then God will not "zap" a soul into it, problem solved

  15. Gryph-didn't know exactly where to post this, but this seemed like a likely spot. You gotta see this.
    Love, From Georgia USA

  16. I hear you and I replaced it with what is hopefully a more accurate picture.

  17. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Your last paragraph has an omission: "And the reason they are not is because this has nothing to do with saving potential human beings, and everything to do with oppressing women and making sure that there is a cost to any recreational sex that does not abide by the rules dictated in their morality. "

    Mostly true, but not quite. Actually, it has everything to do with changing. the. subject. away. from. the pedophile priesthood. The Adoration of Zygotes movement is backed and funded by the Catholic "Please don't pay any attention to the men behind the curtain" church. Yes, it has other backing, but in the 1980s the evangelicals were not even 'there' in this fight. It was only after they became infiltrated by Rome that they also took up the scabbard. And yes, both groups are misogynists, but for one group this whole movement serves a very important personal purpose that even exceeds its ongoing misogyny. Covering up for the 'man behind the curtain' is currently costing the Vatican literally billions per year. "Step right on up to the Side Show, folks! Step right on up!!"

  18. Anita Winecooler5:41 PM

    So, technically speaking, using fundamentalist word salad, when there's a shotgun wedding, the dude's marrying his wife AND his child? I'll stick with science and facts.

  19. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Thank you, Gryphen! It makes a huge difference!


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