Monday, October 06, 2014

Totally need to buy this bumper sticker.

I would really like to see somebody in the Bible belt drive around with this.

It would be awesome right up until they got shot.

You know, for Jesus.


  1. Leland3:13 AM

    Personally, I would much prefer the darwin fish. It would drive them insane trying to figure it out!

  2. Anonymous3:13 AM

    I'm right in the thick of the Bible Belt and if I can find a bumpersticker like that, I swear I'll slap it on my car!
    I saw one once that read "It's not that life is too short, it's that your dead for so long." "Nuff said.

  3. Anonymous5:36 AM

    how 'bout,

    "For God so loved the world that she sent Darwin to explain it."

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM


    2. An European Viewpoint6:34 AM

      Absolutely brilliant ! If She created life, she's a she, very obviously.

      I think that's why Genesis has not a care for the unborn child. The fetus is supposed to be something mostly female-made, so it's worthless, until it's born and can be checked by men to be a healthy male. Just like what's inside a gravid sheep is nothing to be too upset about, after all it might as well be an handicapped or otherwise worthless sheep. Once it's proven to be a future heatlhy sheep by being born, and having survived its first few days (premature babies died usually a few days after birth), now it has some actual value.

      On a sadder note, we're getting fish bumper stickers in France too. I've asked a pretty well connected Catholic about it, she didn't know it's a thing. I think it's the Evangelicals that are spreading it around.

    3. My favorite bumper sticker of all time: "God is coming, and, boy, is she pissed!"

  4. hedgewytch7:39 AM

    Yeah, I've found through personal experience if you put a liberal / progressive leaning sticker on your car your chances of damage happening to that car go up exponentially.

  5. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Just add one that says an Ebola researcher drives this car.

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      They'll just hit the car from a distance...

  6. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Slightly O/T but I made my own: "Mother Nature Bats Last"

    1. Leland1:33 PM

      YES! The cleanup position!

      Too bad we can't aim her broom at the right wing xtians! I think that would eliminate a LOT of our pollution troubles. (SNARK)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.