Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Members of church upset that their televangelist leader forces them to have abortions and vasectomies, and sexually abuses their children. Clear case of nitpicking.

Courtesy of Crooks and Liars:

Former members of Grace Cathedral have accused televangelist Ernest Angley of forcing them to have abortions, and vasectomies. And they said that he sexually abused boys in the church, which he has denied. 

In the first part of a six-part series on Sunday, the Akron Beacon Journal said that church members had provided it with a recording of a recent church service where 93-year-old televangelist Ernest Angley addressed accusations that he had inappropriately touched a former pastor. 

“I’m not a homosexual. God wouldn’t use a homosexual like he uses me. He calls me his prophet, and indeed I am," Angley explained. "They called Jesus a homosexual, did you know that? And still do. Because he was with men." 

As for the claim that Angley encouraged men in the church to have vasectomies, he said that he had "helped so many of the boys down through the years." 

“They had their misgivings," he recalled. "Sure, I’d have them uncover themselves, but I did not handle them at all." 

"And I would tell them how that would work. And they’d have to watch it. I’d have some of them come back to me that I felt needed to. And I would tell them, I would look at them, their privates — I, so I could tell how they were swelling," the pastor told the congregation. "I was a farm boy. We thought nothing about undressing. We didn’t know about homosexuals. We talked about women." 

Becky Roadman, who left the church last year and moved to Georgia, told the paper that "none of us have kids because he makes all the men get fixed." 

“You’re not allowed to have babies there," she insisted. 

Angley also pushed women to have abortions, according to multiple former members. One of those who left, Angelia Oborne, said that Angley advised a friend to think of the fetus inside her as “a tumor.”

I know that people get irritated with me for blaming this kind of thing on religion, but let's face it would any of these people have allowed this person to exert such influence on them if they were not gullible enough to believe that he had Jesus on speed dial?

This guy is a grade "A" pervert, and masochist, hiding behind the comforting camouflage of Christianity like so many before him. 


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Haven't seen that much rug since I was in a Vegas casino.

    So he likes to 'look' at privates but doesn't 'touch' them??? What a perv. Amazing how many of these uber right wing evangelicals get away with this crap.

  2. Balzafiar9:35 AM

    The guy just looks like a pervert. His excuses about not touching are just plain BS. Creep.

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    If some cult leader tells you to get sterilized or to have an abortion and you do, well at some point it have to be your own stupidity and choice.
    As for another religious leader molesting children, when are we going to start charging parents with endangerment for handing over their children without a thought?

  4. Anonymous10:01 AM

    In a way he did us all a favor by not letting his congregation breed. Maybe he realized that anyone who believed him was an idiot, and so he did not want to spread their gene pool.

  5. Anonymous10:12 AM

    This is Christian Fellowship.

  6. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Update the post with a recent pix of the old perv. This one makes him look too good.

  7. Anonymous10:26 AM

    1. If God exists, then God is omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect.
    2. If God is omnipotent, then God has the power to eliminate all evil.
    3. If God is omniscient, then God knows when evil exists.
    4. If God is morally perfect, then God has the desire to eliminate all evil.
    5. Evil exists.
    6. If evil exists and God exists, then either God doesn't have the power to eliminate all evil, or doesn't know when evil exists, or doesn't have the desire to eliminate all evil.
    7. Therefore, God doesn't exist.

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Love this.

    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Booyah baby! That is so right on 10:26!! The whole Jesus Christ being the only son of God stuff never made sense to me. Why would GOD have his only son tortured to death? He's freaking GOD! He can have his son die any way he wants, like in his sleep, for crying out loud!! Why then did he have him suffer and die by crucifixion on a cross?! Sadistic bastard, that God!

    3. Anonymous12:40 PM

      To save you, He nailed your sins to the cross. Don't poopoo what you don't understand. Got to believe to even begin to understand. And as far as God is concerned evil's day is coming. This preacher is a symptom of that. He was not of God and his *flock suffered from the true spirit of that man. Look up great falling away in the Bible because there is many churches falling away. The highest form of blasphemy is in such ones.

  8. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Whoa their cowboy! I'm seeing pattern here. Were you abused by a man of the cloth as a young boy? Is that where you got your disdain for religion? You need to look around you.

    Teachers, Councillors, doctors, businessmen, gym operators, coaches, neighbors, any man in any walk of life can be guilty of this. Fathers, uncles, brothers....any man can be guilty of sexually abusing boys or girls.

    I had a band instructor try to reach around me at a band lesson and fondle my breasts...he got an elbow in the ribs! I gathered my belongings and said I didn't need these kind of lessons with him!

    I caught the school janitor embracing the Kindergarten teacher in the K-boys bathroom after the students had been dismissed. Everyone thought she was sweet on the gay Jr Hi Principle. I learned that one needs to be aware of all around you...even those who were there to protect you.

    I never had one minister take advantage of me. I was on the Pastor/Parish board that hired and fired our ministers, but never had one case of deviant sexual behavior, but it wouldn't have surprised me if it had. I would have been the first one to call authorities! I had one kicked out because of his drinking problem! And we weren't even closet drinking Baptists! :-) Our one female minister tried to re-write the Bible, claiming God was a woman. She was co-pastor with her husband, but they were only there a year! But neither had been reported to molest any children. She had no children and kept her distance of most of our youth.

    Just found out one of my science teachers was gay. He was married for years. Ran into another teacher who years later met him and was shocked when he made advances to him. He was no longer married and wasn't teaching anymore...must have been caught doing something to someone who went to the school board! He was a good science teacher but a whimp at everything else. His wife was very naive! A wallflower type that didn't know the world around her.

    Had a nursing classmate who married the tall, dark, handsome guy with a convertible. Had two boys. She came home one day and found him in there bed with his best buddy! She worked nights and he never complained. She couldn't see the forest for the pretty trees. These people are everywhere. Not just in the pulpit! The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker.....

    1. You're conflating gay people with child predators and that's not fair. The vast majority of child molesters are heterosexual. And why do assume that the gay teacher must have done something when, in most states, it's still legal to fire someone for no other reason than being gay?

    2. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Really? So people "everywhere" brain wash people into being sterilized and to have abortions?

      BTW your friends bi-sexual husband is not a pedophile like the pastor and yes he is a pastor if you want to accept that or not.

    3. Anita Winecooler4:49 PM

      Yep, just look all around you, they're everywhere. This guy (reverend) had boys undress to see if they "swell" right. Not because he's gay, but because he's a pedophile in a position of authority. These boys "believe" God speaks through him, I don't recall one incident in the Bible where it speaks of undressing boys to watch them "swell", but then it's been awhile since I've read it.

  9. "“They had their misgivings," he recalled. "Sure, I’d have them uncover themselves, but I did not handle them at all." "
    Sure, I’d have them uncover themselves...

    Doesn't everyone?

    I'm sorry, beg pardon, what?

    1. Anita Winecooler4:38 PM

      he included that bit to prove he wasn't one of those "homosexuals", a pedophile maybe, but "homosexual" hell no!

  10. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I honestly thought this old joker was long dead. He used to have a weekly show on tv back in the 60's and 70's that we often watched for the comedy. He would hit poor people with awful diseases really hard in the forehead and yell "HEAL" and they would fall down and pounce back up totally healed. So fake. He would ask us to send him cash donations in envelopes with no names or addresses cause God knew who we were. The amazing thing was that he had many loyal followers. When his wife died of cancer, she laid in state in an open casket and people took her picture. He buried her with a telephone (telephone company verified they installed a line in her grave) so she could call him from heaven when the rapture was close.
    This reporter always does an outstanding job...was part of a Pulitizer Prize winning team some years ago. I am sure he did a lot of legwork and verified everything in this report. I look forward to the rest of the report.

  11. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Read about Rex Humbard and his idiot Cathedral of Tomorrow. Ernest took it over. God.=== I grew up a few short blocks from this monstrosity. And people wonder why I am an Atheist

  12. Anonymous12:13 PM

    This type of seriously toxic "religious practice" is not the "end point." We need to ask ...'why would someone be attracted to this stuff?'..."why would this preacher say and do what he does?' Distorted religion is the symptom of much deeper problems, it is not the cause.

    ...and furthermore... religion is not the same as spirituality.

  13. Chicago shock jock Steve Dahl, of Disco Demolition infamy, - who returns to local airwaves in early November after a long retirem... I mean, hiatus - had Angley nailed 30 years ago. Parody song begins at 3:13. (Bonus Miracle at 6:33)

    Enjoy, won't you?

    1. Anita Winecooler4:36 PM

      Thanks for including this. The name sounded vaguely familiar, and it was hard to tell with the new polyester toupee, but as Dahl sang, I recalled seeing the swell reverend years ago, when televisions had rabbit ears and kids were remote controls.

    2. "hard to tell with the new polyester toupee"

      That aint no polyester, Anita, that's production grade carbon nanotube fiberglass. Ernest's toupee is im-pervy-ous to insect infestation, dry rot, wet rot, small caliber handgun rounds, Cat 5 hurricane force winds, -150C to +1200C temps, 250atm pressure, and the corrosive effects of mysterious female genital secretions.

      Apparently thats important in his line of work....

  14. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon12:57 PM

    Well, I have to admit that Sarah's hairpieces are more convincing than his.
    When it comes to the comparative credibility of their discourse, I'd say it's about a tie.
    I wonder whether he'd be turned on by examining Todd's two-toned swizzle stick.

  15. Randall3:01 PM

    I constantly amazed at the number of people who believe in NONSENSE
    ...and then get confused or disillusioned when their superstitious bullshit fails them in the real world.


  16. Anonymous3:05 PM

    So he is in favor of contraception and abortion - sounds like a liberal to me.

    1. Our Lad4:19 PM

      Hey 3:05, in your case, I'm in favor of abortion AND contraception, you fuckin ignorant gasbag. Now go fuck your mother.

  17. Anita Winecooler5:01 PM

    And people entrust their children to people like him? He admitted to having boys strip before him to see them swell, yet the church keeps him on because he brings in the bucks. Same with pedophile priests.

    So you were a farmboy who was used to undressing in front of other farmboys, but weren't homosexual because you spoke about women? What, exactly, did you speak about when it came to women? I'll give you the "not homosexual" but you're definitely a pedophile and need to get help. Hell's right here on earth, folks, and it's for the kids entrusted to these perverts.

  18. Anybody this fat and ugly - and in a rug that hideous - would have to personally introduce me to Satan, pitchfork, split-foot, tail and horns, to so convince me of the reality of hell that I'd fork over money to underwrite his life of ease.

    And if there really are people stupid enough to do that, then we have stop being amazed folks like Palin, Santorum and Bachmann can actually get political traction.


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